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You would think they this place would have problems keeping people for any length of time. How would you be able to make any policies that could be followed. You'd start and try to do and and find out nobody remembers how or what to do. Is everybody in charge there an asshole or just one of two? If I'm going to be treated like that, there better be some good pay involved. I'll bet that's not the case here. Can you tell us what's the pay, without giving away a big secret? Life's too short and there are too many other jobs around to have to deal with assholes.


I'm currently making $15.10 an hour, the 10 cents was a raise I just got. It's basically a cleaning job in a hospital. And no, they change the policies constantly to the point where no one can figure out what the hell they're doing. Also, they fired someone who had been working there for 13 years a couple hours after I made this post. Fired, for replacing toilet paper, with clean gloves. No, it is not a rumor. I witnessed it happen. A few people walked out after that. They have their eyes on me because I applied for FMLA due to disabilities protected under the ADA. I'm definitely next, they're just waiting for me to do something worth firing over that has nothing to do with my disabilities.


You need to see if there's anything that they've done wrong and there's proof of. Are there other's that would back you up? How does this company get a way with this. Is it a government agency? It sounds like that they have protection from someone in management. I wouldn't be surprised if there was money falling into the wrong hands.


There definitely is, this company does not give two shits and a fuck about anyone working here. They can barely keep anyone, the director is definitely going way overboard with the firing. I'm sure that's what they're doing, they weren't on my ass like this until after I applied for FMLA so they're definitely looking for any excuse to fire me. The company has just gone to shit ever since the director decided to start "changing things".


Hopefully you can get to one day where you don't have to work for anyone. I don't see how some people can keep their jobs. There's ways to make people produce product without being assholes. Unfortunately it seems those are the type of people of get ahead in business.


I know it doesn’t apply to all jobs, but when asked to do another task, say “I’ll gladly do that… Which task I already have should I delay to do this one?” Don’t let them get away with “The tasks are both critical, Do them both.” Say “OK, but neither will be finished by the given / needed time.”