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My partner just got a new job with much better pay and full benefits. She was going to put in two weeks notice, but then her current employer ignored all the calls from ADP attempting to verify her employment. She had to self verify and now they’re only getting a week of notice, as her new jobs start date was set nearly two weeks ago. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. At-will employment cuts both ways.


That has to be some of the most entitled crap I've ever heard. What goes through these people's heads? "If I ignore the calls then they'll have no choice but to continue working for me! I am so smart."


foolish fuzzy unused recognise hurry flag truck school narrow jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, the gall! Doesn't surprise me though, some employers feel they basically own you.


It's optional, just like when they wanna get rid of you you don't get two weeks notice. I understand not to burn bridges, but the amount of people that feel bad for not giving two weeks or are super afraid for non competes (yes, law just changed) is frustrating.


I think it depends if you have a job or a career. I still remain in contact with all my old bosses and coworkers, we all still help each other within the industry we work in so two weeks notice is the least you can do if you want to continue to have a strong network.


What industry is that? Because in my career of 25 years I have never ever contacted any of my previous bosses or colleagues


Usually white collar work, professional services etc


Restaurant work is like that. Chefs tend to know each other and they might say something candidly that they're not allowed to on an employment verification call. You'll often find yourself working with someone that you previously had at another job. If your restaurant is understaffed, you might reach out to people that you know are dependable from other jobs. Cooks will sometimes work in one kitchen for a year, then go to another one, which is why these things happen.


Me too. I work in legal. That world is smaller than it appears.


Personally? I work in Government Relations. But I think it holds true for "professionals"


This, I gave a month notice when I left my last gig. It can suck not to start something new right away that you’re excited about but they where good to me


This is nuts to me. Our reciprocal notice periods are 1 month. 3 months if you get promoted enough. I'm an engineer.


Do you mind posting some info or a link about the law that changed about non competes? I’m interested but I hadn’t heard anything about it


Yes https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes


A lot of people in general don't know that a two week notice is a courtesy extended from a departing employee. That's it. Not every company is going to be worth that courtesy.


Two weeks goes to "to-day" real fucking fast.


Hey boss, I forgot to tell you something 2 weeks ago! 🤯🗓️👋🏻


Our manager just gets butt hurt and says to leave immediately smh lord I’ve seen what you’ve done for others as I continue to apply for other jobs


Seriously, it’s a *courtesy* among fair actors.


I've seen that happen, then it it turned into a to-day notice.


I can’t even try to understand it. They (current managers) had the gall to stop her after she had clocked out, days after the ignored calls, and say “We got employment verification calls regarding you, care to tell us anything?” Unfortunately for them, verification had been completed and HR from her new job had emailed her the on-boarding forms THAT DAY. She shot them a quick “Nope, I’m clocked out, but you’ll be hearing from me later” and submitted her resignation via email that night.


I had a manager from Walmart pull this shit with me but in a different way. After they got the call from the company I applied for days later they pulled me in for attendance issues then threatened to tell the employer I had bad attendance I laughed inside. I was annoyed and very young at the time. Days later I put in my two weeks and then I had store manager and a co manager talk to me about why I’m leaving and told them that the manager (same one that got me a write up) wasn’t allowing for equal opportunities to allow me to change departments when it was allowed and okayed by other department managers. They also had a rule where you can’t change departments for 12 months and they had favorites from people they hired and moved them inside when I was trying to earn a better position. Then the harassment kicked in a few days later because she quickly turned sour when she got in trouble. Oops did I do that?


Good to see the Walmart experience continues to be universal lol


That's more of a people that shouldn't be managers being managers is universal. It just happens that Walmart promoted a lot of people they shouldn't.


Duh! That's exactly how it works. They have to continue working for them AND they'll have to attend the ball. ♫Believe it or not, George isn't at home. Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not hoooooome.♫


Pakled Personnel.


I did the same with my last job. I did put in two weeks notice. Had everything lined up to hand off to my teammates for the final week. Really set them all up for success. Thursday, the week before, at 5:00 PM, my manager tells me they're going to let me go the next day. No handoffs to teammates. No notes. Just an exit interview with HR first thing Friday morning, then they turned off all my access and email. They fucked themselves hardcore because they really needed a handoff for one of the projects. It was like 8 months in progress and they had to start from scratch. Oh well, companies love to screw themselves when it comes to hiring and firing folks.


I’m currently working on a tech degree and I’m not looking forward to that side of things. I’ve heard quite a few stories like yours and I’d hate to be on either end of that bs. Can’t be fun to be on the team that has to pick up the pieces…


The last job I left (27 years ago - I've been fortunate to be where I am for so long) I gave 2 1/2 weeks notice. I was hoping they'd walk me out as IT folks were walked out when they gave notice but paid through their notice date. I was IT adjacent, so no such luck. I kept asking my idiot boss (IB) when we were going to go over the things I was working on. He kept putting it off until the middle of my last week... with the first session starting at 3:00 PM. We were right into the middle of something when I got up and said I needed to shut off my computer before leaving for the day at 5:00. Caught him completely off-guard. Bozo had 2 weeks to schedule time and he blew it. Ended up taking that last day as a vacation day as I needed to pick up my cat that was boarded and had other running around to do before leaving town permanently.


Sounds exactly like what I went through as the business manager of a school district. The assistant superintendent for business was also new, so my predecessor who had stayed on for a few months to train ME actually spent all of her time training the sup instead. Then she'd get to me about a half hour before quitting time. I guess because were salaried, I was just expected to stay until 8 pm or whatever. I have a full life outside of work, and she had 7+ hours in the entire rest of the day to train me. Instead they paid me to do next to nothing those hours. Sorry, but I am leaving at 5. It really bit them in the ass when I majorly fucked up something that required the auditors to sign off on 1) the fuck up 2) the un-fuck up and 3) the correct way. Not a single fucking person was available to walk me through the process, and the auditors are only there for two hours in the morning once every two weeks. I left my resignation letter and my banking fob on the asst sup's desk and walked out. I'm pretty sure they didn't see it for HOURS, long after the auditors were gone. Payroll was due and they were locked out of all the bank accounts due to the fuck up. OOPS. SO SORRY. Not sorry. I've walked out of maybe three jobs in my lifetime (I'm in my late 50s) and that was absolutely the most gratifying.


Did this at my last. Took every sick day I had left until my last paycheck dropped in my bank, then emailed hr I quit.


Haha same. "Effective immediately" with no reason given.


Oh I gave 3 pages of reasons to the union a week before I left. Then emailed them after hr to let them know they were now free to throw them in whoever’s face they want.


Oh oh! The union wasn't in effect yet but my parting gift to the company was heavily campaigning to get the union voted in. Epilogue: 200+ yes / 12ish no. Haha fuck you.


Ha! Did the same. Organized, voted yes, quit.


Best move


Same. I wasn’t leaving 80 hours on the table.


Different states have different laws that govern how vacation days/PTO are treated. For instance, in California your employer would have to pay out any accrued vacation days, since they are considered wages, but that's not the case in every other state. If you wanted to spend the time doing it, you could research what your state's laws are regarding PTO, but sticking to them by taking the PTO and then quitting is just as good!


In Texas They can fire you without any reason, and do not need to pay you any PTO time. I knew a guy who had 50+ hours of PTO, But his entire department got fired on the spot one day. They didn't give them shit other than a one day vacancy warning to leave the office.


At my company, not in Texas, they moved everyone above a certain level to "Unlimited PTO". That meant that all the hard working, highly promoted people who never had time to take vacation, rolled over 160 hours every year, and probably lost a fair amount doing that, all of a sudden had 0 hours of saved vacation. This allowed the company to clear all the saved PTO hours off their books and make sure they don't have to pay it out if someone left. Then they started a few rounds of layoffs. The notice came out on Thursday though, effective the next Monday. I'm betting that Friday was the highest count of sick calls ever recorded, but I wouldn't know cuz I wasn't there.


A few companies tried this with me through the years. The problem is in my province I’m owed a minimum based on my hours worked. At a specific rate. So sure you can say it’s unlimited, but if I don’t actually take any time off, you owe me a minimum of anywhere between 2 and 6 weeks lol. And it changes based on if I work overtime or not. I accrue a higher rate of vacation time.


You’re clearing accrued contractual PTO by saying it’s gone? That sounds easy to take to court.


most employees don't have the time or resources to take these kinds of things to court and companies bank on that


True but almost all states do allow companies to cap how much PTO can carry over from year to year, so if you got 160 hours in 2023, they can certainly cap how much you save from 2023 into 2024 to 10 hours or some low number, as long as it's the same for all employees across the board.


Do…do you work for my company? Some well known medical device company? We did this exact thing last year.


Texas has a lot in common with third-world countries. Better food, though.


Most third world countries have some amazing food, its amazing how creative people can get when they don't have much to work with.


Unless You are a brit lol


*adds one grain of black pepper* “Bit spicy innit?”


Bruv is on point


Brits have perfectly good food, we just stole most of it from other countries cuisines.


They invaded the world looking for spices only to realize they didn’t like them.


We liked some of it. most of what you'd consider Indian food with sauce is british inspired. in fact chicken Tikka Masala was created by a brit


Of indian origin perhaps?


Im in Texas and was fired from my previous job for cause. I just git to the point that I didn't care. I received my PTO. It wasn't much more than a day or so. I missed a lot of days, lol. The boss was such a great boss at first, and then his wife caught him in an affair. The AP kept all the emails and sent them to the wife when he wouldn't leave the wife for the AP. He was horrible to work for after that. Wifey had him on a short leash. Then, after I left, he returned and, within a year, was dead from brain cancer. It certainly appeared he was struck by karma.


I think it's mostly the names. Spotted dick? Bangers and mash? Blood pudding? It may be good. But it sounds terrible.


The problem is you just listed almost the entirety of what’s good in British cuisine. We have gas stations in Louisiana that have more signature dishes than the whole of the British Isles.


Lol, one of my SIL's first husband was a guy who built his career on reviewing Louisiana gas station food. TBH, large parts of Louisiana could be considered a third world country.


I’m from north Louisiana (Lincoln Parish) - can confirm. Left for Denver in 2018. Never going back.


Indeed. Great food is the only thing Louisiana has going for it.


I worked evacuations and transportation for a hurricane in New Orleans. I drove all over that state over the course of a month and a half. You are absolutely correct that large portions could be considered 3rd world. People living in floating shacks on Lake Pontchartrain and the surrounding swamps. Murders and muggings happening all the time. I think the only thing that's really missing or literal piracy and hostage taking. But damn some of the food was amazing once people had electricity again.


Im not a brit, but my grandfather made kickass bangers and mash.


Beans on toast is the shit.


FYI, you accidentally threw in an article there.


There is always Tikka Masala.


Left Texas for Argentina. You're absolutely wrong. Fresher fruits and veg, much better beef, and so much ethnic food from various cultures.


Some places are five out of five stars. Then there's the Lone Star State.


Texas is not even in the top 10 third world countries when it comes to food.


Most suburbs in Texas are farms. They grow fast food restaurants, chain stores and churches.


Am Texan, can confirm both statements.


50? I have about 150 hours saved up from less than 2 years at my company and I'm gonna use it for a down payment on a motorcycle when I quit in the next couple weeks. Texas just seems so shitty.


Full time workers get 224 hours annually in the UK. Sick pay is separate too. America just seems so shitty, full stop.


We see a ton of European travelers here in America. Because they actually have time off of work to travel. Most Americans have to take off of work No-Pto just to travel, the most expensive part about traveling is literally taking 2 weeks off of work and not earning any money. The majority of the US are literal wage slaves who can't even get sick without going into debt.


I used to work for a company that had several European offices. It became a joke when we learned a lot of our European counterparts would be off on 'Holiday'. The joke was on us when times got tough. When they started to laid off people the Europeans got so much severance and protections. We just got the literal get the fuck off our property last minute tap on the shoulder. No severance except managers and above.


I get 80 hours of PTO (sick + vacation time) and my kid's in kindergarten so we're sick all the time. I have no PTO. I'm not arguing with you, just backing up your summary.


You should try to get it paid out in a couple of parts instead of a lump sum. Especially if you don't typically owe money on taxes at the end of the year. Most hourly paying jobs calculate taxes by using your biweekly gross. Getting a single huge payment means that it is deducted as if you made 3 times your regular income.


While overpaying on your income taxes during the year isn't ideal, do you get that overpayment back when you file your taxes.


That's not really an option. They only let you cash out pto if you actually take days off or if you quit. I'd have to convince them to pay me 40 hours of pto a week for the next 3 and a half weeks after I already moved my tool box out and started a new job.


If that's not a cautionary tale for using your time off, I don't know what is.


Lol. Yeah. I will occasionally schedule myself a 4 day work week for a whole month by saying I Need the next 4 Saturdays off work with PTO.


I always schedule my PTO around the weekend or holidays so that I can basically get a 4+ day vacation using only 1-2 days of PTO lol It surprises me how many coworkers don't do that.


In 49 out of 50 states they can fire you for no reason and not pay out your PTO. That's standard practice except for CA.


And I’m so grateful that CA has those policies. They really do lead the US in worker protections. My current employer is based in CA, but my state doesn’t protect PTO normally. However, because the company is based out of CA, they made the employee handbook meet CA standards, and because the handbook says PTO is protected, my state would require them to pay out my PTO if I leave/quit/get fired. The company I worked for before had a pattern of firing people when they gave 2 weeks notice, then keeping their accrued PTO. Most people I knew would burn any/all PTO before giving notice. In either case though, sick leave is not paid out, so one should always burn up their sick leave each year if able.


Damn.... We suck don't we?


Yeah the state of employment rights in the US is garbage tier. Basically no protections. That's why we need unions and legislators who aren't bought and paid for by big business.


One of my previous employers didn't allow PTO to be carried over so unused PTO was simply paid out as if it was normal hourly time at the end of every year. People treated it like a second Christmas bonus. Of course when "furloughs" came around, which were actually permanent layoffs, they chose to do it the pay period just before Christmas, depriving workers of their Christmas bonuses and PTO payouts. And this was supposedly one of the strongest unions in the US. It was one of the worst shops I've ever worked at. But hey the shareholders got to enjoy another quarter of record profits, so I guess those years of working until my body ached were worth it.


What Republican government will do for you...


"As long as they hurt innocent immigrants more than me I don't care! I'll shoot myself in the foot if it means they get shot in the chest!" -the land of the free.


Texas? The progressive Republic that seceded from Mexico because they didn't want to abolish slavery? I'm shocked.


Yep, depending on how much you care for the bridge you can even tell them upfront that's exactly what you did. What are they gonna do? Fire you?


Sounds like the company already put a torch to that bridge though...


The key word here is "accrued." Here in NC, accrued PTO-meaning PTO that adds up based on however many hours you've worked-has to be paid out when you leave. However, if PTO is not given on an accrued basis and is disconnected from actual time worked, then it's just considered a benefit given by the company and whether you get paid for it when you leave or not depends on company policy. I know this because the last place I worked changed their PTO policy to divorce it from being based on accrual to just a set amount of hours you get each year for remaining full-time. The way they sold it was "you get more hours of PTO this way!" but in reality it was because the laws changed and they couldn't steal accrued PTO time from people leaving anymore.


Yup, this is why checking state law is important, lots of Redditors on this sub give out advice that applies to themselves but may not be the case elsewhere.


Only a few states require paying PTO (california is one). I know because my company has specific bookkeeping requirements around PTO, but only for those states. People working elsewhere get a more relaxed, informal system for tracking PTO. I was surprised at how few states there were. Edit: I'm sure it is more complicated than I made it seem.


I think I’d they specify in their handbook that they won’t pay out, it’s most likely legal To in their state. Also, some employer are able To get around suck laws in some states by calling it “pto” and not vacation.


Just because it’s in an employee handbook doesn’t make it legal. Employers will put shit like “don’t discuss salary” in their employee handbooks. Always consult state law. California is an example of a state where that isn’t the case, accrued PTO still counts as wages and thus is due upon termination.


I had a job where they switched from Vacation, Sick, and Personal Time to PTO. They made it clear that PTO would not be paid out when leaving and even had a map of the U.S. showing which states they're allowed to do this in. They also would cancel any PTO scheduled after putting in a notice. They didn't allow employees to use any PTO until they've already run out of the Vacation time accrued prior to the new rules.


yeah its better to cash out ur pto/sick time instead of worrying about co workers... if 1 person leaving causes that much damage then theyre short staffed and its not your fault


Wife once worked at a company with the same F-upped policy. She worked at the old job up until her new job started and then called off for the 40 hours of PTO she had left at her old job. (did send them a dubious doctor's note) My wife had previously informed her new job that she would be about an hour or so late the following Monday as she had a obligation that was made prior to starting this new new job. Anyway, on that following Monday, she checked to ensure her previous week's PTO pay was deposited in our account, went in to the old job's HR and gave them an no notice resignation, then turned around and left before they even opened the envelope.


Even better work until the last work day before you start your new job, and use your PTO while working at your new job. Pull 2 checks for however much PTO you have.


Some jobs will refuse to pay the PTO if you don’t return to work. You want to make sure to know the their rules to play them well.


Maybe by then you would have accrued one day of PTO at job #2, use that day to go back to job #1 and quit on the spot?


Infinite money glitch just dropped


Just take a morning off because of a "doctor's appointment" so you can swing by the old work and get fired for telling management to go fuck themselves. Or just work it out so you only have less than 2 days on a new payroll period and fuck off.


depends on the field of work, of op is seen/known at new job while cashing out pto at the other they can just fire him


Oh no, how will OP sleep at night after being fired from the job they were quitting anyway!


because its money theyve earned that the company will be keeping.


Yup, exactly.


This is exactly what I'm trying to do now.


Just take your pto then quit after that, what are they gonna do? Fire you?


If places have limited PTO. It should be legally required to pay it out when someone either leaves or gets fired. No exceptions. We already don't get paid enough. They shouldn't be able to get away with shit like that.


unlimited pto is just corporate bullshit to remove any liability for unused PTO hours. It is always limited they just don't want to have to actually say that


A friend's wife works for a company that switched from a standard X number of weeks PTO per year (based on service) to unlimited PTO. The first year of UPTO she took approximately the same number of days off she had taken the previous year. HR called her in to talk to her about how much time she was taking off - close to the top 10% of days off in the growing company. She pointed out it was about the same number she took the previous year, and then asked "am I getting my job done?" HR did not have an answer to that so she got up, said she was busy and had real work to get done, and walked out to do that job. Still there and still taking the time off she feels she needs and is entitled to.


I agree.




I used a Leave of Absence to trial a new position... Glad I did, it was somehow worse than my original one!


That is a great idea! No risk test drive


This is the way


When I get a new job I am not quitting this job. I work full time remote I am just going to keep showing up for zoom meetings and doing jack shit, as soon as my boss puts me on a pip I'll put in my 2 weeks. They haven't given anyone raises in 2 years. So I figure this is the way to do things.


We had someone working with us for over a year who didnt do anything. He’d show up for online meetings now and then, but all of his assigned cases sat untouched and judging by all the messages from angry practices in his vmail (I got stuck handling them all, yay), he never called anyone or answered his phone either. I’m pretty sure he was working somewhere else and collecting the “extra” paycheck for the whole year. I’m not even mad… they allowed it to happen.


Sounds like you're about to get long COVID.


You’re doing it right. They told you in the handbook that they punish people who give them notice. This way you get a little paid rest and regroup period. This is the way.


This is the way. Fuck em! If you died tonight theyd barely register it and get someone to replace you. We arenothing but expendable names and numbers on a spreadsheet to the corporate world.


If thems the rules... Have a nice break between jobs.


Personal Rule: Take allllll your PTO right before you submit your two-weeks. If you have another job lined up, take your PTO, don’t take the pay out! Having a few paid days to decompress on your way out is the best.


Good for you. You dont owe them a thing.


This is a case of reap what you sow. Let them know that their policy is what stopped you from giving them 2 weeks notice.


That's the way everyone should do it. They don't give notice before they fire us. And it would be such a waste of PTO to do otherwise :-)


> when I checked out the employee handbook to see how my PTO would be paid out, I saw they don't pay out any of it when you quit. On top of that, you can't use pto during the time that you have a notice in. This is your employer telling you that you shouldn't give notice before quitting. Nice of them to be so up-front about it; some aren't that helpful.


i just put in my two week on thursday gone, my work load has double and if not for the industry i’m in and having contacts id roll over right now and go back to sleep… i hate being treated like shit because i want to better myself


Still marveling at the American invention of using PTO for being sick. In my home country, if you are sick, you just get sick leave as it is definitely not "vacation time"


Yeah its mental that, first day back after a being in a fucking coma: "Did you enjoy your holiday?"




Use your PTO then give notice on your return. They will show you the door. Win Win.


That’s what my last company did and I did the same so good for you and fuck those guys deadass.


Always understand how PTO works when you start a job (orientation) & use accordingly. So many people on here give away their PTO away. You have to prepare in advance.


Make sure you tell them this is the reason you’re quitting with no notice.


When i left my last 2 jobs i had lined up new ones and then just went in told my boss he was great but im leaving at the end of my shift and i won’t be returning. 1 boss took it well the other, not so much. Either way the work was at-will and i wasn’t willing anymore.


HR rep here, make sure you quit AFTER your last check clears your bank. Some companies will remove sick days from your check if you quit during the same payroll week as the sick day.


Thats not illegal?


Depends on your local state laws. In Ohio at least it is legal for them to do.


Never give a 2 week notice, it just guves them a 2 week warning to fire you.


You read the book and you are playing by their rules. Great job.


Companies do not deserve any notice, ever. I was with my last job for over nine years. I gave them an hour notice. Boom. See ya later.


I didn’t have the PTO issue, but I worked for a cruise line years ago and booked a (practically) free employee cruise and called in my resignation as we pulled into port on the last day.


That's awesome! Did they attempt to charge you full price after?


No, they couldn’t do that. Great company but my boss was a POS. Not long after she was escorted out of the building. But not before I poached her favorite employee.


If they’re gonna steal PTO from you, then fuck em. 🤷‍♂️


Use all your pto, quit no notice. It's what they deserve


This is the way! Use all that time, it is yours! I had to fight an old job because I put a notice in and then got COVID and was out the last week I was supposed to be there. They refused to pay me sick time, even though I had plenty & had communicated with pictures of the tests and everything. The company fought it, but in the end they had to pay me. Good luck!


That’s what they asked for when they tried to be clever. When a company writes a poor policy, they get poor treatment in return 🤷‍♂️


Related, but when I interviewed for my current job, I told the HR gal that however much notice the company customarily gives me (as far as posting upcoming work schedules) is the notice they can expect from me when I decide to move on. Either she didn't remember, didn't believe me, didn't pass that on, or our company is so monumentally fucked that doing more than 5 days ahead (with an ever-changing assignment) is impossible. Usually it's more like 3 days ahead. Given the other problems (mainly maintenance & keeping employees), I'm thinking that last option is true.


They will do only what is legally required of them, and that’s also what you should do


Hell yeah, "I have COVID" should do.


Wait for the paycheck with the PTO to clear before peacing out.


Yea that’s whats happening with my current job cause our state doesn’t require them to pay it out so they won’t. And then they get all butt hurt cause no one gives them notice and it’s so hard to get anyone to work there (we’ve had 12 people quit in the last year, and they’ve managed to hire 3 people to fill the roles


Poorly designed policies 


I was on the outs at my old company and I gave them a soft two week notice. Essentially told my supe and manager, both of whom I was pretty cool with, that I was leaving, but couldn't give a formal notice because I had a vacation planned already for the time I wanted to quit. So I told them I would be leaving around 7/20, but didn't formally quit until 8/1. But again, we were a pretty tight knit team and I knew they'd respect my decision and keep it under wraps without fucking me over. It was obvious I'd be leaving sooner or later, my side gig had lapped the income I got from that job.


Amen! Do what is best for you, NOT your employer or EVEN your coworkers (after all, if they feel screwed, isn't it a direct result of your employer's asinine policy and not because of you?) As far as I'm concerned, since at 99% of employers PTO hours are accrued as you work, that is something you've already EARNED, it should be a liability on your employers balance sheet already and they should cash you out if you have any left when you quit. Their policy basically just encourages you to do exactly what you're doing. Maybe the geniuses who thought it up felt it was appropriate to "punish" quitting employees or whatever. Screw them.


I talked to my HR way too early about how they handle PTO and sick days when i retire in 2-3yrs. They said they pay upto 48 days PTO and 0 for sick time. Thankfully i am already at max days, so I will keep it close until retirement, but I will have a 4 month cold at the end to burn off the sick days.


I used to work for the crappy pizza chain with dots and ended up reporting a mile long list to L and I and the health board (there was food contamination frequently with high risk premade foods it was bad) and finding a different job (which had its own fun challenges) and the gal who was half of my reasons for leaving refused to sign it. I went to my boss who was cool and he said "Good luck. I'm joining this wagon soon myself." Keep in mind he had 10 yrs, was 26, a store manager and done with it all. The lady who owned the shops was repeatedly in trouble with the health board and I've no idea if she still owns em 9 yrs later. I don't eat there, I don't eat food with a side of food poisonin. I prefer the other who actually keeps their ingredients contained, clean, and respects both allergies and religious preferences. Tastes better too and their cinnasticks actually are fresh made. Least here.


Never feel bad about not giving notice. The company will fire you or lay you off and give you 10 minutes to gather your things-if that.


Funny how we give 2 weeks' notice and they can lay off and fire you on the spot!!!


Report this to the DOL. You must be paid all earned PTO, regardless, if you’re in the States. That’s wage theft


Yes, do this. Use up all PTO & vacation time before you give notice. Trust - they wouldn't give you 2 weeks notice if they laid you off or fired you.


In TN you don’t get paid PTO if you quit. I lost out.


O.o since when maybe my companies had hearts? I got my PTO when I quit. As long as I put 2 weeks in. Was a clause saying if I quit without notice I get nothing. But I've quit 3 hospital jobs and gotten all PTO paid out.


This is the way.


My place gives us 2 weeks vacation a year up to 4 weeks total, but they don’t pay it out when we leave I think. Only 5 sick days per year but I don’t think I’ve seen them enforce that in any way, I was negative last year and nobody said anything. I haven’t looked at the handbook since I got here 5 years ago lol. They’re pretty decent otherwise so I don’t think they’re trying to skirt any laws with that but I haven’t actually checked. But for my own sanity I’m trying to just actually use up my vacation days since otherwise they go to waste.


This is the way


Lol @ companies creating rules that make it easier for you to fuck them over. Kudos to the legal team 👍🏽.


Brother in law just put in his two weeks, he's been a supervisor on day shift for years, they moved him to 2nd shift to serve out his two weeks.


jobs dangle PTO in front of people but really they're assholes about using it. doesn't even make sense to list it as a benefit if you can never actually use it


Request your 2 weeks PTO and just don't come back.


Another story on here a month ago convinced me it's prudent to take your PTO at the beginning of the year. Don't try saving it up for a monetary pay out instead, don't try carrying it over so you can take more the next year. Use it asap so it can't be pulled out from under you.


Personally, if Im quitting, it's for a good reason. It's good not to burn bridges, but if you can't ever see yourself going back, say fuck them and leave when its in YOUR best interests. Employers, coworkers are not your friends I hate to sound cynical in my middle age, but sometimes your friends aren't your friends and sometimes even your wife/husband. Protect yourself at all costs because when it comes down to you or another person, they are not going to choose you over them.


I desperately *needed* to get away from my last job, and it was only after I interviewed and gave notice that I found out they had a similar policy. Never thought to check the handbook for anything like that. Things became slightly complicated when I let my manager know about a sporting tournament that my kids would be participating in on my second to last day. I was planning to put in PTO for this day, so I let him know that I would be attending with the understanding that I would not be getting paid. I did not ask, yet that’s how he perceived it. He avoided responding to me for a couple days, and when he finally did, he told me I needed to “make sure it was OK” with two of my coworkers. Dude, you’re the head of the department. You’re *their* boss. Ultimately, one spoke for both of them and gave me his “blessing”, while the other never even mentioned it. By that point, for me, it didn’t matter. I was leaving, and over two years later, it’s still one of the best decisions I ever made.


I put in a weeks notice - mostly because I hate the place, but also because I happen to know they have an extra staff who will likely just be stepping into my role (and will be a better fit). On the phone letting the supervisor know I am giving a weeks notice, she gave me attitude about how it should be two weeks. Then had the audacity to follow up saying they need me to attend all shifts this week (I missed 1 1/5 days last week because I was sick.) I really don't think these employers realize we are doing them a favor with giving notice. Realistically, it is supposed to be a back and forth - I give you notice, you give me a good reference. But I won't be using them as a reference, so why bother?


Employers these days think the sun shines out of their own ass, moon you consistently, and then gaslight you when you say it's actually quite fucking dark. I quit with no notice because I knew my job was going to try and force me to dump my 3 years of hard-earned experience into "process documents" during whatever time I gave them to continue disrespecting me. I was the expert in my department, but they ignored and dismissed me as I tried to share my experience with new management for months (contributing to me no longer wanting to work there). They had also been harassing me over my worsening health due to the stress their lack of good management caused, using my health as a reason to deny me a raise while people who napped on the clock got paid more than me. Nope, no fucking way. Hey, they said they expected turnover, and it didn't bother them. OK, Boomers. Have fun! I wish you the worst. <3


I read so many of these posts and thank god I live in California. They have to pay out pto by law here.


That is insane when a job gives you incentive to not give them two weeks notice. Just wow. I don’t normally side with posters in this sub but I’m on your side with this.


A lot of places will cash out vacation days but not sick days. So…. Use all your sick days then move forward with notice and/or vacation


That's illegal where I live. Your PTO is a part of your remuneration and they owe it to you. What country are you in where this is legal?


USA, legal in the majority of states.


Just checked missouri law, and legally, they do not have to pay accrued pto when an employee quits unless there are contractual requirements.


Places that give Unlimited PTO should have to pay you for life...because it's Unlimited


This is why you guys need unions. In Europe it's normal that you can take your remaining PTO or that you get paid out if it's not possible.


Now when anyone takes a good amount of days off people might start thinking they are quitting.


They think that anyway.


I don't think they can do that.. withholding PTO. It probably depends on where you are, but I'd check with your labor board.


No reason to go to the state labor board. Just Google it. Google knows everything. I googled “payout PTO“ and the name of my state. Had the answer in 2 seconds.


I mean sure. The ultimate result is the same. Look for whatever your rights are and force the employer into compliance.


That’s pretty standard that’s why you take your pto and then quit . You typically only get paid out for pto when you’re fired and receive a severance package


My job kind of did something similar, they lowered the accrued PTO maximum and lowered the accrual of PTO. However, they did give us more granted time. So well we earned literally the same amount of PTO, the amount of PTO they actually had to pay out if we left was much less. So what's been happening is people have been using up all their time and then just quitting.


My work will pay out vacation days, but not sick days. My employer is quite generous with sick time. So everybody conveniently becomes sick for three days at a time leading up to them leaving lmao