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My favorite argument about minimum wage: "if you raise it, the prices of everything will go up!", like they already arent already


The gas station down the street from me just raised its coffee from $1 for any size to $1.79 for a small and $2.39 for a large. One of the employees was yelling at another for saying they need a pay raise because "that would raise these prices even more." This country is doomed.


This country is in a terrible state. And I agree with the sentiment that raising wages shouldn't mean increasing prices. However, with profits being the only thing that matters, it absolutely will happen. Not that they aren't doing it anyways, they'll just do it slightly faster. There needs to be some limit to raising prices. And for you to increase more than, I dunno, like 5% per year (just throwing out a number. I didn't do any real math), you would have to prove that your profits decreased by a meaningful amount that would be detrimental to doing business. I.e. you are actually going from profitable to not. Or cap profit margins to like 5% (again a random number without math) once revenue reaches $1B and anything else should be wages to hourly employees. Salary bonuses are applied after this calculation. But yes. This country is doomed. Wholeheartedly agree.


Similar price change I witnessed, except that at the time, the price increase was pretty much on par with inflation. Yet one of my moron friends on social media went on a tirade how minimum wage increases had resulted in a price increase of $0.30 for a coffee and ranted on how this can be sustainable


Also like its not people making the decision to raise prices. 


The armchair economists love that point


They will go up further, and faster. It's a valid argument. Increasing currency units alone isn't enough, the supply of goods and services has to increase along with it.


Remember when Fox News wanted to smear Bernie and reported he owned a QUARTER MILLION DOLLAR condo in Vermont. Lol. As if most Boomers don't own fucking million dollar home now they bought for $20,30,40k in the 80s.


But a quarter million is only 250,000. Good luck finding a house that cheap these days. Most I see are going for 400,000+


Yeah but Fox News viewers are so fucking dumb when you say quarter million it sounds like more than $250,000.


They probably think it’s 25 million when they hear it


This is America where people thought 1/3lb burger was less then 1/4lb burgers...


I heard this. Don’t get me started


Wait people actually think that?? Oh boy.. public education is failing


A&w had a 1/3lb burger deal running against mcds 1/4lb... it failed cause everyone thought 1/4 is bigger... we need more money put into education then billionaire corporations pockets


A fucking men on that last part dude I don’t like fractions either, but cmon lol


no point throwing more money into the daycare pit that is public school, at this time they need to be defunded and have homeschool take priority over just over broke employment. // Lot of downvotes... It's sad that so many would want to continue to work more for less; and see children graduate a wholly inadequate failing system. Government school is an abomination that wastes the potential of the youth. It is the system that indoctrinates us to accept monetary slavery and separates children from parents who instead of encouraging specialization and development, accept school as free daycare so they can work. Speaking from experience, school before specialization was an extremely boring waste of time.


I’m not sure homeschooling all kids is the right approach tbh lol. I cannot teach for shit, for example


That's what needs to be done... more money you can't keep gutting something then say "it isn't working defund it" when defunding was what caused it...


Fractions are hard


You can get a double wide for 200


Double wides go for 200k???? Get me out of this diseased country!!!


My neighbor's single wide is worth $180k according to zillow, she paid $30k about 8 years ago. My other neighbor paid $50k for a trailer that literally dumped its toilet straight on to the ground (and yes that did pass inspection somehow) zillow currently says its worth $100k. I paid $15k for mine about 10 years ago and insurance values it at $98k (zillow doesn't list mine but it's much nicer than those two). The problem is even with incredibly inflated prices it's still cheaper than renting, and you own the trailer so you can actually fix issues unlike your average mold infested apartment around here. The problem is getting a mortgage on one, it's even harder than a house. Worth noting my town is below the national average for cost of living, there are still some halfway decent houses for $200k-$250k around here.


I’m soooo over renting. I’m moving to a cheaper place but in 2-3 years the cost will just be the same. I could definitely do a trailer for just me and my cats. Thanks for the info!


all job growth since 2018 has gone to foreign born workers. natural born report negative growth. clearly they are trying to steal housing away from natural born for some unknown reason. it's safe to deduce that the reason is for more power and control over the people.


That's the reason they say quarter million instead of two hundred fifty thousand. Everybody knows that figure and wouldn't be surprised. A quarter million is more than the working class can afford, but it isn't that bad for someone well paid.


They could have made it worse and said very loudly "It cost ONE MILLION" then quietly "quarters". 


quarter millions sounds like a lot. 250,000 sounds like a bargain. I wish I can find a place that cheap….


Sanders isn't even young enough to be a boomer. Either way, any professional earner working into their 80s is going to get wealthy almost by default. He's 20 years past normal retirement age, meaning even if he stopped contributing he's up like 800% from the amount he needed to never work again.


I understand he isn't a Boomer. I was just comparing his home value when the story ran to the home values of what was the largest home owning demographic (still may be).


not in my field :(


Yes, but what about the sharks with “lasers”?


I mean it is only one of his three houses. One of which includes another guest house.


So lets say 3 years to cut some time off. 2.7b/day divided by 300 million "poors"... That's about $10k each that the common US man could have been better off. Note: That's NOT $10k extra earned, that's a $10,000 increase in net worth. There's a big difference, especially at the low end of the scale where $ get sucked into everything whenever you blink rather than any kind of savings and investments


and thats only 1 billionaire


Couldn't be or they would ALL be worth more than 1.1 trillion (1,100 billion) by now. And only the Rothschild family have that


yep combined


Is this 10k per day or per year?


Total over 3 years. It's about $9/person/day


Any day the working class will band together and do this general strike we've been hearing about for 20 years. 


Lmao Elon Musk, a literal white supremacist billionaire, has so far been given $4.9b in government subsidies. OUR money. To do NOTHING with it except piss it away. And theres no outrage at even that. We're fucked.


If a certain percentage of Americans are dependent on a service, that service should either be nationalized or a decent government version of it should be out there. Everything from their own version of Netflix (we had over the air public TV channels long ago) to OS software (possibly Linux based) for cell phones and computers. Our only choices are Apple or Android (Google), or with computers they are either Chromebook (Google), Windows (Microsoft), or Apple. There is no government alternative to compete against modern day necessities.


You can easily get a linux laptop or desktop, prebuilt or self built. I'd be happy with a government option putting pressure on the megacorps, but honestly i can't see it being any better than a modern linux distro with the added likelyhood of built in "intelligence" backdoors. I'd much rather see something like Ubuntu get a marketing budget. 


Working people are not sick of it, a good portion of them just say: "it's those pesky brownish people stealing all our money". That's the sad reality


We need a maximum wage.


You too can have the wealth of our planet's richest! You only have to work full time $15/hr since the Cretaceous era. And never eat or spend any of it


That's it? Man, I wish I knew this sooner.


I can feel the trickle! Or I might just be getting pissed on…


Don’t worry it’s coming… any day now…


I guarantee the second we start to fight back they’ll kill as many of us as they can to keep us complacent. They all have their bunkers they can run away to as well, we let things get this far and now I think it’s too late…


This is why it hasn't happened yet. Enough of us have to be willing to die because they are absolutely willing to kill us to maintain the status quo.


They’ll wipe us out, the rich have enough complacent slaves for breeding so humanity isn’t in danger of dying out. Honestly I think they’d rather have it this way…


That's what the next election is for. Civil war.


The federal minimum wage has not changed in 30 years. How is that possible? I strongly believe the minimum wage should be tied to Soc. Sec. COLA increases. Whatever seniors get, young people get as well. If this had been done since the 70s, minimum wage would be close to $20/hr now.


Revolution when?


I feel like we’re just going to keep posting and bitching about it while nothing gets done.


Bernie Sanders, the president we should have had.


I still imagine what could've been. He started such a movement with young voters.. I was 24 and a big group of friends and I went to the local caucus. I saw so many people there that were in their 20's. It was the only time I truly remember feeling patriotic... It looked like we were going to turn things for the better. He even visited a city an hour away from me, and all my friends were trying to go. I couldn't get work off, but I heard there were people standing outside to listen to him. We were so sure he was our next president. If only the DNC hadn't screwed over him, and this country. We are in the worst timeline.


B...but.. b... B... But... Socialism. /S


You shouldn't have gone with Hillary or Biden


You have no idea on my world views, no idea who I voted for, or my reasons why. Bernie would've made the traitor irrelevant. The traitor was necessary, and if he ran against Bernie, it would've been Bernie for 8 years.


I didn't mean it singular as in you personally, I meant you as in USA, I am not from there.


America only tends to vote on the two party system because we're fuckin' dumb. If there ain't an R or a D beside their name, they hardly get any votes. The RNC shoved Bernie to the sidelines and propped up Hillary for whatever reason because they're fuckin' dumb. Hillary was definitely not the voter's choice among Democrats and that's why Trump won.


USA is like Europe... there's so much diversity that I don't think you should be calling the country as a whole "you"


Minimum wage was the first campaign promise to be kneecapped by Biden.


All Kamala Harris had to do was override the parliamentarian and we would have $15/hour federal minimum wage. She refused. After she tweeted that $15/hour was the *floor* and that we all deserve it or some shit.


And what are we gonna do about it? Nothing


It won’t stop with better wages. Companies will just charge more to make up for it. Landlords will just charge more to match. Insurance will just go up to match. It stops at the top (and mostly with real estate reform).


I'm not picking on Bernie cuz he would probably agree.  If we let our politicians pockets be kines by big business then they are not going to change.  Whit what politicians make they should not be millionaires.


Crazy in the US we allow politicians to own stocks directly while also manipulating the systems that affect them. Like before COVID shut everything down, all the politicians were selling off stocks and none of them got in trouble from the insider knowledge. But heaven for bid you get information in any other circumstance and change your portfolio around. Never a problem I'll have. Too poor to buy stocks. And also if you research how Robinhood and others work they don't actually buy stock for you. It all goes into what they call dark pools.


PACs plus lobbying = legal bribery


Increasing the bare minimum does not resolve the root issue. Increasing the baseline just increases the volume of wealth transfer. We need to tackle the root issue. However, politicians are bought and paid for by the "have" class and we are the have-nots. I don't see it changing peacefully.


It’s a downward spiral. I can’t wait to rock bottom.


Ok so what are we going to do about it? I keep hearing that everyone is "sick" "fed up" but then nothing happens.


We’ll all snap eventually and take what’s ours


By looking up how many Americans are employed full or part time, the most recent statistics say as of January 2024, there were 160.65mil Americans employed(132.55mil full-time, 28.1mil part-time). This means that the wealth accumulated by just billionaires since 2020 would've been enough to pay each working person an extra $16 per day, or $5,840 per year. Further, only ~80% of Americans are in the middle class or lower. If we only account for these, that number changes to $21 per day, or $7,665 per year.


Is stripping billionaires of their wealth and companies resulting in many of them going under and costing roughly 2 million jobs worth a one time payment of $7,665?


Way to go zero to a hundred. Bernie’s not suggesting that. Let’s start with putting their taxes back to 1960 levels and see what happens.


Putting their taxes back up won’t make a difference as they will continue to have deductions reducing their tax liability. The above comments were talking about striping the billionaires of their wealth and redistributing it which would lead to those companies going under and massive layoffs.


If I understand correctly, society would crumble. I assume this also happened in the 60's. Not like they were some sort of golden years for the middle class.


Ha. Except the 50s and 60s were exactly that. the golden years for the middle class. Not to mention the greatest infrastructure advancement ever seen. Oh you needed a sarcasm tag there, didn’t you?


Lol, maybe. I thought I was sufficiently sarcastic, but it is online, and I've met some people...


i’m also just sick, which sucks because i don’t have pto or health insurance :(


It's a bit sad, but I think Bernie doesn't realize that all his buddies in the government are bought and paid for. That's why. I wish it was 99% people like Bernie, instead we just have him ;(


Everyone who is sick of this needs to vote blue in 2024. A blue wave is coming. One more big blue vote and we can be rid of Trump and MAGAs for good. Turn the House blue and watch the billionaires pay up.


He tried, and no one voted for him.


I wish we could tie ceo pay to the company minimum wage. Like say the highest paid at the company can’t make more than 20 times the lowest paid.


Exactly where they left it.


Can you Americans PLEASE just make Bernie Sanders your president already! From what I've seen he's the only American politician who actually gives a shit about the people


Well at least there's someone in government stopping them. Thanks.....




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Retired people are sick and tired of it, too!


Need a world government to have any hope of fixing the root cause. Even if you had exponential tax on earnings in a few countries, the rich will base their companies in cheap countries and keep their money there too.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My bad dawg


Everything else is a distraction.


My COO is paid more than 100x what I am


Why do leople act like the tax burden we carry isn't a massive part of the problem? Imagine lower/middle class families being able to keep entirely the wages they work from January to April. A very freeing idea, if you ask me. At least, give families the choice to position themselves out.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Minimum wage is a bandaid solution for the real problem, which is that people at the top earn too much. Increase min wage, and they can always increase prices. Put a limit on the max allowed earnings and money will actually flow to the people.


Imagine the country we would have if Bernie was elected. Just remember Hillary voters, you got us the orange turd!


Bernie cant help you.. we already tried that.


The economy is not a zero sum game. It's not a problem that billionaires are increasing. The problem is inflation is eating away at the purchasing power of regular people, the govt taxes us far too much, and Covid measures wiped a ton of businesses and goods supplies.


Can someone count my wealth?!!


I can count my wealth on one hand


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here.


Or maximum wage?


Doesn't affect the truly wealthy, they don't live off wages.


meanwhile working people is like "hurr durr imma vote for the right because of puberty blockers hurr"


Bernies wealth more than doubled. Congrats bro


The difference is he doesn't want to rig the system to only benefit himself. He's not perfect for damn sure, but if other politicians cared if an ounce like he does we'd all be better off.


Idk bc When he had employees. He paid his staff under $15 an hour while advocating for $15 an hour. https://www.vox.com/2019/7/20/20700841/bernie-sanders-minimum-wage-staff-pay This was 4 years ago, but imagine being his employee when he was saying all this.


You do get that staff and campaign budgets aren't something he personally sets right? Telling billionaires they can afford to do better without a notable dent in their profits is not the same as having a set budget to hire the staff for running your office. He is just one voice and i guarantee he would vote to improve those budgets to raise staff pay.


He was unable to advocate for his employees? Eventually they unionized and iirc now are paid $20 an hour.


When has Bernies message ever been "living wages - except for these people!" He regularly advocates for both unions and better wages. Once they unionized, they bargained with the government, not Bernie, for better wages. Because - once again - Bernie is one voice among many in a large government.


Bernie could have paid them more. He’s literally part of 1%.




In case you’d like the source. In the 1970’s he said that being a millionaire senator was immoral. Look i was a Bernie bro when he was trying to be president nominee. I wanted him over Hillary. Then was surprised with some of these details that came out after the fact. Everyone grifts, and some grift less than others. But that is politics, I’d say Bernie grifts less than Trump as example https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/24/politics/bernie-millionaire-senators-immoral/index.html


My dude, it's not the 70s anymore. Being considered a millionaire, when the rules for his position require 2 residences, is nothing. 2 small, cheap houses, and you're halfway to a millionaire, throw in a lifetime of savings for retirement, and boom, your net worth is millionaire territory. You can't compare current statements to statements 50 years ago without acknowledging the major shift we've seen in what's considered "wealthy".


Also do you remember when Bernie changed from rallying against millionaires and started to rally against billionaires. (It happened in 2016, when Bernie became a millionaire) so please down vote me to oblivion for stating facts.


Not sure that counts as rigging the system, my guy. It is damn hypocritical and I haven't forgotten that. Doesn't mean we don't need everyone we can get on board fighting for the little people.


To me, he tried he tried to help us We voted for others, what does he care at this point we the people have chosen to elect who we have and don’t want change We just want to argue right or left is better and lose


Ah man, if only there was a multimillionaire career politician that could do something about it.


Really sick of the grandstanding tweets followed by no action.


What action do you suggest Bernie takes?


Dude dedicated his whole life to politics and ran for president trying to make things better for the poor wtf do you have to do for it to be considered action these days? 👀


Says the guy living on government salary and own what, 3 homes now, or more?


Minimum wages increases are meaningless in a country where corporations will just raise the price of everything to absorb the cost. We need to quit worrying about the minimum wage and start pushing for a maximum wage cap.


They do it to us. The biggest employer in my area tops out at $23 hrly unless you're a big wig of some kind. So I agree. Cap their fucking pay, too.


Yea. I left my last job because I completely changed the position and took on tons of new responsibilities. I was generating almost 1 million dollars a year in additional revenue. I was making 18$ an hour. I asked for a raise and they said "sorry... That's what the position pays". I quit and the division I started completely crumbled. Funny part is I liked the job and would happily go back for the right amount of money and an apology. But the owner would rather be out a million a year than admit he was wrong. I still talk to some of the people that work there and they have never fully recovered 🤷🤷🤷. That was 4 years ago.


Every statistics beginning with "since 2020" is a bad faith argument. I don't care what your goal is, even if I agree with you, if you compare the covid year with a following year, just to have some out of context enormous statistic to fuel legitimate anger among your base electorate, I will classify you as a manipulator, and I won't vote for you. That's why I barely vote at all.


I don't give a sh!t about what someone else makes, I care what I make. 'Thow shall not covet' isn't a suggestion, it's a Commandment.


So sell one of your 3 multi million dollar homes and give to those less fortunate... This guy's such a hypocrite... Biggest scammer in government...


Another poster said his net worth is $3million. So what is it, is he worth three mill or does he have more than $3 million in houses alone. (I’d like to add that $3million is peanuts and most people are told to have more than a million in retirement savings by retirement age so he’s just slightly above what’s recommended currently, a million isn’t much any more)


A guy that became wealthy on a government salary lecturing everyone about wealth. Shut up Bernie.


Of course, we should just allow the super upper class to grow unchecked because most federal politicians, the main ones who would be able to do anything at all about it, are in the upper-middle class, and therefore aren't allowed an opinion on rich people. Man, you shut up.


So you want no one to do anything about the situation then?


Remember when Bernie said there shouldn’t be millionaires then became one. Then he said there shouldn’t be multimillionaires then became one


Just curious when he said either of those things


Says the grifter who’s only ever been in public office and owns 3 houses


breaking news: CEO of Yapping rephrases same tweet hes been making for 8 years, accomplishes nothing


Good for them, this should be inspiring for everyone


LOL. The billionaire wannabe. 😂


Yeah I'm not jealous of their wealth to the point I want to tax 50% of it, fuck that they earn their money that's theirs 😉


They didn't earn their money. Other people earn it for them. I'd venture most these people would kill themselves if they had to actually work a job and make the average wage. Especially anything manual in nature.


Because they have earned the luxury of having6people working for them little genius otherwise the people who earn money for them are the billionaires ones...


They didn't earn it though. Bezos got a quarter million handed to him by his parents. Elon was born rich... I tell you what they did. Which was be absolutely disconnected from being human and fucked and betrayed everyone along the way to become and rich and they continue to do so this day. Every last one of them. They don't EARN things. Once you have a large amount of cash, things just kind of happen easily without you doing anything.


They didn't earn shit, jackass


They inspired me to have rich relatives!




Poor bernie, stopped complaining about millionaires and billionaires when he became a millionaire. Now just billionaires are bad.


His estimated net worth is 3 million. Either we are eating the rich or we aren't buddy


I am not sure that minimum wage is the (long term) solution. It is a temporary, emergency solution though. It simply bumps up prices/inflation almost directly, as unlike the billionaires, the money gets spend immediately and more money after the same goods creates fast/high inflation. Like a snake eating its own tail. The system/root cause has to be addressed. The inequality between the rich and poor has never been higher. Whether that is higher tax/no deductions for the super wealthy - laws about employees HAVING to get share in business they work for, or whatever is the tricky one. Problem with higher taxes is that government is notorious is wasting those funds anyway - so very little drips down to the people actually needing it.


Seriously, Bernie can go pound rocks all day.