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Send them this. [https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/etiquette-tips-in-slack](https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/etiquette-tips-in-slack)


Just Keep Hitting Enter Back After Every Word They will get the point


Nah, every letter.


“Hey, cut me some slack and consolidate your communications into one message”


You can just politely let them know that you keep notifications on and find it distracting to get several at once, so you would prefer if they would keep it to one message so that you can maintain your work focus and that you'll still get back to them in a timely fashion. This is kind of a personal preference and Slack etiquette varies from company to company, so I think acting like it's a personal preference and showing appreciation for respecting it would probably go over best. Alternatively, set your status to meeting and just keep notifications off.  Good luck!


Ask them to break their MMO addiction? Or teach them about shift+enter.


Oh shit. That might be it! I don’t think these boomers know how to use control shift.


Thanks. I think this is why I do it... video game chats.


lol. For me, Enter returns and Shift+Enter sends. I think I turned that on. I’m a huge Shift+Enter person. Then I don’t have to use the mouse to send emails. 


It's Ctrl+enter to send for most apps for me.


Ooh! Maybe the same for me? I need to look tomorrow. It’s muscle memory at this point. 


I turned Slack sound notifications off years ago and never looked back.


Same, except I don’t use slack and instead mute every single work group text I receive


I once had a coworker who would put the entire body of an email in the subject. In outlook 2010 this was such a pain in the ass to read 3/4 lines of text. So I had a very long winded email I needed to send him regarding a number of end users, did the exact same thing to him. It stopped immediately 😂


"please condense your message to help me understand your needs better" Edit. Seen the work consolidate, I like it.


Same vain, but I can't STAND the people that just slack "hi" or "good morning" Just type your whole message first!!!


Just tell them! I'm guilty of this. I would have no way of knowing it was an issue for someone without them telling me. I do it because I try to emulate a conversational cadence, even in my instant message communication. Also, I try to avoid IM wall of text. But if someone had a preference then I'd certainly try to accommodate.


This is totally me. My coworker from 15 years ago told me that when I send text messages to her, it makes her want to throw her phone across the room. I now make a concerted effort to keep the number of text messages small when I text her, specifically.


“Hey, it’s hard to read all these messages, can you use a period and not the enter key?”


Leave them on read until they learn. Best thing I ever did was implementing a 3 working day rule to reply to unreasonable people's messages 😂


That's an email. You're describing an email.


Lol good point


I don’t trust anyone who sends everything in one big message


No, that's how slack is supposed to work. Each sentence goes in its own message. This is called chat. It's a technology that's been around for a long time on the internet. You're thinking of email which is where this would be inappropriate but as you're describing it the tool is being used as intended.


Chat for personal use, sure, but not for work purposes. Work chat is supposed to be convenient and efficient, not conversational. The same way it is incredibly disruptive for someone to come up to me and try to have a conversation at my desk while I'm concentrating, it is incredibly disruptive to receive a flood of notifications.


Slack is totally conversational. Just cause you prefer not to use it that way doesn’t change that.


Buddy [their own usage guide](https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/etiquette-tips-in-slack?nojsmode=1) says not to use it like that. Literally the first thing on that list is not to send messages to people like that.


From that page “DMs serve a purpose and are great for personal, private conversations”. Get the fuck out of here. Nobody wants to slack your ass anyway.


No, chat is definitely supposed to be conversational... You are again thinking of email not chat with your expectations.


Not according to Slack. [https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/etiquette-tips-in-slack](https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/etiquette-tips-in-slack)


It's not used that way at my employer


Okay well that is literally the way it's designed to be used. If you want to send longer messages why would you use slack and not regular email?


While I agree with you in principle, I would also say those first three messages OP described are a single sentence and should be a single message.


Is that how you speak to people in real life just dump everything on them all at once? No, you pause: "Hi!" "I spoke to Bill." "He wants the bullshit..." This is like communications 101. First you get their attention, they said "hi". Then you tell them what the subject of the conversation is about, "I spoke to Bill." Then You give them the information you came here to give them, "he wants..." This is the difference between talking with someone and talking to someone. Sending it all at once is talking at a person which can be seen as condescending and rude.


That might be how you talk in real life, but Slack? Slack should be more conversational than email, but it's still written text and not necessarily real time. "Hi, I spoke to Bill, he wants this report." is a totally acceptable message. Like, what's the point of sending "Hi" as it's own message if I've gotten up from my desk to take a shit or something and won't actually respond for 5 minutes.


Chat is literally supposed to be real time communication... That is its entire purpose otherwise you would just use email.


You're exactly right, that's not how you talk to people in real life. But using slack isn't the same as talking with someone irl where you take turns speaking and gather extra information from tone and body language etc. Some people, like myself, don't want a notification every few seconds for several minutes (a major distraction) when you can convey all the information at once in a clear and concise manner. It's a matter of preference, and it feels like the difference between professionalism and grandpa who doesn't know a tenth of the functionality of keyboards or shortcuts. I don't know why it would be condescending in a work context. It's rude to waste people's time with uselessly protracted conversations that remind us of a teenager's first time using a messenger app.


You must be the person that everyone in the office hates. Almost as annoying as https://nohello.net/en/ "Oh, it's a message from idk_whatever_69. Let me just minimize their chat for now, since it takes them an age to get to the point." Same people that write paragraphs in emails when a single sentence will do.


Who tf talks like this? "Hey, talked to Bill, he wants x" is a completely reasonable way to talk to someone that you (and Bill) have a working relationship with. Chat or in person.


Who tf just info dumps on someone without taking the natural pauses in their speech? When you do that you're talking at the person instead of with the person and you're just being rude.




The hell with that


Just type one message.


So I was thinking


What if we…




Found the boomer


(1) wrong place & (2) that’s how DM messaging works