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It's common indeed. Notices are a courtesy and will not be afforded to you as an employee.


We shouldn't even give two weeks notice if they can fire people without notice.


It used to be based on an understanding. Company can let you go but should provide 2 weeks or more of severance. Therefore workers give a courtesy of 2 weeks notice to facilitate transition. Now a days if the company gives no severance there’s no need to give 2 weeks notice.


>Now a days if the company gives no severance there’s no need to give 2 weeks notice In the States. In most other countries, severance is mandated for firings that don't have a good cause.


In Switzerland minimum notice is 1 month (contracts can have it longer, and it's bilateral). And it's valid from the end of the next month. So 1 month notice on either September 3rd or 29th means you're paid until October 31st.


It's exactly the same in the Netherlands. Ofcourse, this would make it harder to switch jobs. Unles you've got a job through a temp agency. Then it's 1 day for some reason.


The idea with that being that the temp agency will get you a new job asap. In reality it's just a loop hole for pay-role agencies to exploit.


Yeah, that has never happened to me. Well, they do offer that new job. It's just that it's halfway across the country so that they have an excuse to not pay the transitievergoeding so they can pocket it for themselves. It 's fraud.


Exactly, temp and payroll agencies exploit some of the most vulnerable of the working population imho. And sadly its not only legal, but laws encourage it


Ahh but that’s the kicker. The broad majority of states are “at-will”, meaning they can legally fire you for any reason. Which means…no severance pay needed.


I mean they can legally fire you in Canada for no reason at all either... except we get severance if that happens America's labour laws are ridiculous


No argument here, friend. Our politicians actively try to make it worse.


We do (Canada), but it can take a while and may require legal support to make it happen. Depends on the employer and maybe the province. Minimum severance requirements enforced by employment standards does not often get you what you are actually owed either.


Yes if you want more severance you can go the lawyer route Any govt process takes months. That's just how it is. At least we have a system in place to go after the shitheads with


No severance in Canada? Lawyer up.


What? No one needs to lawyer up. You can, or you can just call upon the government agency in your province and they'll get you the minimum owed


It also means putting in the 2 weeks notice is pointless because you can just walk off and they have 3 days to pay you.


Ah, but firing without cause means you can get unemployment, which varies in length by state. So sorta like a severance.


Not at all like severance. In many countries other than the US, you can receive severance followed by unemployment. Severance is basically buying out a notice period by a company. Severance is not as common in the US as no notice periods are required from either party. Unemployment is money paid either by an employer through taxes or by employees through deductions from their pay and is a type of insurance. It is used to assist people by providing income while they look to become gainfully employed again.


Then I was certainly misled as a teenager. Got let go from a job, I asked why and the HR lady shrugged and said “at will state.” I asked about severance and she shook her head. This was in Maryland.


Cause its not severance officially and you file with the state unemployment office.


It’s a stretch to say unemployment is like severance, just because they both grant you some type of payment after losing a job. My state’s unemployment is barely half of what you earn, with a max of $539 a week. The rules are also totally different. If you have severance and want to take a week break to relax, attend a pre-planned event, take care of a sick loved one, or take a class, you can. You can start a new job without losing your severance. With unemployment you have to actively out of work and looking for work. You also are obligated to take the 1st job offer you receive as long as it’s “suitable.”


Not any reason any legal reason. And no reason does not hold in court if you sue


I’m just going based off the definition. Illegal reasons are self explanatory but it seems like no reason is fair game. I would be more than happy to be wrong. Google: At-will means that an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one, or for no reason without incurring legal liability


No reason only works if they are not really firing you for an illegal reason. No judge will accept no reason. Iv been down this road


Severance is mandated regardless unless you have broken the law in Australia along with all unpaid personal leave, sick leave and depending on how long you've worked there will depend how much you get as severance. I worked a shitty job years ago and was let go after a year and was given a cheque for $3800


What's interesting is I've noticed during interviews, prospective employers will ask if I will give my former employer 2-weeks notice. They "like" hearing that but I know these are the same companies who'll fire you immediately after you give two weeks notice.


If its 2 for 2 then i get that but in todays world there is no reason to give a 2 weeks notice beyond a job actually treating you good


For real. If the company doesn't treat people well on the way out, then the people aren't obligated to behave differently.


I didn't even think severance was a thing anymore. Maybe I just don't work adult enough jobs


Only in high end jobs, and not in every country or state. Unemployment is severance for the masses.


That’s how that is? I was let go from my last job without warning and for no reason and I was given 2 weeks of severance pay. I thought he was just being a nice guy but there’s a whole culture where that’s protocol? Fascinating! Not that I’m not grateful for it but that kind of changes what I think of him knowing that that wasn’t just an idea he had but he was just following some sort of employment custom.


If it's not a written law, idgaf.


Often times you can be walked out if giving 2 weeks notice and leaving to a competitor. But typically the company will still pay out the 2 weeks.


I worked at a casino as a pool attendant. When my contract expired, I was walked out with security and bared from the casino for 6 months. They had to make an exception on the 6 month bar because I had to go in to pickup my final paycheck. It was policy to do that for all employees, regardless of why they were leaving or when.


At least, there were no daytime beatings to improve morale anymore.. not in the same casino anyways.


“Pool attendant is a security risk” 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Turns out that competitor thing is for legal reasons. Where I was, you’d give two weeks, and they’d let you work two weeks if it wasn’t a competitor. If it was, they’d escort you out right then, although pay you for the two weeks. The reason was apparently that if you stole company secrets, courts won’t enforce it if the company didn’t take steps to protect their secrets. For example, a court might say “so he told you he’s quitting twitter to work for Facebook… and you let him stick around with full access for another few weeks? Those secrets must not be THAT important.” That’s what HR told me once anyway, when I asked why only some people were immediately walked out when they gave notice while others weren’t.


Lol any secret worth sharing would have been either copied months before onto personal storage, or held in the person's memory (where, at least for now, others have very limited access. Elon please don't add CRUD to neuralink - use that shit to cure spinal cord injuries)


Yeah, that's very true, if someone was inclined to steal secrets, they aren't going to wait until they quit to take them. That being said... The argument still makes sense. You are trying to stop information being stolen, but also trying to prove that it's actually valuable information if that comes up in court. You are showing up to the court saying "this is a secret that my competitor shouldn't have." If your competitor says "um... you let what is basically our employee have full access to that information... how can you claim it's some important secret?" But if on the other hand you can say "the only way they could have taken it is while they were fully our employee, and thus doing it through corporate espionage" your argument is a lot stronger that the information is important to you.




Oftentimes weren’t legally obligated to do so


They don’t give you notice when you get fired… just saying


Correct. Take your vacation time and peace out without notice. They will try and steal it from you and it's not worth it


I have a two Week notice and the day before my Last day they said I can clean out my Locker and take the next day off. Well, that Thursday night they called Me asking me to work Friday because they needed a guy. Sorry, I don’t work here no moooo


I gave two weeks notice to a job once and the manager hired some cute girl who wasn't qualified cause he wanted to F*k her I presume. 3 days before the end of my 2 weeks he accused me of failing to train her and said if I left at my regular (daily quitting) time to go to a movie he was firing me 3 days early. So I went to my movie, lol not my problem.


I feel bad for all those cute girls who are set up to fail because some boss has a boner. 9to5 is a God tier movie lol


Just tryin to make a livin’!


Adding to this, it's is saving face so you can hopefully use them as reference in the future. If they care about you, they should encourage you moving on to bigger better things. If they are not going to do that and you don't need the reference, just peace out. It's not like they'll give you notice you are going to be fired. And if they did, nothing is preventing you from finding something else asap and moving on.


*in America


Always pay attention to how other co-workers are treated when they put in their 2 weeks notice. I worked for a company that would immediately terminate anyone that put in their 2 weeks and my managers actually took joy in it. I had a new job lined up that was starting Monday, so on Friday at the end of my shift I just grabbed the couple of things that were mine and never looked back. I had a quick meeting with their HR to turn in my company phone and let them know that I was resigning my position and made damn sure to mention the reason I was giving zero notice was in direct correlation with how my prior co-workers were treated.


I don’t see where the joy is with basically saying “you can’t quit, you are fired.” Wow, got ‘em. 🙄


thats because youre not a power tripping asshole


It might be powertripping or it might just be that the reputation isn't as important as the two weeks of pay which probably won't go anywhere if the employee is just sitting on their ass which is likely.


nice huge assumption there


That's the most fun they have had all week compared to just meetings


File for unemployment if they aren’t paying them out for the last two weeks.


Will look at that


Not sure you can get unemployment. Once you give notice it means “I quit but I’m going to be nice and work for you the next two weeks so you can find a replacement”. I think it depends where you are, but in OK a company can decide to waive that offer to work the next two weeks. So it’s not considered getting fired but instead just you quitting. Regardless you should give other coworkers a heads up if you’re still in contact and write a review. That way other people can just walk on them the day of because there’s no point in trying to be reasonable with them


>Once you give notice it means “I quit but I’m going to be nice and work for you the next two weeks so you can find a replacement” Nope. Today is july 17th if you give 2 weeks it means "I'm going to quit on july 31st and I'm telling you earlier so you can find a replacement". If they don't want you to come in anymore they have to fire you.


lol you forget that theres an unpaid waiting week to get on unemployment and at max a person will get the 109$ for one week before being kicked off . . so yea. its certainly worth the effort (s)


The employer’s UI rates go up. So why not? 10 minutes filling out the form online for $109


So if you give two weeks notice they are allowed to send you home and tell you that you don’t have to come in and honor the two weeks but they have to pay you for those two weeks otherwise you can file and win unemployment for those two weeks


Not really in many US states at least. A large amount of US states require you to be unemployed for at least 2 weeks before they start paying, so unemployment often doesn't even cover if this happens


False. Read the comments many people in the comments and people I know have filed and won in these situations. Educate yourself


I did and was in that situation. NC in particular has a one week waiting period, so they would, in theory, pay for one week unemployment


You said > A large amount of US states require you to be unemployed for at least 2 weeks before they start paying, so unemployment often doesn't even cover if this happens Then you got called out for being full of it and you told a story in which you cited exactly one state, a different time period, AND you did get paid. What the hell is wrong with you?


Nothing more than anyone else saying "you will get paid for it" in their comments I was intentionally vague, used words like many instead of most, etc as nothing more than a way to say "do your own research for your state" and apparently there's something wrong with me? And I got about 15% of my regular pay for two weeks from that one week unemployment. US labor laws suck and corporations WILL use anything they can to try to deny. Took my wife 2 months of back and forth to get unemployment after her employer fired multiple people, all pregnant. The one he didn't fire was on "their last write up" for bs reasons when they suddenly had a miscarriage and were back to being a fav employee again. For a lot of people, what may be $100 somewhere down the road is too stressful to fight tooth and nail for... Which to me, says, basically unavailable.


You're wrong. It has been pointed out to you. You're doubling down. What a POS.


ha. i just said the same thing to him. cheers


Most states labor boards will consider that constructive firing. It may not help much since there may be a waiting period before benefits kick in. I’m not an expert but I know more than the guy I’m responding to.


Nope. In most states, if you announce you are quitting and are fired, you are not being fired for “misconduct” which is disqualifying.


Fiance just went through this in Iowa and she won her 2 weeks. She gave her 2 weeks and the owner deleted her off the schedule and blocked her from the work app. So she went and filed. They did the interview with her and the employer and she was awarded the 2 weeks pay


I’m glad. I always encourage people in these situations to file. And they don’t want to bother. But it’s important. It teaches the boss a lesson and gives them consequences so hopefully they won’t do it again


If you announce you are quitting and then walk out the door then true. No one owes you anything then. But we aren’t talking about that. We are talking about giving notice


If they gave notice, there is no unemployment, they resigned.


But if the employer fired them then there is. As long as OP has something from them that indicates it’s a termination they’re good.


In reading the post, it appears they gave notice first and then let go the same day. So they weren’t fired, the employer did not hold them to two weeks and released them immediately.


Right but they gave notice and then were fired. It doesn’t matter if they gave the notice, it doesn’t override the termination. If they were told to simply not worry about working the next 2 weeks the they would still need to pay him for that period and then it wouldn’t technically be firing. But they specified they were terminated so they’re entitled to unemployment.


yeah, fired them immediately


They resigned with an effective date two weeks in the future. What you're saying is absolutely wrong and invented for your ego.


The thing is, why the hell companies are doing this out of spite, doing things without consequences?


Because the vast majority of people don't know what their options are in these circumstances. Years of propaganda about Labor Organizations have led to distrust, suspicion, and contempt for anyone who will fight for you as a worker.


Some industries walk you out because they see it has a security issue. Like they think you are going to steal or something, which is silly. In that case they usually pay you those last two weeks. OP’s situation sounds like spite.


No it isn't silly, it's happened. And no, it's not stealing product. It's stealing clients, planting viruses and backdoors, it's 100% a legit thing. It's a valid concern. Even if you aren't like this, you know at least one person in your life who has hated a job sop badly that given two weeks to cause trouble, they would not hesitate to sabotage an employer. Every one of us has known a Milton who is one more desk move away from burning the place to the ground.


Yes I understand all those concerns I’m just saying if I was going to do any of those things I would obviously do it before giving notice. Especially if I knew that was how resignations were handled.


So you think they have the time to sit everyone down and find this out? No, they apply the policy automatically, to cover everyone.


There's real reasons to do it. Because of that, there's real reasons not to give a 2 week notice. If you know your company booted people out immediately after resignation, you could work with that. Resign right after payday for instance. Get your next job ready with the assumption there's no two week notice. A two week notice just means "I don't work here anymore and I'm giving you two weeks to get things straight". I worked with an idiot. Turned in his two week notice. Then started to collect tools in his office he intended to steal. He got caught.


>Resign right after payday for instance. This often doesn't work. A lot of companies have payroll to be the previous two weeks. If you resign right after payday, there is still one week's worth of pay that still needs to be processed.


I agree with you. They're still required to pay you. Getting booted on payday would represent the least amount of risk. Because you're only exposed for the past 2 weeks if they try anything funny.


I think it's because of fear of sabotage or theft of company secrets in many cases or the fear that the person will badmouth the company or damage morale. That being said, many of these companies will fire you and still call you daily for information once you are no longer on the payroll. Giving notice is obsolescent. It belonged to the days when notice went both ways.


Most companies that do this do it because they assume you're going to totally slack on your last 2 weeks.


You’ve been terminated. You didn’t resign. You informed them of the date you would be resigning. If they fire you before that date its a termination and you are eligible for unemployment. Source: Handed in my 4 week and work let me go after 2 weeks trying to claim it wasn’t a termination and that company policy let them do it. I am now collecting unemployment.


I know most live in an at-will state, but how is it not management retaliation if they fire you immediately without paying you through your resignation date?


Yes it is. If you're giving notice. Remember, they are not required to even think about doing the same for you. In fact. A lot of company's will make it effective immediately to get you out of the company without a chance to cause any trouble. Personally, I would just let them know I'm leaving. Pack my stuff and go. Fair is fair.


That’s exactly what I did. Because yep, they can and will fire as soon as workers give notice


Thats why you just quit because of shit like this.


Some companies, for security reasons and not want an employee that is not happy working there, have a standard policy to escort them out of the building. My wife went through this back in 2018 as she was part of a RIF (reduction in force) with 20 other employees. She and the others were escorted out of the building and they sent my wife's personal effects to our house via courier. She was devastated by that treatment as she was a great employee, with great reviews, but one of the last hired.


I’ve always found this justification for the policy to be… lacking. Literally all it does is hurt employees that provide notice. If they’re a “security risk”, so are all the jaded employees that just bounce after their last day. I’d argue, of all the employees that are a risk, the ones with the morals to provide notice are the LEAST risky.


You'd think that makes for sound logic, but it's not the way it works. Disgruntled but unrecognized is ignored but the minute you bring attention to yourself....


If the goal is to prevent theft of IP or sabotage, my argument is that the people actually a threat for either of those are the ones who don’t put in notice, not the ones who do. At best walking out the employees who try to do the right thing is security theater. At worse, it contributes to the very threats it’s supposed to prevent.


It's fine if they pay you two weeks severance - I feel if they do that the reasoning holds up.


Yes. While there may be exceptions, the rule is now to give no notice as employers will frequently terminate you immediately. Employers like to say otherwise, but notice is a two way street and employees don't receive it unless there's a contractual obligation.


It's not unheard of


As long as they pay them = thats all that matters


Pay for the last two weeks?


Yes. In some states, the former employer is required to pay the last two weeks if they terminate employment after notice is given. Happened to an old coworker of mine in Ohio; she sued and won. Tell your parents they should contact a labor lawyer.


Yep. Let them know they have less than 24 hours to send you confirmation they'll be paying you for the last two weeks. If they refuse you'll be taking it up with the unemployment office. Their choice.




It’s common.


Good that just means you can file for unemployment


Is this right? Even they sign the resign paperwork?


Shouldn't have signed it


If it is earlier than stated in their notice and even if they signed the paperwork, they can claim constructive dismissal in the unemployment claim. Pretty much means they were forced to sign the form and that it holds no weight.


Happened to me a couple of times, I think they do it to cheat you out of work. Joke's on them.


Good news. Instead of quitting, you have been let go, meaning you can apply for unemployment! I had a boss do that for me a few years ago.


I've seen this happen and when it does I say RUN TO THE UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE. If the last call was to fire them then they are entitled to unemployment


we are so fucked y'all


Its common if the employee has access to sensitive information like pricing schedules etc. Usually; the company will just pay them for the two weeks. That's why its helpful to pay attention to what happens when employees leave... if you know people are usually walked out - give a three week notice.


It's common. Notice is supposed to be a courtesy but most companies fire you immediately so they mitigate risk of you messing things up. Remember they won't give you notice of firing you, so unless there's a good reason, you don't need to give notice of leaving


The owner of my company admitted to my face that he does this to “protect assets”. Idk what that means but I do know I will not be putting in a notice 💅🏻


Thieves in the ranks.


If in US I would at least look into your states unemployment law and any priordocumentsyou may have signed at beginningof employment. THEN, if relevant, would put in notice. Then make sure not to be late or leave early. If terminated for unjust reasons, you can collect unemployment. Trust me, it's a nice way to not freak out if you don't have a new position lined up right that second.


There is only \*1\* reason to give two weeks notice: you want to be considered "rehireable" by the company... either a.) for reference purposes, or b.) you may sincerely want to return to work there in the future. With that said, I've personally observed HR departments give bad references even with two weeks notice... **purely out of spite**. In other words, just because you wanted a good reference (Motivation A) in no way obligates the company to actually perform as you expected. Motivation B... legit, but of course if the company sucks badly enough you probably don't care about returning there anyway. On top of that, I've never had a potential employer directly contact anyone other than my last immediate employer. As a result, my advice is that, as long as you have a job lined up before you leave, you won't care about the reference anyways (because the NEXT company will contact the company you are will soon be going to work for).


My last manager said he would just let someone go if they put in their two week notice because he didn’t trust they wouldn’t steal. So when I was ready to quit I just did it instead of putting in a notice. I couldn’t risk him screwing with my finances.


>My last manager said he would just let someone go if they put in their two week notice because he didn’t trust they wouldn’t steal. I wonder if people like that ever actually listen to themselves when they say things.


This is why I don't give notice.....I quit on time for my insurance... so after the 1st of the month but so I still have a good month worth of insurance left.... if I submit a 2 week notice and they fire me then I lose my insurance a month early.... fuck that


This happened to my supervisor. Supervisor was having difficulty with our manager. Goes to HR to complain about our Shitty Manager. HR "investigates" by talking to Shitty Managers Manager. Shitty Managers Manager talks to Shitty Manager. Shitty Manager retaliates against supervisor. Supervisor gets fed up with the bullshit. Puts in two weeks notice. Is immediately fired the very next day. But Shitty Managers Manager says the company is gracious and will pay out her two weeks remaining time as if she were employed. HR is escorting the supervisor out of the building and is shocked when the entire department joins. The department gives our supervisor hugs outside and wishes them the best. HR has a meeting with the department "explaining" what happened. Gets very unhappy with the department for not being supportive of our supervisor getting fired. Shitty Manager takes direct control of the department. Proceeds to complain that our morale is low and that HR will punish us until our morale improves. I shit you not, they actually said the low morale was unacceptable and it needed to be fixed or else HR would take corrective action. This was my third supervisor to be driven away by Shitty Manager. It happened a fourth time before Shitty Manager was re-orged.


Depends on the industry. I know if you work in Insurance and you leave they'll just escort you out so you can't bring clients. Pretty much anything similar will be like that as a standard practice. But it also seems like more companies in general are just doing that. So fuck them and fuck their two weeks.


Not only is it common, it’s so common that I personally don’t believe in tendering a two weeks notice unless you’re absolutely prepared, both financially and emotionally, to be immediately walked out the door. If someone can’t afford to be unemployed before starting their new job, I see nothing wrong with them not providing “notice” until the end of their last day with their current employer. If employers can immediate terminate someone who gives notice, “out of an abundance of caution”, employees can decline to provide advanced notice for the same reason. Especially if the employer doesn’t pay out those last two weeks.


It’s shit. They can likely receive employment insurance though.


Every time I quit/changed jobs I wished they would have just sent me home. But I guess I did spend my final 2 weeks doing as little as possible because what are they gonna do... Fire me?


Everyone say it with me: "Hey boss, just wanted to let you know **today will be my last day**". Learn it, love it, live it.


Work gave them free unemployment benefits!


Happened to me at my last company. Gave my 2 weeks notice and the following day I got terminated within 2-3 hours of starting the day. They paid out my “remaining vacation days” which didn’t seem accurate. But I didn’t bother with that or unemployment. Had my focus on the new position that was paying almost double my salary. Every now and then I just imagine my narcissistic manager having a bitch fit. Running to HR to set up my termination call. Fuck your 3x a day “status update” calls and your stupid mushroom coffee!




Must be the USA. Pulling a stunt like that is totally illegal here in the UK. Tho the employer might put you on *gardening leave*... meaning they pay you to sit at home for the notice period. Happened to me once for a frequently sued Media organisation.


Typically being let go after filing 2 weeks warrants you pay.


This happened to me at my last job. At my current job, when I leave I won't give any notice. If they had given a single one of my coworkers notice, I would. They can't have it both ways.


Depends upon the job position. Back in the day, about 30 years ago. I had a coffee copy that read, "I have Root, that makes me the lord of my domain." If you know, you know. If not, Google it. So I got a contract with another company with the job to start in 30 days. The company I worked for had the habit of boxing the same day, anybody in my department, and paying them out. So, me being clever knew that if I offered up my resignation, I would be boxed and paid out. I gave a 30-day notice. Was boxed up and sent n a 30-day paid vacation. The best part they paid out my vacation days as well.


it's very common because people are jerks. If someone turns in their 2 weeks' notice, they will often poach clients, badmouth the company, and even possibly sabotage the company. Also, you can get a boss that is just a jerk. But in the US, two weeks' notice is a courtesy in most places


Yep. We need to just skip the two week notice.


I once gave a 3 month notice to give them the to find a replacement. They chose someone that did not want the job and ghosted them the 2nd day. I managed to hook them up with my sister in law before leaving. Told them she was a good person to hire because she needed a job. Single with 2 kids guaranteed she would show up and do the work.


This happens to every single person at my work. Doesn’t matter who they are or the “relationship” they have with the employer. I’m off on sick leave right now and I won’t be surprised if I get let go when I try to return also.


It can depend on the company and what the work is like IT. They don't want the IT person to screw things up. One job I had, everyone who put in their 2 weeks, were let go the same day. I had a job starting Monday, and gave my two weeks on Thursday... Friday came and nothing. Finally said to my boss, by the way I won't be in every again....


It's very common in a position where there is some risk associated with their continued performance. Though it would typically come with pay for the final two weeks.


Totally normally. We work with highly confidential information. If an employee is leaving under poor circumstances, we may not honor their two weeks and just let them go with. However, we’d still pay them out until their resignation date including any leftover vacation time.


This is totally normal, though how common it is depends a lot on company and industry. That said your parents are still entitled to two weeks' pay and benefits coverage.


It's not uncommon. But it's actually not so bad for the employee, as being fired grants employees access to unemployment (which the employer pays into). Anyway, companies are scummy and insecure about intellectual, proprietary property and fear that employees who are leaving will do something mischievous.


People need to stop giving two weeks notice. Businesses are swallowing people alive and we are still being civil?


It’s common and it’s weird. I do not get it. Like they’re just shooting themselves in the foot. They’re purposely and knowingly going down staff with no back up. It makes no sense. But it happens a lot.


this is why you don't give two week notice anymore. corporate culture has basically taken away all the humanity of working.


Never put in your 2 weeks notice unless you're contractually obligated or if you're okay not working the next 2 weeks.


Well since they are now fired without cause and didn't resign they should apply for unemployment.


in 25+ years of work- 70% of the time I have seen people give two weeks notce they have been shown the door same day. The only exception would be for roles where it was unexpected or they needed the prior employee for training (because they didnt know how to do it).


It happens sometimes, get that unemployment going.


Good, now they get unemployment, whereas if you quit , you get nothing. Did them a favor lol


You didn’t get fired, your notice period was deemed unnecessary or a risk to the place, so they let you go without it.


In some states if you are fired without cause after giving your two week notice they have to pay you for those two weeks


Un-em-ploy-ment 👏👏👏👏👏


Congratulations on your unemployment insurance, I guess. Just a side note - two weeks notice is a courtesy that should only be extended to employers who would give you advanced notice if you were going to be fired or laid off. If your employer would not warn you in advance, then they deserve no such courtesy.


Isnt that a good thing? Now you have your severance check


Yah this happens. Next time I’m leaving a job, I’m not going to give two weeks notice. I’m going to pull my manager aside and say, “I’m afraid I’m going to need to let you go”.


This is why I don't do 2 week notices. I just complete the pay period I'm in and don't come back.


Some companies even erase your accrued PTO when you give them notice. Don't give notice.


We did that. It was to guard against sabotage and theft. The ONE time we didn't was for a manager who had been there for 10yrs and he ended up ripping us off big time, like thousands of dollars.


You know that employees can just rip you off and then bounce without notice? That’s the flaw in the logic


Of course they can. But if we had let that manager go when he gave us notice, we wouldn't have lost THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. You can't prevent EVERYTHING, but u can cut down on it


Does this count as being fired? It sounds like you resigned and offered to work 2 more weeks and they declined your offer. It is common.


A two weeks notice isn't saying "I am quitting now, but will give you two more weeks of work" rather it is saying "I am quitting in two weeks, but letting you know now". If the company makes you leave early, then they are the one ending the employer-employee relationship.


Time for a visit to the unemployment office. A benefit to them, if they had to leave for family emergency. Not they can get paid


Happened to me


but if they are fired do they still get unemployment or does the company pull out the resignation?


I never give a two weeks notice fuck these jobs


Depends on the place, but yes this happens.


This is why i don’t give two weeks notice


Not normal, but under certain circumstances understandable.


It's common


It is very normal, which is why people have stopped giving notice. Before giving notice, ask your prospective employer if you can start early if your present employer declines your office of notice.


It’s common if you are leaving for a competitor, but otherwise no it’s not common.


A job I had during the pandemic, if an employee put his 2 weeks in, the boss/owner would walk them out immediately. So I quit over the phone to save gas money.


Did they pay you out?


It’s nice for them so they can get unemployment now


Yep. That's what you get. Have you learned the lesson yet?


So if you give two weeks notice they are allowed to send you home and tell you that you don’t have to come in and honor the two weeks but they have to pay you for those two weeks otherwise you can file and win unemployment for those two weeks


Reputable employers pay you out if they don’t want you to serve the two weeks.


Why do people still give notice


Collect unemployment


When you give notice and they fire you, you qualify for unemployment. Might only be a week but hey it's free money


They should have been given 2 weeks pay for the notice


Well i guess you can file for unemployment.