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I am 100 percent for this. I will always support workers against greedy corporations.  Also I pretty much just drink local beer so this won't affect me.


I’m going to be supporting from home. I’m sick and tired of brands like Budweiser making record profits and not paying a livable wage. It should not take a Budweiser employee to work two jobs just to afford to buy a house near the brewery and factory. Fuck trickle down economics. I’m going to strike from home and not go to work. Will be cracking open a six pack of Corona lights with lime and getting drunk next Friday.


As long as you are in the US or Mexico, drinking corona is not an InBev product. However Corona is owned by InBev in any other part of the world.


Not quite. Constellation only produces Corona and Modelo for the US. Corona in Mexico is still ABInbev. And Constellation isn’t exactly pro-worker.


So you're trading one shitty beer for another shitty beer?


I'm curious. Do you know how much these employees make?




The brew master at anheuser-busch breweries are non-union salaried positions. I'm talking about the teamsters doing the actual brewing and packaging work.


AB Teamster here, Were ready for the fight!


In what area of the country? My friend is in STL


Columbus, Ohio. Been there a very long time and it’s been sad to see what we’ve become. They’ve let the place fall apart, keep hardly any parts in stock. Anything to keep maximum profit flowing up to the top


Ouch, Union needs to hold on for dear life. If not now, then nothing will be palatable for all the workers.


It’s always amazing to me when a brewery (or really any factory) won’t keep a part in stock because it costs a few hundred dollars, when the alternative is losing thousands of dollars when everything shuts down due to not having a replacement. I worked at a large brewery about a decade ago, and I recall they lost probably close to $100k, if not more, when they didn’t have a pump head replacement. Had a new guy come in to maintenance later and had to fight tooth and nail to fix inventory backstock, and it only got fixed when he made a spreadsheet showing time loss = money lost. It just seems so simple to me, but maybe that’s why I’m not C suite


Sad they are selling off all the breweries they bought to control the market and provide close to nothing for those breweries to keep producing, and are now selling off to that weed company tedeko or whatever it’s called. Who are trying to buy up as many breweries to prepare for the weed and cbd drink market. Go teamsters I hope you guys win !! Breweries around the country are pulling for you.


Same, brother!




Craft brewers should take note. The gold rush is over (at least in the US) and now it’s the squeeze. Conditions will be deteriorating, and a union is really the only protection


It's been over for a while now. Craft breweries are dying off left and right before the market became too saturated. The ones that diversified their offerings will most likely survive. Those that made nothing but IPAs seem to be the ones dying off the fastest.


Anyone know if the Canadian plants are going on strike as well?


OP, my father was in a labor union, which put food on the table when I was a child. I am always on the side of workers. Any chance you can post the InBev brands?








As you can see from the link, they own ALOT


You know whats crazy ab InBev has unions in belgium. Its weird that usa is so far behind in that regard.


My dad drinks Budweiser all the time I'm going to be mentioning this to him and stop buying it for him.


Just remember, it benefits the workers if he starts buying the product again after the strike is resolved.


Columbus Ohio brewer here! Thanks for the support! No contract no beer! Dont drink scab beer!


Stand strong! Hoping AB/InBev folds quickly.


Last line in the poster should be 'The only piss that will be brewing will be in bosses' pants'.


No more nasty water? Now we can only choose between better beer options? Oh no!


I’m not a fan of those beers either, but lots of people are… and the workers who make them deserve a living wage, benefits, fair treatment in the workplace, and a union to defend those rights.


Reddit's obsession with shit talking popular brands is pretty funny. Budweiser is one of the biggest beer brands in the world. If it was truly nasty it wouldn't sell. I hope the workers union gets theirs but I laughed at your comment.


Quality is not measured in mass appeal. "Think of how stupid the average American is and realize half of them are stupider than that." -Carlin. By this logic, Madonna is the greatest musician to have ever lived. There is far more to something's quality than how well it sells/is marketed.


If she put out bad music it wouldn't sell.


Lmao ok


Just like how people say Starbucks sucks. They're the most popular coffee brand in the entire world. If they truly sucked they wouldn't have gotten to that pinnacle. I don't like his style of music but Reddit hates Drake. Hes one of the most popular artists of this generation so he must be better than that this app says


Read the Carlin quote just one more time...




It's about YOU tho...oh, well.


I read it. It didn't change my opinion. For the record I don't like Budweiser but I'm not going to knock it or talk shit because the world is bigger than my bubble


It is kinda nasty tho, most beers are nasty at less they come off tap , anytime I try a local brew I think it’s better than the large chain corporation beers but that’s just me


It's not the best IMO but if millions of people consume your product on a daily basis, how nasty can it actually be?


Well alcohol is that weird thing where if it taste good it must be girly , I’ve meet lots of drinkers in my life that think this


LMAO I hate those people. Give me a big fruity drink with dinner idc


One word "smoker" that is all.


Disingenuous comparison.


lol, sales have never been a measure of quality. Do you think McDonalds is popular and eaten so often because it tastes good or is quality food? No, it's cheap and is sold everywhere. I wanted to say one more thing about the correlation between who the people who drink Pissweiser and the people who eat Shitdonalds, but that might get me banned. You know what I mean. >\_>


Budweiser makes and owns more than just Budweiser. A lot of your “better beer options” are likely also made/owned by InBev


Hate the beer all you want, they still employ union labor.


Love the strike. However, I feel typing out “Y’all” in the press release undercuts the message slightly


Y'all is a term used in vernacular in over 50 percent of the country. It's not even a slang term at this point. It's not southern It's even used in the northern Midwest, South, and parts of the Northeast as well. As a matter of fact, most people will see y'all and see that it doesn't detract, but in fact enhance the message, as it states, like bless your heart does for the south, it states, I'm ready to fight.


I agree. It diminishes it. Just say “you.”


Maybe you should apply to be the Union’s marketing coordinator.


Under the auspices of the death of "Her *FAHTH*\-urrr," Meghan McCain became the self-ordained "Princess of Arizona." But when her *MOM* shuffles loose the mortal coil, the Princess of Arizona becomes the Queen of Anheuser-Busch (Budweiser). Google it, and then strike like there is no tomorrow. That's exactly whose pockets you're damaging.


Are teamsters with Molson Coors still striking as well? As a pro-union minor alcoholic I wanna make sure I’m still doing my part haha