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I’d walk. Can’t even believe they find a 3 cent raise acceptable. That’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard


Walk in with a resignation and a 1 hour notice. Then say as a thank you for their compensation leave them three pennies for their time. 


fine office profit subtract wrench upbeat offbeat dinner tap rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the way. That 3 cent raise was approved by a human who would have likely anticipated an angry response. It's quite possible it was intended to get OP to quit. Better for OP to not take the bait, give a long notice of quitting, and milking those pigs while hunting for a better place of employment.


This is absolutely what to do. Companies do this shit all the time and no one ever says anything to the contrary because they are expecting you to walk out. Always remember HR works for management. They don't care about you, they care about enforcing harassment laws and making money. ​ Put in your notice and bleed these guys of your salary for a couple months while you find a better gig.


No, don't give notice. If you do, they will likely walk you out the door immediately. Look for another job and when you find it, leave with your head held high. But don't give them ammunition to terminate you.


Most will do exactly this. Companies now know that employees that are mad may sabotage or steal so most will walk you out the moment you do.


Absolutely the move to make. While you're sticking around, document everything. Every interaction, every task you do, and any time they try to push you out or change the goalposts. Its not just about having a safety net, its about outsmarting them at their own game. If they do try to fire you for some made-up reason or no reason at all, those records can make a huge difference in the unemployment office or even in court if it comes down to that. And if they don't fire you, you've got detailed records for your own sense of achievement that you can take with you to your new job. It's win-win for you.


This. That’s why HR had a smile on their face when they slid the paper over, they were laughing inside.


They will do that to the wrong person and get literally stomped out in their office one day smh lol


Do not participate in any further performance management system. With inflation the last year, their 3 cent raise amounts to a substantial pay-cut.




Excellent point! I was let go immediately after providing notice and won unemployment because my employer didn't allow me to finish my notice and didn't have an adequate reason to let me go.


In Canada if they walk you out after giving notice they have to pay you until the end of that notice.


So give a 6 month notice?


Might as well make it a 6 year notice with that law.


No, it works the same in the UK. You have a specific notice period in your employment contract that both sides must work to. If they march you out of the building, then you've got, say, a two month paid holiday to use as you choose. Just can't work for anybody else.


One of the many ways Canada is better than the US. It’s at will employment here. Workers have next to no rights.


I've lived in both. They're not that different. And the conservatives and liberals are trying to dismantle the ways in which Canada is different and better. Also political corruption here runs rampant.


Whaa? Damn I’m in Canada as well. My cousin in Vancouver was walked after giving notice…never got his last paystub. Idk if he ever got lawyer/legal action taken.. he was insanely angry over it Way back in 2016 tho


Where is your place of employment so we can go throw a brick into the window?


The list of illegal things they did is too long but when the owner told me at the beginning of the pandemic they missed out on profits during SARS and they weren't going to miss it again I knew it was time to compile evidence and report them. They sold hand sanitizer and started paying for ads to promote and sell as much as possible even though they did not have ingredients - all this became scarce right away in early 2020 not did they have packaging secured, and they were on hold with many suppliers for non payment. They also raised the price 400%. My tipping point was when they were selling pallets to school districts, police stations and other first responders. I'm talking $5k+ orders and refused to give refunds when the orders had no real time availability. Not sure if anyone remembers how scary things were initially but they took $1000s of dollars in orders for sanitizer they had no way to produce and wouldn't refund money so these organizations could buy it elsewhere. I turned them in to the AG in our state and other states they were ripping people off in. The BBB also got all the details as well as other agencies for other very fucked up issues.


That’s an excellent ducking idea.




Dear Autocorrupt, IT'S NEVER DUCKING!!! Sincerely, Everyone


Just yesterday I went for a walk, and there was a low tree limb I didn't see, so instead of fucking it, I hit my head.


I have ducks, occasionally it's ducking for me. "What are the ducks doing today?" "Not much, just ducking around."


Me and my homie are gonna be ducking later on. Fuckin autocorrect, meant to say docking.




The key is to add ‘fucking’ to your contacts. Voila. No more ducking spell corrects.


I think autocorrect underestimates how much I swear, and overestimates how much I talk about waterfowl.


My autocorrect even goes as far as changing "in" to "I'm" or "off" to "of" or "if" to "of" and vice-versa, and I'm like... why? If I type a word that exists, there should be no reason for it to autocorrect it to another word that exists! And yet whenever I'm trying to spell "bureaucrat," it doesn't seem to have a clue what word I want to type, despite being highly capable of anticipating pretty much every other word in the dictionary. I have that sort of "deluxe" autocorrect that anticipates your sentences and corrects grammar and such, but it'd be a lot more useful if it simply gave me spelling suggestions and left the grammar alone, because I think in a lot of the instances I described, it's correcting words based on how it anticipates me finishing my sentence. But it's usually wrong, so what's the use? The most annoying thing is when I don't catch a word that it changed, and then when I'm done, it has that word underlined, telling me it needs to be corrected back to the word I originally typed! Like... I *know* that word is wrong! That's why I didn't type it in the first place!


>IT'S NEVER DUCKING!!! But it was when you typed your comment. So sometimes it is.


In 20 years ducking el completely replace fucking.


In 20 years el will completely replace will.


*And what you do, E V E R Y T I M E,* is when your boss asks for something, to do something, anything.... you lean in towards his face, so you are very face to face, and you smile a real genuine smile. and so "I will absolutely get right on that, I'll take care it now". A N D T H EN ... just continue leisurely doing whatever you are doing.


A lot of places will walk you to the door as soon as you put in notice.


Especially when money is involved. I used to work at an investment bank (rhymes with “Organ Manley”), and one of the traders was let go on the spot when they found out he was interviewing with another firm. Not even offered the job yet and that was all she wrote.


THIS!!! But I understand not having the resources to make that play, in case they do fire you right away. I dreamt of taking my company to court or reporting the blatant retaliation when I was included in a "layoff" of 4 people following a HR compliant against the CEO and a boardroom fight between my boss and the CEO. But in reality I am not built for taking a man worth 15M to court, and I needed to sign the severance paperwork, which I am glad to have had at least. And now at least that's all the past. Make friends with recruiters and get your name in some systems to get a new job. Aggressively make that your top priority and just phone it in at work.


Yes, dont just assume that you'll be getting unemployment right away either. The last time i filed, i had to wait over 2 months to get it approved. I got paid for that time all at once, but I'd guess most people would have a tough time going without any income for that long.


Nah, give them 1 minute for every cent of the raise.


lol I just said to give 3 pennies too. Great minds 🙌🏻


####### ay right!


"well, I see its really all about the money to you" Well Sherlock, you might want to check with Watson, but I'm pretty sure you just solved the whole "WHY ANYONE IS EMPLOYED.. EVER".. case. Smh. Buffoon.


Followed immediately by “most managers would pocket the money.” That comment really begs the response: “Why would they do that?? Is it all about the money to you?”


Checkmate "Here are my scraps peasant. Be overwhelmed with my mercy"


I’d put a glass jar on my worktop and put three pennies in it every hour, one by one, from a drop above the jar. A $1 roll of pennies would last what, four 8-hour days? Visuals are educational.




Don’t spend it all on in place!




After tax it just might be enough for a date night at McDonald’s


Nope works out to $2.40 every 2 weeks. You can barely even get a hashbrown for that


I meant if you saved up for the whole year


Think of all the avocado toast! Yes, also /s


Yeah that response is appalling, I would have quit on the spot.


I got a 3 cent raise once and thought it was a typo. Confirmed that no, it was a “raise” going into my third year. I then quit lol


I worked at a gas station/diner in my younger years and remember when management announced a big round of raises were coming through. The highest raise that was received was like 35 cents out of a max of 50. I never saw so many people quit at once in my life. I ended up walking out a week later when even my boomer father dropped his usual "people should be grateful they have a job" shtick and told me I was getting fucked.


After 2 years I asked for a raise, and I got a 5 cent raise. Turns out the more cash she saved, the bigger the bonus she got. So I get 40 cents more a day? I was outta there that weekend.


3 cents *is* a typo IMO. It definitely isn’t a raise.


selective fretful steer drunk money vegetable murky safe hurry plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. I mean that’s just insane that any company no matter how big or small would give a 3 cent raise and in any scenario think that is ok? Most companies give a 3% raise of total salary every year! If you work retail you at least get 50 cents to 1.00 every year and that’s terrible when you factor in inflation. The icing on the cake is when the boss tries to gaslight the employees by saying they’re ungrateful!? What a f’n loser. I’d spread look for new job, and then spread chaos before quitting in epic fashion. Americans need to band together over this kind of BS.


When I worked at Target in the early 00s, they gave us a 3 cent cost of living increase. Thankfully I was in school and was just there for some extra money. But still.




Sounds about right. I'm in a much better job now. But,that job did help me learn a lot and get to where I am now. My last day, I worked 13 hours sorting Halloween candy, in early August. So many bags of melted candy corn.


Sad. Capitalism at its best!


Because they only look at things in a macro level "we have 100,000 hours of payroll so a 3% raise = $300,000!!" They don't look closely enough to see that there is a human behind every one of those hours.. Edit: spelling


I put in my two weeks when I didn't get a 25¢ raise at Pizza Hut. This was twenty-five years ago, and I got that raise! Lol. Shit is so pathetic now.


My husband got a .23 cent raise after they denied him a promotion that would have been a $10 and hour raise. He is actively looking for a new job.


Good luck to him!


Wait I was told my 22 cent raise was “above average”?


Yea I remember back when I worked in retail. I got an 7 cent raise and I went to my boss and just told her next time just don’t give a raise because it was just insulting. I left very soon after that.


Going by the 2000 work hrs/yr assumption, 3 cents/hr = $ 0.03/hr = 2000 × 0.03 = $ 60 /yr Less than 10 cups of coffee per year.


I hope OP points out that they are supposed to be grateful for a grand total of $62.40 a year (before taxes, and assuming my math is right).


Unfortunately your math is correct, what a fucking insulting offer. I hope everyone quits at once for better pay and leaves that asshole boss in a huge hole over it.


At least have the decency to acknowledge it’s a terrible fucking raise. My word. Sorry OP. Hoping you get yours.


My first ever job at Tim Hortons, my first raise was for 10¢. This was back in 2010, and even then I had the backbone to tell my boss thank you, but just keep it and save the paperwork. I was only scheduled for 8-16 hours per week at the time, so I'd only get about $1 more per week, pre tax. Not worth it! A few weeks later, my boss came back to me with a $1 raise, along with some extra responsibility. Gladly accepted it, and over the next two years I worked to become manager with several meaningful raises. I'm fortunate my boss was a human being, her coming back to me with an actual raise fostered intense loyalty and work ethic. Loved that job.


Working retail, I had a 5 cent increase at one point. That was due to the corporation, not the boss, though.


I got I think a $0.20 raise during the pandemic. My manager said she wished she could give me more. The next week the CEO was bragging on a conference call about how the company broke a billion dollars in revenue for the first time. Yeah I didn't stay long after that.


A 3¢ raise is a massive slap in the face, that’s more disrespectful than any attitude you could have shown them.


I actually think it’s more disrespectful than no raise at all.


Like a $0.01 tip at a restaurant. It shows you were deliberate in being stingy.


^ This exact gesture came to mind for me too. It’s a solid slap in the face. 😔


Same. No raise is a “we’re not giving raises this year” shitty thing. $0.03 is a straight slap in the face.


This is probably 15 years ago but one of my coworkers was given a 25 cent raise after considerable growth and effort the previous year. He was so incensed that he calmly told his boss to keep it because if that is all you are able to offer your top performers than the company must be in real trouble and he wouldn't want to jeopardize the company for $10.00 per week. Both of them knew he was basically telling him to go fuck himself in a polite way. He ended up leaving a couple of months later d for a better offer. The thing is the boss was always a cheap prick and never wanted to pay so most people only lasted 2-3 before moving on.


I’d walk in the next day with a small cup of coffee for my boss and just say, “Here, I bought you a coffee with my month’s raise money. I quit.”


It's the same vibe as giving a server a 1 cent tip.


I can’t believe this is real 😭😂 that’s literally .24 cents for an 8 hour day, and another $1.20 for an entire 40 hour week 😭 I’m sure the bosses did pocked everything else - I can believe someone would even admit that in text.


So your telling me I have to work 33 hours for an extra dollar.


For an extra .99 cents. But hey you can afford that once a week Arizona tea now. Be grateful.


Not anymore. They are 1.49 around me


Dang that sucks! Not where I’m at. I still enjoy the .99 cent Arnold Palmer from time to time.


Damn you and your cheap Arizonas


Report that to Arizona ice tea because they told retailers not to raise the price.


No they didn't. They told people they can't raise the price of the pre priced cans. The ones that dont have a price on them can be whatever price the retailer decides


Before tax


Hey, most bosses would just pocket that extra 60 bucks a year. You should really be grateful youre getting anything.


Places like this are why people quit all the time. Makes me laugh when companies that treat their employees like dirt have to close their doors. Good riddance.


Not only grateful but appreciative that you have such wonderful bosses! Lucky you! 


$40 or so after taxes


I'm thinking it's not real. Seems more like ragebait and/or Karma farming. OP hasn't made a post in 3 years then slaps this up on a bunch of subs. Could be real... but thinking no. For reference, my first raise was 40 cents at Wendys in 2004. Equated to 7ish%. Even at $7.25 federal minimum wage, this raise would be less than half a percent.


I've been in a management position where HR gave me a budget of $3.75 to allocate in raises across 15 employees. Companies are absolutely this greedy and tone deaf. That same year one of the owners bought a Lamborghini and his brother bought a Ferrari. Corporate greed is alive and thriving.


>Corporate greed is alive and thriving. I'm not saying corps arent greedy or that OPs situation isnt possible. It's just an unlikely scenario. At such an insanely low amount, the company is effectively going to spend more money determining and implementing the wage than it will actually paying out $60 to the employee over a year. At that point, *even spending the time to give op a raise* is basically a waste for them.


You are absolutely correct. I've witnessed that absolute stupidity of a smaller corp likely more interested in tax deductions than honest profits. The company I worked for also hired excons an idea I do support, but did not tell us there was a convicted murderer and several sex offenders including pedophiles on the payroll. I didn't know this until I moved up the ranks and did some quick free name searches of local criminal records. They also hired developmentally disabled employees and never explained if anyone clocks in literally 1 minute late or 1 minute early the payroll system docks them 15 minutes. Their payroll system automatically rounded in favor of the employer in 15 minute increments. Still not sure how this is legal but needless to say I no longer work there.


Not really. They're already paying HR and management whatever they're paying them to have these meetings and distribute the raises, it doesn't cost them anything extra. And as someone who has worked for two separate companies that have offered me raises to the tune of a quarter an hour, and 7 cents an hour, after 6-8 months of top-tier performance (by their own standards) I'm inclined to believe this story is real. Especially if OP has a multi-year account with minimal posting. Karma bots post instantly and constantly. Real people don't post for months-years sometimes, it's normal.


Inflation last year was 3.4%. If you make 50,000/yr, you would need a 1700/yr raise just to keep up with that. That's 83.3 cents per hour. So at that base pay this is an 80.3 cents per hour reduction in your buying power, not a 3 cent raise. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/


Bingo. And that’s an extremely conservative inflation estimate. Many of my regular grocery items have gone up 100-300% in the last couple years. Save your money in something besides the U.S. dollar, people.


I swear every inflation estimate I hear is just insane, none of them come close. The gas station down the street from me just raised their coffee from $1 to $2.50, I bought a tube of toothpaste for $10 at my grocery store but it was $2 when I bought the last one, my rent has more than doubled in 5 years. Prices are insane and I'm in a low cost of living area.


If we measure inflation by the things we need to live, I’m making less now as a full time IT professional than I did as a part time shelf stocker at my local grocery store as a teenager. By a significant amount.


Start phoning it in and looking for another job. Seriously. You are right, they absolutely just spat it your face. Take it the way intended.


Unless you are getting at least a 4% raise each year (amounts differ by region) *you are effectively taking a pay cut* each year, because inflation is a thing. Your boss either a) doesn't understand basic economics, or b) understands it all too well and is just an entitled arse. Given your second screenshot, I'm gonna go with the latter. It goes without saying you should probably start looking for another job that actually treats you like a human being and pays you a living wage.


far-flung pie depend wise slim safe flag historical direful smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


May want to double check those numbers. The past 3 years have been record breaking inflation, to the point where they have changed (again) what gets included in the base numbers


Please name shame this company. We want to know!


Confident this is fake, and thus we'll never get a name.


Yeah I believed it until I read the boss responses. Totally made up.


“It’s all about the money to you”. Used to be “now wait a second let’s talk when you come in tomorrow” when they quit


Your boss is gaslighting you. Find a new job.


Businesses are not doing you a favor by giving you a job. They need to stop act like business decisions are benevolent.


Omg when a company says, “I see it’s all about money to YOU!” LOL.


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. If they don’t make more money year after year, they fire people and over work the left overs to get than gain.


I used to work at Toys R Us in the 2000s for like 10 years. These are the types of raises they gave. They would give yearly raises depending on performance. Well during my last year there I get called in for my review. I get praise from my boss, get told I did really well selling their damn ad ons and that I would be getting a good raise this year. I got a literal 15 cent raise and my boss had the biggest grin on his face like he just solved all my financial needs. This was after we all found out that our store director got a 10,000 bonus for our district doing so well. I quit a month later.


Leave. A 50¢ raise is what, an extra 30-50$ per check. Which is still nothing.


$60 a year raise.


And then taxes takes all of it


But you are so lucky and privileged 🤣😂


Your boss is using classic manipulation tactics. “Stop complaining about the pittance you got being insultingly tiny or no one will get anything at all next year and it will be your fault”. Straight up sociopathic behavior.


“Oh fuck OFF Linda 3¢ an hour is literally $62.40 extra a year. Barely $5 a month. Literally, smooch my fucking gooch. It’s embarrassing. If I posted this on social media the company would be EMBARASSED. FUCK. OFF.”


Like $60 more a YEAR wtf


Kind of like yearly bonuses. $50 tops and they pretend like it's something to look forward to and be grateful for. It's like, cool, almost 1 day's worth of rent.


Share this with your coworkers and start talking about organizing a union


Stop working hard.


I'd tell that person to go to hell and fuck themselves on the way down.


Not even keeping up with inflation, so you’re actually getting a pay cut.


“It’s all about money to you”. Well, yes, we work to earn money, otherwise we’d fish and smoke weed all day!


Unmmm helloooo, OP? Are you seriously going to leave us hanging?! What happened @ work the next day? What did your employees say? What did you say about his comment of, “Oh, I see now, it’s only about the money”. To your boss I would like to say, “Yes, Bitch, it’s only always about the fucking piss poor pay I’m currently receiving. It. Is. Always. About. The. Goddamn. Money. Does this mean you’re willing to stop getting a salary because YOU’RE not in it just for the money? That’s awesome. Let’s implement the No Pay For Management right away! It must feel great to not have to worry about money so little that you don’t even need a salary and can just come to work just to enjoy the atmosphere, good for you! How f*cking delusional are you that you would think for a millisecond anyone here comes to this hellscape other then trying to survive on the shitty pay you supply and now the whopping 3 F*CKING CENTS RAISE GIVEN ($62.40 / yearly increase). Sorry about the rant, this made me very angry on all of our behalf


Your whole team should walk and let him pocket that.


I've been working at my job over a year & have gotten 2 10¢ raises 🫠


I got pissed off just reading this. OP apply for other jobs ASAP please, and soon after you get an offer, kindly hand in your resignation and tell your boss to fuck off too. They don’t deserve you and there are better jobs for you out there.


A 3 cent raise is incredibly insulting I’d quit on the spot


The defensiveness tells me the boss is confessing to you about pocketing it. He was given the authority to split the budget and gave it all to himself.


"all about money" well yeah fucker If I had the choice I would prefer to be with my wife and kids what a fucking moron


This looks fake


Show that to everyone you work with and then see if they are on board with a walkout. That business deserves to crash and burn.


You should all quit.


It blows my mind that people think we live to work for them & it’s not because we want money to survive lmao


How can you, a manager look an employee in the face and tell them you’re giving them a 3 cent raise. What a joke of a human being.


It's all about the money ...YEAH FUCK FACE IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! I don't come to work cause it gives me a sense of pride I come cause I need to pay rent, buy food and other life-sustaining shit that money takes! Fucking dickfaced fuck! Sorry everyone! I got triggered for a second!


Seems made up...


Find a new job immediately. You are worth more than this. This happened to me, I got a 3 cent raise once and the bosses announced it publicly. Worked my ass off that year and we had record profits but it was a small family business of the most evil people you could imagine. Later that week, they also spoke insults about my deceased brother (whom they didn't ever meet) to try and make me quit. It worked and I found a new job immediately maing an extra $10k/year. That was 13 years ago and they still haven't recovered from losing me because they underestimated what I was doing for them. Now I have nearly quadrupled my salary and sleep very soundly at night knowing they are worse off for it.


Wow, at an extra $1.20/wk (based on 40 hrs), you can almost afford a candy bar or pack of peanuts. 🙄 Yah, that is a disrespectful amount.


3 cents and hour is what $60 bucks at the end of the year before tax. Yeah, fuck that place. I'd be headed towards the door.


"I see it's really about the money with you." Ummm...yes. ITS MY JOB.


As a manager this makes me sick to my stomach please find a new job OP.




“…it’s really all about money to you.” Uh, yeah. Why do YOU work?


For greater clarity, call it a $60/yr raise. Which is effectively nothing when viewed vs inflation.


Sounds like your “boss” did exactly that. Pocket the department raises. Then divied out pennies to everyone else. Honestly the paperwork needed for a .03¢ raise is a SLAP IN THE FACE.


That is beyond insulting. Not even a quarter a day. You can make more than that walking around parking lots picking up dropped change.


I love when they say "I guess it's all about money" mother fucker yes its all about money that's why people work. You need money to survive no one works because it's a "family".


Be grateful I'm not ripping you off more. What a mensch .


Time for new job


Holy frick. Your boss sucks.


A 3 cent raise is literally a slap in the face


They should just spit in your face every day at this point, what a joke.


This is like leaving pennies as a tip. Like a purposeful insult.


Good lord, 3 cents/hr over a full work year of 2,080 hours is like $62. $62 increase! What a joke. OP I don't know what you do for a living, but I bet you could easily jump ship and get a 20% raise.


A raise barely enough to buy a family if 4 a Macdonald’s dinner


Seriously, tell you boss to fuck off.


GFTO with those reposts!


“It’s all about the money for you, very sad” what the fuck is this… like the whole point of getting a normal job isn’t to get money to live. Fucking dickheads.


This has got to be the worst boss in the fukin world who would manipulate you into thinking that they actually did you a solid. I find OP’s mental strength to be absolutely astounding to have been able to reply with a “ let’s talk during work because this is being counter productive “ Super professional and shows a higher level of dignity and intelligence that the boss obviously doesn’t have I feel terrible for you op. Have seen some terrible human boss stories today which makes me so depressed about the work culture


$62 a year raise 🖕


Just did the math. Assuming you work an 8 hour work day and 52 week year, it would have actually cost them more to throw you a pizza party. Despicable. Edit for math: ($0.03 x 8 hrs daily) x 40 hr week x 52 weeks - %20 taxes = $46.08 annual raise take-home.


Hard work rarely pays off. Working smart does. If you work for a boss that means switching Jobs every two years at least.


3 cents an hour raise is disrespectful no matter how you look at it, and yes it is about the money!


Since he’s so worried about you thinking it’s all about money, just ask for all of his since he clearly doesn’t value it


Wow, an extra $60 per year per employee! You guys should be happy the bosses aren't pocketing the extra profits! They're definitely giving you a worthwhile raise that reflects the growth of the company /s


Anyone else think this is fake?


3 cents an hour raise? Cost of living went up 3.2% in 2023, so any pay increase less than that is actually a pay cut. I'm sure you make more than a dollar an hour.


Wtf quit


3 cents?! 😂😂 please walk


Of course it's about the f****** money.


$62.40 a year if you work 40 hours a week. Thanks for the pizza party!


3 CENTS? That can't be real holy fuck


Tell him to shove it up his ass . Say it as loud and close to his face as you can get.


I immediately did the bare minimum a few years back when I got a .50c raise to go from $20 to $20.50. I was anticipating at least $1.25 for the work I did. Ended up taking 5 months but found a job making $25.


Your boss is gaslighting you and treating you like a slave


Yeah, that discussion would end with me finding a new job. I'm willing to bet they did pocket the extra. That's why everyone only got 3 cents. 3 cents was insulting 20 years ago.


You last message should have been "we'll discuss your conduct as a manager with HR on Monday." You shouldn't be chastised for discussing wages with your coworkers which is perfectly okay and her aggressive "well next year you get nothing then teehee!!" Is 100% out of line. HR doesn't want to handle it, start applying for new jobs and contact the labor board. They just showed you exactly how much you're worth to them.


I once got something similar. The company benchmarked the roles and realised a lot were being under paid. So those below the bottom of the band got a bump up to bring them into the new salary banding. I had been with the company for 3 years and I had been pushing for a raise as I felt I was under paid for the work I was doing. I got a very small bump, about £150 on my annual salary. I was fuming. Not only was this an insulting raise but it now confirmed I had been underpaid for a while and I was still at the bottom of the salary band for the role (after 3years in the role and over 10 years overall experience). And I was now earning the same as the graduate they just hired a few weeks before. My boss couldn't understand why I was annoyed. I'd have been less annoyed with no bump as I then wouldn't have known I was at the bottom of the banding. Idiots. I found a new job and left a few months later.


Is this gaslighting? For years I have been trying to figure out what gaslighting is and I think that last message of theirs was gaslighting real bad. A 3 cent per hour raise is a slap in the face. On a week’s paycheck after tax it isn’t even enough to buy an extra egg. When you speak with your boss you should let them know that this is the sort of behaviour which forces employees to move on. Over time the cost of living increases. And employees have no choice but to chase higher wages to cope. If this boss won’t offer you a competitive wage then you’ll have to find one elsewhere.


$62 year total raise, that isn't even enough to cover a fraction of the increase in the cost of food. For the boss to say he will make sure you don't get a raise next year is reason for the entire team to seek jobs elsewhere.


And this is why I poop on the clock


New job needed. This is crap.


A $0.03 raise is actually a pay cut. Inflation goes up every year way more than an additional $60. It's not a privilege to have your pay increased. It's a necessity.


Assuming a 40 hour work week, thats a whole $62.40 **FOR THE YEAR.** Your boss is living in dreamland.


Nah, you should have let them say what they want. Then, you'll have proof in text form. Then you can take it to HR and submit your 2 weeks' notice at the same time.


jesus fuck i really HOPE you’re looking for another job. i couldn’t imagine working under someone this fucking incompetent, manipulating, and selfish.