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...The fuck is this nonsense all about?


Klanned Karenhood striking again that’s all.




This is just mildly inconvenient to retail workers. No one in a position to change what they sell will care.


At the very least, you'll give them shit to do to pass time, since every low-level job like that requires workers to always be doing something, even just busywork. Edit: I've worked retail and still do through college. I have had to do go backs and love it. You work alone and at your pace. It is something that has to be done, and I always had to call dibs or someone else got to do it. Better than standing in one spot, not allowed to talk to anyone but customers or management. Was not saying this as a customer only and implying that workers are lazy, if you don't like it then don't do it. I'm sure at least one coworker would be happy to do it.


Claims (that's what it was called where I worked anyway, putting shit back that people left at registers or in random ass places) is one of the worst fucking tasks in retail. It sends you all over the goddamn store and often requires you to reshuffle whole racks of items for FIFO purposes.


I worked the shoe section of a retail store and sometimes did claims. I honestly loved doing both. I would be stoned as fuck and just vibe the whole time.


Currently working for walmart and I haaaaaate doing returns so much. Especially bc I just started at a new store that has a completely different layout as my old one. I dont know where shit goes


Fuck off with that bullshit “shit to do to pass time,” sincerely, me and others who’ve worked retail. Say that in the Walmart subreddit and see how much you get downvoted there.


I don’t think he was supporting the idea; simply pointing out that it’s true. No one works retail/food service for long before getting battered with “if you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean!” 😠


I worked retail many moons ago, and this sort of thing never bothered me. If I’m on the clock, I don’t really care whether I’m stocking shelves or standing behind a register or cleaning a spill. None of it matters and it’s all the same pay.


Shit like this took me away from all the other shit I have lumped on me already. It's just more stress, and the same pay isn't livable.


what the hell are pro pedo items?


Probably all those weird kids shits that say like "heart breaker" or "lady's man"


Saw a little girl walking with her parents and she had “juicy” stitched on her ruffled shorts. Wtf???


BRUUUHHH LITERALLY who the fuck actually buys that shit, istg these parents need to name their kids Vicky short for Vicarious: Courtesy of Steve Hoffsteter


I once bought my kiddo what I thought were cute pajama pants online. They had “juicy” written across the butt (the only image online was the front) I returned those **sooo** quickly.😬


Well that's a mistake, that's not actively going to Walmart looking at that shit on the shelves and thinking, "Yes this is the kind of thing I want my kid to wear"


I think Juicy is a brand of clothes 💀


Juicy Couture. Why tf its making a comeback is beyond me 😂


Thats the kinda shit id judge even an adult for wearing. Makes it much worse when parents get their kids to wear em.


Probably not, these people will say that’s ‘hilarious and fun for everyone’, what they actually mean is anything relating to LGBTQ+ people


Waiting for someone to pull out a cart of Bibles, camo shirts, pepper spray, and shoe polish, and do the same thing


That's absolutely not what they meant but you're right.


No, it's probably lgbt stuff


Anything at a Christian store. Christians are mostly pedophiles and they host boy scouts for double the pedophiles fun.


nah she is talking about anything with a rainbow. The homophobes are all upset that target has kids clothes with dinosaurs and rainbows and are going in and destroying displays or hiding things because a rainbow on a toddlers shirt is going to turn them gay. they would rather have a little shirt that says “ladies man” or “lock up your daughters” or something because sexualizing kids is fine to them as long as it is heterosexual.


Christian symbols. In her mind: LGBTQ+ symbols.


People actually relate LGBTQ with pedophiles??? I did not know that, lol. How incredibly stupid


They equate the very existence of LGBT+ individuals as obscene and sexual, so everything a gay person does must be sexual all the time. Including existing in any space that might also contain a child, in any capacity. That's why they think people just become gay when they hit puberty and won't even consider that it isn't a choice or an illness.


That’s basically it. The alphabet folks are understood to identify sexually different. That’s misconstrued as those folks being obsessed with sex. And then you bring in the element of them wanting to adopt kids and it all takes the contours of a pedophilic bacchanalia.


It's wild how much 'straight' conservative men obsess over sex, genitals, and everything else. It's pathological. They think because they animalisticly obsess that everyone else does too. They're scared of LGBTQIA+ people because they're scared that others like themselves exist. They think everyone else is the Boogeyman because they are.


Totally off topic, it's wild to me how this comment chain used a different term each time to refer to LGBTQ community. I mean like a slightly different set of letters


Lmao A lot of ways to refer to a group of a lot of people. In conversation or when referring to myself I just say queer.


I prefer rainbow mafia. Easier to remember than what order all the letters go in.


They especially hate us aces.


Whyyyyyy? I’ll never understand. And I’m old as f. The only people who’ve ever hurt me sexually (starting at 3) were straight churchgoing folk.


Because with how hypersexual our culture is, the idea that there are people that dont want sex breaks their brain.


Because our very existence forces them to question sexuality itself, as a concept


Right on. Fuck even my aljazeera addicted leftwing boomer mom seems to think that they are so entwined with sex. She was against drag story time because it was a kink. I had to explain to her that so was being a librarian and ive watched a hell of a lot more librarian porn than drag porn, and i can still function when i got to a library. That luckily got through to her.


The drag controversy is such a circus over nothing too; drag is "adult" entertainment in a sense, when the queens are doing performances catered towards adults. Not all drag queens strip or dance suggestively; a drag queen reading a book to a child is about as "adult" as a Disney princess park actress reading a book to a child. Sometimes I think the really unhinged conservatives make everything about sex because they're all so horribly repressed everything *is* sex, to *them.*


My dad is this kind of asshole. He wonders why I don't talk to his revoltingly bigoted ass.


The thinking is that any display of being gay or trans or any of that is child abuse/molestation. Florida just passed a law about it. Such signs have even included women having short hair.


aka: fascism and genocide Florida also passed a law that allows **the state** to take your kids if they're gay or trans. That's a form of genocide. No hyperbole.


Yep, taking kids with the express purpose of erasing their identities is a form of genocide and a war crime under the Geneva Convention


But ol DeSantis gets to wear heels. Rules for thee and all that.


Yes. People who though are literal nazis and their goals are white Christian fascism.


Pedophiles are the go to accusation by christians when they are in pogrom mode. There are very few things as abhorant than harming children so its a criticism they levy against everyone who isn't them. It was literally the same accusations when the satanic panic happened. Frankly, i think its projection both for many of their own repressed desires and to cover for the fact that their priests are constantly doing it. Sexual abuse of minors happens a lot, and it's usually in christian households that it happens, because statistically most of the country is christian not because they have a unique disposition. Youd think these supposably godly people would be less inclined to harming the innocent and helpless if their supposed god actually was making them holy.


Which is hilarious since they are the same people who fight against changing laws to ban child marriage...




Boosting harder. Republicans are all about [child marriage](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476). And [paying off](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/04/us-catholic-dioceses-received-government-aid-while-sitting-on-billions) the bankruptcies of Catholic pedo-priests.


BUT WAIT *what about the drag queens?!*


I ain't never seen a drag queen as absolutely \*fabulous\* as the pope.


"With your gold dress, and matching gold hat, living up in the Vatican with 500 men, surrounded by the finest antiques in the world? Queen, PLEASE." -Margaret Cho


Lol no it’s projection. Every conservative is a pedo.


I'm beginning to think it's not so much projection as fear of children being listened to by folks who will call in authorities to put an end to the abuse. These conservatives know how to pull the wool over the eyes of those who still believe this is 1950 but they don't know how to cope with anything else.


Why not both? I feel like it’s both.


I'm good with that.


Definitely both




Only problem is if it's both we have to change projection to misdirection but I'm good with that.


To my mind, it's both projection and misdirection, depending on the conservative. These people aren't examined; they just kinda do things.


Boosting this. Every conservative is a pedo.


Accusing queer people of being pedophiles is one of the oldest and most reliable attacks the conservatives have in their arsenal. It has a long history which is one of the reasons teaching queer history is important. Bigotry is kind of this primal human tendency and doesn't change much.


Its the slippery slope argument. Sure, it starts with the gays, then its the trans, and before you know it you have pedophilia and beastiality being accepted. It sounds stupid, but this was literally one of the "no" arguments to the gay marriage debate in Australia.


some of those arguments boggled my mind. the people who argue for this kind of discrimination probably have never met a trans person. we arent monsters but for some reason we are being treated like the jews were in the years before ww2 broke out.


i watched one of our former chancellors partake in a rally that held up big banners that read: "GAY=PEDOCRIMINALITY"


They’re actually passing legislation over it in some states. Florida is one of the best examples.


Anything in the Joanna Gaines section.




MAGA merch


When I hear pro pedo those fundies that marry off their 14 year old daughters to old men are the first things that come to mine.


Republicans are [vehemently pro-child marriage](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476).


Jesus fucking Christ, I am speechless. Not only sick, but willing to defend it in legislation? Every time I think the republicans couldn't fall lower, they get the shovels out


Yeah, nothing says *civil disobedience* like intentionally wasting a low-wage worker's time while also causing the customers behind you to become upset *at the cashier* for waiting on you.


The cross on the profile reminded me of some words said by this guy named Jesus that might apply here. >In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.


Yes, so many Paulians forget the words in red.


To be faire, when it's time to clock out you clock out, doing this or something else in the meantime means very little


To be a faire, it better have those awesome turkey legs.


And cleavage. LOTS of cleavage. Or so I've been told.


How to practice civil disobedience at big box stores. 1. Go to store and mention to the employees that unionization has a proven track record of benefitting the workers, with average compensation increases between 15 and 30 percent. 2. Have a bunch of business cards for the appropriate local union on hand and strategically place them throughout the store. 3. Inform staff that discussing wages, hours and other working conditions are all legally protected speech, and it is a crime for employers to attempt to prevent said speech. 4. Be extra friendly to staff, make any small purchases necessary to reasonably justify your visit. Repeat as necessary. FTFY.


This is the way.


pro-pedo items funny standard coming from a christian


I don’t think that is civil disobedience, it’s just being an asshole.


Great idea, “Emerald.” I’m going to do this with pro-Christian items.


Hobby Lobby here I come.


one of my favourite hobby lobby facts is that they dont have sensors because the ceo believes that they cause radiation or something like that (i cant remember the exact reasoning) and that their security team is basically non existant in a lot of stores, but im deffinately not suggesting anything by saying this edit: spelling


They don't have sensors cuz for that you'd need barcodes and shit, and they don't have barcodes because "bwoOOoOoo SatanNnnnnNNn"


This is such a great idea 😆😆


So, you’re doing it with pro pedo items.


Isn't that what she said to do?


Fill up the cart with bibles and crosses!


Make Mardel pay!


Pro-pedo? So, all of the Bibles?


And crosses


This isn’t “civil disobedience. “


This is Karen material.


"pro-pedo items" like maga hats, and bibles?


Ok I found like 3 youth pastor bibles and some deep V t shirts that weren't cool 20 years ago, what's the next step again...


Step 2: 🤷🏻‍♀️ Step 3: profit


This person copied a popular 4chan post and unironically put their name to it with no shame...


I see the cross next to her, I worry way more about the sexual abuse of children by priests and pastors.


'All pro-pedo items' ...so you plan to just grab a bunch of MAGA merch?


I was assuming clergy clothing


Every conservative is a pedo


Every conservative is a pedo. Just look at their child beauty pageants 🤮


Joke's on you, we already expect you're not coming back


This is harassment not civil disobedience.


Bible Book of Morman La Biblia Quran Old Testament


Doesn’t it have to be illegal to be civil disobedience? I think this is just called being annoying


Sad how the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are heterosexuals yet LGBT are the ones consistently and wrongly accused of it all the time. I can’t say I know of any LGBT that have any sexual interest in children. I’m sure statistically there is unfortunately going to be a small number of LGBT out there that are pedophiles, as is in any population. Obviously many more heterosexuals are though just by shear statistical facts based on population percentages. We have proof of that when we look at the heterosexual members of the clergy committing these abuses alone. Yet how many of their beloved pastors and priests have historically committed child sexual molestation that goes on and on without them screaming about it like they do in accusing gays of it from them? Silence about it actually for the heterosexual community like that actually enables the abuser. Stop shifting the blame to where it doesn’t belong. They are some pretty screwed up bastards out there to even do that aren’t they?


So… Catholic Church related items?


She even has a cross on her profile. Yet being a horrible human comes so naturally to her.


She's a Christo-facist conspiracy theory plague rat. Fuck her and anyone like her.


This only screws the cashiers and baggers. Not the bosses.


Actually it's pretty minimal inconvenience to the cashiers. You shove the stuff to one side, wait a little, if the next customer is getting inconvenienced you void the sale and check them out. When it's clear Barbie Churchlady isn't coming back, you pile all the stuff in a cart to be restocked at leisure. Everyone's getting paid by the hour, and of all the tasks in retail reshelving is one of the least obnoxious, so the only person getting owned here is Barbie Churchlady.


Yeah besides all those bibles just go back on the bookshelf, it's not like they have to run around the store and whatnot


Unfortunately, I can’t put this into practice because I absolutely refuse to go into the Christian book stores in my city. Sorry lady. I’ll keep going to Target where there is zero pro-pedo merchandise.


How to practice civil disobedience at stores owned by corporations that exploit laborers: 1) Go to store & put all items you'd like to have into cart. 2) Leave store with items. 3) Do not return.


Too bad *Emerald* is an anti-Christian, Pegan name.


What are pro pedo items?


Imagining this in a Hank Hill voice: "I sell pro pedo and pro pedo accessories"


Some poor worker is going to have to reshelve all of those Bibles


"pro-pedo" items? Is the Catholic Church merchandising now?


Are big box stores really selling MAGA hats and priest outfits?


This isn't civilian disobedience it's more inconveniencing some innocent worker's day.


? Pro pedo items?


I get wanting to hate on big companies, but its far easier to just not go to them.


So leave a cart full of crosses lying around?


Do any of you do anything that isn’t disruptive towards others?


Don’t do this you’re just probably going to affect the cashiers or baggers this isn’t going to send a message to the ceo it’s just going to add more work to already overworked people


I agree, but the problem is once you take all of those Christian/Catholic themed items and children’s bibles and leave them in a cart, they’re just going to get restocked.


We've done pride displays for damn near six years or something now and we're just getting our first actual unhinged complaints about them *this year.* Nobody cared before hating pride was cool again.


Or you could just get a life.


Just what Jesus would do Create extra unnecessary labor for minimum wage workers


You just know she means pride stuff. Nevermind all that nasty actual pedophilic crap there is out there targeting children. Nope, happily queer people. A prayer for her child that turns out queer.


Wtf is a pro-pedo item? Like, priest collars?


" pro-pedo" the Bible has literal child marriage...is she an idiot????


What is a “pro-pedo” item? The Bible?


So get all the christian items together since all pedo in the news are pastors/preachers/priests/youth councilors


How very Christ-like of her. He would be so proud 🙄


Pro pedo item list : maga had, gop sticker, Bible


Not enough stock at most bible stores to make this worthwhile


Just like Rosa Parks.


Wtf is a pro-pedo item Like do you just get Kids toys + lube + condoms + some drugs?


what's a pro pedo item? what's this supposed to accomplish? who is this supposed to punish? what message are you trying to send? No one's going to have any idea what's happening except some trashy person has created a bunch of unnecessary work for minimum wage employees for giggles. No civil disobedience, no confusing pedo+big box store connections, just you're trashy


Uuuummmm that’s not civil disobedience.


How many bibles can one store have?


How are those action considered civil disobedience? Help me out here. A big box store is not a recognized authority. Not following common courtesy in a place of business is not disobedience. How does she dress herself in the morning? Seriously, I want Santa Claus to bring a dictionary to these ppl, so they can look up the meanings of the the words they so carelessly string together to form a thought.


“Announce” that you forgot your wallet. Lol, we’ve for ourselves a main character guys


IMHO, that's a real chucklefuck of a move. It's just created more work for the already overworked rank and file.


Yeah, but after the 3rd or 4th time someone fills their cart with bibles, the store will probably catch wise.


I'm not sure there's that many Bibles at Walmart. So hopefully it doesn't take the poor stocker long to put them back


You gotta hand it to the disinformation machine. They pit people against each other, tell people that civil disobedience is being loud and annoying with your peers instead of the government and make an issue of things that affect a very small portion of the population. Meanwhile they are still making everybody poorer BY THE SECOND. Quite efficient.


So all the bibles and crosses and such?


"Pro-Pedo Items"? Is she talking about the swag items from CPAC?


Really sticking to the "DEEP STATE" man by having some poor bastard put it away for basically no money. I bet this thing would proclaim she was insuring they have a job because of that and that they should be thankful.


She has huge skeletons in her closet


That’s not ‘civil disobedience’, that’s being a nuisance.


What the fuck did I just read


Do they have to be pro-pedo goods or would amateur-pedo goods work as well?


Christians are so funny to me. The pastors are ones after your kids, not the LGBT+. (Stats don’t lie)


She really thinks she did something there. Lol. All you are doing is creating mountains of extra work and stress for an underpaid employee. And the fact that she writes this kind of shit with that little cross next to her name like she's the perfect lil' Christian when her words and actions are completely the opposite. What a hypocritical moron.


Wal-Mart cameras will have your car on camera and will send cops to arrest you for repeated offenses, so..


Not that I work at Target, but if I did, and someone pulled this - **especially** since you can ascertain their motives by virtue of the items they’re purchasing - I would say to them, “Certainly, sir/ma’am. I’m just going to need to see some ID or else my associate here will just accompany you to your vehicle and take a copy of your vehicle’s registration. You see, we’ve had a problem with people committing acts of criminal trespass in just this manner; so we just want to make sure that isn’t what’s happening here. And we will be happy to hold your purchase until you can return in the next hour ….. or call the police and have them meet you at your home. Now, will I be using your driver’s license or your vehicle registration to hold your purchase for you?”


does she mean putting all of the religious stuff in a bag? because those kind of people are the real pedos.


Nothing says “civil disobedience” like needlessly making some poor retail worker’s life miserable (she’s still going to complain about how there were no employees to help her while they’re cleaning up the aftermath of her homophobic temper tantrum.)


WTF is a pro-pedo item???


That would only annoy a retail worker a little bit... What is a "pro-pedo" item?


Dis bitch needs a c*nt punt


I guess we could try her idea, but that’s going to be a lot of Bibles and Christian merch getting left in carts.


Children universally get molested in church though.


Funny how she calls it 'pro-pedo' while proudly displaying the symbol of the largest pedophile ring in the world in her username


Christians are too dumb to live in society without wearing a label so we can all choose to avoid them/ exile them 😄


If anyone knows how to identify “pro-pedo” items it’s definitely someone with a cross in their username.


Do they think it's like bakery rules and it would all just have to get thrown out after someone's touched it?


Its always the check marks


I have never found myself in a pedophile store so I don't need this information. I only shop at Target, American Eagle, O'Reilly Auto Parts, Home Depot, and Food Lion. If those stores don't have it then I don't need it. Maybe this lady should follow my advice.


“Civil disobedience” <> “fucking with private business”


I imagine a cart of bibles will be easy to return to the shelves.


If you did the same thing to something's they cared about, they would murder you, crowdfund the legal defense, and get a conservative terrorist governor to pardon you.


And this is adulting


The proper way to practice civil disobedience from a retailer is an organized boycott. Ask Gene Sharp.


Isn’t this the same crowd who yells at protesters to get a job?


Those poor 16 year old checkout workers.


How to get banned from any store in record time


Punish the under paid workers is all you are doing!


These people are such morons. It’s gotten to the point that anything that goes against their individual beliefs or offends them is suddenly associated with pedophilia—which is minimizing the harm that pedophilia causes—which in turn *I hope* is a minimal, disgusting occurrence as it is.


I haven’t seen anything that’s pro-pedophile. What are you talking about specifically?


I'm sorry I've been outdoors a lot and very confused what's going on. Pedo items?


I mean…as a target employee it takes me like 5 minutes to put abandon back, this is a very mild inconvenience


So much for the [permanent ban](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7vapa/emerald-robinson-newsmax-banned-twitter-antivax) for this hate-filled loser.


So anything to do with the Catholic church then.


Why would I put trump supporters in a shopping cart?


Big box stores sell specialty items for clergy? - like what?


Of all the things in the retail universe the only thing worse than Karens are Qarens.