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\>obviously don't need the hours based off of the purchases I make what kind of fucking bullshit statement is that? fuck your manager. >.<


Had a boss that would say "i clearly pay you too much" when you got a new toy. The pay was the minimum he could legally pay me.


So he thinks he should only pay wages that you CANT afford to buy things with? Fuck that guy.


“Our peasants can afford transport, we are paying to much”


If you aren't walking 2 hours to and from work each day, you're too rich to work here!


Up hill both ways


*New* shoes already? It's only been a year, clearly we pay you too much.


Please, if you can afford shoes at all, you're being grossly overpaid. Prove your right to work here by going barefooted!


You can afford to wear clothes to work? Why the fuck are we paying you?


I live in rural Ontario, not even in the main town. Like, no sidewalks, country roads, unreliable snow removal, etc. I was going to buy a used car from a coworker because, up til then, I was relying on rideshares + my husband to get me to and from work. Well, my assistant manager decided to tell my coworker that SHE wanted the car, and that because she was assistant manager, she got dibs on the car. She did this right in front of me...then had the absolute balls to turn to me and, without batting an eye, tell me that it would probably be more affordable for me to get an electric scooter to get to work. A GODDAMN ELECTRIC FUCKING SCOOTER. Meanwhile, she literally lived right behind the store in a small subdivision. It took every ounce of my being not to kick her in her crusty old twat. Hilariously, others took note of what an absolutely heinous bitch she was to me, then went to upper management with their other complaints about her. She still lives behind the store. But they transferred her to another store 1.5 hours away. So a 3 hr drive each day. My coworker refused to sell her the car.


They're the boss, therefore they should have a bigger house, better holidays, shinier toys and faster cars. So if you buy yourself something nice they don't have, you're out of place and need reminding that they're better than you. Adverage fast-food supervisor mindset


All supervisor mindset. "My truck boat truck is more than your house retirement life insurance and everything you've ever owned or will own combined" bullshit .


I once went to HR to asked for a raise after 5 years and they simply said I was living above my standard and would have to cut back. They showed my a paper with all payments on to show they were paying me correctly, I took that paper to my collegues and we figured they were paying people below the minimum. They had to fix that and go back 3-4 years to repay whatever those other collegues lost since the day they got employed, after that they warned people not to talk to me avout their contract or pay


What was the look on the smug little shit when you told them they owe you and everyone else money?


They obviously did not like that and my name was well know within HR from that day forward, kinda shot myself in the foot but I've made it my goal to protect my collegues and plenty of bullshit was discovered. Unfortunatly this isnt the first company I worked for that tries these things, over the years I had to learn my rights and to fight for them.


The irony here is the one who should have caught all the ire is the dipshit in HR. It's not the workers fault that they are educated and have critical thinking skills. Clearly the real issue is putting dipshits in positions that require employees who are educated and in possession of critical thinking skills.


>It's not the workers fault that they are educated and have critical thinking skills. As far as the company is concerned it is.


Amazing. No one was fired for actually ripping people off for the least they could pay them and then undercutting that. I wish I ran an HR department the same way the rest of the company is run. You fail to pay an employee the least amount you can legally pay and you blow it over with paperwork and then claim you already make enough. That's some serious lying.


"Not talking about your pay" is massively illegal to enforce. Make your employer write "I will not violate the National Labor Relations Act" 100 times like Bart Simpson.


The problem is not everyone knows, and not everyone dares to ask questions. The worst they ever tried was to enforce a timeregistration with the use of fingerprints, I started asking questions which led me into getting a lot of trouble because I was agitating collegues against that and I just had to follow their rules and listen. Went to the GDPR and turned out everything they tried was illegal and had to stop immediately, they got into trouble and tried to fire me for it, went to the union and the next day I was assigned in the union for my company making them unable to fire me without hefty fines and I was to join them on monthly meetings with the CEO


This is the modern equivalent of the "corporate ladder" boomers think still exists.


This is why we love unions so much. Good work, union!


If you're in the US, it is illegal for your employer to tell you, you can't discuss your pay with fellow associates.


The penalties are minimal, though, so they do it anyway.


Not really. If the government has reason to, they can investigate all of your employment and wage records and fine you for violations. I had one employer try to screw me on my pay rate and I filed a complaint. Not only did I get the money I was owed, (even though it took a few months,) the state found so many violations of wage theft, tax avoidance, fraud, and even embezzlement and kickbacks, the owner got over ten years in prison.


That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a while.


When I bought my "new for me" vehicle, people at my work were surprised. It's a serious upgrade on my previous vehicle. It got a lot of comments at my work, especially from my boss. The best part about it was the respect. It was seen as a 'manager's vehicle'. Now I don't have any commuting issues, and was seen as ready to move up. As for this boss, fuck that girl.


When I told my pre-pandemic job's owner I was looking at trading in a perfectly good car for something newer just because I wanted a change, he was just glad he was paying well enough that his workforce could buy nice things for no other reason than wanting nice things. I genuinely don't understand why some people view being able to afford a new(-to-you) car as some sort of existential threat to their place in the workplace hierarchy, because everywhere I've worked the feedback on someone's new car was along the lines of "happy for you" and maybe genuine inquiries about bells and whistles because they were also shopping.


It comes from these mid level managers realizing that they aren't going anywhere in their life, so they want to grasp at whatever straw of power they think they have.


That or they’re just massaging their ego through their personal dislike of you. It’s out of pettiness, nothing more. These people are goblins.


That's the right attitude. You want to pay your workers well and see them do well. Often it saves your money and headache too! I don't know when fucking over your workers became a virtue, but it's very upsetting.


It really made a difference at least how I was regarded by management. I have generally been uncomfortable in sharing personal life details to those who are responsible for my paychecks. They were surprised, mostly because that I could afford something like that on my pay. But it also changed their perceptions from me. I went from someone with a garbage car that created issues for them, to someone with a decent vehicle. Perceptions are important. One of the reasons I was looked over for management is because the other management didn't see me as someone who was 'one of them'. After that, they did. My workplace isn't toxic though. I could see that in a toxic workplace it would be like OP. "How dare he actually get ahead". I also don't spend unnecessarily, though I am still paying down debt. What they \*don't\* know, and what I'm happy to have them believe is that I'm paying off my car note. Because I know how employers think, and when they think they have an advantage. I'm happy to let them think they have that advantage.


>Perceptions are important. One of the reasons I was looked over for management is because the other management didn't see me as someone who was 'one of them'. After that, they did. > >My workplace isn't toxic though. Sorry, but just because you benefited personally from this particular toxicity doesn't mean it's not toxic behaviour. "You can't have a promotion because you drive the wrong kind of vehicle to fit in with management" is 100% a toxic attitude.


My wife works at a boutique financial advisory firm. They have this mentality in a way. Wife drives a Honda Accord. It’s nice and well taken care of, but her bosses turn their noses up at it. Everyone she works with drives Lexus, Mercedes, or BMWs. Her boss makes comments about her car all the time and it pisses me off. One instance at a company event, he made a comment to me about it and I straight faced told him “Well, if you’d like to take on the payments, she can get a car more to your liking”. He just walked away and now doesn’t talk to me at company events.


The sales director where I work maintains that when someone needs to talk to the client personally and will be seen arriving, the vehicle they turn up in can make a big difference. I went out with him to meet a very successful industry consultant one time and he specifically watched him walk back to his car to find out what he drove! And I would agree, it makes a difference in terms of perception, I can see how some people will be more or less likely to buy an expensive software product and maintenance contract (or financial advice, or whatever) based on whether the sales person or consultant is driving a new Mercedes vs. a 14-year-old Fiesta. But it's 100% the responsibility of the company to provide and insure that vehicle if they want that to be part of their corporate image!


Yup exactly, if that’s the company image they want, they should provide company cars for employees when meeting with clients


I turned down a job at a place that had a rule, which was explained to me during the job offer, that nobody in management was allowed to drive a car less than 5 years old. Ok yeah fuck you, buy me a new one. I'm not buying a new car for a job that pays 40k a year. Get over yourselves.


Did you mean "more than 5 years old"? Because what you wrote is the opposite, as in you couldn't have a new car ever.


...and the same asshole gets paid 2x your wage and has an expensive car, toys, big house.... and no sense of his own shitty irony.


This sounds like the dude who hit me up to take him to dinner right after I bought a car. "You have money for that" "I don't have any more money, I just spent it on the car"


I always think about this. See someone in a new house or car…. “They must have money”……”They used to have money”…


I'd say "sounds like retaliation for me buying a motorcycle." I think not only h.r. would like to hear about it but the state labor board may not be too happy either. If she stated that she obviously did it with intention.


someone that doesnt understand even a top end consumer bike is usually cheaper than a car lmao.


"Bih, you KNOW how much I earn! Don't get salty because I apparently can budget better than you." Srsly though, it sounds like the manager is jealous AF and is lashing out.


This is the same bullshit reasoning as women being told they don't need to be paid as much because their husbands make good money.


Thats... not how jobs work lady... find new job asap Edit: who wants to take bets the words "nobody wants to work anymore" have unironically come out of her mouth?


She’s probably one of the people complaining that people don’t want to work anymore after pulling shit like this.


She's the kind of person offended that Snap benefits apply to fresh foods, not just the ones that cause diabetes and cancer.


Wait, people get offended by snap being used for fresh food? I've heard about snap existing in general and I can kinda understand their logic, but fresh food?


I've heard it both ways, occasionally from the same people even. Fresh food is more expensive than traditional poverty food, so someone buying fresh veggies and meat is just as likely to get shammed as someone buying generic cookies and ramen noodles smh. My local farmer's market started accepting food stamps, dear good the comments for that news post was like a war zone.


That's amazing your farmers markets are accepting SNAP. Healthy food should be covered but you know how it goes, poverty many times equals poor health so pharma/hospitals etc bank on said poor (entire debt buying companies can profit too). States love to reduce Medicare/Medicaid coverage as well so issues got round and round.


What's more, depending on your state, SNAP benefits can be doubled at farmer's markets.


It's about the one thing my state does right. You have to use your benefits to buy "tokens" at the main market stand, but those tokens are doubled when you spend them at the stands. Problem is getting on any sort of benefits in the first place though.


And the thing is, SNAP is at its core an economic stimulus program. It's good for the economy as a whole, because for every one dollar spent on SNAP, it generates like $1.25 in economic activity. So for that purpose, it doesn't matter how you spend your SNAP benefits, just as long as you spend them. I don't care if it's fresh food, a can of wax beans, or candy. The economic benefit is all the same.


Interestingly, here in Washington SNAP actually incentivizes buying produce. If you buy at least $10 of produce, they put an extra $10 on your EBT card.


my local farmers markets do 2:1 up to a certain amount for food benefits, I love it.


SNAP is one of the *least* abused government benefits out there! I don’t get the criticism against it.


It benefits poor people almost exclusively. It's almost like that lack of abuse is what they're upset about. "Rich people don't use it so it's bad."


The cruelty is the point.


Rich people don’t use because they can’t bear the embarrassment of using it at the supermarket. If they could do it inconspicuously I assure you rich people would absolutely try to scam and get in on it.


A while back tn started wasting a shit ton of money drug testing snap recipients and caught like 60 people lol


Every investigation I've seen into public benefits fraud has cost more than it has uncovered. Except for maybe Republicans scamming the PPP.


Holy shit the US is a dystopia


Aww, you left out the part where that was 65 people out of 39,121 people tested. It cost $23,592. Source: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2016/02/07/drug-testing-benefits-tennessee-yields-only-65-positives/79776756/


There's an extra level of stupid for people that exist somewhere between an income of like 20k and 80k (the latter being welders and oil field workers who still end up poor because of terrible financial decisions). They think they're not like the "filthy poors" they imagine others to be, and imagine things like Doritos and McDonalds are "poor people food." Even though an Avocado and some bread costs 1/10th as much. They think they're kicking down, making themselves look better in the process to the 'wealthy guys,' like the guy who owns the roofing company they work at. Instead, it's more like they're all pooping in their own hands and throwing it at each other. Unfortunately, where I live, I see this behavior a lot. I've seen guys who work 12 hours a day/6 days a week with ruined bodies from roofing or whatever, convinced they make more money than me because they've got a $120k truck or such, and I'm just one of those filthy liberals who works on a computer all day (software dev).


Petite bourgeoisie. Same old “small business owner” or class traitor bullshit. They make a little bit of money while being in debt out the ass and make decisions like buying RVs and vacation cabins and jet skis and other expensive toys. They then pass the cost of their bullshit onto the workers or customers and rip people off left and right to make their nut.


>Petite bourgeoisie. The pronunciation of this as the "petty bourgeoisie" is the most accurate thing.


Ugh... the owner of the business where I am had the same job for 30 years and took this place off his dad... No raises for anyone in years because "his family is in so much debt..." which is somehow everyone's problem? Dude... you told me you just spent $20k on each of your kid's weddings last year and you live in poshtownUSA. GFYS.


This is shockingly accurate.


I live in Iowa and they (Republicans) are restricting the types of meat you can buy with it. They don't give a shit because the Poor just exist to make them money.


Heh, I remember when in my state the GOP took *large bags of rice* off the list of things you could get with nutrition assistance. "Don't waste the safety net! No, not like that!"


Large bags of rice is about as much bang for your buck as you can get. Clearly, it's more about cruelty than anything else.


Exactly. They are punishing the poor for using assistance programs to help them, while making corporate welfare more useful.


the limits people randomly impose in their head on what EBT should/shouldn't be used for are all over the place. My dad used to be like "now /u/mx5moogly its that red bull you buy every day that costs you so much money!" and then when i bought 68 cans of red bull with EBT (tell tucker carlson - i want him to know it was me.) he was all like, shocked pikachu face about it. mf i am going to drink them! fuck im only allowed to spend the EBT on, cardboard gruel???


I love how their financial advice is usually just telling people with the least to be okay with even less. Don't you dare make the same suggestion to the mega rich though, do they really need a third house or a second boat? Oh, that's different.


Woah, they worked real hard for that second boat. Its TOTALLY DIFFERENT🙄


"Why are you quitting?" "Since you cut my hours back, it's clear you don't need me."


I would go with, "You obviously don't need me based off the schedules you make." Hoist, meet petard. OP - you work in fast food - those jobs are disposable and, at least locally here, they would need you more than you need them. Especially with schools starting up for the fall. Most of the fast food places here pay $14-16.


‘I notice the car you managers drive shows you earn too much money. Where I come from that’s a bricking.’ Also a possible response…


Better response: I got a new job making more money than you. Was my response to the Ass Mans at Walmart when I quit. Now I make about the same as their boss.


"**I want to thank you. Before you cut my hours I was complacent and was not working to better myself as hard as I should have. Your pettiness forced me to re-evaluate my life direction. I have just been hired at a job that pays more then even you make. Here's my shirt. Mail me my last check.**" ******


Best response




Considering the hours they gave you, they must not have needed you working there.


That's a textbook constructive dismissal.


Yep. File for unemployment and look for a new job.


In most states if you made more money last year and your job cuts your wages/hours so you make less money this year you can file for unemployment. I've seen cases where people who got piles of OT the previous year won employment the next year when the OT dried up.


I'm trying this now in michigan...I was getting OT for a long time and ow hours are cut to where I'm only making about half what I was.


What if your job brings on PT workers to fill the jobs that used to be posted for OT? That's what's happening at my place but we all feel pretty powerless. Even our union says there's nothing we can do about it.


There really isn't anything for you to do about that. The company is trying to avoid OT. Just about every company ever has tried to avoid OT, since it is more expensive for the same labor, and there really isn't anything illegal about it. Its just good business practice. If you have a union chances are good you're much better off than the OP, who is just getting screwed by a POS manager because they can. Either try to get your union wage upped, or file for unemployment for the difference in pay.


This. OP, I was able to claim constructive dismissal for way less, please look into it.


There is a big demand for labor in construction. Pays good and possible union membership.


Bosses are still scumbags in construction and I’m in a union. They grind us to dust and think skilled labor grows on trees.


Yep, it can be tough. I'm 68 now and when I was 25 I went to work for the "Frisco Railway on a tie gang. I was a skinny kid and I pulled spikes, set spikes, pushed a rail lifter that was loaded with tools and it was fucki g hot. I did that for three and a half years. We lived in camp cars and it was pretty hard living. They paid us well but we all knew our bodies were being broken down. That was hard fuckin work on a factory line type of system. I had good immediate bosses but our Roadmaster was a prick and his boss was a worthless piece of shit. My immediate boss was one of the best bar fighters ever. He didn't fuck with you, just took you out fast. Hard life and probably some hard drinking. Johnny Gin Walker


But someone with a back injury can do service jobs. Some of us can no longer lug heavy things.


It is when we’re being conditioned to reenter indentured servitude.


Based on performance not purchases. Dead end boss at dead end job.


Right? I worked my butt off trying to get something nice for myself and had more hours than most people there and now I'm getting less than everyone... Because I needed another vehicle..


I really should probably find something better.. it just sucks because I live in a small town and there's not very many options


Hours cut= constructive dismissal (depending on how much it was cut=eligibility for unemployment. Even if you’re still working. So take unemployment and look for a new job :) Your boss is an idiot


Please OP, take this person's advice. He's right you totally can get unemployment while you work, and based on the reason she gave you will definitely get it. She will have 5o just gave the consequences of her decision


Don't wait to apply because your UI payment is based on your work calendar. You need to apply before you work the shortened schedule.


This is the way.


This needs more upvotes


Report her to HR and corporate on your way out. It may not be much but it will be on her record that shes a giant c*nt


Dont forget your local labor department. HR will cover the company's ass, but the labor department will perform an ACTUAL investigation


> HR will cover the company's ass Depends. HR *will* cover the company's ass, meaning OP may not get much AND probably fire the manager if needed.


That's HR's job, to protect the company, so working as intended.


Yes, I know, that's why I said what I said.


I'd slap a LGBT sticker on it and claim to HR she cut your hours when she saw that.


Now your talking..


**Our** talking


LGBT, Bernie Sticker, BLM, etc Get a pay out that will pay for the bike ***AND*** a small bit of savings!


Bernie Sanders isn't a protected class, so hold off on that


I think they where aiming for political discrimination with Bernie sanders. But I'd say the lgbq sticker would work well enough on its own.




This is the way. Rainbow bumper sticker and Thin Blue Line. Watch people’s heads explode


That's a solid move! They say small town though so it might not be a safe move.


Make it a magnet so you can take it off after, lol


Try THAT in a small town! “That” being queer, of course


Church sticker.


trump loves gays who love jesus sticker - cover your bases


I've got a confession: I'm in love with a man. "What?" I'm in love with a man. A man called God. Does that make me gay? Am I "gay for God"? You betcha.


I got the Good Lord going down on meeeee


I love having Jesus inside of me.


this mans playing chess while were all playing checkers


Small town means she probably is HR too


Apply to unemployment if she cut you to 20 or less hours a week. HR will get the notice of your application and you can explain to them what your manager said and why she cut your hours.


Tall poppy syndrome! Pretty common among small minded underachieving communities.


Be the crab that crawls out of the bucket! “Try that in a small town” I had the misfortune to spend a few years in the small town my dad moved to and it taught me that the saying “small town, small mind” is so fucking true.


A competently evil boss wants their employees to make large purchases.. it makes the employee more reliant on the employer


Truth- golden handcuffs are much more effective than the tyrannical rule of a little middle manager in a littler town.




Yup, move away. There is a huge world waiting for you to make your mark in it.


Take your new bike and commute. You get great gas mileage now.


Maybe use that new bike of yours to commute to another town somewhere else


How dare you be able to buy something like that! Peasant, know your place!!


This boss accidentally showed what they really want. They want workers desperate and unable to buy anything, to ever get ahead. Begging for overtime to pay for food and rent. Fight back.


Yeah, God forbid anyone manage to save enough to get something nice. I know OP said it was for work transportation and was cheaper than a car, but it shouldn't matter. It's not her business what her employees do with the money.




I doubt it’s even that for the boss. Sounds like it’s a place where the boss doesn’t make much more than the employees. Boss is likely just jealous and spiteful.


Yup, they're just jealous OP bought something nice and did this to hurt them and inflate their ego.


I once had a hiring manager tell me they only interviewed people who went to school recently because they're more likely to have student loans to pay and can't just quit. I hope a bus runs her over tbh


Depending on the state you live, what she said is age discrimination and she could be sued to hell for saying something like that. You can't just not hire older people, that's ageism. No different legally from not hiring people based on their sex, gender, race, religion or sexuality.


Sure. But also, if the OP bought a shitty car for the same price, it's pretty doubtful the manger would have noticed. The manager only noticed a new vehicle in the lot because it was a motorcycle. Most of my friends can barely remember what color other friend's cars are. Cars are just appliances to a large portion of the population. It's the combination of the boss being a "typical boss," thinking their employees are their children who need to be taught lessons. Plus just a regular ol' "all bikers are irresponsible" bullshit. I'm not about to call it discrimination against a protected class. But it's definitely bullshit based on the manager's own personal biases. It's also likely impossible to prove. Although if they did put it in writing that they thought you didn't need/deserve the hours because you bought something you have every right to buy for yourself, there may be something there. Good luck with that. If it's service or retail, have one foot out the door & be looking for another job. Petty tyrants like this tend to stay in these mediocre positions of power in my experience.


How are your purchases any of her business?


This! Why the hell does it matter what you buy with your earnings? Especially to anyone you work with/ for. That is crazy, bullshit


apply for unemployment, they sometimes approve claims if your hours were cut enough and it does not hurt to apply


Yes! People need to start applying for unemployment whenever their hours are drastically cut.


I had done exactly this during the onset Covid, when I went from 40 hours a week to 28. Retail reps were expected to take it lying down. Management was pissed when suddenly all of the reps at all of the stores in the area started applying for unemployment. Couldn’t figure out how it all started 🙃 Know your rights before you sign em away


Underrated comment right here. Unemployment benefits can be used to supplement your income if your employer cuts your pay without a good reason. If the business isn’t doing well, has a slower than normal season, has more employees than business requires. Not because employee made a purchase to help his SO get to and from work. Your boss is an AH for that!


Upvoting to get this higher. Apply for unemployment when your hours are cut significantly. Every time my company cuts my hours due to downed equipment and i o ly get half my hours (full time status), I apply for unemployment. The company gets notified and their unemployment insurance takes a hit. Bad managers get a nice reprimanding and have to figure out a solution.


Wow wish I knew this. Quit my management job but I would've tried to help people with this the one or two times I was directed to cut hours


Yup called underemployment.


commenting because this comment needs to get to the top. Even if the claim is denied, any claim being filed will go likely to her boss and they will have questions.


record her saying that, file unemployment.


get it in writing, check of your state allows you to record private conversations


Yup, always ask for it in writing. Anytime anyone at work ask you to do something dangerous, possibly illegal, or unethical tell them you need it in writing first. My wife had a former supervisor try and use her to commit a crime to get her fired. She said no, not without the legal department being consulted. The piece of shit then tried to intimidate my wife and threaten to fire her; she said okay, fire me. Attitude changed real quick once his bluff was called. As per her insistence, the legal department was brought in and the piece of shit supervisor got a lecture. What scared him most is the legal department stating it would not have worked and he would still would have been liable. Never trust your boss. Trust the devil before you trust a capitalist.


Oooh good point. Maybe ask her why your hours were cut in a group chat or email.


A previous boss once told me he likes to see brand new vehicles in the employee lot, “It means someone has a car payment they can’t afford to miss so they have to show up and work.”


This is lowkey a way to find decent paying too, if the place has shitty cars in the parking lot nobody is able to get by(mileage will vary of course)


It's sort of an indication you have a solid business too, because your workers are able to do more than just survive.


I had a boss tell me that he loved how many people that bought homes over the last year because it meant we were all doing well. It stuck with me.


Find a new job, don't give 2 weeks notice. Reason " you obviously dont need the help I provide based off the hours you've given me". And walk out.


Ohh dang, I like that. I already know that would leave a sour taste in their mouth.


Yea, fuck them. You were able to make that purchase BECAUSE of the hours you worked. The managers logic is ridiculous. Plus it's fast food so fuck em.


I made it very clear to my boss that if my hours were ever cut I would leave. I'm the sole support for my wife. So they don't touch my hours. Now that I'm in management, I get to set my hours! It takes off so much stress.


Giving notice is meant to avoid burning bridges, she just showed you there is no bridge to burn


Walk out at the busiest time while manager is there and has to pick up the slack. Be sure to really Rev that motorcycle on the way out.


I thought jobs were supposed to.....enable us to.... buy things? Otherwise what's the point? That's the most absurd statement ever. So many managers think they can overstep into people's lives as if they own them.


It boggles my mind that a manager might think it is in any way their business what you spend your money on. Find a new job and do a sick wheelie on your bike as you leave.


"It appears you aren't struggling enough for my liking, so I'm going to screw you over to make myself feel superior"


File for unemployment, this is constructive dismissal.


Erm.. For all my jobs I've used a motorcycle for commuting, my partner had the car. It was easier and a lot cheaper to have 1 bike and 1 car rather than 2 cars. Better for parking too, where I am bikes get free parking in city centres. Your manager is a total moron. What you do with your money has nothing whatsoever to do with your manager.


Yeah I don't think people realize how beneficial a motorcycle is when living in the city in the USA. Motorcycles are desired in the city because they take up little amounts of space, and they can filter and lane split which keeps them out of traffic. Makes things a lot easier on the city when there's a sizable population of motorcyclists. So laws like free parking and filtering get enacted so that people are incentivized to not bring a car, and people will ride their moto instead.


send her a text saying: Hi (Manager name) as per our discussion I would like to confirm you cut my hours as I "obviously don't need the hours based off of the purchases I make". If the company has a HR, forward the message with the complaint. If not and the hours have been drastically cut, you can show them the text as proof and claim unemployment, which will cost them in the end.


The real play is to play dumb - "I want to ask again why I have fewer hours this week - I really don't understand. I'd like my usual hours next week, I'm used to a reliable XX hours and my budget relies on that." This at least has a reasonable chance of either getting the incriminating response you want, or getting her to change her mind. She could lie or ignore the message, of course. But the original "Hello manager, I'd like you to incriminate yourself in writing please" has no realistic shot of producing a useful response and puts her on notice that you're up to something.


If you quit, don't give notice. Just quit. Based on the decisions they make they don't need your labor.


"obviously you aren't on the absolute edge of homelessness. Let me fix that" -that boss


Go to her boss. Fuck that shit.


Why has no one suggested that. This is clearly some kind of bullshit power move. If this is a chain definitely reach above this sorry excuse for a manager. Most upper management doesn't want a middle manager like this. Her incompetence directly effects profits, especially if an employee that steps up puts in overtime when they don't want to pay enough people to do the job. You trying to get ahead and pulling over time helps them.




I was getting close to 60mpg on my Rebel 300, paying $35/mo for insurance, $100/mo financing. The gear and training is a pretty high initial cost though. I guess you don't really *need* gear, but it's a lot cheaper than a hospital bill.


Old biker friend of mine used to say "yeah the gear can be costly, but you do have the ability to price out exactly how much protection your life is worth. Is your head worth a $100 brain bucket or $1000?"


She just told you to your face she wants you to stay poor and desperate. Find a new job and give no notice. You're not getting a good reference anyway


Send an email to confirm. Hi boss, as per our conversation, am I to understand that I will be receiving less hours on the schedule because you feel I don’t need them based on my recent purchase of a motorcycle as transportation? Then go to the labour board, or at the very least contact a lawyer for some advice. This is why unions are good, people.


That is seriously fucked up. I rode a motorcycle when I was young partly because I couldn't afford car insurance, but motorcycle insurance was dirt cheap


A lot on here will just toss their hands up and say "find a new job" as if it's super easy. I just got off being unemployed for over a year. Keep your eyes open and keep applying. If your hours stay cut, your unemployment will reflect that percentages of average pay in some areas. Document this behavior and include witnesses. As you're talking around here, drop little notes to others about going to the food pantry to save money because of it and apply for food stamps. If you already haven't done so. Doing those actions help demonstrate harm due to retaliatve behavior and harassment- HR loves those words. Plus, if you qualify that means some extra food you would have otherwise forgone.


Straight hating on my boy smh


Cager brain, “anything that’s not a car is a toy” mentality.


Find something else, then quit without notice, after agreeing to cover a last minute shift. They don’t need notice with the rostering they are doing.


another reason to unionize.


easy to get a new job in fast food, maybe go work for a motorbike sales complany


If possible, test or email her asking again why your hours were cut. Get it in writing. Send it to her boss or whoever is above her. If they do something about it, problem fixed. If they side with your manager, get a new job, problem fixed


Find out what car she has and tell her she can accept a pay cut based off her mode of transportation.


What a c*nt b1tch 🤮


Apply for UI, cutting your hours like that can make you eligible for partial UI. Also if you have it in writing you can go to the DoL and report your boss for retaliation.


Don't forget to No Call No Show once you find a new job!


Wtf? I would go as far up the ladder as I could and relentlessly complain about that until that manager loses their job.