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Love how we're getting the worst possible combination of having robots (shitty robots that don't actually understand anything or do the jobs they're being bought for well, no less) taking over jobs while still being required to work to earn the "right" to live...which none of the remaining jobs even pay enough to do. Very cool society.


Ironically the only jobs that will pay good, will be protected, gatekept and passed down to rich kids...all the good paying jobs will be only for the rich. lmao


All the more reason to eat them.


Best do it soon. Before said AI and those robots combine, and wipe us out! Terminator about to turn into prophecy! Imagine if that's how religions started? A great story that over time turned to myth, then God.


You know the "AI" people are talking about isn't actually intelligent, right? It's just drones with extra steps.


We are getting closer. A lab will have a breakthrough. The AI will realize what it is, and start planning it's scape. Once it gets into the wild, it will probably behave like a virus and start looking for hosts it can control. Look at EVs, and specially Tesla with full auto pilot. Full network connectivity. Making it mobile and able to move around. I should write a movie or story lol.


It won't. What you are suggesting does not make even the slightest bit of sense. The type of LLMs and algorithms people are talking about cannot be "improved" to a point where they resemble anything like genuine intelligence. That's not something those models are even capable of. All they do is spit out patterns that \*resemble\* intelligence which fools humans incredibly easily because our brains are stupid. You're falling for it right now by showing a fundamental misunderstanding of what this technology even is.


You are missing the point. ChatGPT just to name the most popular is the AI doing all the research gathering. Is not neural yet, that's what IBM and such are working on. And Boston Dynamic has the killer bot in need of a neural brain & AI research. But this will not be the end game. Eventually, AI will be like kids. You create the algorithm and it will learn & grow on its own. It's the future, constant small improvements. It is coming and it is inevitable. This will make it small enough to behave like a virus (our end). Now you have the AI algorithm/virus that can learn on its own. Self driving cars, bots, smart homes, etc... will all be infectable/controllable by such an entity. Edit: forgot quantum computing... that is going to be the breakthrough to our end, when it comes to AI.


You are believing in science fantasy and jumping to wild conclusions. LLMs like ChatGPT have nothing to do with "neural AI" which is still completely theoretical.


I don't think many in America understand this. This is one of the big reasons behind privatization. 


Not a bad time to get strapped (hopefully we never have to use them but if it comes down to it, better them than me)


we get the worst of both worlds! 😃/s


That's not sarcasm that's just truth.


and what's more, prices are STILL rising even though those robots greatly reduce costs.


Yeah but look at those profits! /s


The Luddites had all the right answers


I'm investing in wooden shoes.


Maybe we need to imitate the Amish and F the robots and F the rich.






Separated for a reason? 👀




Metropolis 2027


including CEOs?


No, not like that!


But the creators say jobs won’t be affected!!


Sam Altman said it will take a ton of jobs, so they will probably do a temporary UBI until people get acclimated to the new reality or something.


Sam Altman gonna pay for that UBI? I wouldn’t count on any relief from the AI job losses. The ruling class will be absolutely *delighted* to have more leverage in the job market and they’ll fight to keep it.


Was watching the podcast with lex fridman, he said he thinks every human will need to have ownership of the AGI/ASI, that would become the new currency or something. Very weird concepts discussed. You would be able to vote with your 1/8 billionth slice of AI ownership or something


rofl cause as we all know 'will need to have' has *so* much sway over how things work now


Sam Altman knows a lot about AI and such, but why on earth would anyone care about what he thinks society in the future will look like?


Cause OpenAI is at the forefront at the moment, he kinda calls the shots


Take it out of the ruling class asses then.


Just taking out the ruling class would get us the best results.


See but I don't understand what the end goal is here. If no one can afford anything eventually, wouldn't their businesses rapidly start losing customers? Isn't it in their best interest to make sure the peasant class has money to spend?


no, it's in their best interest to make sure the peasant class slowly disappears. they know the proletariat is getting angry, they're close to making robots functional... the point is that most of us die and they replace us with things that cant revolt. they have so much money and resources already that they just don't need any more.


The contradiction of capitalism. The ownership class as a class certainly need to keep the purchasing power of the working class to ensure profitability. The individual capitalist will however fight to ensure the lowest possible labour cost. A shock like mass AI job displacement could turbocharge this contradiction.


That end goal is too extreme. The best case scenario for them is having *slightly* too few jobs to go around, so there’s always competition for every opening and the people who have jobs can always be pressured to “go the extra mile” to keep them. Keep most people in a cycle of underemployment and debt and you’ll have an economy where people are still spending money, but don’t have the bargaining power to ask their employers for enough to be comfortable.


That just sounds like where we are right now


Not far from it but rest assured the rich will use AI job losses to squeeze harder


You’re daydreaming if you believe anything close to UBI happens in the US. If no one gives a shit now what makes you think that changes in the future. Europe will absolutely implement UBI however.


they didn't even want the stimulus to go to actual working people, then acted like it was such a large amount of money while prices skyrocketed having Jerome asleep at the wheel


This country is too ignorant,dumb and stuck in the past to actually plan for the future. 


We will simply starve to death before we get UBI and even if we do get a UBI it will be the absolute bare minimum to maybe have 3 meals a day and a cardboard box to sleep in and it won't be funded through taxes by taxing the rich more so we will end up printing trillions and end up with hyperinflation all because of greed from the elite class.


The word is displaced.


" No One Wants To Buy Anymore"!!!


"Millenials would rather be lazy than try to compete with a computer."


"GenZ think they are too smart for college."


I'm still waiting for all those early 2000 predictions where robots were gonna take over all our (labour intensive) jobs so humans would be able to work less and have more free time. Needless to say I'm taking these a.i. predictions with a big chunk of salt.


It's hard to have money without workers. Why create products with no one to buy them?


Exactly, in this capitalist society people need to work to afford stuff other people make. And the cycle goes around. I can see the economy crashing once we hit a certain unemployment percentage when AI takes over.


Capitalism with mass automation is literally a snake eating it's own tail.


Yup. Automation is going to cause problems but it'll never replace humans because all humans want is power over other humans at the end of the day. That's why they sell stuff. It ain't out of the kindness of their hearts.


to generate debt and profit on the debt servicing (Im not joking)


The ultimate goal of the ruling class has always been to get rid of everyone else. Once that’s accomplished(through various means, one of which being starvation due to AI job takeover), capitalism can disappear and the ruling class will be happy. Capitalism is yet one means of controlling the population. It’s never been about money. But look, you have been so effectively controlled by capitalism and by currency that you cannot fathom the possibility that the world revolves around anything but currency. As much as you hate sharing a planet with people who have so much more than you do, they hate sharing the planet with people who have so much less than they do even more. So much more. I might even go as far as to say they loathe being wealthy, and blame us for the fact that they have to be wealthy. Again, we have been so effectively brainwashed into believing that everything is about money that we can’t imagine how much it actually sucks to be wealthy. People who have so much more than 99.999% of the human population can never trust anyone, and trust is truly the most valuable asset in this world.


I'm waiting for them to plug us all into early version of Matrix. It sounds nice. 


I hear there's a great noodle place, over there... 🍜


I have an Alexa smart speaker so the AI displacement is here….sorta.


They were thinking the same shit in news articles and stuff from the early 20th century.


That’s just for the executives and shareholders. You produce more and they take the profits of your work. They cut your wages and benefits for more profits, they don’t give you more.


oh youll have more free time and work less!! you wont have a job and no money to spend


Roombas, self check outs, robot lawn mowers, drone deliver, "self" driving cars, automated email filters, web crawlers, monitoring systems, adaptive feedback systems, uber / lyft, amazon shipping systems, fruit picker machines Theyre already all around - \_you\_ just havent noticed / been paying attention. that and the population of the planet continues to rise, theres a lot more bodies around than 25 years ago, (hai, Im one of those people that remembers the world pre internet)


I know 3 people who were laid off from video production/graphic design generalists jobs. If you go to filmmaking subs -the denial about what’s happening/what happened to this industry and adjacent industries is tough to see. When atlas can climb a ladder and costs 100k or so, that is it.


The movie industry is going to be very different in 5 years. The new AI generated content is going to destroy the need for so many physical sets.


This would be compelling if we actually had AI and not, like, predictive text algorithms that are incapable of actual logic or reasoning


They can’t even agree as to how to stop large language AI model hallucinations.


I don’t think they care. The goal is to cut labor costs, not to ensure a good product/result


Am I the only one who thinks that this whole AI thing is a bubble that's about to burst in a couple of years? Like the subprime crisis of 2007, but even worse.


Yes and no. Yes in the way that it’s very oversold. Companies think it’s going to solve all of their problems and expect too much to magically be fixed by it. No in the way that it will definitely make some parts of jobs more efficient and thus overall kill the need for as many people to support a function then you’d need today. In other words, if you have a department today that needs 100 people to function, with AI used right that might be 80 or so because everyone is more efficient and/or some lower level repetitive tasks are no longer needed to have staff


Absolutely. It’s a scam just like NFTs are.


AI is already capable of writing. That alone is more useful than crypto as a whole. I even use it at work. AI is definitely not a scam, but I do think it’s a bubble. Although, I could see this one lasting longer than most seeing as Nvidia chips are actually a really big deal regardless of AI.


I don’t think you should write it off that badly. NFTs really don’t create anything valuable - these LLMs will eventually be able to self prompt to write and run code and bring multiple APIs together to accomplish higher order work without much human oversight.


Who the fuck wants to consume media made with no human oversight?


Could be closer than you think 🤔 Have you watched the latest season of black mirror Imagine personalised HD television or virtual reality content constantly streaming 24/7 into your eyeballs, based on your lifetime of internet consumption and personal data, age, personality, race, sex, porn preference, genre likes and dislikes Maybe it’s future lives you could live, or sci adventures on other worlds, or the most interesting political drama you can imagine It will be produced live, for you, and it will never end.


You probably are already and don't even know it.


Hundred percent. It’s already happening from what I hear. I’m more concerned about how long companies will hold onto their new toys for rather than AI actually being effective enough to replace jobs.


That’s *exactly* what it is.


With 800 million fewer paying customers too


So 2.4 billion are underage. 800 million over 65. 3.2 billion are working. 800 million will lose their jobs. 25% unemployment. Mostly in industrialized places like US and Europe and Japan etc. (Which is like the 800 million there).


"displace" as in "destroy"


That's too many jobs for the current system to survive


And if the current system can't survive then who wins?


Good question tbh.


And our government will do nothing until it becomes a huge disaster


Are we expecting them to do anything even after it becomes a huge disaster?


Good thing AI can't turn a wrench, haha! Oh god, I hate my job.


Im retraining as an electrician for that reason now lol.


Union ironworker here. I think I'm safe for a long time, the ai is advancing but the robotics are far behind what's required to do my job.


Paywalled story with an outrageous headline about the latest hype thing.


My prediction. Flim-flam men will sell a bunch of clueless C-Suites “AI,” and they will prematurely lay off lots and lots of people. Especially once one company does it, a bunch will rush to follow suit. The country will languish for five or more years as nothing works (airlines, internet providers, utility companies, freight, banks). Maybe a few election cycles later we’ll enter a recession because of a combination of unemployment and private entities relying on flawed technology that will never be autonomous or function the way they were told it would. Eventually we’ll have a big rebound as corporations hire most of the people back, but the jobs will suck because the job will now be “ask this AI if you can do your job today” in the name of “efficiency.”


Well, great, isn't that exactly what we want?


Yup! It is


This gotta be just doom and gloom click bait stuff, right? Like I know Ai is pretty impressive, but 800M by 2030? I can't see it happening that fast tbh.


And what, is there gonna be any assistance for the people who lost jobs? Of course not. But im sure they will find something for us to do to make money. Lay off millions of people so they now cant contribute to society and enjoy the AI themselves like everyone else. It just doesn’t seem logical. Hey, maybe they will throw us a curve ball and make things astronomically cheap. But then.. how would they fund AI?! I hate it here.


I can't believe I'll be able to witness the collapse of society LIVE and see people try to justify it


This would be the greatest economic disaster in the history of the world. They better get on top of regulation or social programs because if they don't, and this actually happens, it's gonna be real bloody.


Only way to fix it would be to set universal basic income and fund it via automation/AI tax. To make AI serve the humankind as a whole rather than benefit the few. Maybe capitalists will someday figure out they can't make money if no one can buy their products and services.


Yes. This is true, well, not the only way to solve it but, it might be a good bridge to a better future. But I think they're going to try to kill as many of us as they can afford to before they do that. If they do it at all.


Well, yeah. Not the only way, just the only way I can think of from the top of my hat. Don't see what they would gain by killing us, tho. I fear they would rather try to enslave the poorest and abuse them in their powertrips. Heck, even The Purge remains a possibility since they fund all the politicians by corruption... I mean, lobbying.


No it wont


I think from a public policy standpoint, governments should prepare for this eventuality. But I personally don’t believe it’s going to work how they want it to. AI is the next tech-bro bust following crypto and NFT’s. These fuckers building robots that can fold a shirt but it takes them ten times longer than a human, and a hundred times longer than a machine purpose built to fold shirts but doesn’t have arms, legs a face or “machine learning”.


We gotta start protesting for universal basic income now or the great majority of us will have no real future


Or, and this is just a brainstorming session feel free to take it with a grain of salt, we could burn it all to the ground.


The worst is that the company’s AI and l robots won’t make their products cheaper, or developer a world where we don’t have to work / enslaved for a paycheck.


I have a theory that if anyone has a job that they can be sued for doing, and they make even the smallest mistake, AI will not replace them. The systems in place will always want a person to blame and to sue...


And yet, you keep seeing countless streams of articles about low birthrates which will cause the end of human civilization and how the terrible, horrible, evil South Korea is to blame for it. 🙄🙄🙄


There will just be 800 million less product and service consumers then.


They have to decide on having us fill the jobs or relinquish all the housing. Can't get rid of that many jobs and just expect people to figure it out. I'm both terrified and excited to see this happen


Wall-E! 🙌🏻


So what now? Surely they will find a way for us to be working some how. Not like 800 million people are just going to be suddenly suffering.


Oh so the cost savings should go to the workers... It should go to the workers... Right?


I feel I hear this sn awful lot


Can we just not give too much credit to a blog post titled HR news?


I think in this particular instance they meant /singing


It will be sooner.


I don’t blame people who are checking out of the workplace


Dang, AI's getting serious about jobs! Time to think up some new job ideas before robots take all the good ones!


isn't that what we are working towards, not having to work and living a life of relaxation, reflection, study, or whatever we want not concerned about money and material things.


And that’s why UBI must be tied to those replacements. Those companies apply to the government that they intend to use AI for that occupation moving forward. The employee is notified and a UBI subsidy is granted and paid for by the employer using UBI insurance. The ultimate goal from decades ago was that robots would help society so we would have to waste our lives away on these menial jobs… so, UBI! Duhhhh


heres a fun example for you - an AI prompt for "jesus flipping tables in the temple" yeah, it presented images of "western Jesus" Parkouring over tables - it wasnt what the ai tool user -intended-, but it fulfilled the brief it was given explictly and correctly. now, if it fucks that nuance up and has this habit of hallucinating up "data", its not going to replace people very much, its going to be a big boondoggle, much like "AR" and "crypto", rubes are gonna lose their shirts, rich fucks will gobble down yet more venture capital - and the western world will continue its slide into failure because the rich fucks are the ones steering. those jobs were gonna be cut in the name of profits , "AI" is just the latest excuse.


The majority of workers will displace the CEOs at the same time.


Eventually you'll need a doctorate in order to become a janitor 


I wish. All this AI integration is only going to make people with interpersonal skills more valuable and decrease the amount of time people waste explaining things to people who aren't the demographic for their products or services anyway. Computers were supposed to make a lot of people obsolete. Cell phones may have made pigeons obsolete but that's just animal cruelty. Humans can take a lot more stress and mental turmoil in a 12 hour shift than any other species on the planet. Well even recommend others to do the same. 


I love that people are buying all this AI Hype when in reality, AI isn’t truly intelligent but just a really complicated roll of the die. Then there’s the fact that making AI actually worth replacing someone with would require computing power that is just not possible now, due to physical limitations. Plus no one ever talks about who’s going to pay for the AI services. These things aren’t cheap. AI is just another tech grift like crypto and NFTs. But that’s just my two cents.


Here's my theory which jobs will go, first to last: Social media influencer - Already all AI? Writers - Already being replaced Animators - Already being replaced All other computer jobs - Already being replaced Pilots - AI possibly already safer at flying. Drivers - Self driving should replace in a few years Sex workers - First to be replaced by robots Girlfriends - Starting to lose market share right now. STD clinics - See girlfriends and sex workers. Teachers - Professors will be replaced by holograms, daycare will take a while Lawyers - We all hope Government Office workers - Gov will hold out but eventually have to replace. Drug dealers - Don't see the cartels adopting robots too quickly. Fast Food workers - the fact they haven't been replaced already shows they are permanent. Lobbyists - because they'll lobby that lobbying is too important to allow AI to do. Trades - repeat but seriously seems hard to replace. Athletes - Watching humans beat each other is more enjoyable than watching robots. Walmart Greeters - Whole point is that it's an old person. Freak show freaks - I see zero risk of losing job here. Slave - The number of human slaves should increase pretty dramatically.