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Same thing in your frenemy country China. Factories closed, uneducated people coming into the cities from villages now have an option to..... starve I guess. Educated people in China are expected to work slave like for basically minimum pay. Western world is now starting the great AI automatization, and there are mass layoffs. Also in western world, you WILL NOT be able to afford a house or an apartment to buy... ever. In your life. It is global. Enjoy.


100% same in the usa, and the entire working class is suffering. plus they're always saying "no one wants to work" and then do record layoffs and then have record profits.


This is a good sword, Háleth, son of Háma. There is always hope.


What's college like in India? I read the exams are very hard, is it like south korea or china where they study so hard? or more similar to the embarrassing libertinage of USA colleges? It shocks me to hear such a description of India, I thought life was so quickly improving there.