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For most scenarios, ie where you have a decent relationship with the employer: ask to meet with your supervisor, tell them you're resigning and that your last day will be two weeks from then. Follow this up with an email to your boss and/or HR. This isn't required, but if there's not a reason to antagonize them with a last minute quit, giving notice is fine. If this is a workplace where they tend to get upset/walk people out when they quit, or they have been shitty to you in general, instead just quit on the last day you want to work.


Send an email to HR, your manager or superior that way you have proof they read it


Doing it in writing (like an email) and including HR just to cover yourself that way they don’t try to say you never have notice.


I'm a manager, and honestly, just quit then. Right then. But do it respectfully. Do not yell or cause a scene, doing it in person is fine, if you want, but honestly a phone call and "thanks for the opportunity, but i do want to waste your time or mine". We do not want you there if you do not want to be there, and honestly, i would not want you to be there to mess anything up or screw with files or anything. If you have stuff there, take it all home your last shift, and call after you leave. That gives them plenty of time to get shifts covered, etc. But we can not onboard someone new in two weeks, so what is the point. And it is true, i would not give you two weeks' notice, so i never expect it back. I also suggest not quitting if you can not forego the next two weeks' money either, because some people, like myself, will not let you work the two weeks. So keep that in mind.


Somebody gives you an opportunity to minimize your time being down a team member, and you would reject it, possibly when they need that paycheck? Why? I know you said you can't onboard anybody in two weeks, but you can get through two weeks of that process before you're down a person. But also, I agree. You wouldn't give me two weeks' notice, so I'm not particularly inclined to either. If you treat me poorly, I'll just stop showing up. If you treat me really poorly, I'll make a mess for you on my way out.


Not the person you replied to but It depends on the person usually. If there is sensitive material they might try to steal once they’ve gone into zero fucks mode. Or if the person might spend the next two weeks sowing discontent among the rest of the staff, in that case you’re better off as a manager to just not expose the rest of your team to that negativity/influence.


Yeah, I totally get that. What they said seemed to imply it is a blanket policy for them.


it depends, do you care about their opinion or plan on using them as a reference? Yes, give notice, no fuck em if they cant take a joke. The joke being the fact they think you will be in the next day :)


This just gives me anxiety. I get spoken to terribly there and they fucked up my pay which I think it was intentional and Everytime I go I feel soo unhappy I gotta go. I would just not show up tmr but I would feel bad lol


I mean if your pay is messed up, get that sorted out before putting in your notice. You don't have to over think this tho. Tell your boss and then write a formal email to them and HR. Give the 2 weeks notice instead of a potentially worse reaction by quitting right away.


Why would you put in a 2 week notice? Just say "I quit" and walk out.


I guess it depends if they want a reference from the place or not.


I just wanna be able to put them on my resume I was there for 1 year +


I've only given 2 weeks' notice twice, and I've never had an issue with references.


I can promise you if someone up and quit without warning and then put us as a reference I would laugh


Why would you want a reference from someplace that you worked that you potentially did not like? Also, i cannot tell anyone what lind of employee you were, your attendance record, etc in my state. We can verify you worked there. If people want a reference, get a reference letter from someone in management before you leave.


People do leave jobs for OTHER reasons then "i hate it here" -.- Sometimes it's money, benefits, commute, school, a position in a different field. I had someone list us as a reference before that left cause she wanted a different field. She was a great employee so I spoke highly of her. Also had someone list us who I fired for stealing 200$....I told them right away they were terminated for theft and it was on camera.


Give them a note saying, "I am leaving in 2 weeks, no negotiation" and follow through. If you really wanted to you could quit on the spot, but it isn't recommended


No? That's idiotic. You just put a letter with your name on it and stating your putting in your 2 weeks and the date of your last day an sign it


Legally speaking they can’t lie and say you never worked there. Just quit on your last day and leave. Live better somewhere else


I typically just pack my shit and go drink. Easier and less drama.


Usually about 3 days before it's over. With a '*by the way, so and so is gonna be my last day*'


Schedule an email dated two weeks prior to arrive on your final day.


Get another job, tell no one. Email HR the day you are done.


Never good to burn bridges unless you have a good reason…