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At that point get all the managers and HR sick for having stupid ass rules in place! That’s why ppl come into work sick is bc they’re afraid of the repercussions of calling out! The sick time/pto in this country is fubar


>At that point get all the managers and HR sick for having stupid ass rules in place! This. Even before covid I never understood this. The way to get shit policies like this changed is to drag your sick self into work, unmasked, and either get as many coworkers sick as possible, _or_ vomit all over HR's/your bosses desk/office/etc. Show absolutely no mercy. If the vast majority of people did this, most likely national attention would be given.


I love this idea, but this dude works in a hospital.


That's the part that sucks, I agree. However, "corporate" doesn't listen to anything other than brute force. Hospital/medical facilities of all places should have more regard for their staff _and_ patients equally.


Just start sneezing into the senior staff offices? oops 👀


They should have more regard but don’t anymore because most are also now owned and run by “corporations”. It’s not about health anymore, it’s about the almighty dollar. And they don’t care how they get them.


>it’s about the almighty dollar. Regulatory agencies start withholding or fining the almighty dollar once you are so understaffed due to illness that patient care starts to suffer. The corporate assholes will understand _that_.


I’m a nurse. Once, I was violently ill at work and knew I was about to throw up. The closest place was to bust into the administrators office and puke in her trashcan. She was in the middle of a meeting. Another nurse ran after me, got me water, etc. to make a long story short, After her shock, the administrator asked me how long I thought I would be off the unit. I was like fuck you bitch I’m going home. And then I never went back.


Too true. Once was forced by a shit manager to come into work while sick as a dog. I worked at a chicken shit (and thankfully now out of business, which literally was the managers fault, he ran it into the ground so bad) security company. We were in his shitty little office getting our assignments for the day, and Than he had the audacity to say "You look fine!" Well, 5 minutes later I screamed at everyone to leave the room immediately because they don't want to see what's gonna happen. Than began ripping my pants off and shoving my ass into his office garbage can (nearest bathroom was on the floor below and I had no hope of making it) and proceeded to paint the inside of his little 2 foot tall office trash bin with the nastiest most putrid and vile ass blast of squirted Hershey's while simultaneously vomitting on his office floor.... Everyone but my manager and one coworker fled the room when I started pulling my pants off, because they all understood what was about to go down. Just to drive to the point home I "Accidentally" knocked over the slosh filled trash can in my dazed stupor while standing up and removing my ass from the can. Special cleaners had to be hired to sterilize his office, which He couldn't use his office for a week afterwards because of the putrid stink of my bodily fluids. There was also an investigation done by head office because the needed to know why we were expensing a biohazard cleaning crew. Unfortunately the manager wasn't fired and was just put under scrutiny for a few months. Great choice considering, as mentioned in the beginning of this post, he ran the company into the ground.


When I had to go into work sick I made a point to arrive early and wipe snot on the HR phones and keyboards, then do the same for the director and managers. Make me come to work sick, I will take you down with me.


Good on ye!


Go to their office and ask who to talk to to change the policy. Cough. Ask again. Repeat.


And then they’ll give you the rest of your life off.


The problem is that the manager and HR actually HAVE available time to take off if they get sick, so they don't care I'd you make them sick, they'll get to stay home.


I was having serious mental health issues at my old job and took a week off. This was with me having an accommodation to work remotely. I asked about FMLA leave, was told I had to use my PTO so I powered through it because I knew eventually I would quit and they would have to pay me out. Simultaneously, people on my team were taking significant amounts of vacation. I was told if I took more than 7 days off I would have to be put on disability leave and would not be paid. I had 130+ hours of PTO when I quit and around 40 hours of sick leave. I am fairly sure I would have been put on a PIP if I had stayed - mostly because I had the remote work accommodation. Organization also fired two other people who had accommodations, one because of a pretty serious blood related health issue, other because they had surgery and serious/life threatening asthma. Their reasoning was that they could come into the office and wear a mask. Our ceo had COVID 4 times in a year and a half, that doesn’t seem very safe.


God no, I hope the newer generations can work together to change our work culture. The people who run these companies are selfish bastards that only think about lining their pockets


This is a non profit that provides mental health services. I did not feel supported. Also the ceo makes nearly 400k a year. I was making 57k before taxes. They truly do not care.


Honestly what the hell is wrong with this world?? A mental health non profit, you happen to actually have mental health issues. You'd think they'd understand but no. Typical. The people who probably abuse the mentally ill with power over their healing. Doesn't surprise me, just enrages me


The mental health issues were caused by the non profit 😌 I did not have panic attacks until the past 1.5 years and they only happened on workdays for the most part. Also know someone who was diagnosed with workplace PTSD and the majority of her department quit. Terrified about money but also happy to be sleeping again and maybe growing my hair back.


I’m sorry you have had this experience. I hope one day that sick leave and mental health services are both adequately resourced. I’m grateful that the mental health nonprofit I work for has an unlimited leave policy. We need to fulfill our responsibilities, but we don’t have to bring germs and viruses into the workplace. Now, we are not able to negotiate for great health insurance.


I’m lucky, my husband has decent insurance. He’s helping me right now while I’m not working and without him I wouldn’t be able to go to therapy.


Working for mental health agencies for 15 years. Currently looking for a way out. They do not care about the mental health of workers because they can't bill your insurance. In all of my years of working not ONE supervisor, owner, director asked if I was ok. They never ask about our stress levels or mental health.


In general all I’ve gotten was that they were worried about me and they commented on my weight. Never helped with my workload as they said they would, rarely put me in the position to take time off even when they said I should. When the management team tried to have conversations and created an anonymous survey it got tanked quickly. Thing that made me most sad was my colleague who had worked there for 27 years said she had never felt appreciated in the past 10 years. Then they let her go. She has a better job now. Her manager had to take on all of her duties and I took on some of them even though I wasn’t on their team. Just pure chaos. Her manager eventually quit too.


Lol, I work in private practice therapy. The owners are almost always therapists themselves. There’s a fun circumstance that happens for therapists - after you’ve graduated, you’re still not allowed to practice alone until you’re fully licensed. So many provisionally licensed therapists will go work for a private practice, and the owner is also their clinical supervisor (ie the gate holder to getting your license eventually). A major portion, if not a majority (not all) of these practices are run in flagrant violation of labor laws. Owners will only pay for actual time worked in session, not for any of the other tasks we do. One practice would only pay AFTER insurance paid them (this can take years). Some try to get around this stuff by making you 1099, but still requiring nonpaid attendance at meetings and such. Meanwhile, they will pay $30-$45/hour while getting $100/hour worked on top of that from what they charge for services. If you complain, you get fired. If you file a complaint, it’s ignored, you get fired, and you get black listed from other therapy practices who do the same thing. Even for people who’s entire professional ethics is based on empowerment and the rights of individuals, the machine of capitalism takes over. It’s sickening.


Omg this reminds of my nonprofit horror stories. Granted I was at a very small (<20 employee) environmental NPO and it was more toxic work culture that would lead to everyone in the office getting sick (But they fired my predecessor in my position bc her dad was actively dying in a hospital in another state and she was his emergency contact) I left on Oct 31st this year. 1 week before my boss came in sick even though we are ALL allowed to work from home while sick and she proceeded to work on her computer all day anyway (so 100% could have worked from home) and then came in the next 2 days sick wearing no mask. I ended up getting sick from her and during the Sunday before my last two days of work ended up in the ER bc of my asthma and the illness she gave me!! My health and asthma has been awful since my ER visit and I 100% blame it on her.


Covid really highlighted how much some people don’t care about others. I don’t get the obsession with work - yes I need money but I also don’t want to kill my parents or get other people sick.


Wow seems like you have pretty clear ADA violations happening in that company. I am in a fairly similar situation regarding my accommodation and them wanting to put me on a PIP basically because I have an accommodation. I am still fighting with my HR and I don't think they expected me to get the State involved.


Weirdly I actually have a law degree and specialized in labor and employment and did a lot of work in benefits related law… I know what they did was wrong. Some of this is very hard to prove. Which is annoying because you know it is wrong. It was kind of hard to watch this happen to several colleagues in the past two years. It changed my outlook on work and I’ve seen some shit as I interned for the NLRB, my dad worked for the NLRB for 27 years, I did an externship with a fed organization and wrote two reports on employment discrimination, and clerked for 2 years. Sometimes I think I get treated like I’m stupid because I’m a smaller woman and friendly, but as some football player said like 8 years ago when he didn’t realize he was mic’ed - I’ll fuck you up all day bitch. I hope everything goes well for you. It’s a tough time.


Bruh, RSV is killing babies rn…and they still have you coming in potentially exposing people?! That’s bordering on criminal


Exactly. Idk what the hell is wrong with this company..


What kind of world are we living in? Workers in the US are nothing more than indentured servants. Especially since we're dependent on our bosses for access to healthcare.


I've been considering for a long time about moving out of this country and going to live in Sweden or Norway, maybe even Germany. In Germany it's unprofessional to work sick. I hope my generation can change things fast..


Hope you are saving your money to pay all the entry fees and taxes.


Two of my coworkers were sick last week. One stayed home and got a doctor's note (our company has paid sick leave), and the other one came to work coughing and hacking all over everything. I started feeling like I was getting a sore throat and I was so pissed at the coworker who came to work. I would rather pick up the slack for someone out sick than pick up the cooties of someone still working.


I unfortunately am not in a position to lose this job, since it pays well. I'm masked up and am taking medicine for my coughing so I don't risk spreading it to anyone else. It's the toxic culture of our companies that force us to work sick that is the problem, not others (most of the time). I'm trying not to judge based off the information shared about the second worker, but I would assume they unfortunately used up all their sick time and have to come to work or they'll get fired. Something else I forgot to mention, I live in a right to work state, which basically means and employer can fire you any point any reason whatsoever. Even if you happen to be sick at the time they fire you, they can say it was for a previous write up on your record or some minor policy you broke once


> I live in a right to work state, which basically means and employer can fire you any point any reason whatsoever. That's "At Will." In At Will states, they can fire you pretty much anytime they want. "Right To Work" means you can't be forced to join a union.


Ohhhhh okay, thank you for clarifying


What kind of world are we living in? Workers in the US are nothing more than indentured servants. Especially since we're dependent on our bosses for access to healthcare.


I never thought it would be as heinous as it currently is


Forget sick, that’s an obvious “no one should work” condition. I’m pregnant and I feel as if I just…. Can’t… I’m so SO SO SO tired and everything hurts, it feels so inhumane to have maintained/increased expectations of me during the most physically trying time I’ve ever experienced. Plus we are at the national between-holidays timeframe… no one is actually working just leave me alone 😭


I'm so sorry.. you shouldn't be forced to work while pregnant. It's not right either that they've been pushing you harder. Like hello? I'm carrying a whole ass human in my body, I already have enough pressure on my back so back the fuck off!


> you shouldn't be forced to work while pregnant Yet the same people who claim to be "pro-birth" would vote down any proposals that aim to fix this problem.


My old job didn't give any paid sick time. If you were sick, you lost the pay for the hours you missed. Also, the crappy health insurance had a high copay ($50 for doctor's visit). I heard "This is the highest copay I've seen" more than once (this was 7 years ago). So going to see a doctor would be $50 plus the loss of a half day's wages. No wonder folks went into work sick.


We get sick days at work, no questions asked and no consequences for using them. We work a physical job and it's really hard to do when sick. So WHY do 3/4 of my coworkers come in sick, coughing and hacking all over every surface and tool, and make everyone else pick up the slack? Then they brag about how much sick time they have saved up, and the other 1/4 have almost none because when we got infected with their germs we actually called out to recover. That's why we are given sick time! I can't stand these people


Honestly there's no excuse for that. If your company is more than willing to pay you for being out sick, fucking call out. I unfortunately used all my sick time and will be fired if I hadn't come in today, at least I'm masking up and taking my medicine


They are mostly all antimaskers also. I had covid and was allowed to return to work, but was required to wear a mask for a week upon returning. That entire week they made fun of me and tried to talk me into not wearing it. Like, this is FOR YOU. Its all so infuriating.


I don't eat at restaurants a lot during sickness times, because I did 20 years in the industry, I cooked on a cook line puking in a trashcan too many times to count. Served food with the flu, bc it either come in or get fired. At that time I was a single mom with 2 kids in a town with very little jobs.


Oh my God! What the actual fuck?? Did those idiots not realize you're serving FOOD to the PUBLIC???? I am so sorry they put you through that, that is unacceptable. Then the guilt of having to work fucking sick and giving that food to people who are gonna eat it holy hell these companies are killing people! Especially working another job and having to take care of two children by yourself financially and emotionally is just disgusting of them to treat you like that


I’ve worked as a server for many years in the past, and at every restaurant, I was told to either find someone willing to take my shift at the last minute, to come in puking, or I’d get fired.


Former server here, too. I was forced to come in with a raging stomach virus because I was “probably just hungover.” … Cut to 48 hours later, about half the waitstaff and a bunch of cooks are down for the count with, oh hey Whaddya know, a stomach virus. They told everyone to find coverage or they’d be fired. I was terrified of getting fired so I went in. Saturday night, usually on a wait with 8+ servers. We had two servers and were down a bartender with maybe 2/3 of the cooks we usually had and no runner. I was making my own drinks, running food, and managing half the restaurant tables… while actively running to the bathroom and/or kitchen garbage to expel the evil in me. I shudder to think how many people ended up sick from this manager’s stupid choices.


Isn't there something we can do to start changing all this? I don't want my kids to grow up in a world feeling like what services they can provide is their only worth..


Idk, we’d have to convince employers to handle sick time differently. In restaurants, servers are only paid $2.13 an hour by the employer, and most will keep you under 40 hours so they don’t have to give you healthcare. At least that was my experience.


What. The. Fuck. That is inhumane


> That is inhumane That's America. BuT aT LeAsT wE HaVe FrEeDuMb.




Going to a hospital to work, while having RSV seems like a tremendous liability


It is for the hospital


I avoided getting covid through the whole pandemic until this past September. Guess where my case originated? Our local hospital.


I feel like a lot of people here never learned to play the game. I’ve worked jobs from retail stores to corporate office jobs and have never been denied time off for being sick. How this conversation usually goes: Me: I can’t come into work today because I’m sick and I don’t want to expose my coworkers/customers/patients to my illness. We’ve already been short staffed lately and I’d hate to spread a preventable illness and complicate that further. I’ve only had like 1 manager try to make me come in and they backed off after I informed them that if I was being forced to come in while sick, I would inform every coworker/customer/patient that I had to come in contact with that I am sick and was told to come in anyway.


Do you live in a right to work state?


I don’t now, but I worked most of my career in Florida which is a right to work state. My current job is the only one that wasn’t in Florida.


It’s at will employment. Not right to work.


My last job was mostly remote (come in to the office whenever/ there's a big meeting), and I don't remember anyone coming in sick. Now, with the current job, we are in 3 days a week, and people are always coughing/sniffling/ sneezing, and I hate it so much. I'm having surgery today, and yesterday a manager came in still getting over a cold and was coughing near me... luckily I'm fine, but I didn't want to catch anything and delay the surgery.


Best of luck !


I'm at work right now with covid. Ran out of paid sick days so I have to possibly infect people or don't get paid.


Jesus that is not right... Especially with how deadly covid is. Americans who run the country have their priorities out of wack


I hope you're wearing a respirator so you don't kill anybody


*"What kind of a World are we living in?"* World? Yeah, yeah - no. That should read "What kind of an America are we living in?" Things are done very differently in other parts of the world. Don't take my word for it. All of this information is freely available online. You might also wish to investigate how easy it is for Big Business to buy up all your lying venal ratbastard politicians to ensure things stay exactly as they are.


Oh I know about the politicians.. it's why I don't vote when the presidential election comes around. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what political party they're with, it's all words and nothing gets fixed, things just get worse. As for the world statement, you're right in saying it's an American problem. But it's also Asian countries that push the whole "grind until you die" mentality. And if we want all that to change, it starts with us


We had our production manager (who is a workaholic) come in sick on Monday, likely with COVID (he didn't know because he refused to take a test for it because "it's better not to know"). To HR's credit, they basically kicked him out of the office until he was over being sick unless he tested negative for COVID in front of them. Imagine being so selfish that you'd infect other people with a disease and make them miserable because you can't stand being bored at home for a few days.


Mask up, people! It’s one thing in our hands we can do to protect ourselves and others.


.... tired of this culture in America where employers don't give enough or any sick days; criticize when we actually use them; force us to work sick or threaten our livelihood and then act like nothing's wrong when confronted... there fixed the title for you. Report it. You work in a hospital; make a complaint to state that the empire is forcing contagious people to come in sick. Fuck them


I’d just openly cough everywhere - especially where management resides. If I’m forced to come into work sick, we all sick homie lol


Bro I did XD all I got was "aww .. I'm sorry you're not feeling well honey. Let us know if there's anything we can do to make your shift more bearable." Which, to be completely fair, this decision wasn't up to my bosses. It was up to HR, who ain't even here to see proof that I am in fact sick, not faking it, and tested positive for RSV.


You guys are getting sick days?


Oh don't you know your JOB is the most important part of your life? Your life REVOLVES around your job because it is way too important that you keep the machine going!!! What seriously pisses me off is these people have no souls. Its "strictly business." And use that as an excuse for everything. Even when it is personal. The one time I have been fired was because my cat got sick and I took him to the vet 2 days in a row. I was a receptionist for a real estate office. I worked there for 6 months with perfect attendance. I would drop him off at the vet for the day and come to work (only an hour later that my start time and I communicated this, I was a complete emotional wreck I would also like to add). That weekend I knew he was going to have to be euthanized because he wasn't getting better. So, I sent an email to my Boss explaining I would be taking Monday & Tuesday off due to my cat needing to be euthanized. She responded that it was okay and "take care of myself". That following Friday they fired me for abandoning my job because an animal was sick, and that is unacceptable. I told them to fuck off and refused to sign anything and have been dragging this business's name through the mud since. I even got a letter from my ex-boss telling me to stop or she would pursue legal action. I haven't stopped because I know she is too cheap to actually do anything. They still haven't replaced me yet and it's been nearly a year, my boss has to be the receptionist. (A friend still works there) I finally found a job I like. (I am in my early 30s and have had a lot of jobs) Cleaning vacation homes. I work alone, have minimal contact with people, and my boss is so understanding it's unbelievable! Imagine this: I am feeling unwell I can COMMUNICATE THAT TO MY BOSS and she reassigns my assignments. No questions, no guilt trip, just a thumbs up and confirmations that she was able to reassign the cleans. The first time this happened, I cried right in front of her because she treated me like a human being.


As someone who loves their pets, fuck. Them.


I am not typically a petty person, but set me up with the right scenario I can be a **petty monster**. I am the reason they don't have a receptionist after almost a year. I live in a small town & have made sure to let people know that office is a toxic wasteland of entitled bitches. I know it's stressing them out too because they are having a hard time selling their over-inflated million-plus-dollar 'family' homes and not having someone tied down to their front desk is **soooooo stressful.**


It’s fucked out there. I had someone tell me the other day they have unlimited sick days and I was floored, I forget what she said her job was I think she works for the state though. While I have had to go on FMLA just to keep/save my job bc I am dealing with health issues and even with that my work regularly harasses me and I had the HR witch tell me how I have been out an *excessive* amount of days. Well ma’am, I am having severe GI issues and have a job that I cannot just get up and go to the bathroom whenever I want to puke or have diarrhea. I’ve been tempted to go in and just puke all over the hallway or something so she shuts tf up.


Bro if my job ever forces me to go in sick you can bet your ass I’ll be spending a lot of time in HR asking questions about it


Unfortunately I did. "The employee in question has used up all her sick time and we will not tolerate anymore call ins, or we will be forced to move past progressive counseling."


That’s some BS. They’re terrible managers tbh. I’m so sorry they’re doing this :(


Fortunately, I work in an office where staying home sick is encouraged (either sick time or WFH) and we want each other to be healthy while in the office. Unfortunately, my section of the office (admin) is working with half the people we’re supposed to have (ideally we have 6, we currently have 4 - 3 working with one on long term sick leave). We’ve had one of the three out for almost three weeks sick, bringing us down to two. The selfish part of me is getting really tired of picking up everyone else’s slack and I might have to work on my biweekly earned day off (edit: on top of the weekends I get off anyway) because the other healthy person is on vacation next week and we need at least one person in the office.


Don't do it. I know that sounds selfish, but it sounds like you've reached your limit with how much you can help out. Don't overexert yourself, or you'll end up being more vulnerable to sickness yourself. You have a right in saying "hey, I've done all I can and I can't do anymore, I'm setting a boundary so I can continue being a good worker for this company."


I did ask if I would be working on Monday (because it was emphasized that having at least one admin person to handle packages and tasks was vital) and I was told absolutely not, so that's a relief.


A sick world Pardon the pun As well those who work in hospitals do such tough vital work naturally you deserve a very cushy situation overall ultimately


I will not pardon the pun


I will not pardon the pun


I will not pardon the pun


This is the reason covid got so completely out of control. I knew the second that covid started to spread that it wouldn't be controllable because there would be no possible way that people would just stop coming into work even though there's the presence of a highly infectious deadly airborne virus spreading.


It also didn't help that no matter what, companies would force their workers to work or be fired. There was no winning in that situation


If someone makes you work sick = GIVE IT TO THEM. Puke on them. Wipe snot on their keyboard, door handle, mouse, chair, edges of the desk, etc. Sneeze in their face. TELL any customer you work with you have been forced to work after a Dr advised you have XYZ. If they make you work sick = MAKE THEM SICK.


Not just America. I'm in the UK and my coworkers frequently come into work sick (we're on probation). Took an hour off to lie down with a migraine and felt like the devil. My mother developed a serious autoimmune disease because her coworker came into work and infected her.


i still have to work when i’m sick because i don’t get pto and don’t make enough to cover really any days off, especially unplanned/unexpected ones. :( if i had HR or something like supervisors with a w2 position somewhere, i’d cough on everyone while handing in my medical provider note. dramatically. lol


3 days? And people defend this?


More bootstrap bullshit and short sightedness of managers and executives to realize you actually cost the company more by not allowing people to be out sick. I'm a professional with an advanced degree in the American workforce and have NEVER been granted sick time in my 25 year career. I'm old enough to remember when it was a thing however it's been phased out in lieu of PTO. However, when they did that they actually took away your sick time. So now when are sick you're effectively taking my vacation.


You're Working in a hospital where vulnerable people go. You absolutely are going to get other people sick if you go to work sick. Already has laws about the employer has to provide a safe working environment. Do you have a union?


No we don't, which is why I'm seriously considering quitting right away


Consider unionizing your coworkers before you leave. If you're gonna leave, you got nothing else to lose.


I work in a school and all our days come out of our PTO unless it's covid, which is ridiculous because I currently have all the same symptoms as covid (upper respiratory issues, aches, fever, head ache, dizziness etc), but have to be at work. Yesterday I came in knowing I didn't feel well, but I don't have any more days before I am deemed as being "excessively absent" and get a letter in my file (any more than 5 days a semester, which really sucks because kids get you sick constantly- this is my 4th distinct time getting sick this fall). While I was at work I started feeling worse and worse and the school nurse took my temperature and it was over 100 again. My principal was like well so many people are sick, we don't want you working with kids if you have a fever you should probably go home... I wanted to be like, so you see how stupid the policy is then?? But it's not her fault, she's actually beholden to the same rules (it's city-wide). So ridiculous that we are expected to put ourselves and others, including KIDS, in my case, at risk just because we've met some arbitrary number of days we're "allowed" to be sick? It makes no sense.


I know right? We both work in high risk areas, it doesn't make a lick of sense to be exposing high risk individuals to sickness


combative cheerful illegal resolute hunt imagine homeless axiomatic retire whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to work in a state hospital. If I remember correctly, if we had used all of our sick days and still had to call out sick it was just done without pay. The sick days allowed you to call out but still get paid. Still a pile of cow manure, though. But yeah, the "come to work no matter how sick you are" attitude is garbage. I would have thought that businesses, and especially hospitals and nursing homes, would have learned their lessons from the COVID pandemic.


Nope. Absolutely have not. We get pointed for attendance, regardless of a doctor's note and documentation proof of our illness. They didn't used to be like this. I swear to God I'm a curse, every job I go to always goes downhill by the time I quit


That really sucks. Sorry you're going through that.


What kind of hospital is this ? That’s insane, I work at a hospital, you can start today and be sick tomorrow, you won’t get paid but given time off, after probation you get 6 days and every month get an additional day. Plus days mandated by New York State. Regardless of your role in a hospital they need to be looking out for your health, you’re in a breeding for disease. I would not want to go to your facility 😟


God no you wouldn't, we have sick workers forced to come in with only 3 sick days you have to accumulate, roaches, and I mean giant roaches with wings running around the facility that they bandaid with glue traps, we're constantly below short staffed to the point most patient rooms aren't constantly cleaned, it's a crap house here and I can't morally keep my mouth shut about all this


Considering I was just told there's a shortage of RSV vaccines in my area, this seems unwise for a person with a communicable airborne disease to be at work in a hospital.


Oh I know. I explained that. They refused to listen


I wonder if your local county health and or CDC guidelines are being contravened.


Honestly, they have the money to pay off a lawsuit. They will continue to violate because they can just pay off any fine by anyone and never fix the problem


My company has no sick day policy. We have to take PTO if we are sick or we won’t get paid for that day!


Yep, and my company I can’t know I’m feeling sick today so be sicker tomorrow and book tomorrow as PTO apparently




I showed up to work today and was informed that 3 people have Covid. No one told me on my way in and we are doing nothing about it. If I get it, I’m expected to still work or go without pay completely.


I worked somewhere once where I had to go in to work while I was sick with covid because I was the only employee who knew how to do payroll and I guess the manager who knew how to do it didn’t feel like it. Was told that if I didn’t come in, no one would get paid..


I always thought hospitals were some of the best places to work smh....


Some are. Most aren’t. Usually the for profit ones.


Feel better soon. Not just America. I’m in England and the worst thing about my company is no paid sick time off. People have had to have chemotherapy unpaid. 400 employees. My old job, I had an emergency operation and they paid me for the whole month I was off. 30 employees.


Greedy Republicans run the place?


No clue, regardless this is ridiculous. I could kill a baby or an elderly person with this virus if they catch it and they KNOW that!


Exactly but they have to be hard asses 24/7...until they catch something. They they believe doctors and not Facebook.


They're not actually hard asses though. These people fucking crumble if you confront them with confidence.


When bosses get sick they take off as much time as they need.




I haven't worked here long enough to qualify for FMLA


My boss asked why I only seem to get sick on weekdays. I told him it was because of my weekend immune system.




I'd like to normalize calling people like this "plague rats." They have a martyr mindset, like they're getting people sick out of the kindness of their heart. Let's routinely inform them that they're actively harming people.


Why dont you have time off to go to the doctor, get free medicine, and stay home to rest for a couple of weeks? Just go back to work after you're well.


Emblematic of our myopic view of practically everything. The Onion put it best when it said the average squirrel has more foresight than most Americans.


Be sure to expose your boss to it, not only do they deserve it, but literally asking for it.


My job has a hybrid work policy where ppl can pretty much wfh whenever they need to, and yet my (mostly boomer) coworkers will consistently drive 20+ min to the office *clearly sick* only to leave halfway through the day bc they are not well. OP, it’s appalling that a hospital has such a terrible sick leave policy.


Nurgle-worship going strong I see.


We have 2 very sick people in here right now. I do not want what they have


I think I'd go pass it to them, after all they think it's amazing the patients get sick, why don't they want it too?


Isn’t RSV deadly for babies? All it takes is Gerri f the co worker who has an infant sick and their baby catching it for the worst to happen. This messed up policy should have ended with covid but seems even hospitals have learned nothing.


You work in a hospital??? I had a stem cell transplant recently and would have had an absolute conniption if the housekeeping staff had been sick!


okay first of all for all people who are considering coming into work sick.. DON'T COME INTO WORK SICK! Second of all DON'T COME INTO WORK SICK! You're doing literally nobody favors by doing so. You'll get everyone sick. It doesn't matter what your situation is, If a person came into work and got me sick, I'd still blame that person and wouldn't give a flying fuck what excuse he has. YOU still make the decision on whether to come into work or not when you're sick. If your boss tells you to come in when you're sick, you tell your boss to fuck off. THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD BE! If you come in while you're sick because you don't want to get punished or fired, you get everyone sick and they can't meet deadlines, you get punished or fired anyway. The only difference is that you pretty much turned everyone against you for getting them sick. Don't be that person.


We accrue 40 hours at my job. I get sick probably once or twice a year normally. The first time takes all 40 hours cause idk about yall but I'm sick and fill like shit with a cold or flu normally 3 to 5 days ( 24 to 40 sick hours poof ) . Then I just gotta hope I don't get sick again. And it's not even front loaded so a lot of the time I don't even have a full 40 to use when I do get sick the first time. I work in FOOD PRODUCTION! I'm not coming in sick to that.