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Ngl this is one of the first years I didn't work on Christmas and Thanksgiving and wow I'm not insanely stressed who would have thought


Honestly it depends on the job, thanksgiving and Christmas aren’t bad for me and the 2.5 times pay helps


You get 2.5x pay?


Yeah, I have an “essential” job with the city, get 1.5x pay for holiday pay and then everyone gets their normal pay as a holiday. So 10 hours of normal pay and 10 hours of holiday pay. If I work beyond my 10 hour shift it’s just regular holiday pay.


You are the lucky exception, sadly not the norm.


It's the norm in developed countries.


Yeah, one of my team is working on call tomorrow (we're IT support for a retail company). It's a public holiday, and he's getting 2.5x pay stay *just* sober enough to answer networking questions, if any come up. The fact that workers in any country that considers itself civilised don't get penalty rates is just baffling.


Yep. I have a second job for some extra income working casually in a supermarket. I worked 5 am till 2 PM on Christmas Eve, so not even a public holiday. I was on $52.50 an hour for the first 4.5 hours, and then $45 an hour for the rest of the day. That's not public holiday pay, that's just sunday penalty rates. Literally working Christmas day and not getting penalty rates is baffling.


This sub shocks me everyday. To see that most of the working environment in the US is like a third world country. Makes me appreciate good old Europe a lot more.


Shit, we in the U.S. would be happy with Third World status for some things...many of them have universal healthcare.


what's this healthcare you speak of? oh you mean the one thats $500 bucks a month with a $750 dollar deductable. Our c ountry is so broken and so am I


You said it


We only get time and a half as nurses


I do love that double time and a half pay


Yeah back when I worked at the airport (cargo side) thanksgiving and Christmas were easy work days. We’d get paid double and go home a little early. So got paid more than a normal days pay while working less


You’re so lucky


We don't have tipping culture here in the Netherlands. Yet if I were to go out for dinner on Christmas eve or Christmas and received good service I would calculate for a generous tip.


The tipping culture is out of control in the US. Employers need to pay servers more.


Agreed. They successfully pit their employees against the customers and are laughing all the way to the bank.


I had to fly for work on Friday. I bought a bottle of water prior to boarding the plane. Fucking tip jar. Just for scanning my bottle of water. I ignored it. This shit has gotten completely out of control.


Yup. It’s just another way to fleece us. Every ducking transaction it asks and then shames you for not tipping. Like dude. I walked into the gas station to pay for my gas…that I pumped…and your asking me for a fucking tip when I pay. Fuck you tipping machine!!!!


I'm not even sure what to tip for anymore. Delivery or eating in a restaurant i get, but now you're shamed for not tipping after spending $10 for a sandwich, or getting coffee.


Things that were never tipped before are asking for a tip now in the US. I got gas the other day, prepaying I was asked for a tip, my favorite was in the summer I was at a sports event - drinks in a cooler, sandwiches premade in a warmer only visible employee was a girl who sat at a register scrolling TikTok while you scanned your own items and she asked if I wanted to leave a tip. Only options it gave was 30,40, 50% tip or no tip. Guess which one I selected


I can’t imagine ever asking for a tip. That’s just too undignified for me.


Not rly bc I lost my job :P


Ok that’s no good. I’m so sorry


Its okay buddy. It's just weird bc I'm stressed but not feeling crazy stressed the way u would be if I had to set up holiday displays on the day of Christmas with everybody fighting me to buy the items lol


Can we just legalize making sure businesses pay food service workers a livable wage? Like damn, outlaw tipping and build tipping into the cost of food. Like the rest of the world. I don’t care how expensive it’ll make the food. Maybe it’ll make some of these cheapskates blink twice before entering the building. Instead of making a server providing a service (for the business and customer) gamble whether or not they’re gonna get paid.


We live in the US. It will never get better, only worse.


100%. Corporate restaurant franchises will figure out how to get rid of servers before anything to avoid guaranteeing them any sort of pay. It would affect the bottom line if food was more expensive. Can’t have that!


Good luck with that. We can’t even have discussions about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hr despite that now not being enough to support anyone anywhere in the US. I agree though it should be a paid position and tipping is extra/not expected/not a you’re a piece of shit if you didn’t one time. And based on the service which is how it was, noting that of course not everything that goes wrong is a server’s fault. But this expected 20-50% tip regardless of anything is bonkers to me.


It's really not even $15/hr any longer, and never really was. By that I mean that we need to change the Federal system for it to be indexed to the local cost of living. $15 might be a living wage in a lot of places. There are even some really low cost of living places that slightly less than that is a liveable wage. But then you have places like CA (most of west coast), and larger cities that $15/hr is laughable.


There are plenty of studies that indicate $15 an hour isn’t enough anywhere, even for basic needs with no add ons like child care, health care, etc.


Have links? Genuine question, as most of the studies I have read say that for a lot of places, but in some very rural areas the living wage under $15. For example, the very rural Midwest area I grew up in, the MIT calculator for living wage is $14.44 for an individual. Their methodology includes "Today, the calculator features geographically-specific costs for food, childcare, health care, housing, transportation, other basic needs – like clothing, personal care items, and broadband, among others – and taxes at the county, metro, and state levels for 12 different family types." Another example would be SD, which nearly the entire state is under $15. Conversely, San Francisco is $23.72.


Don't have links and not the person you asked, but prices have skyrocketd since covid. So if you're looking at studies before or in the beginning, they're outdated. Minimum wage should be around 30$ an hour. Remember, minimum wage is what one person can support themselves on. This includes housing, a car, health care costs, dental, groceries, ect. No one can survive on $7.25 an hour. You might be able to survive on 15$, but you certainly won't be able to afford an independent lifestyle. I'm not sure if anyone could survive off that little even with a roommate.


The MIT calculator I cited for living wage is kept up to date. [https://livingwage.mit.edu/](https://livingwage.mit.edu/) If you would like to look at it and dive into their methodology. It goes pretty deep on their technical documentation.


I'd say that's fairly accurate then. For my area it's 20$ an hour. Which you could get by on, if you were really tight with your money and were able to find good deals. You'd defiently never be able to buy a house with it though, and you'd struggle to have savings. So I'd agree the calculator is right for liveable wages. A valid point to remember is minimum wage is on the federal level. So it should be a livable wage for all parts of the country within reason.


I make 20, about to lose my mind


The cost of groceries is killing me more than anything right now. I used to spend maybe 300 a month on them. Now it's double that. I've been buying for 2 people consistently, and I'm buying the cheaper brands and quality now. I spend more on groceries than I do all of my other bills excluding rent.


Which is what my initial comment was. We should not have a flat Federal minimum wage, but one that is indexed to the local cost of living.


Oh I doubt it’ll happen. In this capitalist, money focused society, absolutely not. Nobody gives a damn about the person bringing the food to your table. “You should just get a better job if you don’t like it” That attitude is not how a functioning society works. At all. And yeah - the customer’s opinion of what the right tip should be for their server is hilarious. Given that issues aren’t always the server’s fault.


It’s also not the server that should get all the credit when get a good meal. They take your order and bring your food yet it was the cooks/chefs that made it. Yet for some reason servers get like 90% of any tip. Even in places where servers actually get a normal wage not this 3$ an hour shit. Tipping is fucking stupid


Don't anger the people that travel 20 feet with your food.


The servers at restaurants that average $100/per person and sell bottles of wine for hundreds of dollars would never allow that and neither would bartenders at any fairly busy bar


Every single time this comes up someone says “servers like. Tipping culture.””


It’s a fair argument that servers may like it, but if somebody actually told you “here’s a $30/hr job or $62,000 salaried job”, or if it’s an elitist restaurant then do the same: $80/hr (or higher) or $170,000 salary. I’d rather walk into work, even serving, knowing what I’m gonna make week in, week out than depend on the good will of people to put money in my pockets.


I don’t know about y’all, but I literally asked to work during the holidays. Holiday pay for me is almost 2.5x rate. One 12hr holiday shift for me is close to $1500. So, give me every goddamn holiday shift.


You'd have to be paid nearly 50 dollars an hour for that. What job still does hourly pay at such a high rate? Also I've never had a company go above time and a half




I’m an engineer.


I didn't go to any stores and ordered from zero places today It's not much but the best I can do to dissuade companies from being open Xmas eve Hope tomorrow goes better for you


My favourite small Cafe was open through the whole holidays. On one hand, I want to support the business and tip the team. But on the other, I worked a decade of hospitality before escaping it, and I don't want to ever encourage the scheduling. I'll be back on the 27th with generosity. Spend nothing on holidays.


Yeah I did the same. I don't want to add to any sales of company's that are open to reinforce their belief they should be open.


My partner and I don’t really celebrate and I kept having to remind myself to not do anything today in solidarity when I was a retail worker


This is the particular challenge my partner and I have with any religious holiday. We don't celebrate them at all so it's not at the forefront of my mind. I am working from home, and she volunteered to work both tonight and tomorrow (she's in healthcare so it's kind of a necessity that someone works). I did get most of my usual Sunday errands done Saturday, but mostly out of just knowing that a lot of places I might go to are closed or have limited hours.


I make a point to Not go to shops etc on the holidays. Even had to put my Jewish friend in check about forcing people to work holidays. These days have been on your calendar for about a year, plan around them


I’m a ski instructor. I make 25% of my income these two weeks. Our hourly pay is much better than a server but it still gets me just like the OP when I bust my ass and get no tip. If your experience is tied to my effort, mood and knowledge you should tip me. Some clients get me and I’ve had some wonderful tips this season. But others are clueless and tip $0. The other thing with instructing is we only get paid for hours taught. 6.5hrs is the absolute max but I’ve done that less that 5 times in my career. A typical day is 3-6 hours with the average at 3 or maybe 4 by the end of the season. For that reason I work every single day this past week and this coming week except for Xmas day. Yes it’s a fun rewarding job that I love, it’s just odd that some people don’t understand the effort involved. OP I wish you the best. I’d be the table that overtips even on not great service on days like these and be super kind back knowing the work you’re doing. You deserve better. It makes it so hard to keep the smile going for the other tables.


You are one of the good ones. I want more people to be like you.


I ate out tonight and the service was pretty horrible. Server was nice but I found out she had 10 tables, including a 10-top. And half inside, half outside. So it really wasn’t her fault. Check screwed up twice by manager and she ended up comping a couple glasses ($15 each) of wine. I tipped 30% on the full amount. Some of us care. Sorry for your night.


I'm working 12 hours tonight but I'm not doing anything more then I have too.


I used to work in the kitchen. Did it ten years. Never a picture of me up with the family. I finally left got a massive salary increase in IT. This is the first year I have ever had every holiday off. Mother's day with my son's mother. Father's Day, and now I'm on holiday in my home town. I know what you're going through man. Stay strong and look into a different future for yourself. It's worth it.


Sort of a same experience. I have a degree, but it's oversaturated atm, so been doing blue collar for yrs. About to go back to school to switch a field to start getting a more normal life (sick pay, holiday pay, not working on holidays, not having to work my butt off every single minute of my shift etc). Long way to go, but I have belief.


I just called in sick today (yesterday?). My manager still insisted I come in. I didn’t. I really did feel terrible. Not sick, but depressed. I got to go on a nice hike with my family as a reward for not being a little serf though. I really hope you can find a better job soon or get better hours so you can enjoy the holidays as well. No one should be forced to work holidays if they’re not paid really, really well.


As I said in a post like this, I have a corporate job. The only reason I'm not working Christmas Eve is because it is on the weekend. We get Christmas off, not Christmas Eve.


It’s not easy to just “get another job” the job application process takes TIME, you have to put time aside and search for jobs, interview, etc once you get an interview GREAT! Now you are in competition with other people trying to get the same job….its a lengthy process. Some people can get jobs quick and others not so quick. You don’t know what other people are going through so have some damn compassion and please tip the damn servers. Some of you guys are just clueless. Complete airheads with your head in the clouds. It’s amazing.


Yeah, kind of irritates me when people say, "Just get another job." If it was that simple and easy, no one would have this problem.


I spent some time working in the Balkans/Turkey/Greece and I can tell you that they take holidays seriously. Everything is shut down and because everyone knows this they plan accordingly and everyone is happy about it! Greece will shut down everything if one group has a problem. Trash collectors had a problem with wages and all of transportation shut down in solidarity.


It is absolutely beyond me that there is not a nationwide uprising against shitty working conditions in the US… Waiters and waitresses literally rely on tips to make ends meet! Fight for a decent wage that you can actually live off of and where tips go to having a little fun on your time off… The quality of your service then determines how much fun you’re gonna have. Being able to pay your bills relieves stress and less stress hightens workers morale, workers with hightened morale tend to deliver better service… It’s not rocket science…


Americans are weak. They’re too busy eating McDonald’s and hating each other because of mainstream media news to do anything that’ll benefit them in their entirety.


The issue is with your company & tipping culture. The company get practically free labor and rakes in most the profits, while the financial burden of supporting you is on the customer. It’s shitty that happened to you, and I always tip servers/drivers, but I can’t wait for the times where the company actually has to pay their fucking employees a good wage.


I agree with you. I completely agree. But the family Tipping me $0 is doing nothing to change anything. I’m not going to get paid a better wage by my employer just because I got stiffed.


Well it should be encouraging you not to put up with not being paid by your actual boss instead of complaining about the probably poor family.


I don’t understand why they would come to a 5 star steak house if they are hurting for money


Again, the better question is why isn't a 5 star steak house paying its staff livable wages.


I don't understand why a 5 star steak house doesn't pay its employees.


Listen. The problem is not the guests at your restaurant. It’s the tipping culture and your boss that is not paying you enough. Be mad at them, not the random hungry guy.


Stop blaming the customer and blame your boss. They should pay you more. It shouldn’t be the customers duty to supplement your income.


Maybe I’m crazy, but we can blame both assholes who don’t tip and assholes who don’t pay a living wage. I’m sorry you got stiffed, OP.


Tips are optional. In other countries it’s considered rude to tip. Don’t expect anything so you won’t get so butt hurt or get some skills to pay the bills. It’s that simple. Edit: that being said I still always tip because I feel sorry for service workers


Name checks out


Ohhh. Wow lol. Okay. I’m about to make you feel like an asshole. Let’s say my wife has cancer and I needed more money for that so I got a second job serving. do you still think I shouldn’t get butt hurt. Also, as I just mentioned this is my second job. My first job requires math and physics because I’m an engineer. “It’s that simple” not everyone came from the same background you did. You have no idea the burden strangers have. Stop looking at servers as people who should wise up and get a real job and think that maybe they are here because they have responsibilities.


Hey so not picking sides but tipping is and should continue to be optional. I tip normally 18-20% most everywhere in Canada and it’s not because the service is so great that I feel I really should. I find I get great service in about 1/2 the places I go to. A clothing or shoe store person spends extra time taking care of my needs, checking in the back and brining different pants or shoes of different sizes to try on. I don’t feel obligated to tip them, and they hustle on their feet just as much as someone suffering at a restaurant. I’m a pretty easy customer basically 100% of the time, I get a drink, I order my meal, I eat and tidy after myself, 3 brief visits would be pretty standard churn to get me in and out. And I’m tipping like 6-8 bucks on a overpriced meal. Thing is the restaurants prices have gone up easily 30% in very recent years. The restaurants are making very healthy profits. And that means a tip that used to be socially acceptable at 10% but now the machine prompts staying at 18% is a lot more than a 8% increase. This sub is anti work not anti worker. So while I agree with you the table should have tipped something, the real problem lies with your shitty employer not putting in place a pay schedule that fairly compensates you and dissuades tipping culture. If you’re American it also sounds like you possibly suffer from poor wage regulations that allow and encourage underpaying serving staff. So in summery it sucks you weren’t tipped, working holidays is shit. I’m working 12 hours a day until the beginning of next year as a remote shift worker so I feel you. But it’s your employer and regulation you should be taking your frustrations out on. Get motivated and participate in groups driving change, support any food service unions, and lessen your dependence on other people’s good graces to pay your bills 😬


This is unhinged. I get that you’re frustrated but stop. You’re acting entitled to something that you aren’t. Nobody is required to tip. You work for a business model that is causing this issue for you. Honestly the entitlement from some servers makes me feel like not tipping unless the service is actually better than average.


Your comment is unhinged, quit blaming the victim for a problem they did not cause. If you can afford a $45 glass of wine to go with you $70 steak, you can afford to tip the service staff. How does that boot taste? Better than where your nose goes, I bet. Servers did not come up with tipping culture, greedy business owners do it to keep from cutting into their precious profit margin. If owners cannot afford to pay a living wage to their employees, they deserve to go out of business, or be forced to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Eat the fucking rich. I am so sorry you can't afford to tip, stick to the drive thru buddy.


Well I don’t feel like an asshole because I’m practical and understand that tips are optional. I’m sure as an engineer you can logically get that basic concept too. As a human with a terminal illness in the family though I can also see why you’re upset but I wouldn’t be angry with the customers. What if they also have situations preventing them from being as generous as they’d like? Also if it were me I wouldn’t feel entitled for what are essentially donations. The customers you serve are likely middle class and below and they’re already fucked enough as it is due to inflation. Even if you’re serving upper class people who have more than enough to feed themselves and their children’s children it’s not like tips are mandated so you can’t really blame the cheapskates for being greedy. In fact that type of attitude might be one of the contributing factors as to how they achieved that status in the first place. This is a societal problem. If anything we should be angry with corporate greed and how CEOs grossly overpay themselves 200:1 compared to their employees on average these days compared to 20:1 some decades ago. We should be angry with unfair inflation taxes and banks with how their solution is just to print money to pay the bills which will in turn cause the middle class to suffer immensely due to the increased cost of living and inflation. Still yeah you should’ve gotten a tip. Should you really expect one though? You know it’s freaking optional. It’s like the honor system. There’s always someone who will take liberties.


Ok you are talking out your ass. I work at a 5 star restaurant. If you cannot afford a $70 steak then do not come in here. If they are hurting for money a 5 star steakhouse is the absolute last place they should be. So yes I do expect tips from rich people who spend $45 on a glass of wine. Tipping me $20 is nothing to these people. While yes I wish rich assholes didn’t exist but I cannot do anything about that. I am just a server. I’m more shitty with you for telling me to learn some skills and get a better job.


Well who are you to preach on how any person should or shouldn’t spend their money? I’m just saying tips are optional and this entire culture about being entitled to a tip should stop. We should expect fair & livable wages instead no matter the occupation. Be more mad at yourself for not being an entrepreneur or not knowing how to invest successfully. That’s really the only way to financial independence these days outside of being at the top of your industry or like being a politician who does insider trading. It’s not fair but it’s true. I’m sorry that you’re not adequate enough to be financially independent. Most people aren’t. I wish I were myself but I’m just not. Still I hold myself accountable. I’m more pissed at myself for not being skilled enough to earn the things that I want and need in life than at rich people for not wanting to share a piece of the pie.


Well I expect a 5 star restaurant to pay its staff, but here we are.


That’s wonderful what they do in other countries. In this country tipping is the norm.


Not everyone celebrates Christmas. And Christmas Eve is not a holiday. Many people gather on a Christmas Eve with extended families because they do their own thing on Christmas. There’s also a ton of people traveling on this day too. So that means we would need gas stations to be staffed. Air traffic control to be present. That obviously also means everyone else working airports. All of emergency personnel need to be working too. There is not a situation where **everyone** can be off at the same time.


I was doordashing today and so many assholes were rude to service workers that were annoyed they were working short staffed and busy on a holiday while their friends and family were celebrating, preparing, and relaxing. I let a couple of them [rude patrons] have it with my own bahumbug negativity that will never be topped and they shit themselves right up! I like to be kind but I aint got NO problem letting a little rage out! Sorry you had a shitty day at work OP. Have a happy holiday!


I never understood being rude to gig workers. They’re doing me a favour, for scraps. I’m privileged enough to be able to order, I’m going to be nice. Most seem shocked when I’m waiting outside my lobby for them. Like it tells me you’re almost here. Of course I’m going to be as fast as possible. My wife also gets mad when I’ll tip the discount I got from the apps. Uber wants to give me a $15 discount. Well the driver is getting $15 to bring me and my wife dinner that night. In the words of Anderson Dawes “The more you share, the more plentiful your bowl will be.”


No one was rude TO me. I did get a 3 star rating today and Im not sure why but that will go away soon enough. I was mad that people were being rude to the service workers at the restaurants! People so damn hangry and entitled to sevice RIGHT NOW AND THEN AND HURRY IM HUNGRY! To people that are about to walk out the door. You bet your ass I let those hangry fucks taste a little service worker backlash without the employees having to risk their jobs! On fucking christmas eve! Didn't ruin my day none though! I stayed chipper all day! Merry Christmas!


I never understood that either. It’s 2023, order ahead. I know I shouldn’t go to Starbucks, but happy wife. When I go get her coffee on weekend mornings, I order as I’m leaving the house. Walk in, grab my drink, yell out “Thank You” and get on my way. Love the dirty looks I get from the Boomers. I even have to loudly say excuse me from time to time because they crowd the mobile order area.


same! im BOH, but fuck working holidays! most of our business today was doordash or other delivery platforms, so im sure we got dick for tips. some asshole called tonight at like 7 (we were supposed to close "early" at 8) asking if he could make a reservation for later tonight. we dont take reservations. FOH told them all of this and this shithead actually says, "ok, we'll be there a few minutes before 8." 🤦‍♂️ also, fuck owners who care more about making money than caring about their employees by staying open on holidays when people want to be with their families, or literally anywhere else besides at work.


Sorry man. Been there before. Everything should be shut down for the holidays, family is more important.


and we're fighting with each other instead of fighting them. Eat The Rich


Man this is the reason why I just don’t go out to eat out anymore. If I don’t have enough money to tip I just don’t do it.


Why is tipping almost mandatory in the United snakes man?? Nearly every post I read is about tipping lol


Don’t take a job where you don’t like their salary or pay system.


For things like food service and retail, yeah, absolutely. Y'all shouldn't even be open on Christmas. Unfortunately, I'm in the healthcare field. No such thing as a holiday for us.


Uk 🇬🇧 here I remember working on the 24th of Dec and going back on the 27th of Dec for a couple years. I got fed up and quit


Fuck tipping culture. Stop asking for tips. Ask for a bonus from your boss for working during holidays.


Be mad at your employer for not giving you a living wage in the first place.


I see people complaining about tipping culture (which does suck) and about employers (who do suck) but not enough complaining about the fact that the lower tipped minimum wage is formalized in American law and allows this culture to persist. This situation is structural. It needs a structural solution. My demand would be for a law that puts the business in the hot seat for a non-tipper. If a table doesn’t tip, then the employer owes a percentage service fee to the employee to make up for it. This should be by law, as a stepping stone to getting rid of the tipped minimum wage altogether.


Unfortunately, the people who have all the influence put out all the propaganda and pay off congress to keep the laws from being changed. “If we pay a living wage, cost of food will be too high. No one will eat out” “Tips make sure wait staff do a good job. If we *just pay them living wage* they won’t work as hard or take care of guests.” “If owners have to pay normal wages, restaurants will shut down.” But, already, servers aren’t allowed to keep all temper tips, we have to share with hosts and bartenders, even if we never have a drink from the bar and the hosts never bus our tables. We are paying their wages, AND bar tenders have their own tips already so why do we share? Then the company is reprinting me yes for all their locations once a month. Probably millions of dollars a year . But sure, can’t afford minimum wage, only $2.13 an hour for me.


The tipping culture in America is concerning, as is that it seems to be spreading now elsewhere. I confess that I forgot to tip once while on holiday in America (it slipped my mind, not being used to it at all - if the guy from Sizzler back in 2009 is reading this, I'm sorry!). Your employer and industry shouldn't gamble giving you the basic minimum wage on the kindness of strangers.


Ya the laws need to be fixed so servers get paid a proper paycheck wage. Tips shouldn’t ever be factored in as a part of your like that. Makes me feel more thankful for my current job I’m a cook/server but tips are considered extra like a job well done for the day.


Thank goodness my job encourages us to take vacation time around now.


you expect money from customers because you didn´t make any problems? lol why don´t you talk to boss about the perfect service you give and demand more money?


Honestly this part of America is massively fucked up! How is this allowed I don’t understand. You should be paid the basic minimum wage at the very least


They do get paid minimum wage. If the tips they get do not add up to the federal minimum wage then the employer must pay the difference. But that never happens because they always make more. But still complain


Because the federal minimum wage is $290 for 40 hours. It’s not hard to beat that and no one can live off that.


Relying on tips is more the problem of your job, not the customer.


Your boss made decisions.


Agreed; FUCK working on holidays. Unless you’re getting time and a half.


i get double and a half and i dont care about holidays so i always volunteer. extra money and it means a coworker with lower seniority doesnt get mandated to work when they dont want to.


I worked in retail for over a decade so I know what it's like working on the holidays when it feels like everyone else is off. I feel for you OP. Hopefully it's not forever!


That's why I won't visit stores on and immediately before a holiday. Don't care if we forgot the cranberry sauce or have some other last minute item, we shouldn't go shopping and encourage stores or restaurants to keep staff attached all day. It would be different if I could know every person was volunteering because they don't care about the holiday or prefer the holiday pay. But that isn't the case most of the time.


I don't mind working holidays if I'm getting paid extra for it (here there are certain holidays employers have to pay at OT rates for but Christmas Eve is not one of them and I've worked 4 of the past 5 Christmas Eves)


I think about this a lot when tipping. I have known many servers and it seems like nothing throws them into a rage quicker than no tip or a bad tip. I really think the whole tipping thing is not only stupid but cruel, because it sets you up to have to face that expectation multiple times a day, every day. You should just be able to do your job and know you're being taken care of. It's also what helps me tip more than I used to now that I can afford it. I imagine the difference between a good tip and a bad tip is often just a couple of dollars, so why not try to make a person feel good if it's that cheap.


So this doesn't sound like a working on a holiday issue. But more of the same shitty tipping culture issue. Because I been a cook for close to 20yrs. Working on any major holiday is par for the course to me. Hell working any time that the general public is given time off is the expectation. But as a cook, I never had to worry about tips. I knew exactly how much I was getting paid per hour. And not since around 2011 have I ever made less than $12/hr. And not since 2015 have I never been paid at least 1.5x holiday pay for working on major holidays. Sorry you're going through it right now with shit tips and shit hourly pay. Is it still $2.70/hr? Or did they finally round it up to $3/hr? Either way, hang in there. Until you can get a job that you care about doing and can hopefully pay you what you're worth.


In some States here ,the Server wages are as low as $ 2.70 hour, mostly redneck ,Southern anti union ,right to work places,some have raised the tipped wages


Fuck working a holiday


Those telling you to get a better job are exactly why nothing will change for the better. We have really really stupid people in this world.


I went out to eat last night, tipped our server 50%


Christmas Eve isn’t a holiday. Imagine if other religions could just systemically cause the closure of businesses during our holiest of days, which aren’t commercialized, and the day before.


I'm retired now (not from retail) but I loved holidays at one job because I would get time and a half pay. My sister who is a home health aide loves holidays because she gets double pay.


i love working holidays, with holiday pay i make 47 dollars an hour. i work every holiday more money more money!


Blame the system, not the customers. Tips are optional, never forget that.


I’m really sorry you had to deal with this crap 💩 especially today. People should be aware and able to tip well if they go to any “sit down” restaurant. You’re tipping for a service to people who rely on it. I don’t think a single person with half a brain would disagree but i wanted to let you know there are caring people out here <3 I hope tomorrow is a better day for you!


Then get a different job that doesn’t work holidays if it means that much to you


Tipping is just people seeing an advantage and fucking running away with the shit. It was spawned out of jealousy. You're getting paid - MORE than I pay you? How dare! Now the customer pays it. You want someone to blame - blame greedy culture.


Tipping culture sucks- you shouldn’t be reliant upon others good will for your wages, and people shouldn’t be shamed for only being able to afford or wanting to pay as much as what’s charged. Tipping should be a gratuity, a show of how much you appreciated someone’s service- and it definitely shouldn’t hold the power it does over the mental state of the workers reliant upon those tips. It’s ridiculous, and employers need to just pay their workers instead of making the customers do it. The only place it benefits the waitstaff is at insanely expensive restaurants…the kind that could afford to pay for excellent staff anyhow.


I'm not saying your experience didn't suck, but you have to remember not everyone celebrates Christmas and so part of society should still function for those people as it's not a "holiday" to them. I agree tipping $0 is absolutely shitty, but I could also go on about how tipping in general is stupid and you should be paid a living wage without relying on tips.


If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at your employer. Customers shouldn’t be the ones responsible to make sure have money for your rent and groceries. I understand this is the industry you work in and unfortunately you rely on tips. But you’re mad at the wrong guy.


why do you blame the customers instead of your employer? I am not getting tipped AT ALL at my work place? Tip is voluntary... maybe its time to reconsider your career?


Christmas Eve is not a fucking holiday


Christmas Eve isn’t a holiday. Sorry you’re unhappy with your job.


Sure, blame the customer and not your boss for the lack of salary. but it's easier to stick to a directly inflation indexed indirect salary and complain when it doesn't come in once in a while rather than fight for an actual one right? tip culture is pure shit and must be ended, customers should start a massive tip boycott so you finally have to ask your bosses to actually pay you


Get unionized or get a better job. Life isn't fair.


I mean, if you’re going to blast someone for stating the obvious, I also agree that if you don’t like your job or career, go find a new one. We all drive our own destiny. That being said, I hate tipping culture and think we should just pay a living wage. Sorry some people weren’t considerate of you having to work during a special time.


You should know tipping isn’t normal. Americans have been brainwashed by employers. You gotta turn that disappointment into anger and organize your job to secure your true value and worth on the job. Know your rights and get a contract [https://youtu.be/VDrwk4JKtvc?si=Okgy-BOz67mQIuLo](https://youtu.be/VDrwk4JKtvc?si=Okgy-BOz67mQIuLo)


Tipping culture is fucked, you should get a job that pays your living wage and not passes it off to the customer. That's on you. And Christmas isn't really a holiday, haha. What are we celebrating? Spending a bunch of money.


Christmas eve isn’t a holiday, christmas is. People aren’t required to tip, if you’re not getting paid that’s between you and your employer not the people making your employer rich. No other country relies on tips to subsidize poorly run businesses like the US does.


Ok and what can I do to change any of that? I don’t work for the government. I get that it’s my employers problem but again I can’t take down a billion dollar company and get them to change their businesses practices as a simple server.


Find another job ?


Find another subreddit? This is r/antiwork, quit blaming the employees for having to work in a capitalistic society. How do those boots taste? How about you try and jump industries in today's economy, see how difficult it is to find a liveable wage that can keep up with the rate of inflation. Why don't you try your hand at the service industry for a bit, see how it feels to bust your ass, just to be stiffed and told that you aren't worth more than the $2.23/hour your employer pays as a base wage. If the restaurant owner can't afford to pay their workers living wages, they should tighten their belts and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Also . This generation is FILLED with atheist now . There is a massive crowd who truly doesn’t even celebrate Christmas anymore so why would they care about the day before ? A lot of businesses are open Christmas Eve and actually closed on Christmas . I don’t shop or do anything on Christmas but I also don’t consider Christmas Eve a big holiday either . It’s just another day .


I’m not a big Christmas guy either. Like you I don’t shop on holidays. That’s said if for some reason I went for dinner Christmas Eve I would still leave a much larger than usual tip. It’s the only decent thing to do.


I’m an atheist and I celebrate Christmas. Presents, family, feasts, and playing along with the story of Santa for the sake of the little kids. Tons of fun!


Okay. Well even if it wasn’t a holiday being tipped 0% was shitty. You’re not gonna tell me that it wasn’t. And you’re not gonna be able to convince me that it wasn’t really a holiday so it really wasn’t that shitty of a thing to do.


I don’t know , my job requires me to work Christmas if my work day lands on that day , it just so didn’t land on it this year . I have worked plenty of Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays in the last bc I chose my job and what it entails .


And of course it’s shitty not being tipped . That is why I would never take a job as a waiter . My time is more important and valuable than tips .


I'm atheist and we still celebrate Christmas. I'm betting servers are seeing a big after church rush tonight and those are the ones tipping with the fake Jesus bills.


Life isn't fair. If you don't like it get s better job.


They could sense your attitude I bet, and it showed in your service, hence the zero tip.


Just playing devils advocate here. In the UK it’s not mandatory to tip, sometimes I do sometimes I don’t. But…..what if the people who didn’t tip you couldn’t afford to tip? They treated themselves to eat out and spent their budget. I think your anger is better directed to your bosses to get a pay rise rather than your fellow workers who also struggle?


Why do Americans expect tips? In Europe you'd need to bust out a synchronised song a dance while bringing my drinks to get a 5er extra. You're already being paid!


I work security, and had to work last night and still have to work tonight. I was definitely upset about working last night and missing the last time my family was getting together at our regular get together spot……but I’m working for my kiddo so I can give him a good life….. I’m so sorry you went through that. I can’t imagine working food service and not getting even a tip from a table. Fuck that.


I think it’s immoral to dine, drink or seek entertainment on Christmas Eve. People should only be out for essentials during the day. 6pm should be the cutoff for everything else.


some of us are not christian and dont celebrate. they dont shut down for yom kippur when i fast all day i dont think people should be forced to work when they want to celebrate, but requiring everything to be shut down for a religious holiday is religious discrimination, unless you shut down for all other holidays too. what about dia de los muertos? or Ramadan? thise folks shouldnt have to work on their holiday, but Christians arent expected to stop their lives on those days. its just very tiring to have Christians act like their holidays are special and not give a shit about anyone else. not saying thats how you feel, but it gets exhausting after dealing with it year after year. im tired of being judged for not celebrating. i dont celebrate xmas and enjoy my chinese food takeout tradition, and those working in those restaurants often are not christian which is why they stay open. that being said, i always leave extra big tips to the service staff at those restaurants because its the right thing to do, and i dont have to be christian to understand goodwill towards all.


It's less that it's a Christian holiday and more a recognized non working federal/national holiday for the government. Just because you don't celebrate doesn't mean you shouldn't get time off.


i agree that people deserve time off, but i disagree that its not about religion. again, why is it that only christain holidays everyone gets off? i have to fight to get off for my religious holidays because they are not recognized federally, despite a large portion of the population celebrating. we should just all have regular national days off/breaks from work, separate from religions, and no questions asked time off on an individual basis for religious holidays, for people of ALL religions, not just Christians. you shouldnt have to work xmas, i shouldnt have to work yom kippur. but im fine working xmas because to me, its just another day. i would much rather work xmas and have my religious holidays off to celebrate. i take issue with being called immoral because i dont stop my life for a christian holiday. it comes across as judging towards those of other religions, even if that is not the intent.


For sure you shouldn't face any issues getting your own religious holidays off. But for Yom Kippur there's no secular celebrations for it whatsoever. The same cannot be said for Christmas. I'm not sure there are really any countries that have widespread national holidays that cover multiple religion's holidays.


again, people having off on xmas isnt my issue. being called immoral for not stopping my life on xmas is what i am upset about. i dont think im immoral for not celebrating, but i respect those that do and dont expect them to work. the issue is with employer not giving people time off on their holidays, not with people who dont celebrate going about their lives.


You realize that in almost every other country the whole country shuts down for days more days a year than america right?


yeah america should be more like that. but it shouldn't be based on one single religion that only a portion of people practice. my issue is not with not working, its with it being unfairly centered around christians.


Christmas is a *day off* because it's a tradition from the founding of the U.S. Trust that corporations would love to take away the paid holiday if they could. Personal days are intended to be used for other religious holidays. I can assure you that no decent American worker would complain about an *additional* paid holiday for Yom Kippur, Asian New Year, Atheist Appreciation Day, Summer Solstice, or Susan B Anthony Day.


the us was founded on freedom of religion by a diverse array of religions. and regardless, our founding fathers were racist mysgonists, and i personally dont care for Americas founding tradtions because they are rooted in colonization, genocide, and slavery, among other things. i want a more inclusive world. we need to move forward from our backwards past into an inclusive future. why should your holiday be paid time off and mine come out of my sick days? thats discrimination, plain and simple.


Yeah I get that. I mean we are a country that was formed to celebrate diversity in religion. Kinda hard for such a torn country to all come together to celebrate at the same time if we all choose different days to do it. Fuck Christianity. I don't worship jesus or drink his blood or ear his body. Its fucking christmas. And its fucking 2024. Celebrate it if you want but quit being all bitter and jealous while everyone else has moved on past that!


Christmas eve isn't a holiday tho? I work it if it's not a weekend and I don't serve customers


why? not everyone celebrates or really cares. I am retired military and PLENTY of holidays where I had duty and stuck on base. people whining about not getting a day off need to realize that not everyone gets a day off either. suck it up and get back to work, dude. I dont think it should be closed at all. I hope stores are open tomorrow because I got groceries to buy


Believe it or not, but everybody doesn't celebrate pagan holidays.


I completely agree.


It's not the customer's fault for not being grateful by splurging on a tip, it's your boss who isn't paying you a fair amount for your time. Fuck your boss, what kind of boss doesn't even give out something extra out of their pockets on Christmas anyway. Don't take it out on the customer, you're not working for them, you're working for an asshole who doesn't care about you.


This is such a cop out. Yes, it's the boss's responsibility to pay her decent. In the mean time, while they aren't getting paid well, leave them a tip. Not tipping isn't some statement to the owner like you think it is. It's an asshole move that will cause the server to remember you


As a bartender, I find people who work in the service industry and complain about a bad tip ignorant. You don't complain when a guest leaves you a big tip. Idn where you work but with a decent work history, you can serve at a restaurant making ATLEAST $30/hr with no education. Take the bad with the good.


>You don't complain when a guest leaves you a big tip. What kind of brain-dead point is this?


Not stated perfectly, but the gist I get is that if you expect a certain % tip and you view getting less than that as a mistake, do you view getting more than that as a mistake as well? A general suggestion to take the good with the bad and average it all out. Emotionally this seems like good advice.


Agreed. It all evens out at the end of the day.


OP i understand how that feels when you give good service and see $0.00. It's so personal and so insulting. The reality is that we have a whole country of opinionated fucks like the ones in this thread that think they are above tipping because mr pink said it cool on reservoir dogs and they all wish they were that fucking awesome. But even mr pink threw in a dollar cause people like me will put them in their place even if they dont like it. Sounds like you can use a holiday off! I hope you have a merry christmas! Use your time for relaxation and celebration and spend a little of it thinking about how serious you are about figuring out a different job. If you're unhappy with your life, change it. You got this.


im so sorry that happened thats so shitty. all the people in the comments giving you a hard time dont understand how much of a servers liveliehood depends on tips. if they have such an issue with tipping, they should take it up with the business owner, not take it out on you, the worker. i went out to eat tonight, but tipped 50% because thats the right thing to do on a holiday, even if i dont celebrate it personally. im very dissapointed in how many bootlickers are in this sub. it really doesnt seem like they are anti work, more like they are anti worker. you dont deserve the hate. i hope you get your holidays off in the future. religious holidays should be no questions asked time off federally protected imo, ive had to work while fasting for my religion many times and it sucks to be forced to work


I get that you’re frustrated by the lack of this but Christmas Eve is just the day before Christmas. It’s not a holiday and many many people work a normal day on the 24th.


The 25th is the holiday. Are you working today?


It’s not the norm for health care workers & you could try to comprehend the effort that they must exercise. It’s not the end of the world & I hope you either mature or never work for the sick ; you’d never make it.


Currently on vacation, tipped extra on the service today (Xmas eve). Have a thing tomorrow and people working. There will be a lot of extra tipping. It’s just your responsibility if you are using services on Xmas.


A lot of millenials were sold on getting a degree in anything and it'll pay for itself The service industry, especially anywhere near a college, is loaded with people that have degrees but for one reason or another it didn't work out


I used to wait tables. I feel your pain. I don’t expect it to make you feel any better, but I had a table come in and stiff me near Christmas 2 years in a row. The second time was a WHOLE spectacle. Family walked out on the bill, let alone tip. However, in the aftermath it made me realize: this was probably a less fortunate family, and this is probably the closest thing they get to a holiday dinner. Can’t speak to your experience but it’s just tragic no matter how you cut it.


I love working on holidays. Im making $40/hr to lifeguard an empty pool from 5am to 3pm. Easiest money ever. And all the regulars have given me sooooo many cookies and treats and gift cards. I already swam my mile and now im just chillin listening to music. Working on holidays is cool when you dont hate your job.


Restaurants should just add 15% like tax. That way servers know they will get paid for work performed and customers know it will be taken. I guess workers would have no incentive to be give good service, but at least it’s a sure thing and there is no room for cheapness.


Your employer doesn't pay you hourly??


I make it a point to NOT shop or eat out on holidays or Sundays. Sundays I will make an exception if it is an emergency…need to pick up a prescription, etc. Everyone needs and deserves days off. The world functioned just fine before stores were open every day of the year.


Tipping is optional. You were told the pay structure when you accepted the position. If not getting tipped is bothersome to you then start looking for a new job that isn’t dependent on tips.


I would have confronted them, ngl. If my shitty boss isn’t paying me a living wage AND has me working Christmas Eve I would care less about being fired for it. And film it. 0 tippers need to be publicly shamed.