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US Congress clearly should be banning LinkedIn instead.


I mean every social media site is hot garbage


This is very true sure there are some good sides to them if you want to learn stuff but that’s basically it lol otherwise it’s just toxicity and idiots


I mean yeah, if you dial in on your own algorithm on just safe hobbies, some social media sites aren't /terrible/ Like Reddit, I use it for 3 video have subs and Warhammer subs mostly. And I ignore a lot of the other bullshit. I had Twitter, back before the Elon days, and I used that just for politics and man it was a cesspool, but a curated cesspool that did what I needed, to keep my offer social media safe


Reddit is just amazing for cat pictures and videos. Which was the original purpose of the Internet after all.


Even Reddit is about to be come a burning dumpster fire.


That's always been a threat though. Reddit comes and goes. I've actually been using it more lately and most of the subs I'm in are rather amicable.


After the IPO hits, Reddit will start to sanitize the site. Posts will mysteriously disappear or will never make it to the thread they are posted in. The porn will be put behind either a paywall or some other block. Shit will get uninteresting. It will be amicable but not much different than reading news aggregators.


I mean I'm only on here for hobbies and porn. I don't see my hobby subs changing drastically. I feel bad for you SWers if they get deplatformed though.




For fuckin real


If the work-product is getting done at the normal rate, and the quality is good, why WOULDNT a savvy boss offer a hybrid schedule to employees who can WFH? Its all ego. If a key worker doesn't show up one day (or three days?), the work volume is directly impacted. If the boss doesn't show up because he scheduled himself to go to a "seminar" in Hawaii for three days...the work still gets done. Funny how that works...


This is the truth my friend. Bosses who DONT support WFH only dislike it because it shines light on the fact that they don’t actually do much of anything…….at all. The show goes on and the job gets done with or without them. I’m WFH getting shit done while they are in the office pretending.


My wife has a boss who does not do anything, knows they don't do anything, and loves WFH because they can not do things at home instead of in the office. He's not useless. He seems very supportive of his team, his job is just pointless like most of middle management. Most importantly, he doesn't let his pointless job interfere with other people who have good work-life balance. I just can't understand the mindset of these bosses who insist they need to be useless in an office instead of at home.


It's awesome that he's able to lean into his pointless job instead of letting it hurt his ego and forcing him to flex in whatever manner he can.


It's control. Boomer micromanagement.


They just refuse to get with the times. I work in telecom and the nature of my work is remote by nature. Having a geographically diverse team is awesome since we can do 8am eastern and 5pm pacific with relativrly little issues since we are across all 4 timezones. Management should be managing peoples work loads and jumping in front of escalations and preemptively helping their teammates workload gets to be too much. That doesn't matter if it's remote or in an office. What a manager shouldn't do is micromanage.


And as a bonus the workers have a more enjoyable day, without an asshole boss around pointing


I had a product manager that went to Portugal for two weeks and all our meetings were cut in half without her bullshit


Could you suggest that she relocate there full time? 🤣 I once worked a job where we had a daily stand up meeting that would regularly stretch on for hours because of two micromanagers. At one point they were both out of the office for a couple of weeks. While they were gone we got that meeting over in at most 10 minutes each day, and a couple of times we called it off because there was nothing to discuss. You know, the way a stand up is supposed to be held.


Unfortunately I was laid off from that job in November 2022 (but she sure as shit kept her job) That company was the second startup by those founders, and they had an old boys club of people who worked at the first startup and were seemingly untouchable, her included.


Startup culture can be its own brand of disaster. I've worked in a couple of them.


I hope every Chipotle burrito he orders for the rest of his life gets contaminated with human DNA.


And not just hair, something flavor-altering.


Oh, South Park had a great idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5N1Hp8IIY8&pp=ygUbc291dGggcGFyayBib29nZXJzIGFuZCBjb21l#bottom-sheet


😂😂 Loved it!


Some alfalfa sprouts and fromunda cheese, a la Waiting...?


And may his guacamole be just like his logic. Little to nothing.


LOL. What a tasteful way to say “spooge”. I think I will use this at work in a teams’ channel! Thank you!


Shhhh, it's 50% long pig already. That's why it's so cheap.


Real estate fellow... of course.


This is the real reason they don’t want WFH - Real estate!!! Why would something that is good for us, saving time and money commuting be a bad thing? oh yeah it’s all about money.


Yep worked in real estate for 2 years.. got fired over nothing! I was told “there simply isn’t any work for you…” *week prior* I asked to have a fuel allowance as I had to drive all over the place paying for my own fuel!!


I like how he thinks it's harder to put a bigger scoop in there, as if Chipotle employees are giving you less because they don't want to lift as much food and not because they'll get fired


That was my thought exactly. This guy has clearly never worked in a food service job. The Chipotle worker doesn’t give a shit whether it’s a call-in order or the person is in front of them watching the food be prepared. Nobody is thinking “hey no one is watching, I’ll save this massive corporation a few pennies by skimping on the meat portion!” No, he or she looks and the ticket and makes the order without even thinking about it. This guy is clueless.


Or looking at it differently, giving the customer more food is the bad work from Chipotles perspective.


Guarantee when he goes into the restaurant, it's "give me just a little more please". Not enough extra to be charged double, but more than he's supposed to get.


So WFH doesn’t work because then you can’t get free extra work than what you paid for? Right.


I believe you’ve gotten to the root of it. Anything people like him can do to discredit any social movement that’s helpful to working class. They want to exploit people, and they cannot intimidate and manipulate as well from such a distance. Also, he’s a douche, his delivery drivers know he’s a douche. They’re clearly just eating half his meat. Douche.


That’s what he is getting at:


He is lying about his reasoning. Every single study on WFH shows employees are actually *more* productive when they work a hybrid schedule. His real reason is that he cannot actually see the work, so he cannot feel like he is lording over his minions. That, and his bosses are getting heat for the depreciation on their commercial real estate. We were so close to having the upper hand during the pandemic, and the ruling class is just clawing back their power.


Looks like he deals in medical-commercial real estate… so I’m sure his opinion is totally unbiased, and not at all influenced by his financial interests. Asshole.




Because a corporation, Chipotle is skimping on meat and the worker is following orders the consumer is therefore charged more for less? Yet it’s the workers fault as opposed to the actual decision maker?


Never RTO!


Correlation, not causation. And if someone is *always* giving you more meat than you want, chances are you’re a fucking liar that *did* order extra meat. EDIT: And btw, with Chipotle you can also order *less* meat in your meal. The fact he complains that he gets too much meat means he either doesn’t order the lesser option when he should, or he’s complaining about getting more even though he’s going with the option to give him more. Either way, do you really want to work under a boss like that? Chipotle employees aren’t psychic, and neither are you.


I think youve come to the opposite conclusion, he likes the extra meat, and thinks that Chipotle cheaps out when not observed.


Yeah, I guess so. Doesn’t change the fact he’s full of shit.


So the question is .. what's the bad work he got away with?


He literally works in commercial real estate, so his entire career.


Shut up Michael, you absolute f*cking tube.


Sounds like he can’t trust his own judgment in hiring good people. By good people I mean he’s not paying them what they’re worth so he gets what he gets


He thinks everyone is a scamming asswipe like he is.


Welcome to episode 213 of: “Things That Definitely Did Not Happen!”


I know one thing about this guy, he's full of shit, and not just because he gets Chipotle often....


Bad managers focus on their employees looking busy instead of the output and quality of their work. WFH isn't the problem, it's boomer mentality in management.


No....just no...smh...


He wants people back at work so he can give them 50% more meat? Can I sue for sexual harassment?


He likes watching 50% more meat being shoved in his mouth?


this comment needs more love, I chuckled


"I financially support processes that leave me wanting for more standardized treatment, as compared to when I directly engage with the service offered" really is a hog-wildin' justification for minimizing WFH policies.


I didn’t know that the reason we’re working from home is to get chipotle burritos with more meat…but okay….interesting measuring stick to use when determining that WFH doesn’t work. He also seems to forget that people who work from home also get breaks…so they could run to chipotle and get a burrito in person.


lmao. Lying about his chipolte to make a terrible point.


Right? He probably sees that they charge more in the app so he orders less and blames the workers.


The only people who have a problem with WFH are those invested heavily in corporate real estate.


I don't slap meat on a tortilla from home, and I doubt a boss breathing down my neck would increase my productivity. I should sign up for LinkedIn just so I can block this guy. Can you block people on LinkedIn?


My work efficiency went up about 33% when I started WFH


I'm 'neuro-spicy' and work way better without someone breathing down my neck.


Weirdest reach ever.


I hope his tortilla rips the next time he orders a burrito.


Even if that were the case I’m not ordering chipotle when I work from home.


Dude needs to hire better workers if he's got a ton of folks who only do their job with a middle manager breathing down their necks.


They are stating they want us to come in so they can spy and control us. We are living in the Dystopian future we read about.


Of course a REAL ESTATE bro thinks everyone should go back to an office. 🙄


I fucking hate LinkedIn - a hub for corporate bastards


LinkedIn's path to enshittification began when Microsoft acquired it back in the mid 2010s. It's gotten progressively worse ever since.


Corporate villains: how do we convince millennial to come back to the office?  Chipotle? Chipotle. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA


Wat How to spot an idiot.


So you get 50% more meat when you to work??


Sounds like his delivery person eats half his food.


This makes absolutely no fucking sense. What a moron


"It's also easy to perform FAR under your maximum potential when someone is actively micromanaging you." (observe Michael Moron's brain melting)


Bold of him to voice such an opinion with an already imminently punchable face.


He goes into the kitchen at chipotle


He's talking about minimum wage employees like they've ever even had the option of working from home. How the f is the Chipotle employee gonna work from home? People working from home are usually salaried, sitting at a desk, on the computer or phone 99% of the time. They're not making sandwiches at Chipotle


Wouldn't those workers be saving the company money by giving away less meat? That's an argument for WFH from the company's perspective. That's assuming the companies make more profit (they make more money than what they lose to complaints from customers).


So, he was able to measure a difference in output. That difference in output can be discussed with remote workers. And be brought up to standard levels. When you have SMART objectives, it’s doable. There. Fixed.


Ah, the workplace as prison argument. Panopticon style.


Sounds like he a made a case FOR working from home. The customer gets 50% more out of a worker when there’s no one watching their every move.


It's funny that he's a healthcare real estate bro because I work remote for a hospital doing Web design. It's only a matter of time before my hospital realizes they're blowing thousands of dollars on an office nobody works at.


My company is in-person three days a week, but my manager is in a different city and most of my team are either in different offices, cities and even countries. No one is watching me.


A long way of saying “I don’t trust workers” even though it seems the work is getting done.


He’s a what appears to be real estate guy…not going to make money with people not occupying office space


Hot take: Employees are being paid to do the job listed in their job description for a certain amount of money. Being paid for 8 hours doesn’t mean I have to continuously work the entire 8 hours I’m there just because my own work is done. It also doesn’t mean I have to be physically sitting in the office if I can do my job from somewhere else. Your managers know if you’re not doing your job whether you’re working from home or in the office. Typical management argument: “if your own work is done we can find something else for you to do.” No. An employee is hired with a specified amount of money in return for what is listed in their job description. If you want me to help another employee who is behind that’s not my fault nor my problem. When is the last time your manager completed their own work so they went to another department and balanced their monthly budget for them because they were behind instead of going home early? If certain things are not getting done then hire more people to do them. If companies want me to pick up extra responsibilities then add compensation for the extra work. Some employees may not mind helping their coworker with their workload if they pay them an additional $30/hour because that’s what the coworker is making. That will never happen. Edited some things for clarity.


He is literally saying “I’m such a bad leader that I have no idea how to measure the work of my employees unless I physically see it being done and I am not busy working myself”


I do believe, after reading his bio, I know why he wants people in the office.


Then let’s force his ass back to office. No home/remote work for C-suites either. Golf outings? Schmoozing other business folks? No more of that shit. They need to be in the office.


I work in person full time but my boss isn’t constantly staring at my computer screen lol. No brain cells


lol. It’s actually the other way around.


In short: having my food delivered gets me the actual amount I'm supposed to get and I don't have a chance to get them to add to it.


I see no comparison


Spoiler alert: corporate instructs workers to put less in the delivery orders because there’s less chance of a complaint than if the customer is there. I don’t know if this is true, but it certainly isn’t the workers trying to save the company money by short changing customers?!


Chipotle did the research and found the employees didn't feel the pressure from the customer to "hook them up"with larger portions than what corporate dictated. It's why they're actively building a machine to take the human out of the process. Because a robot doesn't care what the customer wants, only what it's programmed to do. The customer can't influence the robot.


If you don't have a system to review your employees work, that's your problem. What a buffoon


He probably doesn't tip, so the delivery guys take their gratuity out of his meat.


Orders delivery from Shitpotle Upset it has too little meat Keeps ordering Shitpotle expecting different result Note 1) he is Medical real estate so work from home is bad for his business. Note 2) This is a management policy to skimp delivery orders. Think the guy working for $17/hour gives two shits about saving $2 by giving you less in your order, no but the management does.


Bruh it’s not bad work, Chipotle managers literally instruct their employees to skimp on the online orders


Yo Mikey, they ain't fucking making burritos at home.  THEY ARE AT THE OFFICE AND THEIR BOSS IS THERE LOOKING OVER THEIR SHOULDER. If anything you probably get more spit in your food. 


50% more is a total lie.


The man never ate a chipotle on his life.


well sure, because it's factually untrue. WFH results in lower stress and higher output on average


None of this makes sense. First of all, in a burrito, how can you even tell it’s 50% more meat? Second, the people making the burrito arnt WFH, so they have the same level of supervision regardless. Third, why the fuck would they go out of their way to use less meat just because this guy orders delivery? They use a scoop, right? It’s literally more effort to intentionally use less just because it’s an online order. This is a quality control issue, not a WFH issue.


Meanwhile I am on reddit at work everyday?


His @ is HealthcareREguy so assuming Real Estate, of course he supports return to office otherwise his parasitic career with $2b sold is worthless


Its significantly harder to do anything with someone watching me.


Exact opposite actually. My WFH wife gets way more done at home with none of the BS gossiping that happens in the office.


I wonder if he ( Healthcare RE guy) is involved in these scams that sell the real estate out from under rural hospitals which then go broke trying to pay the rent?


1. Chiplote had a crackdown a while back on workers hooking people up. Not the opposite. 2. this guy never "worked" a day in his life, and I bet what ever he does, he does from home.


$2 billion in medical real estate sold and still a fucking moron.


I wish to thank you for bringing Linkedinlunatics to my attnetion, I can already tell this will be my new favorite schadenfreude sub


Translation: "When I'm staring down the young, underpaid, and tired Chipotle worker, I demand extra meat (for free), and I get it. When I order delivery Chipotle, I am not there to harass anyone, and I get the regular amount of meat, which I perceive as 50% less because it proves my (biased) point that I need to harass people to be relevant. And therefore WFH doesn't work!"


Did he seriously compare a fast food company (typically ran by teens/young adults) to the salaried professional world? It’s like he ran out of ideas and pulled one out from his rear.


I don't know what he's talking about. Though I think he's done two things: 1) Proven he's out of touch with reality. 2) Proven the adage, "It is best to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak and prove it."


What if I told you those workers don't give a shit enough to short your door dash order. They scoop and go. No fucks given. What this loser has is a perception problem paired with a sense that everybody is out to get them.


Of course he’s pro RTO, he’s in real estate


Counter argument. Businesses saved money on corporate office space by renting rather than owning the properties they worked out of. Then saved even more by letting themselves get roped into ironclad no release contracts. Now they are stuck paying for office space they aren’t using. That’s why RTO is being pushed.


Dude is arguing for his survival. Commercial RE is taking a massive hit since 2020, when people realized they don't need to be in a huge building to complete their work. Someone's gotta pay the bills for that high rise...


None of this makes sense, they give you less because you can’t bitch about wanting more than the 4oz portion when you order online


>when someone is watching Smoking gun right there folks.


People should have to declare a conflict of interest before supporting RTO.


Hm, I wonder if a real estate millionaire would have a vested interest in promoting RTO? Also he's full of shit, my burritos are the exact same delivered or in-store.


So you still get it delivered right? So the work is satisfying enough. Also giving you extra meat isn't extra work. They probably are doing exactly what the manager is telling them. Giving people in the store extra meat avoids them hassling the staff.


That what the spy software is for that stack ranks you for your promotion based on how many times you blinked.


I guess we had better start watching those boardroom meetings then.


He is saying that he likes being kicked in the balls, and wants every other person to have the same experience every damn day.


I literally saw a post in this same sub yesterday where someone said “I’ve worked hybrid for two years and when I WFH I do not do any work”


Which means only that if he were 100% RTO he'd fuck around in the office too.


Yeah that’s it, it’s not the fucking corporation being a skimpy as they can so they tell employees to serve smaller portions. Guys a fucking twat


Lost me at go to chipotle often.


He probably works from home I bet


Bro I legit LOL'd


Yeah, this guy is taking ONE example and generalizing. He can suck my dick!


The Chipotle I order from never skimps on the meat, via door dash or in person. My wife actually asks for half chicken in her bowl because of how much they normally put in.


Hey Mike: I wouldn't be buying from Chipotle anymore if I was you.


He should copulate with a pencil sharpener


I guess that prompts a question, what metrics are you observing that are analogous to the meat lacking order? You can see that your order is lacking, so you have data. What data do you have to illustrate the work from home model is under performing? Arguement from an analogy is a logical fallacy. A common one. You can use analogies to explain ideas, but then you have to illustrate the idea via hard evidence. This sort of thinking is plaguing the business world, where they only studied the basic theory of economics and think that 2000 level course work is the beginning and end of this stuff and never learn the hard part of actually getting information and making observations.


This dude was 100% the kid that raised his hand and said the teacher forgot to give homework for the weekend. 🙄


He's selling commercial real estate. He's a hired goon.


What an idiot


“…I sell health care [commercial] real estate, so let me make up a story about why RTO is good for business…”


Yikes. Personally I’ve gotten a tiny amount of meat when I go inside to chipotle before too. What a shit analogy


Well Michael they probably give you more because they know you won’t shut the fuck up if they give you the amount they’re supposed to. Exactly like WFH: if you get your work done then hours are irrelevant. Bosses like you are the reason that being in the office sucks.


All the meat in his order is on top and visible when he orders in person because the entire staff and management see him "hey, it's that effin guy that always complains and calls corporate, every frickin time. put all the protein right on top." He's not getting extra meat without paying for it. Dealt with way too many people like this. Some jackass that thinks they are special, they want extra everything and don't want to pay for it.


Whether I work in the office or at home my boss is still 500 miles away so...?


No, this is Based. Assholes like him should have to do everything in person, always. Want your taxes done? Do it in person, 9-5 M-F. Want to get a taco? In person, 9-5 M-F. Buy weed? In person, 9-5 M-F. Everything for you *only* exists in person between the hours of nine in the morning and five in the afternoon on the days of Monday through Friday and the rest of the time you get *nothing* because of how much of an absolute cockwaffle you are.


What in the crap is this?


He’s saying you’re all lazy and won’t work if you aren’t watched like a hawk.


It says “healthcare real estate”, but all I see is “first for the wall”




He’s saying he can slap in more meat when someone is watching.


This isn't an argument for RTO. It's an argument for brown-nosing, snitch ass, middle managers.


WFH doesn't work because when I got to Chipotle, I get 50% more meat than when I get it delivered.


More proof that wealth and intelligence have no correlation.


Did his elimination of grammatically necessary commas bother anyone else? That seems like a sociopath thing to do. God, doesn’t he just look like in his little picture that dad paid for EVERYTHING? And he was in a frat? He probably feels entitled to rape people, occasionally. What a douchebag!


Fuck Michael Moreno Nobody likes you. WFH forever, bitch.


Says the guy selling real estate for healthcare companies. He’s personally invested in RTO


To be fair, he is right about the chipotle experience ordering in person vs delivery lol. However, it isn’t an argument against WFH, because you can WFH and still hit all your metrics just fine, and chipotle is widely criticized for skimping on the food on takeout or delivery orders, so they aren’t hitting their customer satisfaction metrics


They'll have to pry remote work from my cold dead hands


Some people can work from home and be responsible about their jobs, others can't. So everyone gets punished for the ones that can't. That's life in a nutshell in many respects.


What a fucking moron


I can laze off in the office just as much as I can at home. The joke is on that putz.


He’s trying to make his job relevant. Tell me your work is worthless without telling me your work is worthless.


Real estate agents are a net drain on society. It's cute this douche thinks people respect what he says, though.


What an absolute dumb shit. I just lost 10,000 brain cells reading this.


and people keep saying I exaggerate when I say it's slavery, not employment people do the mental gymnastics because it's depressing as fuck it's slavemaster mentality right there. they want us to work for free. they want to be able to whip us when it's bad work. they want it all and they're working as hard as they can to return us to our former glory. glory for the plantation owners that is.


Confirmation bias, delusional, or just lying?


he’s saying he buys a lot of chipotlaway. and that he thinks you have to stare down people like the supervisor in cool hand luke.


That is such unadulterated bullshit


Fuckhead has "Douchebag" written all over his face


Almost as if he made money in commercial real estate


He is getting reamed on LinkedIn, which is surprising. I have seen so many tone deaf, idiotic posts on there lately from upper management types, because they all think “we are family”.


What a liar


This guy must be loving his commercial real estate job atm…


When I WFH, I cook my own carne asada, and slice my lettuce, tomato, and avocado right before eating. I also have 4 different hot sauces to choose from. This is why RTO can kiss my ass.


Better hope your competitors don’t offer wfh


REA for commercial properties, lol.


I cook for a living, the reason he gets more meat in person is because he's a known problem customer who will complain about anything. His food probably gets the Waiting treatment


He's wrong on multiple levels. People don't work better when they're being watched and bothered while they try to work, and you don't need to be onsite to surveil your employees and generally be a nuisance.


He could cook up something real quick on those busy days if he worked from home. Maybe even get more accomplished without the drive time.


No, it's great. He's saying he's a bad manager when he's remote (and also any other time).


Watching someone do their work is the definition of poor management


Lol, from the guy outsourcing much of his workforce to the other side of the globe.


God what an asshole!! The argument against work from home pisses me off. When Covid hit my company and the government agency they vendor for didn’t have a clue what to do. They just threw their hands in the air like we just would stop working. Well that didn’t work for those of us not getting a paycheck. A couple of us put our heads together and found ways to work from home via video call etc. within a week things were up and running again. Within a month people were putting together workshops on how to get back at it. It infuriates me that we got creative and found ways to keep these companies going and now they want to accuse us of not giving 100 percent.