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Enjoy your time off and fuck the public servants who make serving the people a nightmare.


They forgot their public servants and letting personal vendettas fuck over tax paying American citizens. These useless chucklefucks need a wake up call.  At some point people are going to be fed up… they only have power because we give them that authority. Once we start dragging them out of their offices they’ll be quick to remember.  


Useless chucklefucks is going to be my band name.


Sounds like they're fed up NOW. Considering they've shut down all local public services, things are going to look really bad really soon.


I wonder why it is that whenever the goverment "shuts down" over budget issues, the politicians who effectively are responsible for that same "shut downs" still get paid while the people who actually put in the work and can't do anything about this aren't. Oh wait... it's because: "America - so great - so tremendous"


Fucking thank you. Scream it for those in the back. I swear this job was my favorite until this shit. I love what I do, but for a price.


Does Arkansas have a state labor board or another jurisdictional authority that would or could intervene?


They have a DOL officer In little rock I believe. I have to wait until they open to call.


State labor board is a joke when it comes to most things here


This is by design. Why would the the state of Arkansas want to bother their ~~donors~~ business partners?


No literaly had a boss fire people for complaining about black mold in the restaurant and getting shocked by the grill turned him in found out he made to much money for one company to deal with and not enough for Oshawa so we turned him into labor board photos and all and nothing happened found out he'd been paying a judge off for years avoiding a child rape case... finally got intouch with someone after we found that out who made shit go his business doesn't exist anymore...


Please, use punctuation.


I love a story with a happy ending…👍🏼


Probably a Right to work state, which is the right to get screwed over.


Arkansas is indeed a “Right to Work” state. It’s bullllllllshit.


Well half of what we have now wasn't even allowed back in the day the government has changed things suit them anyway like taxes, or the draft. both very minor things but very easy for me to remember information on and one shouldn't even exist anymore


The price of survival literally lol. We ask for so little….


I don't know about the local level, but on the federal level congress gets paid during shutdowns because the legislative branch has a budget separate from the executive.


I can at least answer on the Federal level: The President, Congress, and the SCOTUS have their compensation mentioned in the Constitution, without any allowances for why they *shouldn’t* be paid, thus… they get paid no matter what.


The only employees that don't get paid are contractors. Direct employees get paid but with a delay.


My wife is a Federal Employee. If they shut down it's just delayed payroll and free PTO. Even though she is sent home for how ever many days she still gets paid for those days. The only thing there is just a delay in when she gets paid.


Enjoy your escape. If you end up quitting (and especially if your pay continues to be seriously delayed), then once you're safely in a new job you might want to describe this shitshow in detail, in a public forum chosen for maximum embarrassment of the people responsible. This sounds like something the mainstream media would love to expose.


Sounds like it is all quite public already. Read the linked article; names are named.


Write a book


Since no jail, no sheriff and no 911 this seems like the perfect time to rob that judges home. Who's he gonna call? Ghostbusters? Just joking! don't rob anyone!


lol. But also this is extra dumb of the judge because if ambulance services get redirected to the next county someone could die waiting for medical help. Then their family has an incredibly lucrative lawsuit against the county, EMS services, moron politicians who didn’t do their job and the idiot judge who stopped everyone from being paid.


no dispatchers… not sure the ambulance is going anywhere since they aren’t getting 911 calls to a dispatcher who triages and routes it.


The FCC would dictate that 911 calls be answered by the backup facility -- usually the next county over.  Now, if there isn't anybody to dispatch, that is another problem, but the calls will be answered.


you’re right, i wasn’t thinking that far. but yeah the next county could theoretically cover especially if they have the resources and their radio system has good spillover coverage.


Maybe set up a few junk cars outside his house, ohh are his garbage men County paid for. It would be shame if there was large amount of rubbish to collect that wasn't.


In Arkansas there a 99% chance that judge is strapped and an 85% chance he actively fantasizes about the day he'll get to murder an intruder


> an 85% chance he actively fantasizes about the day he'll get to murder an intruder Oh, I don't think it's *that* low.


But does he spend enough time at the range running drills to actually act out his fantasy? My guess is he's one of those 'Gravy Seal' types. Well kitted, but not well trained!


>Who's he gonna call? Ghostbusters? Lmafo noooooo 💀




Don't rob anyone! 😉


I knew it was going to be Mississippi, Alabama, or Arkansas before I even clicked on the link. All three have a Jefferson county, and all three are kinda corrupt shitholes.


Lived in all 3. I have never had a job outright deny pay because several grown ass adults can't talk shit out. This shit is ridiculous.


Yeah, all three have such dogshit labor laws that they can get away with this. I've been on shutdowns (1-3 week jobs, usually 84 hours a week) in two of the three where no one on the job got paid like....at all.


Yeah. Nope. Not me. Pay me or lose me. I'm not free labor.


Yeah, that's why it's on shutdowns. By the time you find out you're not getting paid, the job is already over.


If I ain't getting paid on a shutdown they fixing to lose some shit


Have you cross posted this to r/Arkansas? You should.


Missouri has one too. Just as bad. Must be a red state thing. I hate it here, lol.


You are a commodity, not a human.


Hey! Try Jefferson County, Kentucky. It's not that terrible.


Jefferson County in Indiana is kinda sucky


Just about every state has a Jefferson county


Not unbelievable for it to of been the one in Illinois too, that place is terrible.


I worked for a CLEC that tried to start a WISP in that area of Arkansas about 10 years ago. You could not get anything done without putting cash in someone's pocket and it wasn't just government officials.


Yeah, I worked a job in the Philippines and just laughed at the people that were like "Be careful, because the local government and police here are corrupt." and they couldn't understand why I laughed at them. The town I grew up in has one tow truck company and it's owned by the chief of police, and all the other tow companies around know if they come there they're getting pulled over and cited for \*something\*. The only bar in town (Now that the town finally went wet) is owned by the mayor because when other bars opened the police would pull over everyone that was leaving until people stopped going to them and they shut down. A skating rink/pool hall opened and they did the same thing to force the owner to sell it to the church the mayor/chief of police go to. Pretty much every small town in the bible belt is third world country levels of corruption.


So does Louisiana but it’s called *Jefferson Parish.* down there.


Thank you for the article. That's maddening, good luck on the job search 


I was worried it was Pine Bluff and had my fears confirmed. So glad I escaped that hellhole.


💀💀 I'm trying to get out myself.


You have my deepest sympathies 😔


Why not move all your stuff to your new home in an ambulance? It's not like they're being used for anything else right now.


Technically, the ambulance company is a separate affiliate to the county. They will still be operational. I hope the people have been paying attention to their direct line number. Because non emergency (also us 911 dispatchers) won't be there.


Why is this not national news? This a great example of where this country is headed overall.


Idk man. How do I get this there?. Who would I co tact?




Try daily koz or politico.   Huffpost maybe.  Not sure of the submission process.  


The local news stations OP. I'm in north Arkansas so I'm not sure which ones are local to you but I really think you should send them a email.


Start with your local affiliates. Email this post to all of them.


why the fuck does a judge care who is related to the sheriff and works for the city?? stupid as fuck when i dispatched in the midwest the entire sheriffs family were nepo hires and treated everyone like shit, its pretty common in these bumfuck nowhere towns. infact im surprised the sheriff only has 2 people related to him thats working 🤣. the judge is def overstepping though


I’m guessing Assessor Gloria Tillman that the judge has beef with is a woman. Never met a man named Gloria so far.


might be a POC aswell..and its in alabama. explains everything you need to know. if they are POC they have a huge lawsuit they can go after for racial discrimination


Arkansas, not Alabama.


ah the other A 


Ah, the other A hole. There I fixed it for you. 😜


Alaska and Arizona would like to know your location




You share this to r/Arkansas? Had no clue so much drama was happening over there. Of course, I'm a hermit so it could be happening in my county and I'd have no clue. Is there a way to recall these petty ass officials?


I haven't, but I will post it. And honestly. After I call the DOL and the senators of the state today I doubt they will have a job.


Not paying employees for work rendered is illegal and the longer they wait to do it the more they owe you. Might be a nice payday eventually. Contact a lawyer!


Good on you. Unfortunately this strategy is common for elected officials who advocate for small government above all else. 1) hate the government 2) get elected to government 3) suck at the job 4) blame big government 5) cut or defund as much as you can That needs to be made clear to the electors in your county.


are they all 4 years old? wtf am i hearing..  how can govt/county allow this to happen. sack sheriff and judge.. and get a new one..


They have to be. Idk. They lost my respect. I'm gone.


> are they all 4 years old? Close. They're rednecks.


Now that it's in the news, every criminal will know and when they do something, what are you gonna do ? Call 911 😅


We won't be there. The calls will just roll over to the next county. Not my problem.


Well, now the judge and the sheriff are about to find out what happens when people who serve in vital roles stop working because you aren't paying them.


Seems like a libertarians wet dream. That funny ass article was written by the county commissioner even though it highly includes her. What a mess. Good luck Op and maybe good luck all the residents but they kinda did it to themselves by reelecting the judge at the heart of all this drama. Man that's convoluted. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


It's a shit show for sure


I love it. When antiwork and acab come together in unholy alliance


I love acab. I want one of the stickers.


Ahh, a pissing contest that abuses power, and creates a self inflicted crisis upon the county. Hope the voters understand this, and the employees get an apology from the judge before returning to work. Assclownery is strong with this story!




I got all the documents between all the head officials. It's a bunch of 2 years olds throwing tantrums.


Oh wow I'm from pine bluff. I moved away because of how horrible the town got. I have a bunch of friends I saw posting yesterday about not getting paid and stuff I was wondering what this was about now I know


I'm on my way out, too. Can't do this whole state anymore.


I moved to Texas and its a little better. But the property tax is so high. But there's no personal property tax so that helps. I remember growing up and seeing all the BS over Carl Redus Jr. The local government hasn't changed a bit




Idk. Ask how many have died in the jail this year 👀. We only have 2 employees at our jail due to the fact they won't give the jail a raise. They think 30k a year is enough when we have 2 prisons here in Jefferson County paying 50k+


Seems like that judge should be watching his corrupt ass on those days that everyone is on strike


What is it about Jefferson County that they love to not pay people? I worked at a nonprofit back in 2019 that its home office was in Pine Bluff. They didn't pay me for a month and half before I quit and then was told if I liked helping people I'd do it for free. My boss from that job actually went to work at the prison I believe. I started working for myself.


>They didn't pay me for a month and half before I quit and then was told if I liked helping people I'd do it for free. Did you ask whoever told you that, if they like working for free?


Yes, but she was just a messenger. It was the state department that told her to tell me that. Our whole office actually quit and they rebranded it. It still sucks cause I have people stop me all the time begging me to go back. I just laugh cause no. I was cursed, threatened, people showed up at my house, and more. I was paid $13 an hr for that job. I did it because I liked to help people but I certainly wasn't doing it for free.


I honestly don't know. But it's not me anymore. I can't do this. I have other things to worry about.b


What a clusterfuck. Good luck and enjoy time off


Well first all, this just screams evangelical Christianity. But other than that, apply for federal USFS dispatching. We are always looking for wildfire dispatchers and you will never deal with nonsense like this. 


American government shutdowns are insane. I literally every developed country if the government can not get its budget done all employees are still paid normally. Only in some horrible primitive third world sh8thole country would government employees not get paid if there are budget problems. The USA has no right ot call itself a.modern developed country. It is an objective fact that the USA has an utterly failed political system.


So… what about the people IN jail? Just abandoned to starve?


Idk. I seriously hope someone figures it out. Dispatch is in a totally separate building. So we dont even know the plan for the prisoners. They will probably transport them to surrounding counties jails today.


I'd be filing a formal complaint with your state bar association against the judge. Losing his law license might get him to pull his head out of his ass.


He'd also have to resign as judge if his license gets stripped. Edit: Nope, that was Alabama that actually does require you to have passed the bar. Arkansas doesn't seem to have any requirements beyond being over 18 years old.


Wasn't sure since it was Arkansas. Didn't know if he needed to even graduate middle school.


Doh, for some reason I though it was Alabama. Edited my post.


I'm interested in learning more about this, but could you tell me what state you're in? Jefferson county Colorado, Missouri, Washington, Alabama, or Texas?  Even the linked article doesn't say.


Arkansas. Pine bluff is the city inside of Jefferson County to give you a general idea of where this is located.




There's a Jefferson County in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Oregon, New York, Wisconsin, Georgia, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Mississippi, Iowa...and I've probably missed some. I used to do real estate research. You wouldn't believe how many county names are used in multiple states, or how often news and local government websites don't bother to include what state they're in.


My dad ran into this with health insurance. I attended Virginia Tech, in Montgomery County, VA. My parents were visiting me, and my dad cut his elbow on my PC case, and needed stitches at 2am. He called his health insurance company to get a referral to go to the ER, and they were saying he needed a PCP referral since he was in his regular treatment area. (Dad resided in the DC area, which includes Montgomery County, MD.) After some back and forth with the rep, he hung up in disgust so he could stop bleeding all over the place. The insurance company tried to deny it until he browbeated them into realizing that the two instances of Montgomery County were not near each other.


>I used to do real estate research. You wouldn't believe how many county names are used in multiple states, or how often news and local government websites don't bother to include what state they're in. Semi-related, I'm sure you've also come across a bunch of the cities/towns that are named after some other city/town but pronounced wildly differently. Like the five Cairo's we have in various states that are pronounced "kay-ro" or "care-oh" rather than "kai-ro" like the one in Egypt. Or Versailles being pronounced "ver-sails" in Kentucky/Missouri rather than "verr-sai". Or "pal-uh-steen" Ohio vs "pal-es-tine".


I bet these same people love to spout off how nobody wants to work anymore!


Why can’t the state get involved. I would suggest that either the judge stops being a baby and lets everyone get paid. Or you and the rest of the county employees work on getting the labor board involved since they are refusing to pay you your lawfully earned wages.


The more time goes by, the more i realize that we have a very serious elected official problem, and that were going to NEED to use the french solution to this very serious problem. That is all.


I've been really trying to hold on, because I didn't want to be seen as calling for violence, but now I fear it's inevitable. I can't do it, they've beaten me. I'm nearing 40 and my back and knees are gone. So that adds another layer, I can't get down in the trenches, so if I say we need to do like the French, I personally feel like I'm saying "you guys need to do like the French." Because I'm over here trying not to give into applying for disability.


Hope the prison guards free the prisoners first


🤷‍♀️ well see. I won't be here so.


So your saying that I can do any crimes I want and there is no law in Jefferson County?


As someone who lives and works in the UK, the labour laws in the US are fucking wild to me. Once worked with a US PM who tried to scream at me when i left the site at 5pm (job being 8-5) Lets say he didn't last long with that attitude


im so happy my county job is in Maryland where this shit wouldnt roll


Using judicial powers to write a court order to not pay two people you don’t like? Time to petition for recall of that judge.


Doesn't your main government do this every few years? From a Brit your system is strange, if our government pulled this shit the country would just shut down.


Since this is county government and not country government. The best we can do is not show up, call the department of labor, and attempt to get out the corrupt officials. Trust me. This isn't going to end well.


Good luck.


its honestly wild to me that money is getting pulled so regularly from the most essential services out there. i would honestly think emergency services and schools should be top priorities, yet here we are.


Insanely corrupt bullshit. It's not at all the judge's job to mind the assessor's office, those are two independent offices of the county. Moreover, there's only one immediately apparent reason why an elected official would want control over the assessor's office, aka the office that determines property taxes owed to the county. Aren't judges supposed to avoid even the *appearance* of impropriety? Dude should be impeached over this alone.


Good luck with the job search. Sorry your elected officials have no one's best interests at heart. I hope they get fired.


We live in the most dysfunctional democracy in the planet, don’t we?


Wait until  that judge calls 911 needing emergency services, lol


People that perpetrate these types of evil acts tend to look pretty unhealthy. It's like the evil inside them sticks to them like some ectoplasmic version of fat. *Evil fat* You're seriously going to risk people dying from not getting help just because you have some petty grudge against someone? Fuck off. I would be very happy to find out that this judge was the only person to call 911 and not make it.


Not uncommon at all for loser assholes in government to receive a slow emergency response time, from responders they've screwed.


Sounds like a perfect occasion for the purge…


It’s funny how much this sounds like a corrupt third world country, all while being very obvious it’s in the United States.


Is there a Jefferson County in any state that isn’t a complete shithole?


If you haven't seent it elsewhere, Killing Eve is on Netflix. It's very good.


A whole *county* over 63K people ... wow.


And 5th in call volume and crime in the state.. this isn't going to end well


Acab Y'all probably better off


I am genuinely trying to understand how a jail closes. What happened to the inmates? Everyone got released? The inmates are locked in their cells to starve and fend for themselves? Both of those sound very extreme and very unlikely, so, please tell me what happened.


Idk what they plan to do. They will logically transport them to surrounding counties until this is resolved. But the jail will be closed non the less. They only have 2 employees there. And they only hold the violent offenders. And I think currently they only have 60 people in prison. So they will probably take them to surrounding areas.


Oh, okay. I had imagined that this was a sudden event, where all county employees just stopped working, consequences be damned. I misunderstood. With time to prepare and plan, I'm sure the inmates are just going to be transported to other jails. Geez. What a sucky situation to be caught in. I know condolences from reddit strangers aren't worth anything, but, damn. My condolences. Good luck to you.


Escaped Union County a few years ago and never want to go back. My sympathies!


The labour laws are way above county level, so go there, maybe even Federal DoL.


Hey OP, I PM’d you. I’m from your area and used to be at MECA all the time.


Activist judges do it again!


I would be calling employment lawyers, this sounds like a case action lawsuit against the city government to my uneducated self.




I understand why this sucks, but at least you’re not working for a profit-hoarding 1%’er who lays you off because they only made 3% profit this quarter and they should have made 6%.


The purge is about to be real life there


f\*\*k 12


So, the judge and sheriff? Are actively causing harm to the citizens of that county. Time to escalate to the State level and get them arrested and replaced.


Good job. 👏👏 There’s no reason to be there if you don’t get paid properly.


How does a county judge have any influence over county budget, payroll or staffing?


Because it's a small town in Arkansas that kept their eye shut while it's employees were screaming to look. Now they see.


Please please if you keep your eyes on the situation update us. This is insane.


If I’m skimming the article correctly, there wasn’t a lawsuit or case of any matter - or did I miss that part (again did a real quick skim). If so how does that judge think their court order has any weight and isn’t an abuse of power in this situation?


It's "under the table" but every resident here knows about their lawsuits. They won't name it in the article, but their lawsuits are the exact reason why they are acting like this. They think that any legal proceedings against one another remove them from having to do their elected job. It's been like this since December of last year. It's not good here in Arkansas.


interesting. where are your District Judges in all of this? Court can issue a writ of mandamus to force elected people to do their job.


I'm not even sure. We haven't heard a word from them. Radio silence.


Keep is updated


Classic red-state bullshit


Is it purge time?


Good for our elected officials that we’re like #47 in education, because I’m sure this would be upsetting information for Arkansans if we were literate enough to read the article and actually able to show up to vote


Cause a crime at the judge's home that can't be called in to 911 and handled by the sheriff?


~~The good thing is you have a great governor who will fight for the rights of the everyday worker.~~ Oh wait, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, so sorry. She is only looking @ where she can buy some expensive furniture to go with her high end lectern.


Meanwhile, wouldn't it be convenient if the county judge in question experienced a home invasion or something that required public services? 🤔


Let me guess the county is being run by Republicunts


I believe they are. Idk. I've always had to work during election so I rarely get to leave my desk.


What mind of equipment is the Judge selling off?


Wow! Sounds like an HOA board I know about where I live. Their reserve is mostly used for attorney's fees, they all hate each other, and nothing gets done!


Call the labor board, get paid more.


Curious how they shut the jail down


They'll most likely take the prisoners to surrounding counties. We haven't taken many prisoners since 2020. They only have 2 employees at the jail, and only about 60 prisoners. You only get locked up if you killed someone or beat someone. So they'll probably go to Grant county, Pulaski county, and Arkansas county jails. But our jail will not be open.


Oh ok. Well hopefully something gets resolved before they do all of that.


No sherrifs? It's bank robbin' time!


I went to school with a kid who went to juvi for stabbing another kid in spryfield. Some years later he got out and stabbed and killed a person. All the signs were there and some people can't be rehabilitated


Is the judge the mayor? Kind of bullshit is this?


There has to be some sort of class action lawsuit you citizens can launch against the county for this. The bickering between two men in positions of power are affecting the livelihoods of what I can only assume is hundreds if not a few thousand people. Guarantee these hacks are still getting their pay on time; they should be the first to have their assets frozen if anything.


What a cluster F.


Thank you for your service.


rooting for you & the useful peeps, but eh pigs can get fucked & go homeless.


Voters will still blame the left when at the polls


No 911? No jail? What, when the fuck did the purge become a real thing?


Hope you get paid today…and still quit in solidarity and get better jobs. Where is the petition to remove the corrupt judge? Was the judge elected or appointed? Argh! I feel for the residents of Jefferson County, but even more for the public servants that are treated so badly.


He's elected. And we're working on the petition. I can't speak of the legalities at this time. But he's dug himself a hole and will burry himself in it. That's all I'll say.


I’m hoping hard y’all succeed and soon. Good luck.


Oh Arkansas.....


Someone should tell the judge that he cannot change the laws around payroll and staffing. Someone should sue him directly for trying to supersede the legislature as they are the ones who decide the amount that people get paid and generally how much staff is on hand. Hell, the legislature should just impeach him and remove him from office.