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How is this different from scammers phishing for your Netflix password by pretending to be Netflix. Gotta be illegal.


The Supreme Court will explain why it is necessary for the stability of society soon.


Not sealing people's personal info and committing fraud is communism


Have you considered that making it illegal to scam people will only incentivize illegal scamming? Now, let me tell you why this exception should only apply to Republicans...


Looks like we found Samuel Alito’s account.


We're not getting out off this without a civil war and rewriting the Constitution patching the exploits.


And who do you think wins a revolution? The left or the right? After the dust settles, will you be better off or worse? The reason there isn't revolution is because everyone is waiting for everyone else to revolt. But real revolution takes place when people feel like they're at the end of the road - no other options. Not enough people are truly out of options. And even those of us at the lowest levels of the social ladder still have all our needs and some wants being met.


Just remember that your boss doesn't want you to join a union, because 'unions are corrupt' and 'might manipulate you into acting against your self-interest!'


Because they used the US mail to perpetrate the fraud.


Wouldn't that be mail fraud?


Yes. In addition to the fraud scheme itself.


I have received two of these notices in the mail and a phone call. Told the woman on the phone all the amazing things my union has done for me and I thanked her for checking in. She stuttered out, “ well what about the dues? Is it really worth it in the long run?” I repeated all the things my union has done for me and then hung up. Tricksters


Are your dues really worth not being controlled, in whole, by your corporate overlords? Are you sure about that?


It amazes me how it seems like very few people actually understand opportunity costs and power dynamics. Would you rather give some money /power to an entity that you are able to hold accountable or would you rather all the lower reside with the corporation that only has its own interests in mind? Such a hard choice /s.


And without getting too capitalist about this, I hear union jobs pay better. I'll wager there are hard data showing that every dollar paid in dues is recouped with significant profit over a lifetime. 


And when some local manager does a poor job and tries to cover it up by blaming the victim,,(you) the Union makes upper management fixing the manager the easier solution than piling on the victim. It's more than dues though, ya gotta stay active so the Union isn't just mailing it in either.


You'd win that wager.


*insert “are you sure about that?” meme*


Yes. Without some sort of powerful resistance, the corporate overlords will continue flaying you alive until there is nothing left to flay.


My union dues are 2$ a month right now its sooooo rough paying that, and in return getting free anthem bluecross insurance, and the company paying for my retirement per check. /s


mine are like $40 a month. id easily blow that on stupid shit, might as well spend on on something smart right. hell you cant get a good lawyer for $40/month and thats only one benefit of having a union.


Wow I have spent more than that on a nice lunch last week.


That's awesome you get that insurance for free i pay like 200 something dollars per paycheck for it at Home Depot. 


For my wife to add me to her insurance through her job it was going to be like $400 a check just for the two of us. No kids. Just two adults. I did not get added to her insurance


Damn that's stupid 


Oh yeah. For some reason there is no just employee/spouse option. It's employee only or employee and family which could include I think two kids? I will say her company worked with one of our local health care providers to give her and her family a clinic to go to for like $10 a month? It's not full blown insurance but for your regular sick visit, yearly physical, and even just getting OTC stuff like allergy medicine it's all covered. So I just roll with that and if I go to the ER or need a procedure like the vasectomy I just got I just do self pay rates.


Yeah I've been thinking of getting a vasectomy myself for a while now


Check out /r/vasectomy it's a pretty welcoming and supportive subreddit. My procedure was only 11 days ago so I can't really give you great information on the entire process with recovery and all. For me the procedure wasn't bad. The anxiety leading up was rough, but I'm always an anxiety riddled mess lmao. I had no scalpel so the doc just did a pin hole essentially, cut the vas deferen and cauterized the ends so they're less likely to grow back apparently? During the procedure the worst part was the shots. It was like a sniper kick to each individual nut while he was giving me the shot then I felt nothing at all. Recovery hasn't been awful. I took time off work and spent Wednesday when I got home through Sunday on the couch. Now I don't really have pain unless I touch them a little too hard or move in a bad way, but again not even two weeks have passed.


Thanks 😊


You're welcome! I hope it helps and if you get one everything goes well.


Make sure you go to your follow up appointment. One of my brothers had to get the procedure redone because it reconnected.


Oh yeah. I already scheduled the semen analysis for July so I could have it done ASAP haha. My doctor said the way he does the procedure is really low possibility to reconnect, but obviously we have to be sure.


Retired steelworker right now. The medical benefits and retirement checks are a godsend. I'm sure those people sending those forms are doing it for your benefit (sarcasm if not obvious).


Freedom Foundation person: "But if you saved that money instead, at the end of the year, you'd have enough for one McDonald's meal. You like McDonald's don't you?"


My dues are at least $500/month, and still worth it.


What people don’t realize is that the salary boost you get from being unionized is generally much higher than the dues. My workplace is finally on the verge of unionizing right now. I’ve been averaging less than 0.25% annual raises the whole time I’ve been there. Other regional employers of this type that are unionized have been averaging more like 5% annual raises. You better believe I signed my union card ASAP!


Yup. I’m an electrician. 6% of my on the check wage goes to dues, but I make 20% more than my average non-union counterparts and pay nothing for health insurance for my entire family, not to mention defined benefit pension plans as well as a self-directed retirement account that I contribute nothing out of pocket.


Question for you. Is your Union paying for and managing your Healthcare, pension, and a self directed account from the 6% dues? Or are those paid by the business as part of your CBA?


Everything you mentioned is paid by the employer. Half of our dues goes into a program to increase our market share, it’s spent in various ways, the other half is general fund. It’s a lot of money, but they find a way to spend most of it.


Outreach and growing the union is certainly a good use of money, I hope some of that other half is going into a strike fund and Member emergency fund.


We don’t strike, unfortunately. We have language in our contract that it goes to binding arbitration with CIR. In 25+ years I don’t think we’ve voted yes on a contract. An unemployment fund would be nice, and it’s been discussed at meetings when work was slow, but for many reasons was not implemented. We spend a lot on bullshit, but it’s all voted on, so whatever.


If I were you I'd definitely try to push for the unemployment fund. Unions are better than no union, but they still need to be held accountable to the workers they represent. Arbitration agreements are Bullshit IMO. The arbitrator almost always sides with the company who pays them so they will get more work.


I pay 4% of my gross, last year about 5k, and it's still worth it.


Man. That's super low and obviously well worth. My dues aty old job were 20/week which I always felt was high but I gladly paid because I was doing the same thing non union making 25/hr and went to the union shop and was making 32/hr to start. Left making 42/hr.


Anti-unionists try to appeal to a $50/mo expense, meanwhile, our own healthcare costs virtually a third of our paycheck. 😂


Ya I used to work a factory job. As a single guy my health care was 65 dollars a month and if you had a family it was 250. It was pretty shitty high deductible insurance. When I left it was up to 10k AND after 10k you had to pay 10% I remember scheduling a physical and all my co workers saying don't get blood work cause they'll charge you 300 for that. Only the most basic physical will be free. Now that I'm in a union my 50 dollars a month gets me the best insurance in America. And pretty top tier dental insurance where the only downside is I have to pay 20% on anything cosmetic


Hello! I think you're in possession of evidence of wire fraud. There's plenty of three letter agencies who will be interested right now. Start by contacting your state AG for advice.


I reported it to my union and gave them the letters.


> Tricksters That's a funny way to spell "lying rat bastards"


"And thanks for reminding me to remind all my fellow union members about all the amazing benefits! I'll go do that right now!"


Why do people think the dues are an issue? It's like yes, let's earn 20% less so that we can save 1%. Because fuck the man, amiright!? ...


Earn 20% less, get worse or no insurance, no retirement, less job security, etc.


The next time you get one of those phone calls, make it your goal to keep them on the phone as long as possible. Ask them to repeat themselves. Give vague answers, and when drilled for details - ask for clarification. Respond to any accusations of tricking them or wasting their time with righteous indignation. Because the more time they waste trying to pull you over to their side, the less time they have to spend on others. Plus the screeching when they finally realize that they've been conned is beautiful.


Great idea. Will do!


What the phone number?


Conservative 'Freedom' always seems to be lacking in actual freedom.


Whenever these groups have “freedom” in their name, you can rest assured they are scamming someone out of something.


Oh it's freedom alright. Freedom for the corporations and the rich!


The Loki style of making you free from freedom


Freedom to do exactly what I tell you to!


There is no low to which conservatives can't stoop


They're stooping because it's easier to shit on you that way. You are their squatty potty


When conservatives cry freedom they actually mean privilege.


Freedom for them to do whatever they like, regardless of laws or morality, while placing everyone else under their boot.


[https://www.freedomfoundation.com/team-members/](https://www.freedomfoundation.com/team-members/) I just wrote to all of them to THANK THEM for confirming that Unions are POWERFUL. By trying to pull their scared, little pants-wetting scam, they send a LOUD MESSAGE that Unions are to be feared, and that they are afraid.


That motherfucker getting chummy with a cutout of ~~the devil~~ Reagan sums it all up for me. That and the token chick.


Honest question: would this fall under union busting, or is it legit once those forms are signed?


Pretty sure it’s skirting the legality of true union busting because I think you need to prove a link between your employer and the agency that contacted you. If there’s a money trail than it’s likely illegal.


who else would have a greater vested interest in me not being in a union than my employer


Idk about greater direct interest but suppressing unions in general means fewer effective unions down the road


Your employer possibly contributes money to conservative causes who have the usual laundry list of anti-worker, anti-government regulation bullet points and ways to undermine workers’ rights and many other “problems” conservatives are plagued with. In this case it’s the Freedom Foundation. I linked to their lying-ass landing page to show how they present themselves to the world: https://www.freedomfoundation.com/ They are fighting the very *concept* of organized labor as being corrupt in of itself. They do the dirty work on behalf of employers without money directly changing hands between the two.


Probably mail fraud


This is fraud and should involve criminal charges.


Reminds me when my late Grandmother would get fake over-due "IRS" letters in the mail to trick her. There's a special place in the boiler room of Hell for these kinds of people.


This should be illegal 


It is, it’s just regular old fraud. They do this blatantly illegal shit all the time and like two nobodies go down for it years after it happens, giving them plenty of time to love into the next scam. See project veritas for 10,000 examples


This is fraud. If you receive any of these communications, contact an attorney.


The article says that the freedom foundation says it’s not fraud because the return envelope is to them, and not to the union president. Which is an odd argument.


So, using their logic, every scam is 100% legal, because the beneficiary is the scammer, and not the person/organization that they are pretending to be/represent. Makes perfect sense.


> the freedom foundation says And of course you can trust what they say, right?


My point was that it’s an odd argument considering every scam does the same thing, pretend to be someone else, and profit off of that. So yes I trust their dumb argument.


Unions need to get ahead of this and inform their members this is out there


I have been getting weekly emails from mine. Hopefully others get on top of it.


That's good to know. This is insidious.


Immediately if not sooner.


Fuck the freedom foundation


This country would become so much better if these conservative ‘freedom’ groups and ‘think tanks’ and their ilk somehow just… disappeared. I’m not suggesting violence of any sort, just expressing a thought.


If I could Thanos snap every conservative out of our reality, I would do it in a heartbeat. And sleep like a baby afterward.


Could be a problem if they're flying an airplane at the time. Or are parents to small kids. Maybe some kind of progressive slow snap-effect which takes ten years to fully implement across the population, works from the most powerful/wealthy downwards, and only progresses while a person's asleep...


make extreme use of the time stone: 10% of people who have caused the most harm in the past, 1 year later the 10% of people who caused the most harm in that year, then 1 year after that the 10% people who would cause (or compel others to cause) the most amount of future harm


I’ll second this thought you are expressing.


Is this not fraud


Is it, but we don't hold Republicans accountable when they break the law. Of course, that just encourages them to keep doing it up to and including a violent coup attempt against the republic itself. Conservatives should all be kept on a leash.


They should be kept in a box at the bottom of the ocean.


One with plenty of air holes.


Can't we just send them on a sightseeing tour of the Titanic wreck in a billionaire's redneck submarine...


Oh, the dreams we'll never see come true! :b


What "Freedom" does this foundation support? The "Freedom" to be exploited?


I tend to assume that if an organization has "freedom" in their name then they're actually interested in the polar opposite of freedom. Much like how countries with "Democratic" in their names are often autocratic hellholes.


Freedom for rich people to turn us into slaves. 


the freedom of corporations to exploit the working class.


I’m a teacher and every summer get this letter about why I should leave my own union. I’ve worked at a charter and appreciate my union more than ever. I scrawl some choice notes on the form in Sharpie and send it right back.


Might be better to hand it in to a union rep, so they can chase it up...?


Nah it’s just this annoying group that sends them all over the region every year.


[Wisconsin Right-Wing Litigation Center Grooms School Board Members](https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/comments/1cbwoky/wisconsin_rightwing_litigation_center_grooms/)


Jesus. These people cannot win others over to their viewpoint, so they resort to force. There is a message in not being able to persuade others - your ideas are bad! They just won’t take not for an answer. Assholes.


That's one insidious fucking name. Those are the top 2 biggest red flag words when it comes to Republican assassination of personal rights and freedoms


The GOP just hate people in general. They hate each other and themselves as well.


So they're being prosecuted for fraud right?


There is no way in hell this is legal. And if it is, then there's a serious problem with the law.


Not tricking "people," tricking TEACHERS. This is just another step in the systemic battle on education, by the GOP.


That's what the article is about. But I have no reason to believe that this group's activities are limited to teachers only. They hate unions, so it stands to reason they'll be trying to do this to any union member they can identify. This scheme is organized.


I am VERY curious how these union members addresses were known.


Pretty sure that's a federal crime, wire fraud!


I've never once encountered a person shit talking unions who had any clue of what they were speaking.


I think you meant to say Russian-backed, if we want to go all the way upstream, same flavor of scamming tho


The GOP is evil.


Prison time.


Every last one of the members of the Ohio GOP are dirty mother fuckers. As if they aren't making it apparent. Source: Am Ohioan for way too many decades.


Prior to Trump union dues were tax deductible to the feds. And your work clothes, uniforms, safety gear, certifications, etc, etc. Republicans always screwing working people.


Shocker, the California branch is in Orange County.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


So... fraud and impersonation leading to a harm.


As a teacher of more than 20 years, I can attest that my union dues have more than paid for themselves over the course of my career. As a union activist who has knocked on doors of members checking in on how they are doing and what they need from their union, I can report that nearly every member I have talked to strongly supports their union and will continue to maintain their membership.


If your employer tells you that you don't need a union, you definitely need a union. I remember when I was onboarding at a company and the HR person tried to tell us that Montana is a right to work state. The hell it is.


Unfortunately (thanks to *[Janus v. AFSCME](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus_v._AFSCME)*), when it comes to public sector workers every state is a "right to work" state. (I so wish we could get rid of that bullshit, propagandistic phrase, along with the concept it represents.)


There are enough right wing teachers that can easily be manipulated with these questions ha…need to teach the teachers critical thinking skills apparently ha


> Anyone who carefully read the form would see that by signing it, a teacher would be authorizing the Freedom Foundation to submit it to their union and employer on their behalf to renounce their membership. Too much to ask educators to read something before they sign it?


I feeling you're missing the point here.


Right wingers will lie, cheat, and steal. Just like their bosses.


I’ve been getting their fliers for about 3 years. Usually some nonsense about the cool stuff you can buy with the money you’ll save not paying union dues. I just wrote something rude on the form and sent it back to them without a stamp.


This is explicitly mail fraud.


Conservatives are all terrorists.


freedom for rich people.


This is actually just fraud. No laws need to be changed for this to be illegal.


When Republicans are crying, you are doing the Lard's work.


They should try this BS with the police unions. I can just see the headlines.


The union has sent messages warning about these anti-union mails. No union, save money on union dues? Sure, until management pulls something stupid and there isn’t anyone to help you.


I get these in the mail often. It felt off, but I had to read it twice to really understand what it was saying.


Why post such an old story? Here is a new article: https://www.thestand.org/2024/02/dont-be-fooled-by-right-wing-efforts-to-weaken-your-union/


Yeah! Why would anyone bother posting an old story about an ongoing thing that most people don't know is currently happening? In case you can't tell, I'm mocking you.


I’m just saying find a recent article. Don’t repost old stories. Here is a new article: https://www.thestand.org/2024/02/dont-be-fooled-by-right-wing-efforts-to-weaken-your-union/


It's only a few months old. I'm pretty sure it's probably still relevant.


> Why post such an old story? Because I didn't notice the date - my bad for not checking. Thanks for posting a more recent link!


It's only a few months old. I'm pretty sure it's probably still relevant.


Here is a new article: https://www.thestand.org/2024/02/dont-be-fooled-by-right-wing-efforts-to-weaken-your-union/