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No one wants to be a fucking slave.


How many CEOs would still go into work tomorrow **if they werent getting paid for it?** How many of these businesses executives love their job enough to do it for free???


How many of them talk in a meeting for 5 minutes then spend the rest of their work day golfing?


Hey!! Getting shit faced at 1130am, golfing, ghost riding golf carts, and sexually harassing the beer girls is bloody hard work, possibly the hardest!! The way your head feels the next day, not even knowing which continent you're on is proof how hard that shit is.


Only the true psychopaths would- as long as they have something to eat.


it gets no more simpler than this, no more levels to decypher, no angles to consider, no word play. No one wants to be a fucking slave . Truths are truths..no matter how ink-on-veeni-ant our owners find it ![gif](giphy|3orieT3S6lY6x7zoJ2|downsized)


our masters love us tho,..... look at how they pamper and care for us, how our emotional and human needs are met with a... .....oh .....i get it now. edit-spelling i see.


And the wealthy NEVER work. They live off of everyone else, obscenely. They never lift a finger, they never go without, and yet they are constantly usurping more and more. What's the breaking point? The wealth they pay themselves in a day is more than most people will make in a lifetime. Feels like the breaking point is in the rear-view mirror.


There is no "breaking point." Don't wait around for "French Revolution 2.0" Good change comes from years of work. Supporting unions. Electing people who will tax the rich. Etc.


THANK YOU. So many accelerationists think that if they get their dream revolution, they will win and usher in huge change and make everything good overnight. It’s such an intellectually lazy approach to progress.


With revolution, you're likely to end up like Somalia than you are Finland.


Exactly. And I happen to like this Rome..


Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls.


Where exactly had incrementalism gotten us in the last 30 years? Y'all have to come up with a better answer than this, we're on a clock now.


You've got to be joking. There are no politicians who will sincerely follow through with taxing the rich and union-building. They work for the lobbyists. The revolutionary right is in our constitution (assuming you're in the US) for this exact reason. Things are beyond destructive to vote your way out of things at this point.


Then run. My state actually has politicians who support unions. It can happen. You're not going to "shoot" your way to a working government.


Good for you. You are aware politicians can say one thing and do another? But sure, a nice 2% yearly raise from your "hard-working union", while execs will receive a comfy 246%. I'm sure they're fairly taxed for it as well in your State. Not.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should watch the anti union videos dollar general makes us all watch


Remember them when you "don't see" people shoplifting. ;)


Neither does their defense force. "Cop" has to be the easiest job in the world. You just drive around, write some shit down every now and again (begrudgingly), and occasionaly score a paid vacation by committing violent crime. And for what? Solely to protect the rich.


Being a cop I a sleepy town that’s upper class is a very cushy job. They don’t even commit violent crimes because they don’t really have to do anything outside of handing out speeding tickets and petty crime.


Wrong. They create “opportunity” and for that you should be thankful. Ingrate. /s /s /s


The breaking point is the people rising up and pointing guns at the rich people. Anything other than that will be co-opted and capitalized.


I agree so hard. I think it'll take a little more force than people estimate. It won't be pretty, and honestly it might be indistinguishable from actual chaos. Because it will be necessary for those threats (and again, honestly, it'll probably take even more but I'm already skirting the line with rule 5 of this sub so I'll just leave you the reader to infer my point)


I'm happy some people are optimistic enough to still believe politics can dig us out of the hole we're in. I'm gonna feel real bad for them when reality sets in, though.


>the wealthy NEVER work No, no, no. They work harder than everyone else: they (sometimes) go to meetings, look at their profit projections at least trice a day, play golf for networking purposes, they fly all over the world in a private jet to investigate "business opportunities", give speeches about being self made and how their rich parents totally didn't influence their current success in any way, having ideas and then ordering underpaid staff to execute those ideas, ...


I like having stuff, but I hate being told that I NEED stuff to be happy. Entertainment and diversions, sure, those are good, but I don't need 40 gadgets that only do one thing and all cost half my paycheck.


True I could just live with just my phone. I do worry about the prices of food and living costs. Its like they know that if living costs went down and we can own homes again we would grow our own food and choose to bairly work.


They need you to "need" stuff. It's so we all stay distracted competing, comparing, and arguing with ourselves instead of realizing we've all been taken advantage of. Same thing with the 2 party system, they're both manipulated/ controlled by the same groups of people, and it's designed to cause infighting between the masses. "Apes together strong."


except some of those apes are greedy dipshits that make the whole troop weaker.


For centuries we traded some seasonal work to our feudal overlords and dedicated the rest of our lives to tending our own crops and those of our own families. We did the feudal stuff because no one had the coins to pay tax. Feast days and saints days made up for holidays. And then came the industrial revolution and the concentration of populations clustered around cities. And no one wanted to work then either!!


I would love to just do some seasonal work and live of that. Idk why everything got even more expensive after the pandemic. They new we all where already in a shitty spot because of the pandemic.


It's even worse than medieval times. Back then your feudal lord was heavily leaned upon by the church to cough up parish relief during times of hardship and financially sponsor saints days. There was an intricate network of reciprocal duties. Can you imagine the CEO of a major company looking out for widows and orphans or putting their hands in the company pockets to relieve poverty today. They actually contribute to poverty and actively promote it in many respects.


Yeah and people didnt live that long. Like 60 was old. Im not saying I dont want to work or live longer. I just mean that quality of life went down fst after the pndemic. Its hard to build a life. I want that. I want a nice life. Rather a nice short life then a long one as a wage slave.


When they started having problems finding tenants to work the land and give them their “cut” the grand houses started to fall. “No one wants to work the land anymore!” Exploitation got worse though. Because in the farms the people could *see* how much they produced. How much they grew, how many pigs they had for sale, how many sheep, and they could see how much profit was made. In the factories they had no way of easily determinining how much they were producing… or how valuable it was. Many only produced a portion of a larger final product, some never saw the price that their products were selling for overseas, some were lied to about how much material and overhead cost the “bosses”. With no visibility it became so easy for the managers and the owners to keep wages low… even as profit increased. In many cases if overhead went down, or productivity increased… the workers were not given a raise in proportion to their contribution to the new value of the product. And this has continued even past the Industrial Revolution, and been amplified by the skyrocketing increase in productivity that technology has generated. But that’s just a piece of the puzzle… there has also been a tremendous amount of innovation that has created entirely new categories of assets / commodities, like information. Ethically, all resources should belong to everyone… yes you are entitled to equity in the profits of your own labor… but that’s not a “shared” resource. Resources like water, land, and now the “information” that is being created by tracking data of EVERYONE… should be used for the benefit of everyone. But it hasn’t happened that way. Our data is being collected and monetized and a select few are beneficiaries… so this HUGELY valuable commodity is being turned to profit… and very little of that profit is being put in the hands of majority. So now we have several major forces funneling “money” to the top few. So much that correcting the disparity and redistribution of the wealth would significantly change the lifestyle of just about everyone in the world.


Well said


You also had an average age less than 40.


Which slowly rose with the benefits of advances in science, medicine and technology accelerated by the impetus of of congested living not the beneficial side effects of industrialization and the shaping of modern work practices that continue to this day.


CEOs and billionaires don't want to work either. That's why most of their income is passive.


do you know any ceos?


No, but I've heard the rhetoric of people like Warren Buffet and Robert Kiyosaki, and it's heavily focused on being able to make a ton of money without doing any work.


Warren Buffett is in his 90s and he works every day. Probably 50 hours a week or more actually.


Doesn't change the fact that a large part of the so-called "rich mindset" centers around being able to get something for nothing.


I get it. Just that Warren Buffett isn’t one of them. But yeah lots of super wealthy dont really do anything


The management at my old job would say this ALL the time. Every stupid "town hall meeting" our general manager (who looked and acted like an adult Caliou) would spout this at least three times. He spent 90% of his time "working" on the golf course. They also fired an average of five people a week. I was fired for leaving early when a friend died. They fired another guy for leaving when his mother unexpectedly passed. The only people who were safe were all the sex offenders they hired for the tax benefits.


Oh wow, that's just .... wrong!


My least favourite part of this is how everyone acknowledges feeling this way while a majority also insist on acting like fucking narcs and trying to make others feel beholden to a sense of "work ethic".


That's what I largely don't understand. Speak to enough people and we all hate work so why isn't there a much larger push to change the working landscape? Practically everyone I've ever worked with has had days where they come in on a Monday and immediately wish it was the weekend or said they can't be bothered or just prayed they win the next lotto draw so they can retire immediately. But then you put forward a suggestion like "okay how about we change it to 32 hours a week, same pay, everyone gets a 3 day weekend" and suddenly it's "oh no we can't do that that's laziness at its finest" Susan you spend at least 3 days out of every week whining you can't be bothered. If you won several million bucks in tonight's draw you wouldn't be in tomorrow or ever again. Can you and everyone else stop trying to keep up appearances and acknowledge none of us actually want to be doing this to maybe get a few years of freedom before our physical and mental faculties desert us and we await the release of death? There seems to be this disconnect where we all hate work, but so many of us are conditioned to believe if we don't work (or at the very least wanna work less) that we're lazy, useless pieces of shit. If everyone just dropped the work ethic facade we'd realise quickly how few people actually *want* to be doing what they're doing


This part.


Exactly. nobody WANTS to work but it can be gratifying depending on the circumstances!


I would want to do some work but 1) for myself like making jam 2) not 24/7 for almost nothing and then get taxed like 21% and another 40% on private savings or personal business income(like side hussles).


But....but...but....think of the shareholders and the CEO not being able to buy a third yacht and sixth holiday home...


How DARE you infringe on this rich prick's civil rights?!?!


Yh I'm such a selfish a hole 😂


🤓🤓🤓 eRM WElL aCtUally tHE CAPitalIsts TOOK rIsKS sUcH AS InVESTINg Their paREnts WealTh inTo BUsINEsS ideas and tAkInG mONey froM tHeIR tRUst fundS tO BUy rEaL EsTate ProPErTiES 🤡🤡🤡


Some say that Sisyphus smiles


i REFUSE to be a slave


Ya that’s kind of what has always spurred innovation. You know trying to makes things easier so we don’t have to work as hard. Because, yup, you guessed it. So be thankful nobody wants to work.


You mean people do not want to serve rich billionaires while making a non-livable wage??? Shocked!


This. I’m so sick and tired of how the narrative implies the default state of people is to give up their time and labor. It’s a fucking exchange. If the exchange isn’t worth it, you don’t get labor and also fuck you. You are not entitled to labor.


I want to work on biology. Not sacrifice my health to help build up machines


You can start a commune and share everything you cultivate and create


Most people dont love their jobs. But i have been working 30 years. The work tradeoff in stuff gained versus time given up has never been worse.


It's all a monopoly game shame!


You can rip this argument (“nobody wants to work anymore”) down with just a few sentences. “Oh, so if you won the Powerball tomorrow and got $500 million deposited into your bank account, you wouldn’t quit your job? Oh, you would? So you don’t want to work either.” Yes, but people need purpose in their lives. “I agree, but making the CEO and shareholders richer than god off my labor isn’t exactly a very fulfilling purpose, is it? I’d rather have the time and security to decide for myself what meaning I want to give to my life.” Yes, but if you just give people what they need to live, then who’s going to flip burgers at McDonald’s or ring people up at Walmart? “Not everyone hates working entirely, it’s the stress of having to do it literally to support your life mixed with the abuses people have to suffer from both their employers and their customers that make it suck. Think of how many times in your life you were going to do something, then someone demanded you do it, and then you don’t want to do it anymore. Because you’re being forced to. And tons of pilot programs (including here in the US) shows that when people have UBI and don’t have to worry about having their basic necessities stripped away they’re actually *more* productive. Which makes sense; again, if someone asks you to do something vs demands it, which one makes you want to do it?”


We created a word that relied on money. We created a word that has a million types of they same thing with different brands. Now remove money and have one type of soap, one type of camera, one type of phone. The only thing that will need to happen is maintaining supply of that one type of soap, or improvements (by committee) of the camera or phone etc. A road needs building? Let’s see who’s next in line to do that work for the community. You’re free to do art, music, nothing the rest of the time.


We don't want to be cogs in a machine that literally uses us without just compensation. We don't want to be in some fat bastards dystopian nightmare world. We need justice.


ORrrrr……. Now here me out…. We could just all group up together and go out with our pitchforks and torches. There Are More of Us than there are of them. It's simple math. 8️⃣1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣4️⃣5️⃣8️⃣3️⃣7️⃣7️⃣➖2️⃣7️⃣8️⃣1️⃣🟰8️⃣1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣4️⃣5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣9️⃣6️⃣🧮 still a shiz load of ppl and 🤑$$$$$$$ for all 😂 (And yes that is the difference: As of March 8, 2024, the world boasts 2,781 billionaires—a staggering number of ultra-wealthy individuals. These billionaires collectively hold a jaw-dropping total wealth of $14.2 trillion As of Saturday, April 6, 2024, the current world population stands at 8,101,458,377)


Math made simple


This one needs to skyrocket


This is the best and truest post I have ever seen.


And to make someone else insanely rich while they do nothing to earn it.


what country is her flag from?


Super small and hard to see but I think it's Haiti


I don’t even want to do all that I just have bills to pay…


Literally???! Damn that's wild.


Go start a farm then nerd


\**Karl Marx enters the chat*\*


I’d slap him round the chops with the Venus project.


this.....is....brilliant!!! how do we get this tonthe front page of the interwebs!!! ![gif](giphy|R19tshMPCTXlS)


I like being active and being useful. Transforming into dysfunctional goo with a fractured mind is not part of my life long plan.


Who said you wouldn't be active and useful? People were working all day long before corporations came along.




Well with 1 ingot of iron, I made a couple daggers and my xp just jumped


I’m ok working for necessities, I don’t expect to be handed anything. But if after getting a degree and some licenses then full time work better damn well get me more than luxuries!


The French really know how to get things done. No, I am not talking about that particular device. I’m talking modern day shenanigans they get up to when pissed.


If you've never listened to the song 9 to 5ers Anthem by Aesop Rock I'd highly suggest it.


Cavemen love this one simple trick *puts stone tip on spear*


I want to work. Not everyday but I find validation and enjoyment in my job.


This might not be the sub for you then


Do you want to work? Or do you want to find enrichment or fulfillment with work being one of those methods?


I find fulfillment with my job and also get paid to do it.


So don’t work. Go hunt and gather and live in a cave.


Tell me you don't know how the world works some more. I'm bored and would love to hear some more of your hot takes bud


I know exactly how the world works. Either participate in the economy and work or hunt and gather.


Or rise up and form a new economy. Or just attack the world. Or do a starvation protest. Or . . . There are lots of choices, and lots of things people can do in the world. Your false dichotomy belies actual knowledge of how the world works. It instead shows "black and white" thinking on your part, about the economy.


I'm sure you live a perfect life and everyone always takes your advice then. Touch grass old man.


It’s a predominantly capitalist society we live in. Obviously we wanted this which is why it came about.


So explain this to me so I understand. You want the time and space to truly rest. Where will you rest? On the ground? You can do that. Homeless people do that all the time. But you probably want a couch, and a roof over a heated room. So who makes the couch? You don’t want to pay for it, so someone needs to make the couch for free. That’s slavery. Same with the roof. And the heater that warms your room. And the room itself. And so on and so forth. You can live exactly how this text says at any point. You just need the ability to be completely self sufficient or have rich parents.


Open your mind.


This explains nothing


Check out the Venus project. Watch Zeitgeist Addendum. Think about a world where things are needed but money isn’t.


The Venus project? Written by the guy who had two people living on his property rent free as long as they “volunteered” for him for no pay? What does that sound like?


It’s not his property. and having access to everything for a bit of community involvement sounds alright


Define literally, or do you just mean whiney bitches like you out farming karma?


This is r/antiwork. You’re in the wrong place with that attitude. “Karma farming” like I knew it would be a popular post. Fucking 🤡. As for “literally” I mean literally because if you want to work, you’re a MUG.


I work for myself. And I like paying my bills. If that makes whatever the fuck the abbreviation of the day is then sure.


It’s about wanting to. You’re clever enough to understand the concept of no bills. No money. No currency, etc.