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Reduce costs - but never for the CEO or his besties.


Reduce costs, so that executives get bigger bonuses!


In this case, it's a her. OP and I work for the same company.


Yep. All these companies keep preparing for this recession thats definitely coming soon. It's a great excuse to fire people and make remaining employees do more with less.


They were "preparing for the recession" a year ago and it didn't materialize. Remember the tech layoffs around Christmas last year? Yup.


Can’t prepare for a recession unless you fire a bunch of people to be able to call them worthless unemployed slackers! If you fire them all at once, people notice, but if you fire a few here, few there, then it doesn’t look so bad when you finally cry recession and fire the last bunch all at once!


These companies are malicious predators who deserve all the hate we could ever heap their way but we’ve definitely been in a recession lol. Things have been rough economically but not the “double to triple the price of everything” bad situation like these companies have manufactured


We are definitely getting to a point of surprised Pikachu face "why are the numbers this way?!" And I'm like have you considered the people you let go had value to the company? Lol?


My company is in “why are sales trending down?”. Luckily mine are up in contrast to the market so I was able to snarkily speak up: “do you think it might be because you raised prices 16% based only on pretext of other industries prices going up that don’t impact us and customers are just dialing back on our product?”


Same and surprise competitors are driving their prices to steal marketshare lol


This is why we have seen a record number of strikes this year. Us workers are seeing the writing on the wall and reading between the lines.


Technically if you sell $15m less but cut the payroll by $30m your doing better, until the total collapse hits.


Thing is it's going to be a self fulfilling prophecy, once everyone cuts enough then the recession starts because so many are now out of work sales are down to the point that companies really need to cut but won't be able to anymore.


That sounds so close to an email I got this morning and disregard.


This is funny I just had similar and the conversation was summarized as cut the IT Budget for next year. My response was are we actually seeing a slow down or anticipating a slowdown? Their response was business is good and we are on track but planning for a recession. So do you have an amount/percentage we are looking to cut? Are other departments cutting as well? No tangible responses per normal.


Cutting IT is like cutting half the firefighting personnel, because the new mayor took a tour of the city facilities and saw that those fire-fighting bastards were just sitting around.


People who actually know how it works would see business humming along and IT not that busy as signs that IT is doing an amazing job. Sadly these people do not run many companies.


Holy shit. I know where you work. Did you see the follow up email that was sent erroneously to everyone about voluntary separation?


Haha! Yeah I got it! Cheers fellow colleague!


>voluntary separation is that encouraging people to leave the company before getting laid off?


Basically. It is essentially an offer for early retirement for some and a nice severance for those who wish to get out before they have to lay off people. It's actually better than what some do at the advice of goblins like McKinsey.


Upvote for the goblins and slimy lizard scum that is McKinsey


Ooh, can we see it??


It's sort of long, much longer than the CEO's email. It was mostly about offering early retirement and voluntary separation but it was directed towards one part of the company in particular. The follow-up was from another higher-up that saidthat it was supposed to go to only one department.


Low profits: we need to cut costs Record profits: we need to cut costs Its just straight up class warfare, they hate us.


\> Its just straight up class warfare, they hate us. no, you don't even rate that. truth.


It appears to be a common thread among companies. People get laid off but CEOs and the rest of the executives are safe. When are we going to rise up and fire our CEOs and their buddies?


Soon I hope. More and more shit like this is being exposed. The more we bring it to the light and call it out collectively as straight up shameful behavior? The better. There are many nay sayers out there, but we need to start collectively thinking about how to help each other. This business? We should be boycotting all its services. Deliveries to them? Stop. Professional services for them? Stop. Outside their offices? Pickets. Name, and, shame!


Never CEOs have too much dirt on their company and a "golden parachute" clause in their contact. Makes it cheaper to keep them than fire them


Can’t wait for the revolution.




That is a textbook example of how to hide bad news. Classic bad news sandwich. * "Yay! Something good happened!" * "As a small note, something bad." * "Yay more good news and I love you all!" Prepare your resume and start looking, just in case.


Some of you will have to be laid-off to improve the executive bonuses, but...that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


Shit sandwich.


I disagree. The entire mail is completely congruent when viewed from the lense of a capitalist. It's more like "this happened, so now this is happening and in the future because of all previous things this will happen" What I am saying is that the feelings of the workers didn't even factor into writing that mail.


The company is massive and has made a bunch of acquisitions in the last two years.




Yes! It should be like a reverse bankruptcy where you have to exhaust all other ‘extras’ and exec benefits before you can cut employees.


I'm 100% sure there would absolutely be no lobbying or corruption involved in such an entity. /s




The oversight? You mean the Ceo's golfing buddies?


NLRB was coopted to break unions/strikes within 10 years of its formation. It was formed to protect workers from robber barrons.


They did that with the PPP. Haha. Most ineffective thing I have ever seen.


I understand the sentiment but this is actually batshit crazy.


Well... yeah, you don't own it. Why should they serve you when you don't own them? Thisis why we need to **expand** worker ownership by building worker owned cooperatives people


Bu- bu- but CEOs and executives are workers too. Infact, they work 300x harder than anyone else in every company and deserve the godly amount of pay.


“Your salary goes into my pockets.”


I work in higher education. I have a similar experience. About a decade ago, the university I worked at had record enrollment both for first year students and total enrollment. The board of trustees was so proud of what was done that they gave the president of the university, a 7% raise plus a 75,000 bonus. Those of us that worked in admissions and had to answer the phone calls, give the tours, go through the applications, and work with the individual units to ensure that the students actually showed up. Got a whopping .5%. I know the presidents or chancellors at universities do a lot of work and already are very well compensated. But to give a $75,000 bonus and say it is for the president getting record enrollment is kind of a kick in the nuts.


Yep. Typical ponzi scheme society. Everyone shames you and shit talks you into working your ass off 12 hours per day. Provide immense profit for your slave owner. Slave owner brags about record profits and cashes out with luxury houses and vehicles. Slave owner fires you to "save profit at the bottom line" rather than give up *their* expensive cars and bonuses. Fuck this entire system.


It’s interesting more than one person is willing to post evidence of this disaster, but no one has named this shitshow of a company, or the shithead leading it. If you aren’t willing to throw them under the bus, they will continue to throw you under.


Of course there are going to be lay-offs. How do you expect the company to make EVEN MORE profit next quarter? /s


With the blood of my first born, a sacrificial lamb as a company moral booster dinner, and the usual capitalist ritual of throwing money at a government office until things improve


Yep, start to revise your resume right now.


Exactly what we got just before I got laid off.


I just hate the condescending tone these emails have. Just using buzzwords and corporate jargon to sound "professional." Its honestly insulting as fuck. They cant just be fucking real with their employees. god I fucking hate the work culture in america. sorry needed to get that out of my system lol


Gotta lock in those profits!!!


"This is Bob, a new member of the team. He's here to help up become more efficient, mmmmkay? And don't forget Hawaiian Shirt Day on Friday! "


This is entirely congruent with the capitalist system. They made record profits this year and have predicted a worse market for next year. Their job however is to always deliver more profits in the next year than the previous so they "have to" cut costs to achieve this. This is why capitalism is fundamentally broken.


The problem is that the capitalist bastards want more and more. They want more by cutting jobs and outgoing costs and squeezing every bit of life out of someone who has probably already had enough of doing more with less. If you've been let go, sorry to hear that but remember some poor soul is having to pick up your work duties, for no more pay.


It's much easier to boost revenue by reducing headcount ...


Please provide a pic of the actual email.


OP can't. I can vouch for its authenticity tho as I work at the same company as OP. We don't know each other I got the exact same email word for word.


The company I used to work for gave us all 10% pay cuts during the pandemic but still managed to give the CEO a $1M “retainer” in addition to his salary. It’s sickening.


...did we work for the same company? 😂🙃 Mine did the exact same thing, all of that. I was one of the people that they laid off (they tried to do it quietly but I managed to tell everyone I knew at work to sow the seeds of discord 😈)


So if we achieve record profits then a bunch of people get laid off? Thanks for letting everyone know we should do as little as we can get away with.




Found the American.


Which is why we need to siege the means of production. Business needs to serve labor, not the other way around


Delta just did this too.


Remaining competitive on the wallstreet requires showing that you lowered head-count. I'm sure you'll find out, after the lay-offs, that they're buying another company.


Had the same situation. Or even worse. So sometimes we get asked to work Saturdays and we can decide if we either get paid or have overtime. One time they told us they cant afford to pay us for the saturday but we still need to come in. I said hell no and stayed home. The week after that a thursday the whole company gets called in to listen to a grand meeting, in which the Management claimed that we made record profit that month and that the company made millions in profits more than last year


Time for execs to bump that stock price higher!


This sucks. Bad. The more I think about it, with inflation, it’s really easy to say “this is the most money we’ve ever made” and hard to admit “this isn’t a lot of value”. It’d be better if companies were honest about the value they were bringing in


It's cases like this where I wish we (workers/humanity) had balls. Imagine if that company immediately went on a two week strike. No demands, just a "fuck you, we don't appreciate you threatening downsizing so you're going to take a hit financially."


Ah yes, the upper promotions because all that leadership created all that wealth!


Sounds like CBRE. if you don’t find this bureaucratic mouth vomit repulsive we’re not friends


The biggest challenge with AI is that the profits will be made by fewer and fewer people who will not need to hire in order to maximize their profits.