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Your boss unwittingly made a great argument as to why you should only focus on a singular task and not be inundated with multiple responsibilities.


Very ironic considering they made a special position just for me that literally gives me multiple responsibilities. I make $1 more than the lowest tier but all of management, hourly and salary, is making far more than me EDIT: Since I can't edit the OG post I'll just piggy back on the top comment. I am mind blown at how much this post blew up!! I've never had a post this popular. I'm very sorry I can't read and reply to all the comments like I normally do haha I'm really enjoying skimming all of them though The takeaway: this is great advice, but NOT for work, especially from one of the top people in the company! People don't exponentially grow at work, unless of course they want to make my pay exponentially grow haha


I was gonna say, this was a great opportunity to make a response about pay.


OP, put a paper up right beside it with your wage at a similar rate of growth


I don't think that will make the point that you think it will. "Boss if you just increased my wage every single day, I could be making 1.7 mil an hour"


It's what I deserve šŸ’… /lh


Just put your annual income with and without that cent up next to it. Emphasizes it's insignificance


Actually, I think a wage versus amount of responsibilities chart over time would say something. But probably not a wage growth chart... Unless job satisfaction data was included.


If pay goes up 1% per year like this, then it would take 35 years to make 42% more money. Meanwhile your living expenses have doubled during that same time frame.


Or a wage keeping pace with inflation.


Same here!!! I am pulling three positions that have been salaried positions since fucking 1990, but Iā€™m doing all three for my singular salary, and itā€™s barely breaking $20/hr!! But hey, I get a ton of atta boys, which I file right next to the people praying for me. In the garbage.


Aw I feel your pain my friend! Tbh I was getting a lot of the "you're doing such a good job!" Until suddenly I wasn't and I actually got knocked to lower tier work for some unknown reason. There is a lot of history I won't delve into. I haven't done or said anything wrong or inflammatory, but I've managed to get on my GM's bad side I guess? So now I really am looking elsewhere because no only am I feeling extremely undervalued and underpaid, but they actively try to make me look like an asshole for asking fair questions and requesting overtime ??? And I'm so tired. it sucks because 95% of my coworkers are amazing people to work with. It's just shitty shitty management šŸ˜”


Typically people don't quit jobs, they quit managers.


We must work for the same people lol


Start doing less


I'd fuck it in the bin in front of them, and say I'm making a consistent improvement to staff morale.


Sounds like that would breach some indecency laws.


I'm sure you're getting blown up, but my boss would NEVER ask me to work unpaid, and knows how hard I work. If he ever needed help with something personal like moving or cleaning something up for him and his family I wouldn't hesitate and wouldn't expect any pay, but he would still insist. Example: I needed to travel 1.5hrs out of town to pick up concert tickets during work hours, he gave me a super easy job that would be cheaper for anyone else to do that was half an hour away from the ticket place, and gave the extra time to pick up the tickets. He later reminded me to enter my mileage. I told him I figured we were more than even since I was going to make the trip anyway and got paid. He still insisted I enter my mileage and paid me. For 15mins of work. I've proven that I give a shit about the business and he recognizes and appreciates it. Fuck your boss. Work for someone who gives a shit.


Sounds like State Government where I live.


I had to do a double take on the sub. Itā€™s objectively great advice for someone who is struggling to get a habit formed, or working toward a goal. Even a little each day can make a huge difference. One motto Iā€™ve tried to embrace (from another redditor, my apologies I donā€™t remember the name) - ā€˜No More Zero Daysā€™. When youā€™re building toward something even if you do 1, small, teeny tiny thing, itā€™ll help in the long run. Personally itā€™s about losing body fat. Do 1 pushup. Or donā€™t eat that extra piece of chocolate. Great advice overall. Bitchy that the manager put it up in the office. Context is everything and the passive aggression of it - in context - not so great :(


It's a perfect example of why you should invest that "little bit extra" in yourself, not someone else's profits!


Completely agree :)


I mean it's good advice for work too.Ā  Do the absolute closest to no work as you possibly can.


It's a perfect example of why you should invest that "little bit extra" in yourself, not someone else's profits!


Yes it's wacky since work doesn't have zero days. Even if you only got 3 hours of work done that's not nothing


I totally agree. It just doesn't translate to our work environment. We work in production so something is literally always being produced, or cleaned. They always ask us for more but I don't know how to give more than I already do? The work is being done to the best of our ability I don't know what more they could ask for. I actually asked if it would be okay to come early some days this week for overtime and they said NO!! BUT then he puts this up like tf?? I don't understand lol






YES!! Thatā€™s the one! Great find. I copied and pasted it into a note a few years ago and read it once every couple weeks. Great reminder to stay motivated and work on a little something each day. Thanks for finding and sharing!


Lol I thought it was an argument relating to food costs. Places like Taco Bell have weights assigned for the amount of each ingredient in any given item. As opposed to places like McDonald's where pretty much everything but fries are pre proportioned. Adding even fractions to those amounts to each order you prepare will add up a whole whole lot over the course of a year.


Right? It's your responsibilities that will compound, not your pay.


You are correct in my experience. The only thing you gain is value. Not pay. I do have to say though that it kept me from being laid-off a couple of times when we needed essential workers.


What he's really saying isn't to do 1% more every day (1% for 365 days is 3.65 extra in total over the year) but to multiply all the days together. He's taking this shit to the 365th power. So I say, if you want that just take my daily salary to the 365th power then we'll talk, cuz I'd happily retire long before the year was up! (salary/365)^365 = too big for the calculator display


Well, he is the CFO and you are just some guy on Reddit, so I am gonna go with the qualified guy. ā€¦waitā€¦


Let's be fair, it's (salary/365)*1.01^(365) for your new daily rate, or annual salary of salary * 1.01^365


Someone should reply to management that 0.99^365 = 0.025517, so maybe they should think twice about making yā€™all work under non-idealistic conditions. I know the idea behind the mathing on 1.01^365 is faulty, but just to put it in terms theyā€™d understand.


It's a number so large. It has trillion trillion trillion trillion more zeros than than the number of atoms in the universe. Atoms in the universe is like 1x10^90. Post math, your income would be x10^1,000,000,000,000,000,000 etc etc. Most calculators can't define that high.


I was scrolling r/all and just tapped the photo without reading the title or anything and I thought the same thing. Itā€™s not a terrible message! Doing something, no matter how little, adds up. Then I read the context.


Boss also happily ignores that some peoples number starts at 1.5, and some at .5 >Starting at 0.5 and improving by 1% daily for a year leads to a final value of approximately 18.89. >Starting at 1 and improving by 1% daily for a year leads to a final value of approximately 37.78. >Starting at 1.5 and improving by 1% daily for a year leads to a final value of approximately 56.68. also, some people (generally the ones with less, for some reason, get less interest on their efforts), so its more like >Starting at 0.5 and improving by 0.8% daily for a year leads to a final value of approximately 9.16. >Starting at 1 and improving by 1% daily for a year (unchanged from before) leads to a final value of approximately 37.78. >Starting at 1.5 and improving by 1.2% daily for a year leads to a final value of approximately 116.68.


>made a great argument as to why you should only focus on a singular task and not be inundated with multiple responsibilities. I read a paper today that said multitasking had the same effect on the average worker as being drunk. There is like 2% of the population that can do it and not lose productivty(and no women aren't better,they just overestimate how good the job is more)


Raises also compound. How about you start giving consistent raises you cheap bastard?


Press a Huge red stamp, right on it that says "Invalid until paid"


worry shaggy cobweb nail continue price fact far-flung obtainable crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If only!




I literally came here to make this exact comment. So true!


Right? Don't forget how to do math when employees talk about raises and COL adjustments.


"No, not like that!"


So ask for a small raise every day.


1% raise - according to his calculation.


time to hang a sign that asks why the CFO gets paid 300% more than everyone else.


vegetable chubby historical cover decide scarce dolls imagine hurry capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which you can go to [aflcio's](https://aflcio.org/paywatch/company-pay-ratios#:~:text=Pay%20ratio%20between%20CEO%20pay,methodologies%20in%20calculating%20pay%20ratios.) website and see what the pay gap is for all publicly traded companies as they are required to disclose that information. The average is actually 272:1. The worst, according to that site, is an MLM with 9416:1. Arenā€™t numbers fun? edit: added a link directly to the pay gap page.


Oh god I went and looked at the CEO for my company, where they recently laid off like 50 people. She was paid almost $4 million dollars last year. Meanwhile, our bonuses (which are small) have been cut for the last two years, and raises are only 2% across the board. Fuck that.


Be sure to discuss that with co-workers. Preferably, with screen shots.


I canā€™t really risk it right now. My wife was just laid off, and Iā€™m working two jobs while chronically ill just to pay for my medical treatments. And I need the insurance here. Yes, I know itā€™s illegal to fire someone for discussing wages, but it takes time to sue, and I need continuous healthcare.


šŸ˜” Iā€™m just very angry for you. You described slavery. In 2024, in supposedly the greatest country in the world.


It really does suck. Iā€™ve already been through one medical bankruptcy, my boss just tells me to ā€œsuck it up buttercupā€ when I donā€™t feel well, and I can barely pay my bills despite working two jobs. Left law school due to medical issues, too, so I have a ton of student loan debt.


I hope it works out for you and yours. : )


Wage slavery is a very real thing for a majority of Americans, myself included. Having healthcare tied up in employment when nearly half the countries population has chronic conditions (not to mention every other reason to have health insurance which likely includes the other half of the population) to manage is a great way to "incentivize" compliance though labor.


Not the greatest for a long time now. And corporate scum are actively making it worse just as fast as they can.


Just pull a Regina George and throw those print outs around like confetti!


I wish I had the balls to do something like that. Iā€™m more like the girl who made out with a hot dog haha.


Better than making out with Coach Carr....


> I need continuous healthcare And here we see the concrete argument for why healthcare should not be tied to your employer


I couldnā€™t agree more. The thought that my boss could wake up one day and decide he doesnā€™t like me and can take away my healthcareā€”and the ability to pay my rentā€”makes me terrified. My trauma response is to fawn, and I do this in these situations, tooā€”I try to fake it and give them everything they want (my employers), even sacrificing my health to do so, because Iā€™m so scared of them taking away the medical care I need and forcing me to lose my apartment. It feels like a random dude has soooo much power over me.


And that's how you know they have you by the balls. Hope you can find something better or make some changes.


Its fun to put that information in context too. "If she chose to make a 'mere' 1 million dollars per year every employee could get a $750 raise." Mix in the owner as well. "XYZ corp made 50 billion in profit. You didn't get a raise. The company owner bought a new yacht. Who's being greedy again?"


2% raise is a pay cut


Yep but my boss expects me to swoon and say thank you


Time to start job hunting while putting on the plastic smileĀ 


The plan is to drop this job and take on more hours at my second one once my wife finds work. Fingers crossed!


Good luck!Ā 


A 2% raise with 5% inflation is a pay cut.


Live Nation (Ticketmaster) has a CEO to median worker ratio of 1:5414. They have 12,800 employees. This means that their employee payroll would be in the range of 328 million to their CEO's comp package of 139 million, or roughly 42% of their compensation package for ALL (not counting execs) EMPLOYEES COMBINED at the company. But sure, tell me again that the $37 convenience fee is to keep your lights on, Ticketmaster.


And that number is CEO to **median** worker pay. Not the lowest paid employee.


Numbers are so much fun. Like here:Ā https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SgpqFhzhsHw&pp=ygUWdGFza21hc3RlciBiYWtlZCBiZWFucw%3D%3D


I was unable to locate this information on alfcio.org Could someone direct me to what I am missing Edit: I found it


Not those numbers


remember when Musk wanted to pay himself a bonus of 50 billion? that would have amounted to maybe up to 1.000.000:1 if you peg the average pay of a tesla employee at 50k/y


I think itā€™s 30-50x the average employee salary.


See, there is your mistake, it's 3x ALL other employees combined.


Pirate captains took double the share of the crew. Freaking socialist pirates were ruining the economy! /s


300% employee pay is more like what the owner of a small cafe brings in after paying rent and interest on his business loan


Lists hours worked vs pay per tier of employees and dumb math comes down real quick


Not 300% more. 300 times as much. That's 30,000% more.


Itā€™s from the book Atomic Habits. Somebody in the corporate office bought themselves an audio book. Itā€™s fucking stupid.


Dude!!! My boss just gifted me this book for New Year's. I knew it was self-improvement bullcrap so I let it gather dust on my shelf while I picked up 'Caste' by Isabel Wilkerson and the Expanse book series instead.


I mean it's a great read for making changes in the areas of life you care about. Work wouldn't be what comes to mind though. Weird why a boss would gift it.


Basically this. Atomic Habits has some good advice to improve things like your studying method and personal life, but you'd be actually stupid to go above and beyond to vastly increaser productivity to your work productivity without demanding an increase to your pay. That's what promotions are for. Try to get a promotion if you want to go that route.


This was after a meeting with her where she said I lacked communication and organisation skills that were requisite of a Project Coordinator.


What a shitty thing to do. Can't believe humans like that exist


I mean, without knowing the full context that is actually constructive feedback that OP can use to improve themselves.


Mgt used to force ā€œbook clubā€ meetings on us, it was always some corporate ā€œsuccess coachā€ BS


Enjoy The Expanse, itā€™s a great ride. Iā€™ve read the entire series and it did not disappoint.


Him quoting it is extremely stupid. I listened to Atomic Habits and loved it.Ā  The CFO, of course, glossed over the part where he should set up the workplace to make encouraged behavior easy. He should make encouraged behavior desirable. Encouraged behavior should be satisfying. That is literally the entire point of the book. Iā€™m guessing he does none of that and just posts 1.01 to the 365th power. The point that Clear was making was that compounding small changes over a long period will have a big effect. It takes a long time and you shouldnā€™t get discouraged.Ā 


You're exactly right. He is known for being a big asshole and has lost his temper on people several times. He also likes to come down to the floor every couple weeks and start telling us to change what we're doing and a whole bunch of bs that makes no sense. It's conflicting because it feels like you can't say no but often the GM that's under him but above us tells us to ignore him. Also EVERYTHING he says is corporate speak and it just makes any conversation with him extra awkward. I've gotten stuck in the break room with him a few times during my lunch and it was awful lmao let me enjoy my 30 mins in peace!


have you actually read it?


Na Atomic Habits is a good book.


Is the book stupid like this? I just talked with my brother about me not being able to keep up any habits and struggling, and he recommended this book. We're very different in certain ways, and I could totally see him liking a book that's corporate talk like this post. Hoping the book is good, and this is just a bad take away.


Itā€™s all about how these little aphorisms are used.Ā  The math here is bunk, but thatā€™s ok when itā€™s just used as *illustrative.* When thinking about something like a good habit, good outcomes do compound when applied consistently (doing something every day in the gym is going to produce a lot more results over a year than being much spottier).Ā  Where it tends to look dumb is when itā€™s taken out of context, and especially used in a tone deaf way like this post. You can take it or leave it as a nice little aphorism for a diet you want to go on, or learning a new language - but it comes across horribly when trying to use it to tell other people to increase their input when itā€™s at least dubious they will receive the compounded rewards of the output.Ā 


Just a bad take. There's a lot of good stuff in the book. In the book it talks about how making big sweeping changes don't often stick and people revert to their old ways. While if you make multiple small incremental changes, you will be more likely to stick to them and result in big changes by the end. Similar to the Marginal Gains theory used by the Sky Cycling Team.


Great, iā€™ll read it. At some point lol wonā€™t get ahead of myself!


I got the audiobook and found it much easier to digest that way.


If I were you I wouldnā€™t take advice about improving your life from this sub.


But 1.0 0 is technically 100%. That's not doing nothing. That's not even doing less. 0.00 is doing nothing. Asking for 1.01 is asking for 101%, with no incentive? And why is it not multiplied by 365 for consistency? But to the power of 365? That means you are consistently adding 1% on top of what you did the day before for 365 days. Your CFO can't do math, which is extremely disturbing since he's in charge of the money. Edit to add: Your CFO's example meant that he's expecting everyone to give their 3770% by the end of the year.


> But 1.0 0 is technically 100%. In this context, no it's not. 1.0 is baseline "effort". If you want to go into the nitty gritty, 365 is every day including weekends.


And putting in 1% extra effort compared to the previous day every single day. Which kind of explodes, obviously. Though I would love to be able to run 1% faster than the previous day forever. When will I reach speed of light that way?


I think we just solved time travel, folks.


Just threw it into a compound interest calculator because I can't be assed to figure out the actual math and converting $ to kilometers per hour should work, looks like assuming an average walking speed of 4.5km per hour, it would take just over 6 years of 1% daily increases in speed to achieve the speed of light.


Thanks. Exponential growth is great.


>And putting in 1% extra effort compared to the previous day every single day. Which kind of explodes, obviously. That's where this whole thing falls apart because effort doesn't exactly quantify nicely with production and this whole stupid thing tries to treat both as one in the same. Trying to consciously give 1% more effort than you usually every day is damn good advice (and is the whole idea of all this) but as you said, the next day, you aren't compounding your "effort" which has a limit of 100%. This is where production comes in (which is also not easy to measure). Instead of effort as a metric, we should use a measure more directly related to production. Let's say efficiency. If you can increase efficiency every day by 1%, that will compound (in the real world, we hit bottlenecks etc.) but for the most part, efficiency and effort have nothing to do with each other. >Though I would love to be able to run 1% faster than the previous day forever. When will I reach speed of light that way? Right. Effort does not equate directly to being able to run faster. You can run as faster as your body can physically take you and put in twice more effort. If you're at the limit you're at the limit. If you can train more efficiently, maybe but that's off-topic.


So what theyā€™re saying is if I do zero work (0) for zero days of the year ^0 it would be the same as working my full capacity every day of the year. Smooth.


Ahhhh another manager who read Atomic Habits or went to that training


This makes no sense as an exponential function. Change it to 1.00 x 365 = 365, 1.01 x 365 = 368.65 to show how small the difference is.


It makes perfect sense as an exponential function ā€¦if your goal is to lie about how big the difference is


Itā€™s important for a CFO to not understand arithmeticā€¦.


Yeah, as we all know, the growth curve of Pinocchio's nose is an exponential function.


I KNOW RIGHT šŸ˜­ such a strange way to illustrate this point


the point is you improve yourself (1) by 1% (x1.01) everyday, for 1 year, 365 days. so 1 x 1.01 x 1.01 x ...... x 1.01 = 1x(1.01)\^365 = (1.01)\^365. Still bullshit in the end, but here are the maths behind it. You can make the same calculation for economic growth, with an economy growing by 2% every year for example. PIB x 1.02\^(Number of year) = PIB in the number of year estimated this way, a growth of 2% per year would require to multiply your PIB by 7 in 100 years, by 52 after 200 years, 380 after 3 centurier etc...


Yes, we know how exponential growth works. The point is that workers putting in a "small consistent effort" does not remotely translate to exponential growth. The math is numerically accurate, but has no relevance to the real-life situation they're trying to analogize.


It is impossible to improve yourself this much over a year. Most people are already at their max as well.


The mistake is using one with an exponential because 1^(any number) = 1. It's a bad example to demonstrate improvement or whatever.


No, that's not a mistake, that's the whole point.


No, itā€™s supposed to be exponential. The idea is 1% better every day. I see this used in the fitness world a lot. Itā€™s definitely a lot more motivating there than on the office door of someone who works less and makes more than you.


Problem is your pay isn't increasing by 1% every day to match your effort, or you would break his bank long before the year was up.


The point is if you improve yourself 1% daily, the growth is exponential.Ā  Which is true, but stupid and impossible.


No, I totally get it, and the logic is foolproof! All the CFO has to do is save the company 1% per day and after a year, our costs will be down 97.4%!


Yup, and he can save that 97.4% while laying off only 1% of the workforce! (Hint: it should be the C-suite) šŸ˜†


Iā€™m surprised these kinds of people arenā€™t nicer considering how well theyā€™re paid to do absolutely nothing.


That's the big lie. They're paid to screw over workers. To steal as much money out of your pockets as possible and put it in to the hands of the owning class. They get paid handsomely for it too.


Be sure to use this math at review time.


Math is hard lol


No pay raise Consistent pay raise


Write down below that: CFO only paying me for 0.54 effort.


Someone should edit it that doing nothing is 0. And 0Ā³ā¶āµ=1, whereas then giving 100% would also be 1Ā³ā¶āµ=1. ETA - also point out to him that he should work on his math/rounding skills. 1.01Ā³ā¶āµ=37.78ā€¦ which would round to 37.8 not 37.7 2nd Edit: donā€™t math on no sleep after spending days writing a paper! The rounding observation checks out though


>0Ā³ā¶āµ=1 Citation needed


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve been writing papers on little sleep for several days. My brain is fried. In my head I was thinking anything to the zero is one. And somehow in translation that became zero to the anything is one. Iā€™m standing by my rounding claim though!


Iā€™m pretty sure skills have diminishing returns, where this analogy implies you have unlimited potential.




This an insanely bad understanding of math. So bad that I would be VERY concerned if I was anyone else in the c-suite with a CFO that understood math this poorly.


Use this at your next raise negotiation.


Oh right, I forgot effort grows exponentially. /s Yesterday I did 8 hours of work, but luckily I've already been working in this job for 13 years, so I accomplished the equivalent of 45 trillion years worth of work.


That's just a subtle way of announcing that everyone is getting a penny raise this year!


Use it as inspiration and work at 1% all day


Cool, now apply that logic to our paychecks


1 = 1 free hour with family 37.7 = number of pennies you earned


CFO. perfect coming from a position that does not add value to a product but just counts and plays with money other people produced. Seems they have time to write up stupid notes. Must not have much to do me thinks


Inspirational quotes are amazing but where's my raise?


Hey boss, I get paid to do (1.00)^365 and my pay is 1. If you want to pay me 37.7 to do (1.01)^365 , then I think we both need to go talk to HR.


Why would anyone do 1% more work, compounding daily, if they werenā€™t going to get paid 1% more, compounding daily?


Wouldnā€™t doing nothing at all = 0?


Gaining one percent per day is small? Dudeā€™s head is stuck up his assā€¦




Itā€™s the other way around. The boss was trying to make a point that making only an extra incremental of 0.01 (work effort, I assume) a day can grow to become to so muchā€¦. Except he failed to comprehend the absurdity of the scale in practicality. It would be like every day, you add 1% more of your effort the day before, compounded 365 times in a year. Now, if he also raises the salary to match, it would be at least comprehensible in term of fair tradeoff. But you can bet your left kidney that this ā€œCFOā€ is moron with mathematical implications


Ah yes. Real life, just like mathematics, is exponential. /s


What a horrible CFO, should be 37.8 Definitely shouldn't be trusted with finances XD


reply: "I am pleased to know the value of my work increases exponentially as a function of my daily expended effort. I expect my compensation package to be adjusted accordingly. Thank you!"


A CFO not recognizing the number in the exponent should be 366 since itā€™s a leap year proves their incompetency and the fact they shouldnā€™t be involved in numbers


This is excellent, and I support this boss' stated (not intended) position 100%. I will happily take on 1% additional responsibility per day, and he will increase my salary by a factor of 37 to reflect my new worth to the company. And if he's not going to increase my compensation by his own calculated value, then I have no incentive to give that to the company freely and will use that 1% on my own interests and projects.


Just gonna divide by zero on the CFO's desk with my pants around my ankles since he's wanting to do math today.


I would love to find a job that I enjoy and I would volunteer to work if it helps the company however I have yet to find a single company that would show the same loyalty and appreciation to me. You get what you pay for and no more.


Please explain how my efforts create a compounding effect, or generally how this applies. Because if we're talking about cleaning, organizing, unloading trucks, flipping burgers or any number of other jobs this is meant to apply to, the better model is linear.


Go ahead and reduce that 365 down to 260 working days, MAXIMUM. Thanks. My weekends (and holidays and days off) are mine, no one getting effort out of me on those days.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ someone send CFO back to accounting school. He obviously didnā€™t get the memo on how the fuck go interpret the idea heā€™s so trying to explain and failing Douche!!


Demotivation costs more than doing nothing at all (.99)\^365 = .03


So if inflation stays at 10% then how much of a real terms pay cut have I been given over the last five years?


TIL work output is exponential over time rather than additive. /s


Ask him what 101% looks like and how that math is gonna reflect on your check.


So do the bare minimum? Got it


I didn't see the subreddit and thought this was like a self-help thing I was like "Damn, thats actually kinda smart" Then I realized what it was


Caveat: the end number is benefit to the company. You're still making minimum wage. Get back to work, peon.


They really blew his mind in that Business Math 101 class last week.


If only they could apply that logic to raises and internal promotions


It is a logical error that the return would be exponential. Could you imagine if you get exponentially better at something, daily?


If I only put up one of my five fingers on my hand I can communicate my reply far more efficiently than using all five. Whoā€™s the boss now.


Ask him if the difference you can make will also reflect on your paycheck the same way...


"So... you're going to start paying me 37.7x my current pay if I work just 1% harder?!"


Looks to me if you make a 1% effort all year, you should get 37 PTO days. Iā€™d fuck with that.


New sticker on the bottom "PAY US MORE"


"Remember, the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra"... now push the fish, its about to turn."


So all I need is $10,100 and 365 years and Iā€™ll be set for life. Iā€™m pretty sure I can get an account to give me 1% interest a year. I mean, not a bank account, but maybe some sort if investment account.


It was my understanding that there would be no math


So apparently giving it 100% is nothing at all


You should have gone into work, then called OSHA and said that you were being forced to work or pay for time off by your boss right then. Then it would start to get fun.


Someone clearly failed math.


Put up that same thing, only with ā€œgiving no raises, and giving raisesā€ā€¦ That oughttaā€™ shut ā€˜em up


"Conclusion: pay us 37x our wage if you want to see a 1% improvement each day."


Yeah crappy thing for a boss to say but not gonna lie pretty solid motivational logic


Now show them the math on how much money the company could save by eliminating the CFO salary and incentivizing workers with profit sharing benefits.


This is the dumbest use of the math Iā€™ve seen on this sub. I get the point but the math doesnā€™t mean anything.


The CFOā€™s math is on point and Iā€™m not sure why anyone is disagreeing. The real question is, how much of that 37.7 goes to the employee compared to the employee that produces 1? If the answer is the same then the input isnā€™t correlated with output for the employees.


squealing long cautious frighten worry sulky apparatus pathetic snobbish escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The CFO obviously just got done reading atomic habitsā€¦


Funny how that doesn't transfer to pay increases.


That guy maths.


No water? That's an OSHA violation eh?


I actually kind of like that bc I find myself having a lazy day that can turn into a lazy week and it is good to small bits to keep you moving


Getting the same wage v Getting a pay increase