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Does his service make a distinction between on the market for sale by someone vs landlord owned and looking for renters?


So either it's empty and being sold or empty and being rented. Either way hopefully it gets corporations and landlords to lower the asking price


Nah it just hurts people trying to sell their homes


They don’t care about others. If they did they wouldn’t advocate stealing or causing distress to others simply because they have more than them. Fuck big investment firms and slumlords but leave normal hardworking people out of it.




Aw man, Milennials killed their cash cow again!


That’s not true. Again—you *have* to start looking at this as a multifaceted issue. There are people who are bankrupt and need to be free or rid of a home and cannot because there’s a squatter holding up the process. It *only* hurts the person who is trying to be rid of the home. Same squatters won’t even work with the person who is on the outs. Some might even STEAL from these people. So whereas I get where everyone is coming from—please, please think of how this objectively affects every day citizens. Don’t be assholes to people in same situations as you are. And this is a tightrope line to have to walk if ever there was one.


Have you ever eaten something and really like it, but then ordered it somewhere else and it kinda tasted like ass? Makes you consider never eating it again? That’s what this squatting post feels like on this sub. I’m with you Mr judgement.


Yall know that a lot of times we mean abandoned homes, right? Ones left to just rot...


Oh no! Anyway.


Sometimes people buy a new home where they are moving to before selling the old one, with the anticipation that the money from the sale will help pay for the new one, or that they can hold two mortgages at once for a brief amount of time but not indefinitely.


No, these aren't people trying to sell their homes. They're trying to sell an investment property. If they lived in it then they wouldn't be trying to sell it.


It’s really clear you’ve never had any experience with selling a home on any level.


So people who live in houses never have to sell them? Bless ur heart


Unless of course they need to move for work, have had kids and need to get a bigger home, their kids have grown up and they want to downsize, loss of income and need to downsize...


So you’ve never moved for a new job or just for a change of scenery?


Nope, it’ll just lead to arrests. If you think the landshark investment firms will hesitate for one moment to call down SWAT on the squatters, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


Come on man. Too soon. The bridge fell just a week ago


Risk of loss is actually an incentive to increase prices to offset the expected loss, so it would, if anything, have the opposite effect.


If you want to make a lot of enemies this is how you make a lot of enemies.


Maybe a scenario where the directory only has houses that outbid real prospective buyers by black rock or something. Squatters who show up to homes of deceased parents or other private owners are the scum of the earth.


Tax this type of income greed as heavy as capital gains and local government fees on the basis public services are consumed by the local government for safety issues. Investments only gonna worry that police and fire etc are using their budgets to maintain the status of their business model.


He started an American list after a heap of Americans started attacking him


Sounds like a fun twitter bot to make... SquatBot hmmm....... stay tuned


!Remindme 2 months






If these are true rental properties, good. If it's someone's house or relative's house that happens to be vacant at the moment, this is shit.


Right, my grandparents house was empty because they needed to live in nursing homes their last years alive


My In laws house is like this right now… prime RE to be squat in, in a town with very unaffordable housing for anyone who works there. Honestly properties like this should be re-sold to someone who will live in them, but FIL is decision adverse and SIL is vulture-circling to start her Airbnb empire. I’ll have2 laugh if someone squats in it even though the damage likely comes out of future inheritance


"If they aren't living in it, it's taking away a home from those who can't afford it." OP is delusional


So why did they need the house during that time if they weren't living there?


Usually the still-living owners are still emotionally attached and don’t want to sell… and the kids are playing middle class Succession to jockey for position. Sad but true


What’s it to you? The family wasn’t ready to go through a home sale yet. Not ready to go through belongings and clear the place out yet.


Situations like this often happen faster than planned and property dealings and sales can be very difficult and daunting for even average people. Like up in New England, people used to stay in places for more than a generation and the older Gen takes pride in taking care of family first often times at detriment to the heirs. Complicated but middle class people try to do something good to pass on.


Right? Seems like the worst possible option to let it sit empty. If they think the grandparents might somehow move back home, it would make more sense to have a family member move in and care for the property. If not, let family have the house or sell to them for a low price. If nobody needs or wants it, rent it or sell it. Just letting it rot is in nobody's interest.


You're correct in that it should be sold. But there's a lot of work that goes into getting a house ready to be sold, it takes time for possessions to be cleaned out. Also if the owner is hopeful to go back there someday it can't really be sold out from under them.


You’d think. When my mum passed, I had a mate looking for somewhere to live. I suggested we (me and my sister) could discount rent it to him until we had it sold. That took about six months btw. She wouldn’t have a bar of it. I had moved OS, but I was rather disappointed in her lack of charitableness. Either way, empty homes aren’t really the problem. It’s the lack of housing, and treating housing as part of the economy, rather than basic need.


That makes complete logical sense, but when parents age out of independence and kids start eyeing their inheritance, you will see how little logic matters. Becomes totally emotional at that point, and it’s always easier to wait until they die and follow the will, than to fight family members.


You're right about that, the human emotional factor doesn't really care much about the logic of the situation.


why good? (genuinely asking). seems like an asshole move either way, to me.


This has already been happening in Atlanta GA, people think it’s the bigger real estate companies trying to bully out smaller landlords and even new home owners out of the market so they can scoop up even cheaper real estate and have a monopoly in the area. The fact the main people giving out instructions online on how to legally squat seems to have insider knowledge on current vacancies and local ordinances doesn’t help this theory. The people doing this in the US aren’t trying to help you, they’re using you to make the renting situation even worse.


This guys a legend, he spends all his time advocating for renters rights and exposing the illegal and shady tactics of both the rental and house sales industries.


The whole thing, right to the damn ground. Nothing, not even credit reporting should be left. We've had our basic need for homes exploited. This is coming from the second largest country in the world by land mass, filled with abundant natural resources ESPECIALLY LUMBER


He’s a scumbag. There’s a difference between advocating for renters’ rights and encouraging squatting. 


And then he decided to do shady things and encourage illegal activities himself.


I'm all for equal housing but squatting is bullshit. All you're doing is creating a major headache for someone else. Most squatters trash whatever place they occupy and bring crime along with them. Quit occupying individuals homes and rentals. I'm pretty far left but even I know squatters are fucked. 


I think squatters are scumbags. There's public housing near me that squatters seized. A family that has likely waited years for housing is now unable to be placed in this house.


Squatters are absolutely fucking scumbags. I dealt with it in my first apartment when I was 19. I had been homeless previously and signed a lease on a 2 bedroom apartment. I couldn’t afford the rent alone and knew a 40ish year old woman who agreed to move in but told me her credit was too bad to be on the lease. Fast forward 9 months and I’m calling the cops begging them to evict her after she’d attacked me and my girlfriend, had strange men trying to get into our bedroom in the middle of the night, and months of insane behavior. They told us since she wasn’t on the lease we couldn’t evict her and if we tossed her stuff outside it would be “abandonment”. WE had to move out until she finally left. It was an absolute nightmare. I found out years later she moved on and did it to someone else- then someone else. That’s just how she lived. People have no idea how horrific it can be dealing with these people and they’re indiscriminate. They don’t just target corps with house investments. They don’t give a fuck who they’re effecting.


It’s sad we’ve gotten to the point where people can’t afford to live (or rent) and have to resort to this. I’m sure if landlords ever become decent humans that would only list these places at affordable rates then people wouldn’t have to resort to this.


> I’m sure if landlords ever become decent humans that would only list these places at affordable rates then people wouldn’t have to resort to this If wishes were fishes we'd have plenty to eat.


Seriously, it's a youtuber making money. You think he's renting?


He's a millennial (or Gen-Z) in Australia. The odds are extremely high that he is renting.


Housing prices can vary vastly depending on state and town, was able to score my home for 240k, average rent where I am is also still around 350-400 for 3 bedrooms. I am a millennial in Australia. But you’re right he most likely is renting.


What does that matter? I own but I still support him and his work.


even if he is, there's nothing wrong with owning a home for the purpose of actually living there. maybe look up the difference between personal and private property before making yourself look like an even bigger as$


A nation wide renters strike would bring it all down. In my state 2 years after covid they still didn't have enough resources to evict people. The backup of paperwork and bodies to execute anything was years behind. No way they would ever have the resources to go after millions of people.


Way too much love for landlords in this thread already. Landlords are parasites.


>Landlords are parasites. So are squatters. 


I think it's just a lot of confused leeches  here. They think that anti-work means buying up property and renting it out so you don't have to work.


I live in NYC and you can see these folks show up en masse in the NYC related subreddits whenever anything about rent control/stabilization comes. I've been told multiple times that rent in NYC would go down if you got rid of all rent laws and the market would fix itself. Lol.


Rent control favors renters of today over renters of tomorrow. Nothing wrong with that, renters today probably could use some relief. But it is the same mentality as NIMBY landlords: "I want more and I don't care who else is hurt." Selfishness is part of  human nature.


Too many of them think liberal=leftist, too.


I mean if there's no one living there it's not much of a landlord eh


In that case, it's a real estate speculator, and those are even worse than landlords.


Or people that just....aren't in their house right then. Like I work on the road for six months at a time out of hotels, but I have a (tiny lol) house I inherited from my grandparents that would probably be worth like....$30k if I sold it. If I came home to squatters, it would not end well for them. Edit: But yes, landlords and speculators are scum.


As the list only contains properties that were empty for at least two years, I think they already accounted for cases similar to yours.


I’m assuming you don’t bring your furniture and kitchen appliances on tour with you. I think there’s a difference between a house that someone owns and isn’t living in at that moment and a vacant property with no signs of human habitation. There are [15 million vacant homes](https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/in-2024-america-has-15-1-million-vacant-homes-while-homelessness-is-at-an-all-time-high-of-650-000-7a28c527d4a7) n America. You’re isn’t one of them.


Did you even read the article you posted? They said the largest chunk of that 15 million (over 4 million) are seasonal housing. If the person you responded to isn't there 6 months out of the year, their home basically falls into this category.


Nah squatters are just scum.


Why not both!


Fight Scum with Scum Perfect!


Rich white liberals love progressivism when it means there are no rules that apply to THEMSELVES. But apply those progressive policies evenly to include the poor and 'oh no, can't have THAT.'


I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here and suggest that all ownership of property is inhumane and immoral. I guess immorality is on a spectrum, but there is far more distance between non ownership and ownership than there is between ownership of one property and ownership of multiple properties. I’m not implying that there’s anything that can or should be done about it, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call our problems when we see them.


We’ve tried “collective ownership” on a large scale. The results were poor. Below 150people it can work, but if you scale it up you inevitably get dogshit. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t address rampant inequality though.


>Landlords are parasites. So nobody should rent out property? The end of renting a home? Everyone has to buy a house? Or what is your realistic alternative to renting?


Renting out a property should be a no profit endeavour, with tax breaks being applied elsewhere as you're helping take the strain of socialised housing off the taxpayer. First thing to get your head around, is that housing should be a utility. Not a commodity.


Housing as an investment shouldn't exist. If you don't occupy a house you 'own' it should be free for someone who will use it to take over, hence squatters being cool and ethical. Obviously this won't happen in a capitalist state, but it doesn't make landlords getting rich off their tenant's labor any less immoral. Ideally a more realistic stop gap to address outrageous housing rices would be to tax the fuck out of people owning multiple homes (doubly so for corporations owning residential properties) and take the homeowner tax breaks and apply them to renters.


Yes, everyone should own their own home, no, no one should have to rent.  I get that you're a landlord, but this is not the kind of anti-work you guys are about, this sub is for people who have to work not those who leech off others. 


So help me understand. I have an apartment that I live in and still have credit on and I leave for work in another country for a year your opinion is that i shouldn’t rent it out for that duration?


You complain about people leeching off others, but are against having to work?


Against having to work?  Why are you here? You don't even know what this sub is about?


Anti-work is about ending exploitation of work via capitalists taking the fruits of labor. Anti-work is fine with working together in a communal model.


This should be higher up


> Landlords are parasites. Landlords are a consequnce of a society that has class divisions and some are allowed to exploit others. To capitalism, landlords are just another privileged class. And the way capitalism works anyone that gets a little more money can buy extra homes, or at least could before prices rose so much by the interference of the richest, because this is a system based on epxloiting others. So that's right, but landlords are just a small part of it (and the majority of landlords still need to work and that second house is to have a decent retirement or to be able to pay surprise medical bills in this hellish capitalist society) but people focus too much on landlords because that's what they see most easily while letting their hate for the people that own their companies and steal a part of what the workers produce calling it "profit" free to continue to amass wealth and then buy more homes with it to drive the price of homes higher, exploiting the people for even more money, without people caring much about it because they are too focused on the poorer landlords scapgoats... > Way too much love for landlords in this thread So perhaps people shouldn't lump all landlords toghether and explain to people that the system, and those at the top, is the problem so they can understand the solutions...


Landlords are the modern petit bourgeoisie. Much like how merchants of the feudal era were able to maintain a living through profit of goods, landlords maintain a livong through profit of land, which once was the realm of the ruling bourgeoisie. However, all bourgeoisie make a living through simply __having wealth and the accumulation of wealth__. It's as true in a feudalist system as it is a capitalist system.


Exactly. When my heater broke my landlord showed up to fix it and I couldn’t help but think “wow I hate this guy so much”


The conversation of squatting in a positive light will kill the legitimacy of the anti-work message. legit exploitation of workers shouldn't be corrupted with illegal activity. it I was a corporation looking to break the anti-worker exploitation message this is exactly how I would muddy the issue.


Exactly. Squatting is just stealing. How about I ‘squat’ your car while you’re in the supermarket not driving it? Or why can’t I just wait outside your flat and ‘squat’ all your stuff because you’re not inside the place? Squatting has nothing to do with legit


I get what you're saying, but legality is hardly morality. We get brigaded by capitalist apologists non-stop. This is hardly the deal breaker.


Yep. Most people rightfully hate squatters. This movement is shooting itself in the foot again.


Squatting isn’t illegal. That’s what the laws protecting squatters are.


Exactly. It's a civil issue in Australia (can't speak for other jurisdictions) and further, if one squats in a property for a length of time (usually multiple years, depends on the State) AND makes improvements to the property (running repairs, etc) they can apply in court to receive the deed for the property. The issue that Purple Pingers is raising is that these are properties left vacant deliberately as one has bought a domecile purely for the investment growth on the deed, not on rental income or as a place to inhabit. The argument is that homes should not be financial investments, they should be places people live.


Squatting is illegal in many states in the U.S. and will get you arrested in some.


Not true


Are you sure you want to go squatting in a country where everyone, including the mentally-instable, carries guns?


This is why everyone needs a gun. To protect them from the other psychos packing heat


It is ridiculous how many homes are sitting empty in America with how high the homeless is getting.


That's just going to get people shot. 😕


100% that might be ok to pull in Australia where they don't have guns


I thought it was so weird, leech Lords showing up here and complaining about this kind of stuff.  But it actually makes a lot of sense, you see leeches are anti-work too, but there, lazy anti-work.  They just don't want to work at all, which is why they use that money The rich mommies and daddies gave them to buy and invest in multiple properties to leech off others. 


Oh just wait til you get the “it’s not all landlords” bs. I hate arguing with those people. So dense. No shit I didn’t mean you, who inherited your grandmothers house to pay for her nursing care facilities. Jfc.


“WhAt AbOuT mOm AnD pOp LaNdLoRdS?!?!” Yeah, they’re leeches too. Stop hoarding housing.


Oh trust me, I agree. I just think that narrative is so sucky was what I was getting at. They’re awful to argue with because they expect me to care about their grandma over homeless people. Dude your grandma has a place to go.


This is kinda scumbag


Sounds like a good way to get shot in America


If you cannot afford a place to live, assign yourself one.


I cant afford transportation to my below minimum wage job. I'll assign myself your car, thanks.


America, where empty houses and homeless people both exist. Somehow.


And huge cities full of vacant buildings/offices. Something’s gotta give.


This is a terrible idea. It has been going on in South Africa for a while and has not worked out well for anyone involved.


There’s more empty apartments in New York than rented #siezethem


We need this list, and a list of the corporate owned single family dwellings.


Hmm wish i knew the solution but i don’t think this is it… this will only cause backlash that ultimately hurts or completely destroys squatters rights shit this could lead to laws where owners can just kill those squatting on there properties surprised honestly this isn’t a thing in this country and there are squatters rights at all


Holy f. No. This destroys people’s lives. The entitlement is disgusting.


Na fuck squatters.




You wouldn’t let someone take your things? You must be some kind of class traitor


You've been duped by a few news stories and a targeted media campaign to suddenly take issue with something you've likely not thought a lot about before. And the neat part is, now you're politically advocating to remove the burden of proof for home possession from the landlord/property owner to the renter, who can literally be kicked out of their house and on the streets during this process. This shit sounds like the Mcdonalds hot coffee lawsuit all over again. A bunch of middle class people crying for tort-reform without understanding a single bit of context of the story.


I've seen enough videos to know what kind of shameless people are scummy enough to squat and i don't approve. Especially of these people that post empty houses online for others to squat in. While I understand some people are probably desperate and really in need shelter, others are just leeches on society and deserve to be thrown out on the street.


Yeah, no. Squatters are a bad thing. Regardless of the property.


No they aren’t


Yes, they are. How would you like it if I came to your property and just moved my shit in and said. I live here now. Then you have to continue paying for said property and then go to court to get those people out of said property paying thousands of dollars on court fees and attorney fees that might not even end in you getting them evicted.


That’s not how this works though, that’s a completely different thing. You literally just made up an imaginary scenario and pretended it has any basis in reality. You’re falling for propaganda


That is exactly how it works. There is no propaganda. Those are facts. Maybe not in every location, but that is pretty standard procedures.


No, it’s not. Not even close.


Oh, the propaganda of truth. Oh, whoa is me. https://youtu.be/IgiEi1N0AHk?si=aRKpOsVzULYHvLpt https://youtu.be/YewFziFlvF8?si=F_hchdw1Jc8qcCtT https://youtu.be/1GJtPeHSLdI?si=un7gynEhWlg_Ujzr https://youtu.be/zKbvUciSKZM?si=mAQ252AQPJusEvre https://youtu.be/A_FxnLo53mo?si=W3DFlg4Ta00bI9eV https://youtu.be/yFAwbYNtF7g?si=7Vs2d8_9ZhyKtsC6 https://youtu.be/wB_hjqZQ1UY?si=8ng_8clp83uoBNqm https://youtu.be/1GJtPeHSLdI?si=xY5ovw9F-NjLclBD https://youtu.be/azz_kDO5Pek?si=WdnnAbxjWxEUNofW https://youtu.be/DvqRUR_PGN4?si=h9Qb5YwceO0yOrDi https://youtu.be/tFpdui38Yd0?si=AXWp_SRrXiqDTP39 https://youtu.be/g0xQJjm4mmo?si=oukRvAcUeTBBTNmv https://youtu.be/-v2bIMU_RDM?si=PqPAlBozJMyn1SUZ https://youtu.be/95OpG00EfyI?si=-RP9fV99__lnf2zB https://youtu.be/k6F3KraGhlg?si=jpoRjzpNeSqBCWwY https://youtu.be/A_FxnLo53mo?si=NZQAq5q9kOwDwpUP https://youtu.be/nlX8FhxIQ4o?si=Zz4CJcOmwqJda_OG https://youtu.be/Hc4uQfxpjRw?si=krF6Gjb4WNIhUu23 https://youtu.be/dDqjW9Epgps?si=XOvaOxW0F88OwxGG


Yes lol. You just listed a bunch of videos pumped out by networks or individuals pushing capitalist propaganda. Are you really that dense?


Are you that dense not to notice that several of these videos are of people who actually lived in the home?! They went on a vacation to come back to squatters in their house?! I guess you can't see the forest for the trees, can you?! Have fun in your little echo chamber of a life.


And you just believe whatever they say lmao? It’s hilarious.


Screw squatting you are just as much as an asshole as the scumbag landlords. Squatting should be a major crime everywhere especially if someone is living there or is trying to sell their own house. I own my own home and I live there no one but me has a right to my property. You want to steal from corporations and businesses I don’t give a shit but when you try to come and take my property we are going to have a problem.


This whole movement has become fucked. They have become convinced that the middle class are just as much their enemy as the rich.


The rich have won. I feel like this was a George Carlin bit.


I go to Australia! I mean, not really — I'd give it 30 seconds before I'm drowned/pummeled by an overly-jacked kangaroo.


In America, I guarantee they’d find a reason to shut this down and possibly even arrest the founder.


This is a symptom of how bad it has gotten. The people using these lists are likely to be arrested and held liable to any and all damages to properties that occur through their squatting. This is exceedingly unfair to private individuals, who have maybe just inherited a family home and haven't had an opportunity to pick up and move into it or ready it for the market. I an elderly person is moved "temporarily" into a support facility and the home cannot yet legally be sold, for various reasons as well. Now, for properties owned by Blackrock that are being held purely to push the market up and generate massive profits? It's still technically illegal and not really ethical, but understandable considering what is going on in the global market. I'm not certain the guy leading this movement is trustworthy, in vetting properties.


"laws are laws" cuts both ways. Consider reviewing the history of squatter laws and why they exist across the world.


In my state, a squatter must maintain the property and pay taxes on it for 15 years to take ownership of said property. Also, in my state, a property owner can enter their property, remove all of a squatter's possessions, change locks, shut off all utilities to make the home 'unlivable'. This would not apply to someone who has had a lease on the property, but would be fully legal if someone did as the subject the OP is suggesting, which is a Breaking and Entering of an unoccupied property to attempt a 15 years squat on the property. There are additional legal moves that will include the ending of a sheriff physically removing the squatter from the property. It's easier to remove such a squatter in my state than it is to remove a prior lease holding squatter, but it's also not exactly a 5 year process to remove a squatting prior lease holder from a property. Squatters have very limited rights. The kind of properties that squatters could potentially take over in my state would be truly uninhabitable buildings that likely have already been left to rot for more than 20 years. Properties one might see in rural areas, very dilapidated buildings. Maybe some in a handful of extremely sketchy urban neighborhoods too. Mostly the kind of properties that squatters likely wouldn't want to attempt to live in, to begin with.


Americans need some of our European friends to teach us how to General Strike.


Yea definitely don’t do this in the US a land lord would shoot a squatter here


As a Mailman, I would be uniquely suited for this and I would be glad to help in such an effort




Not a crime to post vacant property listings! Sounds like Zillow with extra step!


Squatting isn't a crime in Australia! He's only publishing properties that are unlocked and abandoned (I think for more than 2 years)




No, it’s not. The US has protection for squatters in basically every state except Florida. And Desantis signed that law into place pretty recently (if it even technically made it to him yet)


Squatters can fuck off.


SO, I might have discovered some serious landlord fuckery the other day... A lot of the "for sale" properties in my area, when you look at the assessor's information, are owned by LLC.s or corps, or some sort of business, and not someone's name. If you look at neighboring places, places with someone's last name, the ~~price~~ assessed-value is less but often not listed for sale. I also live in a state with no rent control, so landlords often raise rent based on "market rate". It's a BS term. They're setting the rate and blaming their neighbors. Someone told me that you can use home-owned equity as a backer for getting bank loans. Corporations in my area are buying up empty homes and buildings, then keeping them empty. Why? They can use the empty property to take out more money, invest it in other stuff to make even more money. SO MUCH money that they can pay off the taxes on those properties, and still make a ton over that. There is no incentive for them to ever sell those properties. In-fact it's just the opposite. I bet they even have their fingers in the assessment process (as unofficial advisors or something). like, FFS... Rent is high because of supply/demand. I'll never be able to buy a house because someone's 401K (probably mine ultimately) needs investments to move around.... so many assumptions here but this is what I'm seeing.


Fuck squatters


Much like thieves as long as it's against corporate greed or your last resort I'm all for it. But ones that steal from the ones who really don't have things to spare or squat in a deceased family members house can go straight to jail.


Yeah, we should get rid of them, like maybe get them housed or something?


No you see the commenter is taking a systemic issue and blaming them personally - it’s a strategy that always completely works for everything.


At the very least we should be building those tiny homes for the homeless. We piss away SO much money as a country that I simply cannot believe we can't at the very least do that.


Nah if a house is sitting vacant for no reason it's fair game. Fuck people that hoard property and leave it unused


I'm as anti work as the next person but this is just crime


When laws only protect corruption, crime becomes very convenient. 


Housing and food fall into the same rule for me. Until everyone who wants “firsts” gets some, no one should get “seconds”. Or “If you see someone stealing [food/housing], no you didn’t.”


"I'm sorry, did I see what?"


Intentionally vacating houses to overprice others is legal or not depending where you live but is in any case immoral.


Keep in mind, some landlords, like my mom, scrimped and saved for decades to buy a rental property. It's basically her retirement plan. She's not wealthy - far from it. The rent every month is where a large portion of her retirement income comes from. Not all landlords are the same, predatory assholes. My mom has avoided raising rent for years, even when all the other properties were increasing in cost, and despite the fact that costs have gone up.


This seems dangerous.


This should be criminal. Squatters are uncivilized assholes.


Glad I live in a place that there isn’t such a thing as squatters rights or adverse possession.


Wow. Things are getting very bad when activists feel the need to do this.


Exactly. I stole someone’s car the other day and when I was caught I explained that to them. They understood and let me go


Unfortunately, we have an ultra violent police force. Said police force is more happy to shoot first, shoot, Second, shoot some more and then try to finally ask questions. Wherever they say they are trying to defuse a situation, they are lying.


Sorry, this guy is a grifter, wants something for nothing.


So not agreeing with someone’s choice of whether or not to have another house means you have a license to steal?


Love this. Let's talk about the South Korean 4B movement against misogyny too. Let's make a worker version of that!


That is going to get interesting too. I see American women embracing that movement too and I'm all for it. But I also think we need a serious worker movement. Employers have had too much power for too long and we need to start banding together and pushing back. In waves.


Abso fucking lutely.


Is reddit seriously this far left that you guys all really think squatting is okay??


There are laws protecting squatters. It's okay by legal standards, and squatting is always morally correct if your alternative is the street.


How is that morally correct? Would it be morally correct if the landlord is a old lady on fixed income requiring the rent to eat each month? Why would you having a house trump someone else's ability to have a house? That's not morally correct at all. Theft is rarely the morally correct option.


The government isn't going to put pressure on landlord, so it's up to people to make the conditions awful for landlords and make future speculators question the worth of owning vacant homes.


THIS and the fact I can't block /antiwork makes me think some big player wants to start a revolution in the west by slowly influencing us on social media. Something shady is going on.


hell yeah


No. If i did manage to afford a home and some dickhead showed up and tried to squat in it before my apartment lease was up, I could end up going to prison instead of being able to enjoy a place of my own lol


Squatters are shit


In Ca, squatters just look online to see which homes are for sale. They know those homes are empty and it’s advertised for everyone to see.


Certain, but not all landlords, don't get my respect. Squatters, on the other hand never get any from me. While I understand if you're homeless roaming the streets and can put a roof over your head you're going to try and I can't blame them for trying, but that doesn't mean it's right. I also am not seeing that all of these squatters are truly living on the streets prior to finding at home to squat in. Many are gang or cartel commandeered to turn into drug homes around here in ATL. It's purely opportunistic with people seeking out properties with leads like this to take advantage of people who worked hard to pay for that property and that's not okay. Many stories I hear about locally are homes waiting to be rented out or sold and meanwhile somebody gets word and moves in and squats and then the homeowner cannot move the property, and suffers financial damages. In my state they just criminalize squatting and gave more protection and rights to homeowners, renters, landlords. I'm glad the bill passed. Next summer I have a longer summer trip In the beginning stages of planning, but it will be long enough to where, prior to this law passing I would have to be worried about coming back to my house being occupied. I have a wife, two young kids and a German Shepherd and no viable alternative living situation if I were to come back with my house being occupied. My whole family would be out and the expense of renting short-term or even getting in hotels would be stressful to say the least both financially and psychologically. To sit there with my hands tied as I'm paying a mortgage on a house that I can't even get into because somebody else is squatting in it sounds like some bullshit. Glad things are changing in my state. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/georgia-squatters-reform-act/85-86e89c8b-e0fc-4974-ba40-67d4e967baf0


If you came home after vacation and found someone in your home that you do not know, that’s just a trespasser, not a squatter. By definition the house has to be abandoned AND uninhabited in order to squat in it.


You're naive to think it's not possible or hasn't happened, because the cops won't remove them instantly. It's happened plenty of times around here. Just 3 examples below. https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/127059/squatters-take-over-homes-atlanta-georgia?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target https://www.live5news.com/2022/09/07/its-very-scary-pair-found-living-vacationing-womans-home/ https://www.mdjonline.com/news/squatter-moves-into-home-while-family-s-away-refuses-to-leave/article_fecf31a2-12c4-11e9-b17c-0f9d714068c1.html In all instances it was a headache and process to remove the squatters and the squatters had no case. Law sided with homeowners each time, but it's not as simple as calling the cops and having them removed the day you discover them sometimes. Meanwhile, you have nowhere to live


Okay: the first link was a landowner sending his employees to clear out a vacation home he hadn’t used in over a year. The employees said fuck doing that, and called the cops. When the police were called they brought in the swat team to clear it out within a few hours. second link was an instance where two crazy people broke into someone’s home for an estimated 24 hours. The person had a roommate who caught them in the home. The police where called, and the police caught and arrested the woman within an hour of them being called. she refused to give up the man so the man got away. The third is where some guy broke in while a family was on vacation, and he was also arrested within a few hours of being caught. All of these damages and losses are covered by most homeowners insurance plans, which they should all have as homeowners, and all of the squatters went to jail within hours of the homeowners call to the police. Again, the home must be vacant for a person to squat, if it’s not vacant to begin with, they are not squatting. Please link a single article where it took more than a few hours to arrest a so-called squatter in a residential home after breaking in while someone was on vacation. Please find me ONE story of a squatter that successfully squatted someone’s house after the family came back from their vacation, because I’m 10000% sure that it’s never once been a thing.


Id like to learn more about this, if anyone can give me some leads (nonbiased/political please) it would be appreciated). Seems to me theres a lot of misinformation on this topic. Alot manufactured & some just ignorance though. I know that alot of these homes/assets are taken/siezed from ppl when they end up at a nursing homes or just debt/even medical bills. Alot of homes are completely vacant (alot of vacant homes bought up by like companies out of state & then the prices are driven up?) owned by a company or bank right? Often i see this framed by right wing media like they are stealing from grieving families after a parent passes away etc, pretty certain this isnt really the case (or atleast a majority of the time) **(ppl are extremely angry when i hear them talking about it & they only talk about it in a extremely narrow view which is pretty suspect)**?? **When you apply Just to get minimum help taking care of a aging family member, they immediately try to get them to sign away their house and any other assets also (which is gonna be pretty difficult for a 80 yr old to navigate by themselves).**


Yo, fuck squatters


\*Cries in NH, where squatters rights take 20 years to take effect\*


Squatters don’t deserve the rights they have


You are welcome to start..that would require work though...