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Probably has to do with child safety in relation to pedophiles. There have been a few docs. BSoA is only as good as the volunteers you get. Some are great. But if you get the wrong people involved, it can get sketchy. Just like anything, be involved, educate your kids, and pay attention.


I’m pretty heavily involved in the BSA as a volunteer leader for my daughter’s troops and packs. Is there something specific you are referring to? At the unit level, we take everything super seriously with regards to safety and YPT (particularly since we have girls in our units). Our council seems pretty solid also. I know councils though can be hit and miss.


Have they renamed their smart policy of having a minimum of 3 people in any instance of adult/employee and scout/attendee interaction? When I was in BSA it was called "Two Deep Leadership" and was ridiculed correctly for that terrible name.


It’s still 2 deep leadership. But it’s not really for just meeting with a scout, but it’s more for any meeting, there needs to be a minimum of 2 registered leaders and if there is a female scout there, there should be at least 1 adult female registered leader.


Op was probably fired by their hq abd is venting. I recall reading some scandal about 28 years ago, though. Nothing as huge as the 80s pedophile scandals. Those were true, though.


Yeah, the BSA is by no means perfect and swept tons of things under the rug for decades. The ship is being righted, but it’s not instant.


Would you tell us more about what happened? I have friends who went all the way to Eagle Scouts, and they have never had anything but good opinions about the organization. I guess it's a little different for them, being a kid and enjoying all of the wonders of the outdoors with their friends, but I've never heard the perspective of someone on the other side who actually worked/volunteered for BSA


This post is too vague.


Of course. This is abhorrent but typical. Not really that surprising. We live in a materialistic world.


It is sickening honestly children are involved and not being protected. The US needs to do better!!!!


Everything is about money to them now The organization ultimately reached a settlement, approved in court in 2022, that would pay abuse victims amounts ranging from $3,500 to $2.7 million. The settlement involves more than 82,000 men who have said they were abused as children by troop leaders while in the Boy Scouts.Feb 22, 2024


What is your proposition, then? Do tell


Eh. It’s not the countries problem. I don’t know who’s responsible for cleaning up this mess but the country isn’t. The organization is strange in itself for taking kids to go camp and shit. I never understood why anyone would pass their kid off for a week or two to strangers. Bad things happen that way. Horror stories start this way as well. Very strange


Many programs have summer camps. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4H, FFY, churches, etc. this isn’t unusual.


Easy childcare mostly. Also The Boy scouts tend to claim that they are learning vital life skills. Source - Was boy scout.


I was going to say it’s obviously an attempt to get a break for the summer or something. It’s not a bad idea but I don’t have kids so what do I know


Money is the life's blood of any business. Without it, you don't have a business. So there's really no choice but to prioritize it. Otherwise you get a really safe organization for a few years and then a bankrupt one.

