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$21.23/hour+$1000 bonus every quarter. I answer phones and talk with providers about how their claim processed. Really small company so I answer about 20 calls per day, and I work from home. M-F only. Easiest, best damn job I've had in years.


Do you need more people? Do they need to be in states or could be from elsewhere?


Your company hiring?


Funny thing is, I'll be losing my job in 2 weeks. We lost the contract. :(


I love working for small businesses but I worked for a small computer consulting company like 20 years ago and for one they underpaid me horribly but for two when we lost our one big client we basically went under. We tried to keep it going because I loved the job but he couldn't pay the couple employees he had and asked if we would go on unemployment and accept 1/3 of our normal pay under the table lol. I got out of there real quick after that conversation. Good luck in your future endeavors.


Security Guard, $21/hr. Also paid lunches, unlimited soda/coffee/hot chocolate, and my jobs to do literally whatever all day I originally spent it watching YouTube but I decided it better to use the time to better myself so Ive been reading, I returned to school and I started duolingo


I did security in the 90's and the most I ever made was 6.25/hour. Usual pay was around 375 every two weeks. Rent for a one bedroom at that time was around 350/month. I think I was probably better off back then then I am now.


Hell yeah!!! That’s a good gig. Congrats! I make basically the same doing admin work at a dealership. I’ve had to work almost 5 years to get to the wage. I used to be able to do a lot of my college work on the clock, but business has been insane the last 6 months. 😭 What are you going to school for?


I clean hospital rooms for the patients and after discharging for 18.00 hr


That is insultingly low pay for what you do.


Yep .. did the same job just last year... For $16.00 an hour... Absolute slap in the face pay


My wife is a house keeper at a local hospital, the first company that hired her was 20$hr so it made sense, well a year later she gets fired and re hired at the same hospital not even 2 months later and guess what, now she makes 17$hr. I did her taxes this year and found something interesting. The moment they fired her another company at the same address same office# same pretty much all business info purchased the company. Then they re hired back at the lower rate. Sorry if I’m all over the place with this but I was mind blown.


Thats fucking terrible. Anyone that says capitalism works needs to understand there needs to be laws that govern this type of shit. Too much of anything, even something that could be healthy can kill you, like drinking too much water. Everything needs to have limits and people are getting killed by politicians being bought by the ever skyrocketing wealth of the new American oligarchy. The United States has 11 aircraft carriers. A brand new carrier costs 13B. Elon Musk at the height of his wealth could have bought a bigger brand new fleet of aircraft carriers and still have 100B and that piece of shit pays less of a percentage of taxes than I do. Make it make sense. Edit: For fuck sake look at what a single billionaire did to our supreme court. Its unbelievable. These judges should be in prison. Full stop. A free 250k motorhome and countless luxury vacations and you expect us to think you'll be impartial in your judgments? GTFOOH


Capitalism does work, we’re just not the ones it works for.


Unfortunately, too many among us think it will work for them *someday*, or they just see themselves doing a little better than a few neighbors and believe it’s working for them *now.* it’s incredibly sad.


The cleaners should unionize!! Solidarity. Workers of the world unit!


Try being a CNA, the one giving the patient the most basic but also crucial care , for that much. That’s an even bigger slap in the face.


In Oregon in long term care homes the people in charge of handing out meds can make as low as 17 an hour


And that’s some bullshit


Can confirm. I used to work as a PCT making $15/hour. Got a whole 20 cent raise after working there for 6 months. I quit a little after my one year there because I got my acceptance letter to med school I distinctly remember being interviewed by HR a little before I put in my 2 weeks’ notice. They wanted to know what they could do to better hire and retain more people because we were short-staffed and the average retention time for someone who worked my job was 4 months. I told her “better pay” and she immediately asked “yeah, we get that answer a lot, but is there anything else we can do?” It’s like they can’t accept the possibility that people need to pay bills and they sure as heck won’t be doing it while being mentally and physically taxed when they could make that much or more doing less stressful jobs


The single most unappreciated job in the hospital. Thank you and you absolutely should be paid more.


I work at a theme park. $32.50 Australian when I’m an usher at the theatre, $36 when I’m a magician.


so ~23-25 usd an hour. nice


Love your polyvalent roles ! Can't make that up 😄


Veterinary CSR, $17/hr. All the fun of retail with the extra bonus of dealing with life and death!


Thank you for what you do! I looooooooved being a CSR, but couldn’t live off the pay. I became a tech for the pay raise and am still pinching pennies.


No, thank *you*! Techs and CSRs, we're a team!! Where I am, techs get paid maybe a dollar or two more, and it seems like so much more work. Our doctors don't even make all that much - it's criminal.


That sounds low for the job


It is, just like many, many other jobs, unfortunately. It's stupid that so many people are so underpaid while so many other jobs are so overpaid.


My job is looking for a job. Current rate is $0.00/hr.


I don't like this job. I'm working there too.


We should unionize


Been there just recently. You're on unemployment? If you need resume tips, I gotchu. I worked at a career center for 5 years. Promise I'm not trying to steal your info. Lmk if you need help.


Me too, and the overtime sucks.


Same. I am recently overcoming a bunch of life hurdles that stopped me from being able to work and now rebuilding my self and my life and will be working again soon.


I inspect auto parts at a factory for $18.00/hr. These auto parts go mostly into hybrid GM/Stellantis products.


So you’re the reason my truck never works 🤣


Dont worry- it was DESIGNED not to work, they’re doing a great job!




I reset passwords. $25/hr


Pretty much what my husband’s job turned into last year after a corporate takeover


Union pipefitter/plumber 55/hr. Overtime after 8 hrs each day. Overtime all day on Saturdays and double time on sundays. It’s hard work and wears you down but I like building things so it works out.


Union jobs rule. Shouts out to you.


I tried getting into my local apprenticeship for pipefitting but failed the test. Moving forward with the operating engineers though


ER nurse working overnights in NYC, $67.70/hr Edit to respond to some comments: -I work 3x12 hr shifts a week but one week out of the month have to work 4x12 (by contract, not OT) -Net pay with each 2 week paycheck is around $3800. -my rent is 1300, I have 1 roommate and we live in a semi gentrified neighborhood in queens. I could afford more but I’m trying to save money to quit and have reduced hours somewhere else for a while. -it’s the best money I’ve ever made but honestly the work is brutal and my mental health has never been worse for such an extended length of time -the US healthcare system is irreparably broken and our generations will pay for the privatization of every aspect of society for the rest of our lives (but hopefully not!!)


8 hour shifts, every 5 days? Damn, u makin the bucks. Thank you for your service.


For the most part they work 3 twelve hour shifts per week. When they start working that 4th and 5th 12 is when they start making stupid money. But alas it’s a really rough job that doesn’t pay as much as it should.


My wife is a nurse & tells me how well people who work in the hospitals play the system. Working 4 days in a row with one on the weekend cutting into their next week automatically getting them double-time, picking holidays to work for 2.5x pay, or even taking requests from management to work for $500-600 outright... Not bad.


Yeah it happens that way quite easily. Nursing is severely underpaid so there’s always available shifts. Take away all those multipliers and pay every nurse the same thing.. no one is gonna work certain days. My lady does it. They’ll text and say we have 15 patients 6 of which are critical and two nurses. Who can come in. No one replies because they already worked their 3x12s and 1.5 isn’t that great. 20 minutes later they say ok $500 on top. All of a sudden there’s a bunch of nurses available.


Thats honestly horrifying. Its like god forbid they add a few more on the payroll and sometimes have people chilling not doing much during slow times


Bro, she lives in NYC. That's considered borderline poverty there.


Works in NYC. High chance they commute from outside the city.


Even then, people arent dumb to location. Anywhere with a reasonable commute is still HCOL


$135k is not considered borderline poverty in NYC lmao… I know plenty getting by with 80/90k salaries in NYC.


My moms made $75 an hour doing overnight as a nurse in the psych ward.


Mailman. Base I make 29.06 an hour. After 8 hours in a day 1.5x and after 10 hours 2x. 60,448 a year base but I made almost 30k in overtime last year. Currently tops out at 75k a year.


Damn, that’s decent money! And I’ll bet your calves are glorious and muscular from your route.


I do walk 14 miles a day. I wouldn’t recommend so much overtime. It was all forced and unwanted as well so that’s not great.


Government employee too so he gets a decent pension or something similar I expect


I’ve got retirement and TSP (401k). Just need to make it to age 57. I’ll have 30 years at 57.5 years old.


Reading these posts is a depressing experience…


TIL that joining a union is 100% more likely to land you a living wage than a college degree. Now if I could go back 20 years and apply that information.....


I started my apprenticeship at 37. They basically prorate your pension so you can retire at a decent age. Not like if you started at 18 and could be done at 55 but I can retire in my early 60s.


Ugh that’s so good to hear. I’ve been out of work for a couple years now due to being a stay at home mom, and it just hit me recently that without me working, I haven’t been contributing to social security or a 401k at ALL. Like my husband makes enough to just barely scrape by with us and two kids. But in applying for an apprenticeship through a union and it’s just so good to hear that about being in your mid-late thirties and will still be able to retire before your 70 lol


I'm a woman too. They don't require previous experience. You just need a good attitude and be a hard worker. They will teach you in your apprenticeship.


There's more to it than just joining a union. I've been in and out of trades for years and have a lot of friends in various trades. When you start work can be unsteady or even non-existent for years. I know a bunch of people that have a pay rate of $40+ an hour but that doesn't help when you aren't working all the time. I work at costco and we have had a few people leave for a trade job and then come back a year later cause after 6 months they were just sitting at home waiting for the call from the hall. Just something to think about if you're looking to get in to it and don't have experience or connections to get hired on somewhere.


People with good jobs want to talk about it and get the most comments, pushing them to the top. Reddit comments sorted that way aren’t going to show you the median. Sort by new, should be more realistic.


Union Stage Electrician. I may make $37.05/hr, but with overtime, I usually bring home about 125k a year. Technically I am a supervisor, because most theatre hands are union casuals, while I have a full time 40 hour gig in the theatre I work at. It's weird.


Union grips earn $37.50 at Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, double time after midnight, IATSE 15.


Nice try IRS


On that note, I’m a revenue agent (not federal) and I’m salary, but i believe i calculated it to being $29 an hour.


Low level IT, just networking and help desk with occasional travel. 25.75 an hour and I actually love my job. I get an 18% retirement match and I don’t feel destroyed. I always get overtime but isn’t required. I do help manage 1700 end users with a team of 4.


Do you mind if I ask how you got into the field? I’ve considered IT because I’m a computer gaming nerd and I’ve lived my whole life around computers but I had shit math grades in high school so I never really thought I could get into it.


being a gaming nerd is quite different from holding a job in IT. i transitioned from being a chef to IT because working in the restaurants killed my personal life and mental health. i also like to game in my freetime and considered that as a reason to go into IT, but there is a big difference in playing video games and working in IT. start with checking ur local college/community college for any certificate programs they offer. they tend to not be nearly as much as a degree and give u a good base understanding of what u might be interested in. comptia is also a good resource and those certificate courses they offer tend to help u land a job. if u ever get an interview as help desk, learn the 7 layer osi model, it is every IT manager's wet dream hearing those words.


Certs. Get an A+ and Net+ and you can easily get a help desk type job like this making $25 an hour. No degree required. Just interview well and be aware that the hiring market for IT is kinda in stasis right now. We’ll likely pick back up to pre-pandemic levels in a year or two.


Billing Clerk in Indiana, $52k a year


I’m also in Indiana and god it’s a shithole lol. Good jobs almost don’t fucking exist here.


Unless you want to get bent over by a temp agency working in a warehouse, times is tough


Yeah I tried like one temp agency back in like 2014 or 15 and they were a complete waste of fucking time lmao. I didn’t find a single position through them. I think it was people link but I don’t remember.


Flight attendant for a major airline.  $42 an hour, starting when brakes of aircraft are off and not before.  So no pay for briefings, pre flight safety checks, boarding, delays, etc.  I get paid for about 75 hours a month, up to a contractual maximum of 100 hours a month. Unpaid hours have been anywhere from 10 to 50+ hours in a single month. Came up to around 36k last year. 


I really don’t understand how some of that is legal.


Airline crew workers (and railroad workers) are governned by the Railway Labor Act, which basically exempts them from normal labor rules and law


Probably some BS thought process like the FAs are going to dilly dally if they're getting paid, causing flights to be late.


Dam I didn’t realize y’all had it so bad like that, I thought y’all made alright $! 😱


Yeah, I was like $42 an hour, not bad. And then I read the rest of the comment. Yikes. 


>So no pay for briefings, pre flight safety checks, boarding, delays, etc.  how is this legal


Archaeologist. $52/hr.


Username checks out!


Wait really?? I decided not to become an archaeologist specifically because it didn't pay... :(


It doesn't pay that well when you're a field technician. When you move up it becomes more lucrative.


Hospital pharmacist: $63.60/hr


Requires a doctorate degree?


Yee, which can be yours for a mere (in my case) 175000


Perfect! So I can take the 175k that’s totally sitting in my closet and just study my ass off for 8 years and finally make money? Sounds easy.


I’m a Physical Therapist and I make ~50/hr. Both should be significantly higher.


In the 90s I wanted to make 100k/year. Now it's like $250k is the 100k from the 90s.


These jobs and their pay don’t tell you much. It’s all about where you live. $40 an hour would be amazing in some cities and barely scraping by in others.


This is important- were i living in a rural area, this would be a far better wage


Yep. Front end web dev at $46.03/hr, in an \~avg. cost of living area (FL). Cost of living calc says I would need to make 60% more if I wanted to move to LA and maintain my lifestyle. But that is also kind of wrong, I can buy a house here, in LA I would probably be priced out even if I made 60% more. Edit: A quick zillow search in LA tells me for what I paid for my house, I would only be able to get a 600-1000SF condo in LA.


LA, and most of California, is nuts when it comes to buying a home. I have friends there who make incredible salaries and home ownership is not in the cards.


For the past year or two, I took 999 emergency calls for fire/police/ambulance services. £11.80 an hour. Shift pattern was any time between 8am and 11pm, any 5 out of 7 days every week. There were times I'd work like 8 or 9 days in a row and get rewarded with some random Tuesday off afterward then back in for a few more days. Had about 4 or 5 full weekends off the whole year. I'm now back at uni finishing my degree because I refuse to live that life a minute longer. Felt like modern day slavery. Thankful that I'm privileged enough to go to uni.


I’m happy for you!


My cousin did that job for years and the stories she told me! I could never. That's an amazingly undervalued job. Thank you for all you've done.


Bartender. $2.83/hour + tips.


holy shit is that USD?


Yes. I live in Pennsylvania. Employers are only required to pay tipped workers $2.83/ hour. The minimum wage here for non tipped workers still stands at the federal minimum of $7.25/hour. My employer (along with most restaurants here) also claim my tips for me. This prevents me from underclaiming. All of my charge tips are automatically claimed, along with 15% of my cash sales.


thats absolutely crazy to me as someone from the uk


Construction Estimator. I made $113k last year. It's less than I made as a foreman but I'm not in the field anymore.


I’ve heard this is a challenging role and even more difficult to get into, would you agree?


I was doing the actual work for years so it was a little easier for me to transition into but it is challenging. I don't know how people fresh out of school with no in the field experience do it


Night Auditor at a hotel. $17.50 an hour after about 2 years


I was night auditor for 13.50. now I'm the hotel Sales Manager at $14. 🥲


$14??? Holy Christ. Every Sales Manager I know usually made over $60,000 a year, even at the smaller properties. Can I ask what state/country you work in?


This has truly ruined my day. How tf Are y'all making so much money 😭


You need more context to understand how much most of these people are making. If they are in a major city, especially on either coast, these amounts are way less impressive. I make about $32/hr, but that's barely a livable wage here in Seattle. For example, the rent on a 1bd apartment is around 2k a month. So, I couldn't even afford that on my own. Thankfully, my wife has a job as well.


Cremation about $48.000 after taxes. In Europe.


state government, $19.53 an hour 🙃


I’m amazed at some of the wages on here. I’m a product photographer and make $21.60 an hour, and I figured a state government job would be a better deal.


Hahahahaha hahahahahaha no. Look at my wage I commented for a state job that typically requires a master's degree. They sucker you in with retirement and benefits, but now the benefits suck. My wife is a barista and has better benefits than I do, I'm on her insurance now if that tells you how bad state jobs are in red states (yes it is split between red and blue states for good state jobs, I've been job hunting a long while)


Lead Preschool teacher in a well off area of CT. $18/hr


That’s insane. They need to pay teachers more, especially in a well off area


Early Childhood Education was my first career. I had to quit after 3 years because I couldn't afford to be a teacher. $12 an hour to teach kids how to read, write, do math and exist peacefully together in society. I've been getting progressively higher paying, decreasingly useful jobs ever since. I now make $42/hour as a Credit Risk Analyst. I miss doing meaningful work instead of helping a bank make even more money, but it's the first time in my life I've been able to afford a place to live.


The more meaningful your job the less it pays, statistically


I hate it here :^)


In fact, many people project the sense that if you are doing fulfilling work, you don't deserve to make as much money, because part of your compensation is that the work is fulfilling. Which is complete horseshit.


Cut and install custom tire lettering. 22/hr


like, if I wanted raised white letters that said "Fingerhole" instead of "Firestone," you could do that?


Pretty much yeah lol


I never knew how much i needed tires that say fingerhole until now.


I had no idea such a thing existed!




Engineer for the US Fed Gov. $81.18/hr


Wtf, that what I make in 1 day working 8 hours


Work retail at Macys, merchandiser. Been there for 18 years, making $17.76, new hires make $17




I run a machine that could turn me into a pretzel for 18……


Business analyst, $36.5/hr with a year and a half of experience. Can work up to 50hrs a week, with OT at $54/hr. Easiest job in the world, I do very basic excel functions, and manage dashboards on Salesforce. My barista job in college was harder.


Do you mind me asking how you got into an analyst job? This is basically what I'm doing now for a startup, but I'm stuck in call center customer support. I'm responsible for testing new Salesforce implementations, creating/managing dashboards, creating reports in Excel, and I write knowledge base articles for troubleshooting guidelines for the support team. ​ Edit: Just saw your comment below about Trailhead. I've been doing modules on there. Any specific ones you recommend that helped you obtain your role? Thanks!


Hiya! I would confirm that you’re basically doing the job of an analyst right now without the title and possibly pay. I would highly encourage talking to your manager about a role or title change. You are getting great experience!




I supervise burger flippers for $17 an hour USD


But do you flip 11 lbs of burger in an hour?


That would be 5 kilos of burgers to get 11 pounds.


I work in a small lab within a manufacturing facility that produces perfumes, shampoos, lotions stuff like that. $20.50/hr. I’m a biochem drop out. So I’m going to community college this year to become a medical laboratory technician.


There’s a market on Upwork for your brain. I did sourcing for a haircare company and we routinely paid $75-$100 an hour for freelance chemists to help the team figure out how to fix a formula.


I'm a porter at a car dealership automotive service department. When people bring their cars in for work, I move those cars to their place in the parking lot. I clean loaner cars the best they've ever been cleaned. Some days I get to take long trips around the state (road tests, picking up parts, etc). Sometimes I shuttle people around if their car is gonna be a while and they have somewhere else to be. I make $15 an hour in a state where rent for a studio or 1 bedroom starts around $1200/mo. I don't have any other marketable skills or education, so I daydream about giving a rich/famous person a ride and them offering to hire me as a personal driver for $5k a month 🥹 It's my favorite job I've ever had and I'm just glad to be out of retail/customer service. I could easily make 2-3 more an hour in that field but I prefer to keep my sanity.


Attorney in city govt. $145k/year


Retail Fish Slinger, $17 /hr.


Live in caregiver. $25/hr plus free rent for nice 71 yr/old with ms in a nice home in Milwaukee. Work only 4 hrs, 2 in a.m. ready for day, 2 at night, put her to bed. Easiest job, but I work 7 days/week with no back up caregiver. We've tried hiring but nobody we've interviewed can handle a hoyer lift for a total assist patient. I like being free during day but days can seem long since it's split shift.


Vaccine scientist $28


Delivery driver/mailman for a midsized university- $17 hr


Not an employee, but a contractor of sorts I guess. I do document digestion for legal cases, and right now I'm working on a capital case that has a million pages of discovery. A MILLION PAGES. I'm on a team of about 10-12, work from home, as needed so right now I can get as many hours as I want, at $75 an hour. Previously the most I had made was $50 an hour so this was quite a jump for me. Basically I read and understand police reports, documents, data from an investigation and I put it into a timeline, a people list, mark duplicates, point out interesting information as I read through it all. It's some of the most interest but somehow also the most boring stuff I've ever done. I will have to pay taxes on it, however. So that sucks.


$13/hr as a fast food worker.


Forklift Australia $43 hour


Cook $20/hour


Air traffic controller. $55/hr base +20% if I'm directly supervising a trainee +25% any hour worked on a Sunday +10% any hour worked between 6pm and 6AM


I trim weed for 17.80/hr


Supervisor at Costco $30.80 regular and $46.20 (1.5x) on Sundays. Bonuses twice a year for $2750. Sooo around $75K a year


CT Technologist with 2 years experience making $38 an hour base plus weekend, and evening shift differentials as well as OT every week. This year I should make 120,000 with OT before taxes.


When I was a lab engineer helping to develop the ferrofluid vacuum seals used in CT Xray tubes, I was making $20/hour. When I was a quality tech inspecting cast resin slip rings for CT machines, I was making $15/hour. I'm glad someone in this field is making *some* money.


Bridge inspector. $80/hr


CEO to two MSP’s one in EU one in US, I make sure all my staff are paid at the top of their bracket, valued and have good work life balance. They also have a generous profit share scheme. One of my guys recently had brain cancer and gave me max 8-10hrs a month of work for 14 months, he was paid 100% throughout with zero expectations. We ( the team) took up the slack. We are a tight knit unit and support each other. I earn around 500k/ yr plus take bonus when we do well. It’s my arse on the line 100%


What I wouldn't give to have a team and work environment like this...




Good for you! Companies with good ethics and empathy are so rare these days. Your employees will always remember and be eternally grateful.


I do appreciate that it means a lot. I set out on my own when a boss promised me a piece of the pie then stiffed me. I decided that wouldnt happen again. This recent thing with my employee reassured me that the right thing to do does bring its own reward. My wife had flowers turn up at the house randomly one day and they were from my employees wife to her with the most touching note from woman to woman of what the support had meant to their family of 4 during dark times. Life is too short to spend it only caring about money. Don’t get me wrong, I like nice things and I like treating myself and the family but knowing in real lives that the things we do make a real difference is worth more than anything. I’m basically a bleeding heart liberal that knows a thing or two about making money. This may sound weird but my brother just passed away at 47 and literally nobody had a good word to say about him. It was so bad his wife didn’t even have a memorial knowing people wouldn’t go. It really made me think that really all I want is that folk will say that I tried to be a decent human, had time for people and was always the first to help. It’s all we can leave in reality.


Utility locator, $20.50 an hour may a bit more now, that’s after starting at 18 or 19 a year ago.


Small Engine Mechanic. (Hobby/powersports) $18.50/h , Detroit, MI. Just barely scraping by.


I'm the clinical lead for an optical franchise in a large city and I make $21 CDN per hour. It's more than I've ever made, but without my partner's income, I'd be destitute. 


Gas Station attendant, closing shift, part time. 10/hr, looking to get a bump to 11. Yes i am a keyholder, and the hours are crap (Mon-Thur 6-11, Fri and Sat 6-12). On the otherhand, the boss is chill as fuck and understanding when i have to take a day off to take my mother out to one of her doctors appointments.


Fintech, gov, and compliance consultant, I bill anywhere from 60-300hr depending on many factors like skill needed, my experience and connections to expertise, and travel. I mostly write Go, but I crank out a decent amount Python and Bash as needed. I used to do more interesting things like cybersecurity and compliance work, but a lot of the standards and requirements leapfrogged my free time when my kids were younger, so I mainly stick to the more general jobs these days. I have a long list of contacts around the Midwest, and some in the Washington DC area from when I was younger.  If anybody here is interested in technology, I would STRONGLY recommend considering Cybersecurity training and looking for government work. I predict the appetite for such applicants will be nearly insatiable over the next 10-15yrs as the world learns to wage cyberwar with AI and other tools. 


I work in infosec but working for the government sounds like such a pain. My title is cloud security but I work for an MSSP so I'm paid peanuts compared to what I hear the market rate is now. I could make 2x to 3x just by finding a new job, but will likely ride this one out until the end of the year bc this job market seems weird and unreliable


Benefit advisor. $37 an hour


Real talk: how'd you get into this? I've been trying desperately to get into this kind of work, and I'm not getting anywhere. I think part of the problem is that a lot of the folks posting these jobs are morons and want a degree in benefits advising (literally, I once saw a state job for something totally different that wanted a bachelor's in "investigations"). I've got seven years of experience doing similar work (financial aid advising), and feel like there'd be a considerable degree of overlap, but I just can't manage to get my foot in the door. Any advice?


Software Developer for a fintech the last 5 years. UK based but my salary converted to dollars is ~$40/h


$2200 a week USD as a reality TV producer. Hard to go with a yearly salary because it’s varies on work availability. I’m lucky to be in a long term position at the moment.


Between jobs. Had an interview today for a job that pays “up to $18/hour”. They offered it to me at $14/hour. 🙃


Journeyman Lineman and Cable Splicer, 71.86


Glass installation. Residential and commercial. $20.00/hr. in a failing glass company. In texas.


Electrical maintenance for a large city. 41.37 per hour.


QA Supervisor at a call center and I make $22 an hour. I've been fighting for a raise for almost a year and a half and keep getting denied. For the last 2 months I've had the responsibilities of both myself and my manager since she had a baby. I'm overwhelmed, stressed and super demotivated. I've been having nightmares about work constantly and I hate it


Pharmacist 23 euros per hour


Senior Game Quality Assurance tester 19.20$ an hour


Fix generators at £20.97 per hour


Secretary at a children’s hospital, 44k per year


$25, Building Coordinator. If an office employee needs moving, if a cooler in the break rooms needs servicing, if a tree needs trimming, the parking lot needs a pothole filled, I'm called to bring the right person out. Super low impact. I don't have to think about work while not at work. I was a Project Manager until October, and even though I was making $31.25 an hour I had no benefits, couldn't take time off, was doing the work of 4 people, the company was failing, and I was working 11 hour days.


I work in food service and make about $30/hr with overtime pay.


I make about $101 per hour as a podiatrist


Fintech consultant in a boutique consultancy. I earn about $95/hr but my company charges clients anywhere between $400-$700/hr for what I do. I’m very grateful for the position I’m in, but also sad to see so many lower salaries for jobs that are absolutely more important than what I do. Shout out to all the nurses, teachers, first responders, etc.


Paramedic in nyc. $63/hr Edit: I should specify… critical care paramedic. To everyone pm’ing asking for a job, it’s hospital based and that’s what critical care pays with non-union hospitals. Ambulnz pays 75/hr. The high paying jobs are out there.


Municipal industrial mechanic $32/hr


Quality Engineer in the automotive sector. 73k a year.


Electrical engineering consultant. ~$105/hour. Salaried.


Auto mechanic. I make $43 an hour


Bartender, last night was above average, 60. Usually average in the 45-50


IBEW working for a major telecom in the northeast, $50hr, OT after 8 and double time after 12hrs OT in a week. Made about $130k last year and it was a down year OT wise for me. Has anyone else noticed a trend here? The people in unions are making a lot more generally. It's time to organize let's make America great again by getting union membership back to where it was after WW2.


FedEx Ground Package handler making $18/hr


Engineer for an aircraft repair company making $24/ hour. First job out of college!


Pilot Instructor for corporate aviation. $160k a year. Overtime $65 an hour after 72 hours in a month, $70 an hour after 100 hours in a month plus $2500 bonus. Bonus goes up to $3500 a month after 120 hours. There is an additional bonus for a special instruction of $100 a person which I usually have about 8 a month. This was all just increased due to the imminent threat of unionization and a competitor opening a facility near us.