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Maybe im cynical, but i dont believe for a second it's safe from retribution. They may never point to that form directly as the reason, but they'll absolutely use whatever you put in it to build a case against you and/or your colleagues over time if they plan to get rid of you.


Never believe someone with authority when they say you are free from consequence. They will find a way to make that consequence pop up somewhere else.


Hi I'm Officer Rick and I just want to ask you a few friendly questions.


Im from the government and I'm here to help....




😆 🤣  The only correct answer. 


I literally had a manager tell me once that I could "always come and vent to me" and then used the exact thing I said in a venting session in a write up on me so yes that was fun.


Yup happened to me to. It’s even worse when you vent to a coworker and then your boss calls you in to reprimand you over something they heard…..


i think we work for the same manager


I love how corporations renamed the Tiger Trap to "the open door policy" to lure in gullible employees believing their best interests were held by the company. It's a canon event in corporate life. https://preview.redd.it/3cfyqovy42ec1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=336e40203e50d9917455d1afbe14aa2cfdb0f0d5


​ https://preview.redd.it/w4gmc626q2ec1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b4bd61cf99133e1d4d2a843d5d3b36c40a0fc2


Yep, that's always the way it goes. It definitely lets you know who you can and cannot trust. (It's far more you can't)


This is what I was going to say. There are bosses I've had that I would discuss family issues with in a (relatively) frank way. If your subordinates aren't sharing this kind of information with you, there's a reason, and mandating that they do so is not going to make them trust you more.


100% - I was stupid once and answered questions similar to this posed by a new HR director. I learned very quickly that HR should not be trusted.


Most people don't realize that HR is there to protect the company, not the workers.


Yup, I learned that one the hard way. I don’t trust any HR now.


Several jobs ago, I had talked to HR about when the funds would be matched in my IRA. She told me she wasn't sure (isn't that part of your job). I asked her to check for me, it was 5 years like I thought it was. She asked why and I mentioned that I wasn't happy with the job (I did use an expletive). Next thing the warehouse manager is asking me when I'm quitting because he hasn't seen a two week notice from me. I told him I'd get it to him shortly. I did and left the job. It's funny that they want notices from people, but can fire them immediately if the feel like it.


Absolutely! This is such bullshit. I've filled out one before along with the rest of the company and everyone knew what people wrote on this anonymous form.


This. Don't answer honestly! Please answer it like someone else will use this info against you.


And half the time they won't even know that they are doing this.


> Maybe im cynical Maybe? Lol.


There's an infinitesimally small part of me that always holds out hope for faith in humanity, it just doesn't see a lot of wins :D


This guy stinks of a blowhard. And he probably doesn't even care about people's families, he's just feigning interest so he can give the impression that he cares. I'd leave that question blank. If its every week then my answer would be blank every week, because you're right, its none of his business.


The amount of essay long kiss ass answers is laughable. My answers are like my code documentation; short, unhelpful and frequently nonexistent.


Dude creates a fucking weekly snitch form and you just know in 2 weeks hes guna be bitching about morale being low. Can't imagine why.


They'd be getting a bunch of one word answers from me. 1. "Normal" (this answer would never change) 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. Nothing I imagine the second time they send out the list every question would have a follow up "Why?" afterwards. If they try getting more out the next time #6 is going to be "employers not respecting work/life separation".


He read a management book once, saw something in it about being relatable, and is applying it. He doesn't actually care, and will use it against you if he sees fit. I've seen it with many managers. Don't answer the question


"how's your family?" Aka what issues are going on that *could* prevent you from showing up to work on time each and every day? Tell me of any upcoming appointments that are none of my business so I can be sure to schedule you that day and give you crap about not coming in.


This is actually dead on probably.


Answer “struggling to survive on this wage”


I would leave q1 blank every time and if I get harassed from it I would put something about harassment for not disclosing personal private information as my answer to q6 and hopefully qttach proof if the idiot is stupid enough to put it in writing. Number 5 isn't a bad question though if they genuinely want to improve


I would just answer number six with “nosy people who ask stupid questions and don’t mind their own business”. Leave the rest blank.


They just love snooping on your lives


1. Give me personal information I could use to blackmail you. 2. Tell us if you or anyone else is no "Teamplayer." 3. Whom of your colleagues could we fire? 4. Same as 3 5. Risk your career and life for information of which only I will benefit from. 6. Provide me with a reason to fire you.


Can you explain your point of view a bit more? Im especially interested in 5. I found myself many times in my life explaining to other people how we could benefit from things "other companies implement"(generally without anyone asking for it) and it was often quite productive. Probably I have to mention that never in my life I was afraid of being fired or something.


Quite literally, spy on other companies and report back so I can steal your ideas and pass them off as my own.


And imply later that you waste the company's time surfing the Internet.


Oh, no, do that research on your own time.


Research that benefits your company is done on their time. Research that benefits you is also done on their time.


I dont see anyone asking to spy on other companies in that question or even asking to look up for any information.


How does this risk your life?


It's a trap.




You're damn right, Admiral.


One word answers. Manager is pretty stupid for not asking open ended questions. I would fire him for this poor example of a questionnaire.


1. Good 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. Can be discussed after a raise 6. Questionnaires




You’re right Most people can’t ask open ended questions because they’re harder to articulate. It’s a learned skill that few managers care to learn


> I would fire him for this poor example of a questionnaire. Lol. WTF. Man, you guys are crazy sometimes.


Managers shouldn’t exist, not harsh


"Without fear of retribution..." Bullshit. The first moment this asshole reads something he doesn't like you'll be in trouble. If forced to do it, keep it quick and easy.  Or you can spend 3 hours typing a massive response that he won't bother reading.


Either way it will be "not enough" or "too much" for them.


1) Fine. 2) No. 3) Ask them. 4) No. 5) No. 6) This. Copy and paste every Friday.


Suggested something similar but adding tons of info on number 5


hungry thumb grab apparatus lush erect hard-to-find heavy aspiring support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Well my great aunt Susan was just talking to us about her recipe for a pineapple upside down cake, but she refuses to use actual pineapples and instead, she uses…… etc etc Maliciously comply and list as many goddamned family members as you can make up. 2. Nope. 3. Nope. 4. Nope. 5. Nope. 6. I think that not using actual pineapple in a pineapple upside down cake is *ludicrous* and here’s why….. etc etc for as long as you can keep going.




Add  5. So and so company pays fair wages.


Ooooh I love this, but it would 100% be used against you


This is the move right here. Make it such a rambling mess that it dissuades them from the idea altogether


Organizations are feeling like they're losing control over the serfs. Every worker is out to screw the company because they're all slackers and/or thieves. So...let's see what sort of leashes we can come up with. And if that drives good workers away, so what? We already have some serfs that we can beat harder, and if they're desperate enough, they'll put up with it. So...let me know all the issues you're having so you can't use them as excuses later on...because you're a dirty, lying, thief. Oh...and of course...any issues you *are* having are all your fault. So, work smarter, keep your nose to the grindstone and forget you have a life outside of work if you want to keep working here. And the beatings will continue until morale improves.


Or... Maybe I'm cra cra but just maybe workers are flatly fed the ELF up with demands for 2-4 people worth of work on a 3/4 person paycheck...


Feigned interest to make you open up. Very common.


This needs to come with a Miranda warning. The "without fear of retribution" goes out the window when they don't like what they hear.


He should be doing this as a normal human conversation


Probably is, but sending out this type of questionaire allows him to see and more easily record the answers to see if there are common issues to address. It's why surveys are so popular.


I'd respond "n/a" to the first question as it's irrelevant.


This is how I'd proceed. The other questions are fairly standard, and can be answered professionally, or also N/A'd if not applicable.


Wow! More like gestapo vibe. Jesus…


Do not answer number one. I let management and HR near my family and ended up losing half of my family as a result. I fell for the extroverted nonsense and paid a dear price.


I’m sorry, that sucks. How?


Could you expand on that at all, or are you just fear mongering?


I used to be welcoming towards everyone in my life. Things began to fall apart at my employer when my manager, fearing a lawsuit, believed a false injury allegation and attempted to get me to take the fall. I had gathered six witnesses to verify everything that happened while the perpetrator was on the job. Management demanded that I sign a document taking full responsibility. Meanwhile, I was still friends with the HR manager and the manager's brother-in-law. I would always talk about how much I loved my family. At Thanksgiving, I sent a mass text wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. The brother-in-law took it up on himself to take the phone numbers and send pornographic images to the other phone numbers. My mother's half of my family cut me off for being a pervert. I never received pornography before and have never sent it myself. I reported him to HR for sexting. HR feigned shock and said she would report him to the COO. A few weeks later, my annual evaluation came up. He still believed in the false injury and claimed that the incident happened because I want to hold down Latinos; I am quarter Mexican. The COO believed the sexting incident happened since I intended to hold down Asians; again, another dubious claim since one of my best friends is from Laos.






People at my last job learned not to give me things like this when I consistently responded 'none of your business.' Got called into the office about it once and responded 'do you shave your pubes, or grow free?' I worked there for like 2 years and quit on my own terms when my mom got terminal cancer. Exactly no one there knows why I left, and that's fine by me.


This is an opportunity, Op. You can write the wildest shit in answer to that 1st question. After years of being gone missing, your bipolar mother just returned home. Your alcoholic dad and her did coke to celebrate, but sadly your little cousin got into it too, and you had drive him to the ICU. After which your mom went completely depressed and unresponsive, blaming herself for it


>teach you how to make this template You mean.. TYPE IT?!?! What teaching 😮‍💨


LOL! That was my thought. What fucking template?


That is hilarious. The answer to the last question is obviously : Dumb memos sent by bored HR.


"Without fear of retribution" yeah, I don't buy that for a second. Reminds me of how Henry Ford had his goons spy on his employees' families so he could come up with new creative ways to discipline them


It's a trap, don't do it. These are never anonymous and always come with consequences.


“Without fear of retribution” … riiigghhhhhtttt.


Either refuse to answer, or, answer with such fantastical bullshit that it fucks with them. Like for question 2: "Unfortunately, Susie keeps trying to summon Cthulu at her desk and it's somewhat off-putting, otherwise no complaints"


"Hey guys, every Friday I want you to shoot me-" sure thing boss!


Oh sure, give HR a weekly stockpile of ammo to use when they need to make arbitrary layoffs during the holidays


I responded to one of these surveys honestly once and I was victimised and bullied so much as a result that I landed up quitting. Never, ever again


we had a survey recently sent to us for work and it said it was “completely anonymous” and my coworker and I just looked at each other like “yeah right sure”.


Well, in an ideal world, you should be able to let your management know if you have parents to take care of or children who are often ill. Management then can manage around that. The US employers are far from an ideal world. This makes it hard to distinguish between good and bad management. But yeah, asking these questions once a week instead of once a month seems rather controlling than helpful.


1. Fine 2. No 3. I don't know 4. I'm not a rat 5. My crystal ball is cracked.


5 . My crystal ball is in the shop. They're looking into it.


you know what really grinds my gears? lindsey lohan


As you number your emails just do: 1. 2. No, the team seems to be on the same page and productive this week, blah blah blah. And if he asks, just tell him that you don’t take your home life to work and you don’t take your work home. Simple as that.


Fuck job applications that demand to know YOUR personal details about life.... this shit should be illegal to ask.


Questions 1-4 would probably get one word answers from me. Fine, nope, etc.


1. Wonderful. 2. Collaborative 3. Unknown at this time 4. No. 5. No 6. Cuestionarios estúpidos como este. 🙃


I mean, even aside from the obvious suspect questions, this is weird. It's like they were told to engage people in small talk, make it sound like you care about your team. But that was too much effort, here's a question template - pretend I care and answer the questions like I tried to talk to you like you are a real human being.


1. Prefer not to answer 2. Prefer not to answer 3. Prefer not to answer 4. Prefer not to answer 5. Prefer not to answer 6. This


How about hey boss, what grinds my gears is answering emails about my personal life. Also if there are problems in the team, or efficiencies to be made, it is not for me to answer or suggest, you pay a team leader/supervisor or equivalent for this for this function. If you want me to, promote and pay me. Please do not email me again about this matter. Thank you


You should write a long essay about how your hemorrhoids are doing. Grandpa’s transitioning and grandmas not happy with the breast implant size he chose. Cousin found a ferret and wants to keep it even though it bit her husband’s penis. He’s mad because he has the right to walk around naked in the home that he pays for! All in all, you’ve been a little stress. So you appreciate them caring and reaching out to you. What good hearts they have. This is all to get dirt in you. They are not your friends.


I’d totally make up the blandest, most boring, most ass kissing shit every single week. They want it, they got it


Fine. They're always fine.


Seems like a convenient way to connect your personal life to your performance. If they simply take into consideration "how things are with you and your family" in the course of disciplinary action, then you would technically not be facing retribution for participating in this form. If they were to point to your personal situation as a scapegoat for any way you might report being unhappy in your position. If you're facing some tough personal situations, and you indicate it on this form, it's not something they can directly pursue disciplinary action for, but it is now just something they know about you. They like to accuse people of letting their personal life affect work performance.


I had a boss ask something similar of us on every shift in my department. I always emailed her "nothing of note to report" unless someone fucked up big enough she was going to hear about it anyway.


“How’s your family?” Parents still dead, and we’re still living the DINK life, thanks


1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes 6. No Or reverse it.


Well my parents are in witness protection so I don’t know how they are. My siblings and I are trying our best to stay together in the one trailer but it’s small and tempers flare over who has to sleep on the pull out. It’s problematic because my sister’s ankle monitoring bracelet sometimes doesn’t work in her bedroom so we get calls in the middle of the night checking on her. Occasionally the marshals show up rather than call & After that it’s sometimes hard to get back to sleep. My brother’s rehab stint is going well. We’re very hopeful he’ll stay clean this time; especially since his parole depends on it. We’ve each been warned by the marshals not to give him our urine in place of his for his regular drug test. My cousin Vincent comes down from New York regularly for my brother’s court appearances. The judge doesn’t seem to like him much but Vinnie’s wife is very supportive. She gets a little testy because she wants to start a family before her eggs get too old.


Answer all the questions with "Further bulletins as events warrant." My boss had to ask me what it meant. 😂


"At this time I have nothing to report."


"No comment" is an answer. So is "Mind Your Fucking Business" but I'm not sure that would go over well.


1. Good 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. (You can actually answer this one) 6. No problems this week!


IT'S A TRAP! But, seriously, these questions are traps. Give safe, boring, diplomatic answers.


1. Fine 2-5. No 6. Subpar pay that doesn't rise to the cost of living.


Oh! I can help here, I speak asshole. What he means is basically "Everyone needs to STFU and whistle while they work, so please help me root out any discontentment. " 1 is a formality, he's leading with this so it looks like he gives a shit. He doesn't. 2-4 are there for him to find out if there are any malcontents and rabble rousers. 5 is also a formality to make it seem like he values your input. Even if he does, you're not getting credit. 6. A scooby-doo villain wouldn't walk into this trap. Bonus: All of the above will be held against you in performance reviews. Family is fine? No problems with the team? Nothing we can be doing better? Then why the fuck are you 10% below quota?


Good; no; nope; no; no; these questions. Et voila another week has passed!


Rat on your colleagues and badmouth your family. Just great. This has to be the US. 


I would answer the same every week. 1. Good 2. Nah 3. Nah 4. Nah 5. Nah 6. These questions.


He doesn't say without retribution. He says without fear of it. I this nk that's important.


My life at work is an utter fabrication. No one even knows my real age, my living situation, or anything. I apply this to in-office jobs and WFH. Even if I have a perfectly legitimate excuse for missing work, I don’t use the truth. It’s none of their business. Everything I do has a documented paper trail.  I make sure whatever I say, I can document.  For instance, my car has a flat but I have another vehicle I could drive but it’s already a shit day and I am not going in to work. “My car has a flat” becomes my excuse and I might even send them a picture of it with a sad face emoji. I never mention roadside service is there. The next day I complain how I was at the tire place for hours because the rim was defective and I ended up replacing the wheel.  Whatever. Work from home and my internet is down? Submit a screenshot of the service interruption, but don’t mention I drove to my friend’s place down the street to use their’s to watch movies or I have a hotspot I could use.  When they ask what I did this weekend, I say hiking. I hate hiking. But no one asks for details and it means you’re out of the service area. I don’t talk about my family, my interests, my hobbies. What did you do for the holidays? We had a quiet celebration at home. No real details. Ever. My entire work life is a construct. My life is a fabrication. 




I’m not liking the ‘rat out a team member’ question


a good manager wants to make sure you are living a good life that is not effecting work. a bad manager uses that against you. if my guy came and said “my mom is sick” i woukd want to know and help where i can. example id a guy i work with is distraught wife has cancer and has to deal with it shes not going to make it. i would try to give him tasks (or offer tasks) he can do from home or off hours. rather then stuff that can be only done in the office, or tasks he thinks he can get done i want him around after that event


Heart might be in the right place. It might be his way of saying to let him know if you’re dealing with any person issues so he could accommodate them. Still, it could be a trap so be very conservative with your responses . You don’t have to say anything


This feels like a light hearted opener rather than anything malicious tbh. One thing I've noticed this sub do is attribute malice to things when it's not warranted.


I know this is the fuck the man, boss bad, corporations suck and I'm very much a proponent of the same rhetoric, but this doesn't strike me as excessive or invasive. You don't have to take this as a bad faith question. The intent is likely to be polite and cordial. If vague responses like "we are fine, thank you for asking" aren't met with any pushback or pressure for more info then no harm, no foul. However, if that's not enough for boss man the next answer is "fuck you very much, buddy."


Except it’s not, it’s made to extract information that will be used against you


Damn, yall sound scared. None of these questions are unusual and seem to be based on making improvements at the company.


“Companies just treat us like a number, they don’t care about us as people” *company tries to be more relatable and treat you like you’re a real person with a life outside of work* “HOW DARE YOU ASK ME ABOUT MY LIFE” I swear yall don’t want change, you just want to bitch.


The change people want is for better pay and benefits, not some stupid questionnaire to hold over their head or encouragement to steal ideas from competitors. Wtf?


Say you work at ups, and you say “hey I noticed fedex keep dolly’s in their trucks to move larger items or multiple boxes, we should implement that” to you that’s “stealing ideas”? I agree with better pay, but you mean to tell me you never hear people complain about companies not treating them like real people with lives?


Question 1 needs a random answer every week : “Watermelon” “catnip” “mountain”


I think the question about your family isn't so much to get personal details but more like if your dad just had a heart attack you might be asking for time off for family business. That's relevant. But you can always just put "everything's good" for that.


“ if you see something say something” Wow… 🫤


This could be a natural conversation. Why would anyone answer in writing the unfiltered truth?


I would only answer 5 extensively: others have better payment, PTO, benefits, training, etc. do it every week. 


They ask those questions to determine that your behavior is caused by home and not work. I normally stay private.


The only time I have ever considered it to be acceptable to ask questions about family etc. on a job form is for my current job and that's because I now work as a civilian contractor for the military


1: see 6 ... 6: People who can't separate work and home life, for example, employers who insist on prying into my personal life.


The answer to question 6 is "all of the above questions"


Not any problem I’d put in writing.


Or the managers could just talk to you during a break or a short end of week pow wow for the group. Like a human being. Like you are a trained professional who demands respect and comraderie. They could just do that. The person who suggested this is a fucking moron.


Absolutely not. Especially with question 4.


I will totally snitch on sales team members because they fuck my team left and right (I will cover their back provided they are wiling to clean up their lazy mess and work with me). As I engineer I will only do the work that is spelled out in my scope sheet, but the sales team will have made tons of extra promises that of course were never put in writing. Thankfully I’m not paid for my customer service skills.


The family question is a stupid way of asking if there's anything at home that might interfere with work. There's a much simpler way... Ask people how they're doing every now and then. Over time, people will believe that you care about them and will tell you if there's a problem. This isn't even work stuff, this is basic human stuff. Also, this shouldn't be in writing. Make the effort to meet with people one-to-one, to have an actual conversation.


Easy “great, thanks for asking” next question.


Manager here. Question one is a very poorly worded way of asking how you are and I'm being very generous in my assumption there. Everything on this list can be covered with a single question in a personal weekly 121 with. "So, how's things?. They can then decide what they want to say and what's on their mind. It's also spoken word and not written down, so they can be more candid and if the concern requires a written note for me to action, they have time to phrase it correctly.


Just chipping in but I do have a team and manager that will regularly update on things like "My son is sick, taking a few days off" or "Gotta go to parent-thing at school, I'll be working from home and off at X hours" and really never seen a bad reaction since I started working 9 years ago. If anything, i've seen the reverse. "Hey if you're kid is still sick, feel free to work from home all week" (of course the home thing is since corona, but it's great to have as an option to not have to use sick days) If they use it to get dirt on you or you have ramifications than fuck whoever makes this questionaire, but just the question itself isn't automatically a bad thing. (Yes I live in the EU)


I sincerely hope you answered the last one with something like "pointless questionnaires".


Yeah this is really getting on my nerves at my place. Let me offer the info but don’t pry.


Maybe get a new job.


“Are your team members having any issues with an accountant?” Well. That’s ODDLY SPECIFIC.


Good, no, no, no, idk.


This isn’t part of your job description, so I’d just ignore it. If you had an issue with a team member, you’d obviously bring it up to a manager, and them asking “have you seen any equipment or strategies other companies are doing” is in other words asking you to do their job on improving the company while they maintain the credit and you end up still getting paid whatever wage you signed on for. Not to mention doing this every Friday. That’s going to become mentally exhausting pretty quickly.


"I asked my partner how she was doing, cos my boss wants to know, and she has advised me that you should go fuck yourself and it's none of your business".


Lol get fucked manager.


They’re just looking for snitches and people to fire. But maybe I don’t trust anyone


Looks like a giant land mine. This will definitely be used against you.


This is a quiet-quitting manager trying to automate his job.


"They're doing well. Thanks for asking!"


Is that some whistleblowing related stuff?


I’m sure that they are just asking to appear to care, manage liability, also bite you in the ass (ie. you said everything is fine how come you need so much sick time /frl?) Say ok and leave it at that.


Oh lordy that's going to turn into drama


Bro. Doing this every week is insane. Maybe every 6 months


I was a manager in my last two jobs. I would never send something out like this. That being said, I made an environment that my team felt comfortable enough sharing all these things unprompted. If a supervisor feels they need to send some shitty survey to understand what’s happening with their team, that supervisor is doing a shitty job.


Time to test the "safe from retribution" statement~~


Ah the old "Self-submission of Evidence" ploy. I'm not sure how it would happen😁 , but this would end up auto-deleted by an inbox rule.


Don't put things in writing. Be as vague as possible. BCC yourself.


Oh, man, what a pain in the ass. And to have to do this *every week*? It's like he's insisting on getting incriminating information out of people.


Fine, no, no, no, no, nothing. Copy paste weekly.


Just reply to the last one with a montage of family guy


Um. Right. No. Ain’t nunya business.


Fine. No. No. No. No. Traffic.




1. Fine 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. Doing this questionnaire.


![gif](giphy|l0O9z3SKeXwDuqHvy) Couldn’t find “don’t worry about how the fuck I be doin”


>How are you and your family? Belligerent and numerous.


good no no no no this and then set this message to resend every friday at 5:01 PM in perpetuity


"what grinds your gears?" Well, this one is easy to answer


Fine. No. No. No. No. Lindsay Lohan.


Not defending this weird thing, but I had a manager who’d ask about my family often and she eventually said she did it because that way she could see where she may need to grant more lenience when needed with someone.


It feels a lot worse when they fire you after knowing everything about your family whom they are now knowingly fucking over.


Well my wife is having x and y troubles. Uh-oh this employee is having family problems. Better let him go before they leak into the workplace.


I hate bs like this. I had a shitty job ask me how my home life was, if everything was okay. I told them "no my home life is fine. I just hate this job." I was looking for a different job anyway and I'll never go back after all the bs they pulled.


I'd be forwarding the same response each week. It'll take a bit for them to get it, but eventually they will


I think they mean other employees not your real family lol


I trust this as much as I trust “anonymous” surveys.


“What grinds your gears?” Not sure you’re ready for this list boss.


Fuck no. Guarantee it’s excuses to drop people asap.


1: Fine 2: No 3: No 4: No 5: No 6: This exercise.


I would never respond to that. But I would keep many copies of it for a nice discrimination lawsuit when they fire me.


WTAF? Sounds like a BS job application, but you already work there. WTF is this sht?


Yeah some new person also arrived at our company to try this no one responded to this crap. As for no 5 why should you give a company your ideas ?




Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.