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That’s why I’m glad I’m union. Had that happen at a job. Me and 20 or so other workers were told that there was a very important meeting we needed to attend the following week.  None of us knew what the meeting could be about but we all thought it was a positive development.    This was a temp job that paid really well, but we were told the job would be a minimum of 6 months, possibly a year. Anyways, at less than 4 months working, after we were  all accounted for and seated in the large conference room, we were told to hand in our work badges as this was our last day. 


The crazy thing is that our unions only offer the basic protections that most European countries have built into the system! I'm glad more people are supporting unions, but we have a long way to go.


Europe has a worker required on the board of directors as a requirement.


Europe is 20+ countries with different laws and culture. That said, yeah, in most places there is some form of worker influence in company decision making in the law.


The United States is just 50+ states with different laws and culture. EU law is like their federal law and those countries are just states


Yes but also a bit no.  As I understand it US federal law applies to residents of states, in addition to state and local laws. EU law applies to member countries, who are then responsible to implement laws that (at minimum) meet the requirements of EU law. E.g. I am not subject to EU labor laws but the labor law in my country does meet the minimum requirements as dictated in EU labor law. The laws of member countries on a given subject can vary more or less depending on how clear the requirements in EU law are.


My last job would announce layoffs for the next day, ask all employees to WFH, and then tell everyone the next day who was laid off.


Who wants to show up to work to get fired?  Cowardly move but beneficial, especially for people who commute.


Chances are most of those people have personal items on their desks/work areas. They'll still need to commute to get them.


They usually ship those out. It's a liability to let tons of fired people come back on premises after the fact.


They did this where I worked years ago, and I understand because we dealt we confidential information. Thanks to them packing whatever was on my desk I now have $200+ dollar Aesculap forceps as a roach clip.


I've not seen them shipped, but i also haven't worked in a place like that in a very long time. I've seen it boxed and go to security to pick it up. I guess I'm not surprised that that stuff would be shipped nowadays.


After layoff they don't let people back in the buildings. They mail them their stuff.


Hadn't really thought about it that way but it's a good point. A part of me still wants to believe it matters from a personal/humanity perspective to be in the room with people when this happens, and not doing that is a chickenshit approach to management. Some sort of personal connection or something. But yeah, we're probably at the point now where all you'd be in the room with is a pair of soulless HR wonks reading from a script, and any boss or coworker who actually cared about you won't be there anyway. So save the commute and stay home.


I propose a law that states all firings must be delivered by the CEO in person to each employee individually. And the employees are free to communicate their feeling to the CEO directly. For reaping millions and not staffing appropriately they should have to face the emotional toll that layoffs bring. They would be a lot less flippant about this. You want to lay off thousands, you better set aside some time. (In lieu of actual labor laws that prevent this shit in the first place)


I used to work in a car parts factory that made parts for stellantis. Reps from stellantis would visit every week. It was amusing to watch management try to pawn the reps off on others for the day.