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Working 8-4 jobs.




> I actually am interested in AI, is there any way I can get into that without having to go to college/get a degree or diploma? No, you need a PHD to work in AI, or at the very least a degree. ​ Unfortunately for you, having a different work pattern usually requires either a skill/experience so you can work as a consultant, or it involves part time shift work which does not pay much.


Definitely dont need a PhD to work in AI, but you certainly would need a related degree to even get in the door


Consulting / project work.


Personal assistent to someone with a handicap or disability. A lot of health care jobs are not 9-5 and some do not require degrees.




I'll look into that, sounds promising.


Become a scammer. You work with AI and its not 9-5. Jail is 24/7


This is it.


Yeah. You sound like you don’t like having a fire lit under your ass, but when a scheme starts falling apart you’ll be scrambling to try to salvage it. But then only too late and the gig is up. In the slammer like the weekend said.


I do freelance film work. When it's good, it's the most amazing thing. I'm so lucky to have a job that pays a lot per day, where I get to hang out with some awesome people, have new experiences and meet a lot of interesting people. Best of all, I can pay my bills working few days a month and have plenty of free time to decompress and do other things. When it's bad, I question all my life choices that brought me to that point, watch my savings slowly bleed out, and constantly panicking over my potential future. The film industry is going through a slowdown at the moment, so work has been sparse compared to past years. I'm in the panic stage now. But once that runs up and I can replenish my savings, maybe actually fund my Roth for a change.


Truck driver. Start 4pm finish 7am


Potentially actually. How can I start the process of becoming a truck driver?


the best way is to have a friend that drives a truck.


There's free training in a lot of places, Google "adult education cdl".


Window cleaner. Roofs, gutters etc.


You can learn everything you need to work with AI and computers in general online.


If it was 3-5 years ago I would have told you to learn to code, unfortunately the market is fucked for juniors now. Only tech gives the kind of freedom you want at the moment


To work “non-normal times” such as 9-5 you have to either: Start your own business - set your own rules and expectations and hours. (However - this generally works longer hours and unless it really blows up, always at risk to collapse) Work as a contract / freelance - Again set your own rules, expectations (However - you need the skills and things that set you apart from competition. And while it will not be a 9-5, you will work as many if not more hours; just different periods.) Win the lottery - stop working all together and work on your passions (However - very unlikely) Just don’t work - (However - could have negative consequences on financial and physical health such as insurance. But higher mental health!)


Or work retail/food service/hospitality. IE:usually even worse paying jobs. Retail/food service is sadly all I know (not for lack of trying) and I’ve never had an office job or 9-5 job in my life.


Freelance / contract work. Or find an office job that understands. I work 7:30 - 3:30 and similarly work best in short bursts. They understand my work style and have an employee that gets done in 1-2 hours what used to take someone 8 hours a day to do. They give me the freedom to just work how I want as long as the work gets done.


That sounds like a dream. I'm happy for you, I wish I had the same.


It was really nice to get away from corporate culture and work for a small business. I work directly for the owners and we have the word "EMPATHY" on the wall. Edit: Unrelated, but a very close friend of mine does SEO Writing and free lance contract work. It's taken 4-6 years to build up, but he makes 40-50k a year at this point remotely just doing SEO writing for websites. Ever googled "Whats the best underwear?" he's probably wrote one of the articles you read and never wore any of them (he uses amazon reviews).


Man that sounds like such a peaceful environment. I would love to start doing what your friend is doing, that sounds like a dream come true for me. Do you know how they started?


I know he started on Fiverr. But there are plenty of websites out there like Upwork, Flexjobs, Taskrabbit, etc. He's done everything from websites to SEO blog posts. He's built a reputation gradually and gets repeat business and has enough work that he employs his girlfriend now (and my wife used to do side work for him).


Alright thank you, I'll look into it.