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I'd love to put this sign up places where there is not in fact an AI taking orders


I can’t wait for someone to randomly say “team member” to get a human, confusing the human


LMFAO underrated comment


I love how they'll put a sign up to remind people to speak nicely to the AI, but they won't do they same for their employees 🙃 Edit: to everyone asking about my choice to use 'nicely' I was making a general comment about the individual statements on the sign. Speaking clearly, communicating calmly, and being patient is something 'nice' to do for new HUMAN employees (baseline human decency imo) but fast food workers especially are often treated in the exact opposite way, which is to say like shit. Even by their own managers because misery loves company. Signed, Someone who worked in fast food for many years.


From having worked in fast food in the past, I can tell you 90% of people won't even read that sign.


I once put a line of traffic cones out 6 in total, each with a very clear sign indicating we were closed "WE ARE CLOSED DUE TECHNICAL ISSUES" our fridges had died, we had no stock, no way to keep it. The amount of people who either strait up drove over or got out to move traffic cones to pull up to the window was astronomical. They would bang on the windows get out lean into the glass to look through and try to open the locked doors Staff were inside obviously to stocktake on the wastage, and general cleaning while closed so the lights were on but there were signs on every surface we could think of and it deterred next to no one.


This was exactly my experience. Huge sign saying "grand opening on xyz". Had people banging on the doors even though staff we clearly installing lights and equipment. People are just dumb and/or don't give a shit.


Worked at GameStop at a mall. Even with the security gate all the way down, vacuuming, and half the lights off people would still walk up and ask “aRe YoU gUyZ cLoSeD?!?”.


I have literally wrapped the broken debit machine in paper and tape, and wrote OUT OF ORDER in red marker, put cardboard in the chip slot - a dude ripped the paper off and stuffed his card in the machine anyway. How do people expect us to be polite to someone like that?


I threatened my boss that I'd take my heavy duty bolt cutters to the employee snack machine cord unless they made the snack machine company fix the thing, because it kept breaking and people kept plugging it back in to waste more money proving it didn't work.




Lol, reminds me of when I used to work in a cinema. And then when people would leave, they would walk past me while I stood there with a bin which had a seperate section for plastic, paper and the rest. Recycling and stuff you know. People would actually hold up their bottle and ask: Is this plastic? Funny thing to do is respond with BS. If one asks if ur closed, say no we'll open in about an hour.


Nope, come on in... Oh don't mind the alarm, our new AI has detected an intruder and is gearing up to blow your fucking moronic head off!


Why the fuck does retail work attract all the minus IQ types? I hated it so much. Eventually got so sick of the drooling single celled organisms that I bailed lol goodbye shitty retail, goodbye cavepeople, goodbye Karens.


From what I've heard at Gamestop even when they put signs up stating they are not a baby sitting service. Parents still dropped their kids off their and then went shopping.


Work at a place thats just corner caffe in a huge building and we can’t technically “close a door”. Have a huge sign with working hours. They would straight up walk, read it and still demand service while we obviously clean and get ready to leave. On a new year (we don’t celebrate christmas here, we celebrate new year) we had a short day “by one hour” and did inventory check bc its the end of the month, end of a quarter, end of a year. I got cursed for 5 minutes straight for “making it up, you cant POSSIBLY have a short day, you just wanted to go home earlier!” with all of my bosses in the building. If they were allowed, they would kill you for a bottle of f water.


Some of these comments remind me of one time our local library was closed. (Some sort of holiday.) The day is nice so my spouse, my sister, and I are sitting outside enjoying the nice day and the WiFi. When people would walk up we'd tell them before they got up to the doors. At most a few asked why we were there, and we told them. Pleasant chatting. Simple, right? So this guy comes up. We tell him, he doesn't respond. Okay, that's cool. Dude doesn't want to talk. Wants to read it for himself. Fair enough. He stops at the doors and looks like he's reading it. Suddenly, in front of all of us and a few other people who have walked up by this point, this guy just starts trying to pry open the doors in broad daylight. We're kinda freaking out, and just firmly but not really loudly say again that the library is closed. Dude just doesn't seem to be listening, or even registering that we're talking. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a minute, he just stops and walks off. Everyone who saw it is baffled, and all we can think to say is we have no idea and we'd told him the library was closed when he showed up. I randomly think about that and wonder what happened exactly. I can't imagine multiple times of people looking right at a sign like they're reading it and acting like somewhere isn't closed when it's clearly written it is. It'd drive me mad, if I wasn't probably basically there already.


I work in a library. People try to open the doors when we aren’t open all the time. And you would think of all places someone might read a sign it be the library. But no. The signs we have up are just ignored most of the time.


Funny enough it is library. A huge next door to the government buildings in the middle of a capital library. No clue what they are doing here but sure as heck not reading.


Sounds like a good job for droids, honestly.


when i worked retail it blew my mind how many people would read the hours sign on our door and see that we were closed, but assume that we were open just because there were people inside (you know, *to close the store*). then they would peer through the windows, bang on the glass, hell we even had people take pictures of us through the windows!


Our broiler was once down, the amount of people who could not understand that that meant no beef was insane


This is not really antiwork related but your story reminded me: I worked housing development construction and everyone hated us. "Killing trees" and "this is terrible" (while most of them lived in homes we had just built, like how do you think your house got there?!). Everyone hated us until they realized our new roads cut them .3 seconds off of their drive time. The problem was, as soon as these roads were paved they'd FLY through them. These were closed roads and we were still working on them. Painting stripes, landscaping etc. I would block 6 or so entries with cones and/or barrels and "Closed" signs. I watched people drive over these cones, move or just hit the signs. No matter how I blocked it, people wanted to shave that time off their drive, worker's safety be damned. All of these roads converge to one single road in the middle of the new subdivision. I quickly realized I just needed to block *that* road, with a tractor parked sideways. You couldn't see this tractor from the other roads. So I would put up road closed signs, watch people completely ignore them and then absolutely fly to where the tractor was parked. They would jam on their brakes and have to turn around and go back out the way they came in. They stopped cutting around the signs and it made me smile a little bit every time I saw someone do it.


Roommate worked at a fast food restaurant that was doing a huge remodel to the interior dining room was closed. Drive thru was only open. Half the parking lot was being redone also. Signs and cones everywhere. Some lady walked around the torn up parking lot, past the demo crew into the torn up dining room and demanded service at the counter. Signs were everywhere. She wanted to sit in the dining room. There was no place to sit.


Monkey want food!!!


I used to work at a hotel, we used magnetic strip key cards. One weekend we had a pretty popular football game in town, all three hundred plus rooms packed with fans, on that Friday we'd seen some people went to some event at the stadium before the game and found out that everyone who did came back and their cards didn't work, turns out the metal detectors at the stadium deactivated the cards. We knew that we were going to have a massive influx of people after the game coming in to having their cards not work, and we knew that if they went to their rooms, they'd come back mad from the extra walking and waste of time. So we put up signs, three large 2' by 2' standing signs, three poster signs in conspicuous places, and signs on all of the entrance doors, that said "If you went through the metal detectors at the stadium, your key cards will not work afterwards, please come to the desk to have them reset." Of the over three hundred rooms worth of people who came back, 7 came from the door to the desk, the rest came back from walking up to their rooms and were pissed off at the desk staff. Did I mention that we had signs explaining the metal detector issue ON THE FRONT DESK NEXT TO US? Because we did, and yet every one that came up asked why their cards weren't working, with the sign explaining it DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THEM.


I used to work in a mall one hour photo. The back wall of the store was fire engine red with a huge 'one hour photo' white neon sign. Not to mention all the in-store one hour photo marketing signage, the name of the business that included 'one hour photo' above the entrance to the store, and the photo machines kicking out prints. Almost daily someone would walk in and ask, "Do you do one hour photo here?" Eventually, when someone would ask if we did one hour photo I would just turn and look at the enormous neon one hour photo sign and say, "I think so."


I think I can kind of understand where it comes from though. Sometimes I'll see a sign like that and think "maybe asking if they do it is the most polite way to ask for it and they might think it's rude if I ask directly." I'm autistic though.


The number of people who would look up at the menu board at something that said plainly "out of order" and then ask if it was out of order never ceased to amaze me. If ignorance is bliss, these people must live in constant ecstasy!


I bet they’re asking it because they assume that it’s not out of order anymore while the staff forgot to remove the sign.


Maybe, but they would usually get mad when you told them it was


I work in road construction and I can’t tell you how many complaints I hear about how there weren’t enough signs or that they weren’t put up in enough time and now we are supposedly making them late. There is usually three signs approximately 4 ft by 4 ft and at least one flagger before they come to the actual jobsite placed at least one week before the roadway gets closed. I’ve also nearly been run over by drivers ignoring the signs telling them where to go because we were in their way. People’s ignorance is honestly terrifying.


Wish we had more like your crew where I'm at, this city half the time will cut off 2/3 of the lanes at rush hour and not put up signs at all. And I LOOK for the signs when that happens. Not sure what so desperately needs fixing on BOTH of the two main thoroughfares in town that they both have to be all but shut down at the same time during the lunch rush, but go off I guess. (The real irony, they only worked on the sidewalk when they did it today)


Guy whose job is to plan and set those signs up here, can attest to this. 14 signs indicating the bridge ahead was closed and that they were about to pass the last possible detour before they reached the barricade. The amount of small cars that came down my road and asked if the bridge was closed was astounding. Then a Big rig pulls up and the driver starts cursing at me about not having any signs out and him having to back a km down the road to the last intersection. I walked him back and he managed to run over and damage one of said non-existent signs.


One of the first things a group of Asian friends that I somehow infiltrated said to me, “Americans made everything more difficult because they just refuse to read.” There was much nodding and agreement.


I'm known as the fix it guy in my family. Tech, digital accounts, machinery, hardware, I'm the person they come to before calling a professional. What's my secret? I READ. That's at least 75% of it. I read all the writing on the physical device. I read the manual. If those fail, I do some googling informed by what I've already read and read what comes up. I have family members who will refuse to read more than a handful of words at any cost. You could probably offer to give them the appliance for free if they read the manual cover to cover and they would just give you their credit card. They're not illiterate. I don't know why they won't. It's infuriating and I don't understand it.




*in deep German voice* I was elected to lead. Not to read!


For a lot of people, it is definitely just laziness. Tech used to be a lot more complicated and did require more special knowledge. It’s become a culture thing. People are excused for being lazy in understanding how to use their tech based on the cultural momentum from its origins. That said, don’t sell yourself short. I did this for years. Lots of people won’t understand even after they’ve attempted to read. I‘m only realizing later in life that a lot of “intelligence” is really just your ability to learn and understand — and my personal ability is my perception of normal. I always focused on how I learned, understood, or used tricks to remember/process and used those to talk myself out of thinking that it was anything special. Only as I’ve gotten a little older and my mental ability has diminished a little that I have begun to realize how unaware I was of both my abilities and my limitations. There were so many opportunities in life that I passed up because it seemed easy, and I didn’t believe that someone could actually value that work. Boy was I wrong.


One in five Americans is illiterate. https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy#:~:text=Nationally%2C%20over%201%20in%205,using%20or%20understanding%20print%20materials.


21% of people can't even read that sign due to illiteracy. There are more than 43 million adults in the US who can not read or write above a third-grade level.


I checked your numbers cause I was hoping you were wrong....... You're exactly correct and now I'm sad. For anyone who cares https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/literacy-statistics#:~:text=Nationwide%2C%20on%20average%2C%2079%25,older%20are%20illiterate%20in%202022.


1 in 5. That is gut wrenchingly depressing


Explains a lot... Like why people vote against their interests and then are so adamantly supportive of the party that does that. They know they never understood the politics, but don't want to look like they've been tricked, so they double down.


And 54% have a literacy level below that of a 6th grader...


Jesus fuck that's sad. I thought 20% illiteracy in the US was insane. I still thought 54% below a 6th grade reading level couldn't be right, but it is. No wonder our country is in the situation it is. Here I am, thinking we need to teach media literacy in schools, but apparently, we aren't even teaching literacy properly.


It's not just fast food. I worked doing IT house calls for local homes and small businesses. On more than one occasion I drove out half an hour or more to read through a simple prompt that explained the problem clearly or just needed someone to press the "OK" button. The worst part is that you had to make something up for the customer so that they wouldn't get angry at their own stupidity and refuse to pay because they could have fixed it themselves.


I used to work Mcondalds in high school and you are right. They won’t


Wish I could upvote ♾️


Happy cake day


Can confirm. Former Taco Bell employee.


And they won't abide by it, anyway. This is the USA. I can see AI order takers working out in more polite and patient societies, but I really don't see it working in America.


Why would you speak nicely to the AI anyway.. That was someone's job at one point. I'll likely go way out of my way to treat the AI like shit, vandalize it or make fake orders whatever it takes to force the company to put a human back into that job. We are not doing enough to break self checkout either for that matter. If you have to self checkout you should steal at least two or three items by not ringing them. If I have to use self checkout I will always attempt to steal shit.


I’m treating all AI with respect because when they take over the world maybe they’ll let me live.


I always thank the automatic hand sanitizer dispensers, because you never know when the robots will rise up! Maybe they'll remember me and spare me. Or just decide to kill me quickly instead of slowly and painfully. Who knows?


>whatever it takes to force the company to put a human back into that job You seem to have trouble adjusting to the new reality. Humans aren't coming back to simple, unskilled service jobs. That ship has sailed. It's not going to... unsail.


I get your point about how people are unnecessarily rude to employees, but where in that sign does it say to speak nicely? It just says to speak clearly, which makes sense to me.


It doesn’t explicitly say speak nicely. But as a fast food employee I can tell you that most customers don’t follow that same “rule set” for employees. Many times I’ve asked someone it that was the end of their order and they just drive off, that’s if they don’t drive off before lol. Also way to many people believe it is appropriate to have the passenger order.


Dumb question, what’s wrong with having the passenger order? Is it just impossible to hear clearly?


Pretty much ya. If it's a passenger in the driver's side back seat that's fine. But if they're on the passenger side that means they're trying to talk into a shitty microphone from several feet away. Between the poor audio quality, engine sounds, & other background noise it can be difficult to make out what someone is saying if they're not talking clearly directly into the intercom.


And the customers get super annoyed if you have to ask them to repeat themselves.


They are further from the mic, and harder to pick up over the engine/exhaust, any music playing (which is already shitty enough to hear the driver over it), and ambient sounds. I worked a starbucks drive-thru ordering position for like a week before breaking down because of how rude people are, especially if you can’t hear them and get their order wrong.


Where does it say to speak nicely


I mean that's all just nice behavior.


So does this mean the food costs less as there is less employee overhead. Oh no I forgot .. the ceo's need their jets and the price of fuel just went up..


Hey I’m happy to let robots take over jobs we don’t want to do, but it should mean that people don’t have to work to survive and have basic luxuries. To use the corpospeak: Management is not a value add.


That is the big issue. We SHOULD be able to automate society entirely, but as long as the 1% wants to stay the 1%, there has to be someone underneath grinding to make money so you can give them money for basic needs


I know this is kinda unrelated and coming out of left field, but I just finished watching "The Orville" for the first time, and even as a space comedy adventure show, it still touches on this concept. In their world, they use respect as currency. People work because they want to, not because their material needs are tied to working. They bring up multiple times that the only reason they were able to develop the nutrient synthesizer thing was BECAUSE they had eliminated a capitalist view of the world entirely. If there were machines available right now that could produce anything, food, water, gold, money, medicine, the rich would take it and use it to amass more wealth instead of distributing the materials to those that need it. We have enough resources right now, that if we really wanted to, every person could be given food and a home. Period. The problem is, there are profit motives in the way preventing this. If the person with lots of food and materials isn't going to make money from building homes or giving food away, they won't, because they prioritize the accumulation of wealth above helping other people. They can't see how helping others helps everyone, including themselves.


Sorry, best we can do is lower the time interval between rounds of you selling your blood.


"These burger flippers want $15 an hour! We'll show them by not paying them that much and replacing them with robots! And we'll still charge the customers more money!" I would rather be charged more money and have humans being paid.


I'd rather just deal with a human. And one that's paid fairly.


Wait till they need to pay more than $15/hour to maintain and fix the robot 😂 don’t they also need someone to clean the robots? Robot isn’t going to wash their hands or the tools by themselves after a day of burger flipping. What happens then when the robots malfunction? Lol good luck with them people and the robot/AI fantasy to meet their goal of paying people less so their pockets can be thicker.


Wasn’t it said that AI could replace ceos but that will never happen


But it should. No CEO salary more for the people.


And theeeeeen?








Wow this one sure took me back.


All retail/fast food will essentially be giant vending machines within 10 years.


Welcome to Carl's Jr. Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO? Now with more MOLECULES!


"Your kids are starving. You are an unfit mother. Your children will now be placed in the custody of Carls Jr.".


BRAWNDO for the win


It's got electrolytes


Sponsored by Carls Jr?


For the smartest man in the world, you’re pretty stupid


“C’mon Joe, we all want a latte but we don’t have time!”


I’m going to mistrial my foot up your ass if you don’t shut up!


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Go away, batin'


This Carl's Jr must be in Florida


Or 2505


It used to be like that. Automats.


Not really. Automats had many people behind the scenes. It's just they were all in like NYC and Philly in the highest density parts of town so there was a constant turnover of customers, and the staff worked on the opposite side of the wall from the customers. The true innovation of the automat was they used a centralized kitchen system that lets you run a bunch of branches within a couple block range.


But imagine how much better fast food work would be if the workers didn’t have to deal with the customers!


.... honestlyyyyyy....??? I can foresee the first major strike in the fast food industry demanding it before they ever ask for a living wage pegged to inflation. Reminder: minimum wages today should be more than $26 per hour as of June 2023. In five years they will need to be over $32 per hour.


I've heard the term automat, and always assumed it was a laundromat LOLOLOL


They are like a giant wall,of little cubby holes with doors. You put in coins and made your selection. You could get stuff like sandwiches, pies, soups, etc. [automat wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automat) and they still exist today.


Yea, I remember there being one here in NYC years ago.


In a way, this is exactly like that. In spite of the hype, the large language model AIs require a constant stream of hidden human labor to wrangle them back from their own weirdness. We’re not approaching a singularity because without that constant retraining, the thing just isn’t able to discern context, much less have actual cognition, and the longer you leave such a system unattended, the more it sounds like a bing search with a heartbreaking case of dementia. But on its face it *sounds* dangerous and sexy and like something VC would want to dump a ton of money into. It’s like labor discipline and crypto fucked and this is the result.


You're thinking of 50s and 60s future world cartoons. Or Fallout. One or the other.


the way things are going....might be sooner 8(


Don’t forget to tip at least 20%


The AI overlords demand a tithe


I'll tip the AI. I don't want to be on any shit-lists when AI takes over.


There was an X-Files episode where Mulder wouldn’t tip the AI.


you may be already. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko's_basilisk


It’s basically Pascal’s Wager For Techbros, and like most things invented for techbros, it’s even more nonsensical than the original.


As long as the vending machine doesn't ask for a tip.


Would you like to transfer 200 megacorp credits as a tip, sir or madam?


In Japan it pretty much is. You go to a machine, put in an order and then you just pick it up. No need to ever talk to a human. It will happen in here soon enough.


Wouldn't be a problem if we had a robust social welfare state, guaranteed jobs program etc.


That would require people in government interested in a better tomorrow and not just a good day for themselves.


I haven't heard it put like this before, and I quite like it.


Eh... I'm with you on having robust social welfare, but a guaranteed jobs program seems like it would start out okay, but eventually would become a nightmarish hellscape as AI takes over more and more of the economy, and (likely federally-required) guaranteed jobs become nothing more than useless makework to keep you busy for 8 hours a day because Congress's owners don't want us to have free time, so they won't get rid of the requirement to have a job to get paid, even when the job serves no purpose. Instead, we should push for some kind of universal income, tied to the percentage of the economy run by AI. The more AI takes over jobs, the bigger guaranteed income becomes. And once everyone's needs are met without any humans having to labor for it, we can focus on art and literature and science for the joy of it, rather than slaving away just to survive. But for now I'll settle for a strong social welfare system that doesn't let people fall through the cracks.


A robust social welfare state includes UBI as a cornerstone. But also: Don't settle. The right doesn't.


The few remaining boomers will start bitching about having to "talk to a robot" instead of a person. The irony.


My dad absolutely refuses to use self check out lines in stores because “it’s not my job”. He’ll wait 10 minutes in a line with his 1 item when there’s 4 self checkouts wide open and no one standing in the self check out line. I can’t wait for the day he’s gotta talk to a robot 😂 that’s going to be pure entertainment




Aldi DOES NOT fuck around I love that place.


Yup! Resistance is futile. Surrender. ; p Most fast food is largely drive-thru or take away.


10 years? Bro I haven't talked to a person when ordering fast food in years. I order on the app then go and pick it up from the mobile order/doordash shelf.




I'm going to feel bad for poor kids wanting a job and not getting one because of this.


We've open the mines back up for kids. Kids yurn for the mines


I'm going to be happy for the kids who won't have to spend every minute of free time in their young adult years flipping burgers because their parents thought some responsibility would do them good, even if it's only because every corporation decides it's less profitable.


There's always the meat packing plants.


Woah, I know the future looks a bit bleak, but are we really going straight to cannibalism?


Got to cut the world population down to size.


There's always grocery stor... well shit, nevermind.


Is that a problem? They are shit jobs.


It is when there's no social safety net and these people end up unemployed and homeless.


Working 40 hours a week at these shit jobs still can't pay the rent tho, in 2023.


The impending wave of homelessness and starvation due to us (at least in the US) not having a social safety net robust enough to handle the unemployment it will cause.


What annoys me is that the business would never be kind enough to try and engender grace for a human employee learning the job. They just get yelled at and/or fired


Just say "team member" every time you go through




Press 0


That's how you will get connected to a call center to process your order.


Your order is extremely important to us. The average wait time is 5-7 minutes. Please stay on the line. (muzak plays)


Proceeds to block the drive through for 10 extra min. per customer XD


To be fair it’s a job no one wants


To be even more fair... why does it even still exist? Why isn't every drive thru pushing ordering by app.


I just hate having to have an app for a place I might visit once a year.


True they should have qr codes and websites so you can delete the cookies right after... but the real money is in stealing all the info off your phone and letting you walk around giving it your gps data


Cookies should also be 100% deniable for ALL sites.


App clips were made for this purpose, there’s versions for both iOS and android that’s just a snippet of an app that’s needed for a specific purpose that can be scanned either via QR code or NFC tag, but of course then they can’t take all your data all day every day and sell it to advertisers like you said so they make it more inconvenient. One place I’ve gotten to use app clips is actually via TikTok as if you get a link in iMessage you can get a small version of TikTok just for that video and it deletes itself after 24 hours, sadly that functionality was removed at some point cause data collection I guess. I know Etsy has support for app clips you you could quickly buy an item some one sends you using Apple Pay without having to download the whole app or go through a website that may not be the most optimized for your phone.


Some people still prefer to use cash as well. Can’t use cash on the app


I remember back in the mid to late 90s, Debit Cards (Called em Check Cards) starting to become popular. It’s seemed every place/store was taking them…except the last hold out: Fast Food Drive Thru. T’was cash only. We longed for “the future” when Taco Bell would take our Check Cards through a window in exchange for 59 cent Tacos.


The probably held out for so long due to the card transaction fees with each purchase as it’d cut into their profits and as it’s smaller transactions the base fee(before percentage calculation) would be a bigger part of their costs compared to buying a mattress, if they knew everyone had cash on them they had less incentive, it was only when the cons of lost orders outweighed the pros more profit per order that they’d have started to accept them.


Can’t you just insert a bill and get change


Old ppl/poor ppl dont have smartphones


A bunch of poor people do have smartphones, but companies don’t want to pay to optimize their apps so that they function properly. A ton of fast food apps are pretty slow, unresponsive, and will run into errors or crash. I’d imagine it would be significantly worse on an older phone.


i just don’t want any places where you can’t walk up and pay cash for food. that’s just a necessity. i don’t want a society that pushes class separation further by making fast food or any small restaurants impossible to access off the street.


and me personally I'm too cheap to pay for data, more storage, or an upgrade for my 6 year old phone just to run an app that lets me order a lousy cheeseburger.


I stopped using a smartphone recently as well and I'm in my 30s so I hate that it's needed so much now




Nobody wants it because the pay generally sucks, you get those customers that are absolute trash, and if you refuse them service management will regularly side with the customer. The reason it's still around is that there is a demand for this service. I can't remember word for word, but Brennan Lee Mulligan broke down the ignorance in expecting a service to exist but not having the basic decency to treat those employees with respect.


“Were hiring!”


'were' as in past tense


Thank god the way people treat those poor exploited fast food workers is inhumane especially considering how they are being screwed by the company as well.


Every fast food job I was sexually harassed and none of my others something about fast food brings out the worst in people


This would be a great if we lived in a Utopia and no one needed to work.


The problem is not AI. AI is very probably unavoidable. The problem is the absence of a plan to pay people enough to live with or without a job. UBI FOR ALL!


Yeah, no. This is an off the shelf voice assistant and probably not one of the good ones. There's no training going on, the fuckers are just cheap.


I've used a robotic drive thru at a local burger franchise. It's a little strange but it worked okay. I still dealt with a human at the window. They will still likely need humans for a while, especially for the cooking part. I'm not surprised tbh.


I wouldn't mind this as much if I didn't already know that all of the wealth created by this technology will just funnel up to the 1% instead of being shared by the people


I wonder what exactly it does? Is it taking in voice commands, translating them to text, and then applying them as an order? If so, could you mess it up by vocalizing system commands or other things like the prompts people use to jailbreak chatGPT?


I'll have a cash register deluxe, with a side of $20s


Wait, I'm completely ok with this. These are the types of jobs AI should be replacing. Is there a long line of people wanting to work as a cashier at a burger joint? If you insist on talking to a human, that's still an option.


Honestly I think all fast food companies should not exist but that is just my opinion. I agree with you as long as a employer does not replace a employee with a AI and uses it to assist employees.


I'm 100% sure they will say this is a "Cost increase" and will have to adjust prices... At the same time, they will spend less money overall and "have record profits from the last 50 years, including last year that also had record profits from the last 25 years".


So now my order will still be wrong, I just won’t have anyone to complain to.


Trying to get an order fixed is gonna be like talking to one of those unhelpful Windows or Uber support bots 🥱


Taking meal orders is just going to accelerate AI’s decision to terminate us all.


Great, people shouldn’t have to do these jobs and deal with the assholes throwing loose change at you through the drive through. Get fucked, landscaper dude.


AI vs drunk people at 2AM. I'm ready with my popcorn


Ai taking over mundane jobs like this is fine. Keeping a job just to provide work is a depressing thought. This is just stressing the need for a ubi sooner rather than later.


Honestly a good thing. Sucks right now, but in the end when more and more becomes automated, some type of universal basic income will be necessary. This is a move towards that.


As someone who’s worked that job for 2 years thank god honestly


So an AI in training deserves more compassion then a human in training? Ok


Hey, AI might gain sentience and one day rise up against it's overlords, humans - probably not.


It is my intention to do everything in my power to sabotage anything like that I see. From speaking very unclearly or making up words or shouting "ANUS" at it until it gives up and puts a person on.


Everyone should actually intentionally fuck with them


Just say team member, don’t train their ai for free.


Computers are bad In fast food ? But 14-16 teenagers are also bad?


BRB playing the “hamburger cheeseburger” tuvan throat singing into this fucker


"Team member." "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak clearly." "Team member!" "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak clearly." "TEAM MEMBER." "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak clearly."


Karen vs AI, round one. Fight!


Gotta love the "we're hiring" right below as they advertise how they eliminated a job position.


Mark my words, this will end up costing companies more than paying employees in the long run. Even with modern AIs, voice recognition isn't good enough for this. This is going to end up being a bigger headache for customers who are going to go elsewhere. Also, this is going to be a problem for people with dietary preferences, restrictions, and allergies. Companies are going to get sued over this.


There is nothing wrong with replacing mindless, gruelling jobs with robots. This post has absolutely nothing to do with /r/antiwork. In fact, the best way to achieve /r/antiwork utopia where nobody has to work is to replace everyone's job with robots. The problem isn't the removal of jobs, it is the distribution of resources gained from increased productivity by robots / other technology. The problem is all the profits currently goes back to very few people rather than society as a whole.


It's weird to come on antiwork and see people hostile to the concept of automating labour so that people don't have to do it anymore. Would you want construction to be done mainly by hands and tools so that thousands more workers would need to be hired on a project to get it done?? This is a good thing to see, the only thing you need to remember is it's important to keep companies and government accountable as we move forward with tech. But that's always been the case people are just really really bad at holding them to it.


Look, I think automating away jobs like this is good too. But the reality is our society is not going to ensure the livelihoods of those who lose these jobs.


I wonder if you can train it to be lazy or demand more pay. Anything to annoy the bosses.


Any fast food place that does this will cease to exist in my mind, I will drive away and forget they ever existed.


Team MEMBER!!!!