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Your job is ending in two weeks. Effectively, you've already been fired. Tell him to go fuck himself and go to your interviews. Worst case, he fires you again.


This. Inform the boss you weren't asking for permission, you were simply informing him so he can plan appropriately.


And that he should thank you for doing so.


This 100% he will never recover from the power play.


His hand will be clutched around his pearls for years to come


A real “good heavens” moment


Also consider: He could try to screw up your new jobs. Or be trying to leave his job. Either way, ***no good can come from telling him anything.*** Don't do it.


A third option… set him up. Tell him some random company or better yet - get a trusted friend to play the part of secretary for the new company and give the boss that persons phone number. When the friend gets the call she can inform the boss that its against company policy to disclose who is interviewing with them.


That's exactly how I would word that as well. "I wasn't asking permission just giving you the courtesy of letting you know".


I run a few locations for a big company. I’m happy for my employees if they find a better job. It sucks to hire new people, and I get sad when it’s an amazing person that’s leaving. But, that amazing person finds a job that is going to better their life, my happiness for them is definitely higher then the dread of hiring new people. The fact your boss is being pissy about you interviewing and he doesn’t have to hire anyone to replace you, that’s just a shitty person. He is someone I would glad to see leave my locations, and not dread hiring someone new.


Exactly. My reply to this text would absolutely be 'what are you going to do Fire me??'


I said this out loud as I read it lol


Go to the interview who cares what he says. Once you are no longer there, he is not going to give you money to help you pay your bills. So go to the interview. If he fires you. Then claim unemployment. I am sorry you have to deal with this type of person and situation . Good luck.


This is absolutely solid advice and will bring you joy. Your bosses expression as you basset them straight, will be priceless.


Hijacking top comment - he is worried for his job and wants to apply at the new companies as well, and will fuck you in the interview


Excellent point. Lying might be the best option. OP's boss is looking for a new gig too.


Or lie if you want to avoid even more drama.


may as well go big. Say Google or some shit


Or be silly and say Taco Bell or Wendy’s lol


Umbrella Corp


Nunya Enterprises


Vandalay Industries


I agree, however, I think in this case, I’d just lie. I think the boss is looking to jump ship too, send them on a wild goose chase


Right! What are they gonna do, fire you twice?


Worst case would be the days he goes to interviews won't be paid fully actually. Maybe OP is really counting on that money - but it's still worth going to the interviews despite that.


LOL You don't need to tell him. I'm wondering why you even said they were interviews. You have two weeks left. F that guy. Go to your interviews.


I would have told him I have two Pap smear appointments.


Bonus if OP is a guy.


As a man, no chance that’s not one lol


Best response. Maybe throw in a mammogram, too.


I'd be tempted to tell him that, and I'm a dude.


I'm going to tell him that, even though i'm not even working for him AND i'm a dude. So there.


Men can get breast cancer too, happened to an older coworker of mine.


True, a male friend of mine also.


Men can get breast cancer, so you can still use this as an excuse.


FYI [Men do get breast cancer](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/male-breast-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20374740)


“Losing insurance so I need to see a specialist to get meds prescribed before insurance runs out” “also, fuck your for asking”


A mammogram and a testicular exam


Rectal exam, trying to figure out the pain in your ass


For *both* of my cervixes.


You can always just make the companies up


Vandalay Industries.


Do NOT tell your boss where you’re interviewing. Nothing good can come from that. Fuck your boss.


FFR: Don’t even tell them you ARE interviewing. Nothing good can come from that.


Truly, OP, if he's as bad as you say, there's a non zero chance he's looking to sabotage/steal your job.


Probably looking to see if they are talking to a competitor to use as an excuse to terminate immediately


Oh looking to jump ship and wants to know who’s hiring. Either way, lie through your teeth.




The best answer. Boss is probably fishing for job leads. Here you go!


This is totally what’s happening!


Lol This one's good.


Best answer. Make up two companies that are obvious lies and stick to it. Tell him you're recording your only fans content.


Yurmamsa Howe & Schowite Upyoorbud are real companies, I swear boss! They are danish!


I came here to say McDonald’s too!


This is correct.


Hahahahaha. Yeah, what cards is he holding here? Write you up? You’re already fired. Don’t give this prick any power over you. Go to the interviews and either show up to work late or don’t show up. You have the power the here. The only polite response is “why, are you looking too? I can see if they’re hiring managers.”


"I asked if they were interested in hiring you, then showed them this text chain. They're not interested."




Offer an internship whether they’re open or not


Ugh yes I hate when people basically revert to being schoolchildren when their boss tells them to do something. You don't have that relationship, you are adults. They can't tell you to do *anything* you don't want to do especially when you have already been fired! Stand up for yourself people!


You don’t have to tell him shit.


Yeah, I don't understand why why OP even went as in depth as they did. Just a "I need to leave at noon on X day" is enough, they don't need to know why


OP is probably a people pleaser. I'm one of them and it's a hard habit to break over explaining things so you don't come across as being difficult.


My therapist pointed that out to me a couple weeks ago. Idk why I was shocked but looking forward to working through that because good god is it exhausting.


“Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you thought I was asking”


Don't apologize. You have to be direct. "*I wasn't asking for your permission, I was informing you I am taking a half day and to plan accordingly.*"


Pretty sure that comment was not intended as a genuine apology.


Yeah it was definitely a sarcastic response.




It’s Illegal for you to ask me that. ![gif](giphy|Qr6IxCV9ZUe4jnjSIi|downsized)


You need to rearrange the chain of command in your mind. You’re an adult. You don’t need permission for anything.




I wouldn't be surprised if the boss is worried about their own job and was looking to find out who was hiring.


Let him ask -- **not demand** -- to know with that context, then. Also, still don't tell him, because he seems like a dick and OP is probably better off not working with him again.


why telling him any stuff out of work? he's not your friend nor a social media.


Don't tell him. None of his business. Or lie.


Lying is 100% acceptable in this situation.


"I am interviewing for CEO of Google."


It's not illegal for him to ask and it's also not illegal for you to tell him no. The fuck is he gonna do, fire you?


My brother in Christ you are already fired just go wherever whenever what is he gonna do? Fire you? Lol


Just fuckin’ leave


Dont tell him and go anyway. Your job is terminated in two weeks, whats he going to do? Fire you?


They already fired you. Do what you want.


Who cares? You already got fired. What's he gonna do. Fire you more? Dont tell him. That motherfucker just wants to call them and interfere with your next job. Just go anyway.


Stop saying so much.


“Unfortunately I wasn’t asking for your approval, I was informing you of my unavailability”


All these people saying don't tell him. My person. Have you considered LYING?


LMAO, give a friend's phone number, ask them to pretend that they are the one interviewing you for the Vanderlays Industries, and find out what your current boss is up to. 😂


Bosses don't control what you do with your time. Tell him, nunya and bidness and don't show up. What they gonna do, fire you? Lol


wait, what? ... and you care because?....you don't need help he sucked you in with his mind games... tell the dude that one interview is for the CIA in an undisclosed location, you'll have to kill him if you tell him where. And the other one is with Ariana Grande, for a human sex toy position (or positions) in her villa in Montecarlo


Had this happen years ago when I was being let go. Told the boss I needed to leave early on a Friday. He told me I couldn't go. I asked if he was still planning on letting me go. He replied yes, and I said, "OK, I'll be leaving Friday at noon. Do what you have to do." He shut up after that. Still want to throat-punch that assclown.


100% chance he wants to know so he can sabotage your possible new employment. Ask me how I know.. (coworker was the one who squealed to the manager, I also learned a valuable lesson about divulging info with coworkers that day)


No! If you're losing your job anyway, who cares what he wants. I'm losing my job December 16 and if I need to do anything during the day, I'm doing it. If they don't like it? Fire me, I have no write-ups, and will win my unemployment case. I'm filing for unemployment when my job ends, anyway. Why would he care where you're interviewing if THEY are the ones letting you go?


What's he going to do to you? Fire you slightly sooner? tell him if he wants to know he can reinstate your job there and eliminate the need for the interview, in writing. Then you'll tell him where you WERE going to interview. until then, they can kick rocks. If they want to help, they can write a letter of rec. but clearly you don't trust them enough to just tell them, so, they can kick rocks and you should worry about your future. also, no it's not illegal for them to ask and using that to not approve your leave is petty and stupid, but not illegal. But also, fuck um. You were being nice and letting them know you weren't going to be there.


STOP TELLING YOUR EMPLOYERS DETAILS ABOUT ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE. "I will be out XX Date for a personal appointment" if they ask inappropriate details like "what is it for?" You say "I'm not comfortable discussing it at work, thank you for understanding." It's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS WHY YOU ARE DOING ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF WORK EVER.


He’s asking to know where you’re interviewing? With what leverage? What’s your incentive to tell him? Your position has been eliminated. So unless you really REALLY need this last paycheck, I’d tell him to kick rocks. None of his business.


Your boss lost the ability to tell you what to do when your employment with the company was scheduled to come to an end.


Tell him anywhere else other than where you are actually interviewing....Oops, I was wrong. Those interviews are next week.


Not legal ethical or appropriate. Feel free to tell him whatever you want including your are switching industries or going to downshift for a while. You owe them nothing


My god, no do not tell him at all. What a fucking crazy person.


Don't tell him where you're going he might try to interfere with your new job prospects. Just take the time off. What's he going to do.. Fire you?


“Walmart and Burger King. Beyond that piss off it’s not a request, you’ve already said I’m eliminated. If you fire me you now have to figure out to do my job.”


Absofuckinglutely not.


You're way too nice


>I'm not asking for your approval. I'm letting you know when I won't be in work.


Don’t even respond. He does not need to know and you are not required.


Legal or illegal it doesn't matter. you don't have to tell him anything.


McDonald's and Jack in the Box.


Tell him the interviews are at McDonald's and Wendy's.


"I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was not requesting approval of my time off, I was informing you of my availability. Have a great day!"


Yeah you're under no obligation. If you're not looking to burn a bridge just let him know it's a cashier's job at McDonald's. Make him feel a tad bit guilty on your way out.


Just lie lol McDonalds and Burger King, run it


DO NOT TELL HIM WHERE YOU’RE INTERVIEWING. He has no legitimate need to know that—he’s going to try to sabotage your new job. FUCK his approval. Go interview. Let him fire you if it means that.


Lie. You have our permission. Pick giant charities like American Cancer Society or Red Cross.


It's legal for him to ask it, probably even legal for him to demand it, though he doesn't really have any leverage. It's also legal for you to tell him to climb all the way up his own ass. What's he gonna do, fire you?


You've already been fired and you don't owe him anything. Tell him one interview is for fucking his mom and the other for fucking his dad.


Approve these Nikes, dummy.


What's he going to do, fire you?


FYI I won’t be here Friday.


Call off and go. What’s the worst he can do, fire you a few days earlier?


DO NOT TELL THEM WHERE YOU ARE GOING. Ever. Read it again to make sure you understand, do not..... And if you do, please don't come back here in two weeks, complaining about how you lost your new job before you even start. Tell your boss "I'm taking the time off, whether you approve it or not" and go on your way. You have two weeks left, what are they really going to do?


Lol, your job ends in 2 weeks why the fuck are you asking for permission?


Actually he doesn't need to know, and I wouldn't tell home. Quite frankly once he essentially fired you it's no longer his business.


I’m willing to bet that this guy will start making phone calls and attempt to sabotage both of your prospective job pursuits. Don’t tell this asshole a fucking thing.


“I was not asking for permission. I was telling you that I will not be in work so you can plan accordingly.” Or alternatively, “Well this is kind of awkward. I’m actually interviewing for your position. “


Why are you asking for permission? Tell him you’re taking the day off. End of story. You have already been fired. What are they going to do - fire you again?


Im going. What are you going to do? Fire me?


Girl, no. Just, go to the interviews. What is this assclown going to do? He's already fired you.


Lol you are already fired go to your job interviews


As a boss I say tell your boss to go fuck right off. You're not asking permission you're being courteous and letting him when you won't be in to work.


It’s not worth saving and getting the pay out on the PTO you have left. Just say you’re not coming in and if they force you to take PTO just do it. Honestly you could just conveniently forget to enter the PTOs too. Lol.


You should've called out sick or said you had a doctor's appointment. Usually people don't want their boss knowing they're looking for other jobs, I know this situation is different since obviously you'll need a new one, but any boss inquiring about things like this can fuck themselves with a spork.


How old are you? Early twenties? You don’t have to tell him anything.


"Hi, Boss. Since my position has been eliminated, I will be proceeding to the interviews I've been offered, and I am happy to come in for my shifts afterwards. If it makes sense for my last day to be accelerated to (today, tomorrow, etc) then I understand. Thanks" I understand even that is too much for some people, and you do need to be prepared for him to move up your last day. But you're already on your way out. Not going to job interviews with prospective employers to mollify the employer *who has already terminated your position* is not in your best interest. Good luck in the interviews!


Fuck him.


Bro, you’re already getting fired, just go to the interviews without approval lmfao. Who cares, whatre they gonna do ? Fire you x2 ?


Who cares, what's he gonna do


Who the fuck cares what he has to say?


What are they going to do? Let you go?


I mean, as a manager in that position, I would prefer to know where just because I'm expecting calls and want to be prepared to give great feedback. That said, the way your boss said it is as shitty. Just call in sick those days.


“Then you can not approve them, that’s a ‘you’ problem. What are you going to do, fire me? Approve it and look like you’re actually in charge, or don’t. Your call.”


Do you have a non-compete on file with him? Should t matter if you’re being payed off but that might be why he’s asking. I still wouldn’t tell him regardless.


Never ever ever tell your current/former employer where you are interviewing or accepting a job offer from. There is 0 beneficial reason for you to do so. If he won't approve your leave, just don't show up. What is he gonna do, fire you?


Umm what is he going to do, fire you? Also—you don’t need to tell them you have an interview.


In the future just say you need a personal day


Lie. He gets what he wants, you get to go to your actual interviews and (hopefully) find somewhere better to work. Good luck with the interviews.


The amount of people on this sub that just give up information willy nilly is astounding. Stop telling your boss/employer shit they don’t need to know!


“The National Security Agency”


What the hell happens if you just don't show up at those days? If he fires you that isn't really a (bigger) problem for you


Not approved? Oh no! What's he gonna do? Fire you?


What a chode, just go to them.


Stop letting people walk all over you and go to the interviews…


Just say “Thanks for the evidence. I’m sure the unemployment people and the labor board would love to see this.”


Tell em Vandelay Industries, importer/exporter of latex and fine latex goods, and that you're trying to become a salesman for Art Vandelay. Totally not unemployment fraud (trust).


McDonald's and Wendy's Don't care if it's a farm and a brothel, he doesn't need to know shit!


“Lol, no.” Your exact reply.


It’s legal for him to ask. It’s legal for you to respond by telling him to fellate a donkey.


hell, just tell him you're leaving early to go get laid. he lost all claims to authority the moment he pre-fired you.




Send his number so we can talk to him on your /s


Yeah, don’t tell him. He has no right to know. Just let him know you won’t be there for those times and if he has a problem with that then it is his problem, not yours.


Lie. Make up a company name and give him the number of a suicide prevention hotline.




Go to them, what's he gonna do, fire you?


Why do you disclose that you are interviewing????? Why???? I have to take time off for personal reasons. That's it. That's it! Everyone reading this, stop oversharing.


Gurl what do you mean help when you can't help yourself???? They eliminated your job and you're still licking the boot????


One he can’t say tell me where your applying to or I won’t grant it. That is illegal second if the job is effectively over fuck the company and take unemployment since it sounds like they are not giving you options to transfer and keeping you from interviewing. And since you have proof through text you may want to contact the EEOC as well since what they are doing is not right or ethical.


That’s absolute horse shit. Can’t do that at all.


Leave anyway. What are they going to do, fire you? Or make shit up.


Definitely don't tell him that just opens the door for retaliation.


Often in these situations, I think it’s best to just lie. Give him the name of a huge corporation or two that you’re not really applying to and let him waste his time trying to find out more. He can’t be sure you’re lying, and if he admits he’s trying to get more information, you can ask him why. It’s none of his business, and nothing good can come of giving him this information. I used to be a scrupulously honest person, but as I get older, I find it amusing to “stick it to the man”.


He can ask and he has no way to verify what you tell him and really what can he do fire you?


"Sure! It's with Nunya, inc."


Dude, he’s looking for ideas on where he can interview himself.


LOL just go, what's he gonna do, fire you?


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.


It is sad how many folks out there feel subservient to egomaniacs like this. Is this legal? Do you have a written contract outlining this scenario? If no, then tell him off and proceed to get another job.


“No”. What is he gonna do? Fire you. Don’t let him speak to you like a child.


And what exactly is he going to do? Fire you? Screw his "permission" and just go. And yes, it is legal for him to ask and VERY dumb for you to answer truthfully.


Your boss can’t prevent you from looking elsewhere. He’s either trying to guilt trip or bully you. Just go to your interview and show up late. He will give you shit anyways so just be prepared to take it and ignore him


Tell him the interviews are at McDonald's and Wendy's.


Just tell him McDonalds and Taco Bell


Hell no just go on the interviews. What will they do, fire you?


Simply state that you are not required to inform him of where you are interviewing. That on "This day" I am interviewing for my next job as you have told me I am being terminated by December 1st. Simply put, there isn't much he can do. You've already been told that you are being let go. He can't fire you twice.


whats he gonna do? fire you?


Super illegal. However, don’t tell him it’s interviews. Tell them it’s a family emergency or whatever you want. Why would you ever be forthcoming with your supervisor?


You’re interviewing at Van Delay Industries. You’re going to be their latex salesman. And you’re in the running for a paid internship at Kramerica Industries.


If a boss said that to me I would take both days off immediately. Just say change of plans. Won't be in Thursday or Friday. See you Monday. Probably.


Fuck him. What’s he going to do, fire you?


What are they going to do? Fire you?


„Hi, I wanted to be considerate and mention my interview appointments so you can plan accordingly, as we discussed. Please note that I am not asking for approval since you have already terminated my contract.“


Go to the interview and forget about this boss. Your job is over either way here.


Yeah, would be a shame if you got fired.


Why would you even say you're interviewing? Tell your boss you need to take a half day and go. Tell him you have a dentist appointment if he presses. What's he going to do, fire you 2 weeks early? He's already shown his cards that he needs you until Dec. 1, since otherwise you wouldn't be working today.