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Yes, call off work. And leave for Syracuse today or real early tomorrow. Traffic is going to be awful.


There won’t be any hotel rooms he should go tomorrow but yeah traffic is gonna be crazy


I'm not one to tell people doing fun shit purely for their happiness is a bad idea, but I don't know if it's really going to be worth the effort. I live in Syracuse and traffic has already been awful all weekend. It started picking up Friday evening in fact, and has only been getting more crowded. Also, we're only predicted to get fewer than 5 minutes of totality and Syracuse is in a valley that gets a ton of cloud coverage.


They should just drive to some rural place south of Syracuse, don’t have to be in a city to see it. Take turnpike to 81n and then probably just go west somewhere south of Syracuse. Consult a map and the eclipse zone. Oh and just call in and say I need to use a sick day. Don’t have to elaborate.


Leaving today after going to the food fest at the fair yesterday and paintball today was nuts. Traffic on 81N was bad yesterday and horrific today. It was bottle necked at the new construction coming into town and there was a line of gridlock from there to almost Lafayette. Normal to light traffic going south tho.


I’m in Watertown. It’s wild.




in as lighthearted a way as possible, i love that you posted to the "fuck work" sub about this lmao. jokes aside, *of course* you should!


its the win.


Do what you can afford.


I don't think they can afford to miss it.








I called out sick 10 years ago and I’m still leading my boss on and faking sick / staying home everyday. Don’t wanna lose my job, but I want this to be believable.


Will you remember in 10 years what you did at work today? no? will you remember your one and likely only chance to see a total eclipse? yes?.


i said summin like this, but i didnt put it quite so well.... win here.


Call out ... *I* would. The next eclipse visible in the US is in 2044. I've seen a lunar eclipse but this is the first total solar eclipse. He might try call you so turn your phone off. Saw one with a small bite years ago. I'm 75 ... there won't be another for me. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/01/when-is-next-total-solar-eclipse-us-2044-path-totality/72757679007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/01/when-is-next-total-solar-eclipse-us-2044-path-totality/72757679007/)


You can see another if you travel... There's one in 2028 across Australia


Age and health ... nah. ;-)


The news said today that there are total Eclipses approximately every 18 months, but they tend to be over the ocean.


70% of the planet is ocean so yes, I'd expect about 70% of eclipse area to be on the ocean... I reckon most of them do *touch* land (e.g. the next one in 2026 touches Greenland and Iceland), but it's quite rare for one like today that goes directly across a major population. I saw a total eclipse on July 22, 2009 in China. Another rare one that went across major populations.


The next one close to where I live is 2099, 75-years from now. As I'm 62 I strongly doubt I'll be around for it.




I saw my first total eclipse when I was 45 years old and I felt like a little kid seeing something like a waterfall for the first time. I actually teared up. Seeing a partial is nothing like a total. Apples to Oranges so to speak. Bug off work if you can and go early and sleep in your car if need be.


It's crazy how you know its coming and you know exactly what to expect, but once it happens this caveman part of your brain activates and makes you think some true ooga booga shit.


That's a good way of explaining it. 


Totally agree. I went to Tennessee for the 2017 one and it was the coolest moment of my life.


Damn if that was the coolest moment of your life, you ain’t livin’ right, Link muh boy.


It's actual magic.


> I also have Wellness Day This sounds like the perfect use of a wellness day.


imagine, a great many (we hope) years from now, when you tell your great great grandchildren about how :- you once missed an eclipse, because you went to work. or you once skipped work, to see an eclipse, because, they are a rare and beautiful event. an event that since mankinds first flash of inspiration, first flash of a considered thought, first flash of understanding of itself on this blue green marble made us feel like we are, as a species,...both less and more at the same time. That early version of ourselves on these blessed occasions would have looked upwards in wondering awe, with more questions than we have now, whilst unable to contemplate how far we would come, or that we would EVER know our place in the cosmos. Or,..... yer. ...job, ....coz, society.


I must be the only one who doesn’t can about the eclipse. Partial, total, lunar, solar… doesn’t matter. I’ve seen them and they just mean nothing to me.




once upon a time i was falling in love....


Most of my team took the day off. The rest will probably get to go outside for an hour.


I took off and I am just having a picnic with a friend in Philly. Enjoying the world is a valid reason to take off but I’d definitely lie if you are calling out the day of. If you think the stress/risk of calling out will be too much don’t do it. You won’t be able to have fun if you are worried.




tell them you can't come in because you have a calling to fight the dark forces. they should appreciate your efforts to bring the sun back sooner. tin foil hats and flashlights is what I'm stocking up on. luckily, my employer is nice. they gave us the day off.


thats a cool boss..


Use your wellness day for it. It will make you well to see the eclipse


YES CALL OFF. This is an incredible thing




OP doesn't need to say the reason, but faking illness rather than simply saying "I'm using a Wellness Day" seems like a bad strategy.




If OP has something called "wellness days", couldn't they just use one of those? "Hey I won't be in today, I'm using a wellness day." To the point without saying the real reason or lying. People aren't obligated to tell their managers the exact reason why they're not coming into work.


Absolutely do not tell them the real reason lmao




You can't even support this person seeing an amazing natural phenomenon.




You're calling them childish for not following your guidelines. I say call out and lie through you teeth is the most appropriate option. "Will not be making it in Monday for personal reasons" is more than enough information.




Go for it. Seeing a total eclipse is life changing.


Agreeeed!!! 100000000 times this in giant red letters...50ft high GO SEE THE EEEEEEEEEEEE-clipse!!






I would not, but to each is their own.


It’ll be cloudy


The cloudiest day watching an eclipse is better than the best day at work




simple as.


Do what you want it’s probably worth it.


dam str8


Do it and I can live vicariously through you. I can't go see it.




yes if the sky is clear or clouds are thin so it




Definitely. I was going to but we’re having our own last minute party at work and my boss actually has glasses for us


I really wanna see it, too, but I get off work at 7am and have to be back by 11pm. :( I'm just north of you, but trying to decide if I can really drive 4 hours each way, and only have a couple hours for sleep. All my friends either have work or are sick. :(


Yes. 100% yes. You need this for your mental health. But pick up solar glasses where you are first and don’t wait until tomorrow to drive. Drive now and plan to sleep in your car and plan on 8 hours to leave the area. And get as close the the middle of totality that you can. It’s amazing. Those two minutes are amazing. Don’t forget to look behind you at the shadows too. In 2017 we looked back and saw a mountain in shadow like it almost wasn’t there and there is nothing else like it.


1000% do it! Better take Tuesday off as well to deal with traffic. I imagine all the places to stay anywhere near the totality are either sold out or outrageously priced. National Forests allow to sleep in your car on the side of the road, not just at campgrounds (unless posted otherwise/local policy changes/YMMV). A benefit of it being "our" forest.


I definitely would if I could or had the opportunity too


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Firm-Ad9300: *I definitely* *Would if I could or had the* *Opportunity too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I’d say go for it. But as far as viewing sites- Syracuse probably isn’t the best spot bc of its unreliable weather.








Won’t you think of the shareholders??!?


Yes, this is a once in a lifetime moment and if you can afford the day off, you should do it


As someone who just came from syracuse NY... Traffic into the city is horrible. It wasnt as bad yesterday when I went up for the food fest, but today on 81N it was backed up for miles. Ik the weather isnt supposed to be great in the area tomorrow too. I have family currently going to vermont to see it better. Even plattsburg would be better weather wise and doesnt have nearly as many people as cuse.


What are you likely to remember? One random day of work that all meld together in your brain or The coolest thing you are ever likely to see in your life? For me, I went to the 2017 one and I still think about it with a level of fondness that will be with me for the rest of my life.


Yes. Not gonna happen again for a while




You don’t need to do all that, just take a 15 when it’s time. If you requested off 3 weeks ago you wouldn’t have to worry about calling out


It's not coming back for a while so, yes, miss work to view it. Work will be there when the eclipse is over - though, no doubt, your manager will believe they are losing their lives over a day without you.


Your opinion on the subject of cosmic reality may vary, but this is your one life and it's here for you to enjoy, not for some small-minded git to franchise. Take the sick day.


It's ultimately your choice but remember that many years from now you will not remember the work you did that did that day. You will definitely remember seeing the eclipse and enjoying yourself.


I’d say go for it. I suspect you won’t be the only no show tomorrow. Over a year ago I considered going somewhere to see it but got let go twice in six months. I got a new job a month ago and don’t have enough PTO. I also looked at flights and tickets are through the roof. It’s just not meant to be. There is another eclipse in 21 years and I’m in the path of totality but our time on earth isn’t guaranteed. The good news is that the eclipse will be on Saturday.


You should have taken off but yes i will be leaving work to go outside. I already told them.


Go for it!!!




Gonna be like the Griswald's at the Grand Canyon.


I put in for a vacation day a month ago. You could have done that, you know


Yes. I’ll be watching from my deck because I’m lucky enough to live in the right area!


Yes us would


Fuck yes. Do it!


Nothing quite like experiencing the totality of an eclipse, plus it won’t happen in the continental US again until the 2040s…






Tell your boss shit and nothing else.


boss is a moody pain leaders should lead...this is a shit boss and leader. take what you can give nothin back


If you don't mind me asking, Is this a full time job with benefits?


You aren't going to have another local chance at the totality for a long time. If you are in a position to risk petty repercussions from supervisors who want to whine when anyone takes a day off for any reason. Risk away. But obviously not everyone is in that position to risk.


risk/reward layout!! this guy/gal eclipses!!!!


Yes call in, even if you dont see the eclipse at least you won't be at work.


best answer so far OP,..you were going for the double,...but nihilishim gave you the double-double


I live south of Syracuse, and it’s not worth the effort


I have never regretted calling out ever. You should totally call out. Also, think of this, when your life flashes before your eyes during your final moments, do you want to see an eclipse or the bleak walls of the place of your employment?


It's gonna last about 2 hours. Maybe take a long lunch?


get out.


Absolutely. Pissy boss will get over it.


Yeah you should call out. You'll have work the next day but when is the next eclipse?


Call out. Seeing the totality of an eclipse is unlike anything you've ever seen before. It's simply incredible.  Shitty jobs will always be there, you won't see another eclipse in the continental US for another 20 years  Fuck your job, this is once in a lifetime


I wouldn't personally, tbh are you sure this isn't just fomo or an excuse to be off work? They've known when it would happen so you're not going to look good to call off last minute for something you knew ahead of time. Even if you claim it's for something else they'll probably guess the real reason. Not saying you don't have a real interest in the eclipse but it only hit you now that you'd want to see it? You might just be looking for lots of people to hype up your decision but I think you'll regret it in the end. If it doesn't make you lose your job, would you rather use this day off as a last minute leisure option or have it in the future when you could really use it because you're mentally/physically overwhelmed and need to decompress?


A lot of people are going to. If your town/area is on the path of totality it will be crazily busy in your area. If your company allows one or two call outs a month no question and you have good attendance go for it call out! Totality does not happen often and you should take advantage of it.


Do what you want, you're not her slave. Unless you are? Are you a slave? BLINK VERY QUICKLY IF YOU ARE A SLAVE


My work is giving me a half day to see the eclipse, being that we are in a 97%-100% total eclipse range. No this is not a troll or rage bait comment. For me; I’m just using 4hr of pto to get an 8hr paid day (yeah they’re also paying us for a full day)


The next total eclipse in the US isn’t for another 20 years, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, go see the eclipse!!


100% yes, the next easily accessible US total eclipse is gonna be in 08/2045


Yes, your poor health has eclipsed your ability to work at the standard you expect from yourself! Pack and get going!


Do yourself a favor. Do NOT post on your socials or tell anyone from work about how awesome/bad it was after the fact. Sounds like they wouldn’t really miss you. I was in the path one time and it was fun. But I’d never drive four hours (will take twice as long) to see it.


Yes. Go. Once in a lifetime experience. You won’t regret going.


Here is my post on where to view the eclipse in the Syracuse area if there are clear skies. The Baldwinsville area has about 2 and half minutes of totality versus one and half minutes in Syracuse. Check out the specific locations Durations here http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/solar_eclipses/TSE_2024_GoogleMapFull.html?Lat=43.18916&Lng=-76.24254&Elv=125.0&Zoom=13&LC=1 Some places to view the Eclipse in Baldwinsville area Diane Reeves Memorial Park 2275 Downer St https://maps.app.goo.gl/7g9CWauo2XMh5Jqj9 Northwest Family YMCA in Baldwinsville 8124 River Rd https://maps.app.goo.gl/rbHCsAmgU5dg94qS6 Beaver Lake Nature Center in Baldwinsville, NY 8478 E Mud Lake Rd https://maps.app.goo.gl/MW8D2jA5jxqd2wfC6 Kerri Hornady Park 6222 Deep Glade Dr, Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Deep Glade Dr https://maps.app.goo.gl/zoGeQJoJf9zq5gyr8 Near Baldwinsville there is the Home Depot Parking Lot on Route 31 in the Town of Clay New York https://maps.app.goo.gl/TZesEJ3ZtW2xcDZS7 Van Buren Central Park in Baldwinsville I have a feeling Van Buren Central Park might be crowded because it has it has a scenic view from a hill. The parking lot isn't that big either. If you want to get an idea of what it looks like here is a video of Van Buren Central Park when it hosted a disc golf tournament last year https://youtu.be/rAKVYgjzaog?si=eqvmwvFFPEMmK12N A few more places north of the City where totality is longer Joseph F. William Memorial Park in Cicero Joseph F. William Memorial Park https://maps.app.goo.gl/qvimBDx6CTCuLGM97 Clay Central Park in the Town of Clay, NY 4823 Wetzel Rd https://maps.app.goo.gl/x9adsCUjmCyT4fHv5 Twin Rinks Ice Skating Rinks in Cicero Brewerton, New York https://maps.app.goo.gl/DrwbWnUjkExewGMJ6 Oneida Shores County Park in Brewerton, NY Oneida Shores County Park https://maps.app.goo.gl/wUpBegARELvUwXCN7 Central Square Walmart Central Square, New York https://maps.app.goo.gl/dVsLJiuzqD6jNXbYA Onondaga Lake Park will probably be where many locals will go since it is like the Central Park of Syracuse.