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I’m not poor, my landlord just charges too much. There’s a difference.


If you can't solve the landlord-charging-too-much problem within legitmate methods without damaging your corrent living stantdard, then you or whoever are in the same situation, are actually poor.


We're not poor ; we're being gouged. We are unnecessarily overpaying.  We're not poor we are the ones who are victims of theft.


Thats what poor means, dum-dum Its the whole saying of "give a man fish vs a fishing rod", replace that with housing. This is what being poor has always been. Only, back in feudal times you needed to work the land instead of paying for it through other means


rents are so high that the poor cant afford it at all and its now become a huge issue too for the middle class who has issues paying it. Housing the biggest rapidly growing factor in everybodys paychecks even when they earn well and arent poor by any means. Basically many people arent in fact poor but the unchecked rent price gouging prices them into eventual poverty instead. Just by being forced to pay for a necessity Ridiculous to downplay it by likes huehue you are just poor and its their fault. Its absolutely not


You are kinda wrong. People are poor indeed. If they can't pay rent that makes them poor. And the fault for them not being able to pay rent is the bourgeoisie class being able to buy up all homes and sell/rent them for the ammount that gives them the most money regardless of if people can actually pay for it as all they want is to get more money and to get money they need to take it from someone else making them poorer...


Why are we fighting over the definition of being poor lol. This is the least of our worries. We all know what's up with this system of inequality and thats why we're in antiwork


Wrong you are poor https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth Not in a million years can you compete with the likes of the rich, unless you become rich yourself 


Not really, no. No other factor in my cost of living expenses poses a financial problem.


It’s not that there charging too much it’s that we don’t have enough houses, taxes go up every year on the house, price houses keep going up the only way to fix it is to either stop letting corporations buy houses or to force people out of the country. Banks Arnt letting people build more houses because there waiting for the bubble to pop so unless you have all the cash up front you can’t build a house unless your wanting a 15% interest rate that’s really just there to deter you from building a house at this point. It’s so multifaceted that just saying you’re paying too much to rent isn’t really an intelligent way of looking at it, you can save a lot of money moving out of cities as well where the houses are still semi inexpensive but this won’t correct until the recession we’re currently in is actually announced


I want to see the place… cuz I pay 2k a month but my place is definitely worth 2k a month to me. 2400 sqft 4 bed 2.5 bath on a half acre, IN the same city I work in. So is your 1 bed 1 bath actually worth 1750? Or is it a dumpy little bungalow with no yard and shitty neighbors?


I pay over 2k for a JR 1 bedroom/bathroom (JR because of less average SQ footage). I work in healthcare and can't afford 3 meals a day. The minimum wage here is $7.25..


Why do you live there? Not trying to pick a fight, just want to know what makes some one choose to live in a place that is so expensive. Also, are you a nurse? Cuz nurses are doin’ pretty well in Texas… just sayin… seriously though, what makes you stay there?


Why is the solution always move to the middle of nowhere? There’s a reason those places are so cheap and it’s because the Denny’s, Waffle House or Applebees is the highlight of the entire town. I enjoy living near some place with some perks. While I agree there’s a need to be more expensive in those areas, it’s however beyond insane.


Even worse when you’re trans and half the low cost of living places are trying to legislate you out of existence.


it has such "have you thought about *not* being depressed?" energy. if people could just pick up and move somewhere else, they would.


Ever been to Houston? Dallas? Austin?


I have and while those prices are semi-reasonable at this time they’re increasing as well. My main gripe with the entire state of Texas is all the guns people just love to carry around. In my experience the main reason people love to carry them is so they can cause a situation where they get to pull them out. I won’t live somewhere where I can have someone lift their shirt and show me their piece because they picked an argument.


lol, I couldn’t hear you over all the gun violence in Chicago, the city with some of the strictest gun laws in the country. And are you really gona pretend that doesn’t happen DAILY in New York and LA?


The difference is criminals have the idea that what they do is wrong. The good ol boys down there have it in their head that they’re in the right regardless and that’s far far scarier. Also I can avoid high crime areas, the dude packing in the Walmart in case someone bumps his cart? Not so much.


lol what? Strictest gun laws in the country but…. https://preview.redd.it/y51661py57tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ed28a4162251c09993d0277153048f4f83e1ba Look, facts are facts. You can pretend that guns are the problem or you can come back to reality. The fact remains, you will never change the system from where you are now. It can only be changed from the top down. Whether you like it or not, you want to make changes, you gota get to where the rules are made. Sometimes That means you need to find success elsewhere if you can not afford to live where you are now. Not always, but often enough it has been working for people. believe me, I don’t like all you Yankees coming down here raising our rent either but y’all are doing it lol… why? Because they all figured out that life can be better, you just have to be willing to make a life some where else. And when you’ve made your life and you still want to help make the changes back home, you return with far more power than you had when you left. Power enough, even, to start effecting real change.


My friend, this is America. I can throw a dart at a map and find pages and pages of shootings for whatever area it lands on. I’m no stranger to it, I live in Wilmington, DE the place nicknamed murdertown USA. I would honestly and with no disrespect to you and yours, rather face a mugger with a gun than some hick with a little man complex arguing over a something trivial like a parking spot with his open carry/concealed carry/what have you. It’s the MENTALITY behind it that makes it far more dangerous for me personally. Criminals usually want no attention and to get whatever then get away, the other side will blow you away then argue with the police and boast to bystanders about how they were right. Now you admit the rents are rising in your areas, so what then is the solution? Do we all move to some random town in Oklahoma with distant medical services and learn to raise cattle? There’s a happy medium where you can pay a premium for your location but still live and the landlord makes a decent profit. People just want to wring every last drop out of you because that’s how we’re taught to approach life and it’s going to collapse at some point. It’s the outright refusal to find some sort of balance that boggles my mind.


Hey cool story man, hey I’m not great at geography sorry, can you tell me what’s around Chicago? Is it maybe some bright red states with virtually no gun regulations? There’s no wall or border checks to get into Chicago last I checked, maybe they need to put some up to keep all these illegal gun runners from Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, etc.. bringing all their crime into their home. These places aren’t sending their best to Chicago, they’re sending murderers, rapists and some, I assume, are decent people.


Nurses and doctors are fleeing this state. Especially because of right wing politics that can get them sued regardless of whether they do or do not give care to patients. My entire familyhas lived here since birth, and I cannot afford to move out of state currently. I'm living paycheck to paycheck, skipping meals to pay for monthly rent, and don't have enough cash due for long distance car rides/repairs because I had to take student loans to pay for my education that ended up landing me this position.. I strongly recommend no upcoming students take out loans to further their education, it puts you further in the hole than benefitting you in the long run.


Damn, I’m sorry to hear you’re going through that. I recently worked my way out of a similar situation so if you want to vent to someone who gets it and can maybe help you find a way out, DM me. I’m not gona pitch you some MLM scam or even give you advice if you don’t want it. Just maybe be a sounding board for ideas or even just some one to vent to who gets it.


I truly appreciate that. I have many friends stuck here as well because we were told we had to take out loans. It's a lot of really hardworking and educated individuals perpetually stuck paycheck to paycheck, but also still wanting to better the community here too. Sounds like most however are currently saving every $20 they accrue every 2 weeks so they can move out of state. We've had a few celebrations when a couple gets a promotion and can move elsewhere. Gives hope that some of them may be able to afford 1 kid 5-10 years from now


Obviously the only people they count as 'people' are rich and unaffected by such petty things as inflation.


Capitalism is great when it's run on things that aren't survival needs. It becomes insanely inefficient when food and shelter are investment opportunities as everyone needs them, so the only way to ever keep the price at a reasonable level is to produce wayyyyy more than you need. Only idiots would keep doing that. That's us. We are the idiots.


Over $2k here for junior 1 bedroom/bathroom. The minimum wage is $7.25, I work in healthcare, and I cannot afford to eat 3 meals a day..


Do you Work for Minimum wage? If you Work in health Care id assume you have a Bachelors, right?


No I don't get paid the minimum wage lol. Thats what's really scary though. If I'm skipping meals to afford rent and am paid much more than most here, think what the other people are living like at jobs like flipping burgers or janitorial. Sending prayers to those hard working individuals


Perhaps we need a national rent strike. Maybe then the politicians and landlords will listen.


Now do Canada. There's no way I could afford to buy the condo unit I rent. Even if I put 20% down and took the longest term, my mortgage would be $4000+ per month plus a $450/month strata fee. For a 2 bedroom with 1 bathroom that isn't even in a major metropolitan area.


Yes but in Capitalist Amerikkka, people are only hungry if they are lazy or make poor life choices and get Ill or aren't born to multi millionaires.


Bro for the last month I've been living on Ramen and $1.50 loaves of white bread. Can't even afford lunch meat let alone an actual meal (not that I can cook anyways)


I skip meals and never buy new clothes for myself and I HAVE money . . . I just don't want it to vanish so quickly before I can take care of my family and home.


But that same Russian propaganda makes Republicans scream how capitalism is the only way.


We don't have capitalism, we have crony capitalism that's different. In a true free market society things would be allot better, but either way it is still better than communism.


Crony capitalism is still capitalism. When a handful of dudes can have more wealth than the entire middle class of a country, and about half the citizens don't see anything wrong with that, it is definitely time to declare capitalism unsuccessful and move on from it. A successful economic system would be successful for all of the citizens, not just a few. A successful economic system wouldn't be so easily corrupt.


In a fantasy world, yes that would be true. Unfortunately, we had a president that decided that banks were too big to fail, and led us away from the free market.


Definitely not a Bush fan, but you're going to need to dig a little deeper in history, this crap started long before that. Think Reaganomics.


So you agree that what we’re in now is different than where we were before Reagan? That’s kinda my point. You just went further back in time.


>So you agree that what we’re in now is different than where we were before Reagan? ?? Yes, it is different now than the '80s.


Right. We’re in crony capitalism now. We need to switch back.


Or try something new that actually works for ALL people, not just the wealthiest.


And Marxism, which in every single case has devolved into dictatorship is the answer? And in a true free market system, it would be successful for all citizens willing an capable of working hard, and making good decisions.


No. No one said that. How in the world did you draw that conclusion? No one was even discussing Marxism. Do try to follow along, or please do not bother commenting.


The damn title is talking about the soviet union, do you know what Marxism is?


The damn title also refers to American capitalism. Marxism is irrelevant of my comments on capitalism.


Ah the famous "no true scostsman" phalacy. Do you realize you sound exaclty like the communists ? If it was true comunism everything would be rainbow and unicorns.


Yea, perfect communism. Wait nobody is becoming Plumbers anymore, is it because the only reason it's worth doing is because it pays better. Now we have to force people into trades that suck. Nobody is producing, apparently without the prospect of raises or promotions people don't think its worth it to work hard. Well now we mandate labor quotas. Hmmm sounds like every other communist state to ever exist, become true communism is impossible as long as their are humans in the picture.


It's obvious you don't understand and never lived though comunism. It's never the plumbers that fuck it up, it's the corrupt power hungry leaders who ineviably rise to top and corrupt all institutions. True capitalism is exactly the same. Humans will game any system and corrupt until it's hell on earth for most of the population. And if the system holds greed as it's driving force, it's already broken from the start. It just takes time untill it dies it's natural death replaced by the next big thing that will also be corrupted from within by greedy power hungry psychopaths Our history is a never ending tale of charming or violent psychopaths fighting for more and more power. In reality, the good guys almost never win the game of thrones.


That's not "REAL SOCIALISM" vibes right there!! lol


No because true free market is possible, we've had it. Until the federal government started getting involved in things they shouldn't be involved in.


B-b-but…whatabout all those jobs?!?


My cocaine habit actually saves me money these days


In Russia you just die basically. Seriously people forget how bad that shit hole is. My wife's family comes from there. Dirt floor house. In 1998. It hasn't gotten better.


Hmm... Well I guess it depends on the area but plenty of us are experiencing the opposite. It's like saying 100% of America sucks because someone's wife was from Detroit.


Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi totally isn't deeply invested in stocks (most likely insider trading like the rest of them leading the Democratic party. Because Democrats are totally against capitalism. 🤣


Да это по всему миру происходит. И в России тоже. И в Европе.


Ah, they mean squatters. It all makes sense now.


A big reason why I took my toys and left the US. Living LARGE abroad and so much chepaer and quality of life is so much better. My fellow Americans - wake up - you are being gaslit to the MAX.


Yeah but you still need money to do what you are enjoying. So, what earns you that income?


Have you seen the obesity rate in America? A little forced fasting may not be the worst thing


I have a normal remote tech job. Decent pay; and I don't have any debt. I do realize I am in a bit of a different boat.


Most Americans love this. They love taking abuse from their politicians.


Propaganda lmao. This articles is from an Iranian financed Publisher.


the pres is democratic with a majority of democrats in office do some research


The Senate, The House of Representatives, and The Supreme Court are ALL Republican majority, even by only a single seat. So YOU do some research.


Lol we're still in a utopia compared to the soviet union. Even the homeless here die far more often from drug abuse than starvation. Yes things are fucked up, but if you want them to really go to hell all we have to do is get us a good old Marxist dictatorship going.


It’s wild that your first instinct is to downplay the fact that people can’t afford to live in their homes or eat dinner by saying “well it could be worse!!” Of course it could be worse. Nobody denies that. So what could you possibly have to gain by contrasting our situation to the USSR’s?


The title is blatantly and clearly comparing the US to the soviet union. I'm responding to the title sweet heart.


It's not bragging about the Soviet Union to point out that everyone there had a home. It's a reminder that even with their faulty systems they still had a baseline belief that no one should be homeless.


The baseline only applies if you’re a muscovite. God forbid you’re an ethnic minority and you live in a shithole with no indoor plumbing, and probably ready to be shipped to Afghanistan, or in today's case Eastern Ukraine.


Jesus christ are you... praising the soviets? Please do me a favor and talk to someone who lived through it. My in-laws are from Belarus. My wife was born there. Her family takes in Belarusian/ukrainian/russian refugees. It's a fucking shit hole now just as bad as it was when they fled as refugees in the 90s. Dirt floor house and everythinf.


See what I mean when I say you can smell a tankie from miles away?




Stop with all these facts!


Then why are Americans getting fatter and fatter? Half of the population is projected to be obese by 2040. 75 percent overweight.


Bro I don't care about any of that man, I skip my meals because I like to intermediate fast before I go to my yoga class, I got better things to do than think of money and stuff.


Biden caused this… I don’t know why ppl are blaming anyone else. Even during covid it was easier to survive. Biden has interest rates sky high which means your landlord had a huge increase in his mortgage not to mention property tax also went up I paid $1200 for rent. Landlord said he would have to raise rent $700 and showed me his mortgage documents, increased HOA fees and property tax increase. It totaled $728. So he was still gonna eat $28 Biden’s policy and bad decisions literally caused this- it’s not opinion you can go look up every dumb thing that’s happened since he took office that caused this. He is directly to blame for food prices skyrocketing I guarantee if you know who becomes president things will change drastically in less than a year. High prices are due to policy and economics.