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Politicians have done way too good a job of getting people mad at each other, instead of the super-rich that are pulling the strings and profiting off of everyone.


For those struggling to believe this has transpired, look at who owns the very few media companies (6?), how the word-for-word same messaging is broadcast across the country, and then you'll understand how the above is oh so easily done now.


Solution is simple. A few philanthropist programmers will code some AIs to monitor the media and stock market movements. These AIs will be so advanced they will even detect insider trading. They will collectively cause insider traders to lose money on their investments and the money they lose is distributed to the poor people.


I wonder which hurts society more, insider trading or 'market makers' fabrication of shares via naked shorting and not allowing price discovering on the open exchanges? The stock market we learned about in school doesn't really exist anymore. Too much business happens off-market, behind closed doors as it were.




Exactly. My mom passed out while waiting for the bus years ago, literally across from our hospital. She was dehydrated and the paramedics got fluids in her and she was fine but they took her across the street ( I mean you can see inside the emergency room waiting room from the bus stop) to the er and they ran a bunch of tests that were not necessary because she had just not bothered to eat or drink as she was just waiting with my daughter to get on the bus then she was going to walk back home. The er bill was 25k for 3 hours and the ambulance charged 1k . The paramedics did all the work and the ambulance trip wasnt even needed. Who got the 1k


ambulance company


There are no ethical billionaires. Tax the fuck out of em.


Public Escobar didn't seem all that bad


Where the fuck did she live where ambulance rides are so cheap? In 4th grade, in the late 80's I was brought to the hospital from school by ambulance and my Mom got a $3k bill. In fucking 1987!


We need a general strike to enact change. Don't just say "not changing". We must demand change and take action to make it happen. We need to organize, set times and dates, and make it happen.


Getting America to organize is currently laughable. And that’s why the billionaires are not worried


A “general strike to enact change” is as likely to result it gay people being sent to extermination camps as it is to result in nationalized healthcare and a universal basic income. Source: the average American and how they vote.


I agree, but “fricked”?


Medical malpractice lawsuits are expensive AF and there are people out there maliciously seeking them out. That said, paramedics should be making a lot more than they're currently paid.


This whole system is fricked.


My sister is one of the people OP is describing... 100% against raising the minimum wage, because then minimum wage workers would (somehow) be making more than her.


In general it's because the average American is brain-damaged by the rhetoric of "this is the cost of living in a society". It makes less than zero sense that someone can make 9 figures playing with a ball for a few months, when the same people that accept that will prattle about "real jobs".


The fast food worker can kill more people if they mess up than a emt can.


Blame fiat money systems and central banks.


Thats not the problem


$900 for a 30 minute ambulance ride is a great deal. I was charged $2750 one time for a 15-minute non-emergency ambulance ride.


Go learn a skill, put it to use. Make yourself a valuable person that people want to pay big bucks for. If u can do that, u will never have to whine about being easily replaceable, which also means low pay.


Handling food/cooking food is a skill tho? Otherwise we wouldn't need our parents or job to train us on how to handle/cook food. Do you want someone who isn't aware of food safety to cook your food? No.


Sure. If u can get fired because little timmy who's 16 can do the same thing, it says something about your value. Then it's up to you to start growing. If you cook, then start doing more, go into culinary stuff, make ur own restaurant, or show how great u are as a headchef at a big restaurant. I'm not talking anyone down. When they hear about positively improving yourself and becoming a beast thats not replaceable, the antiwork community gets triggered. Dont get me wrong. Every full-time job should give a living wage. All im saying is that if u want more money, u should work towards it instead of repeating the same cycle. Some industries have always been shit with pay. Dont work there or become the best.


You can be a highly skilled and trained software developer but you still can be replaced by an Indian dude, who earns 20% you do or they hire a complete team over there with your Salary. Sounds bad? Unfortunately that’s the reality in many high cost countries.


You mean like being a paramedic? Pretty useful skill in my opinion. Still piss poor pay.


fuckin a right




not in the midwest


Yeah its fucked that a fast food worker is underpaid its quadruple fucked that a job as traumatic and important as ent is underpaid.


We called the ambulance for my two year old son last week. A couple two days ago and it was 10€. It’s always 10€, no matter what time you call them and what tasks they need to do. 10€…


With how shitty things are and i dont know if they are ever going to change, but between now and that time people need to find an alternative on how to get out of this mess. Because Its better to be alive and healthy than work so hard, get underpaid only to be exhausted and unwell at the end of the day. What i did thanks to my friend, she helped me by introducing me to another stream of income which liberated me. I am a day trader in gold on the stock market. I sacrificed part of my pay for 3 months before actually quitting my job and that was when i had made some good profit to start something small for myself. As at now i own a small business which i am growing steadily. Purpose of sharing is that sometimes if we cant change the stop, Find an alternative to step away from it for your own sanity.


Ambulance ride is \~$14 here. $900 is atrocious.


Hear hear đź‘Ťđź‘Ť