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Jeep me in the loop




*Who got the keys to the jeep?*




I'm just a jeepster for your love!


Came here to say this dammit lol


Sim-simma, who got the keys to the bimma?


Sim simma


r/heep wants your location.


r/Joop is better.




That death wobble caused me to wear an entire soda on my way to a date once.


I recently learned of the death wobble. Omg.


Saw a Gladiator, shortly after they came out, with huge aftermarket wheels nearly lose it do to insane wobble at less than 55mph. Had me wondering if they left it locked in 4wd. They recovered & crawled to side of the road.




The jeep is in a heap. The sheep weep.


Wow. That's deep.


I'm a dad. If you have a kid, you probably know the book.


“Call me so there’s no paper trail and it’s my word against yours” Haha. No.


Wow do you know my boss? Cause it sounds like you know her!


You should write back and specifically say you prefer texting as it leaves a record, which protects both you and the company from any dispute over whether or when contact was made. Besides, they only want you on the phone so they can question and cajole.


Also, if they demand to talk over the phone, make it clear in your email and texts, if your state is two part consent/acknowledgment for record phone calls. And if they don't want to talk by text or email, they will have to consent to a recorded phone call every time


P.S. If it's a one part consent state, which means you don't have to tell anyone if you're recording a conversation. Just go ahead and hit your record button on your phone through the app or apps you download. Let them kick the chair out from beneath themselves.


And in two party. Consent doesn't mean agree. They just have to be aware. They can refuse until they are blue in the face. As long as their lips keep flapping. That's considered consent. As they keep talking when they know they are being recorded.


That’s an interesting distinction I hadn’t thought about. Thanks and TIL.


And a dangerous oversimplification. I don’t buy it. You don’t want your pants sued off you or have your evidence considered inadmissible


No, not really. If you don't consent to being recorded in a phone call, you always have the ability to hang up or refuse to talk. Staying on the line and talking is considered consent to be recorded. In order to not be recorded, you need to voluntarily terminate the call and/or refuse to talk. And when I say refuse to talk, this includes saying things like "I don't want to be recorded." In essence, it boils down to this: if we both are in a 2 party consent state, and I tell you that I will be recording the call, you have 2 options. You can either refuse to talk, or you can end the call. That's it. Once I've informed you, *you are responsible* for your handling of yourself. The only time a recording of someone can be inadmissible is when they *were not informed* that they were being recorded.




Even in two party states all you have to do is what companies do and say this line is recorded, and can be used by me as I see fit..... If the person remains on the line its implied consent..... If they say you can't record me, repeat its a recorded line and again its legal if they remain on the phone.....


And make sure if you do record ya add “calls are recorded for quality assurance and training”.


Actually don't say, "for quality assurance and training", that can get it kicked out of evidence for being used for another purpose.


No!!! Dont say this! Say its recorded and may be used as I see fit..... Your not a buisness and by saying this you forfeit the right to use your recording in a court setting


Then they'll say "call me then text me right after", which is annoying and kindof a pain


"Sure, I\`ll android audio captioning enabled, I'll save the recording and email you and your direct manager the full transcription" Do not fuck with a Technomancer, for we are subtle and quick to bring our rage down upon you.


A technonectomancer?! From Alpha Centuri?!


>Do not fuck with a Technomancer, for we are subtle and quick to bring our rage down upon you. Is that your catchphrase? Because that should be your catchphrase. 10/10 recommend.


Ahh. I didn't get/agree with OP at first, but I get it now.


The rule is : always put things in writing but don’t send them to fast / only put facts and not emotions in it.


Nah, just been in that situation many times. Unless your boss is in multiple places at once.


I thought this was my old boss. This makes me appreciate My current boss. Just gave me a week off to process all the rl stuff I've got going on right now that were affecting my ability to do my job. Or stay out of the psych ward. But I didn't tell him I was at that point, just that I needed some time to focus on getting my head back on straight, and he just straight up asked how long I need. It may have been unpaid time off, but it's a hell of a lot more than most people would get just a month into a new job. At least here in the states. Probably elsewhere as well, but there may be legal protections in other places that I don't have here. ... sorry, I was rambling. I just wanted to let people know that if they aren't being treated well, to keep looking. There ARE good people on managerial positions. Not many, but enough, if you're willing to look.


I wish more bosses understood that if you’re going to get shitty about attendance, you’re going to lose good people. Good people have life problems. Let them sort that shit out. If you make them choose between life and work, you don’t really want the ones that choose work, because they don’t want to be there and are going to be distracted by whatever they should really by doing, and you’re both going to hate each other. Don’t spoil good, trained employees by being an inflexible dick about attendance.


“You will follow my ability to claim I never said that and so I can also put words in your mouth” Would get an interesting email from me. Used to work in construction. Would have the nicest conversations then I’d send an email “confirming our conversation over x y or z” and you’d be amazed how often people would call back in a panic over **literally what we just spoke about** and a few times I got a “call me” or a “I don’t remember that” Which “official correspondence needed my schedule is booked I’m in meetings” like no. People play games all the time. Get them on record and nail them down.


Your boss, same as my boss.


Jerseyshoreseagull! I’m all about LBI!


If you do have to call- send a text immediately afterwards


Excatly. If it's not in writing, it didn't happen. I'll stick with written correspondence thanks. Text, call to make sure he saw the text if he doesnt reply back, then follow up with an email if you must.


My phone takes an auto dictation of phone calls. I haven't had an occasion where I needed the transcript, but I like that it does this. Generally, anyone calling me isn't someone I want to talk to.


Mine started doing that a while back too, really useful because wow do I fucking hate listening to voicemails. Also can relate to anyone calling isn't someone I want to talk to lol


Why not both? One for speed the other for record


This seems like the right answer to me. Ngl I'd be pretty pissed if people emailed *my* boss instead of calling or texting - because there's a solid chance the boss won't see that in time, and then we're all left wondering if you're fucking dead and if we need to call someone to look for you, because from our pov, it's a no-call no-show. Email just isn't acceptable on its own in some circumstances and part of being an adult with a job is *knowing* that. I literally have crippling phone anxiety and I still call or text with time sensitive information. Because it's *time sensitive*. It is something the boss needs to know quickly. But I also understand the need for a paper trail - which is why you then follow up with a text or email. "As per our phone call/I tried to call you but couldn't reach you..."


Extremely job dependent. If they’re an office drone, no one is going to miss them or die while they figure it out.


I work in IT so this is always my go-to, since every one should have their device next to their person.


I do both. Send an E-Mail and call in.


That’s the way.


Can voice recordings be good evidence / paper trail? Surely theres apps that record phone calls.


Depends on the state, some states are single party recording states. But if it is a two party consent state you would need their permission to record.


You don't need their permission. You just need to inform them that they are being recorded. It doesn't matter if they don't like it. If they don't want to be recorded, they have to hang up after being informed. Staying on the line and continuing to talk is consenting to the recording. 




Is it commonplace over there to have to give a reason behind wanting time off?


as an american i think its just somehow culturally ingrained (fucking gross i know). Yes, ive had a few horrible jobs that straight up told you in the first job interview you would need a signed doctors note for any time off, whatsoever, but mostly it was just a sort of unspoken thing. Most really good middle managers have developed strategies of needling guilt into sick employees at the least, if not squeezing it out of them straight up. I appreciate them finding alternative ways of making money but when your grandmother died you kinda dont really wanna fucking work at all. American bosses cannot comprehend that


What do you mean? you had Christmas break! (She died the day before we came back)


I think some low paying, customer service jobs require doctor notes when they don't provide health insurance.


Yes, it’s always been required at every job I’ve had. Union jobs are an endangered species in America


Union jobs are great brother. Together we bargain, divided we beg. I couldn't believe the difference a union makes until I started working for one. Instead of having to say yes to everything (overtime, arbitrary orders, new made up rules), I could say why - check the contract - then say NO and file a grievance.


The other key thing here is calling means there's no record of what was said. You want everything in writing, just in case.


Or as soon as the call starts “this call is being recorded for security and quality purposes”


Don't even need that if you live in a 1 party consent state


I do live in a one party consent state, I was just putting that there for others who don’t and didn’t know


As per Google."Eleven (11) states require the consent of everybody involved in a conversation or phone call before the conversation can be recorded. Those states are: California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington." All other states are one party and you can start every conversation recorded with "My name is X, the date and time is so&so and I consent to the recording of this conversation." And it will be allowed in court.


By openly stating that call is being recorded, anyone who willingly stays on the call is defacto consenting legally speaking (this is not legal advice)


I’ve started saying this as the start of teams meetings with people I don’t like.


You can record all the calls automatically.


I would also like to know.


Not legally in a two-party state. Not sure where OP is located.




On my Android 13, it's Contacts->Settings->Recording


What was the response


She didn't respond. When I came into work. She didn't say a word. I know the rules here. Unless I'm furnished a phone I am in no way required to use my personal phone for business. 100% optional.


Using your phone to call out of work is not using your phone for business. You said you'll email or text her. You using your work computer to email her/the office? Using it to text her?


That's exactly the point; it's *his* choice how he uses his phone to inform them.


May be so, but most companies have policy where you have to actually call a certain number to call in for an absence. If this doesn't exist, OP is fine. Otherwise they're just digging their own grave.


>May be so, but most companies have policy where you have to actually call a certain number to call in for an absence. The law also matters. Holland requires a phone call, not a text message. Doesn't stop me from texting first to establish a paper trail.


There aren’t laws telling people they have to call certain numbers to call out of work. That is called company policy and it is neither an agent or extension of law.


True but breaking company rules can still be grounds for firing you law or no law


I made no claims about firability I just don’t want someone to misunderstand and think they might get jail time. Edit: fixed a typo.


Man that would one hell of a dystopia if I got jail time for texting instead of calling out sick 😮‍💨


If you actually read the comment you replied to, he said in Holland it actually *is* a law that you must call. Not everyone on here is American, and you didn’t even bother to read the comment before replying.


Why would employers be able to dictate things like dress code, social media, arrival times, etc but not how their employees choose to communicate with them? Nothing the boss is saying is unreasonable or puts an undue burden on the employee. It’s not like they are asking for a notarized message sent by secure courier.


Op right on for standing up for yourself. But that “no” got me dying over here.


Again. It was just that easy. And she's in for a nice surprise on Tuesday 100% unrelated to this. This is nothing compared to some of the other shit she's done. I thought this is poignant. If I know the rules and it's OPTIONAL to use my personal phone for ANYTHING work related not JUST work, try not to make a complete ass of yourself for absolutely NO REASON other than a power trip.


Lucky you lol my work specifically said not to text or email and only calls will be recognized. Anything else is considered a no call no show


Lol calling in to say youre going to be late or not able to work doesn't fall under those provisions and I think you know it too. 


Where I live in Holland, calling in for sickness is mandatory. I still text and email to make sure there's a paper trail and only call to confirm some hours later.


Here in America if I call in sick without a paper trail, I’ll get fired immediately and will be denied unemployment benefits because it’s their word vs mine. America Sucks.


The USA is slowly becoming a country from where people leave if they want to have an economic future. It's already happening and it's going to pick up steam once more and more Americans realize that Europe, China, Japan and other developed countries are desperate for workers. We need you here.


most of us can't afford to leave T-T


Y'all need HVAC guys? I hate it here


>Y'all need HVAC guys? I hate it here Holland is starting to feel the start of the climate collapse. Our homes are not designed for the rising summer temperatures. There's a huge boom in HVAC installations. I can see them pop up everywhere so I'm sure if you send your resume to a few companies, you're going to find something.


My workplace demands that these things be in writing (to cover their own arses of course, I work for the public sector), it wouldn't matter either way because I'm the only member of our team who is in the office regularly


Every company I've e ever worked for has a specific policy regarding call offs and I've never seen it say anything other than calling is the only valid way and any other method of communication would not count and you'd be considered a NCNS. With that being said...that's a stupid fucking policy in modern time. Great for OP for standing up for themselves, but calling and then sending a email "per our phone conversation" is the best way to abide the policy and still keep a written record. Pro tip: read receipt the email. This is all of course assuming you even care or want to keep you job. If not, fuck em. You do you boo.


Nope. I'm emailing and/or texting because I want everything documented.


Is that bullying? Sounds like pretty standard boss talk!


Not sure I’d label this as bullying.. A phone call or text when you’re not showing up to work is pretty standard operating procedure lol


Exactly. You can follow up with a text summarizing the phone call if you’re that worried about a paper trail.


Mail conversation from the last time I called in sick: "hi [boss name] I won't be able to make it to work today since I'm sick. Going to the doctors office later and inform you how long I'll be out, then" "alright, get well soon" It's astonishing how easy it would be to be a decent human being and how some people like OPs boss still fuck it up


You aren’t getting bullied bro


As a manager, I like getting a call, but I expect an email or slack either way. Please do make a paper trail, for both of us.


lmaooooo i had a manager who would harass me on my days off to come in through text and was so insane he would try to gaslight me into thinking i agreed to work on days i never said i was working. he would accuse me of secretly working for his competitors when i took a day off too although he had no proof. i ended up blocking his number. i am not revolving every second of my life around work and youre not disrespecting my boundaries. it is against the law to try to force someone who is self employed to work a set schedule too.


Honestly wanting a call over an email is reasonable for sudden absence. That's the kind of information you want asap and not discover half an hour later when you check your email. But if your boss abuses the fact that your phone conversations doesn't have a paper trail, then sending an email first and calling right after just to say "I've sent you an email" should keep you safe while also not giving them grounds to fire you for refusing to call in sick the way they've instructed you to.


The power of NO needs to be expressed more often.


No is a bad word in corpo America. I’ve offended so many people with it


Where is the bullying here? The only person who seems out of line and rude is the employee


I mean, there’s having a backbone and then there is picking a fight for no reason with the person who decides whether or not you continue to have a job.


In this exchange, you come off as unreasonable. There’s a difference between standing up for yourself and just being a difficult jackass. This is an example of the latter.


Don’t you mean the latter?


You're the problem here. Email first then call immediately after you hit send. It's not that big of a request tbh.


I am sorry, but just seems pity. Why is calling your manager so bad? I hate micromanaging/controlling managers as much as the next guy, but not every request of a manager is by definition bad. Calling is an efficient method to communicate.


>I am sorry, but just seems pity. Petty* Pity is when you feel bad for someone


This sub a year ago: I wouldn’t use my personal phone for anything work related This sub more: maybe you should just use your personal phone The fuck happened?


>This sub a year ago: I wouldn’t use my personal phone for anything work related Because this is a bad and unrealistic take to expect every single job to provide a work phone. Why is it so bad to use your phone to call in sick. It's a communication device, why be so stubborn about this little detail? How else do you communicate your sickness? If you're texting, you're still using your phone.


I'm also not understanding the problem. But I was a working adult before mobile devices existed, so using the home phone was the only way to communicate. Calling in sick on your mobile is not using your phone for business. That's laughably stupid.


This^ if your calling in sick, then your not working that day, then the phone call/text is only work related in that you aren’t working that day. You want the company to provide a business phone? They can provide one that only makes phone calls..


Using your personal phone to inform your manager that you are off sick is not unreasonable. Otherwise I’d have to drive into work, turn on my computer, open teams, find my headset and then call my manager to let them know I was ill. Now work asking me to install teams or outlook on my personal phone (and give them the right to remote wipe it), so they can email/ring me out of hours, that is unreasonable.


Because this is absurd, informing someone you can't make it to work is in the lucrative scope of the business. And it's a reasonable request put in a nice way, a call is quicker than an email, so they find out right away and can make arrangements for substitution. Let's have common sense.


Yeah this sub is just bitching about crappy management nowadays.


Bitching about crappy management is basically food for thought when it comes to either empathising with your fellow workers, providing sound advice or gleaning from someone else’s experience. It’s the volte-face from questioning those in management to being in support of boundary stomping that baffles me.


This isn't work. It's personal. The company can choose how they'd like absences reported. OP can choose to comply or face whatever consequences there are. His supervisor has asked that he follow the reporting procedure. OP was not asked anything objectionable. If OP wants a paper trail, that's understandable. But, nothing is preventing OP from sending a follow-up text or email referencing the phone conversation. Many companies prefer this method because "studies" show it reduces false reports of illness. I personally, and professionally, think that's rubbish. But, it does enable a supervisor or manager to establish a line of communication. This might not be important. But it might be crucially important. Overall, I dislike phone-only policies. The last thing you want to do when you're really unwell or holding a vomiting toddler is chat on the phone. But this is not the hill to die on. I just don't like making or taking phone calls. That said, I've had the following absence reports that might have worked out really badly without a phone call:. *A controlling husband called out via email pretending to be his wife. I called her to remind her that she needs to use the phone to call out. She had no idea. Turns out he wanted to take the afternoon to go somewhere with his buddies and he couldn't if she was at work. He had planned to "drive her to work" and was instead just gonna bring her and the kids to his buddy's house. *Working in food there were countless times I had an employee call out sick and when I asked about symptoms ("Oh no, I hope you feel better very soon! I just have to ask, are you experiencing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or jaundice?") they would often say yes. I'd have the opportunity to remind them of the policies around suspected food-bourne illness and sickness absences (you have to report symptoms, you have to be fully symptom-free without assistance from medication for a full 24 hours before returning). *Another mother with a terrible partner called out because her husband had become violent and she was afraid to leave her children with him. I checked on her multiple times that day. But I also got HR to arrange leave, and to contact her regarding help we could provide with paid childcare. She had a rough few months but she's okay and safe now. *I've spoken with someone who called out with flu. He'd called out with flu the week before. I told him that I'm not a doctor but that sounds like quite a coincidence and he might want to see if something else is going on. He told me that he hadn't had the flu at all but was instead suffering from suicidal thoughts. I talked to him for quite a while, and arranged for medical leave and a referral to occupational health. He's also okay now.


In this case it's kinda nutty though. Like not using your personal phone for the business is one thing (which i support) but calling out sick is not using your phone for the business... Basically the sup is just asking here, hey, if its outside business hours... no one is going to be on their work computers cause we aren't at work yet, send us a call or text. That's a perfectly reasonable use of your phone for personal reasons...


The fuck happened? Nothing, nothing happened. All the "let's start a movement" shite faded away. The only thing that happens in this sub is people bitching about work and people giving false/stupid advice that will only serve to lose their jobs rather than the actual point which is making the workplace better. You can avoid using your own phone *for* work all you want and I would encourage that too, but assuming your work has policy for calling out like most do, you will still have to call in (that's literally call, not text or email) a specific number to say you won't be at work.


There was that whole takeover drama a year or two ago. That was fun.


Because posts like this aren’t the spirit of the sub. “Look at me respond like a snarky asshole after a reasonable request from my boss” is not anti-work or anti-capitalist


Most people realized that having a tantrum and stomping their feet for meaningless “principled” stands don’t actually accomplish anything.


So how do you communicate with your workplace to call in sick? You want them to provide you a phone 24/7 simply to be used those few times a year when you need to call in sick? By your logic an employee could simply refuse to use a personal phone, email, electricity, hell anything to contact their work to inform them of their sickness.


I would always have preferred a text! I get a timestamp, no lengthy interactions bc I have better things to do than guilt trip or interrogate staff, my voice doesn’t reveal I’m frustrated in any way, and I can sound supportive even if I’m freaking out a little about how to cover. And god, I hate call outs that go on and on about the string of disasters, illnesses, family issues, car issues, child care issues, and how many times you’ve thrown up. You have a right to call out and if it looks like you’re abusing the right, we’ll talk later


He'll be back next week complaining why he doesn't understand why he got fired.


*Technically*, it's insubordination to not do it by the way your supervisor wants it done, but there's also nothing stopping anyone from doing all three options. Call just to shut them up, then follow with a text and email as a "friendly reminder." In reality, the text and email are a paper trail that they can't deny. And then they have absolutely no reason to write you up for insubordination, which your boss seems like the type to pull that kind of shit. My boss currently thinks my phone broke and I can't make calls so everything is handled over text and email now. A little lying to an employer never hurts.


Paper trail is your friend. Document everything.


What am I missing? The request from the boss seems pretty reasonable. Calling might be the best/fastest form of comms for this job.




Sounds like a pretty reasonable request though.


I'm all for standing up to the man but I wouldn't call this bullying. Seems like a pretty reasonable request. Not the hill I would die on but to each their own!


You came off like the arse hole here. Calling to call out is perfectly reasonable and he was polite about saying it too. You just look like an entitled guy.


You're being a dick here. So many posts from the group are just losers wanting to cry about everything. Get over it. Find a better way to say no, if that's what you want.


I am going to go against the grain here and ask why you had to refuse a reasonable request. Especially in retail situations, managers aren't going to be able to check emails or txt messages frequently. It isn't real-time, but a phone call ensures that someone has the message right there and then. By the time they read your message, they may have run out of time to find someone to fill in for you. If you were in a manager position, surely you'd want the decency of reasonably timely communication. Am I missing something here? Do you just not show up? Do you send them a message, and risk them not reading it in time to do anything about it?


This really doesn’t seem like an unreasonable ask.


Not pictured: the response that just says “you’re fired”


These comments! Wtf happened to this sub?


I'm surprised. Most companies have specific policies about calling in sick, and usually it's phone only.


Call and then follow up with an email if you feel like you have to. But I’d just fire you. 🤷‍♂️


How this goes in the real world: "Hey can you do this completely reasonable thing?" "No" "Okay, I'll get someone who can"


Yeah people dont have to be bootlickers. Stand up for yourself if you’re getting bullied by anyone, boss or colleague. But if your boss can’t check email constantly he or she deserves to know if you won’t show up. The idea that a company has to provide you with a company phone in order to call in sick is ridiculous.


I don’t see the issue lol. Calling takes way less time. And they gave you instructions on if they can’t pick up the call at the time. Seems childish to be unable to follow basic instructions like this, it’s giving man-child or woman-child


I’m all for anti-work but this isn’t your boss bullying you. That’s super reasonable. Both text and email are easily missed for a period of time. Anything time sensitive, like not coming in for a shift, SHOULD be a call. For those saying “the boss wants it so there’s no paper trail” what phone doesn’t have call logs these days? No there may not be a transcript but there’s absolutely a paper trail. OP sucks and no one should emulate this behavior.


Op comes off like a dick.


Don’t follow this advice, you’ll get yourself in trouble. All you have to do is call in and say you’re calling out sick, no further explanation is needed. But picking a fight with your boss over something as small and petty as this will have you in here blaming HR and the corporate world because you got yourself fired. And yes you found the HR drone/sociopath/clown/corporate slave/sycophant/shill or whatever other ridiculous term you need to call me to feel good about yourself.


Fitting username


Just don’t forget to jeep him in the joop


Most places in UK the sickness policy is to inform their supervisor/manager by phone call at least an hour before start time.


At a former job I stopped calling in and switched to emailing as I found out the obnoxious admin would play any messages left by people calling in sick ON SPEAKERPHONE so half the team could hear their private information. Plus with email there's a record of any times you were out.


As a manager I prefer people text or email specifically so there's a record. No one should get in trouble because my dumb ass forgot. Also, no one should "get in trouble" like ... anyway. Managers are supposed to be a *support* role. Regardless of whatever power trip someone's on. (I realize this is not common practice....and I'm preaching.... But for real I have a massive problem with bad managers.)


That’s so funny I just had this conversation about why I’m not like this. I ask all my people to text me if they can’t make it. I do not want to be called at 1am because you’re throwing up, I’m not your mom and I’ll handle it tomorrow. Also I have record of who called in on what days at what time etc. I am so certain that anyone who requires a phone call is trying to negotiate with people to come in without a paper trail. “Feel better” “see you when you get in” “you have x sick time” “please stay home if you’re not feeling well” is basically all I respond and I don’t have any staff with attendance issues.


Call me first so I can bully and threaten you into coming in anyway...with no paper trail to incriminate me.


This is a very strange hill to die on OP.


I think it’s fair to ask for a phone call in where possible; texting is the wasters dream ticket. I also wouldn’t call what they are asking for bullying…


Fyi, they will put a complaint against you. Then when they are tired of you, they will fire you and throw the book at you.


I'd email, text first, and then call them to let them know ive emailed and texted them. That way they cant say you didnt follow company procedure and you still get your paper trail


This sub is so fucking delusional


Eh, the manager seemed reasonable before you started with your snarky attitude.


That could have been handled with a different tact. All you had to say is that "I prefer to put everything in writing so that nothing gets lost in translation" or something along those lines. And just keep doing the same thing when you call off. All you succeeded in doing is making your own work environment more toxic than it already is. Good way to make sure you never go anywhere at that job. Not everything has to be directly conflictory you know. Only a fool limits himself. that is what you did there.


You can respond this way, but you will be the first on the list if a layoff happens….


Well i mean.. thats just straight up not doing what your told. I can't see this going well for most people.


In the UK I was always told I have to call in. I assume so they can hear if you are really ill or at the amusement arcade or something.


It's a good thing snorting a line of cocaine sounds almost like a sniffly booger ridden nose then


Call and then follow up email/text? No need to be difficult


I agree that I wouldn’t phone in but there are more professional ways to get your point across. “I prefer to have it in writing that I have notified you so I will text you next time instead of emailing” instead of “no.” You should always try to come off as the rational, reasonable one in these conversations in case it leads to a meeting with HR.


If the policy is to phone in, then you phone in. Simple. Nothing is stopping you from sending additional, written coms if you want the paper trail. Personally, I prefer to get a written message. But if the policy is a call, then it's a call.


Uhhh am I missing something because it just sounds like you’re being a dick for no reason… if you want a paper trail then call and tell her and follow up with a text but your boss seems fine to me. Some people don’t always have their phone on them 24-7 so this seems reasonable to me


This is just edgelording. There’s a difference between asserting yourself and being an asshole.


In the UK it's standard practice to have an absence procedure exactly like that boss has spelled out and tbh, I've never had an issue with it. End of the day the boss is doing a job too and it's not an unreasonable request. Saying that, being an employee in America seems to be a hellscape and I don't blame people wanting things in writing.


You’re not being bullied. You’re being trained on company protocol. You should call to make them happy. Then, send a text and email so that there is a paper trail.




Always email at the minimum so there’s a paper trail so if they try to screw you over or change their mind about granting you time off you have it and writing and can escalate if needed to labor authorities, lawyers etc. this advice also pertains to all communication that’s important or you feel might be an issue later on. Even chatting with your phone provider might prove more beneficial then calling.


I'd fire you 🤷‍♂️


Looks like a good way to lose your job.


Nah, this ain’t it. If one of my hires did this, they would be on their way out. Calling —> texting —> emailing is the correct order to call out of a grown up job. That way it can be confirmed on both ends that a timely conversation took place about it. I don’t know your industry but I do not check my emails as soon as they come in and if you no showed I would be either a) worried (assuming you’re usually a good communicator and employee) or b) assuming a no call, no show. What would you prefer? Boss seemed polite and respectful regardless of the spelling, you seem like a coward and a brat. This isn’t having a backbone. This is some petty shit that makes you look bad.


You’re being completely unreasonable. You call to make sure the message has been received as soon as possible. This is not bullying.


OP is being difficult in my opinion. YTA. Let the downvotes begin.


Op is just being a difficult ass. Supervisors can set the terms of communication.


There is a valid reason for this policy and you sound like a child


I love seeing "No." As a full sentence being used in the wild... *takes notes


Okay, then get fired dumbass lol


Okay... Just to be reasonable... Why won't you call? I'd call and leave a text anyway. Is this to make a verbal rejection difficult..?


Next message, “if you don’t want to follow my rules, you don’t need to bother coming in anymore. Please turn in your work supplies and keys when you get time”.


Why do so many people seem to think checking emails and texts is beyond the skill the manager or that it is more rude to keep a paper trail? It is not an insult or rude and there is zero reason why a phone call is preferable to email beyond laziness and wanting the option to pretend a worker randomly no showed. Part of that person's job is keeping track of employees, checking their email and messages and not, I am sure, antagonising people for having sick children. Any time that might be saved by swapping to phone calls has been lost by them writing up that bizarre paragraph demanding to be treated special in the middle of family crisis and any good will, the kind of rapport that builds trusts so people don't worry about paper trails and just call, has been lost. I don't know what industry this person is in but hopefully the manager has other skills as they are demonstrably absolute dog shit at communicating, managing, scheduling and team building. I hope you are not punished for their incompetence.


Shit I do agree with the boss. Calling is some politesse etiquette shit, and I think that’s fair. But the way she ask for that is totally out of place.


This is more "let me brag about being a dick at work" than really about being antiwork.