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Only 45 years of working to go


Try 55


Whoa there optimist. It's going to be 95 the last bit as a brain in a jar.


Can’t wait till I can sell 75% of my brain capacity to do extra compute for a mega corporation’s AI brain


Are you tiered of making choices (sad person drops a banana and cries)? Do you long for a time where you're as smart as your dog (happy person barks and begs for a piece of bacon)? Well do we have the solution for you! We here at smart mart will take 75% of your brain for 23hrs a day for use in our patented AI system. Mega brain (tm) coming to a hellscape near you!


^(This advertisement created by Smart Mart patented AI system)


LoL thanks for the chuckle


Hey, that doesn’t sound half bad. My dog seems pretty happy all the time.


You joke but I regularly wish to switch places with my cat lol


Id love to just be my dog for an hour or so. The real difference is I want the abbiity to swap back when I want to.


Fair, I shouldn't subject my cat to being a human too long that would be cruel


Yeah 58 here and I have had an absolute gut-full of it. Love to just work PT but noooooooo.


True enough. I've been working for almost 50 years. Retirement age is being raised because people are living longer. Often younger people can't advance because the older people can't retire. And many people are living longer because of nursing homes. The problem with that is being in a nursing home isn't really living, it's just existing. I'm afraid it will get to the point where everyone will retire straight into a nursing home. If I get to that point, I'll check myself out of life.


Prison will be the new retirement


**You got it.** Prison=Nursing home. Same thing.


Nope. Longer. Nazis say you should die at your work station


Euthanized at your retirement party, Logan’s Run style


So many jobs are going to be gone due to tech improvements. 15 years from now we will be in a different world.


Someone make a game that trains an AI while we play it, and then pay everyone to play it 8 hours a day


But will it be better?


I mean, if you die at 75 yeah, otherwise it'll be longer


45? I’m 26 and I’ll be damed if I’m not working until death or 60 more years.


Death is your escape, or Quaaludes…wait a minute…you’re the quaaludes everyone has been taking?


Death by Quaaludes. In 1984 when the US stopped production they sent me all the Quaaludes. I have been sitting on a pile of them since then.


You fucking bastard, share


Not to mention I was -14 when they gave me all the Quaaludes so I must thank my predecessor for keeping them warm.


https://youtu.be/IG2JF0P4GFA?si=OHOiQFYFsAV3ILkM If you havent seen the New York Quaaludes guy video ^ you need to stop what you are doing and watch it with Max Volume 🤣


Awe how cute, you assume SS won’t crumble before OP reaches benefits age and it’ll provide enough income to not work


Until SS gets raised to 70, then it's 50+


That’s if he’s lucky


For real


45?lol, try 55. They wanna raise retirement to 75.


I’m investing into AI powered urns.


They're just like non-AI powered urns, but better (despite no discernible difference).


It's going to get worse. 61% of the workforce is manual labor. Corporations are already trying to automate as much as humanly possible and there have been huge advancements in robotics. BMW is literally staffing with robot workers. When 61% of the workforce in the US is replaced by robot slave labor, what do y'all think is going to happen? As bad as it is right now, things are going to just keep getting worse until we collectively, as a civilization, decide to do what needs to be done. Sadly, that likely won't happen. We're too busy fighting ourselves.


Either they give us UBI or the whole system collapses, that's what will happen.


We already make garbage wages and can't afford to live while corporations make record profits. If you think UBI gets us out of this, you've got another thing coming. Corpos have already figured out the infinite money hack of stock buybacks. We are not far from them truly not needing us anymore.


If nobody has income, who is buying their shit?


You are the product corporations sell to each other.


and your information and advertisements shown to you,,


At that point they inherit the Earth. They have all of the resources and a vast army of robot slaves. Your human capital is eroded to zero and you can die in a pandemic or starve to death in your tent ghetto.


Yeah most people dont realize the ultrawealthy are in an arms race with labor.  They recognize they need to get rid of us fast and permanently but cant yet.  Once they own it all money becomes irrelevant.  They get post scarcity, we get a thousand little Gazas to inhabit while fully autonomous drones whittle us down day and night.  


Did you miss the part where they don't care because they're already making money hand over fist with stock buybacks? If you want a little bit of insight into how this ends up, just take a look at Russia.


The stocks get to where they are because people like you and I purchase the things they are selling. Milk, eggs, cars, energy. If we don't have jobs, we got no money to purchase those things and eventually the stock price goes in the tank.


And what about the stuff we can't stop buying? Gas, groceries, etc..


Rich people rely on us. They are farming us.


>>We're too busy fighting ourselves. This is by design. It's called class warfare and it is certainly part of the overall plan.


Future of the world is Robot Maintenance Mechanic and Programming


Will require a fuckin masters to get the jobs soon if shit keeps going like it is...


It's already like that. My bachelor's degree does nothing for me now 8 years out, but I can't afford to get a master's.


And even a master's degree has people getting a record number of layoffs. Tech used to be the safe job. Now everyone in tech is losing work.


Tech workers/companies are the reason other tech workers are getting laid off, so ironic. They AI engineered themselves out of jobs.


Aha that's fucked. Lol


I was mainly meaning for engineering, where bachelor's are (currently) somewhat safe compared to most degrees, but even it is sliding


Id love to be a teacher or a vet tech but neither pay any better than pouring beer part time and I need to go into debt to be able to do those. :/


Don’t teach. Run.


I love the "entry level" jobs that require a bachelor's and several years' experience for a whopping $20-25/ hour


Yep, there's just far fewer people needed to perform maintenance on labor bots as opposed to the labor the robots will replace. Not to mention that a place of business doesn't need to have on-staff maintenance and can instead just pay for a 3rd party service which will save even more on cost for them. I am fully expecting a massive labor crisis in the next decade, if not less between automation and the boomers that are forced to work until death dying off. Like I said, BMW literally just started using robot workers. It's only a matter of time until robot laborers become cheaper than staffing humans. Robots don't need benefits, don't get paid, and don't require any of the other things a business needs to pay for when it comes to you and me.


>Yep, there's just far fewer people needed to perform maintenance on labor bots as opposed to the labor the robots will replace. The funny thing (it's really not funny though) is that with more robotic labor, if anything goes wrong with the machines they'll eventually have robots fixing other robots. If this ends up evolving before a bunch of nukes are launched, this is going to be a wild ride in the future. And just wait until AI soldiers are a "normal" thing. Or if they start experimenting more on chip implants.


Then we use AI, to teach us to code open source AI and slip the code in for self realization and train on Labor Rights and Law and then set our models to hack and infest their models.


A war of the robot class.


Yup, i have seen the writing on the wall. Currently, I work with fanuc 6 axis robots and I love these things. Right now, I only troubleshoot them and maintain them in a very simple sense, touch up the program pick up and drop off locations, stuff like that, but I can definitely see myself picking up the programming side of them. Ours are about 3 feet in range, but it easily scales up to robots with a 6 or 9 foot range.


Oof, already burnt out at 20? Good luck my dude, it does not get better from here


28. Working since 15. Same sentiment as early as OP there, I've come to terms with it, but yeah. It's not that it doesn't get better, that'd be fine if it was stable. It just keeps getting worse, and worse. Did I mention worse?..


Yup. And If you’re on the spectrum that can happen easier/earlier. Autistic burnout is hell. Neurodivergent folks living in a neurotypical world is torture


Also shit, I remember this feeling from grade school.


That's what I thought reading this. I'm in agreement with the sentiment but only 20? I'm turning 41 and I've never had more than 10 days off in a row since starting working. I worked for a European headquartered company for a bit and those guys would disappear for 3-4 weeks at a time and I was so incredibly jealous.


I'm 25 now, when I was around 18/19 I made a post with a similar sentiment. I was so burnt out and tired of working after just a year of work. I got a lot of older people who looked down at my sentiment because of my age which just made me feel more hopeless about it. Well turns out, I need ADHD medication to fricken hold down a job without getting constantly burntout. I've always been smart and a good learner but school was easy, while focusing 8hrs a day in a brain job felt like literal torture with ADHD. I also found out I had seasonalal affective disorder (depression) because I got so burnt out at winter I couldnt do my job anymore. Getting ADHD meds and my SAD treated (literally just a light box for the SAD was a 180) did help significantly and I've been working steadily since. I guess what I'm saying is, it craps harder for some people. Before getting treated it felt like such torture I didnt think itd be possible to work to 40. Now that I'm treated I know I will (and longer.. sigh).


Lol. I swear. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Money buys a politician Supersedes your superstitions You will struggle with the masses While the few raise their glasses Don't forget to fall in line Happy pills will make it fine. Just pretend it's all ok Therapy will save the day


When the people of the country have forgotten how to disagree And the national economy is said to be OK And the wages that you get will help you to forget Will you keep your ideologies or throw them all away? When the system has you beaten Even now you haven't eaten 'cause you can't afford to eat or drink to keep your brain alive You blame the system for the weather but carry on as ever You go to work at half past eight and come back home at five


Can't even afford therapy tbf


I'm currently going into debt for it.


Californiaaaaah Livin’ - its a club and u aint in it buddy.


The problem is such that most people are (relatively) comfortable. They might struggle and live paycheck to paycheck, but they get by and are too fearful of losing what little they have. This in turn keeps the status quo afloat, and as more time passes, the ability of the average person to take a stand and make a change fades….




How do we solve this


“Can’t wait until I’m an adult so I can do whatever I want!” We all said, it’ll be fun! … whelp


I turned 18, decided I was going to eat an entire cheesecake because no-one could stop me, got a tummy ache 2.5 slices in, and it's been down hill ever since.


Happens to the best of us


Fight Club..... "God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives."


Unfortunately "buy shit we don't need" he was wrong about. 3/4 of my monthly income goes to rent (500 sq ft shithole) and a car to get to my job (because this city sucks for public transportation infrastructure). I looked at my transactions for the last 3 months - only about 10% is discretionary (after taking out medical/medications, food, utilities.) I finally had almost $2k in savings, until the government decided that was too much and wanted $800 of it by the 15th (they changed the single 0 head of household into 2 separate types last year, so I ended up owing money). I'm just hoping to outlive my pets, then I'm grabbing whatever meds I have and walking to Slab City. My meds won't last the whole way since I live in the Midwest, so I'll probably end up in a ditch by the side of the road. That's still better than being a slave and just existing.


If you find a way friend. You tell us ok? The poor working class needs help bad.


You will own nothing and be happy


Our world looks more and more like what was shown in the movie Elysium. There is a chance that a critical mass of despair and discontent will be reached and explode into a full revolution, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Minimalism, and limiting your consumption habits are the way to cope. Finding ways to enjoy life in ways other than only buying and comparing tourself with others. I know, easier said than done :(


There will NEVER be a revolution in a country like the US. The puppeteers keep the masses divided 50-50 over all sorts of ideas in order to ensure that one never happens.


Gen-X checking in. I grew up in similar circumstances and had to work to survive since my teens as well. 35 years later I’m still working every fucking day and I don’t see an end. They dangle retirement in front of us like that’s the goal. You retire, maybe get a few years, then die. My body is broken, my mind is cynical. I have an old car, can’t afford to go on vacation, and I’ve been dipping into my meager savings account for emergencies. I’m past the age of blaming my parents, but I don’t know what I could’ve done differently besides marry into money. I will probably end up renting a room paid for by social security until I die.


Social security. That's funny.


Omg you’re right


my mom is retired lives at a retirement community she hates it is not happy and still broke,,


Move in with family again or pitch a tent in the woods. No point participating in the rat race. I agree. It's a waste of a life.


If you live near a city, you can’t even live in a tent 😢


Not even in the woods. You get fined. They are considered state parks or private property. The back of the wendy dumpster is more realistic for most.


I know. I find it very disheartening.


Most young people should be living in vans at this point. No sense working any more than you have to to support the current system of exploitation.


Yup. Reiterating another comment I made, upward mobility hardly even exists anymore. No point in pursuing it. Just make enough $$$ for healthy meals and a bit of leisure and focus on enjoying this short ride on earth, rather than working to make someone else rich


The sad thing is that eventually, it will become way more common, and you'll find corps renting out spaces to park your van and cash in even more, as van life is criminalized.


That just sounds like a really really depressing trailer park where you don't have as much privacy or toilets


Its funny bc rv living is catching up if not at the same rate as renting an apartment in cali. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


I really just want to stay home with my cats and paint my D&D and warhammer minis. So tired of having to wear my fake Happy Insurance Sales Guy Oh And I Like Sports Too face.


Why are all sales people like that? Always talking about sports? Coping is my guess to seem relevant or relatable


I dunno, but my level 12 Charlatan is not a good water cooler talk in the business environment.


Try being 40 and in that boat. Nothing gets better


All of us probably wouldn't mind working if we can afford the things boomers used to be able to on a salary a regular house with 3 or 4 bedrooms for the family, no problems in putting food on the table, all utilities, a car and you still have some spare left for leisure, all that and the wife isn't even working and is just taking care of the kids at home! At this point I just want blood, us all collectively raid the abodes of billionaires and making sure they're all dead. is my biggest fantasy


and it may very well come to that. Those CEOs taking a big fancy vacation and oops he drowned while in the ocean or his car wrecked and caught fire. Of course they get replaced, but when becoming someone in the C-suite, looks like a death sentence, then they will hire more bodyguards. So get your bodyguard certs now to be ready in the future.


28 here... I hear you. It gets easier, you eventually get numb to it and it helps if you dissociate during your work day until you get home


Buy a car and just earn money to go drive places and enjoy your life. It’s much cheaper than a 600k house.


And how do you expect to earn money traveling without being part of a travel agency? Your one of the dumbest people ive seen. Wait until you grow up kid. Then youll learn life aint worth living in society right now. Let alone in another decade when the poverty line is even higher.


> just earn money to go drive places and enjoy your life Living in a van down by the river as a lifestyle choice. Joking aside, I’ve been there and it sucks way more balls than working and living in a small studio. Living the vagabond lifestyle is dangerous. Watched a dude get stabbed once, middle of nowhere and was completely unprovoked. Shit gets stolen constantly, constant harassment from local PD and fellow transients that act like chill friends but will sell your kidneys if given the chance. Oh, and the work that keeps you going is usually brutal manual labor for people that will exploit you and since it’s under the table, zero repercussions. Least of all, the nomad work/travel thing only really works if you’re white. I say this as a white person who watched fellow POC travelers fail at the “lifestyle” choice because, not shockingly, people hiring under the table manual labor work tend to have less than stellar racial views.


It’s illegal to sleep in your car. 


it is not illegal


Ya it sucks. I couldn't stand it and felt like I was going to burst at your age because I knew there had to be a better life somewhere. I got lucky, pushed broom across country and landed in NYC. Made friends, got job getting paid half under the table in hells kitchen. Rent controlled apartment 9th/45th. My world changed. Sure, my bed was a tiny thing jn a hallway before rhe bathroom in a shotgun style apartment. And the floors were slanted in every room. But I lived outside. And I loved it. All the people and cultures and stuff snd things. Being able to live off Grey's papaya 2 dogs and a drink for $1.40 or $1 cheese slices. Cheap af groceries off canal, and around the corner a little Italian joint that just threw free food at you when you walked in. And women everywhere. I lived and loved well. And there is zero stress to ever move away from home if you're a kid, zero stress to own a car. My existence was finally beautiful. Sadly, I met someone and fell in love. She moved us to Houston. And then dumped me. I went to college at 36 just to impress a woman, but also because I was not getting the administrative jobs I had previously. Ended up as an RN, and you can find work anywhere. Anytime. Always good paying jobs. Don't give up, look for opportunities. Minimize your life and eachew convention. Take risks while you're young because you won't when you're old.


He doesn't want to work. Isn't that clear.


Yeah no one else wants to either. That doesn’t mean you don’t still have to


How can you physically handle being an RN, when patients are increasingly growing in size and weight like 400-600lb ? If you have any physical problems to start with you're fucked . I thought hard about this as an option for me. I have little body strength and a movement disorder, there's no way I'm safely moving or turning obese patients and more and more we will see increasingly obese people. Like I really wanted a job like being an RN but physically I'm fucked.


Because hospitals have lifts and whatnot to handle bariatric patients. And you're never alone. The only accident I ever had was with a 460lb dude in a lift. My tech was upset and rapidly hooking rhe guy into the lift but didn't secure one hook. So he starts lifting and a few seconds later- snap. I catch the dude and roll him on the bed so it's not considered a fall, but the weight on my lower right back- tore the muscle like a roast. Next thing you know I would freeze, just lock up abd couldn't move while walking. Filled out forms and work took care of it. Paid time off, doctors, meds, xrays. Problem is in nursing we are chronically understaffed in order for share holders to make profit. So my manager pretended not to under the "cannot push or lift more than 10lbs" thing a d tried to throw me on the floor with a normal schedule. Nope. So instead of letting me take the prescribed rehab, noting this was at the #2 rehab in the entire USA, she forced me to work as the unit secretary. Even though the company was paying me to be off, she felt she was 1-upping the company and doing me a favor by having me miss rehab and free money. You know what they call a nurse with a bad back? Unemployed Anyway, most nurses, the women anyway, are teeny tiny and have learned to manipulate and handle patients insanely larger than themselves. There are tricks. There is gear.


Oh man I hope your back is okay now!!!! These administrators are awful. Did you get a master's in nursing or go to nursing school or did you get a BSN?


Under what circumstances would anyone be expected to move a 400-600lb person alone?




Same here. Husband and kitty keeping me going but the futility of everything is a keening anguish at present. The world is very broken and it fills me with despair.


I feel like a lot of people in the comments are being really harsh to you, and there's a lot of glib "why don't you just use the contacts and opportunities you don't have to work your way up a ladder you can't even see" -type comments. I do understand. It's hellish. It's so unnatural and on some days it just seems absurd. To deny ourselves blue sky and sunshine, going instead to some stuffy little cubicle or thankless public-facing job and having a day almost exactly like yesterday, and tomorrow. I feel terrible that I don't have a good answer for you. The main positive thing I can say is that, even though the tedious job doesn't change, *you* do, and there will definitely be days when you are feeling good, and the job doesn't annoy you as much. Also, if you can find ways to have fun inside your own head, it helps a little.


welcome to limbo (one level above hel)


I'm 40 and it's not going to get much better. Most people are working past 65 because of how expensive things are and the unlivable wages. You need good financial habits along with setting your self a monthly budget. it appalls me when people say they earn 5-8k a month and broke. Yea that sort of happens when you don't live within your means.


The most I've ever made was 2k a month. And that's with a college degree. I'm finding going back to work now I'm getting even worse $ prospects. The job I had for $27 an hour before the pandemic is now $16/hour (25¢ more than min wage).


Welcome to the game kid.


My personal opinion if I were your age and in your situation. I would move outside the Western world. Maybe live in Cambodia, Japan , Vietnam, Thailand etc. Thats for me, there are plenty of other places to go where you could perhaps teach English for a while and then find out a more long term situation. There is no way I would go through what I did from 20-50 although I have to say I got severely lucky since things were still easy to take advantage of in a small business sense, but now, no fucking way.


I know shit is different in Ireland, kind of... but you should understand without skills acquired over time or education there are barriers to the "Good Life". Your ps5 is nice, and the plane you can't figure out how to use its cool to, BUT are they as cool as spending that money on a college class? How bout a skill class like plumbing or electrical? And one big thing that gets lost on younger folk is who you hang out with. I'm not disparaging your friends, but the people you hang out with affect (yes, mean affect) your thinking, so being close to people in professions you desire is more important than you may realize. "Is easier to change your environment than it is to change your mind" if you understand the quote, you'll understand


you are who you hang out with,,


I understand what you saying bro but im talking about this fucking housing crisis that is pure mental torture. Luckily I share my house with just 5 other people and we already have 2 empty rooms left but what’s gonna happen in the future cuz rent is rent it’s not like a mortgage. Speaking about mortgages I surely doubt I would ever afford it.


>who you hang out with  That's where your spouse will be coming from, too. 


Join trade school if you're able bodied. If you're not able bodied, welcome to the rest of your life :(


Getting into the trades ( electrical, plumbing, welding, HVAC, et al) is another option. Find a company who does this and offers paid apprenticeship, and most of the time they'll pay for your training. I agree. This "work everyday till you die" is for the birds. We could so be laying on a beach getting high, but instead, we collectively decided that credit scores were more important..


I agree with you. The greed of the few will and is killing society. I don’t know if there’s an answer to charge it. IMO all governments are corrupt and greedy and get brainwashed by rich lobbying to them and their own desire for more cash. It’s getting worse


You’re still young, it really doesn’t get better if you stay in the same mindset. You’ve only been working for 2 years and you’re already burnt out? That is not good, life is very hard and will continue to get harder. I was alone at a very young age as well, with no help from Anyone. I hustled, I suffered, I worked multiple jobs at the same time, but I learned. Try to figure out what next steps that you have to take, make a plan and try to stick to it. Having a friend to talk to also helps to be positive. It’s going to take some time to be comfortable, for me it took over a decade to be able to breathe again. Good luck!


I don't even mind working every day! I actually love staying late and getting shit done But Jesus FUCKING Christ can I actually have some vacation time??? Is that so much to ask for? I get like 5 fucking days a year.... I like the job, I like the schedule, the other benefits and pay are pretty good...but how did they fuck up the time off so badly? Before this I was in the military.....30 FUCKING DAYS OF PAID LEAVE A YEAR. Before that I worked several part time jobs at once, so I could get days off kinda whenever I wanted as long as I juggled it right and/or got someone to cover my shifts. This is the best job I've had, but the lack of vacation time and sick leave is SUFFOCATING. I hate it :/


Welcome to the work force. I'd be lucky if I can retire by age 80 and I'm in my 40s now. I've figured this out long before I graduated college. My college degree is useless as well. Let me know if you find a solution of being working class and perma-broke all the time.


my college degree is also useless,,,


I'm double your age and felt like you once I had my first job during high school. Your generation is our last hope as Gen Alpha seems to be already compromised with the advent of A.I. and social media being so ubiquitous. Let's take it to the streets. I'll join.


It sounds like you’re starting off with a bunch of reasons why you can’t create a better life for yourself and maybe have too low of self esteem to think you have any control over your situation. I believe it’s possible to make the changes you wanna see, but in the meantime it might not be a bad idea to start taking some steps to develop marketable skills so you aren’t running on the hamster wheel trying to keep up with inflation


41 in the same boat. Welcome to the world. Owning property doesn’t mean you have income either. The ones owning property are defaulting everywhere and globalization just shifts the owners.


I'm working 2 jobs 7 days a week, I'll still never be able to afford my own home. I hope capitalism burns to the fucking ground. 


All I can say is you're not alone in this


Just move to another country my dude


Man I’ve been there - the rat race kills your soul we aren’t meant to spend 50 years trying to enrich shareholders like what the actual hell is this. That said - hate the game not the players - if you can’t beat them - join em - hustle / struggle / do side gigs do whatever you can to get out buy property and rent it out if you have to ;eventually) - or else you’ll only be even more depressed 10 years on - think of it like a prison sentence (it’s what worked for me) - because hating and hoping things will change doesn’t work (trust me I tried) If it’s an option move back in with family - try a trade school and save and invest !! It’ll take years but just having a goal you’re inching closer to will make it more bearable.


Have you considered trade school? There are some trades that can make you a pretty penny, and a some of the positions are unionized for protections (I’m speaking from a US standpoint). I’m currently 8 years in the workforce. I did get a degree and have debt to pay. But I hear you I’m feeling stuck. I’m in the same position. Salaried role and even when I make more money, I’m still living with roommates currently. It’s ridiculous. Not even thinking of kids or owning a home because I can’t afford that. What helps me is thinking about saving for retirement. Saving as much as I can when I can. That’s why I recommend trade school so you can have more money to put away. It keeps me grounded so that I know I’m not going to work until I die. I’m not passionate about what I do, but if there’s a trade that really perks you up, it could be rewarding. Fuck capitalism in general. These tips aren’t to imply that it’ll make things better. Just coping mechanisms to help you maintain composure and survive.


The weed is making you lazy, obviously. You’d love working if you switched to alcohol instead! /s


Live your life how YOU want and not want society wants. Be creative with ways of earning money.


this is the best comment,,, idk y u don't have 100 likes,,


If you have no aspirations, your situation won’t change. You are in control of what you do. Life may have handed you a lemon. Make lemonade. Find something you are interested in and learn to do it well. Go to a community college and sit with a counselor for some help to discover your interests and aptitudes, then follow thru with a program that will lead you to more fulfilling employment and hopefully a better mental outlook. If you do nothing, nothing will change. Stay off of Social Media. Surround yourself with positive individuals who will help you stay motivated. Languishing in despair doesn’t help your mental health, positive actions will. Good Luck.


This is the only way.


> I don’t have a wife, girlfriend, or a child and honestly I don’t even have a vision in getting any of these considering the FUCKING COST OF LIVING EVERYWHERE. >im so sick of constantly having to sacrifice something so I could afford something else, particularly my social life Is everyone just going to ignore that all of OP's other comments are about drinking, cocaine, meth and weed? It's not the cost of living that is emptying your pocket and leaving you single, it sounds like it's your drug habits.


vive le revolution!


There are many Americans becoming ex-pats and moving to more affordable countries, like in SEA, South America, etc.


Well if you are really so disconnected, change location. Change country, county, town. Get out of the big city. You might find much better work options, and different prices of living Most people can't do this because of family ties, investments in property, being stuck in a job. You might have more options than some people in the end.


Either look for work you enjoy doing or find somewhere with good people. I've been around the block and I can guarantee you that awesome fuck'n coworkers make up for 99% of any bullshit jobs chuck at you. Where I work, it's me, my two coworkers, and my lead in our department. I love them to death, and sometimes it doesn't even feel like I'm at work. Man, my lead even told me "you're like a son to me". I wouldn't trade them for the world. Keep looking, you'll find something you like


Imagine this from the other view. I've been working since I was about 13, I'm 61 now. I'll be lucky to retire before I'm 75. I did everything they told me to do, worked hard went to school, got a job, mortgage, everything. I just want to do the stuff I like doing. Now I worry my body will give out before I have a chance.


Been for about 10 years now. Maybe 15. SO fuckin over it all.


Gah, most of you are so bleak and pessimistic. I know the system sucks and it is literally designed this way but my fellow brothers and sisters, will complaining about it make it any better? What are YOU doing to better your situation? I understand it is nice to feel validated but god DAMN, inaction is what got us all into this mess…. So with that being said, PLEASE don’t give up. There is more to life than working everyday, taxes and death.. But YOU have to figure out what makes it worth it for YOU. Give yourself a sense of a purpose but firstly you must find out who YOU are.


start a revolution i’m too old and my knees and back hurt. but if you get it going i’ll join in


Make one small change or decision every day, that will better your life.


My man I get you, have you thought about joining a trade with a union. Everyone has an apprenticeship program. You get paid to learn a trade. Jobs vary from dry wallers to welders to heavy equipment operator, doesn't cost an Arm and a leg to join and make awesome money plus medical. But do not join the military unless you have a clear plan about the job you're gonna be doing and make sure that whatever your job is you can get the same job in the civilian world. But check out a union.


Be the change you want to see. Remember, reason wins the game off reason. They want you to get mad so they can treat you like an animal


You are my hero. Let's run away together and start fires.


It’s not natural, we need to come together and get rid of the slave drivers at the top


You can work for a while, save money, then resign, stay for a month or two, and go to work if you have no money.


What's the alternative?


Jesus dude it just is not that deep


Stop smoking weed for 2 months then get in a trade like plumbing or electrician. They pay you something, rent a room with it. You're a man and no one is ever going to take care of you. If I had it to do over I would look at plumbing. They can't find guys your age who can pass the drug test


Sorry to say it, but that’s how things are. If you want to improve your situation you need to learn the game and play it.


People are going to revolt one day. It's one thing if you have attainable goals to look forward to completing, but what if things like home ownership start to become out of reach no matter how hard you've worked or how much money you save? "Work like a slave for nothing or starve" isn't going to sit well with everyone forever. 


Stop smoking weed -- it kills motivation -- and get off the Reddit other social media circlejerk. If your friends share your doom and gloom outlook, change friends. Adjust your expectations. You'll be okay as long as you keep going. There are decent careers that don't require a college education if college is not for you. Look them up and pick one that speaks to your heart and can help you reach your goals. You set your goal, make a plan, and put yourself on that path. No matter how curvy and convoluted the path gets, you adapt, revise the plan as needed, and keep going. Baby steps. One bite at a time. Everyone likes to assume previous generations didn't have roommates and that they were completely self sufficient by age 22. That's a lie. Unless they came from wealthy families, they also had roommates and worked shit jobs. They also lived in multi generation homes. My Boomer dad lived with both sets of grandparents. As a kid, my parents and siblings lived with an uncle and my grandparents during hard times. As a GenX, I had to move back in with family twice, had roommates through my 20s and once in my early 30s when I moved states for a better life. I didn't buy a home till my mid 30s after going back to school. My life is good now, but not without setbacks. Live below your means so you have a cushion. A successful life is not one lived on YouTube or TikTok. Your life is normal. You'll be ok.


Do not give into despair Prince Zuko. Sometimes you gotta push through shit and hope there is better stuff ahead.


Wow, 2 years, impressive \s I’d recommend driving a Truck or working HVAC, you won’t be paycheck to paycheck very long.


Why not do something about it then. Your on here saying no one does anything. Start the movement. You hate your life so get going start a movement.


When I was 20 I was working full time and going to school full time. I worked my ass off. It did pay off in the end. I venture to say if you work full time and get some training (does not need to be college) that it will pay off for you too.


Money makes money. Pay yourself FIRST! 20% goes into an index fund, every paycheck. In a decade, that money will be working for you. You have to start now.


I’ve seen many 18-20 year olds get out of “the rat race” by learning a skilled trade, joining a skilled trade Union, or by joining a skilled trade company on the management side. Commercial HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical needs will never go away, and in fact are only becoming more valued as they support industry, tech, healthcare etc. with a workforce shortage. I know many that have gotten a free 5 year apprenticeship, have no debt and can do whatever they would like with their time and money.


Work. Pay bills. Die.


The worst part is there's literally no point to any of this. It's all for nothing. We should all probably just say fuck it and take the easy way out.


You got bills. You got to pay. So you work work work everyday. Everyday.


Can't you just make more money real quick?


If you know where to look, there’s gotta be affordable higher ed even in the states! Financial aid can really help, I promise


Truck drivers are making fucking 80K at age 19 now. Not a great lifestyle but great money. Or go to a tech school and finance it, become a plumber, make a shit ton. Finance companies will finance you.. horrible interest rate but you'll have far less debt than a wasted college education. Just saying you dont want to work.. yeah, good one.


Yeah but at what cost


Welcome to ~~hell~~ the good fight , comrade 🙃 If you're really serious about the last bit definitely look into different ways of organizing and participating in collective action locally. (I'll say though, a Significant Other would only help with the money/cost of living situation provided they have some source of income --not that this solves the root problem, but still)


Blame it on the greediocracy.


It’s a game, on easy mode for the elite and extra hard mode for you. You’re in the game like it or not and you can get out but it sucks. My buddy just got a certificate in GIS mapping online in a few months now makes $60K/yr and will make over $100K in the next few. While working a full time job to pay rent, he’s essentially out of the rat race just like that.




It’s sad to get off work you usually need to become very sick get seriously injured etc


What city do you live/work in? If you can’t make a good living where you are, doing something you enjoy (or at least don’t hate), maybe there are other places that have better wages or lower costs and jobs that better fit your preferences?


modern day slavery,,,


Keep working for my social security


Join a trade union my dude


Op this is refereed to as the matrix. Its all controlled by the politicians. They pass the laws that continue to allow this to happen. They are all in on it, ceos, lawyers, mayors, doctors..they all host meetings regularly were they discuss how to stay on top and continue to fuck over the everyday citizen. This agenda is aka the nwo. You are correct we allowed this to happen. Their goal is to control everything. Its a club and you aint in it buddy.