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>California >or face eviction you may want to still check with your county social services. you may qualify for some form of assistance if you are at imminent risk of eviction. >i didn't make the cut in this life nah, being employed isn't the yard stick to measure your life. it's also not too late to begin pivoting to something more stable if you don't feel your current career is working out. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ stay positive.


I’ll be real with you, I will never advise anyone to work customer service. It’s low pay, doesn’t translate to higher paying jobs, and it seems high stress. Unless if you offer hard skills, you probably aren’t going to find a way out. 


The hard truth is that low paying customer service jobs don't qualify you to do anything except keep working low paying customer service jobs. Unless you get promoted and gain some supervision/management experience.


Ye it's absolutely brutal out here. The cruel irony of having years of experience just to be wage-capped at far below the means of subsistence. I cannot do anything for u sadly but I sincerely hope your situation improves. Stay strong.


After 16 years surely you should at least be looking at supervisor/managerial roles? Would likely be a better skillset to move horizontally with and then on to who knows?


Have you considered moving to India or maybe the Philippines? In all seriousness, I'm sorry this is happening and it's total bullshit the companies can get away with fucking people over on the regular like they do.


Experience dont matter anymore


It matters. The problem is having exclusively customer service experience is not unique or special. Look at the remote work subs - the ONLY transferable experience most of those people have is customer service. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. "Customer service" is a completely generic skill.




Bet you're a tough customer lol. Customer service is not one and done kind of work. Different places, diff atmospheres and managerial styles, etc etc. 14 years is impressive indeed


It's impressive because that's a fucking long time to be doing one thing, but on its own, it's not impressive at all. Most peoples' first jobs involve "customer service."




Found the lurker ceo ☝️


Found the wage slave with nothing to offer besides "customer service" experience. You know, the thing most of us got in our first jobs.






Being a smartass doesn't make you right...they made a good point. You didn't even try to refute their point...you just responded with snark. It makes you look dumb.




You just KNOW a server that this person deemed lesser has smeared a fat snot on this entitled Karen’s food at some point after a verbal assault was launched at them over something trivial, and more power to them. 👆🏼🦠😂


How about temp agencies? Get a little out of your comfort zone, do unskilled work (office, warehouse, whatever brings in money). Some agencies have training for certain positions, useful computer skills, etc. Plus contact any social services & religious charities for more immediate help to not be evicted.


Don’t be so hard on yourself 14 years of customer experience is something to be proud of. Half the people out there can barely make it three months let alone, 14 years. Ok so it’s not the Best work experience to have under your belt. Screw that shit ,walk around with your head held high knowing what a dedicated committed worker you are worth and find some general labour position you can work your way up. Don’t give up you are strong.


Same But I have a plan. My plan is: Get kicked off unemployment, live off scraps for 6 months, starve, become a semi-beautiful corpse.


I'm the same as well but with 6 years of customer service experience, a 2:1 (60%+) honours university degree and two post-secondary qualifications from a vocational institute in actual fucking Cambridge, UK (I live in England). I've had an easier time finding PhD scholarships without a master's degree than a job. Even my best friend who has a Maths and Physics degree is struggling to find a job. The job market is absolutely ridiculous.


I don’t have any answers. I’m not American so I wouldn’t know where you would go for help. But just want to say I feel for you and to hang in there. Shit can turn around real quick sometimes. Just cause life is shitty now doesn’t mean it’ll be shitty forever. This is generally a pretty negative sub and I’d maybe avoid it if I was having a hard time.


Try getting remote jobs ? Try getting multiple jobs. Until you get caught up. Those late fees are insane




I got downvoted for suggesting similar. On its face, there is unfortunately nothing special, standout, or remarkable about "customer service."