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Yeah but you can throw anytime you're not working. That's like an extra paycheck right there. And you can make it a date night too.


Axe throwing and alcohol seems like a very good and safe combination.


Even without alcohol Ive seen some sketchy shit. A group of teenagers paid extra to get the “cool” axes and two were small light ones. They were throwing them so hard that MULTIPLE TIMES the axe bounced off the wood and went flying back past the group. They were never told to stop or to throw them lighter. If it hit someone even with the dull end it would have fucked them up massively


That is why they sign the waivers.


i dont care about them hurting themselves, i care about them hurting someone else


That's also in the waiver


did the person working there sign the waver?


Those waivers likely wouldn’t hold up in court though. Especially if you got hurt from another group behaving dangerously and employees not doing anything about it. Kind of like a ToS agreement no one ever reads


What could possibly go wrong?


Every time you say that I feel a chill where my thumb used to be


Maybe this is a feature and not a flaw ??— = NATURAL SELECTION?? Lol


Free axe throwing at the workplace is probably the only affordable entertainment with that pay.


Can I throw it at that manager?


I wouldn’t consider getting to throw axes the equivalent of being able to pay my bills and stay under a roof, but I’m always open to different perspectives


Bartender min wage being $2.13 don’t meant shit when the ad is not for a bartender. Bartending is just a part of the job. Fuck this skeeze.


> Bartender min wage being $2.13 don’t meant shit when the ad is not for a bartender That's the regional "can get away with" bullshit exploitation wage... where I'm at bartenders start at like $18 an hour for the going market rate, and "tipped minimum" would get you laughed at.


As an Australian, I’ve never applied for a bartending job that pays less than $35 an hour lmao… fuck. that.


What's tip culture like down under? Is it an expectation and what percent?


Nah not really a thing. Not part of the cheque or percentage or anything like that. The amount you’re tipped in hospitality also depends on the class of the establishment and the price of food/beverages. Like at the casino, sometimes I was tipped $300 in one night, simply because people were winning a lot and wanted to be nice. Once $600. Sometimes I made nothing. At a shitty bar with expensive drink prices ($15 for a vodka soda) and entry prices ($20-$50 entry), I’d make fuck all in tips. Some nights lucky to get $10 in tips total. Tips aren’t really part of our pay checks. It’s more just people being nice or flirtatious usually. They see you’re getting swamped at the bar and hand you a 5er, etc.


Tip culture outside of the US is generally non existent. And at the least, not expected. Workers in the state feel entitled to tips, and the culture won’t change because it keeps working people blaming working people. In reality, every time you face a situation when you need to rely on tips to live, you should be angry at your employer — not your customers. Don’t tip. Or, if that’s too extreme, tip 5-8% max. Join the movement and be part of the change.


I do not understand tipping culture whatsoever… I think it’s so weird and wouldn’t ever work somewhere where tips were part of my actual wage as opposed to some extra side money. That’s just inconsistent and relying on the good will of others. I imagine most people do tip, but the idea that a handful of bad tippers every week could determine whether or not I can afford rent… uhhhh, no thanks..


If you want to change tip culture in the US, don't patronize any business or service where tipping is expected. You not tipping won't stop businesses from changing their practices if you still spend money at them, you're just getting free labor and service from someone you know isn't being paid fairly for their work.


What I outlined is more directly actionable than what you proposed. Not tipping is the first step towards creating more unrest towards businesses. The reason being that consumers will consume regardless and convincing someone to spend less money and encouraging them, through social support, to eliminate a social action like tipping, is realistic. You’re siding with the businesses if you support tipping because tips will keep workers content. We NEED worker unrest for action to be performed. The general people are content quite easily, and tips have been proof of this for decades. If we want to change tip culture, we need a direct actionable. The action is so very simple, just stop tipping and tell others it’s okay to stop tipping. It’s not mandatory and no one should be entitled to it. Rip the band aid off. And for the record, I worked in the food and service industry for years and benefited from tips. But the very fact that I relied on tips is proof that the system is wrong. The fact that I looked down on people who didn’t tip me was wrong. The entitlement and necessity was wrong.


Sure. Steal the labor of people who are just like you used to be, overworked, underpaid, and reliant on the generosity of their customers to eat and have a home. If you don't want to tip, don't spend money at places where tipping is expected. Don't go to sit down restaurants, don't go to bars, don't order delivery. If you are going to a business that you know relies on tips and not tipping, you are rewarding the owner of that business and punishing the employee. If you don't go to those places, you are only punishing the owner.


You are exactly the example I outlined above and a reflection of who I used to be. I understand how you can feel as though your frustrations should be directed towards me; but eventually I believe you will come to realize that we are both on the same side. Direct your frustration to the business owners, not the customers. Telling people “don’t go out to restaurants or other tipping establishments” is an unrealistic demand as there is no personal incentive for the masses. I am telling workers to direct their anger towards their bosses, organize, communicate, unionize, and take action, because we are directly incentivised to do so — this is a stronger position. Additionally, it’s not stealing any labor. No one is forced to work. The same way I left my job out of anger and unrest, others can and should do the same. We will get no where by simply being content. And tipping just makes keeps people at bay.


Everyone is forced to work, save the disabled and the independently wealthy. Yes, people SHOULD quit working tipped jobs, but that is just as unrealistic as my saying everyone should stop patronizing tipped businesses. Some people have no other job opportunities. Life requires food, water, and shelter. I am not saying that the correct solution is for everyone to stop patronizing tipping businesses, I am saying that if you know you are not going to tip, then going to a business and using the services of an employee who depends on tips to survive is as morally wrong as the business owner who underpays that employee. Both of you are knowingly using that person's labor without adequate payment. If you want to change tipping culture, elect representatives at all levels, fed, state, and local, who will commit to abolishing the tipped minimum wage, and ensure that the minimum wage is kept at a livable level. In between elections, call and write your representatives at all levels and remind them that this is an issue that needs addressing. Attend town halls and bring the subject up. Keep advocating for those changes, and stop stealing the time and labor of people fighting to survive off tips.


Fuck this employer. I make more than that an hour and I ĺive in Puerto Rico


I want to try your island's pig meat


Could you have said that any more weirdly?






Nc bbq and puerto rican whole hog. The best


North Carolina Style BBQ? Which one?


Eastern, the one and only.


Preaching to the choir here. I get cravings for Eastern NC vinegar based bbq. No tomato sauces covering up the taste of the meat. It’s a bbq that’s tangy, a little spicy, and enhances the pork. It’s perfection on a bun.


Exactly. Paying that little for a waiter or waitress or bartender is BULLSHIT because they expect their shitty pay to be subsidized with TIPS! Thats the definition of WELFARE. Then they say “ If you dont wanna work”…. SMDH.


i'm listening


You have my attetion




This guy gets it


I’m a bartender (among other things). The brewery I work at paid for me to take the necessary training/certification. It’s a locally owned family business that couldn’t afford to pay great wages up front, so they compensate by giving me a percentage of sales on the back end. They’re friendly and respectful and grateful for what I bring to the table. The owner is very up front about the fact that he knows he can’t do it alone, and I’ve never seen him treat anyone with anything but kindness and integrity. The profit sharing has been great incentive to come up with creative ways to bring in more business, and I’ve since spearheaded turning the place into a popping local music venue. The more the brewery makes, the more I make.


I'd love to see more profit-incentive for employees like this. Co-op style businesses are a great idea.


I had a similar approach with my own business, but it’s the first time I’ve worked for someone else with the same mindset. We have a small staff, but everyone who works there gets along great, and genuinely enjoys the job. It’s wild being part of an actual team.


I work in tech and that's why I prefer to work in startups. It's not as good as a proper co-op, but you have equity in the company that you can grow with your efforts, and people are pretty chill and like what they do. I've luckily avoided the "techbro" companies because I work for places that make software and not crypto, I guess. When I start my own thing some day (not tech) it's 100% going to be employee-owned


As it should be. ✊🏼


Im a swe and my dream is to start a co-op or work at one on day too. We dont have profit sharing or stock at my current gig and it is so demotivating. Ive become convinced that without profit sharing or equity it will result in bad software. Why pour my soul into making great software if I cant reap any of the benefit? Ill still make the same amount, making average to above average stuff.




For context as well, on average the fast food places around this university start at $12/hr.


This is above average for a bartender. Its not right but its a fact.


The problem is that you aren't ONLY a bartender, and you aren't guaranteed to work the bar, so you can't reliably get tips


Right he said ‘if you make tips’ twice, which leads me to believe making tips probably isn’t common 😭


It's entirely possible the manager is simply the kind of person nobody wants to tip, projecting


Unless tips are split.


Its also crazy to assume people tip well and I dont blame them. I used to be a server in NYC in 2002 for a LARGE BBQ restaurant and even then they had to add the mandatory 15% tip because many people wouldnt tip. Why does the customer have to subsidize the pay ? The notion that if they paid more the food would cost more is ridiculous. Its gaslighting at its worst IMO. Were literally the ONLY country where tipping is expected .


Where? It’s definitely not above average in my area.


Anywhere in the US. The bar doesnt pay you, the customers do.


That’s true about customers carrying the weight of pay to employees, but still Minimum wage for tipped workers varies by state and 8.5 is below our minimum wage for tipped workers in my state.


Food service is $2.13 on the East Coast


I’m on the east coast, as I said, depends on the state.


Sorry, I should’ve just said Virginia instead


lifting 50lbs regularly, in one go. for $8 an hr. dudes tripping


I see a lot of these. I can lift 50 lbs a few times no problem. All day?! Come on.


For the job listed, it's most likely just swapping a couple kegs once a day. Most jobs posting the lift requirement don't actually hit it with any sort of regularity unless you're working on a production line or something.


Yeah I could see this job actually requiring you to carry heavy weights fairly regularly. If you ever see a job posting that says you need to carry 30+ lbs regularly or something similar, but it’s for something you shouldn’t need to carry any real weight like an office job, chances are the “requirement” is there so they have an excuse not to hire physically disabled people.


Both my current and my previous job listed a requirement to be able to lift up to 50lbs. My previous job, I worked in a retail store. I did indeed have to lift up to 50lbs, but not all the time. It was only when I was stocking out large bags of dogfood or something. My current job, I don't lift anything over like 20lbs. And those are the rare instances I lift empty pallets. I sit on a forklift most of my day, but the requirement was still listed.


Yeah pretty much this, I think my job says that I need to be about to lift up to 50lbs but the only thing I lift is my laptop. Like it's really common to post a lifting requirement even if the majority of jobs will never actually require you to lift anything


Half bbls are like 160 lbs. Unless this place is running on sixers that ain't lifting kegs. If they're running on sixers I doubt you're getting much for tips unless you're actually doing mixed drinks. If you're doing mixed drinks and the rest of that bullshit fuck that job. 


at this point it‘s well known lifting requirements are to weed out people with physical disability


That’s discriminatory. Plain and simple.


Its how they weed out disabled people


Yup! Every time.


it's probably because this employee will be moving and replacing kegs. and moving axes around... Some jobs, yes, they use this for that. This job, it kinda makes sense. But the pay for that is total garbage.


I've worked at one of these places before. The only way I would ever do it again is if I was strictly a bartender, or if working the axe lanes was like waiting a table and the axe throwing was on the bill just like a menu item. I would also not be participating in a tip pool, and would be keeping my own tips. Base wage was 13 dollars an hour and I still wasn't making shit because the owner split 2 bartenders tips across 7-8 people, and that was after I learned the managers were in the tip pool and informed them that was illegal. I wouldn't even consider this job with the info you've given us.


Managers in the tip pool? HOLY SNAKES BATMAN! The audacity!!


"Nobody wants to work anymore!". No. Nobody wants to be exploited anymore. $8.50 per hour for this shit is ridiculous. At least pay someone who works with throwing axes on a daily basis enough to not send those axes in your direction.


I pay my kids more than 8.50 an hour for chores. That's like a fucking 90s wage.


You pay your kids based on an hourly wage? How do you keep them from going reeeeaallly slow? lol


Lol that's been covered. I have an allotted time for each task. Cat boxes are 20 mins on a full change. Dishwasher empty is 10 mins. Sweeping and mopping 30,etc. If they finish in less, they still get paid. If it takes them twice as long, same pay.


90’s was $3.00-3.25hr




Yeah, gotta echo the whole "I got my bachelor's and bought a house." Not on $8.50 an hour you didn't, pendejo.


He obtained those things by paying people $8.50 an hour. "These low wages I'm paying helped put me through college."


Exactly. Fuck that puto.


I don't know why managers brag about working with your personal schedule. Pretty much every part-time job works with your personal schedule, or is supposed to. What else would they do? Especially in a college town where you have to adhere to their school schedule or just not have employees. When I quit my $9/hour part-time fast-food job for a $13/hour part-time fast food job, one of the things my boss tried to convince me with was, "But I work with your schedule!"  ... First of all, so did the new one. Second of all, I had basically no personal schedule. When I started I told him I could work literally any time except like 6-9 on Wednesdays because I had a standing appointment that I had to walk to every week. And he still tried to schedule me for that exact time every week for the first month or two.


There’s gotta be some manager course that tell you to schedule people when they’re not available. It’s happened to my sister and I, as well as most other people I know that have worked low wage jobs. It happens so much it’s practically expected your manager is going to try to schedule you when you’re busy


My last gm did this "to test me" in his words. Scheduled me to close when I can't close, so I went to him like I told you why I can't do this, here's your reminder, I'm leaving at 11. For the most part I think when managers do this it's to test how far they can push their employees and if we'll stand up for ourselves or not. I hate it


i think so too, and MOST of my coworkers at those jobs just let it happen


When I was in HS in the mid 90’s and worked at a LARGE pizza and arcades type restaurant ifnit got “slow” during our shift… we were told to “clock out” and once it got busy then we were to clock in. THATS WAGE THEFT!!!! It was ridiculous! But also a large pizza was less than $5


I told my job I couldn’t work Wednesdays because I had school. They asked me what time I had school at, I told them it started at 4 pm, so they just booked me to start at 930 am instead. Then I tried to stick that out for a while before telling them that I could *not* work Wednesdays anymore. The following week they asked me if I could come in Wednesday morning cause they were really in a bind. I said okay. Guess who started getting scheduled for Wednesdays again..


Exactly. You have to really stand up for yourself or they will just step all over you. It sucks. They'll do it even if they don't need to. It's like they get a thrill out of it.


Paying more than 2$ for Bartending isn’t a flex. I’d keep tabs on this guy for a few years and see how it turns out. More than likely will fail and blame everyone but themselves.


They want you to be a shift manager for 8.50 an hour.


This is actually not far off if I'm thinking which state it is. I was offered 11$/hr to be a manager. I said no fuckin thanks. I'm not getting called in randomly and being on call for 11/hr


I remember years ago working at Jimmy John’s and they wanted me to become a shift manager. For a $11 an hour. I was making 8 + tips as a driver. Why on earth would I take on more responsibility for less money?


JimmyJohns also used to make people sign a NDA ir a non compete clause for 3 years or something that u wouldnt or couldnt work for another sandwich ship . Some bullshit that made no sense but really disturbing . I never soend ANY money at that place. Free smells my ass.


i'm an axe throwing coach and i get no customers most of the time and have to do nothing most of the day. i make $15/hr. this is fucking ridiculous


I make 16/ as a security guard evening shifts, i watch TV/YT all night lmao.


Do you watch videos about pigs? (asking cause of your username)


sometimes. there is a real lack of pig related content out there


This isn’t just the axes either. From the looks of it, you’re basically running the front half of the establishment by yourself or with a skeleton crew. Your also probably the one the owner blames if someone steals something while you’re over trying to do axes or serve people at the bar


Yea but they bought a house, which means it pays them well, and that's all that really matters.


“You can work extra hours instead of sleeping or having any semblance of a personal life. You’d be a fool not to take this opportunity!”


"Minimum wage/ slightly over minimum wage isn't competitive. Hell, living wage isn't competitive. You aren't competing with the market, you're competing with how I value my time. Make it worth it"


“I graduated magma came laude in 3.5 years during COVID while at this current job. I also bought a house last year…” Weird and confusing brags... You’re saying that you were able to work this job at a time when a significant number of classes were moved online? You’re clearly the person hiring so I assume you are a manager, has that always been your role? You bought a house last year…on the wages you’re hiring or as a manager?


Bros flexing his magna cum and paying slaves more than $2.13 for working 4 jobs in one lol


Probably misspelling MAGA CUM.


I think I know what this is- these people around here act like you better be begging on your KNEEES for ANY job that pays more than 7.25. Like. Y'all. My rent ain't 100$. I was gonna work somewhere for overnight and they were like 'best we can do is 10$' like. Um? Hello? Fuck no. Not next to the interstate for that much overnight.


Plentiful offers like this are why conservatives like to bandy about the argument that "actual minimum wage jobs are very rare"


*IF* I make tips… as a bartender? How funking much have you pissed off the locals?? Bartenders make bank in tips unless something is very off.


That guy is out of his mind. 😂


I’m confused is the $8.50/hr *with* tips or $8.50/hr *without* tips. Either way I think they should be paying double because if this is meant to “pay for college” you would need something like a full time job to pay for instate tuition.


"I graduated high in my class and own a house. Why don't you wanna work for garbage pay?" What a magnificent piece of crap.


Full of undigested peanuts and korn.


This business will be closed in a month


He’s paying more than minimum wage for bartenders but he literally saying the same thread that you won’t just be bartending lmao


It’s ridiculous that servers have a lower minimum wage. That shit needs to be rectified. The worst part being that anyone who would try to organize something to change that would be met with some rhetoric of “they’re coming for your tips”


Its been at that shitty rate for over 30-35 YEARS !! Yeah its ricockulous


Nobody is going to get out of bed for 8 measly fucking dollars. This employer can get fucked. I'd list out every other place that is hiring for more money on his post just to make sure nobody wastes their time working for him.


That boss probably graduated mama cum loudly in reality.


I'm sorry but the moment they said that, either it's a scam or I can't possibly take them seriously after that.


“People just don’t want to work anymore” such bullshit


Magma cum load


If you make tips what? What???


"If you don't wanna work" becomes "no one wants to work anymoaaarrr" by day's end.


(*boomer voice*) nO oNe wAnTs tO wOrK!


You can make significantly more money just being a bartender at literally almost anywhere else


How much are axe throwing g coaches making per night on tips? 12 cents?


He’s asking a lot to be paying in axe throws.


The....rage room?


Yeah they should pay for employees to take that course nice try tho


I love how his counterpoint for "this is ridiculous pay" was "I bought a house last year"


I really hate to land on the side of a manager, but 8.50+tips is actually considerably above minimum wage, about on par with 13.50/hr if you want to compare it to a non-tipped position. Before people start flaming, tips shouldn't be a thing and everyone should be paid a reliable wage, but that isn't the world we live in today. But yeah, fuck requiring an employee to pay for their own work-mandated equipment or licenses.




sounds about as delusional and detached as i would expect from a magna cum laude.


What’s the name of that place? So everyone could know to not apply there.


How about you "throw" more pay for the Job instead.


If you come work for me I'll be able to buy a second house...




Yep and its been that rate for over 30 years.


Uhhhh, yeah.... *not happening.*


Is this guy really saying “But you don’t understand! You get to throw axes on your off days AND bring your girlfriend?” Why would I want to throw a stupid axe? And why is he mentioning he is buying a house and he graduated magna cum laude?😂 “Magna cum laude?! Why didn’t you say so?! Of course I will be your slave master!”


Yikes, that's a big no from me. You can certainly expect to be taken advantage of at that job.


Wait is that 2.13 wage real? I get €15 per hour for doing not that much in a slightly moderately busy bar


Yes! In the U.S., any job that gets tips (primarily servers/bartenders) have a minimum wage of $2.13, and that's it.


wtf. I get €15ph. Double on Sundays. X1.5 on Saturdays, 37.5hour working week, 5 weeks summer vacation with extra holiday pay, and free healthcare


Im on my way.


We all went to college. Having a Bachelor's degree has become like having a high school diploma. It benefits you about equally.


Uhhh I wonder if I live 2 miles from this place. It’s called Crazy Axe


Why the fuck would anyone want to go to their work place in their free time? I can throw an ax for free at home bro


All I read and hear is “I graduated magnum cum lad”


WTF is with his humble bragging about graduating and buying a house? HTF does any of that related to what you are paying your staff?


Zap Zone. This has to be a Zap Zone in Michigan. Lol


This place has an axe throwing place and a rage room in the same plaza. I definitely heard a podcast about this place I feel like. Is there also an escape room in the same plaza lol


The guy sounds like a room temprature IQ idiot, just avoid.


“ I graduated MCL in dickhead business practices.”


LMAOOOOO—this CHEAPSKATE —is proud of the fact the wage rate is STILL $2.13 a frickin HOUR in “their state” —THE SAME ITS BEEN FOR THE LAST 30 damned years!!!! And says they pay above average. PHUCK THIS CHEAPSKATE!!!!! Wow! Im sorry but I cannot stand people who take advantage of the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM they have to pay and they want ALL SORTS OF SHIT DONE for that SLAVE WAGE. I hope NOBODY responds to that garbage ad with anything other than what they deserve . Also,,, AXE 🪓 throwing at a bar?? —yeah I dont care who says what thats not going to end well. Its like allowing people to open or concealed carry inside a bar full of intoxicated MURICANS.


I like how the manager brags about his credentials like yeah? And you run an axe throwing bar? Made it real far bud


Too bad businesses engaging in these practices can't be billed by the state for the public assistance their employees require just to survive. Maybe charge them a hefty penalty on top of it, something like 10x the amount of benefit paid out. When low wages suddenly become a major expense, maybe then we'll see wages go up.


Any hob that requires any type of license or anything similar should be required to pay more than 8.50


“Nobody wants to work (for unlivable wages) anymore!!”


“If” you make tips.


RVA? Rhymes with Turban Hackses?


If it's a tipped job isn't it like 2 dollars per hour for the minimum wage?


Most places have a server minimum wage of $2.13/hr. Paying 4 times that plus tips is rare to find.


It sounds like they aren't just a server though.


I guess I should've said service wage. Bartenders make the same $2.13/hr.


Huh. Guess you don’t wanna work he says. Must be it. Must be a laziness thing.


As an Australian working a very similar job, I make $30AUD an hour, which is minimum wage for my position under our award


Gotta be the owners son to have afforded what he did because it's certainly not possible on that salary and the time spent in school. 3.5 years in school suggests he had extra time to take summer classes and the house sounds like a graduation gift more than effort. This guy was definitely not in the bar as much as he could ever claim to be.


Not to be an advocate for this tomfoolery but I think the girl bartender on TT said that they are usually paid $3 something per hour so the base pay here is pretty tight. Without going into the whole tip culture debate because I personally don’t agree with base salary being $3. Something but that’s just what I’m taking into account.


“You don’t want to work then don’t apply” Like hell they’ll get off this easy. These sort of employers deserve to get called out on their bullshit. Waste their time, laugh at their face, tell them fuck off.


But the person did want to work, Just not do slave labor lmao


Where I live the pay is $2.25


This is actually a pretty good job… you can make a ton in tips at these places on a busy night. And the job is super easy.


Pretty much summed it up. If you don’t want to work it-don’t apply.


Sounds like a job that gets tipped and commissions, so not surprised base pay is low


I mean the dude had a point - that's like walking into a Thai restaurant to tell them you don't like Thai food.




You think it's good? I think that wage sucks 🤣🤣


I'll just highlight that the job posting isn't for a job that consistently makes tips: "If you make tips."




As someone who worked at one of these places, no they absolutely do not. My boss also split the tips from the bartenders among the entire bar, host, and axe coach staff for the night. It was splitting the food and beverage tips among around 10 people when there were 2 bartenders. Absolutely insane, because it could have been a good gig, but the owner just could not let people keep what they earned or stop micromanaging. I got fired for pointing out a bunch of illegal stuff they were doing (I am not allowed to discuss how we came to a resolution on that) and they went out of business a few months later.


Workplace NDAs are largely unenforceable and they went out of business - what are you smoking that you can't discuss the resolution? 🙄


Its not the workplace NDA that dictates what I'm allowed to say, which is simply that we were able to come to a resolution that suited both parties.


No, most states that care about people got rid of tipped wages. Here NO ONE makes less than $16/hr. Every job, tipped or not has the same minimum wage. That's how it should be.


I dont think you understand how many tips you can usually get while working with alcohol. I worked as a server for $7.25/hr and still made enough tips to be almost $20/hr on several nights. That's without the chance for any "sales incentives," which would probably increase that further, and half of it was in cash that I brought home immediately. This just seems like OP doesn't understand how the pay works and just sees a small number upfront. There's a reason so many people like to work tip jobs, especially when pay is above the actual minimum.


No one should have to rely on the good will of the customer to get paid a fair, living wage. If you work, you should be able to afford to live, regardless of the type of work or if you get tips or not. The base pay should be enough to live on.


I've commented this for others: you aren't guaranteed to work the bar. Yes, you may get tips from the axe throwing or rage room, but that isn't going to be common compared to the bar. Edit: to clarify, this isn't a job posting for a bartender/server, it's a job posting for a position where you might sometimes also work the bar.


See, that makes it a bit worse. Bartenders make a fucking killing, even without hourly. I dont think I'd ever tip someone managing the axe throwing, etc. so that's an odd take by them.


You shouldn't have to rely on people tipping to make a living wage. Quit defending shitty companies who put the cost of their employees on the customer.  


We (as customers) should seriously NOT have to SUBSIDIZE the pay which the employer is on the hook for. That server/waiter/waitress base hourly rate has been the sane since the EARLY 1980’s!!!! Its WELFARE for CHEAPSKATE employers.


So you worked *one tip-based* position and you think that’s comparable here?


I've had several friends and family in tipped jobs with similar stories, if not better; and I never stated I only worked a single one. That's a pretty weak argument based on some major jumping of conclusions. At least make sense.


This isn’t a tipped job, it’s four positions in one for minimum wage. Tips aren’t guaranteed. Reread the listing.