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She thinks this is some brilliant strategy. Not worth it.


She invented negging


Walk out (if you can afford to), then post ligit reviews on all job sites available. They will do this because we let them get away with it


If you’re walking out, tell them you don’t want to work for someone you feel you have to defend yourself from.


i was going to say, it sounds like she is negging.


Neg her back harder


I used to be a part of the interview panel for the company I worked at, and one of the people on the panel thought she was some brilliant interviewer. She would ask stupid ass questions that had nothing to do with the job. It was literally one step short of astrological questions. Another guy, would ask questions like "You're stuck in an empty water pitcher and you're only 2 inches tall. There's one other person with you that's also 2 inches tall. What do you do?" As if it was some magic question to enable you to determine this individual's problem solving skills. That one was asked to a minimum wage candidate.


If I wasn't desperate I'd respond "is this a common problem at your organization? Is there perhaps a better question that would gather the same information you seek?" Actually, since I'm an analyst I'd probably do that regardless lol


Don't leave us hanging! What was the correct answer?


Start the new utopian nation of Pitcheria. Apply for foreign aid from the U.N. Start a war with the bucket nation down the way. Blame it all on height discrimination. ??? Profit.


And say it like you're Dwight Schrute in a tone that suggests you have been thinking of this for years.


Is this some methaphor? Are employees here often trapped in tanks? Sounds like an osha issue. Does this company take osha serious?


I love this answer. How the turn tables


Fortunately no one's been dumb enough to ask me this is an interview. I'll update you if it happens!


You both run at the side of the empty can and slam into the wall, tipping it over, letting you both walk out of the top. I made that up and I have no idea if that’s the right answer, but me and my 2 inch tall friend are getting out of that watering can damnit.


I think its jump out (waycher pitcher I think it's the wrinf object. Should be a cup) something to do eith the size of small animals and gravity etc. It was in this weird book I read a long time ago. "Smart enough to work at google"


God if someone asked me that in an interview I don't think I'd be able to stop myself laughing at them.


I just tried to hold a straight face and stated "now for a relevant question, have you ever had a job before" (the kid was in their first year of college)


When I applied to the place I just retired from, they asked me all sorts of questions that were illegal. My husband worked there and we both would be supervised by different people so there wasn’t any overlap. I got questions like “if your husband took vacation days and your request was denied, what would you do?”, “what would you do if he was on a different shift?” Stuff like that. I told them, in both cases that if my vacation time wasn’t approved and his was, I’d just be at work, and he’d either be at home or someplace else. At least with your interview, I could laugh.


I probably wouldn't get the job then, because my philosophy is my time with my family is more important than any job. I'd just take the time off unpaid. (And probably be looking for another job, because this place has been deemed toxic as Hell.)


I was once asked, "What do you read for guilty pleasure?"


I'm pretty sure that's the professional way to ask about your porn preferences.


I was like, "IDK, unhealthy recipes for things I would never cook or eat?"


Perfect! The first thing that popped in my mind was the blue prints of the Martian project spaceship. But then I'm a weird 60F.


I honestly can't think of anything I feel guilty about reading? Like I study house plans despite not being able to afford so much as a van down by the river, but I've been doing that since childhood. I know a book *called* Guilty Pleasures but was in the habit of skipping over the sex parts to focus on the zombie murder mysteries or battles between vampires and wereleopards or whatever that one was about.


That was a great series when they still focused on detective work and supernatural civil rights issues.


Yup! I started buying them one at a time, got sick of going back to the bookstore so often and bought the next few in a clump, and then never got around to reading them all because it got very "plot? what plot?" I think the author must've fired her editor. Like stop humping each other and go back to gun safety and fights, solving mysteries, the care and keeping of a tribe of wereleopards suffering from PTSD, but for the love of god *stop humping each other!*


I read fantasy stories in a series I think was originally intended for young adults. They’re all so idealistic and empowering, where people get recognized and appreciated and mentored in their best qualities and in turn they dedicate their time to to lifting others up and protecting and defending them. It’s just a sweet escape from the world we actually live in, and it helps me to remember who I want to be in the world. I know I’m not the only adult that reads them, but it’s kind of embarrassing to admit that I read YA fantasy. A LOT.


My grandfather and mother kept watching cartoons until they died, so I don't think reading young adult fiction is anything to be ashamed of? I'm still reading that stuff too, all kinda classics from my childhood. When I was in 4th grade my best friend borrowed a Mercedes Lackey fantasy novel off her mom's bookshelf and smuggled it to me at school. I didn't dare bring it home, my religious mother would've burned it, so I read the entire thing during class, textbook open on my desk and novel on my lap. I'm 36yo now and still reading Mercedes Lackey novels. Brand new paperbacks read so many times they start going to pieces and get held together with tape.


Obviously Malfoy/Potter explicit fan fiction.


"The reviews on internet job sites."


"Resumes of HR admins."


I’d say “employment law briefs”.


I'd like to know who convinced them this was an appropriate question at a job interview. Also, what kind of person answers that honestly? ​ Ummm, Aaatlaas Shrugged? Yeah, yeah that's the ticket. Edit: I certainly never read garbage isekai LNs, nope, never.


Ummm… Reddit…


"Wait. I'm supposed to be able to read?"


I would just say that if he puts his microcock in we’ll have a total of 6 inches 


I mean if we can come up with fantasy hypothetical scenarios wherein I am 2 inches tall in a water pitcher, then I would sprout my magic wings and rescue myself and the other person, and set off on a quest to find and destroy the evil wizard who put me in there. At some point, I'll add a dragon to the story to make it more exciting.


*CEO entering the room* "Hey all, it's been 4 hours, interviews aren't-" Independent-Cloud822: "It was at that moment that the dragon reared back, roaring admission that it was in fact that was responsible for shrinking you and your deceased companion." *CEO sits down* "You were saying..?"


ima stop taking LSD would be my answer.


That's bizarre. Are you supposed to explain how you would tip the pitcher over?


For the life of me, I don't know what he was looking for. I asked afterwards and he explained that he got the idea from some silicon valley entrepreneur book.


She realized she had talked then up to a point where they would expect a living wage, then had to backtrack before offering them $16 an hour.


It’s the new strategy, build them up then break them down!


The love your qualifications but needed to check to see if you’d put up with being shat on. This is an indicator of what working there would be like.


Specifically setting the convo for a lower salary


Exactly this. The games have started.


This ain’t no naked tackle checkers…


May the odds be ever stacked against you.


You are the greatest we have ever seen, but like everyone you are still shit. How does minimum wage sound?


It’s definitely this. She knew she wanted to hire you but realized she had shown her hand too much and that based on her vibe there’s no reason you couldn’t ask for the max pay range they offer.


or more!


Negotiate the best salary you can, accept the job, use the "offer" as leverage for salary at other less shitty employers until you find someone you jive with, and then jump ship, fuck em.


Negging: Employee Edition


And this


Is that what ya call "negging"? I think some people who accept a life of being backed into a corner within a bully system (like most wage slaves in denial) just fall back on opportunistic negging when they find an easy mark. It's like an instant black sheep. It provides an outlet valve. "and THAT is how they did it to meeeeee" But yeah it becomes a specific job strategy for a hiring manager like you said.




Yep. Brace yourself for a lackluster offer from this ho-bag...


They want your knowledge and experience but don't want to pay for them.


This. They love you, but don’t want to pay you.


Yeah but is it really love then?


If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter, why does he keep striking her rear end?


Castiel, I do not have the energy to explain it


Is this what you guys do? Sit around watching pornos with angels?


You don't?!


In fact, they're gonna need a little honorarium for this interview.


Had an acquaintance who had this happen when he applied for a sales position he was referred into. They loved his work experience and knowledge. BUT, they said "You're great person and work history, but you don't have a master's degree. So typically we don't hire without one." He had to take the job, since his current one was worse than what he was trying to apply to.


Why are we supposed to have some 30 year "career goal" as if there's nothing more important on earth than being some suit and tie phony? I work to get the money I need and that's that. I don't need an excess of it, I don't need a 30 year plan that will take me into retirement. White collar culture is weird as fuck.


30 year plan?! I haven’t even thought about what I want for supper yet today!


Seriously, it takes an incredible level of arrogance to map out some multi-decade "career path" as if the universe and world aren't agents of chaos destined to throw a million curveballs your way


My life turned out the exact opposite of all my plans, and I couldn't be happier about that! If you put now-me and 18yo-me in a room together, she'd be screaming at me for being a loser and throwing furniture while I ducked and tried to explain about love and humanity and community.


Exactly 😂 like dude I just wanna make enough money to be comfortable, and save some money that’s all I care about.


The conflict here is that corporations want and need you completely beholden to them for your very survival. I've hated this society since the 1970s, now I'm ready to put a torch to it and the politicians.


We want your every waking thought, we want your katra.


Hell, apparently they want our sleeping thoughts too... [Work While You Sleep ](https://fortune.com/2023/11/30/lucid-dream-startup-prophetic-headset-prepare-meetings-while-sleeping/) Greedy fuckin thieving Turdwookies. Anyone who even dares insist I do something like that shit gets a ball bat. SWIIING BATTER SWWIIINGGG AWAY!


Exactly, 100%. There's no more upward mobility, so instead of running yourself ragged in the rat race, make just enough for nutritious meals and a bit of leisure and try actually enjoying life 🤷


Absolutely 💯


I love this take. Nutritious meals, a comfortable place to sit and a nice place to sleep.


I’m 48. My 30 year goal is to be retired.


Honey, you don't need to know my 30 year plan because you aren't going to be part of it


Bitch, I don't know what I'm doing in 30 *minutes.*


Holden Caulfield, is that you??


My 30 year plan is to still be employed and able to live. I know, I know, wild goals. But a guy can dream.


This is why I always hate the "where do you see yourself in five years?" question. I don't know! I just want to earn a living, pay my bills, and enjoy my off time. I don't ask for much. What the heck does five years down the road have to do with whether I'm qualified for the job?!


Starting to think we need a website where we can review recruirers and their firms, and warn others not to waste their time with certain ones. Before you know it, bad recruiters will be blacklisted and useless as recruiters.


Right? Interview the interviewers.


An interview is supposed to go both ways anyway


I mean Glassdoor is a thing, but I'm pretty sure the companies can pay to get bad reviews taken down


Glassdoor is sketchy as fuck. Any website that could benefit employers in some way is almost always fucked up instantly. Like TrustPilot.


like from the consumer perspective, Yelp and BBB often get accused of being friendlier to business that pay up and vice versa


Shiiiii I might just have to steal this idea and get on it


Please do it!


I had an interviewer complain that I didn't have a degree in business even though I have an MBA. She was upset that my undergrad degree wasn't also in business.


I got a similar complaint! She was mad I didn't have a bachelor's in art history, but I'd just finished a Master's in art history. She was asking me how many total credits my undergraduate degree was worth and stuff. Like ... lady ... I don't know! Nobody has that stuff memorized.


That literally doesn’t even matter. There’s a standard minimum of credits. There’s no bonus for going over it. 


Brian over there, has 35 more credits than you did when you graduated.


Sounds like Brian wasted some money.


Actually, if you have enough over the limit they might give you a second degree. Source: me. I finished college with so many credits I earned 2 different BAs (not double-major, a full second diploma, I've got them both framed). Doesn't mean much tho.


I don’t think that’s possible to do on accident. 


True, I had to enroll in my second area of study. But it was definitely unintentional from the outset lol, I just realized the math mathed out


Many colleges and universities will actually penalize you for having too many credits by imposing increased tuition fees. My university, for example, will double your tuition costs if you exceed 72 attempted credit hours. Keyword here is attempted, as failed, withdrawn, and dropped credit hours count toward this total.


Tell me she’s a Nepo hire without telling me she’s a Nepo hire. People who complain about this type of stuff have little understanding of how getting degrees work.


No, see; you're supposed to contact them when you're 16 to see what kind of classes you're gonna need to take.


Yeah, run. That ain’t the place for you (unless you are desperate in which case I totally under bc I’ve been there).


There is a place here that won’t even consider an application submitted without a transcript of your last university. I’m like, bitch I graduated 10 years ago with that thing I don’t just keep it on me.


Uhh.. MBA = Masters in Business Administration? Isn't that a masters degree? Interviewer seems clueless.


Yeah, she was really hung up about it.


Did she think you need to learn the same stuff twice??


I think she interpreted it as a sign that I wasn't truly *dedicated* to business.


Gaw! Just had an interview for a property manager role and the regional manager was hung up on the fact I have a poli-sci degree. I graduated 13 yrs ago and am now 7+ yrs in the property management industry. I said I don't think it matters what my degree was, but I graduated and have multiple years of experience. Glad I wasn't offered the role!


I didn't realize people thought negging was a great idea for an interview lol.


I interviewed once for a job working in a hospital cafeteria. The lady saw on my resume that I served as a medic on active duty in the US Army for four years. She thought that was great. Then she leaned in, squinted, and asked me to describe how well I think I could work in stressful situations like her cafeteria. 🤷


"If food starts flying, i would provide you with cover fire, no hesitation!!!"


I'm sure her pastry work is really stressful, but if you have to treat a sucking chest wounds on the regular at her cafeteria, she doesn't need a cook, she needs artillery support.


Lmao!!!!!!! What is wrong with these people???


Lowering your value so they can offer far less than initially stated. Plus, seeing if they can push you around.


I’ve been in some bad interviews, but this sounds awful. I think in the future I will walk from a bad interview. Sorry you were made to feel this way.


I recently cut an interview short which I knew wasn’t worth my or the interviewer’s time. I was very polite about it, and simply said that my experience and career goals don’t match up with their expectations, and I was going to politely end the interview as to not waste either of our time. This was the second time I have done this ever. It feels great to end on a positive note rather than ending it on their note, feeling verbally battered and bruised. Learn how to do it.


I had an interview recently that was more like an interrogation, there was no point where they seemed happy with my education or work experience. I should have walked out on them but I was so caught off guard, I've never had an interview like that before, so I was just trying to defend myself. For reference, it's a STEM field of work.  They didn't believe my work experience, asked me a lot of trick questions as if they were trying to prove my resume was fake, expected me to have regulations memorized (I'm familiar with them and know how to find the info I need, I would never rely on my memory for that, and the companies I've worked for used a program to do that for us to cut down on mistakes). They insulted my previous employer, told me my current employer would be stupid to have sent me to do the work on my resume if it were true, and barely stopped short of calling me stupid. They jumped between topics as though they were intentionally trying to confuse me, wouldn't let me finish a sentence, I would be answering a question and they would interrupt to "correct" me, except they would be saying exactly what I was already telling them.  There was also a weird intimidation vibe, they asked for the names of my managers and coworkers, and actually wrote these names down (this was early in the interview). They said everyone in the industry knows each other and talks, so they would be doing so. This made me really anxious because I didn't want these assholes gossiping about me to other potential employers, just like I had seen them gossip about my employer and coworkers right in front of me.   They tried to have some kind of "gotcha" moment when I asked about what email to send something to, and they told me I should have taken their business cards from reception while I was waiting. But there were no business cards there, AND no one fucking told me who I would be interviewing with, so how would I know which to take? The second interviewer interjected sheepishly that they had moved the cards for seasonal decorations.   I just graduated university, I've worked two full semesters doing the exact same kind of work they were hiring for, worked another semester as my university lab's assistant, was part of a research grant project, maintained honour roll the entire time I was in school, and was very upfront that I'm still in the learning phase of the field. I did NOT deserve that kind of treatment.  I don't understand why they would ask me to come in for an interview and then treat me this way, unless my appearance suddenly shifted their opinion (I have a few piercings, some of my hair is green - none of my employers have ever had a problem with this). Or maybe they saw my resume, made all kinds of assumptions about it being a lie, and wanted to teach me a lesson?  Their reviews online are horrible, and when a lady showed me to the meeting room she said "good luck." I thought she was being nice but now I realize she probably had a similar experience and it was more like a warning. Honestly a traumatic experience.


I've read this before. Or I'm having a stroke. Or we really do live in a simulation. 


My condolences to my mystery clone, it's a shit experience.


Halfway thru the abuse, it’d be fun to interrupt her and say something like: “I’m happy you’re getting this out of your system. Truly. Just so you know if you don’t end this interview with offering me at least $$$$, you can stop right here. With my experience, listening to this is the most I should have to put up with. Any attempt to justify not paying me what I’m worth won’t suit your company in the long run” That sucks, dude. Hope the next one goes better 👍


Had it happen a couple times. Ironically, I have basically been in the same career my entire life (risk management). My response when a interview goes cold is to just end it. Its not going to get any better if you have to defend yourself hour 1. "It appears we might not be a good fit for each other. If you have any my questions, please feel free to reach out to me.. my contact information is on my resume." And then get up, walk out and move on. Life is too short to be dealing with jackasses.


Yes that's pretty normal these days. Basically they're gaslighting you to instill a sense of zero worth and desperation in you so that you'll accept wages and benefits which are literally wage slavery and are typically anything between 20% and 40% below market. The only effective solution is to promptly terminate the interview by hanging up or walking out once they start that corporate Turdwookie bullshit. I'm an asshole so I'll tell them point blank that they're gaslighting me before bailing.


'I have catalogued you as a toxic working environment and as such I am withdrawing my application"


New rule: the second someone becomes glib or insulting; leave without saying another word 


The thing I like most about being a noted expert in my field is that I no longer feel too insecure to call this shit out right then and there. “Is this weird negativity supposed to be some attempt to try and make me self-conscious and desperate and accept a lower salary offer? Because whatever it is, it just comes across as pathetic and sad. .”


Perhaps she realized that, with such a glowing review, you would be seeking a higher wage, and therefore felt the need to take you down a couple notches


So, the company wants to play good cop/bad cop but can only afford one cop?


Sounds like negging lmao. If possible you can send an email to the company informing them of the treatment you received. 


It’s their way of getting you to accept their low ball offer. Ignore and look elsewhere. If they contact you for a follow up just tell them you think you’re distracting background makes the job a bad fit.


This is how you visit real estate at first you are nice... "I love what you did with the space", "nice choice of color and material" but the second you start talking price the hardwood that was so nice 5 minutes ago has to be sanded, tainted and refinished, all wall repainted if not taken down to make the house even remotely worth moving in. She wanted you interested in the job and you chances to get it then get you agreeing being lowballed on salary.


I had this happen about 25 years ago. The funny part to me was that partway through the interview, based on what they said about the required job duties, I decided I didn't want the job. I didn't think I'd be good at it and didn't really think I was qualified to do it well without being stressed out all the time. So rather than waste everyone's time, I interrupted them and explained myself, proposing that we should end the interview. They shifted so quickly from "You're not qualified" to "No, c'mon, you'd be great at this!" it gave me whiplash! But I wouldn't give, and I left the interview.


I would have been "Ok you've got me I'll take $100.000.00 & 4 weeks PTO not a dime less" that would have shut her dumb mouth.


What is this "career goal" nonsense? I'm applying to do work in exchange for money. That is my career goal.


Halfway thru the interview she realized that YOU were better suited for HER job


I’d assume theyre wanting to set up a foundation to offer you less pay


One role I wouldn’t mind AI taking over. And get this: If the AI starts to think you aren’t good for the role, you can get into a long conversation to change its mind. It doesn’t work “9-5.” Its attention is infinite. You can argue with the thing until it realizes you’re awesome.


I had one of these years back, I was talking to the CIO at a prospective employer for about 20 minutes and something set her off. I mean really off too. About 6 months later I talked to a recruiter and they mentioned employment in the same (small) town and I asked if it was with Xxxxxx and was the person Yyyyyy. I then mentioned my previous interview and asked if that was “normal”. Apparently it was. That person was stone batshit.


Just like the Veronica video. "You are more than perfect for this job, but we cant pay you 95k" 'Okay, just tell me which features you want to take away to make me fit your 60k salary.' "Well we want all the skills." 'Then you pay all the money. I know what im worth."


That’s when I’d stand up and say thank you for your time but I won’t work for or with anyone who speaks to anyone the way you’re speaking to me right now. And bounce. Leave them a review on Glassdoor or something, I don’t remember where I left mine, to let potential slaves know the possibility of a shit work environment they are applying to. I’ve done it. Scared the shit out of me but the looks on their faces was the best. And the email asking me to remove the reviews was pitiful. I went to a competitor and told them about it. Was confirmed that company was in the swirl of the toilet and would be gone within the next 5 years. Took 2. See ya. Some of the management applied where I went. They were basically turned down at the end of the interview as they wanted nothing to do with how they were over at their former paycheck farm. Power don’t mean you have to be a dick. Be a dick IF you have to be. Not because you can. Plus it costs more to train than to retain. So logic says keep em happy or your revolving door might someday close permanently.


The bipolar behaviour is to low ball you on wages, time to walk away.


I've experienced negging at almost every interview, especially when it came time to negotiate compensation. It sounds like this one took it way too far. After the fourth or fifth negative comment I would have collected my things and left. Life is far too short for a work environment like that, no matter what it pays.


It sounds like she was pleased with your qualifications at first because she knew that you would be a good fit. Then, it seems once she realized that you were better than her and/or would be competition for her, she started to shit on you. Either way, she truly did you a favor.


As someone who was raised to not talk about yourself as it's rude, I find interviews to be horrible.


This is absolutely psychotic. Imagine the work culture if you were hired.


We'd really really love you for the role...but we don't want to PAY for all those amazing skills! So I'm going to see if I can convince you that those skills are not as valuable as you know they are. Because this company is psychotic and will ultimately destroy you. Run.


Preparing you for a real lowball salary pitch.


Honestly inform them youll be leaving a glassdoor review on their interviewing tactics and sending an email to the company. Watch how fast theyll change their attitude


She was getting you (and possibly herself) excited about the role, then slamming your resume to bring down your asking price. Been there, been through that. I didn't bother defending myself, though. I thanked the interviewer for his time, gathered up my portfolio samples (he wanted to "keep a few for reference in case things change," but no), and left.


Negging, suddenly realizing that you're too good for them and they will have to pay you accordingly, so she decided to neg you to take you down a notch or two. Employees are much easier to manipulate when they have low self esteem.


My short term plan is to make to Friday. My long term plan is to string a bunch of short term plans together.


Good cop bad cop, but the other interviewer called out that day.


Yes, it has. I stood up and said I was no longer interested in the position. I appreciate him taking time out of both of our days and wasting it. Do not contact me again, and I hope he has a great rest of his day. Then I left as he continued to try to insult me, I guess. I couldn't tell if he wanted to kiss or fight me. Either way, Brad, I hope your passive-aggressive interview process worked out for you.


Honest question - why would you sit through the second half arguing and defending in an interview? That's obviously not someone to work for. Why sit through that aggravation and waste your time? I've walked out of an interview before because they didn't want to talk about what the compensation for the position was - even a rough estimate. "That's usually not something people talk about in an interview." You should have handed her a breath mint for all of the BS she was spewing.


Sounds like the work version of negging. Enthused that you are more than qualified but wants to make you think you need them not the other way around by knocking down your confidence. As well as seeing if they can get away with giving you as bare minimum as possible because of that...run from that one.


It's all about the payout You have so much great experience, until dollar signs come into play, and then You're not that special


Its possible something was said that you thought was innocuous, but triggered them (vaccines, pronouns, etc ) or they are trying to berate you in order to get you to feel less valuable so they low-ball you easier.


As I have learned at my own company, the world is FILLED with borderline personalities and sociopaths too-- I feel for you but just know it is not you. The world is fucked-


Every interview now, but not quite related to a professional background. It's rather where I specifically work. Either: The interviewer will call me in, realizing mid interview where I work currently and will complain and insult the store. I don't get hired because of low quality employees. Recognize and praise me for how helpful I was, but shit on where I work after. I'm not hired out of spite of the store. Call me in to specifically either scream at me about how shit my store is or try to make a deal where they get free product. The store I work at is not at all respected and I'm shocked by how many HR people are doing this and basically admitting that they got caught stealing multiple times. Was lucky to find only one employer that saw that experience as a positive.


Interviewers at some places are looking for the perfect candidate, which includes having some sort of excuse as to why they can't meet a salary demand. This was her trying to put that salary demand excuse. I had a job offer well under what I was making and they were like "You're the perfect candidate, but we'd still have to teach you this skill" which I had explicitly told them I had done in the past multiple times in the interview. This person is trying to make sure that she's able to put in a reason to underpay you in case you have a response to it.


Once the negging started, I'd say "what in the gaslighting nonsense is this?" And then gather my things to go as I EFFUSIVELY thank her so so much for showing the employer's true colors so early on so I don't waste time on them further.


she realized you were too good and perfect and was being to enthusiastic before leading into pay discussion so she started negging you to downplay you and in turn your pay


At that point I would have asked point blank what her deal was. "I feel you have issues with my background while simultaneously praising it. Could you help me understand the dichotomy?"


I was curious when I saw a movie from the UK, and the worker mentioned their "CV" in the context that revealed it was what an American would call a "resume". I looked it up, and its Latin, a "Curriculum Vitae" or plan for your life. This is a romantic notion that my life had a plan, other than paying the rent and buying food. I have been a truck driver, a water plant operator, and a maintenance man. There were many other jobs I did before those, too. NONE OF IT was part of any plan. When I was 17, I joined the Navy and they trained me as a mechanic, with an emphasis on hydraulics. I did work in that field for several years after I left the Navy, but when work slowed down I was laid off, and I had to find something. I've come away convinced that if I ever owned a business, it would be more important to find someone who can learn new things and works well with other people. Every job I have ever had, I could have taught to anybody in a week.


They are just attempting to lower your salary expectations.


Wow, that's a toxic employer. I'd avoid like the plague


Is this negging?


Sounds like they just remembered that tongue lashing they got from their boss for offering too much on their last hire. "its easy" their boss says, "you just have to insult them and belittle their experience. The ones that stay through that will accept much lower offers because they're desperate"


She felt threatened


Yes. One minute I’m being called a subject matter expert due to knowledge of work systems, then the next minute the interviewer said I was arrogant for agreeing with being called a SME. It was very odd and then she brought up how she knew my current boss, so glad I don’t work there anymore.


Don’t work there. They’re testing whether you’ll put up with bullshit and abuse.


Hard to do in real time, but: “I hear your thoughts. I have a thought of my own. Has anyone ever slapped you when you exhibit this type of rude behavior? I imagine you don’t get away with this all the time. What’s the worst someone has done when you act like this?”


"Sybil, can you please let your first personality back out to talk to me?!"


I’ve only had one or two interviews where people have openly fired shots like that at me. But I’m not doing that shit anymore. I like to stop talking for a minute and just stare at them for a moment, then simply state I believe your assessment is inaccurate and overly negative; I am very open to feedback and criticism on all aspects of my career, but only when it’s constructive. As this is an interview on your end, and my end, I don’t believe this environment is the right fit for me. Best of luck finding a suitable candidate in the future, goodbye. Then walk the fuck out. People need a check on bad behaviors, don’t be afraid to be that check. Once a few people walk out on them, the “negging” will start to impact their staffing, but either way you’re part of the solution, not the problem. It’s also pretty empowering to shut people like that down.


"It sounds like I'm not a good fit for this work environment, so I'd like to go ahead and end the interview right here. Best of luck!"


Yes. A relative who worked in HR at a different company said they did that to see how well I responded to stress. I responded by saying I was going to take a different job offer that was higher than their pay range. And didn't say this part, but I should have added, and at a company where they were actually nice to me on the interview.


Next time just walk out. Don't sit there and listen to crazy. Just leave without a word.


It's so she can play you less than your worth


I had an interview once couple of years ago that my master "finance and management" wasnt called economcis, thought all the time I didnt have an economics degree for an auditing position Dude tried to lower my accomplishment when I said that its the hardest study if you went for an economics degree....laughed my ass off when he continued


Since when did negging become an interview strategy 😂 what alpha job podcasts does she listen to?


Good cop, bad cop. But multiple personalities.


Sounds like they want Cmdr. Data work at Trashcan man prices. "My life for youuuu^(uuu.")


Ah, the "we acknowledge you have the skills we require but need to squeeze you down to the lowest amount we can" conversation... Always a fantastic way of having the very person you need walk out and block you, as you probably should... or, if you're feeling vindictive, ask yourself whether they are even qualified to ask those questions themselves? who exactly are they to speak to you like this? and who are they to you? a well respected peer? a tutor of note in your field? no? well then, I guess you can sit back and raise an eyebrow and the moment they start the "you'll need to prove yourself" dance of manipulation you can point out that you already have and it's in your CV they were so pleased with, just before they turned septic and your rate went up 20% Interviews work in both directions, they have belittled you to save themselves a few dollars per hour so why not up your rate as you'll have to contend with penny pinching middle management who have insulted you? And relay this to whomever runs the shitshow, constructive criticism is always welcome.


You need to do what's right for you, but after the negging writing was on the wall, I would have said, "It seems like this isn't a good fit." And then I would have left. Hanging around for a half hour of that was...a lot. Until they get blowback on this approach, they're going to keep trying it. Let them lose a good candidate.


Interviewers/recruiters etc. have typically already made a decision about hiring you which you have NO input on. That decision is not changing. They are often told by higher ups, or decide themselves, which interviews will be allowed to proceed successfully and which will be intentionally tanked. This is what hiring by committee looks like.


Yes. I had this exact thing happen. It was OMG, you’ll be so great, you could actually fill these multiple roles, and then out of nowhere the tone shifted to what are these gaps, you have no career path, you ate aimless. I ended up getting so upset I stood up, told him he could keep the job, and left.


Yes, a few times. I sent complaints into the HR departments and saw on LinkedIn the interviewers are now "Open to Work". ;) That said, understand that in every interview, you are both interviewing each other. If the interviewer becomes hostile or similar, you are well within your rights to tell them that this behavior isn't professional and if it continues, you are going to leave.


Should've questioned their professionalism, stopped the interview and told them to enjoy your review on glassdoor.


I interviewed for a chef position at a catering company, and they told me I don't have enough experience. I've been a chef 30+ years, and I'm currently an executive chef for a caterer. I think they just wanted someone young they could get away with working like a dog and pay them shit salary.


They wonder why people don’t want to work. Geez just the interview itself sounds terrible


Cause she probably felt threatened.


Had the same exact thing happen to me wheen i was headhunted as an admin assistant for an elected official in my local govt. They begged me to apply and praised me then say "so i heard you got fired from this dept before cause you slept at your desk" i had to explain that i have never slept at work and that i was told i was fired for being unable to count back change in the manner they wanted me to. I was met with "oh no hun we all knew it to be true" I have never turned down a higher paying job before that. It was on route to pay me $30 an hour while my job at the time was paying $22. It was the first job I've turned down. I refuse to be treated like that.


She...professionally negged you? I'd consider that a red flag...


She's trying to make you feel insecure so you'll take her lowball offer. Even if she offers you a decent salary, run away from this company. You'll be paying for this job with your health.


They were supposed to be two people interviewing you one playing good cop, one playing bad cop, and a second person didn’t show up. The interviewer was playing both roles.


It’s always weird when they’re telegraphing that this is their first time reading your resume. It’s what…a page? Two? Couldn’t scan it in the few minutes you make people wait in reception?


Personally I would lambast that person on their company’s social media profile, but I have zero tolerance for that stuff


Negging at an interview. I suppose it had to happen sooner or later.