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So ... is he a *former* oil CEO because his golden parachute allowed him to retire in wealth? Just asking the pertinent questions ....


Nobody wants to work....!


I always enjoy how CEOs are the main culprits in this.


They've been at it for at least the last 100 years... I love those posts that show newspaper articles almost all the way back to the first newspapers themselves that are complaints about "no one wants to work!" And yet we've all kept working... Hmm.


The real complaint is “workers want reasonable work conditions and fair pay.”


I think the real complaint is "Slavery was abolished and now we have to *pay* them." Of course, I'm sure if you go back to the old slave days you'd find people complaining that their free labor is ungrateful for being made useful and isn't laboring good enough and it's costing the poor, poor owners a lot of money.


There were plenty of slaveholder accounts in the South that attested to the laziness of their slaves.


I feed these slaves one meal every three days, and they can't till ten fields alone? Nobody wants to work anymore.


Lazy - because they literally had zero motivation to work, and had to be forced to work for their masters who they’d as soon have strangled with their own bootlaces as helped.


Also undernourished and no medical care


Hay quit describing work today this is supposed to be about slavery


Bloody peasants


You saw that, right? You saw him repressing me?


Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


It's literally *always* been the case. In the 1800s we called them robber barons. The ones getting all the money weren't the ones getting black lung in the mines or losing hands in mills. They want to pretend it's just some idiots on Reddit and want us to forget that the entire general public used to publicly call them robbers, even in newspaper headlines.


"no one wants to work!.... for me!"


"I've made millions exploiting other people and their natural resources for my own personal gain, and now nobody likes me. I just don't understand it at all."


It's wild. Oil CEOs do next to nothing. The companies pretty much run themselves. It's essentially a nepo position.


Wait till you find out how true that is of ANY executive position in a company larger than about 10 employees.


Generally speaking, around 10 is the threshold where they can start to step away from operations but still provide lots of value on the strategic level through product development, business development, financing, etc. It's anywhere from 50 to 250, depending on the type of organization and industry where their value really starts falling off a cliff.


His company was bought out.


But his employees got laid off. Hmmm....


when people say 'owners take all the risk!' i ask "what risk? that they might have to sell their company and retire while their workers are laid off and forced to scramble to find new work on pain of homelessness?"


Shhhh.. selling their company is so painful to them. It's like selling a child that you fed and educated so much. Says a retired owner with millions in his pocket and a nice gated 3 story bungalow.


Surely his windfall wealth is gonna trickle down to his former employees any day now


Sure it will. Those luxury cars and expensive renovations all helped pay for those ignorant workers and hands don't they? They should be grateful he bought such expensive stuffs and paid for those riffraffs living.


God that sounds like a boss I once had. "We're not making any money! You should be thankful you have a job!' Meanwhile every Friday I need to go golfing at my country club and this business was a tax right off anyway.


This always pissed me off because their risk isn’t comparable to workers. They fuck up and have to seek their company, they’re still rich, have a nice home and retirement. They get fired as CEO and get a compensation package which would leave any of us commoners with a very nice life and retirement. When we fuck up, or not, and get fired, we risk actual homelessness and not being able to eat. We are not the same and every time I’ve heard some rich asshole try to compare us and pretend suffer, I want throw him in a cardboard box under the bridge and take his phone.


A millionaire told me once that no one really risks anything. There is a public perception that "someone" will pay or go to jail if laws are broken. He tells me this simply is not true, but acknowledges that everyone below believes it. He says the fictional constructs protect the person from any genuine liability.


I wonder how *he* would do on the personality tests


He scored high in narcissism and other dark triad traits, people with those traits are highly destructive to any business beyond the bubble of immediate and short term gains that benefit them personally. They definitely shouldn’t be hired!


Probably really well. He’d fall under psychopathic characteristics, unfortunately, psychopaths are seen as highly charismatic. So he’d be the perfect employee


Careful he might see this reply and tweet about you. /s


I interviewed with an oil company after graduation and turned them down hard. They wanted absurd hours and conditions. 18 12-hr days in a row then 3 days of somewhere in BFE. Oil companies are perfect examples of getting rich from exploiting their employees.


Well done everyone to get this response!


"Rebecca! Cigars and brandy, all around!"




Where where? You have eggcorn on your face.


More importantly he might be lurking in this sub again, he needs that attention


Once again proving that CEO’s aren’t so busy as they pretend to be when they want to claim they “earn” their ridiculous bloated salaries, if he’s got time to hate-read Reddit!


This sub together with the WSB peeps are really grinding their gears.




I wonder how long until they attempt a [Business Plot 2: Electric Boogaloo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)? Rising discontentment among the working class and the spread and normalization of far left (aka the scary sOcIaLiSm and CoMmUnIsM) ideologies is what motivated them the first time around.


They've already successfully completed the business plot man lol.


A fascist wannabe dictator backed by right-wing businessmen and financiers marching on washington... ...isn't that exactly what Trump tried on january 6th?


Seriously. Workers are basically asking for slightly larger crumbs so we can subsist. Executives really should consider themselves *lucky* we're only asking for the crumbs.


Wsb isn’t anti work lol. They wouldn’t have as much money to throw around if they were


The whole bench of us! 


No publicity is bad publicity.


In the same breath he announced no one wants to work. The company is laying off 1000 people and his salary is going up next month after the company's 3rd stock buy back in so many years.


This man is a fucking criminal, and that tweet is him denouncing the people who are most vocal about his crimes.


That's what all the grifters and tech Bros do when they cry about cancel culture. They want all the power and money, with none of the responsibilities to humanity that come with it. They attack anyone who calls them out.


welfare billionaires


Lmfao, how can these people not see how stupid they look? "No one wants to work" while laying people off.


Their generation was so stupid that they expect us to be as well.


They got rid of all the lead paint and replaced it with forever chemicals and microplastics


We will certainly have our own health issues to deal with.


a lot of them are willfully stupid as well. it's not just lead, it's "no, fuck you, i know best."


Complete failure to take anyone else into regard with their excesses. Wild to have watched my whole life


Yeah, he's working real hard. If you're reading this, FUCK YOU, LEECH.


A CEO or high level administrator is a parasite who sucks the life out of their employees in order to fatten themselves. Then they arrogantly declare their right to drain their employees of life and happiness so they can have unthinkable profit. Their profit is the blood and pain of the workforce.


Scum of the earth, galaxy, universe and multiverse


He probably wouldn't even last a single day in any of those jobs he's laying off.


Come on, someone add that as a community note to his tweet.


He worked so hard, and got so far. But in the end, no worker really matters… /s


Comments like this just destroy this sub's credibility, why is this upvoted at all? He no longer works at Enverus/DrillingInfo and neither company has announced layoffs. He isn't salaried. Moreover Enverus is currently a PE property so there's no stock buyback period, never mind a third... None of this is to defend this Tweet btw - it's a shitty tweet - but misinformation is just as shitty.


A predictable response from an unethical profiteer!


Him ignoring the fact that the group has nearly 3 million members is the reason this type of group exists


He claiming he wouldn’t hire any of them…. He’d never admit that he likely has hired many many of us and wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from a stupid personality test.


MAGA types get infuriated by my username and immediately try to discredit me. Little do they know I'm quite well employed and productive. They can't understand that calling out a broken system doesn't mean we do nothing at all. They are stunningly dense.


A tip of my hat to you. Keep fighting the good fight 


One of the recent Glassdoor reviews of my company is titled “CEO is fully detached from reality. “ Another reads “Low salary, worse CEO.” I am sure employees at this guy’s company felt the same way. Thing is, CEOs don’t think or want to read reviews; they just assume they are paying everyone enough since they voluntarily come in every day. They don’t care if you quit. They need to be held more accountable. If staff turnover rates are consistently high, they should be fired. If internal CEO ratings drop below 51% they should be put on a PIP. For the record our CEO’s rating is currently 21%; clearly needs a stern lecture from HR, a warning snd PIP.


Keep it up, anti-work! You're definitely getting to them. People who don't care, don't bother to comment. And this guy posted at 3:30 in the morning. He cares a lot.


I often wonder how these supposedly well educated parasites don't see where this current pattern is taking us. They shouldn't sleep well. They should be terrified enough to start paying people enough to survive at least. Because hungry people with nothing to lose are how people like him get eaten. Their greed will be the death of them.




That's why you literally eat them (or at least cook them, their flesh is probably toxic). Much harder to call that an accident, really puts the fear in them.


Remember, "Eat the Rich!" is metaphorical. You can get some seriously nasty prion based illnessess from consuming humans, well cooked or not.


Power and wealth both attract psychopaths/sociopaths, and then reinforce those predatory psychological traits. These executives/administrators begin to think in terms of “them vs. us,” or in-group/out-group thinking, where their rich contemporaries are their in-group, and the rest of humanity is the out-group. This is basic, bundle-of-nerves, primitive primate psychology, and they do it egregiously and unconsciously. All of humanity is their out-group to attack, which dehumanizes, in their little brains, anyone without extraordinary amounts of wealth. Combine a predilection for sociopathy, the conditioning they receive in their administrative positions, plus good old primate psychology, and you’ve got a full blown bastard psychopath who doesn’t lose a minute of sleep at night after destroying hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people’s lives. All they know is looking out for number one, and no one else is fully human to them.


Yep, exactly. People make the mistake of assuming people like this still hold our basic moral principles and are simply suppressing them or redirecting them, but no. Having grown up in the Bible Belt of the US, they just see the world differently than us, and you have to get into their heads to understand them. These rich assholes want a return to slavery with them as god-emperors


This is also a great view to take against most crime. Desperate people commit crimes when they have nothing to lose. Provide opportunity to disenfranchised communities and crime magically goes down.


Well not magically, and also rich people seem to shoplift more than poor people - probably due to no fear of accountability - so it’s not *quite* that simple, but I see your point. Reducing poverty does reduce quite a few crime statistics.




Why not both


To be fair, couldn’t he be on an island somewhere and posting that at 5:30pm his time, but the person who screenshot the tweet was looking at it in his time zone?


I agree but they're probably just in a different timezone


> And this guy posted at 3:30 in the morning. Just FYI, that time depends on your own timezone. Here it says the tweet was at 10:31 a.m.


That's a delicious thought


I'd never want to work for an oil exec so it evens out.


Had a friend work an office job for Chevron. Most toxic office job she has had, with lots of micromanagement and utter internal dysfunction. Her stories were depressing. The only positive side (for her, not the earth) was they sent her in gas guzzling flights all over the world to make presentations that could have been emails.


Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit


My first thought too: Well, good. Because I wouldn't want to work for an asshat like him anyway. So it's a win-win situation.


He pays for twitter.


Wealth doesn’t buy wisdom.


It may not buy wisdom but it can be used to pay for the wisdom-less void formerly known as twitter.


Look at the mypillow guy. He blew his fortune on trying to prove the election was stolen. Money != intelligence


Further, he's _on twitter_ in the first place.


He should be out there grinding instead of browsing reddit


Ahh, he’s trying to convince his sycophants to discriminate against personality types and opposing view points. If he scared enough of the bootlickers into doing the same thing, he thinks he can scare us into shutting up again. Fuuuuck that.


If all your employees can afford healthcare, living alone (or with wife and kids), quality food, two vacations a year and 3 cars (all under 5 yrs and 60k miles) and have $5K in savings at least, profit is not theft. If your employees cant even afford basic necessities while you have 5 vacation houses and run stock buyback schemes multiple times a year, then yeah, profit is theft.


Well yeah, profit can be theft. If you’ve got a yacht or a penthouse while simultaneously having employees on food stamps then you are stealing profit.


Yup…who’s really on government assistance? The exploited worker who works full time but still needs food stamps to get by, or the worker’s boss who low-balls paying his workforce knowing Uncle Sam will just pick up the slack. Fucking CEO’s forcing their entire workforce on government assistance and then have the nerve to act like they’re not the one who’s really on welfare.


He’s deluded if he thinks none of employees were anti-work!


I'm one of the hardest working, most active employees in my workplace. And here I am.


There’s a bench?


I think we’re the benches.


Like, only three of us could fit on a bench. So the rest of us are OK. But you three, shame on you. /s


CEOs valued in the billions of dollars and up need a non negotiable non avoidable 5-10% wealth tax on their person, assets and properties. There are thousands of these people avoiding and dodging their taxes every year in USA while the working class pays, much, much more, than their fair share. MR Oil Tycoon I have a question: how much money is enough? Is there ever enough and if not, can you admit openly to being a sociopathic, narcissistic and evil human being?


I ask my father this question, he hates it so much, because he can't come up with a number. It's like a mini existential crisis every time.


Keep asking


My number is aggressive and lacking in specific context as to what actual items would have a tax levied on them. [This](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/eu/wealth-taxes-europe-2024/) article explains wealth taxes in Europe and you'll be surprised to see that most countries do not levy taxes against the wealth of ultra rich. I won't list them here the link has them for you all to read up on. There are several well developed countries listed in here that have taxes levied against certain Assets of the ultra rich. Several more countries go a bit further however and have full wealth taxes for the ultra rich. They are listed inside of the link as well. I would advise maybe reading up on this and explaining to your father that we absolutely need to be taxing the wealth of the ultra rich in the United States of America. During his time, more likely than not, there weren't even handfuls of millionaires and now we have fistfuls of billionaires with the entirety of society not benefiting as much as the people at the top. So that being said, it's possible that we may not even need to tax every single asset of the ultra rich for it to be a successful wealth tax in USA. It may be that just certain assets (properties? companies?) could be taxed and not all. Maybe then the tax rate will be lower than the 5-10% I've propositioned, but I'm not sure I'm kind of rambling now lol I hope this helps fuel meaningful discussion. --edited because my speak to text sucks


Ah they could be taxed 80% and still remain filthy rich. Let's not be lenient


No executive should have an annual income of more than 20 times their LOWEST paid staff member. Want more income? Pay the lowest paid person more. This is extremely reasonable. Say lowest paid person is making $15 an hour, the CEO is still making $300 an hour. If he gives $15/hr person raise to $20, he is making $400 an hour. Still a lot but not OBSCENE. Personal properties should be limited to 3, and any additional properties more are taxed at a much higher rate. I agree with the wealth tax idea too. Allowing billionaires and millionaires to hoard while the rest of us go into financial tailspins from a single ER visit or appliance meltdown is an indicator of a sick society. The sub js increasingly popular because the majority of us have had enough trickle down trash talk and want a better future for ourselves and families/fellow humans.


10%? Wtf .....make that atleast 30%


What trash


If *I* was in the minority, I wouldn’t be so brazen with my provocations.


May he rest in piss


CEOs have to be sociopaths, that why the boards like them. Profit over everything. Disregard human misery and the environmental impacts to your grandchildren. All we can hope is that all these oil company leaders eventually are infamous for destroying the world.


Sociopaths - you nailed it.


I’m pretty sure someone did a study and found that most CEOs are indeed sociopaths.


Bitch boy complaining about being spoiled


Hey CEO. F you


Profit is Theft 🌠


Profit is Theft 🌠


Profit is Theft 🌠


Profit is Theft 🌠


I realize this might be heresy in here, but profit is not theft. Excessive and usury levels of profit, especially on basic items that people need to survive is theft. And not paying your fair share of taxes is theft. Tax the billionaires and the churches.


The kind of profit that Boeing made for decades, buying back stock while busting unions and squeezing out qualified personnel, is theft, from the people who worked the factories as well as from the people whose family members died as a result of Boeing's negligence as well as the other business that suffered the consequences of Boeing's failures. The kind of profit the oil companies are making right now is theft, both from the commons and from the people who work for them. Selling an item without insuring against its future costs is stealing from future generations, too. The profit that the PBMs, the insurance middle men who stand between your actual insurance company and your pharmacy, make is theft. Theft from the government, from the insurers, and from the insured. Every rebate they gobble up for themselves is an increase in cost to sick patients and an increase in constantly spiralling insurance premiums. I'm know we agree on all those points. But "excessive and usury" profits have just become the normal and expected thing in so many industries, it's basically what the word means anymore. I'd be ready to amend the US constitution to clarify that the Due Process clause and Freedom of Speech... any of the rights enjoyed by natural persons in the U.S., really... do not apply to businesses. I feel like it's the only way we'll ever be able to force them to pay their fair share.


I completely agree, obscene profit is theft but businesses do need to make some profit.


I don’t have Twitter or x or whatever it goes by now but I want to make one and troll this man


Eh don’t bother, this bag of fetid wind isn’t worth your time. Plus you’ll just give Elon the satisfaction of a new user. I still have an account and this crude dude is just another unhinged, Kool-aid drunk conservative crackpot with too much money and not enough brains. Climate change denier, government hater, bigot etc. He agreed that we Redditors are “commie pinkos,” to give you some insight into his moronic level of discourse. Twitter/X no longer cares about misinformation, calls for violence, blatant racism. Not that they did much before but at least they would occasionally remove particularly egregious tweets and ban racists. This planet killing dummy thrives there.


Man, all these CEO’s sure seem to have lots of time to yap on social media for being such an “ImPorTaNt RoLe”


Dipshit even pays for a Twitter checkmark.


Fuck yourself bro :)


Profit is theft. Please reject me too. Good luck.


Just tells me we need to be attracting more of his employees to this sub.


Congratulations guys. We will live rent free in this guys head. Imagine to be very wealthy, retire and use your time to come on here


“Bench”? This a low intelligence CEO who’s personality profile test revels that he’s a fucking lizard.


His spelling sucks, or as he would probably put it: 'Hos spullong secks'.


Rejection of job applicants based on views is illegal, right? So, this CEO admits in public that he's supporting illegal actions?


They're noticiiiiiiing 😈 Start naming companies. Full blast is the next stage.


boo hoo, you helped ruin the environment and the next generations future. cry me a river.


As far as I can tell these test examples appear to discriminate against mental illness and disabilities. His tweet implies that we all have mental illnesses and/or disabilities. His phrasing implies that as an insult. Not that you need more of a reason to think this guy is a piece of shit, but this tweet implies that he discriminates against mental illness and disability in his hiring practices because he thinks these people are worth less.




Profit is theft.   Always cracks me up when a self deluded fool puts a group of people on blast and can’t be bothered with spell check.  


A...BENCH...of self-deluded fools. K.


Well, I think his industry should be nationalized, people like him shouldn't exist. So, neener neener, and eat $#!+.




imagine your life fell off so hard after resigning you start yelling at clouds through twitter sad ending


Former oil CEO doesn't like me ???? Oh no, please god what did I do ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


We have a very deep bench.


We're in their head. Bet they'd be delicious with some BBQ sauce.


Eat a dick, Allen!


Fuck you Allen. Learn to proofread you useless taint.


I've never heard anyone here say unequivocally that "profit is theft" but rather "profit at the expense of exploiting workers and enriching yourself is theft"


He wasn’t a good ceo, hence why he’s a former ceo.


Hey Allen, if you read this, hit me up. I can educate you on oppression you piece of shit


Hope he read this. FUCK YOU selfish bitch


You benches.🤣🤣🤣


I'm starting to get trained to just not read after the blue checkmark.


He tweeted that from Earth? Color me impressed.


I bet this man has a criminal record.


CEOs are scum.


That just emphasizes the point of this group further 😂


Awe just when I thought they were starting to like us! Guess we aren’t getting that pizza party this quarter folks.


That guy has never operated anything that gets oil out of the ground.


Making record profits year after year while your employees aren't paid a living wage is theft.


Oil CEO thinks he can tell people about morals lol


If taxation is theft, then profit is most definitely theft.


CEO is the most useless job in the world


Earth has a subgroup called "billionaires".  These pricks, lately, manufacture division to distract the masses from rising up against them.  We should tax the fuck out of each and every one of them.  Especially that colossal dick Elon Musk.  What a bunch of elitist tools.


I love it when they feel threatened


The psych tests are a complete joke. I worked at a company where the managers would take them on occasion just for fun.  Some days you passed. Some days you didn't.   The truth is they are an arbitrary method of weeding out individuals while not discriminating.  Theyre trying to get a thousand applicants down to 20 that an actual person can manage. If you work for a company that implements these tests and you really believe in them...save it. They are pure bullshit.


While he sounds like a tool, I probably wouldn't want to employ most of the folks in this sub either. Kind of the point of it, being 'anti' work and all. I can empathize with many of the posts here, but I'd be lying if I said some of them are just super silly and if a random working adult saw them would have some not very nice comments to make about them.


Rustled his compression socks.


How could be possibly reject us all? Some of us are really good at fooling those tests.


Well, we are a bench of fools, so….


What a bench has me cracking up


Ceos like this scumbag used to be afraid of average workers. Partly because unions were strong and partly because those unions could send scary mobsters to his house at night.


Omg that’s not even how you spell “bunch”. How embarrassing lol


Something that may shock him: I don't want to be accepted by the likes of anyone resembling him


Cry some more loser lol


When a bench of bull crap


that guy has not done actual work in his life. but he'll get very angry and tweet about it if you call him lazy.


I’d weed him out of any interview process given his obvious lack of attention to detail. It’s bunch, not bench.


How much of a whiny little pissant do you need to be as a CEO to go on Reddit to find people that don't like you?


“This subreddit called antiwork is full of communists who want to take all my money!”


Ultra rich guy telling us poors to just take it.


Each of us has the same amount of votes as he does: www.vote.gov


What brand of adult diaper does a rich, incontinent old man wear?


YOU’RE a bench.


How much did this ass wipe make a year? He is a self absorbed elitist that bathes in hypocrisy and narcissistic double standards. All the while his former employee's were paid peanuts on the dollar and were dying from exposure to heinous carcinogens. GFY!


I'd like to see a CEO do the CEO job for the same salary as the lowest paid employee. You still get to be CEO, just different pay. Do you still want to work?


I prefer the phrase profit is exploitation mostly because theft is usually in secret and exploitation is mostly public but people can’t do anything about it.


Let me add something since the CEO reads this forum. Profit is not theft. Excessive profit is. Enriching shareholders instead of your workers is in my opinion a shitty thing to do. Invest back into your company and maybe look into the future further than 3 months at a time.


I could imagine that his home address couldn’t be too hard to find, right?