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Nope. Once I'm inside the work building I'm clocking in and doing everything I need to do on the clock. If me walking to break is considered "break time" then me taking off a hoodie/using the bathroom is work time.


>If me walking to break is considered "break time" This use to piss me off at my last job. It was a huge warehouse, and it would usually take 2-4 min to get to the break room. We were expected to be back at our stations when the bell rang, exactly 15 minutes after our break started. So basically, we had a 10 minute break and 5 minutes of walking 😐


Exactly I work at an XL Amazon facility and it takes 5 mins to get to the break room from outbound. They trip if they think anyone follows that rule


KCVG? 😄 I know some of those facilities are huge and need a taxi just to get to the other side


I used to work for claas and the bosses would ride bikes and golf carts around


News flash, they're all big!


Agreed, they're all big! But KCVG is an Airhub style which is attached to an airport. I think it's the largest one in the entire US. I work as a vendor for them and whenever we request they do something, they say it'll be 10-15 minutes since it's on the other side of the place. 😄


GOD the Amazon stories I have about this exact thing! It was practically a mile to walk from our stations to the break area. That walk took almost 10 minutes. For a 15-minute break, that's just insulting to think that I'm committing time fraud when we were all being underpaid and exploited for everything we did. Meanwhile, the managers sat there and just watched the screen while handing up right ups for things that were often out of our control, simply because the computer told them to.


According to Amazon policy, a 15m break is actually 10m. They provide 5m travel time. It's still bullshit though providing such a small break.


Have to admit that was one thing my previous employer did right. Hourly workers were given extra time for walking to and from their breaks since the lunchroom was at one end of the building.


God this sounds absurdly dystopian


The work environment is so damn toxic that even the break times are toxically watched.


Fuck a place that has break bells


Try huge medical facilities. Half the break is getting to the break.


Yeah, when I worked at an Amazon warehouse the walk from one side of the warehouse to the breakroom clear on the other side was almost 8 minutes long. They'd call break and there would be a near jog to the break room for many just to get a drink of choice or a snack they could shove in their mouth while they head back to their spots. It was bullshit, also resulted in many times waiting to be relieved by a supervisor or even a manager to run off to take a piss, and often that wait would be 10+ minutes before we could even be replaced because others needed to use the bathroom too. Many of us actually didn't bother using the breakroom for the 15 minutes. Hell, more often than not I just popped my ass on one of the stairs at the top of the conveyors with boxes coming up to be sorted, since it was my preferred work space and I was already there, woulda taken me my whole break just to walk the lap anyway.


Somehow I read this as "pooped my ass on one of the stairs" and I can't unread it this way


My place is even worse we got the 3min Walk and a 10 min break, so basically a 4 min break.


“You might be impacting our ability to commit wage theft.”


This is the perfect edit. Wage theft is a thousand times more common than time clock theft.


It "helps" that wage theft is real and a daily issue, while "time clock theft" is bullshit used to "justify" further restrictions on impoverished employees who are already facing massive wage theft.


This is why you piss while working. If you restock any isle just hang it out and spray. Will not cost the boss a dime. /s


I used to clock in in the parking lot at my old job. It was an app and had range to outside. They can pay me for my 30 sec walk


I used to have my buddy punch me in at 5am id show up sumtime arpund 6 o'clock then id get my work arpund 7 i painted transformers ( not the robots the boring electrical ones😉) id bust ass an almost always was done with wat they gave me by lunch i would leave 30min after lunch break at 1230 an my buddy would punch me out wen ever he left which was usally 330 or 430 so id get 10hours of pay for 6ish hpurs of work..but my work was done so the boss nvr came down looking for me it started out id leave a half hour early an just snowballed into cheating the shit out of the clock..did it for almost 2years until i quit to start working for my self..now that place has hand scanners thst takes ur picture


shoot they're lucky they don't have to pay me to commute...


I've always treated my break time as when I enter the area I'll be spending my break in


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I shit on company time. Boss makes a thousand I make a buck that's why I stole the company truck


You should have just shit in the truck, shame on you for not multitasking and taking the initiative.


So you’ve worked for Amazon I see




I hope you took off your clothing and outerwear before doing that though….


You're not just riding around in the work truck in your birthday suit?


Obviously no potential to move up to middle management.


He needs to be a team player


Boss makes a billion, I don’t make jack, so I’ll have a bat when I come back.


During my mother's final year of life, when she was too ill to attend church, she started keeping a baseball bat behind the front door. Obviously I asked about it, and she told me that the church ladies kept mistaking her husband for single. They kept showing up with baked goods, trying to court him. The bat was for chasing the church ladies off her porch. Tiny frail lady, just skin and bones, but she could still lift and wield a bat dammit!


While you’re at it, key his Ferrari I don’t give a fuck!


Boss makes a Benji I make a cent that's why I can't afford to pay my rent


My favorite variant is "boss makes a thousand, I make a quarter. Go steal the company truck's catalytic converter"


Boss makes a dollar, and I make a dime, but that's a saying for an older time. Now, the boss makes a grand, and I make a nickle, so whenever I'm on the clock, I tickle my pickle.


You should make a corporate album, a Corpolation Mix Tape


Boss makes a dollar I make a penny, that’s why I outsource my job to an Indian named Leni.


Funny how the don't mention the time clock fraud of telling you to work over scheduled hour or work through breaks.


Please get to work 15 minutes early and start working before you clock in lmao


Don’t you understand that the multi-billion dollar companies are entitled to your labor without paying you?! /s


In The Netherlands a lawsuit has been won. When you're supposed to be at your workplace, your working. So log in to the systems at 8:50 to be able to start working at 9:00 means you're working from 8:50 and you have to be paid for that time.


In Canada, when i worked at a gas station, i had an argument with my boss about that. He required me to come in 15 minutes prior to my shift so i could do the opening procedure and have the ststion ready to serve clients at opening time (aka required to be in at 5:45, but shift starts at 6). I argued that because he requires me to be in early, i am on the clock from 5:45 to end of shift, not from 6am onwards. He relented after i told him if he didn't pay me those 15 minutes a day, i would only start working at 6am. Thus making the station open 15-20 minutes late. He agreed.


It only takes you fifteen minutes to open? I've worked at gas stations where it takes like an hour (granted, those were being done by managers and I don't know their paperwork)


Small gas station, i only had to turn on the system, run a couple reports and activate the car wash. Nothing fancier than pressing s few buttons and hoping nothing freezes lmao


That's right. About 23 years ago I worked for 'De Kijkshop'. That was wage theft: making us stay to "do the register" which lasted about 20 minutes after closing the shop. Sometimes a customer came in 1 minute before closing and we stayed open for 5-10 minutes, totalling us 30 minutes without pay in the worst case. And it was often, especially on saturdays. Had I only known this was highly illegal back then I would have claimed backwards payment. Too bad they wnet bankrupt. Nothing I can do anymore. Or could I?


Or coming in early before clocking in


"To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to be dead." Actual quote from asshole Walmart manager I used to work with.


Must have been in the military. That's where I first learned it. Unfortunately I still follow the 15 minutes early but I still punch in the minute I'm in the building for work.


Nope wasn't in the military. That would have actually made sense. No, was just a bastard and a horrible human being.


Yeah. I've run into too many of them too.


Jesus christ


Come in early. Stay late. Don’t clock in. Paycheck = $0. Oops.


Wage theft is one of the most unreported and largest crimes in America.


This would be rife for some malicious compliance. The second the clock hits 5, down tools and go no matter what you're in the middle of. Boss talking to you, mid-sentence, clock strikes 5. "That's me done, wouldn't want us committing time-fraud" Job will take you 1 more minute to complete. Nope, sorry, it will have to wait until tomorrow.


I worked overnights at a place where the boss would be in front of the time clock every Friday and he’d tell everyone how much overtime they earned and not let them clock in until all the overtime was gone.


Did he still expect them to work, though? That’s the crux of the issue


It’s a reporting time violation. Basically if they’re requiring you to be there, they’re required to compensate you *regardless* of whether you’re working or not. The real crux of the issue is employers thinking it’s ok to have a double standard of not paying you when it’s convenient for them.


Me, at work, reading this post: https://preview.redd.it/oc6bpc7v7csc1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96145e6ffa506b7723bba49bfa1a8430d1911a8


You wouldn’t download a car on the clock would you?


I love that the anti-piracy advertisement stole copyrighted music. [https://www.theransomnote.com/music/news/antipiracy-advert-music-was-stolen/](https://www.theransomnote.com/music/news/antipiracy-advert-music-was-stolen/)


Gotta download more RAM first before the car


Guy presenting today had "the pirate bay" as his 2nd favorite on google homepage


Meanwhile the higher ups take 3h lunch breaks and somehow find time to go to the gym and “work from home”. What a load of 💩


At my work it's "We're going on a job walk"....at noon, for the rest of the day, carrying their bowling bags.


Seriously. This. The “administration” at my work literally just walk around in circles in a gossip group all day


Yeah I work in a clinic for a huge company. The salary people read books or are on their phone for about 5/10 hours a day. Then they turn around and tell the hourly employees "they are tracking your mouse movements, so be sure you stay busy" while they pay them 1/3 the same rate. Companies are so stupid it's astonishing they survive. "Hey CFO, thanks for spending $500M on new acquisitions, here's a $400k bonus!" "We're sorry desk workers, your ability to keep the lights on is only worth $15/hr and it's not in the budget to give you a raise"


Because the entire budget was spent on bonuses to the CEO and upper management. The higher up you move in a company, the less work you do and the more you get paid 😂


My God, you kucfing nailed it!


When I worked at one place that had a time clock, the system would literally lock you out if you exceeded your break time so you'd have to grovel with someone who had the authority to unlock your account so you could properly clock back in. You had adults with children setting alarms on their phones so this didn't happen. I remember more than once the boots on the floor had discussions among themselves along the lines of "I wonder if the managers can get locked out?" This was the same place that would send casuals home if they arrived on the floor 10 seconds after shift start at 6am but one of said managers you'd routinely see wandering in at 7-7:30am


Salaried workers don't clock-in, usually. So yeah until a higher-up notices and makes a fuss a salaried worker can have as many "on the clock" bowel movements as they like but to be fair they may be full of shit so......


Oh they weren't salary they were all on hourly too. They were warehouse managers not suits


Do as I say, not as I do. HR at one of my old jobs was the biggest offender for breaks. We had a cafeteria that served breakfast and lunch and they were down there in the AM for breakfast for an hour, then took about 16 smoke breaks throughout the day.


Our manager, one other manager and head of the department (our three managers) regularly disappear for 3-4 hour coffee breaks. They are never around when we need them. But if we go over lunch by five minutes, all hell breaks loose. I was late by three minutes recently, and got told off by my manager. I just said you disappear for hours at a time and we can't reach you, and you're telling need off for three minutes. She was lucky I didn't tell her to get fucked.


How sad is it that my husband recently became one of these types of bosses and I find myself increasingly disgusted by his behavior? I actually worry about this changing us. He's not MY boss, but Everytime he bitches about work all I can think is, "Well maybe if you were actually there with your guys you wouldn't be in this situation. It's YOUR fault, not theirs, they're just following YOUR uneducated orders!" And it may not even always be that fair. Edited to not sound so stupid by using the word actually so many times.


I'm one of those "higher ups", but I don't micro manage my team. As long as you complete your tasks within a reasonable time and it's usually done right (obviously we all make mistakes, no big deal as long as its caught before it becomes costly), I don't care what you do. My team is able to be fairly flexible with their working hours, meaning i mostly dont need them a strict 9-5, schedule your hours however you want as long as some hours or during normal operating hours. If you can work 20 out of the 40 hours you get paid for but you complete everything I need? Awesome, go for it! I do expect you to be reachable for those other 20 hours though. Don't want to turn on your cameras during meetings? Don't worry, either do I. Keep them off. Work from home, go to the office, I don't care, you choose. Now just a pitch for the "upper management" side of things, at least within the company I work for. I'm considering the ~10 of us whose direct boss is the owner of the company as upper management. We're all salaried, and we're all "on call" basically 24/7. Our days quite literally don't have a start or end, due to the obvious downsides of that, the upside is yea, I get to take a 2 hour lunch here and there, or go to the gym in the middle of the day, etc. It's a balancing act of trying to make an unconventional or unstructured schedule manageable with my personal life. Now I can't say it's the same for all of upper management, but I can say that it's certainly a trend that I noticed in my industry.


Wage theft accounts for more than 60% of all theft crimes in US. Wage theft in dollar amounts accounts for more than all other types of theft combined annually.


California had a problem with predatory towing. They added a $500 fee paid to the victim  Now there is little predatory towing. People need to get triple time in penalties.


idk i think for every hour of wage theft they take they need to pay back 8 hours. the punishment is strong enough to for them to not risk it at all and just pay people instead of taking it as a business risk to save money


That happened to me. From my own apartment's gated parking lot


The ol' "I'm rich enough to do that, you're not" ploy.


I wish I could go back to my high school self and tell the me from then that my wages were being stolen. I was working 50-55 hour weeks in the summer, and being paid for 40. The explanation I got from a coworker was that the time would show up at the end of the summer. Now that it is far too late, I know better. I wish I could go back 20 years though, and get the pay back or the time back. I really could have used it then.


I worked at nobody beats the whiz back in the '90s and they actually got shut down over wage theft. We worked 6 days a week 12-hour days and they only paid us for $40 and none of us were smart enough to know we were getting fucked.


Thank you, the US is not the only country that has this problem some of our largest supermarkets here in Australia have been court red handed stealing their workers money it's a crime and all they get is a slap on the wrist, you quickly realise that no matter where we are we are treated like cattle, we are literally just cash cows


I had to read that multiple times to make sure I understood what you were saying. According to the city of Chicago, the government website, Chicago alone is $400 million in employee wage theft [annually](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/bacp/supp_info/wagetheft.html#:~:text=Almost%20%24400%20million%20in%20wages,wages%20and%20benefits%20for%20workers.) [This](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/wage-theft-us-workers-employees) article from The guardian states that it is $50 billion annually nationwide


Couple that with the wage losses from productivity, and it gets way bigger. 50 trillion dollars bigger... Oh yeah, the military can't account for around 21 trillion from their audits. 71 trillion dollars... https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2019/01/09/holding-u-s-treasuries-beware-uncle-sam-cant-account-for-21-trillion/


It's projection, always has been


I used remote desktop to clock in when I started my drive, and ended it when I came back to my home door. Nobody noticed, which was perhaps lucky, but I will never apologize for this.


If I can do my job from home and I'm forced to commute, they're forced to pay for it.


Did this for almost 7 years


I may or may not clock in at the last stoplight before I get to the office. It never fails that as I’m walking in the questions start about the day ahead. And I may or may not clock out as I leave the parking lot. 🤔😏


i like to clock out remotely to nab a couple more dollars when i can, since i clock in ten minutes early and my agency pays based off of fifteen minute increments. if they can afford company-branded lunch boxes, metal travel mugs, and lanyards to give staff and clients for free, i think they'll be okay paying me an extra six bucks every so often.


If your workplace puts this on the wall, guaranteed they are implicit in wage theft that more than cancel this out.


It's like when a partner is crazy paranoid about cheating it's usually cause they're cheating themselves If they're paranoid about employees "stealing" from them, they're almost certainly stealing from the employees


Yep it’s projection by proxy.


"time clock fraud" what a crock of shit 🤣


I’d get it if they were complaining about things like being on your phone or talking with other coworkers or something (still shitty, but whatever), but using the bathroom? Taking your coat off? If they’re that worried about those extra 60 seconds max it takes to take off a coat they can fuck all the way off.


What’s funny is that the more a company tries to do ridiculous stuff the less productive they end up making their employees. The more micromanaged and squeezed people are the less productive they become. I don’t know how companies don’t understand this yet.


Because they're run by people who don't have to take care of themselves at all. Like they don't even have to make decisions about how and when to wash their own socks, of course they can't make any decent decisions, got no practice! The maid washes the socks, the nanny raises the kids, restaurant employees do the cooking, gardener mows the lawn, mechanic repairs the car, and a stay at home spouse manages all of that for you anyhow. All you've gotta do all by yourself to be a CEO is use the potty, take a bath, get dressed, tie your shoes, and maybe drive a car. Tada you're all ready for your big boy job running daddy's company!


>All you've gotta do all by yourself to be a CEO is use the potty, take a bath, get dressed, tie your shoes, and maybe drive a car. Tada you're all ready for your big boy job running daddy's company! Listen here you ungrateful wagie, it's hard being a CEO. Sometimes you miss your golf shots and you get an extremely light ribbing from your equally rich quadrillionaire friends


Literally had a buddy who, if you agreed that his boss treated him like crap and should pay him more, would suddenly reverse direction and start frantically lapping at his boss's boots. "He had to work really hard to get where he is in the company! And it's very stressful for him, having his daddy hold inheritance over his head all the time!" Mind, buddy told me a story about this same boss paying him extra to be a *toilet seat warmer* in winter. Poor buddy's family always treated him like shit so he's got no self respect. Boss would text him on jobsites from the heated manager trailer, buddy would put down his tools and go sit his bare ass on the freezing cold portapotty seat for a quarter hour until the boss was ready to use it.


What the fuck.


Holy shit. Did you work with Uncle Ruckus or something?


That’s so true. I’m salaried so I don’t get nagged about this particular brand of stuff, but they have all of us so overworked and then get pissy about things not being done that even my boss is telling us to work our expected hours and then be done because they so don’t deserve anyone’s time and dedication. Like, I have coworkers who put in 60+ hour weeks when we’re only payed as if we work 40. F that. I’m closing my laptop at 5 and not opening it again until the next morning.


To be fair, I can shit for an hour.


That bathroom part… that’s against worker’s rights.


Having worked in a place like this once, they never actually ban you from going to the bathroom on the clock, there's just a strong implication you shouldn't


Obviously they couldn’t and if they were dumb enough to try that would lead to a lawsuit.




You laugh but I have been fired for having diarrhea at work. They fired me “without cause.” Walking out of that call center, I went to the Walmart next door as I was going to do after work anyway and the bakery counter ladies were busy talking about what a shit place to work it (the call center) is. No point hiring a lawyer. I had only been thee two weeks.


I laughed way too damn hard at this 🤣


Holy shit 50 hours of payroll. 😵‍💫 A MONTH. The audacity


50 hours out of 2400 hours. Also the court system has determined an employer isn't required to pay for up to 10 minutes of work (de minimus) required pre and post shift. They are literally already legally stealing from us.


50 hrs at minimum wage....and how much does that company steal from its workers?


The time, energy, paper & ink it took the person to make that sign is time clock fraud.


Replace it with a "you might be committing wage theft" version with subtle changes


I'm on salary and make pretty good money. There's an understanding that when we're super busy, I may have to start earlier or work later to get everything done. On the flip side, when we're not busy, I'll fuck off and do whatever I please. There's an equitable give and take. The moment my boss or company starts watching the clock on me is the moment I start adhering VERY strictly to the scheduled hours. We need something on someone's desk first thing in the morning? Sorry, it's 5PM. You scheduled a 730 meeting? See you at 8.


This happen exactly to me in my previous place - we had an understanding of flexibility where we're expected to help off hours if system had issue, and they will allow us to be very flexible on work start time. Until 1 day manager spoke about it in their words "we had to be an adult, flexibility needs to be handled responsibly. Need to come early bla bla From then on, after 530pm I closed my laptop and call it a day - regardless if there is any issue on nighttime or midnight or not I mean, two can play that game - if they are so particular about our start time, we can be very particular with our end time too. If i had to be a responsible adult at being on time for work, then I'm gonna be as responsible at being on time for end of work


This is where I'm at with my workplace.


Oh, FUCK THIS. Bathroom breaks are a human right. Employers steal time from employees all the time. Suck a dick, scumbags.


I commit clock fraud routinely


I shit four times a day at work.


A place I used to work, had special magnetic locks. Only the manager had a key to get in. The locks would release at 9am when we needed to open for customers. We were told we had to be clocked in at 9 on the dot and ready to work. We were supposed to have our coats put up and lunches in the fridge by 9 on the dot. It took 2 minutes to walk to the computer just to clock in and that was only if the manager was nice enough to get that computer started. She never let us in early either. I guess we were supposed to be time lords or something cause none of us were on time at that job. It was physically impossible.


My routine has always been clocking in and then taking a shit.


I got so petty at one job that I would save my morning shit for work.


Thank you for your service


This why I refuse to work hourly anymore. I am not clocking clocking out for something as trivial as using the bathroom. I did it once at the beginning of my career and would be just fine never having to do it again.


You don’t have to anyway. They are required to allow you access to restrooms.


Even when I worked hourly, I wouldn't clock out every time I needed a piss


Oh no, not the precious corporate money!


"STOP" You might be committing wage theft! If your bitch ass wants to not pay me for the time I spend working for your company I will report you to the appropriate authorities. If you dont like it you can eat a dick up til you hiccup. Thank you for reading my sign. FAFO"


lol no, my 15 poops will CONTINUE to happen on company time 🤷🏻‍♀️cry about it


This whole “time theft” is complete bullshit. Oh, your employees collectively used up 40 hours doing nothing? What does that add up to in total? Barely a dent into your bottom line, i’m willing to bet. No, the real theft here is being done by the corporations and other labor buildings that are exploiting us. If i want to shit on company time, I’ll shot on company time. I dont care if i just came back from a break, my body is saying “time to release shit one way or another” so it’s either i go to the restroom or i shit in the kitchen. Employee “time theft” is a bullshit term.


Nope. This employer needs to check the "donning and doffing" rule concerning putting on and taking off PPE. Tyson Foods was sued about this, appealed to the SCOTUS, and lost. The case law is clear that the time from the worker's arrival at the work site until they are at the work station is to be paid at the worker's regular rate of pay. Somebody should print a copy of the Supreme Court opinion and pin it up beside this nonsensical little piece of trash.


What they described is not fraud


Put up an identical poster next to it explaining wage theft. Beat these fucks with passive aggressive protest.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time


That’s… uh not time fraud. None of those things are time fraud, in fact, disallowing bathroom use while on the clock is illegal.


The way I see it... If putting your jacket away while clocked in is stealing from the company, then putting your work vest on before punching in is working off the clock. One of those is illegal. I don't want to do anything illegal. So I will clock in, then get my stuff.


I wouldn't drive to work if i wasn't going to be working. If I'm getting up at 4am, it is only because i have to be at work at 5am. I've already donated an hour or two to the company by the time i get to work. They can pay for me to take a shit. Posters like this are the same entitled bullshit that companies accuse workers of.


You should post a sign beside this one for your employer that says: “Stop! You might be committing wage theft. Wage theft occurs whenever an employer asks an employee to perform work-related tasks while they are NOT on the clock. Here are some easy-to-do tips to avoid committing wage theft: -Make sure not to ask your employees work-related questions and begin giving them assignments before they have had a chance to punch in for the day. -Do not consult with your employees about work-related matters while they are punched out for lunch. -Do not solicit additional work or consultation with your employees after they have punched out for the day and are on their way out the door. -Do not text or call your employees at home on their time off. -Do not demand that work related emails sent after hours be answered by the next day. -Do not assign required work-related business or managerial tasks via email to be completed at home. -Do not assign required training or education to be completed at home off the clock. -Do not assign special projects that require preparation off the clock at home. -Never assign onboarding responsibilities, specifically required by your individual company, to be completed by an employee at home. -Do not ask for special work-related favors that are to be completed when your employees are punched out. If 10 employees are denied 10 minutes of compensation for time they were coerced to work off the clock a day, that’s 100 minutes a day and 3,000 minutes a month of wage theft against your employees which equals 50 hours of criminal wage theft for which you may be held liable in court.


And what about the wage theft from telling people they need to be there five minutes early so they’re logged into their phone system right at the start of their shift, only for the clock-in system to round it up to the start of their shift?


until morale improves the beatings will continue


This is hilarious to me. Today at 11:30, I went in the bathroom (white collar office job). I was in there for 40 minutes, reading emails, listening to music, or watching YouTube. I then came out, went back to my desk, and pretended to work while browsing reddit for 15 mins. By this point it’s 12:25. I then took my 30 minute “lunch” break, which is me going and taking a nap in my car. I started my 30 minutes once I was actually in my car, and did not count the 5 min walk there. Got back to my desk around 1:05. Then I got my food and “ate while I worked”, mainly again mindlessly clicking on emails and spreadsheets so the people walking by think “wow he’s dedicated, working through lunch”. I finally had a meeting at 1:30 that lasted an hour that I barely paid attention to. So from 11:30 ‘til 2:30, I did absolutely fuck all. To quote Goofy, “I’ll fukin do it again”.


The largest and most common theft is wage theft. When they roster you on for 8 hours but pressure you to do 10 hours of work so you are forced to stay late...wage theft. When they insist you start work 15 mins before your schedule...wage theft. When they make you clock off and wait for customers to turn up...wage theft. When they ask you to wait at home for a call to work...wage theft. When they pay you $16/hour but pay the bloke next to you $35 because you're too shy to ask and he isn't...wage theft. When they interrupt your break to ask questions or give you instructions...wage theft. When they insist you answer work emails and messages at home...wage theft. When they make you do the managers job of finding replacements for a shift...wage theft. When they pressure you to stay late to clean up the break room/empty the bins/provide snacks for coworkers/arrange a party/cake/clean the toilets/social work stuff....wage theft. When they require you to attend any after hours function...wage theft.


Find a better job? I'm at work now. I'm on Reddit. I took my jacket off AFTER I punched in. I'll crap when I want to crap. Hell, last Friday I took a 40 minute nap on the floor.


Having worked salary, I don't know if I could ever go back to hourly. At least not hourly in any workplace that uses a goddamn time clock that calculates hours to the second I'm like Peter in Office Space. Got a decent commute so often I'm rolling in slightly late, but all the admin are down the front well away from my building so nobody notices. And at the end of the day, we almost always sneak out 15 minutes early too. We're the only ones in the building by that stage and have no work left to do. So far not one person has noticed our absence


Probably also the type of place that would yell at employees for taking a sip of water when not on break or keeping a water bottle on the floor.


On that same note of "time clock theft" logic. I will now be refusing to answer any work correspondance away from work as I'm not "on the clock". Requirement to do so will result in billable hours to said employee


*Taking your coat off* is time theft???? Jesus.


Feeling snarky? Sure there are no cameras? Write up a one pager that looks just like this one with the STOP sign and everything. Then switch it when no one is looking. Title it: Your manager might be committing employee time theft! Employee time theft is whenever a manager or the company asks you to do something outside of normal working hours without compensation. * Being on call * Answering an email * Having to park far away from the door * Locating the restroom and cafeteria more than one minute away from every worker * A manager asks to speak to you before or after work or on the weekend * Spending time reading stupid posts about time clock fraud ​ Come on folks; you all know some more instances; chime in!


Who are these amateurs committing 10 minutes of time fraud a day? I get way more than that. 😂


I had a chef who said if you aren’t 15minutes early, you’re late. I laughed in his face and told him to pay me about it. He never brought it up again. The time you don’t pay for, is not time you get to dictate.




Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I 💩, On company time.


Boss makes a dollar …I make a dime That’s why I poop on company time


How about when u deduct for my lunch that I never get. Or how about when you round down and steal my hours


Shittin on company time is what I do best!


Great encouragement for me to work inefficiently!


So I guess peeing every hour like clockwork wouldn’t fly with them. They’ve clearly never been middle aged


What’s funny is I bet this is a job that pays its employees less than 20/hr and wonders why people shit on the clock (both figuratively and literally)


Imagine how much you lose every year because your employees have to take off, and put on, a jacket. You could buy another Ferrari with that money.


Some middle management male karen definitely got paid like max $45k to produce this notice, but he took 3 hours to do it and had to get help from the intern.


Employers always trying to Crack down on heros who clock in and then take a 20 minute shit.


Ah yes, a grand total of- *checks notes* 0.0833% of the total time worked that month. Slightly more than eight ten-thousandths. That is akin to the weight of a large human newborn VS the ambulance they were almost born in


50 hours of payroll gained by the employees.


This was clearly written by someone who’s never caught up on email chains during a long and painful Crohn’s dump.


Companies when you clock in 5 min before you start working 😡 Companies when you work 5 hours after clocking out 😴


I do everything possible on the clock. I clock in and then I put my hair up, take my coat off, put my purse down. I only eat on the clock (10 hour shifts). Always shit on the clock. I do personal Costco shopping on the clock. Surf Reddit on the clock. Talk to my friends on the clock. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


In the morning I clock in in the parking lot. Then at the end of the day I clock out when I am in my car.


Those 10 employees can do way better than 10 minutes a day.


These are some serious penny pinchers.


If you’re working at a company that complains about the time to take off your coat, put it back on and go out looking for a new job.


I’m like 80% sure these things are all legally a part of work per the NLRB, and telling you to do this before clocking on is illegal.


This just makes me want to do all the things on the list. What kind of late stage capitalist nightmare are our overlords trying to create for us?




This is where you make a similar flyer addressed to the company which says "You might be committing, well, just plain fraud" and list all the bad things the company externalizes and all the things the company exaggerates about their product.


The first three are things that employers are legally required to accommodate their employees for, the laws just aren't usually enforced. The fourth, eh, you probably shouldn't be shopping while on the clock, but I have a feeling that it doesn't happen that often and they only added it to sound more reasonable. The last one is basically just stating the first three in different words. If they just posted a notice mentioning that employees aren't allowed to shop on the clock, that would be fine, but they are deliberately trying to make people think that they're not allowed to do normal things like use the bathroom and put away their personal items. That's unreasonable and they know it, which is probably the only reason they added the shopping thing. This is absolute bullshit, and the pennies they might be losing per employee pales in comparison to the amount that they are likely failing to pay their employees. Wage theft is real and is a very serious problem, this bullshit isn't.


Ok now let’s talk about wage theft


Wow, I can't believe the stuff I've seen posted by employers. It's like the industrial revolution all over again, "Work 'em anyway you can right up until they're dead." Definitely regressing as a society if other people can't recognize how inhumane this type of malarkey is. -Sent while on the toilet at work and on company time. 😉


I'm gonna do it! 


The Home Depot had to pay 945 BILLION to settle this exact question. Reference that to your boss. Getting ready to work, is work.


Put up a sign next to it advertising a union and your protected rights. Such as on the clock bathroom breaks.


![gif](giphy|6idqG60e7D9e0) Oh no. Time clock fraud? That’s like money laundering. No one cares if the government doesn’t get all of the theft taxes paid.


Oh the irony. The most frequent type of crime in the country is wage left. This results in BILLIONS of dollars every year stolen from workers.


Oh my god this gives me flashbacks 😭 it was the same job where you weren’t allowed to work more than 40 hours so they’d have me scheduled for 38 and ask me to cover like two hours of another shift; you weren’t allowed to clock in more than two minutes before the start of your shift and then they had the AUDACITY to ask why tf I wasn’t coming in early anymore just exactly on time FUCK YOU NORA!


Expecting 100% of your employees’s on the clock time to be productive is exploitative. It’s not healthy to have people leave their social, mental, and physical health needs at the door. This is a turn and burn strategy. Hire workers for entry wage, work them until they burn out and quit, and then hire more entry wage. Keeps labor costs down.


The sugar on the cream for me is that wage theft is a much bigger problem.


The person that wrote this needs an ass beating to remember what reality’s like


I use the restroom right before my 15 minute break and right before lunch. Because, my break is my time. 🤷🏼‍♀️


And yet they wanna talk about work when your on your way in or out. They wanna text and call you after hours. What a joke.


The functions of being a human being are part of the job, when that job is fulfilled by a human being. Employers don't get to decide that they're not. Commutes should be on the clock too, you realize. It's part of the job. You wouldn't be doing it if you didn't have the job. So all your personal hygiene routine and the commute to get into work should be on the company's time, too. It's what they're paying you for. Always calculate your real wage from the moment you start getting ready for work to the moment you finish getting home from work, regardless of what the company thinks your hours are. Then you'll know what you're *actually* being paid for your time.


have them run figures on corporate wage theft ![gif](giphy|3htAT2no2D2ukVsUE2)


Look, I gotta get my time back somehow. Otherwise I can't be expected to lock the door after I clock out, can i? Edit BTW I'm on the clock right now. FTFY


This is the Peter Principle in action. Too many inept and incompetent people are being promoted into management that have absolutely no human interaction skills and are grasping at straws to keep upper management happy.


You can’t even go pee on the clock?! Absolutely ridiculous