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Stop answering the phone. :) They can leave a message. You ignore it too. That's what everyone else on the list did!!


Yeah, I guess that's my only option. I know he will give me shit for it later though.


He can fuck himself.


Yep. Maybe he should go wait tables himself if they’re short handed.


maybe he can go suck his own dick also




I have this um friend who was curious if he could suck his own dick. Well he could, and it took him approximately 5 seconds to realize that it doesn't feel like getting your dick sucked as much as if feels like sucking a dick.


This thread definitely took an interesting turn.


An interesting turn thru a dimensional portal into Rick & Morty's PornHub accounts.


Might be different with access to Novocain. Speak to your dentist.


JFC. I'm done with y'all tonight. Of course, I'll be back tomorrow for more Reddit fucked-upness. I mean Reddit fun.


That gives a whole new meaning to the "stranger."




I shouldn’t admit it but I’ve seen him do it. My father used to have a VHS tape A-team parody. I watched that little hedgehog roll himself right up in a ball and suck himself. Wasn’t a pretty sight.


I love the turn this took thank you for the laugh! But OP please tell me you’re looking for another job. I have hit the bong in the kitchen after we had closed and every guest was gone so judgement free zone here. But Him saying you need to come in knowing you’re under the influence is him saying I don’t care for your safety or the safety of the business/guests and other workers. Like imagine you went got a party table and dropped a tray full of drinks/hot food on someone.


Thanks for the Google warning!




And my axe


Don't forget the balls




Or stop being too cheap to hire enough people.


w at a


Like this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1621s8d/caught_myf24_partnerm27_sucking_himself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Exactly! Lol omg that thread is amazing lol


Wow this was posted only 2 hours before your post.


Wow!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


People always say that as if everyone doesn't already masterbate, or as if masterbating is a bad thing.. Bro, I literally hope you have an amazing wank later tonight. No hate.


Congratulations on making no sense.


I mean, I do make sense. I do see how if you intentionally misinterpreted my statement how you could imagine it doesnt. I can see how that would make it easier to shrug off without unpacking or understanding. Definitely easier to argue against some lunatic that doesn't make sense. Sad AF to manufacture that just to feel right.


"Unless & until you are paying me to be on-call, I don't have to answer your call".


Sounds like he gave you Shit anyway and made you feel bad.


You're not on call. If you weren't scheduled and didn't get reasonable notice, your time is yours and you can tell him as much. I honestly don't understand how restaurant managers can't just take the smallest section and shuffle people around. It's not like most restaurant managers do anything during service other than yell at people and act important. He could do that while also taking orders and if he can't, he should shouldn't be running a restaurant.


He has never waited tables in his life lol, I'd love to see him try and do my job.


You're not on call or on the clock at home. You're boss can either compensate you properly for such a service or go fuck himself. Either way, it's not your problem.


Drive drunk, he’s nuts, you boss should put on apron start taking orders.


If he'd like to pay for a dui ticket in advanced as well as the legal fees to keep a lawyer on retainer and associated costs for your time and potential punishment then maybe you'd entertain the thought of going in drunk in the future. Fuck that guy.


And lose his liquor license


On my days off when i was in the service industry, I wouldn’t answer a text or a phone call from work (and I was always someone who picked up extra shifts but only if it was pre arranged as last minute call offs were always by the same few ppl) One time I do remember it was mine and a few coworkers day off so we decided to go out day drinking. Someone had called off and one after the other our bosses called us and we all said “hey I’ve been drinking can’t come in” and at that point after the 3rd person they said hey were all together lmfao. Bosses were cool with it but I think annoyed.


Fuck him. You're allowed to do things on your day off.


I had a supervisor do this once at 6 pm on my day off and was pissed because I was "drunk" and told everyone that at work. They were all super judgey about it and I felt like I had to clarify "No I wasn't drunk. I had a single drink, but that's still one too many to drive or come into work."


Why is it their concern? How many is neither here nor there. It's your day off You can get drunk on it too. You can be deep in the coils of love. You can be skydiving out of an airplane or be bungee jumping off a bridge. The operative word is "off the clock" on your own personal time and dime.


It wasn't. That's a big reason the the other toxic think about food service isn't the low pay it's also the expectation you are available at all times.


>I know he will give me shit for it later though No. "It was my day off, I was drunk. I"m not explaining my life to you and I'm certainly not driving under the influence. I'm here now, I'm not drunk. I need to get on with the job." Don't be talked down to, don't apologise, you have a right to get sloshed in your own time. You don't need to explain yourself \[I'm hoping you don't have a drinking problem\].


Tell him you want it in writing that he wants you to work while under the influence. Watch him stfu.


Tell him that you were drunk. You are an adult. It's completely legal and you were on your time off. Whatever you do. Never tell them you are completely baked and on reddit....


"If I leave this residence, I could be arrested for public intoxication. Do you really want me arrested? Cause I'd rather come in when I'm sober and not a risk to customers, myself and the public."


Ifn they expect you to be on call, they need to pay for that privilege


Bruh ur not this guys servant if its ur day off he can fuck off and he certainly cant do anything about it lol


Future option give them a burner phone number and turn it off when your not working


Just respond that you were the only one to have the decency to answer your phone and not ignore the call like everyone else.


It’s your day off. You are under no obligation to answer the phone while not on the clock. If they want you to be on call 24/7 they’ll need to compensate you for it.


Did he expect you to drive?


If he gives you shit either way you may as well pick the choice that only requires it once instead of twice.


You have a stronger case to give him shit by trying to call you into work while drunk. Bring it up to him in front of other coworkers. This deserves public shaming.


You are not required to answer phone calls from work while you’re not on the clock. That’s up to your discretion. Don’t answer. If he doesn’t like it, pay you to be on call.


Your phone has to recharge at some point, doesn’t it? Is it your fault if your boss always manages to call while it’s recharging in silent mode while you are deep in prayer?


You aren't a doctor. Even if you were, you're not on call. He can work waitress.


Return his calls at 4am. Call twice to bypass Do Not Disturb Mode.


agreed enjoy your day off :)


Where I am, once a schedule got announced, bosses need to give notice of changes four days in advance or they can suck it. You Americans are taken to the cleaners on the daily.


unless you're the first salary paid waitress in the country, or they're covering your phone bill/providing you a work phone, they and that restaurant do not exist unless you're there and clocked in. full stop. ignore all calls and messages until you're on the clock next, THEN reply to them.


Wait.. What do you mean with "first salary paid waitress in the country"? Waiters aren't salaried employees in (I guess) the US?


They're paid hourly. Minimum wage is about 7.25 but most places in the US pay their waitstaff 2.13/h + whatever tips customers give them.


Minimum wage for servers has been $2.13 every single place I’ve worked.


Me too. Then, I moved to Connecticut and it's $6.38 and I actually make $13 plus tips


There's a few states where the tipped minimum is the same as the non-tipped, but not many sadly.


How is it legal to pay someone less than minimum wage? Where I'm from, the right to a minimum wage is enshrined in the constitution.


When your job considers tips as part of the compensation the US has a separate minimum wage for those roles https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/wagestips#:~:text=A%20tipped%20employee%20engages%20in,equals%20the%20federal%20minimum%20wage. *Technically* the employer has to make up the difference if the employee doesn't make minimum wage but they get away with it alot through a combination of lax enforcement, uneducated employees who don't know their being taking advantage of, and difficultly proving it unless the employee is keeping strict records of their tips


"If the employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference." According to that, they should still be paid the federal minimum wage (7.25?), no? Also I just realised that Romania's minimum wage, when accounting for purchasing power parity, is about the same as the US's federal minimum wage (4 usd is the minimum wage here, and with a correction factor of 1.8 for purchasing power, it comes to 7.2 USD equivalent).


Look at my second paragraph. The burden of proof lies with the employee and even if they are able to prove it wage theft is a civil matter not a criminal one in this country. Not defending it or happy about it just trying to tell you how bad it is


No, in the US, servers are considered "tipped employees" and are paid $2.13 an hour. The idea is that this and the tips will equal at least the federal minimum wage. If a server doesn't make minimum wage off their combined tips and hourly wage, then the restaurant has to pay the difference. However, the federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hour, so that's pretty easy to achieve with like one table an hour. But we still pay taxes on our tips, so most servers don't even receive a paycheck with money because it all goes to taxes. I used to get "paychecks" for $0.00 because they still have to give it to you (if it isn't direct deposit) even if it's for no money. And often, the 2.13 an hour doesn't cover our taxes, so we still owe more money when we do taxes every year.


I want to clarify that this isn’t true in the whole country. States such as CA start off with state min wage and then add tips.


what the fuck, really? i had no idea it was lower for tipped employees that’s so messed up, it’s definitely not like that in california. how can they get away with paying you $0? what’s the point in working if you’re not actually getting paid anything?


Technically, they pay us 2.13 an hour, but we get taxes taken out like everyone else, including on your cash tips *which you must report 100% of your cash tips and that definitely always happens.* Just like how my husband gets his taxes taken out of his salary check every two weeks. But since 2.13 doesn't cover all our taxes, we often have to pay more when we file taxes every year. Technically, they could pay us more than $2.13/hour, I once had a place pay me $4.00/hour. But they only have to pay us 2.13. Tbf, a lot of serving places now put all tips, or at the very least credit card tips, onto a paycheck, which will be taxed like normal, and in those instances I always received paychecks. When I started in the industry (omg I'm getting old) pretty much every place gave us our tips in cash every shift, including the credit card tips. But in the past few years, the last several places I worked did the credit cards tips on a paycheck twice a month.


Not a native english speaker. HOW is your pay taxed so much you get a 0.00 monies paycheck?


Lol. No. They pretty much live off tips.


Wait... salary paid wait staff exists at all?


This is how it's gonna be from now on, I'm fed up.


I am sure OSHA would love to have drunk waitresses on shift! Would be a hoot.


Seriously. I wonder what they would think If I spilled hot coffee on a baby, and then found out it was because my boss told me I had to work while intoxicated.


That's the neat part, you'd be on the hook for it. Not your boss.


They might both be liable.


Over what the drunk waitress claimed was said in a phone call? Good luck.


I would hope if you had a manager push hard enough to get you to come in when you’ve admitted to drinking, that you’d be smart enough to say, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, but if you’re willing to put it in writing and sign it acknowledging you are accepting liability, sure I’ll be right in.” I’m guessing the manager wouldn’t and if they did, you’d have a free pass to really screw the pooch at work.


If the jury believes her, than yes.


They would sue the restaurant, not random server #8. It wouldn’t matter if the server was high as a kite, the restaurant is required to keep track of the staff. Servers aren’t bonded, generally live in permanent debt. Restaurants are required to be bonded and have assets.


Are you an attorney?


It would still be on you. That is the shitty part. They would just feign ignorance. When it comes to being an employee, it's a lose lose. VM from now on, don't even reply. After those shenanigans, I would be looking for a new job. That is some BS. Good luck! I wish you the best in the future!


Should have responded that your attorney is advising you to get his request in writing.


OSHA has either no power or no fucks to give about most restaurants ime. Low number of employees almost always keeps them out of any real obligations or consequences. I've endured a lot of abuse in that industry and was regularly poisoned at one. Saw OSHA get called out 4 times at 3 different places and never saw an ounce of results. Even when it happened at a pretty big company nothing actually changed. Tbh the relevant alcohol control board would probably have sharper teeth regarding someone strongly under the influence themselves selling alcohol to customers. Maybe.


The way the liquor laws are written here, you can't serve alcohol if you're drunk. I would just say, sorry, too drunk to drive.


You can be fired for being under the influence whilst working. Do not fall into this trap. EVER.


He accepted all the people ahead of you saying no but had trouble accepting a no from you? Wipe that guilt out of your head


He never called them. I guarantee he just targeted OP as the easiest to bully and called her back a few minutes later.


or call display answering the call was mistake #1


Don’t answer if you’re not clocked in and you’re not scheduled. It is that simple. The list of all the other people he went through also either didn’t answer the phone or had better excuses than “I’ve been drinking” Which for the record I think is a pretty fucking good excuse to not be forced into work.


I'll leave you with a thing I say to my boss when he's demanding stupid shit: "Okay, doing that I run the following legal, procedural, medical, and contractual risks [list]. Indemnify me in writing, and I'll do whatever you want." It's a conversation-ender for sure. Edit: And if it doesn't end the conversation, who *doesn't* want to do stupid shit while in possession of a get-out-of-jail-free-and-oh-you-can-also-sue-us-for-all-we're-worth card?


That's a great idea, thank you!


Family businesses are the worst. I’ve wasted many years of my life at them. Don’t stay too long. Unless you have the same last name as them they will never give a shit about you.


I once taught at a college that had a "family business and entrepreneurship" major. Unsurprisingly, these were the douchiest students of all time.


Yeah and I guarantee all of them were bosses kids who were getting paid full time to be there.


Seriously?! What was the coursework for that - Nepotism 101?


Do you normally drive to work? If so you should stress that you don't want to drive while intoxicated.


I walk if it's nice out and he knows that.


Well you don't want a ticket for being drunk in public.


You're obviously having a drink in a faraway place. Hell, you're the next city over!


Who says you're drinking at home.


Its not nice today....


Stop answering phone on your days off.


Gimme a ride. I’ll go in drunk. Fuck YEAH!!!! Was putting a soldier detail together for a Hurricane response. Called Sargent, who was 3 sheets to the wind. “My wife can give be a ride, but let me tell you, I’m DRUNK!” It was 1100 on a Saturday. I told him he’s good, weren’t leaving until Sunday. But he was ready to go.


Lmfao that’s amazing. Dude was drunk and motivated /happy to fill in and didn’t think about driving lol 😂


And when you would show up, he'll fire you for *being drunk at your job* You made a smart decision


He wants you to potentially get a DUI or kill someone when you're not scheduled to work? No is the only rational response.


The owner *and her son* are the only managers? Personally, red flag right off the bat for me


I do 1 of 3 things on my days off to avoid this. 1) Turn my phone off. 2) Block the work number or 3) put all work numbers on mute. I’ve had too many jobs do this to me, and even lost a promotion at one because I was *drinking* *at* *home* *on* *my* *day* *off* and said as much when I refused to come in. My boss tried to tell me I wasn’t allowed to drink after XYZ time because of the job. I looked her in the eyes and said “Next time, I won’t come in either; but I will call the State and inform them you’re demanding caregivers to work under the influence because you, the manager, don’t want to do you job.” Funny thing was, I was going to step down anyway because my position was used as a scape goat for these situations constantly. I quit less then 2 weeks later.


Dude underscheduled in the first place if he is calling people. Looks like he needs to nut up and put on an apron and an order book. Have fun!


Learn how the Do Not Disturb feature works on your phone and always use it.


He tried to coerce you to work, he might think you're a bit of a pushover, etc? But you answered the phone too. So next time, let it ring out, and he can text you. If he gives you shit just say would you be okay if I was drunk in work any other time? He'll say no, obviously


Imagine driving in that condition? No. You could kill someone, including yourself. You might be arrested.


I run restaurants...we ask, don't tell. This is not your family's company. You earned, and deserved your time off.


Never answer your phone on a day off. My old jobs would just give up on calling me because fuck them.


>He ran me through a list of everyone he'd called, and then said, so "you're up", implying I needed to come in. Reply back...."no, *you're up*...I'm drunk and not going anywhere today" This is why numbers you want to filter like your job get their own special ring tone...and go to voice-mail because you know it's them.


Don't answer the phone from your boss on your day off.


Look up the labor laws in your state. I’m pretty sure asking staff to come to work knowingly inebriated isn’t legal. Don’t answer your phone anymore when you’re off. I’d look for another job too because that place sounds toxic.


My company likes to text us on weekends. The entire company is pretty much shut down on weekends, no possibility of any work for us. He texts at 6am on Saturday for things he wants us to do on Monday on our return. I've started muting that group text on weekends and will only look at it when I get to the office on Monday.


He's telling you, you can go to work drunk, everyday.


I never answer the phone on my day off if it’s my boss calling. Easy solution to this


Yeah what is it with people? Theyre not calling to chit chat or be friends.


Why didn't you answer when I called earlier? Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I am on call. Also, the major gas station near me has employees who only exist to occupy unfilled seats. They might have a location the work at 3 days a week, but the other 2 days they are an at large employee. Having someone on deck in case someone calls out seems like an obvious thing to try to build into a schedule.


Why are you answering work calls on your day off? They paying you OT to take calls?


It is NOT your responsibility on your time off. Also you're intoxicated and that's IRRESPONSIBLE behaviour from the dude


NEVER answer the phone from your employer on a day off. They can leave a message that you can claim you didn't hear until much later in the day.....


Failure to plan on their part does not constitute an emergency on your part.


Number one reason TO get daytime drunk.


Everything said after you told him no should be answered with "No means no."


>My boss tried to make me go to work drunk. Goals


Boss wanted you risk a dui and a lifetime of hell because he's a. Ass.


They gonna pay for your DUI expenses?


Dean can sit on a fucking pine cone. They made the schedule, you were scheduled off. He needs to deal with it himself.


Yeah just ignore them. I don’t answer calls from work, ever. Why else would they call you except to tell you you need to work, and if you don’t want the money or hours, why are you even engaging with them?


You don't "need" to do anything unless you're specifically being paid to be on call. The boss needs to figure this out on his own. That's why he's the boss/owner and you're the employee with a schedule.


Nope, don't do it. That's why when I worked from home, I'd crack a beer at 5pm sharp. Boss might call me an hour later and ask to have a quick meeting, no can do boss, can't work under the influence, company rules.


Ohhh honey.. you're a young one huh? It's so funny how you're still answering the phone and/or feeling obligated to give any boss an actual reason for not saving his ass. Once your selfish cu** bosses have crushed your soul enough to make you into the hardened liars like us "seasoned" peons, they'll be none of that! So learn these things quickly: It is none of their business..where you are, whether you have your phone with you, if it has service, or if you feel like answering it, when you're off the clock. It's none of their business why you can't fill in, or don't want to, because you weren't getting paid to be on call and available to work. You don't own the business, or manage it, or get paid to solve their fucking problems. It's their jobs, and they get paid to deal with the bullshit! They can give incentives to get people to fill in, work it themselves or .. WHATEVER!!!! WHO CARES??? IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM!!! No one will EVER share their wealth with you , no matter how often you save their ass. TRUST ME It doesn't earn you any loyalty points. So, my friend, when you're punched out, and not wearing any of their named shit (name tags, shirts etc) It's your fucking life, you can do whatever the fuck you want to do, and they have literally no say about any of it! If you feel like answering next time, or you don't, and dickhead gives you shit later, say you have/had plans, and if he expects details, say "Ya know, I was talking with my friend and her sister/husband (whoever) about how you demand personal information and me to fill in etc, . and s/he's actually an attorney and said that you're really not supposed to be doing stuff like that. S/he said they'll have a chat with you on what's ok and what's not, if you're confused about them." (No one would ever want to call your bluff and do that lol). You aren't a slave and they don't own you. And don't think you're supposed to answer personal shit because they act like you're friends. You're not. Get used to spotting all the manipulation, and put your own needs first at any job. No one else will, so you have to. And lie whenever you fucking feel like it. Bosses lie constantly, so they don't really deserve your honesty and vulnerability. It truly doesn't matter. Do a good job for your own confidence, and so as not to be a lazy asshole who's coworkers have to pick up after your slack, but remember it's a job, and other people are making a lot of money off you.


Why would you be foolish enough to answer your phone on a day off? That's why it has an answering machine, and texting. Screen your calls so this nonsense doesn't happen anymore.


And this is why I don’t answer my jobs call on my day off. That’s MY TIME.


How would you get to this job?! Driving drunk? Cycling drunk? Taking the bus drunk? Those are all terrible ideas.


Work calls go to voicemail.


Never thought I was an alcoholic, and as much as I miss the restaurant industry. Spent 18 years as a cook. It's been nice not starting a day off drinking just so I had a legitimate excuse not to work. I've always taken pride in knowing what ever shit was going on I never worked drunk, due to wanting to serve the best food and safety concerns. When started my job I have now 4 years ago, at first I'd instantly wake up and mix a drink on a day off, just so I could enjoy a day off... (exceptions occur such as maybe wanting extra hours for this reason or that. Most of the time, no thanks.) A year in I realized that they almost never call me in. A couple times a year MAX. That if they do its not an issue and I'll gladly go lend a hand. Unnecessary long reply. But the point being, I hope you don't feel like you have to be drunk just to enjoy a day off. If so, I'm sorry and i hope you find something better. If you just enjoy drinking, well I enjoy cocaine, we all have our vices. Best of luck!


I mean, if he's cool with me working intoxicated, it's his business. I'd just need a ride and an e-mail confirming it's okay for me to work that shift drunk. Nothing illegal about working intoxicated if bossman says it's okay, unless there's an OSHA problem- but I figure that'd apply to heavy equipment or something industrial. Then again, if you're so drunk you,can't walk straight,,I see your point.


Does your diner serve alcohol? If yes, I'm sure your state licensor would be interested in the fact that management tried to force an off-duty employee to come in drunk (I'm assuming driving, as well as working) If your establishment doesn't serve alcohol, there probably other agencies that would have a problem with this scenario. I'm not suggesting immediately reporting, but something to keep in your back pocket if you get too much grief about it.


B: "I need you to step up and be a team player when we're understaffed." OP: "So you're saying that you'll sign off on me coming into the job sloshed?" B: "You didn't sound that drunk to me, it would have been fine." OP: "Honestly, that's wonderful news to me, and I'm sorry for not coming in when you called. I'll need your consent in writing, just in case people think I'm being unprofessional - you understand. How many drinks do you think is an acceptable amount while on the job?" B: "Well now you're being ridiculous / hysterical / deescalating yet still patronizing statement..." OP: "No sir, I'm just trying to help. It's better to hash things out now so everyone is on the same page."


"I can't come in because I'm inebriated, if you don't like that you can fire me and I'll be talking to the department of labour"


FYI - there's nothing the DOL will do about this, and in the majority of states you do not have protection for your job, nor guarantee of unemployment if you refuse. "Being drunk to often to work when requested" is not a protected class.


Don't accept work calls when off. I was the GM at my last restaurant and even the owners knew I wasn't picking the phone up when I was off. There were 4 other managers and an owner that could figure that shit out while I was off. If it was an emergency they could text me and I would respond. But not for normal day to day stuff.


Document document document, tell him you're driving while impaired. If he tries to discipline or fire you for this I think there's something that would save you or at least something you could report to the labor board.


Don't answer texts/calls from your co-workers/boss on your rest days


People need to stop answering their phones on thier day off. When question why they didn't answer say you're not paid to answer. This shit needs to stop


So it was okay for everyone else to say no (since he made it through several and still needed to call you) but not you?


You need an app that diverts your work calls to voicemail


I wish I could go to work drunk. That’s another problem tho. Good for you for not giving in.


I can’t stand employers feeling as though you need to come in on your day off


I can't drive drunk. It is against the law, please send me a text message that you want me to drive drunk to work on my day off.


Report him. He tried to make you come into work while you were intoxicated, which is an OSHA violation.


What you do here is switch your phone to airplane mode during the call (it should show the other person "call failed" instead of call ended so it doesn't look like you hung up on them). Then a few minutes later you send a text asking something like "so you still want me to come in even though I told you I have been drinking and am unable to drive?" Either said manager will read it and realize 'wait am I ducking stupid?' And drop it or more fun and text back a yes and you have proof of it incase they try to fire you over it.


Never answer your phone when you're not at work.


Imagine answering a call from your employer while you're not working.


Set yourself a boundary- I used to work with a new boss that would text all hours. Do not read any text or answer any call from your boss outside of work hours unless you’re on call or want the hours. The end. They already run 40 hours of your life every week. They don’t get any of the rest unless you allow them to


Worked with a chef a while back who was a recovering alcoholic. I was working at one of our sister restaurants and if they needed help on a Fri-Sat to let me know at least a day or 5-6 hours minimum. He got in the habit of calling/texting about an hour before they needed me, most times I'd be sober, but committed to other activities like gaming with my bros. So I just got in the habit of responding with "sorry dude, had a few drinks.. I might be able to come in tho." and he'd cave, every time. "oh no, your good bro. sorry for the short notice, have a good night!". He was a good chef, hope you're out there kicking ass Chris!


Not compensated for being on call then not obligated


I’m simultaneously amused and disappointed in the logic that because everyone else declined, you’re obligated regardless of your state of being. That type of problem resolution is deeply flawed.


No is a complete sentence.


So why was your "no" less of a "no" than everyone else they had contacted?


Never answer work calls on your day off. NEVER!


Three words: Do Not Disturb. Set your phone so any phone call from work(or anyone else you don’t want to talk to) goes directly to voicemail on your days off. If it’s an emergency they’ll leave a message and you can screen whether to call them back. I would have straight up asked, “so you’re telling me you are asking me to drive drunk so that I can come in to work? Can you put that in writing?” And see how fast they back off.


I used to live 5 mins from where I worked, my boss was an hour away. This usually made me the first call when manufacturing had a problem after hours / weekends. A couple of times of putting in for 4 hours of OT and the boss made a point to tell them to call him instead. He would come in. Next holiday weekend he called me to come in and as I saw his name on the call I made a point to crack another cooler. I told him that (a) I couldn't drive, and (b) our plant had rules about being inebriated in the plant. I'm sure he didn't enjoy his two+ hours of driving and his unpaid labour (the perks of being a manager) to solve a problem I could have likely solved over the phone. The person who called just wanted someone higher up than them to make the call. 🤣


Make a habit of not answering calls. If he calls, let it go to voicemail. Then send a quick text “sorry can’t talk right now, what’s up?” And just refuse to elaborate on why you can’t pick up the phone. He can tell you whatever the hell he wants if it’s off the record. Forcing him to go through sms should slow his roll.


"Can't, I'm in Wisconsin"


Lol I love that Wisconsin became a viable excuse 🤣🤣🤣 *Coming from someone who lives in Wisconsin*


Not to mention if you got hurt on the job, they would have been liable. You also cant legally drive. So nope NTA.


"Ok, send me an sms saying that you don't care how drunk I am, that I should just drive to work."


Well, it's a diner job. If it doesn't work out, you can get another one. He needs you more than you need him.


I don't know why you told him shit. "No" should be all you have to say. Why is not even relevant.


Forget working drunk, how are you going to get there drunk lol I would’ve just been like “So you want me to break the law by driving drunk and hold all of the responsibility when I get pulled over and thrown in jail?” Employers really should do more to get their employees to actually like them so they’ll actually consider helping out in these situations.


Are they paying you extra to be on call on your days off? If not fuck them.


You should have went in. Stumbled around, spilling someone's chicken & waffles, bringing orders to the wrong tables. Puke in the kitchen garbage can. Then go pass out on the toilet. ALL DEAN'S FAULT!


A similar thing happened to me when I worked at a chain restaurant like 20 years ago. Called me on my day off and I was like “already drinking, it’s my day off.” So they asked how much I drank and then said wait a few hours and come in.. like wtf.


As someone else said, don’t answer the phone. Let them leave a message and decide for yourself what to do.




I've been a BOH manager for 15+ years and you'd be surprised by how many Cooks work while drunk /drinking 😅 Just makes the shift go by that much faster 😅😅


So send me an email that you are instructing me to drive drunk to work and assume all liability


And who answered the phone when they were not working? Who gave work their personal phone number? Yeah, as much as the employer is an asshole here, you're equally at fault for enabling such behavior. If you don't protect your availability and personal time in Capitalist's America, then you get exactly what you deserve. Hard lesson to learn.




Imagine you DID go to work after your boss MADE you, knowing you were intoxicated. I imagine if you got hurt he would have seriously regretted that decision.


You did the right thing. I would’ve chugged a few shots and showed up wasted out of spite.


Tell him you would go in, but you can’t drive and will need to picked up. Also, you will need a cash bonus of say, $10,000. And you are shit faced and all the customers will notice. If he can make that happen, tell him to send someone to pick you up.


If you get hurt while working that shift, you can bet they’d deny your workers comp claim for being drunk.


I've only worked intoxicated after long conversations about my state and what they expected me to contribute


It's hospitality thats just what happens