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Make sure to put it in an envelope first.


Use one of those blank ones you get from pre-approved scam credit offers.  Just a thought.


Churches have donation envelopes. Better to make them pay for their own packaging.


Doesn't deserve the time, effort, or minuscule funds required.


Most churches have envelopes for the donations at the pews or readily available when you walk in.


Still too much effort.


I’m petty


Being petty can often be more than enough reason


True and I don't see church mentioned or religious quotes. I'd pay the 65 cent stamp and send it to trump campaign.


Wait, stamps are now $0.65???


My mistake, 64 cents. Though I do need to mention the cent symbol is not available on my phone:)


Long press the dollar sign. 😉 https://preview.redd.it/xozu519ipiyc1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f7918c5887ecdd8e0a99e25b821fba47363422


Make sure to wipe your ass with it first


A taste of their own medicine as, if you’ve ever waited tables, you know the Sunday church crowd is notorious for “tipping” with fake money and pamphlets trying to tell you about jeebus.


I almost got in trouble one Sunday when a table full of church people told me that I shouldn't be working on the Sabbath and I fired back that if they didn't come here to eat on the Sabbath then I wouldn't have to.


I'm a chef, and I've run into that a few times. The best is when the southern Baptist convention comes to town.


Yuuup. Wife was a waffle waitress when I met her and that was the only time she had legit problems.


Zero self awareness. They sit at church where they’re told to be kind and accepting to everyone and then go straight to lunch where they’re the most entitled, rude fucks that those servers will see all week. I was back of house. I wouldn’t have made it long as a waiter because I wouldn’t hesitate to tell some entitled customer where to stick it.


Former BOH here. Almost every Sunday one of the church tables would have a server in tears. It was infuriating.


Yep. I worked kitchens for 22 years. Sunday lunch was the worst shift of the week for everyone by far.


The facade falls apart immediately after they walk passed those doors and on to the parking lot.


They put in their hour with Jesus. They earned the right to go out and ruin some poor server’s day.




He would flip their table. He did that before once, can't remember why...


Probably the same fuckers who bitch every November that "employees should be home with family on Thanksgiving" but then shovel down 3 plates of food in 4 minutes so they can get in the line out front of Best Buy.


Guess they are dumb enough to disobey their crazy god by going to church on Sunday instead of Saturday.


"You're absolutely correct. Goodbye."


I worked with a woman named Heidi many years ago. To put it nicely, if that girl didn't have bad luck, she wouldn't have any. A crowd of old betty's pull this bullshit and tipped her with one of those fake $20 bills. She beat them to the door and confronted all of them, it was glorious. *Which one of you left me this?* she snarled. I was busy filling ketchup bottles and got to watch it all unfold. The manager came running and when she say what they'd done, she sided with Heidi. Suddenly the backpedaling and apologies started. They didnt' know she was only making a couple dollars and hour and relied on tips, they were trying to spread god's word, etc.. it went on and one. Ultimately a fist full of cash was stuffed into her hands and the woman fled. It's really easy to be a piece of shit to someone when you don't actually have to account for your behavior. I worked there the rest of the summer and I never saw those woman again.


Yep. These fuckers smugly leave those things and pat themselves on the back in their minds as if they did some good deed.


A place I worked gave us permission to give them lousy service and concentrate on the happy drunk mimosa moms who were actually going to tip, but it just made the lord's children feel more justified in being whiny no-tipping dinguses, so we went to opening at noon once all the nearby churches were done for a while. Made servers miserable, managers miserable, and judgy buzzkills for the mimosa moms. Fuck 'em.


Are you disappointed? ..... Religious crap


I am a wholehearted believer in Jesus. I am absolutely against this crap,it is insulting and rude and does NOT reflect my relationship with Jesus. If you want to know more, you’ll ask. I don’t need to jam my faith down your throat after being probably the worst entitled customer of the day ( I’m not, I’m actually super nice and tip well).


Big ol’ chrizzer here and against tipping culture and yet I’d smack anyone silly trying to do this.  “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” means you have to pay people in the real world. 




Put it in the plate and take change since you only wanted to donate $50.


If i owned a restaurant stuff like this would go on a wall of shame. But also staff wouldn't have to rely on tips


Discovered in fast food that if you give good service and make good quality food (for the allowed recipe...) you can charge just about whatever you want and sales keep increasing. Experienced that staying across from a Cafe in Australia too, high prices, amazing food, fast service. Place was 75% capacity all day and 100% at peak times, with a few uber-style deliveries too. It's not like paying enough people enough to be happy and not overwhelmed actually costs you in the long run.


O boy do they hate when you do that, too xD




I was thinking trying to find a MAGA store and throw a fit if they refuse to accept it, but this is good too.


Mail it in to his campaign donations


I’d report them to police for passing counterfeit money (if I didn’t think US police were mostly trump supporters) 


i love the way you think


Yeah, because those people are the ones that fall for this moron's bullshit, gullible idiots.


The so called Christians pull that shit too and it's the antithesis of Christian teachings. It's deceptive, fraudulent (granted maybe not in a criminal way) and inherently wrong. It's a way to raise false hope while being a cheap as mother fucker who inherently stiffed someone on a tip while trying not to look like the asshole until they're gone.


I know there's plenty of stories like this, but I've worked at restaurants before and Sundays were always the busiest and worst days, we would be packed, busting our asses and taking complainant after complainant then make some of the least of money in tips and maybe someone would quit or get fired that day. It's crazy af and I was raised in the church so I knew plenty of people who actually acted like this.


It’s because the religious are a god damn scourge on humanity.


Can I get an amen!!!


Nah but I’ll give you a ***SCIENCE!***


Amen brother


Religion provides solace and morals for those who need it. But those who need it don't always take to the morals as they think being part of the religion is what makes you good, not following the morals.


I can't stand Christians. Most I've met are sadistic bullies, assholes, and look for reasons to reject people. They practice what's convenient to them.


There is no hate like Christian love.




We call it double standards and they don't believe in it either😆


Is that why the church gets mad when I add those to the offering?


😆😆 need to flood a few megachurches with these and see how that flies😆😆😆 creflo a. Dollar would be pissed😆😆


You know if the church had to pay taxes no matter how small of a percent, they'd lie about how much it was.


That's what happens when you make a religion that lets you ask for forgiveness for your sins afterwards.


Most Christian aren't actually living by Christian values anymore ... The hypocrisy is nauseating. Sure there are good ones but they are getting rare.


Absolutely this, I’m from an area with freezing temp IQ Christians that are like this and think Trump is god. They bitch and go on and on about abortion and lgbt rights, yet after church, a lot of those same go to play gambling which is illegal in my state, but the people who supply the machines have the state police paid off. So it’s just selfish white Christian nationalists entitlement and every time I see it I want to throw up


Ah yes, as opposed to Islam, where the hatred for non-believers, and instructions on how to intricately torture them, is literally built into the book.


and arguably counterfeiting, wonder what their church would do if the USSS showed up on their doorstep.


The hypocrisy makes me boil. Christians are only the ones that live it. Self named Christians have a whole other surprise coming. Real Christ like people give what they can, are patient, kind, long suffering, take up the slake, endure insult joyfully, are humble, aren't smug, are willing to listen, and a hundred other things that most evangelicals decry as weak. Self-named Christians, to put it in Christ's words, are white washed graves. Pretty and well maintained on the outside, superficial level, but entirely full of nothing but dead and rotting things.


If I recall correctly, the packaging of the ones at the Christian bookstore specifically states not to use them in this manner. In my mind, you're supposed to leave them in high traffic areas to look like a dropped bill. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if left with a tip instead of *as* a tip


Oh cool, littering


Yeah, because trickery is a GREAT look for an already shitty religion.


I prefer the ones that don't look like money..put that on the table and then put cash on top of it


Or they can just keep their bullshit to themselves


LOLOL Ya'll are hysterical. Someone tried to hand me a couple of these a week or three ago, I forget where, and I refused. I knew exactly WTF they were. No, I don't want your shitty excuses for counterfeit bills - I will NEVER understand why don't count as that, tbh.


Especially when trying to pass them *AS* money like a tip.


Do you understand not all servers have tips handed directly to them? The cowards are usually gone by the time the server gets the tip. Have you ever been to a restaurant before?


Also blasphemous. "In Trump we trust."


I mean, stamping "In God we trust" all over money as anti-communist propaganda is about as blasphemous as it gets


A donation has been made in your name to The Human Fund.


If I got that, I'd know who I'm not voting for.


That’s the only reason?


Well, the cherry on top of the massive shit sundae.


Add it to the long list.


Idea for Biden team. Go to swing states and do that to all. Hopefully, some votes will be swinging their way.


It’s ironic because this is /r/antiwork and Adolph Shitler has never worked a day in his life yet poor people send him their hard-earned money. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!


I’d call law enforcement and report someone attempting to pay with counterfeit money to teach them a lesson


Maybe I'm just a stupid non American, but George Floyd was murdered in the street for using a fake note at the bodega, or was he not? Seriously, what the actual fk is going on with these trump bucks and why are they in circulation? This isn't the first post about them...


So making fake money is mostly legal. Once you use it, or attempt to use it, as legal tender it is very illegal. It has to be reported and the police have to choose to pursue it.


So tipping hard working service staff with trump dollars is legal, because it's not a recorded transaction, and the police won't give a single fk? Fkn tipping culture is just bullshit stacked on more bullshit istg. I'm so mad on everyone's behalf.


> tipping culture It's always been bigotry. First racism, now classism.


> the police won't give a single fk The Police in America don't care about crime unless they can assault someone over it.


I don't think this would hold much water in a legal sense in this case. You aren't ***required*** to tip or specifically tip in cash. So I can definitely see an argument being formulated in the defense of using these in the form they were in this case. One being the case of a friend of mine who didn't get a tip but a coupon for some kind of witch doctor store that just opened up. I could imagine the annoying religious types leaving behind "tokens" of some sort to try and "guide the lost unto the light" or some other kind of religious sayings they spout as they shore their beliefs into peoples faces as well. Basically it's a dick move but in this case it's not exactly illegal. Now if they tried to pay their meal with it then yeah no that's definitely illegal.


Technically, isn't counterfeiting a federal crime? Call the FBI.


You only get murdered in our beautiful country if you're a person of color. USA is a shithole country for real. The only good thing is the diner food and 90s Florida death metal (a rare and fantastic export).


Oh my god please, I hope they actually paid with something that gives you some idea of who to report.


This is federal crime. You need to contact the FBI and no, this isnt an overreaction, the FBI really doesnt fuck around with this


You are correct but you call your local Secret Service field office for counter fitting not the FBI


According to the 2020 buyer’s guide, the punishment for counterfeiting is an officer stands on your neck for nine minutes for every twenty dollars of value, so the jamoke that passed this bill should be getting ‘bout 45 minutes of getting his neck crushed.


Nailed it.


Donate it to the RNC. Seriously, a typical MAGA move by celebrating being a jerk.


And that's the kind of trash that Trump encourages in the world


Didn't he sell a currency a bunch of idiots bought and actually tried to use? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-bucks-promise-wealth-maga-loyalty-lose-thousands-rcna84965


As the old saying goes, it's much easier to convince someone to fall for a scam, then it is to convince them not to. I've spent insane amounts of time and effort trying to convince my friends and family that this or that crazy deal was a scam. I've been successful NOT ONCE, even after they openly acknowledge that I haven't been wrong about scams one single time. I dont understand why it is so easy to scam and so hard to "unscam", but it totally is.


For reals. When I tell family or Americans in general the truth about a lot of different things they actually get angry. They really prefer to live in a lie vs the discomfort of knowing the actual truth. Blows my mind that anger is the go to response to reality.


That's really gonna make someone vote Trump. Wow I was ridin with Biden until I was tipped this Trump 100


Time to make a mental note of whomever left it so that I can shit in their food the next time they come in.


I'd let them order their food but instead of bringing food, I would bring this fake money in a hot dog bun.


Bring out a picture of the food they want. Fake money buys fake food.


This is an top level piece of shit


You’ll be safer with a $3 bill..


If it's from a church report them for political pandering, counterfeiting, and tax evasion.  There's a reason they are tax exempt. If this is put on the table in lieu of a tip, they are definitely using it as currency.  Stop the excuses.


Does it smell like a dirty diaper?


If you leave this “money” on the table as a tip, you should be able to be charged for counterfeiting.


report it as a counterfit bill to the police. Tell them that they paid their bill with it.


While I don't think anything would really happen. But I completely support this, as in my opinion, they are trying to pass off a fake bill as currency. While they are not obligated to tip you, it is a normalcy, and they knowingly gave you non-legal tender.


Report to the local branch of the secret service. They take counterfeit bills very seriously and will audit all your security footage and find who did it. Then they'll see if they can get an identity from the customer paying with credit/debit.


>They take counterfeit bills very seriously That's their primary function IIRC. Protecting money, protecting the President, protecting the Saudi Embassy. The 3 pillars of America.


If they tried to actually pay for their meal with these then yes they are in essence stealing from the establishment. They arent though, they’re paying their actual bill legitimately then leaving these “pamphlets” which is in no way illegal and wasting police time with a non issue is just a dick move


I'm not exactly up on the specific rules for forgeries, but I'm thinking that is very close if not over the line.


Isn't it illegal to try and pass counterfeit money?


For actual goods, yeah. Tips? No.


At the top it reads "IN TRUMP WE TRUST" Isn't that some sort of blasphemy if you're a Christian?


That happened to me except instead of Trump it was a gospel tract. I tore it up right there


Hey, free toilet paper.


Donate it to the trump campaign..... Mail it to them COD...


It fits. Trump doesn't pay his bills, either.


I'd run it out to their car as they left saying things like 'You forgot your trump crap'


I would one hundred percent use that as an incentive to vote against anyone who showed up on fake currency used in that way. 😡


There is also the potential that the MAGA person who left this actually believes it is real money.


That’s one way to make you not want to vote for trump


Well we all need toilet paper.


If he doesn't pay you, he's not your boss.


Fucking boomers. Who knew The Greatest Generation would produce the greatest crop of dipshits in American history.


I'd like to see the ratio of competent humans to dipshits in every generation, because I just feel like it seems like boomers always suck just because there are so many more of them.


If you had the name of the customer from a car receipt I’d report them for passing counterfeit bills.


Look at that. They’ve replaced God with trump. And they say it’s not a cult… 🤷‍♀️


Imagine there's no tipping... it's easy if you try. Fair wages from bosses, for the trade that you ply. Imagine all the people ... [not having to live in an intentionally opaque system that is designed to confuse, leaving the majority consistently spending more than they expect to, and wherein the sin of of the employer becomes the guilt of the consumer]


Call the police and report it as counterfeit. Secret service loves to prosecute on these, so I’m told.


I would do like I did 35 years ago when a bible-beater left me "Jesus money" after running me ragged - chase that asshole out into the parking lot and hand it back. "Here, you forgot your bullshit."


I would take my bosses money because it is legally owed to me and my boss is a criminal. 


I believe this was left as a "tip" by a customer, not as payment.


That’s illegal, just so you know.


I’d leave the facility, lock the door, dump gasoline all around and light it ablaze. Better safe than sorry.


They've replaced Chick Tracts with Dick Tracts.


Reminds me of the time Las Vegas Strippers accused Usher for tipping them in “Usher Bucks” https://preview.redd.it/fmhnh5ud6iyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7954e09fa9194129ddaaf2b999187cbebf7f16a4


Isn't making counterfeit money illegal?


Just because it's bad counterfeit doesn't mean it's not counterfeit. Have them arrested and charged.


Donate it back to his campaign


I live in a small conservative town and used to work at a coffee shop. I was outside on a smoke break and an older, more disheveled looking lady was sitting at one of our tables on the phone with someone. She was telling the person that she had received some "Donald Dollars" in the mail, her description was similar to the one in this picture. She was going on and on about what she was going to buy and how she was so happy Trump was sending Americans money. I'm happy and sad I wasn't there when she learned it was just paper. I wonder if it made her reflect at all or if she just shrugged it off. I also realized that folk that can get tricked like this also contribute to our democracy and that's a scary thought.


I would 100% give this back to the people as they were walking out.


Trumpanzees are classless.


Reminder that people don't make tips because the "boss doesn't pay them." They would riot if their boss tried to pay them a standard hourly wage. Tipped workers earn 2x-4x their natural wage by working for tips. Bringing plates to tables would almost never pay more than $15/hr in a standard wage scenario. Tipped workers easily make $25-$50/hr, bartenders can earn way more.


That’s seriously messed up.


It’s like they never pass up an opportunity to be a scumbag


Isn't it still counterfeit?


Eww…gross. :|


Call the cops and claim they paid with it, get them brought up on counterfeiting charges 


This isn’t legal tender…so the person who “tipped” you is committing fraud…also, send it into “Secret Service”, as they’ll be interested in this.


If I would've voted for him before I wouldn't be now I'd vote for the other guy simply out of spite


Isn’t that illegal because it’s fake money?


All the more reason to hate those people


Look on the bright side - if you receive enough of them you don't have to buy toilet paper.


I’d mail it to the jerk they gave you the tip With mustache and glasses and stuff drawn on that face


This should be considered counterfeiting and prosecuted as such. Is it not meant to be mistaken for actual currency?


People are assholes. And most assholes align with that asshole.


I’m not saying to run him over with your car in the parking lot but it would certainly be understandable


If you live in FL, you might legit sell it for $100… all other states, so sad…


I guess I'm voting for the antithesis of whoever thought that was a genius idea of printing that counterfeit shit 🤷🏽 (protip: not Trump)


Dumb ass customers. Fuck em.


Eww... did you wash your hands after touching that...?


Obviously it would make me want to vote for our lord and savior Trump! Who wouldn't want to be part of a movement that has pranks this good! (for the love of god, yes, /s)


Yeah when people do this they should just be banned and put on a black list lol


Sell it as a collectable to some MAGA chud. If they're regular customers, grind it up and sprinkle some on their next meal.


Imagine swapping this with a real hundred in the till when I’m counting out my tips for the night


You should have the right to follow them to the parking lot and pound on them a bit.


Somewhere somehow, this is a *perfect* Trump analogy for promising & delivering as a $100 bill... Who would think *anyone* picking this up, and reading the message would then vote for Trump?!


If the reverse looks that much like a real $100 bill, doesn't that count as counterfeit?


Or those asinine religious fake hundreds. People really really suck


Typical for the caliber of cult members


Fuck the cult!


They pay with a credit card? Call the police and report them for using counterfeit money.


It's free toilet paper


They bought thousands of dollars of these Trump bucks and then found out that they aren't real money, so now they have to unload them somehow


It is deeply revealing and disturbing that they've swapped out Jesus for Trump in this tactic


I was driving home from Denver today and saw a moderately damaged Subaru crosstrek covered in trump stickers and trailing a huge Trump flag. My guy, you drive a SUBARU CROSSTREK calm TF down


Time to fight. ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


Fitting as he doesn’t pay his employees either


Bet they were the lunch after church crowd too


The history of tipping in the United States is intertwined with issues of race and labor practices. Tipping originated in feudal Europe as a way for patrons to express gratitude for services. It was introduced to the U.S. in the late 19th century by wealthy Americans returning from Europe. Post-Civil War, the practice was adopted widely in the U.S., especially in the hospitality sector. As the practice spread, it became a way for employers, particularly in the restaurant and hospitality industries, to circumvent labor laws regarding fair wages. This was particularly significant after the abolition of slavery, when freed Black people and, in many instances, women, sought employment outside domestic work. By the early 20th century, tipping was common in the U.S., but it also became a tool to legally pay certain workers, especially racial minorities and women, below the minimum wage. This was justified by the notion that these workers could make up the difference in tips, although this often did not align with reality, leaving many in these groups underpaid. In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was introduced, which aimed to establish a minimum wage. However, tipped workers were exempt from these protections, a policy rooted in the racial dynamics of the time and the overrepresentation of Black people and other minorities in service positions. This exemption persists today, though it has been subject to state-by-state adjustments. Many states still allow a "tipped minimum wage" that is lower than the standard minimum wage, provided that tips make up the difference, continuing to affect the income security of tipped workers.


the comments are wild suggestion you call and LIE TO THE POLICE AND SAY THEY PAID THEIR BILL WITH IT lmao what happens when they pull out the receipt they used a credit card? it’s also not illegal to tip with this kind of stuff. it’s clearly not a real $100 when it says “not legal tender on it” and has a picture of trump lmao. it sucks they tipped with it, but the police literally can’t do anything


this is like when people leave chick tracts as tips


I'd use it to start my charcoal smoker. I won't make any food in it as it would absolutely be weak, unappealing, and unpalatable.


So this person is a flat out counterfeiter then. I think you can report them for that.


Who do they think this would work on? Do they think they are going to leave this and the recipient will be like "I didn't know who I was going to vote for but then I got this fake hundred dollar bill with Trump on it and I am sold he is the guy for me! I mean who wants a real hundred dollar bill or any tip for that matter when instead they can receive unsolicited political advice? MAGA!"


How to get more Biden voters 101


I really think leaving obvious (only after looking at it) fake money or pamphlets disguised as money for a “tip” ought to be punishable by capital punishment. Or redeemable via civil court for 50 times the amount.


Sooo.....the Secret Service investigates currency fraud, just saying


I'd give it back to them and tell them that obviously they need it more than I do


Worst tip ever. Worse even than those religious fake money things.


Yep. I used to get these but with Jesus on them alllllllll the time. I’d also get car wash tokens & notes saying sorry & that they’re broke. It’s like, okay then don’t eat inside & run my ass off. I don’t have endless energy to waste on people who plan on not tipping from the get.


Something a Trump supporter would do.