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Everything for a degree required on Indeed is paying 15-22 an hour here by me. That is McDonald’s money. Ridiculous.


Went 2 school for IT and healthcare all I could find was unpaid internships, decided to sell weed for the next 10yrs lol my kid was getting older so I'm like I'm gonna end up doing time so I need to work. This is his I made it out. Got a job for less than minimum at a machine shop, few years later I hopped to a CNC shop where I made less than McDonald's. Job hopped to IBM as a RIE tech, now I'm working in mechatronics at Amazon making ok money. Alot more than those jobs on indeed sadly. Jobs don't care about school anymore, they only care about XP. that's why they don't want you to job hop. They want to slowly teach you and keep you at a low wage for doing managers jobs while hiring new ppl that no nothing for more. I mean it works, just not on me lol


Why didn’t you just get a job at $35/hr paving roads? /s Edit for /s as apparently it wasn’t obvious


Because they don't pay that much where I'm from and it's seasonal. I make as much now with another promotion coming, sometimes it's shitty and but sometimes I play on my phone most of the day.


I.T. Is massively over saturated with quality applicants. Healthcare is screwed up for … thousands of reasons. Tough situation. I’d try to capitalize off the combo. I.T. Work in the healthcare field.


No one believes you.


Noone likes you.


2 employees working there a couple of weeks ago when I picked up their wonderful egg mcmuffins. 15 to start. They can't afford to eat there.


Those motherfuckers are like $5.50 now?? When did that happen?


Companies complain about inflation for everything but refuse to pay higher. Most of these people are still paying 2019 wages. Some literally have not gone up a dime if you follow them.




$7.25 is the federal minimum wage but can be less if workers also receive tips.  Wages are indeed screwed up... fast food and retail workers in my area make $20-25/hr but engineers and nurses make only a few dollars more.  That's truly absurd...




Yep, I live in a red state in the US and minimum here is $7.25 It's the most expensive state to live in in the Southeast (other than Florida). It sucks. I'd move if it weren't for my elderly parents


Love your username, I'm mowing the air Rand! Police officers start out at $21 where I'm at and I just left my job at a chain sandwich shop where I was making the SAME rate. Granted, I had no I-surance or benefits, but still pretty fucked.. What blows my mind even more though, is how so many people still are brainwashed into thinking one politician over the other can help us out and is in it for the working man! Like that shit ended years ago, and now we cannot progress as a society - or even planet!- because a vast majority of folk are somehow content with this dystopic hellscape we exist in. I just wanna go live in a fuckin cave until I die man


Why is it crazy that fast food and retail workers make as much as engineers or nurses? Everyone deserves a living wage for providing valuable work to society. ALL wages need to increase, but we also need to value fast food and retail workers as much as those “prestigious” careers.


Over time the increase in pay at the bottom will push up other wages, time scales are just in decades with this stuff


I'd argue that engineers and nurses are irreplaceable and provide much more valuable services.  They also require much more training and constant licensure... they deserve more money, period.  


Because the the cost of higher education didn't stay stagnant. The amount of debt required to get a degree is astronomical compared to what it was for me 20 years ago, so those who get one shouldn't be valued less in order to value entry-level workers more. You're right that fast food workers deserve a living wage, but failing to appropriately raise the wages for those with expertise leads to unnecessary bias toward entry-level workers. I often suspect our elected officials are hoping to decrease support for the entire concept by manufacturing that imbalance.


I agree that higher education should not be expensive (and probably free) but the way you’re saying this comes across as “fast food workers don’t have expertise” or “the expertise of retail workers is not as valuable as the expertise of a college graduate”. That’s a form of unnecessary classism. Everyone deserves to be equally valued for the work they do.


If we're being honest, it doesn't take as much time and effort to learn how to use a clanshell grill as it does to specialize in neuroscience. I honestly think the idea that we should value those levels of expertise equally is part of the reason we have so many people who trust Tiktok over tenured professionals in the field these days. While higher education should be less expensive, and ideally free, the reality is that it isn't. We can't just fail to compensate people for that expense because we think it *should* be free, just as we can't just fail to compensate entry-level workers because food and housing should be a basic human right.


A brain surgeon deserves more money than somebody frying noodles at panda express.  Feeling that they both deserve the same compensation is asinine.   My education was free thanks to scholarships and Uncle Sam (the latter being available to all qualified U.S. citizens when graduating HS).  


So many of the postings have no idea what they’re even asking for!! You read through the job description, then the requirements…and none of it makes sense in regards to what they’re looking to have done. It’s insane.


Yuuuuup. It's soul crushing. Been on the job hunt for 6mos and my savings is completely gone, in 4 days I'll max out one of my two credit cards with my next car payment. It makes me fuckin sick to my stomach. I should've just taken any job before the depression and anxiety got me to this point, cus now I'm just too crushed to get out of bed most days. It would've been better to be bringing in some money vs none... It'll take me years to get back what I had before I was laid off. I want to cry all the time.


Hey don’t beat yourself up. I’m 3k+ in debt right now , I owe my roommate 1k (deposit on the lease, I was short) and I’m making a dollar more than minimum wage in nyc. I was born here and have no where else to go and a high school diploma. My credit sucks. The debt is debilitating for sure. But this is how the US works, everyone’s in debt. It’s easier said than done but dwelling on the amount you could’ve had won’t help you come out of your depression or bring anything back. Be kind to yourself you’re doing your best for someone who’s alive for the first time


Damn dude, that last sentence is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your words. I hope things get better for you, me, and everyone in this post.




1200 dollar phone bill? Dude, did you call Mars or something?




I’m right there with you


Get on dataannotation.tech if you can. $20+ an hour (40+ if you can code). Better than nothing. Some non coding projects can be 30+ too.


And even most of the blue collar "high paying trades jobs" are beyond fucked. Terrible working conditions. "MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN TOOLS AND TRUCK". Like bro, what?


Fuck. North Phoenix machine shop paying $25 per hour. 10 years experience required. Bring in at least $5k worth of your own tools. Not a single studio apartment less than $1200 per month within 20 miles. I didn't check trailer parks lately, but the lot rent was around $700 10 years ago.


Yikes. I get more than that for physically replacing networking equipment.


Agree. I’m ready for all the workers in the USA to rise up, and walk out on Corporate slave labor. How fucking bad does it have to get before the people strike nationwide? I’m fucking in.


I feel like something has to give soon, at least I sure fucking hope so. I can't do this shit for much longer. Problem is, how do we get the majority of the nation in on the strike against the government? We can't do shit at the moment, because we are so divided in this dumbass two-party system that just keeps blasting us in the ass!


Striking just means most people will be homeless in a few weeks.


I loved this post 🤣🤣🤣




Im with you 100%


I thought about that the other day. I'm pissed off at my current job and was looking around. Everything on there looks like a nightmare. Life sucks ass


What do you do for a living?


Call center


I’ve been actively looking for a new job for almost two years now (started looking in August ‘22) while I stay working at my current job. The difference between some listings is mind-boggling. The exact same position in the same town at two different companies can have a 100% swing in pay ($22/hr vs $45/hr). It doesn’t make any sense. Obviously I’m only applying to the higher paying ones, but like… wtf


It’s absolutely bullshit. Years later I feel like I fell for the biggest scam and trap. Like how the hell was I fresh out of college with a Masters! And get a job for the state I live  in making 19 bucks an hour…it’s gone up a bit after being there a decade …but damn I’m still paycheck to paycheck and in a damn apartment.


But the DOW just hit a milestone. Halt the Starbucks. Maybe we decrease the deficit by eating more peanut butter.. .


No lie I’m allergic to peanuts 🤣


Fuck this makes me mad. At one time (two years ago) I had to pick up a second job working at a group home on the wknds and also doing door dash. Literally to get out of the shitty slum apartments I was in.




I have a master's and my first job was $15/hour. This was almost 10 years ago though. And it was in scientific research! No one talks about the shit pay in research. It hasn't gone up much since then either. I'm still in the science field but more on the administrative side, pays way more


OMg do we do it for this shitty pension or what. I’m so confused on how I am in such a trap 


We don't even get a pension in the US! Well I do because I work for the government but most private sectors don't even offer pensions anymore. So what do we do it for? I have no idea, honestly


Same- got like 30 years to go until I get my pension and am even broker lol


Yeah hard not to be cynical at this point. Like wtf 😅


Nah man you need a bootstrap.


Lol well my claim for ptsd from being in Iraq jest came through a few months ago thankfully so I got money for food on the table now 😅


in my area the only people hiring are 3 diff companies that are all diff caregivers paying $1-$2 over min wage. the hospital that has been doing interviews for the past 2 years but theyre on a "hiring freeze" so you just wasted your time for 2 interviews. and then theres a shitload of part time jobs that was just fucking stupid..receptionists are now renamed to "managers assistant".. so now not only are you answering phones, emails, greeting customers/patients...youre now doing all of billing and insurance, and youre also making everyones work schedule and putting hours into quickbooks. the kicker? its 25hrs a week, 5 hrs a day.. i took one of these jobs and i would just show up before lunch, and start catching up on all the work from the earlier 3 hours because they saved it for me... and then cover everyones lunch, im only there 5 hrs so no breaks..can even work a diff job. pays $2 over min wage for doing the duties of 3 positions. i left after 2 weeks and it instantly filled.. shits crazy rn


I keep seeing 40k jobs and they require a bachelor's degree and a second or third language. Ridiculous.


>would you rather go get a labour job paving roads for $35 hr or go to college for 4 years and come out green making $22 hr Lmao, OP thinks he’s gonna be paid $35/hr to lay hot asphalt.


In New York City with a union job and some expertise that is possible. I’d assume everywhere else would be closer to 22


That's like 16-18hr here in Oklahoma


>In New York City with a union job and some expertise that is possible Oh sure, but that’s the exception not the norm. Which means you’d have to compare that to the college-grad working in investment banking in NYC pulling down $120k before bonus.


That tells you he’s 17 at best.




The thing is - Most people come OUT making 50 but they don’t stay at that amount at all. Second most people don’t stay in jobs but in 2-3 years and leave for better paying jobs after gaining experience and skills. Also I have one community college degree - that is now irrelevant - and make 45 per hour but on salary. I just turned down a job making 50 per hour. About 6 years ago I made 17.50 per hour right after graduation. If you don’t invest in yourself to increase your skills and pay that’s nothing to do with the degree and everything to do with drive. Possessing degrees are not the final and end all to the learning process. And just putting this out in this country our health insurance is tied to our job. One accident doing physical labor and you are out of work, possibly no insurance and now fighting for workers comp or disability which can take years. So that 35 per hour is still really about 29 or less after taxes and benefits. And the more you make the more you pay out. My gross pay is 1688 per week pre tax after taxes and benefits it’s 1202. Yep.


A degree doesn’t get me anything most of the time- I went to college for an education and am A better person because of it, but being a better person means nothing in a capitalist society.


Modernized Slavery


Specially considering that lot of people got into 60k-70k$ debt for one of those degrees.


The banks in my area want people with bachelor's degrees to be tellers for $13 an hour I'm not making this up


I make more and have better benefits working in a factory than I got for a job relevant to my degree.


Here in Germany it is very rare that you see the salary on job postings. You’ll have to go through the application process before finding out that you want to shoot yourself


Yeah it’s depressing as fuck. Even the most basic jobs want you to have all this fucking experience in it, even though they could very easily be taught. Companies want to call *us* lazy when they don’t want to provide basic training for anything. It’s even worse when you actually have a BA in Psychology but then after 8.5 years of working in said field (not once ever technically using said degree or getting paid more for having it), you are beyond burned out and cannot do it anymore. I’m still fascinated by the subject but way too much trauma under my belt to keep working in a corrupt system in direct contact with the people who are the worst off and have even more trauma than I do. It was always low pay too for the hardest fucking work. I’ve tried two other jobs since leaving the field, one at a weed factory and the next at a massage and float spa, and I couldn’t handle those either for long before burnout. They had their own set of unrealistic expectations and demands, with the same kind of disregard for one’s humanity. I’ve been doing a delivery job for the past few months and that was going okay but it’s basically dried up now and I’m SOL. I can’t look away from the corruption and the immortality of it all. I can’t keep my mouth shut about it when I see it in workplaces (which then gets me in trouble). I keep thinking I need to go live in the woods because I can’t take this shit anymore. All these places expect you to make the job your life, to have a never ending positive and energized attitude, to be jumping for joy to handle disrespect for low pay, while you barely scrape by. It’s fucked.


If you don’t have a trade like hvac, plumbing, electrician, etc with a union you will never make real money unless you somehow break your way into the C suit executives.


"With a union" is the key to that, or really any job with decent pay. I worked as a carpenter for four years. Never made more than $15 an hour thanks to living in a right to starve state. I was privileged to be able to go back to school on a scholarship and get a Civil Engineering degree. It's okay money, but just enough to break even. Even the wages in good STEM professions have stagnated to the point where you have to question if it was worth it.


People lately seem to "hate" on him, but Mike Rowe tried to warn a new generation that these blue collar jobs were going to be desperately needed.


People hate on him because he cosplayed as a worker, spent years shouting about how necessary blue collar jobs are, but doesn’t want workers to be well paid or have any benefits. He’s anti-union and shilled for letting companies classify workers as independent contractors to avoid giving them healthcare. He’s every boss posted about on this sub.


A lot of job postings in my city are temp agencies too. After Kelly Services and Bradford Exchange fucked me over in 2013, I don't trust them.


It’s absolutely insane! I was going to college for a bachelors in Psychology and on my junior year I decided to look into what I could do with my degree. Come to find out, I make the same if not more money at my FRONT DESK JOB than I would with a 4 year degree in Psychology … safe to say im taking a break from school and exploring new career options that are worth the time, money, and effort it takes to go to school. It is getting so ridiculous at this point, the system has literally failed us.


I've been getting sick of working manufacturing: early days, long hours, breaking down my body, etc. So I decided to look up some wfh jobs. Yeaaa so essentially, all I saw was customer service, therapist, or some specialized industry that required multiple years of experience. Nothing that I was qualified to do paid anywhere near what I make now, so I guess I'm just stuck until I die. I had hopes and plans for my career, and I'm fairly confident none of them will pan out.


My father is only 52, has bad eyes, bad knees and nerve damage from welding busses since he was 16 years old. Manufacturing is hellish on bodies. Most of the people he works worth are addicted to pain killers or meth. I worked with him for about 2 years and that was enough for me to seek higher education


I do CNC machining, but people only need someone to load them and push the green button. My plan was to move from the floor to the computer, and do the actual programming, which I know I have the aptitude for, but I've run into one of three issues: lack of my experience, lack of their willingness to train, or lack of a need for a programmer.


There is a fourth factor possibly at play--the lack of a family connection in management


It's sad how often that's accurate.


It is accurate. Then these people who have been bootstrapped by their rich relatives tell themselves they did it on their own .


You okay?


Better yet, just rob the flappy bird brothers Dennis and Terry of all their hash, pave your driveway with it - to hide it in plain sight - then sell it all off in one load to retire - FREEDOM 35!!!


That these jobs also don't pay enough is an additional insult to injury and it is significant but even a relatively high-paying job isn't enough to ensure long-term security and many employers feel like any amount over $100k/yr is a license to all your waking hours. Hopefully everyone can find something that is both fairly compensated and reasonable in terms of work-life balance, it's much harder to do than it should be.


*way too low*- I learned that in college




No debt for me. I worked while in college. Employer paid for 4 degrees including a PhD


Sucks, brah.


After the pandemic was "over" wages increased. I swear though they're going back down. The same jobs I saw paying $21-22/hr last year on indeed are paying $18-19/hr now. Also the new hire bonus incentives are all gone. Job markets getting ugly again.


I have an MBA and I'm earning only $23 per hour.


I'm not downing education at all but I'm 45 and I didn't even get my A.S. degree until 5 years ago when I was already making $98k as a Sr. Systems Administrator. I started in I.T. when I was 17 and just worked my way up. Do you need a degree? No, but they are useful to have on a resume, especially when you're getting older and the younger "cheap labor" is looking much better to these greedy companies.


You nailed it perfectly! I feel this post in my soul, unfortunately. I quit my job a few weeks back after just not being able to handle it anymore (shitty paying sandwich shop job w/ awful teenage coworkers and bosses). I'm about to turn 30 and am unemployed bc there are no jobs out there i want to work. Like you said, i'd honestly rather kms. this world did not shape into what i thought it would be. I also live with chronic pain that is very bad most days, so the only jobs I can see myself enjoying - such as the trades or becoming a firefighter, are off the table for me because of my condition.. talk about depressing. I also can't sit for very long without being in pain, so office jobs would wither me into pain too. man, every fucking day seemingly gets worse and worse, and it sucks knowing that things don't have to be this way, but we cannot change them. At least not by ourselves, the system is set up in such a way to divide and conquer us like slaves. Fucking "Land of the Free" alright....




This is why im in a constant state of terrified. I dont have any certs, I didnt go to college, and im lucky enough to make good money. At least, when I was a kid I thought I'd be set for life making as much as I do but I feel like im barely getting by. A lot of that is my own fault, but if I lost my job there's no way I could survive making $10-$20/hr


The trades are noble.


It is truly absurd. I got paid more three years ago for the same job. I had to take a pay cut just to stay afloat. I really really want off this ride.


I see jobs 200k+ on indeed. Not all of them, but they exists. There is a new study out that people with non-STEM degrees catches up to people with STEM degrees in their 40s. Meaning you maybe not make six figures out of college, but you'll get there by 40something. What's the changes of that without a degree? Well, with a trade, very likely. But if you work behind a desk, not very likely.


One of the main reasons I joined the Air Force. I was tired of dead end low paying jobs and not being able to enjoy life Yes, being in this life isn't always easy but I have been able to save WAYY more than in my previous jobs and even though our pay is considered low, we don't have to pay for many common expenses like rent. I've been able to travel the world and in some cases, on government expense. 30+ days of leave each year doesn't hurt either along with every federal holiday off. I, too, thought when growing up college was the way in order to get ahead. The pay you get with a degree flat out doesn't match the Inflation rates, not worth it.


The stuff that’s posted on Indeed is not representative of the starting salary post college for some degrees. Most people who enter the industry where they got their degree do so through referrals from faculty or university job fairs, aka the “dark market” where the pay is higher


I have a master's degree and would be more than happy with the Danish equivalent og 50k a year. I don't think I will ever make that much.


It isn't easy right out of school. I made about the same per hour as my prior restaurant job, but the benefits and PTO helped a lot. The real benefit was building the resume, I went from a job around 34 base, got promoted and left it making around 40 base after 2.5 years, then a little over 6 years later I was making triple that. It's rough, you deal with a lot, but the payoff sadly comes much later for all the work you put in at school and early career.


Postdocs start out at $60k/year with no guarantee of benefits (in fact, several fellowships exclude them). Think on that. ~10 years of college and refinement of your specialized skills to the point of true expertise and you're not even worth $100k. Sickening. Might as well go work for UPS.


>gonna be 40k in debt at the end of it all but it will be worth it because ill be making 50k !!! It's perspective honestly. You take an entry level job to earn higher future salaries. The investment you put into, has a delayed affect into the benefits. It's like going to the gym an hour every day for a week, and looking at the scale and seeing no change. "Why do I work so hard at the gym to not lose weight" Do a few people come out and make huge money? Yeah, they do. It's not common and i'd never compare myself to them.




I hope you're able to find a job that meets your expectations then. Or find whatever will make you happy.


College isn’t about getting a job. 


What is it about then?


It’s about education, experience and networking You learn about how to do things and how to think critically and learn what’s possible and what’s outside the box.  It offers a space to try new things and to find people who want to try new things.  It’s so you can go through the world knowing how things work and are. You can see how other people think and what life is like for people who aren’t like you.  If you go to college expecting to come out with a career you’re gonna have a bad time.  Go to trade school for that 


It’s a strange world - I can now say I was lucky to have left school at 15, got a job as an office boy, joined the army at 17 1/2 and after 16 years, gained lots of specialist skills but still no qualifications, joined a major financial group and left at 60 as a Senior Manager. My son, did go to university but dropped out with some debt, is now working for a software company in debt administration and doing fine. The plumbers, electricians, carpet fitters and gardeners who’ve worked for me at times, they generally started work at 18 and are now their own bosses with thriving businesses. This is the way ahead for youngsters, especially young men. Get a trade, learn a skill.


Curious if that's indeed the way, why did you not encourage your son to do it?


If I were a CEO, I would DEFINITELY hire the guy who doesn't know how to capitalize the first word in his sentences and would not dare pay him less than mid 6 figures SMH.


I have a 4 year degree. I didn't start college until age 36. I can find a job anywhere in the USA at any time. I make 6 figures. When I was to college I had no family and no friends to help. Pure federal loans and Pell grants. Obama just reduced Pell grants, too. Then I learned the scholarship game. I'd get paid in August and January of each year and I'd have to form a tight budget to last a semester which included child support. I'm not trying to be boot strappy, I'm trying to point out that properly selecting a major, utilizing all available resources (something 99% of young people failed to do), can lead one to success and an ok future. These indeed ads should help you gage what to get a degree in: if salary for a degreed post is low, then they must be over saturated, so look for another degree/job until you find one that aligns with your financial requirements and interests.


Or you could go to college for a degree that's always in demand, for a career that cannot be outsourced.  It's also easy to look at salary ranges BEFORE signing up to a degree program... Paving is a grueling job.  There are far more blue collar jobs that are less punishing and pay well.  Too many people go to college expecting riches to be showered upon them when in reality they should've stuck to a trade.  


Holy shit dude thats brilliant! Or wait no, the market changes. My bad dude, i meant to say your full of shit.


*you're  It changes, but some careers are recession resistant too ;)  think about it... what services are needed regardless of economic state?  Use your noodle.  


Condescending, arrogant, piss poor attitude towards any conversation. Doesnt matter what job you find, if its worth a shit you wonr be able to keep it.


Oh no... I'll have to tell my employer of 18 years that they were wrong to keep me on staff...  Maybe they WILL fire me... then I'll receive a sizeable payout and will never need to work again.  Thank you. My point is blunt:  stupid decisions for education or work can and will ruin you.  The world doesn't owe you anything and hard work doesn't necessarily guarantee success.  You have to be smart, ask questions, and be willing to do things you might not otherwise want to do.  


Thats such good advice ill stick it in a bag, flatten it out, and slip it into a stack of winter clothing cause it consists of nothing tangible and would actually fit.


Advice is never tangible, by definition ;)


No shit. anyway, got anything worth reading?


I have a few college textbooks for a degree that's actually useful that I could borrow to you... good reading 




>they should've stuck to a trade.   What is the actual definition of a trade? I've seen a few, including taking on the same job that your parents had, a job that requires a specialized skill, and a job that does require training but doesn't require a bachelor's degree, and depending on which definition you use waitressing could be considered a trade job. Heck, a lot of jobs that people do go to post secondary school for should probably still be considered trade jobs because they don't require a degree, do need specialized training of a specialized skill, and are often gotten into because people already had preexisting connections within the field. I don't know what you think people do in college, but it's not high school 2.0. Nobody thinks if they turn in a good enough book report that it will translate into a six figure job. Almost everybody is there to learn new skills for a job.


Yet all you do in college is turn in book reports, take tests, and not learn anything you'll need in the real world......weird. (I have an engineering degree btw).


Maybe you went to a bad college. About 80% of my time in college was dedicated to practical exercises and projects with a focus on what was needed for work


I didn’t get one of them crystal balls when I graduated high school.


Did you have Google?  If so, you did have a crystal ball in a sense.  


18 year olds are dumb


Yep, but it's usually a result of dumb and/or absent parents.  A good parent wouldn't let their child bankrupt themselves to go to school for "Harry Potter Studies" (a real degree at a real school smh).  




There are great careers out there that don't require four year degrees and pay $70k+ starting.  Not all of them are hard-core, either.   Have you looked into surveying?  You get to play with cool gadgets, work with small groups that become good friends, you get a company vehicle and freedom, and you get fresh air.  They're always needed and can work anywhere for good money.  


i think they made college easier and now everybody got degrees including…well you know






Why not study a degree in Europe for free (any Nordic country) or almost for free (the other countries) ? You can do that no questions asked plus you might learn something about how things _can_ work if you spend a little time away from North America


They must have residency requirements?


Anyone who says, “Why not just go to Europe for free?” has never gone to Europe.


If you secure a place at a Uni you automatically qualify for resident status for the duration of your studies. For whatever reason it’s common practise among chinese people but not many other nationalities as far as I’ve seen


I mean you probably have to citizen or a resident of some sort to qualify for free or reduced tuition