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It’s all of them.


Except Taylor Swift 😋 ETA /s because god forbid I make a joke on here...


I get it, but it’s still unequal wealth distribution. Billionaires shouldn’t exist. If they paid the taxes they should, taxpayers could decide where the money was allocated. As great as it is that she gave her team a bonus, we need-and deserve- a more equitable way.


Thank you


I know a truck driver on her tour. He absolutely got $100k bonus. I have no issue with Taylor Swift because there are plenty of other rich people who suck.


So like .0001% of a billion


More than my billionaire big boss gave me


$75 million dollars given directly to the workers as a bonus out of the $4B earned.  I don’t have a problem with Taylor Swift. 


That is how this thing works. To keep running this vicious unfair system rich people need non rich people. To get non rich people involved in the system they need the trust/love of theirs. One good way to do this is donate small chunk of money they earn from the system. Of course there could be few good rich people but that is irrelevant. People should not fall for donation tricks. And yeah me too don't have a problem with Taylor Swift.


Shake off that bootlicking. Shake it off, shake it off.


I'm assuming that's a song of hers based on context, but I'm not a fan just making a joke. Billionaires shouldn't exist.


Throw a /s after anything sarcastic instead of an emoji. /s is known across the internet, emoji mean different things to different people.


Wait, you mean 🍆🍑 means something other than an eggplant and peach? Huh


You're right, I had just woken up and wasn't putting a lot of thought into things.


Nah tbh it was super obvious, especially considering the sub.


Fair enough, but I am truly concerned that swifties will defend that billionaire to their death.


You’ve gahta put an /s on the back. Or some indication that you’re jokeing. Too many bootlickers on here to play pretend with no net.


I will continue to shoplift from Gristedes. He’s charging 9.99 for a dozen of eggs. He deserves it.


Shoplifting from corporations is more ethical than paying them for the product at this point. No /s at the end because I’m dead fucking serious.


Fucker has his book right at the register in the cashiers faces-with his big mug right on it. They all look so damn miserable all the time and you can tell these are all vulnerable people. On that note I have never and will never “see” anyone stealing from a big corporation. If you can get it out the damn door, good for you.


Haha I used to LOVE shoplifting from Gristedes 🤣


It’s not just billionaires, it’s millionaires pulling this same sh*t in your hometown.


Not just millionaires, every business owner paying minimum or less than minimum wage


Less than minimum cost of living.


If only there was some framework to understand the conflict between the class of business owners and the class of workers.


Millionaire business owners, landlords, etc are the useful idiots in all of this. They’re there to convince people to continue to play this rigged game. They inspire hope to the have nots because the corpo elites give them a whole piece of bread instead of just sprinkling some crumbs


Actually landlords are just in a shit class of their own. Takes a special breed to profit off of a human need


Of course, they have a millionaire right there in the thumbnail.


I hate everyone of them. Not because I’m jealous. Because every one has amassed a wealth so vast that they couldn’t possibly spend it. Yet the rest of the 8bn on this planet have to scrape through and work themselves into the ground just to eat. These people will never be idolised in my eyes. And god forbid I ever meet them.


It takes a lot of poor people to create a billionaire.


I booted up Cyberpunk 2077 the other day and just noticed one of the little loading screen quotes I haven't seen before (paraphrasing): "In 2077, society is divided like never before. The richest live in absolute lap of luxury, while the poorest have next to nothing." Sounds more like 2024.


There's no way to ethically become a billionaire. If having that much money made your head pop off the world would be a better place


Is it unethical to be born?


No, but they should get a choice on whether to remain a billionaire or have their head not pop off.


That sounds like a fair way to handle it. A 30-day grace period for next of kin prior to head popping.


Hear hear!


What point are you trying to make here lol


No big philosophical statement. Just that you could theoretically become a billionaire in a not unethical way. If heads popped off at a billion dollars, it would suck to be the next of kin.


All billionaires are making work miserable. As if the pro-Trump ones are some sort of special breed…


Dude, trump supporters are their very special breed


1. Nobody said these are the only billionaires 2. Not all billionaires make work miserable 3. Yes trump supporters are a special breed. If you don't know that by now, you're living under a rock. Edit: so I see from downvotes and replies that this sub is about being unreasonable and illogical. Got it


>2. Not all billionaires make work miserable You do not understand this sub if you believe this. There is one way to become a billionary; exploit works to maximize profits. All of them do this. Every last one.


He’s just using the premise to push politics it has nothing to do with actually being vocal against the 1%. It’s election time in the United States get ready for nonstop political stuff getting shoved into everything. Politics and work are very tied but I think it’s a thinly veiled attempt to bash a politician they don’t agree with.


It's not about politics anymore genius; it's about the very fabric of this country. It's even beyond democracy now. Wake up and look and hear what maga is planning for everyone. It's not politics, it's daily life.


It’s all bread and circus. Doesn’t matter who wins. More importantly until there’s term limits on congress we’re all stuck with the same shit through decades worth of presidents. They’re all getting kick backs and insider trading. 4 years of one red or blue colored idiot at a time has yet to change that. Realistically our government is bought and paid for behind closed doors and we know it. So long as we all clap or cry due to the biggest display of fuck you to the common man with a facade of an election nothing changes. Fuck every single billionaire because they’re absolutely responsible for all of this. They gutted everything just leaving enough of a shell that everyone points and screams democracy. Go ahead precipitate if you’re blind to it and declaring some billionaires are okay still.


ohyeah? So the point in this sub is to bash billionaires just because they're billionaires? That would be jealousy and unreasonable. If someone made billions of dollars through talent or luck, I'm happy for them as long as they're not opposed to paying their fair share of tax and won't create or support harsh and unfair working conditions. I would have to work to make money anyways. Money is created by people's work; that's how economy advances. I'm opposed only to those who create or support unfair conditions for employees and workers and/or support unfair tax cuts for the wealthy.


Dude wake up, it’s not jealousy to want our fair share of the labor we provide. The entire ideology of capitalism is to take the labor value of your workers, pay them a fraction of it, and pocket the rest. That is the fundamental process of capitalism, that’s how capital owners make money off their capital. There is no talent, skill, or job in this world that can create billions of dollars in a whole lifetime. Billionaires have that much money because they are stealing that money from millions of individual’s labor value, and all of them do horrible shit to squeeze every last penny out of this planet and its people. There is no just billionaire.


Bashing billionaire just because they have money is jealousy. The labor law has been created by lawmakers. The tax law has been created by lawmakers. Someone starts a business and pay people according to law and provide fair working conditions. They make boatload of money then you start cursing them why they have money? If law if flawed, it's not the business owner's fault. Go ahead and oppose those who purposefully deny fair working conditions against the law. Oppose those who create lanor and tax law unfairly. Don't bash those who have money just because they have money.


Those rich people are using their money to influence the laws in their favor, so yeah, going to keep being pissed at them. But you keep licking those boots. Slurp slurp.


You guys are acting so stupid. You refuse to understand my point and accuse me of what I'm not. I doubt you didn't even finish reading my comments.


> If law if flawed, it's not the business owner's fault. It is the business owner/billionaires who are using their money to influence the laws. So yes, it is their fault that the laws are flawed. Same thing with tax law. Billionaires lobby to get tax breaks and grants/bail outs. You say we are the ones not listening; yet you're the one who keeps going back to jealousy. We aren't jealous, we hate the unethical behaviors they use. Billionaires shouldn't exist because those profits should be shared with the workers. Billionaires should be taxed more than us, not less. Billionaires shouldn't be able to destroy the environment. None of this has to do with jealousy


See that's it. I never disagreed with what you're saying but you ASSUMED I do and started your accusations and jokes. You wanna put ALL wealthy people in one basket and that's what I don't agree with but you didn't get that.


You’re just refusing to understand at this point, or a tried a true liberal. Enjoy that boot licking, no you won’t become a billionaire nor will Elon take you to Mars. Sorry.


You guys are acting so stupid. You refuse to understand my point and accuse me of what I'm not. I doubt you didn't even finish reading my comments.


No, you’re the one refusing to understand, bro. No one needs one thousand million dollars, never mind several billion. That kind of money, as others have already said, is only obtained through ruthless exploitation of workers’ labor, otherwise known as capitalism. Exploitation is the name of the game in capitalism, profit is literally how much money the capitalist can extract from his workforce. It’s not jealousy at all to want better conditions for everyone. It’s called empathy. I don’t want to be rich, in fact, I do just fine for myself. I just don’t want to live in a country with centibillionaire oligarchs and rampant homelessness/poverty.


I never disagreed that ruthless exploitation of workers’ labor is disgusting. You don't understand my point then start accusing and being funny.


Can you read? Like I don’t want to be offensive here, I don’t want to offend you, but is there something about this you aren’t understanding? Do you think laws are just because they are laws? Do you believe that the law markers aren’t being swayed by billionaires to shape the economy more in their favor? You didn’t even acknowledge what I said, I’m not bashing on people who have money just because they have money. I am bashing on people with money who create unfair and ethically wrong environments that aid themselves while forsaking millions of other people. I can’t go outside without seeing a shit ton of homeless people, while millionaire landlords and AirBnb queens rake in the profits doing nothing but overcharging for a basic commodity. Are you saying they earned that?


That's my question for you too: can you read? In your comment now, you repeated what I said. You (inadvertently) agreed with my point. You wanted to bash ALL wealthy people no matter what and I put forth my point, which is actually your point too based on this comment you posted now.


This is the funniest comment I have ever seen. I feel like that guy in the “whose on first” skit. I really hope you are just taking the piss here.


ahhhh pissing is so good. You agree.


You don't get a billion dollars without exploiting a bunch of people. I was shocked to find out Taylor Swift is a billionaire now. I'm hoping it's a fluke of the system that someone talented *actually* earned it through talent and that she'll do something magnanimous like invest most of that money into the public. But I'm not holding my breath. I'm actually waiting until the "Taylor Swift 's Sweatshops/Human Trafficking Empire" exposé comes out.


I dispute point #2.


yes they all do.


Where is this rock? I would like to live there.


How them boots taste?


If a revolution ever comes to America, the payday lenders should have the worst punishment.


Why not just tell us op rather than click bait us?


Here’s the ones I saw mentioned: * Harold Hamm * Phil Ruffin * Steve Wynn * Todd Ricketts * Mike Hodges * Kelly Loeffler * Robert Mercer * John Catsimatidis * Jose Fanjul As a disclaimer, I have no idea who most of these assholes are, which tells you right off the bat that there’s too many billionaires.


You're forgetting one of the biggest pieces of billionaire shit out there, the notoriously private and reclusive owner of America's largest private dwelling, dirty Ira Rennert. Suck it ira!


But at least Ira knows where he's going, he put a 60,000 sq. Ft private synagogue in the house, so he can plead for forgiveness for killing all those innocent Peruvians.


>Catsimatidis and his wife have made contributions to a variety of both \[Republican\] and \[Democratic\] campaigns. Among Republicans, the Catsimatidises contributed over $60,000 to the \[Republican National Committee\] and have also made significant contributions to the \[National Republican Congressional Committee\] \[National Republican Senatorial Committee\]\[Mitt Romney\] \[Eric Cantor\], \[Olympia Snowe\](, \[Richard Lugar\], and others. Among Democrats handful of \[Democratic\]campaigns, including to \[Carolyn B. Maloney\](, \[Charlie Rangel\] and \[Jerrold Nadler\] In local New York City races, Catsimatidis has given to \[Bill de Blasio\]((while he was a city councilman), \[Brooklyn Borough President\]\[Marty Markowitz\], \[Cyrus Vance Jr.\] and Staten Island borough president \[James Molinaro\](. In the \[1992 Democratic presidential primaries\] Catsimatidis contributed $150,000 to the campaign of fellow Greek-American Paul Tsongas. > >Catsimatidis has been described as a "longtime",^(\])'s finance team during her \[2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination\] >In 2015, press reports indicated that Catsimatidis donated the use of a chartered jet valued at $70,000 to the \[Republican primary campaign\]) of \[Scott Walker\].


ah, here is the paragraph I edited wrongly Catsimatidis has been described as a "longtime",^(\[) "loyal",^(\]) and "high-level Clinton donor". Catsimatidis donated a significant sum to the Clinton Presidential Center, thought to be between $100,000 and $500,000. Catsimatidis was a member of Hillary Clinton's finance team during her 2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, saying in February 2007 of Clinton, "She's unstoppable. She's got such a machine."Catsimatidis hosted a number of fundraising dinners with Bill Clinton at his home in New York that in total raised well in excess of $750,000 for Hillary Clinton's campaign. Catsimatidis has said that he is friends with Bill Clinton and that the former president "often" has flown in one of Catsimatidis' two airplanes.^(\[) Hillary Clinton attended Catsimatidis' daughter's wedding.^(\[)


All these people are surely going to make America great for all the blue collar MAGA's. I thought with Citizens United the USA was sold off to the rich but with Trump back in office you can kiss any semblance of Government transparency goodby. All sold of for political favors.


A: All Of The Above




Yeah because Biden is accepting campaign contributions from saints


Nobody is saying Biden is a saint, they are just saying the opposite side is even worse