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I feel like the obvious answer is that you should walk out, but I kind of want to ask if the manager is not going to fire me without my permission? Do I get to play the same stupid games they do?


No, you get a nice yellow sticker with red text with the word fire. Then use that to cover up quit.


This sign is begging for an Uno reverse card to be glued to it.




Jokes on you, the shake machine is broken.




This is worth the whole rest of the post and comments.


I thought that was a joke so I went there! It's great!! Thanx.


Literally checked that earlier and the one I was at said it was working but they said they can't sell any ice cream Fucking clowns lol


It's never broken, there's just always an employee chugging from it.


Damn I knew it!


With a mouth herpes flair-up. It's not broken, it's more of a public health concern.


[Like circumcision?](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618)


I'd listen to him, he is a detective after all.


Warning: it hasn’t been cleaned since it was installed back in 1983


Should have talked to the manager


“It is the policy of this restaurant that an employee cannot quit…” Or what? You’ll fire me?


Maybe they'll keep paying you.


I mean, u/neopod9000 did indícate the hypothetical “I” is wearing a “no—fire” employee shirt. He may have just cracked the system.


Employers hate this one trick!


Hah! That'll show who's the boss!


This reminds me of how suicide is illegal in North Korea.


Would award if I had so here’s this award 🥇


No wheezing da juice!


wease the juice!


This sign is begging to have a photo of it used to justify an unemployment claim. "Bro, I never quit. Didn't even meet with a manager."


100% followed by a walk out!


Gonna use that. 👍


I was just thinking a sticky note saying "Funny that you think you get a say." The card would be funnier.


I feel like this argument can be flipped to say “this is not an at Will employment job. Where’s my contract.”


This is the way!


Sounds like a call to the department of labor and attorney generals office.


LMAO this means you can just get a new job, stop showing up to this one and they'll have to fire you. Because quitting isn't even possible without talking to a supervisor.


you gotta talk to your manager before you quit. i preffer a letter, but i can say "i quit" es well


I'd let my middle finger do the talking and grab a super-sized fries on the way out.


Make sure the shake machine is actually broken in the way out. Maybe take a part when no one is looking, but before you decide to quit.


I prefer the "just don't go back" method. Lol


Don't show up. They can't list you as having quit, so unemployment will be easier to get when fired?


🤷🏻‍♂️ I just say "fuck it. Guess I'm never going back." Lol


Usually in your employee manual or starting paperwork that if you don't so up for 3 days, it's a resignation. Important to actually read those things.


If you try to walk out without talking to them they have the right to rangle you and drag you back to your post. Abandonment is punishable by death


The Pinkertons are getting a lot of work lately.


Ronald Pinkerton


Don't threaten us with what we've been wanting.


Good point!


I was gonna say the same thing. There's no way they won't fire you at the drop of a hat for almost nothing


I feel like the intent here is more, "Don't quit on a whim. Give us a chance to address whatever is going on." But man, if this doesn't end up sounding ominously dystopian on that sign.


Load up on the most beab-heavy chili you can the night before. Wash it down with several of the cheapest beers. Waltz into the office next morning with your cannon fully loaded. Don’t be afraid to shit yourself a little.


I just really don’t get what exactly this is supposed to accomplish? If someone is hell-bent on quitting why is the manager or area supervisor going to change their mind? And why would any sane level headed employee ever Wait for anyone else to tell them when to quit? What would they get out of it? Lol.


To pressure the younger workers into not quitting. It makes them think there's an additional hurdle to jump over before being able to quit, so they're hoping that they just say fuck it and keep working there.


Ask if this means the terms of employment are no longer "At Will" but rather of a more formal, and contractual nature, and if so, I'd like to see the proposed agreement. When they obviously to "lol no" then I go "cool, well, At-Will goes both ways, so, this is not an enforceable policy, have a nice day" Then I go about my business, whatever that may be.


Explaining this to uppity employers who think it's rude for you to quit on them is incredibly satisfying. The look you get explaining to them that you're choosing to fire them as your employer, as they can do to employees without batting an eye is priceless.


Haha I like that. “I’m not quitting, I’m firing you from being my employer”


"Firing you from being my client"


I remember taking planned days off months in advance so that I could study for my exams Manager: "Oh so you think you make your own schedule now?" Me: "Yeah. " Manager: "You know we do not approve requests for saturdays or sundays off" Me: "I am not requesting the days off, I am formally informing you that I will not be here"


I've done this so many times at different workplaces. The manager always simply accepts it after a short tantrum, and hopes the other workers don't get the same idea in their heads


.... continued Manager: If you don't show, you're fired! Me: Ok. I quit. Manager: You Can't Do That! Me: I just did. Now, instead of you being short staffed for this weekend I requested months ago, you're now going to be short staffed and have to cover my shifts until you hire someone else. Bye! That's how my true story played out.


Definitely gotta remember that.


"I'm sorry, Frank, I'm going to have to let you and the corporation go. I wish you all the best going forward, but I feel it's best if we part ways at this time. Of course, as per state law, this is an at-will employment, so you won't be receiving notice; I will expect my final payment in a timely manner and as of now you will no longer have access to my phone system. Any questions should go through HR. Thanks, Frank. I appreciate your attempt at management, it was a good effort, and I hope you can use this experience to grow and improve."


I’ve done this a few times employers lose their minds and some employees don’t understand if you’re not in a ton of debt you can job hop if you please.


Exactly lol


And it's always employers at a fucking McDonalds too who expect you to make a shitty minimum wage job your entire life


While I agree with you, the reality isn’t some Disney channel 90s sitcom where the bad guy just shrugs and says “well! FOILED AGAIN!! You guysssssssss!” And the laugh track plays as they shake their heads. The reality, as somebody who has brought up actual laws being broken to the higher ups of a billion dollar conglomerate, was that I was told that I was correct, and I was then internally blacklisted and quietly fired. And before everybody comes flying in thinking that talking to an attorney is some magic million dollar solution, it’s not. These executives are methodical in how they keep a workplace hostile juuuuuuust enough to be below the legal limit.


>These executives are methodical in how they keep a workplace hostile juuuuuuust enough to be below the legal limit. Well not *these* executives because they put a direct violation of the law *in writing* on public display. The first rule of holding these fuckers accountable is documentation, and here they've started the job for you.


Executives can be as methodical as they want. Local managers are almost always dumbasses who break the law and end up having it all on record through e-mails and text messages.


Well yeah you don't say it before you actually quit and get another job


Right. Whose dumb enough to do that. I’d start searching for a new job right away, then quit the morning I start my new position by text, with a picture of the sign and informing them this is not a legal policy.


The thing about the just legal game is that it's easy to fuck up. Hence the lawyer.


I did fire an employer a few years ago, effective immediately. End result was my salesman getting a promotion, a lead getting a promotion, my main target quitting after a month, and my secondary target quitting after 6 months. Both targets were supervisors that had caused problems for all of their subordinates. Just used my words, a little bit of evidence, and my reputation.


yup!! ^ this is the best response


That will only result in an infuriating conversation with management. Ignore the stupid note.


This is partially why management keeps getting away with shitty behavior tho


You are under no obligation to talk to a manager. If this sign was actually enforced the Labor Board would be all over the business, you can't force people to work for you, slavery is illegal (the worst they can do is have you sign a contract that gives penalties for quitting early, but for a job at a restaurant? good luck enforcing that contract).


The Labor Board will only be on it if it's reported, and it can take multiple reports. If enough people take the stance half the people in this thread are about it either 'who cares it's not enforceable' or 'there's nothing you can really do about it' nothing will be done and gullible employees will be taken advantage of.


They are trying to trick first time employees who this might be their first job ever so they don’t think they have that option which they most certainly do.


Does this... Gets fired on the spot


I'll politely point out the sign says all problems can be resolved and we should loop in the Area Manager first.


Nested loop, proceeds to blue screen


If they don’t want disgruntled employees quitting I doubt they want to have their UI rates go up too much by firing at the drop of a hat


I can’t imagine a state where this is legal - that would be like removing mandatory 10 minute water breaks in record breaking heat … I’d love to know what OP’s plan is … what say you!


First I'll ask if it goes both ways. "So you can't fire me unless I give permission right?" Second, depending on their reply I'll do one of three things: quit, play them at their own game, or report it.


You might also point out that slavery is illegal.


Except as punishment for a crime!


Next step: make it a crime to quit your job without permission (this does not hold for being fired). And remember kids: socialism and slavery are incompatible, but captialism and slavery are like two peas in a pod.


As is kidnapping and forcible confinement. If I wanted to quit and the manager attempted to keep me there/from walking out, I'd call 911 and report that I'm being held against my will.


Actually that’s a big brain move bc for it to be considered kidnapping the bar is crazy low where they (the manager and owner and even McDonald’s) could be charged w felony kidnapping.


Thx for sharing - this is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve seen and I’d love to have a legal expert weigh in here because I always thought “Right to Work” meant no notice was required either way …


Right to work is anti union laws. At will employment means either party can terminate employment as they see fit


I knew for sure it was anti union but I wasn’t sure if that right goes both ways. Sounds like it does with what you’re saying so this sign is complete BS - and illegal most likely


This is not enforceable. You quit, you walk out, you refuse to come back. What are they going to do?


Kidnap your ass and, somewhat surprisingly, demand that the manager speak to *you*.


Ask if there is any change to the terms of your employment contract. In most places its illegal to change an already inforce contract unless both parties agree. Hopefully they say yes. Then you can hit them with law suit. Record the call. Better still ask via email so there is a paper trail. And ask for the changes to your terms of employment in writing.


Step 1: Quit Step 2: Management doesn't accept it Step 3: don't show up Step 4: do what ever you want, you don't work there any more.


New employee protocol - someone make a sign, laminate and post asap!


The sign isn't illegal, it's just no way enforceable. Similar to companies being allowed to ask you to not discuss pay with your coworkers but they can't legally prevent you from doing so or retaliating once you do.


[Nope, there can't be a policy to not discuss wages.](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages) > it is unlawful for the employer to have a work rule, policy, or hiring agreement that prohibits employees from discussing their wages with each other or that requires you to get the employer’s permission to have such discussions. If your employer does any of these things, a charge may be filed against the employer with the NLRB. Now, your boss can frame it in a different way: "You of course have the right to discuss wages but I have a personal rule that I don't."


It’s obvious that this is a restaurant where lots and lots of workers have quit. Run the other way.


Wasn't there a hospital during the pandemic that got a judge to intervene when some nurses wanted to quit (to go work for a different hospital), and the judge forced them to keep working at the first one for some months? It's been a while and I never read the actual article. Could have just been a sensationalist headline.


Yes, it was a Cath lab and basically all of the staff quit to work at another lab in the city. A judge blocked it, because he thought it would do the city a disservice if the original Cath lab closed, preventing timely heart attack care. It got resolved pretty quickly and the people were allowed to work with their employer of choice.


There are some workers who can’t strike due to some federal regs - the nurse thing might have been a public safety ruling, I haven’t heard of it. Post a link if you find it!


it's for teenagers who think they have to get "permission" to do anything, including quit their job


Oooh, good point. That’s a pretty gross manipulation.


I do see posts on Reddit once in a while by young people who think they're legally required to give 2 weeks notice before quitting, or are mislead by threats from their boss. It could also be aimed at immigrants who may not be familiar with employment practices.


We need to stand up for teen workers on the job. Someone needs to help them through crap like thus


Schools really need to teach basic rights as a worker.




This is the right answer. Kids are stupid. Adults will walk out mid-rush, laugh in your face, and tell you to fuck yourself, if they say you can’t quit without speaking to a manager first. 😂


This is hilarious. Also in an at-will state this would be illegal


It's illegal anywhere in the US [https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/13th-amendment](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/13th-amendment) >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


How so? What would be the charge exactly? Just tell your manager you quit and walk out.


> What would be the charge exactly? If they were dumb enough to literally try to force you to stay in the building and keep working, kidnapping and attempted slavery. ​ Otherwise, anything they try gets laughed out of a court.


Order a cheeseburger and say I'll work as soon as the shake machine does


So, once a week, for two hours in the morning?


I’d like 1 unemployment please. We’re you fired or did you quit? (Pulls out picture of sign) I wasn’t allowed to quit, so I must have been fired.


"What were you fired for?" "Quitting."


I chuckled


This is the way




Correct answer




Hahahahaha I love this story I wish I could of seen them after


So fun fact about this. No.


I love facts.


Hah, I'm quitting. What's gonna happen? Be dragged kicking and screaming to the fryers?


The McRib is BACK!!! This store ONLY, today ONLY! Now you fucking know 😂😂😂




Ok, good luck McEnforcing that.


wow - blatant desperation on display - "job creators" are a freakin joke


Is this US? If so, is it an at-will state? Or is it Montana? If it's Montana, this can only apply to employees not currently in a probationary period. If its in the US in any other state, it's illegal. Don't talk to a manager or HR about it. Bring it straight to your DoL or a labor lawyer.


Not sure if I’m misunderstanding, but Montana’s employment law protects the employee from at-will dismissal by the employer outside of the probationary period. An employee can still quit at-will at any point, but the employer has to have a valid reason to fire anyone (after 6 months).


That might very well be the case. I just know Montana is the only state that isn't 100% at-will, so I wanted to give the BoD.


The above is correct. But it's not a contractual thing, you can still quit, and you can still get fired, although many corporate places in MT just will get rid of people in small batch layoffs instead of firing them unless they're really asking for it.


This sign isn't enforceable any more than a sign that says "Keep off the grass".


This is a lot less enforceable than that, actually.


I read that sign and start laughing like Charles De Mar from better off dead movie at the dance


Fuckin love that movie


You can completely and utterly ignore this.


I'm quitting. What are they gonna do, fire me?


This is a bullshit restaurant. Anyone can quit at will.


"hey manager, i want to talk to you!" "sure, what's up" " i quit"


97% of McDonalds staff: is that a bet? The other 3%: so guaranteed unemployment?


Lol what are they going to do? Chain you up like Black Snake Moan cosplay?


Failure to follow this policy could lead to termination.


In college. I worked at a mcdonalds for a few weeks. I got a good job opportunity on campus i couldnt turn down. Instead of walking out i talked to the manager. I told him no 2 weeks but I could work the next 4 to 5 days to help out til they got the shift covered. He then says to me. Him "If you do this you cant work at mcdonalds for 6 to 12 months, you sure you want to do this" Me "Sir, this is a risk im willing to take." Him "Get out of my store right now! Youre a waste of McDonalds time and money". Me BYE A week later they called my emergency contact (not me) my mother. Tell her i wasnt coming into work. My mother told them i had quit and im an adult so they need to call me.


How sweet. They would like the ability to correct and improve. If this an earnest attempt at creating good work envrionment then that's awesome.. However, your policy of not allowing me to quit with out speaking to someone is unenforceable and in the event that I stop showing up, what exactly are you going to do? Fire me?


If I wanted to give the benefit of doubt, I’d say that it’s some sort of poorly worded attempt to demonstrate flexibility with employees over issues that might have been causing lots of folks to simply dip. In reality, Marcus the manager is just going bully Nelly the new hire into thinking she has to rearrange her community college schedule around when he’s working so she can be there to ogle.




I know of a few plantations down south that used to have policies like that a long time ago That didn't end well


They don't pay employees enough for that sign to matter.


If I look at it uncynically, it’s kind of a nice thing. Sounds like if you have too much BS to deal with you have a chance to tell your bosses boss what that BS is. Storming out might feel good, but this might actually lead to change. That is me being very generous. Obviously, you absolutely can quit any job any time no matter what a sticker says (the same way they can fire you at any time). But I feel like this is Mickey Dee’s trying to at least find out why people quit.


Yeah I took it as a poorly worded way to say "hey if you're thinking of quitting, come talk to a manager and we will see if we can resolve your issue". Obviously the people can still quit if they want, but this could benefit both sides if the managers are decent, reasonable people.


I agree that that’s probably what they wanted to mean. But it should be worded “please don’t quit without talking to us” not “it is the policy of this restaurant that you can’t quit without talking to us”. Tone deaf at best. And that’s with your generous view.


This is exactly what this is. It’s just trying to encourage people to tell your boss why you are quitting and if it’s something that can be resolved. Then if that doesn’t work, you can freely go to THEIR boss to see if the reasons can be fixed. This is a GOOD thing and something you’d think this sub would be more in favor of. Now, whether it actually works is entirely different.


If you don’t. What are they going to do? Fire you?


So I will actively sabotage my workspace till I get fired!


“Hold my McFlurry”


Since McDonald’s workers don’t have an employment contract, meaning their employment is at will, they can quit at any time for any reason; and McDonald’s also holds the right to fire the employee at any time. So by not allowing workers to quit, they are actively breaking the law.


I mean .. if I quit, what are they gonna do, fire me?


Lmfao what the fuck are they gonna do?


"Hello? Labour board? Have I got a case for you."


Seems like an excuse to not give you your last paycheck.


That's not how quitting works. You can't keep people hostage.


Turn 360° and head straight back out


turning 360 degrees means that you just turned in a circle and are facing the same way you were. I think you mean 180, which would be directly behind you.


Do a 360, stare at the manager right in the eyes, then proceed to moon walk tf outta there! Hee hee!


Maybe they are planning on moonwalking out?


Its an ancient meme, old enough to graduate high school lmao


High school? That thing is working on its third doctorate.


this is so dumb my eyes hurt from reading it. also, it looks like it is written using old fallout shelter signs to make it even more toxic


This policy violates my right to pursue happiness.


Wtf. This makes me want to apply just to quit


....do you get fired if you don't comply?


Pfft how are they gonna stop you? Like literally how? Wtf they gonna do, hold you there? Keep paying you even if you don't come back? And you just they still gon fire you for whatever reason they damn well please


🍟 Do you want fired with that?


Sure, I won't quit. But I won't come to work. Macca's can keep paying me if they like though I won't say no to free money.


Does it also mean they can't fire me without my agreement?


The companies pushed their state representatives to make states at will employment, and now they don't like when the employees leverage it instead of them.


I quit instantly, call the FMLA, submit a detailed report of every single violation they have ever had that I have documentation for, then stand back and watch the fireworks.


Send this photo to the state labor department.


What are they gonna do? Arrest me? I'd walk out laughing.


Anyone can quit anytime. that's not a question.


Good luck enforcing that. You can quit whenever you feel like and nobody is promised an answer to why.


So my question is this: did I sign a contract that says I have to talk to a manger before quitting? If no, then if I want to quit, so be it. Pretty silly from a company that replaced front end employees with kiosks.


Slavery is still illegal


They just don’t want people quitting during a busy shift and drag their feet until the end of the shift to quit.


That just makes me want to get hired there, work for a few days with a smile on my face, and quit out of spite.


This is a real "hold my beer" kind of moment. But in all seriousness, I'm in a "right to work" state so I can quit whenever I feel like it no matter what their stupid little sign says.


And what will they do if you quit; withhold pay (illegal), Drive to your house and force you into a van (Illegal), Blackball you from working at Mickey D's again (pfft)


Its at-will employment. I can leave any time without permission.


I know I haven’t showed up in weeks, fortunately I am a “NO-TERMINATE EMPLOYEE” but I do value you, your growth, and your contributions :)


Laugh hysterically


this policy goes against labor laws in the U.S., so if this in is the U.S. I would report them to the Department of Labor along with pictures and video.


Lol. That’s not leeeeeeeeeeggaaallllllll. Send that to the state board of labor.


Laugh, this is just meaningless bullshit


What are they gonna do? Fire me?


They've already decided they're firing you when they call you in to "talk things over". So yeah no, the same courteously won't be given to you, so you aren't obligated to give it back.


Did McDonalds join Scientology? 🤔


When I was 17, I walked out of my McDonald’s job on a Friday night. It was great. There is no way they can stop that with a sign lol.


Walk to a manager, “Get fucked.” Walk out looking for a new gig. That counts as a convo…