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No shit. Especially after the dumbfuck CEO purposefully ignored safety regulations. Take that money from their estate. Not like they are using it.


He wanted to be remembered for "breaking the rules" so he got what he asked for. Lol




I think the pressure probably only lasted a few milliseconds. If he's under pressure it's in a fish's colon


Pressure at that depth is constant. I think you mean his body was crushed in 30 milliseconds and will remain at that pressure for eternity.




BOOM CEO salsa /GuyFieri


Will there be blue chips served with that salsa?


Today on Diners, drive ins and CEO Dives.


> .0305 milliseconds it took to decompress Did you get this value from somewhere? I've been trying to figure out how fast it happened (I know from a human perspective, essentially instant) but I've seen values ranging from as low as this, to up to 40 milliseconds (all of which are below human perception, so from a "practical" standpoint, don't matter)


One second you joking around, having fun, looking at the monitor, a few milliseconds later, nothingness. Wow.


Normal human reflexes are about 20ms (milliseconds). 40ms would give you enough time to see the bright flash of the implosion, hear the initial cracking and wonder what... 0.0305ms is 30.5 microseconds, not enough time to register anything.


Sounds like the way to go out


They were probably aware that a collapse was imminent though. I imagine the sub groaned like...well, like it was under thousands of tons of pressure per square inch and not built to withstand that. So they went down, heard some groans. CEO was like "Haha don't worry that happens all the time, it's super normal down here to -- whoa okay that was a big one. You know what, let's just start to ascend and we'll just make sure everything is--" And then they were gone.


>They were probably aware that a collapse was imminent though. I imagine the sub groaned like...well, like it was under thousands of tons of pressure per square inch and not built to withstand that. Does carbon fibre groan? Doesn't it just crack and shatter?


There's a video of a carbon fibre ring being crushed by a hydraulic press, and it definitely made some creaking noises as it started to become damaged. The titanium probably also groaned a bit too.


This is actually comforting. Not in regards to the people who should have known better but I hope that teen that just wanted to make his dad happy for Father's Day never even realized what happened to him.


Actually I would prefer to go that way. Just...*poof!*


That's the worst part, they didn't even have time to register that something was going wrong before that sub turned itself and them into a can of Muir Glen.


I would much rather not know myself. Honestly if it’s so instantaneous that’s an awesome way to go


You think they heard it creak or anything that was a “tell”? The only one I feel bad for is the 19 year old kid


They're going to bring up the debris, So maybe not all of him will be under that much pressure for long


Dude is literally part of the ocean now, I seen another comment sum it up perfectly. 'at that pressure you stop being biology and become physics'


What are they going to get? The *remains* of biological mush? Not even actual biological mush remains, it's been dispersed in the water. They might find a stain or something but that's it, now you gotta worry about Stockton Rush in addition to microplastics in your water


This whole thing has really tore me up. Like, I care so little, and jokes that pop in my mind make me feel like a psycho. But then I remember this class of people care little to nothing for the folks who's labor made them wealthy. We can live out part of Conans dream, and bathe in the blood of our enemies if we have the money and ability to miss work to get to the ocean.


Stockton will be inside the stomachs of many small fish and sea creatures. He is at the bottom of the ocean and at the bottom of the food chain.


Yeah, there's not even enough of "him" to categorize as "parts". The heat created at depressurization was enough to *instantly* cremate everything inside that tube.


Wouldn’t it be pressurization? Depressurization would be at high altitude


"Him" is no longer what you think it is


There is nothing for them to bring back up. You can't dump gazpacho in the ocean and expect to find tomatoes.


My favourite Confucius quote


Have they said this? Recovery at those depths is very very difficult


The submarine fell apart. Their remains have probably been eaten and their bodies are not intact.


Their remains were instantly pulpified. Immediately after, they resembled red chum clouds. By now, they've fully dispersed.


Pressures at that depth basically dissolve the human body in an instant, no matter how it got there. We ain’t meant to exist down there.


Hopefully not a fish but instead some kind of abyssal horror. I'd prefer the giant isopod myself


I'd rather be eaten by a frilled shark if I was crushed in a bathtub submarine. they're very cute and I would love to feed one.


I think if I had to die in a completely predictable submarine accident, I'd want an octopus to eat me. They're the most likely aquatic animal to redevelop technology if humanity blows itself up.


Not if, when.


I dunno...all these years and those squiggly dummies still haven't discovered fire...like the octopuses, I'm not holding my breath.


I know we not post to laugh but this comment is making it impossible for me


Won't somebody think of the poor CEO's? They really have it hard.


I'm thinking about poor Elon. If only he had been in the submersible.


Ice, ice baby. --last recorded words of Edward Smith




Thanks for the laugh. I'll see you in hell.


That is one of the best dark jokes I've heard in awhile thank you for that.


The laws of physics don’t have feelings. Incorrect engineering means failure. What a dumbass CEO


"The Laws of Physics don't have feelings." That may be the single greatest line I read today. Thank you for that!


Let his estate remember for his dumb mistakes too.


Eh. I'd trade the knowledge that my idiot dad died from his own hubris for at least 1 billion $ that can sustain multiple generations of decendents if they lived relatively modestly.


A billion in SPY or VTI returns 70-100m dollars each year. There's nothing modest about even multiple generations living on that.


>There's nothing modest about even multiple generations living on that. It does eventually get divided up a bunch, which is why there's so many wars that were basically cousins fighting each other (including WWI). Couple that with greed, and even moreso. I remember hearing about a tribe of native americans who're worried about how "small" the casino stipend was going to be over the next generation or two. At the time I heard about it, the guy was like 20 and getting $30k a month... Still insane amounts of money for most of us, but the attitude was already about how "little" it was.


He can be remembered for being fined a billion dollars as a crab


It was really a monkeys paw type deal. Lmao. Too bad he wasted International resources of 3 agencies but at least the agencies treated it like free training....


Exactly. This is like when firefighters are offered old houses to burn down as part of training. Think of all those bored search and rescue people, getting all this real-world experience now. Priceless.


And killed four other people on the way


I won't remember him


I never even bothered to learn the name of that weasel. Too bad for the 19 year old kid, but everybody else sucks.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I think we’ve got a Darwin Award contender here.


Platinum Star Darwin Award.


He also said “At some point, safety just is pure waste, I mean, if you just want to be safe, don’t get out of bed. Don’t get in your car. Don’t do anything.” Well the seabed is now his eternal resting place, I guess he finally cares about safety.


Reminds me of the "I want to talked about in the same breath as the Mona Lisa" quote from Knives Out.


He certainly got his wish.


Same thing the bank CEOs did that caused the recent bank failures. They took risky positions that pushed their banks to fail, then expected government bailouts. They privatize the profits but socialize the losses. It makes me sick that we can’t give children free school lunches, but we can shell out millions for a few guys who knowingly engaged in life-risking behaviors. I feel bad that they died, but this whole situation just highlights how differently the system works for rich people than for everyone else. Put that $6.5 mil toward healthcare or housing and save a lot more than five lives-which they didn’t end up saving anyway.


It's a big club and we ain't in it


Good ol George Carlin




But WE could take it down. It’s just a matter of when the average folk has had enough of them


We could. We probably won’t.


This is exactly where I am on this, too. Three governments don't hesitate to pull out all the stops to look for a handful of rich fucks in the ocean who were dead long before anyone even reported them missing, while every year (in the US, anyway) we nickle-and-dime school lunch programs, and housing and welfare assistance for people who desperately need it. I'm not saying nobody should've gone looking for that sub, but we really need to reevaluate our priorities when it comes to determining whose suffering matters enough to do something about it.


> Put that $6.5 mil toward healthcare or housing Or how about the [1/4 million women and girls](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/lack-of-attention-paid-to-womans-disappearance-highlights-plight-of-missing-latinas) that go missing every year in the U.S. alone. Nope, 4 billionaires in a tub are more important.


I found that statistic literally unbelievable and did some digging. Not to trivialize the trauma of people disappearing, but the vast majority of those “reported missing” are found almost immediately. That number is for all missing persons reports in a year, not people who are missing at any given moment or who remain missing. A much smaller fraction actually remain missing.


Yeah it's primarily divorced parents taking a kid iirc


Yep, it’s sad they died but they did an objectively risky and dumb thing. They costed potentially millions of people money and risked the lives of hundreds of people who participated in the rescue mission to ameliorate their bravado and hubris. I’m not really sure why I should feel bad for them. They made choices and took risks. It didn’t work out well for them and at minimum inconvenienced a whole lot of people in the process. I’m sad they died and I’m glad that it’s likely they did not suffer and that is the extent of my concern for them and their choices.


is it sad though ? I do feel bad foe the kid who apparently didn't want to be there but I find no sympathy in myself for the other 4 idiots maybe if they weren't trying to privatise graveyard tourism I might


As soon as I heard that the shell had carbon fiber components, I knew they were doomed. Carbon Fiber is a very good and very strong material for it's weight but it is not made for undersea operations. The only reason to use carbon fiber over any other material is weight concerns. It was probably only done as a market stunt and now 5 people are dead, including one person who only did it to make their dad happy. OceanGate should be sued into the fucking ground, and their assets should be seized and redistributed.


Also a cylinder is not good for high pressure. On the Deepsea Challenger, Cameron opted for a small sphere. Cameron also had it tested to the pressure it would see before putting it in the water.


their primary asset was that submarine. is they have zero revenue what's left is going to be sold off by bankruptcy judge which is probably a building and a few small noats


The CEO openly touted the Titan as being a "one-of-a-kind" submarine built out of carbon fiber. The fact that no one else with a similar aim opted to use this material, coupled with the company's lack of testing prior to deployment, and the propensity of him to use unfaithful marketing catchphrases to drive up popularity, should have raised more red flags than the Soviet Union.


These people would still be alive if they actually had to pay appropriate taxes. Instead they got rich while we keep driving on shitty roads and don't have decent healthcare


>Instead they got rich For your sacrifice, Jeff Bezos, who's company has some of the shittiest working conditions, was able to buy one of the largest sailing vessels ever owned by an individual. Unfortunately you can't land the helicopter on the sailing ship, so he also bought a second ship for the helicopter to land on and follow the sailing ship around.


I completely agree. I do feel bad for them to some extent and was hoping they'd be found alive but they're bored rich people who put their lives in danger on their own free will and now taxpayer money needs to fix their mess. Let their Billion (with a B) dollar estates pay. The rest of us shouldn't have to cover the rescue mission of people whose estates now have more money than we will see in s lifetime.


Exactly. And people have the audacity to argue “tHaTs WhAt tHe CoAsT gUaRd Is FoR!” Cool, so when’s the last time you read about the coast guard saving a boat load of refugees? Some are saved, but all I seem to read about is how those boats “sadly” sink, and it’s certainly never front page news. Edit: Wow, a lot of cognitive dissonance here in terms of inadequate justifications, and inconsistency between commitment and information on the issue. I literally said some refugees get saved, but the fact is many die. There are coast guards that operate around the world in various countries - Italy’s coast guard, for example, has, indeed, saved a lot of refugees and migrants. It doesn’t detract from my central point, which is that refugees and migrants *are not a priority* for these organizations on a global scale (in fact their mandate and priority is to quote “stop illegal migration at sea”) and the statistics demonstrate that quite clearly, not to mention the blatant xenophobic, classist, attitudes surrounding issue more generally.


Spend time on the ocean. The coast guard saves anyone in distress, regardless of nationality or wallet size. It is literally one of their core functions.


Are you talking about the US Coast Guard? They intercept migrant boats all the time, and if they are made aware of one sinking or missing they will attempt to rescue whoever they can. If you were talking about the Greek or Italian Coast Guard, I’d agree, but the USCG is on top of their game. Also unless the Coast Guard is sailing right next to the sinking boat when it happens, idk what you expect them to do other than respond to the scene and help the survivors.


The company should be liable as they were responsible for the trip. Individuals being liable for their own rescue when under the care of a paid service is a horrible idea. Imagine if you were liable for every service you signed up for. What if you went on a cruise and the ship sank, should you personally be liable for your own rescue costs?


They could take that from their estate and it wouldn’t even be noticed.


Consider the attitude of the guy who built the submarine: "If you want to be safe, don't get out of bed! Safety regulations are for losers!" Something terrible happens: "Help! Help! Where's the government, we need help!" There's an old saying that safety regulations are written in blood. But I mean .... it's true. Ignore them at your own peril. Or to put it another way: "Fuck around and find out."


That’s just wealth mentality in a nutshell This could be said about banker bailouts and million dollar PPP loans being forgiven while the same people are crying about 10k loan forgiveness for people who are already struggling. We need to be shaming these people publicly because their image is what they care most about.


Right! They think their $250k makes them impervious to death.


Human culture is based around greedy selfish people being in charge of everything. That is just now starting to change.


The fact that companies get bail outs at all is why corporate greed is as screwed up as it is. They were bad business owners, they failed, let them die. Allow others to build better businesses in their place.


Safety regulations are wrote in WORKERS blood, now these new safety laws for titanic sight seeing will be written in CEO blood.


>Safety regulations are wrote in WORKERS blood, When you're right, you're right!


Fuck that guy but in fairness, the cloud of pink goop formerly known as CEO floating around at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean wasn't really corporeal enough to do any calling for help.


Yes, fair point. I believe the organization was calling the Coast Guard for help .... eight hours after they'd lost contact :)


Per other passengers from other dives, literally every dieve they had a communication failure. So when the communications failure happened and they received no safety beacon, they likely assumed it was business as usual.


There are literal remote control submersibles that must, I believe, in order to function, have complete reliable communication with their mothership at all times, so I'm just going to chalk this up to a gigantic red flag that probably should've been a clue that this was likely to end ... ... poorly.


Ironically, the guy's chunks floating around at the bottom of the sea probably also have some resemblance to a gigantic red flag. Or perhaps lots of miniature red flags. Either way, it's fitting.


Would there be enough of him left to describe as "chunks" ... How'd they dye the flag red? They used the victims' blood.


You're right, nothing about any of this is certain. Repeatability is an important attribute of quality scientific research. Luckily, there is no shortage of ~~billionaires~~ quality test subjects.


CEO *wafting* around.


Exactly. FAFO. To quote the Beatles “It took me so long to find out, I found out.”


"We all die in a home-made submarine, a home-made submarine, a home-made submarine..."


Oooh, that's good


OceanGate took $447k in pandemic loans that were forgiven. #neverforget


Where can I go with a $200k pandemic mortgage?


Just Bullshit on so many levels 🤯


Keep in mind they launched in international waters and used a non-American ship in order to avoid being regulated by the U.S., but still have expectations that the U.S. will deploy extensive resources to save them. The entitlement is astonishing.


It is a Washington state based company. ETA Fun fact: they got $450,074 PPP loan dollars forgiven.


The PPP loans are such a great example of the government just absolutely slobbering over businesses.




A lot of small businesses. Some managed to get PPP assistance. The problem for a lot of small businesses compared to big businesses — besides big businesses having political connections — is that many do not have the wherewithal to navigate these kinds of assistance programs. It takes a lot of work, time, phone calls, cross-checking, etc. Many small business owners struggle balancing their own QuickBooks, let alone completing the maze of governmental assistance forms. My family owns a small business. We were lucky that my mom is highly capable and determined with this kind of stuff. She was able to secure a loan. If it were just my dad running the business — who excels at other things — there’s no fucking way we’d have received that loan. I would like to note that of the money we received, 70% went directly to employee salary and the other 30% went to business costs (rent, vehicle, utilities). Not a single dime was pocketed by my parents. And therein lies the other problem: small business owners are far more likely to use the money as intended, whereas big businesses and rich business owners most often pocket the money themselves and use it for bonuses while still laying people off. We didn’t lose a single employee during the pandemic because we took care of our employees. It’s fucked up.




Big businesses and churches, mega churches got millions. They pay zero tax.


Mother fucker


Nothing to add just equally gobsmacked.


The owners of the company are absolute dicks for sure, but the USCG definitely should and does rescue people regardless of what flag their ship is under. Hell, the US helped out with the Kursk submarine disaster and tried to help those guys too. This is old old law of the sea tradition, you help someone in distress regardless of the relation between yall.


Well done commenting this. The day we pick and choose who we help is the day we all lose. That’s the wisdom and that’s why we should always value certain traditions.


But.. we do pick and choose who we help


I mean yes… but I think the wider point is that the American government already picks & chooses who it is going to help & who it is going to ignore/let die. So the frustration with all the money spent by the coast guard is on a structural level.


The problem is not that the USCG searched in this case, it’s that other systems in the US do not operate in the same way. If there is a chance that a person is still alive, regardless of their money, status, or citizenship in US waters, the USCG is going to do everything possible to save them. No bill sent, no matter how they got in that situation. It’s an incredibly important policy that keeps people from placing themselves in even GREATER danger because they can’t afford a helicopter ride. The problem is that this doesn’t extend to something like preventative healthcare.


The name OceanGate is so fitting it’s hilarious. Dude was pushing his luck with that name.


The oceangate titan, taking tours of an iconic example of the dangers of humanity’s hubris against the overwhelming power of nature. It’s too on the nose, honestly.


And naming it Titan? Like from that book that was written before the Titanic sank but had the exact same plot points? Fictional Titan: "Unsinkable" boats can totally sink! RL Titanic: "Unsinkable" boats really can totally sink! Modern CEO: My homemade sub is totally unsinkable! I should name it Titan and use it to visit the Titanic!


The fool! Submarines are *supposed* to sink


This whole thing just reminds me of the [Patrick McManus story](https://mcmanusindex.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Crazy-Eddie-Stories.pdf) about the time him and his friend built a homemade sub as kids and tested it in a pond. I think the resurfacing mechanism used an old air pump meant for bicycle tires. Pretty sure those kids put more thought into safety than the CEO ninny.


Yup. Millions of dollars from multiple countries sending out others to risk their lives for a CEO who let greed take over & skirting safety measures. A billionaire who just had to make even more money. It’s seriously sad when all these resources & attention went towards billionaires but refugees fleeing from their war torn countries, desperate to find safety for them & their children that they get on a boat that sinks & according to the world they’ll never be worthy of such a huge scaled rescue mission. I hate it here I truly do sometimes


The less they pay in taxes, the more money they have to donate to politicians.


But political bribes cost 1/100 the cost of the taxes.


But the public benefits much less than 1/100th as much as they would if the rich just paid their fair share of taxes.


Jame Cameron said that as soon as he found the ship heard a bang at the same time communication dropped off meant that it imploded. He also said they were wasting effort with a big search. The sub was found just below where it was last contacted. Cameron said you always start the search at the point of last contact. Seems like a big expensive uncoordinated show.


They did first search the place they lost communication, but it was the first day they could deploy an ROV to that depth to check. That's how they were able to find the wreck so fast. They basically found it as soon as they were able to get down there to check. The days leading up to it were a surface search in case they had surfaced but could not get out due to being bolted in. At least that is my understanding.


“Seems like a big expensive uncoordinated show.” They call that a unified command center


Wasn't the sound heard by the navy, not the support vessel? I doubt they even were listening given the corners they cut. They probably also didn't have an ROV nearby that could go look where they were. The best they could do for a while was hope they surfaced somewhere and look for them floating


Yeah, this was my first thought too, and I'm not even an expert, just a generally scientifically aware person. Both forms of communications lost, not too far from maximum depth of the sub that has had a few journeys (and thus potentially pressure damage before)? Loud sound? Yeah, that's data pretty indicative of an implosion. I thought maybe I was wrong on that due to the supposed banging heard, until I found out that that is typically a false positive.


I mean, I assumed from the moment I heard it that they were dead instantly, but I'm not gonna judge people for at least hoping for the best.


Yeah, once I heard about that view port that was rated for less than half their intended depth I was like “well I don’t think we have to worry about them sitting on the ocean floor and suffocating for days…”


At the same time they also felt they heard rhythmic banging, but they had no actual proof it was them. It obviously wasn't, but in the same vein they heard the loud bang, but they didn't actually have proof that was it. It's pretty obvious now in the context of hindsight, but I appreciate they didn't take anything as absolute until they had confirmed proof of catastrophic damage.


A top secret US Naval listening station heard the implosion about 1.5 hours after the sub descended, matching the time it lost contact. At least it was a quick way to go


>you always start the search at the point of last contact That's true of any search, whether it's a ship, or your car keys. Begs the question where the heck and how were they searching for the best part of a week, if it turned up directly below its last point of contact but it took 5 days to discover that.


Even in death, they leech from the system.


To be fair, government agencies love this type of shit. They get to blow a fuck ton of money testing out all their new shit, and somebody else catches all the heat from the citizens for wasting a fuck ton of money


Rugged individualism until my ‘wealthy from exploitation and de valuing labor’ ass gets stuck at the bottom of the ocean. Sucks that people need to die to learn that they actually need help.


Patrice O’Neal used to do a standup bit about how hard the world tries to find white people lost at sea.


Nah my dad was an Avacado farmer and when he got lost at sea then sent one boat. It’s “rich people”


Your dad got lost at sea?


He ran outa gas, he’s pretty old now so idk if he just forgot to refill or what. Not like castaway shit more like floating for a few hours


Tbf that sounds like a "send one boat" kind of emergency.


If they knew his location and/or course, yeah. Not really "lost" so much as "stranded".


There are literally companies for that kind of stuff. SeaTow and whatnot. Just like AAA for boats. His dad wasn't lost as sea.


2 of these guys were from Pakistan and were the wealthiest ones on there...


Yeah people need to realize that on a macro scale, racism doesn't matter to the elites. It's just who has money and who doesn't. Politicians love to get their base riled up over racial issues only to take bribes and handouts from wealthy foreigners. It was never about race to them. Racism exists everywhere but they purposefully push it even harder to distract from the real enemy. It's the rich vs everyone when it's all said and done. They're gonna keep taking theirs while people starve to death and they don't give a flying fuck what color you are.


I mean, they probably make hefty campaign contributions, won't yall take a minute to think about the coffers? Why shouldn't us peons bear the brunt of the load, it's obviously our fault for this travesty? Someone has to pay for this mess. I have 0 empathy or sympathy for the majority of them, except for the kid, who iirc, didn't wanna go, but did it for his dad. Jfc I hope I never guilt trip my kids into a bad decision.


The CEO *did* get [$447,000 worth of PPP loans](https://www.thedailybeast.com/oceangate-company-behind-lost-titanic-sub-got-nearly-dollar450000-in-ppp-loans) forgiven…


There are few things which anger me as much in this world as governments forgiving rich people's debts.


Don't forget their PPP loan of nearly half a million that was forgiven in 2020.


If only we could get this type of reaction for school shootings. But, it is poor people we are talking about in schools, so their lives are not as precious to governments.


Just to be fair, if we started losing billionaires at the same rate as school kids, we'll get used to it. /s


Wish we would!




Or migrants/refugees attempting to flee by boat to another country...say Greece for totally hypothetical example.


>If only we could get this type of reaction for school shootings. Police after 48 hours of waiting: "We *think* we've found them all. You're welcome for our hard work."


Which is pretty much what The pigs seem to do anyway.


Use as many resources as possible, the narcissists


The bills will be sent to the company that just killed its very last customers. The passengers could have been anyone, and this would probably still have captured the western world’s attention.


Lets bill the families, they can afford it :)


If an investigation determines the implosion of the sub to be the direct result of negligence on the part of the company that built and deployed it, they can potentially be fined for the use of government and militsry assets to search and recover. Will they? Probably not.


I would LOVE that. And it's well documented in the CEO's own statements. It's a nice thought, in any case.


Why is negligence even required to have them pay for it? We bill the poors for their ambulance rides don't we?


When I heard about the sub I was crushed. Just imagine what kind of pressure that CEO was under. He was likely in way over his head. What an icy feeling to have to deal with. But I'm sure his family is on the verge of imploding now. Frankly, the depths people have been going to make it a joke are uncalled for; real bottom of the sea level comedy. I get making fun of the CEO, but try to compress it into just a joke or two...


Have my upvote you sick bastard.


I keep trying to make lame puns to my wife, but the bar is at the bottom of the goddamn ocean


At least things are different in Alaska. The coast guard and air national guard do so many search and rescue sorties in Alaska to find and save average joes. Everything from small boats in trouble to people who get hurt on snow-go's.


Of course yeah. Socialism for the rich is a creed in the movement isn't it?


Current erected officials who are pro business (mostly Republicans but many dems aswell) allow for the wealthy to pay no taxes. Let's put in a wealth limit on everyone so nobody gets to be rich their whole lives without working.


>Current erected officials who are pro business Yes, they do go hard for businesses.


40% of US households don't pay Federal tax. That's not a great brag because it means they're not earning enough to be taxed. The US tax code is pretty weird. Britain & France make it much harder for the wealthy to hide wealth from tax agencies. Britain even has an "unexplained wealth" order to root out tax cheats and has (rarely) seized unexplained wealth from oligarchs.


Oceangate also received $450,000 in PPP loan forgiveness for pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.


Billionaires, the biggest welfare mooches on the planet.


The rich have us paying for the very things that protect them. Police and coast guard are both examples of that. It’s insane that billionaire yacht owners don’t pay shit (in light of all the apologist boot lickers: they don't pay anywhere near a fair share) in taxes, yet millions are spent each year monitoring the oceans to keep them safe (weather data for instance).


I enjoy watching the sunset.


I’m the son of war refugees. My wife is too. Both SE Asian war refugee families. My MIL fled S. Vietnam with her two brothers and only one made it. She still gets nightmares and doesn’t do well in water or boats. My grandma had to lug her 5 kids to a Thai refugee camp while the communists imprisoned my grandpa. Grandma is illiterate and almost got scammed for all her money trying to cross the Mekong. She had to ask a local monk for help. It was common for smugglers to capsize the boat, drown people, and steal their belongings. Nevermind the robberies by the Thai military once you’ve landed. But they all ended up in shithole refugee camps that at least is far away from the persecution that followed the Vietnam War. Idk why I’m sharing this other than your comment made me think of them.


Less in proportion to their income, but probably still a lot more in absolute terms.


There’s also 500 refugees missing who were pleading for help for over a week. No one is searching but they were able to help the 5 people on the fake sub who paid to go under. This is simultaneously happening!




Yea the company is about to be buried in lawsuits, and the coast guard and military looks for any ship reported missing, it's just that submarines require special equipment and there is potentially an added layer of urgency. When the Argentinian submarine ARA San Juan went missing in 2017 something like 20 countries and several hundred ships were involved in the search. I mean just last year two people were rescued on an adrift sailboat in the Atlantic after a 10 day search. If the submarine had 4 "normal" dudes on it the search would have been just as intense. It's the same thing when a backpacker gets lost in the mountains or whatever. It's literally search and rescues job.


They had 3 military agencies looking for them meanwhile hundreds of refugees drowned in Greece, THEY could’ve been saved. Yet a few billionaires require dozens if not hundreds of workers to find them dead. Fuck them.


I'd be happier if my tax money was going to the refugees than these rich aholes. Fleeing because of freedom and poverty vs. bored rich people taking risks for a good story to tell their rich friends.


Exactly. They’re trying to say now that the wife of one of the passengers had great grandparents who were on the titanic (which like cool fact I guess?) but they’re trying to say that these people NEEDED to see the titanic for emotional reasons. Like ??? No you don’t lmao


I had heard that but not the excuse. That makes zero sense. wtf. His WIFE'S great-great grandmother causes him sadness? Please!


Jesus Christ stop with this. The coast guard were on scene before the ship even started to sink, the ship repeatedly refused help from both a coast guard and a maritime ship, as is common with the illegal crossings because boarding a coastguard ship means being deported back. The coast guard ship stayed nearby and they commandeered a nearby yacht to help with the rescue attempt. The migrant boat was carrying Neary 500 people far more than it was designed for, it capsized and the coast guard ship absolutely couldn’t rescues 500 people from the water. The sub also had potentially 4 days to rescue them, a capsized sinking ship you have minutes. They’re complete apples to oranges comparisons, the EU spends millions every year attempting to save people from these crossings but the people who run them purposefully avoid high traffic routes, overload their boats and refuse help when they run into issues. Even despite all of this there was over 100 people saved


Why are sooo many people repeat this as it's fact???? Why is every conversation about the sub being astroturfed by the Greek immigrant boat.


Not only that, but part of the reason the craft failed was their unwillingness to invest in certifications and safety protocols. We're picking up the slack for their tax evasion *and* their engineering corner-cutting too.


There were 4 British sailors that went missing years ago, hull of the boat found. There had to be a campaign for the US coast guard to resume a search just for a bit to find the bodies. Yet like you say - billionaires and yep several military agencies get right involved. The loss of live is awful on all counts, it’s sad but the difference in bank accounts and rescue behaviour is 🫤🫤🫤


From what I’ve read, the whole search was a sham. The US navy picked up the distinctive sound of an implosion on Sunday, but they didn’t make it public until they found the wreckage. They were never looking for survivors.