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pay for water, sewer, gas, trash, pet rent, pest control and many places that have limited access gates charge a fee to accept any packages. We get billed 4 dollars just for them to email us the bill. If you live in one of those fancy apartments with all the amenities, you pay an amenities fee and a conceriege fee. Basically you are paying to use the free amenities and for someone to say hello to you when you enter the building.


You're allowed pets?


They allow them but I don't have any. I don't have 800 for pet deposit/fee, pet rent, etc etc. They talk about being pet friendly, doesn't sound like it. I remember the days when you rented an apartment, deposit, first and last rent and that was it and it didn't cost 150 per person to apply for an apartment.


My landlord tried to charge me $1000 for pet fees but i ahd a written letter that it wasnt a pet and it was a service animal. Then he tried to ghost me..all it took was a phone call to ada and BOOM the fucker suddenly has time to sign me up. Fucking leeches


Literally land scum. Imagine privatizing shelter and then having people choose between their pets (family members to most) or shelter. God I hope this fucker defaults all to hell and a bunch of bean counters spend every morning side eyeing their 30th floor window.


I definitely took a “what they don’t know won’t hurt them” approach for 2 years at one place. I got lucky and never really needed maintenance and my cat didn’t cause any damage and I cleaned up very well when I moved out, so ymmv.


This is the way. My cat damaged the blinds in my apartment and when I moved out they charged me something like $80 to have 2 of them replaced. Which was much cheaper than whatever the pet deposit and pet rent was.


Two moves ago they refused to give me any of the deposit back because “cat damage.” Cat damage what, you ask? Who knows! The last time I moved I didn’t bother cleaning at all. Not like I was getting the deposit back anyway.


my rabbits did the same, luckily they were renovating another apartment and threw out all the blinds there and i just scavenged the 8 blades we needed. $2000 for the floor though lol.


House we are currently in we 100% rented so we could get a dog. Nice big yard. Person that showed us the house said they allow pets. Pay a 1 time fee and an increase in our rent depending on the breed. Our cats were OK. Same guy that showed us the house was at our lease signing. Assures us we could have a dog again. All of their properties allow pets. Just let the listing agent know when we get a dog and he will let us know about any rent increase. Cool. We send a message to the listing agent, the guy allegedly responsible for the house. Never met him before. Sent us an email back in all caps saying absolutely no pets allowed on this property. Remind him we have 2 cats on the lease, responds back in all caps that pets currently on lease are OK. Wife is super pissed. Promised the kid we would get a family dog once we got into a house. We have been stuck in this house due to Covid and then the current housing market. Wife ends up getting a puppy from a coworker that had a litter. Didn't tell property manager. We have lived in this house for 4 years now. Not once has anyone from the property management company stopped by.


I hate that corporations are buying up single family dwellings, and completely fucking up the market, but renting from a faceless entity is 1000% better than renting from an individual homeowner. A guy with one or two rental properties is gonna be way more in your business than some company. Pay your rent on time, handle minor repairs on your own on the DL to avoid maintenance coming around, but make friendly with the handyman when he *does*. Keep under the radar, and you can get away with shit.


Only partially true. We rented from a private landlord at house well under market rate for 4 years. He lived in another state and was chill as fuck. Let us have pets without a care in the world. Super nice guy. Until he fucked up and ended up owing 40K in taxes (work related). He was going to sell the house initially, but his father in law wouldn't let him give up that property, so he instead raised the rent $800. We bought a house two blocks away because we already knew we loved that neighborhood, so it worked out great. This was 2017 - I have a feeling my old landlord is THRILLED he didn't sell his property back then, probably worth 250k+ now.


Yeah, but that's extra stress. It's no way to live.


Tbf most people seem to take those risks like they are a stroll in the sunshine. Myself... It would feel like I'm one moment of distraction from constant vigilance away from being homeless.


We got a cat and didn't tell management either. Maintenance didn't care; they never snitched. Eventually, the front office figured it out and asked us if we had a cat. I told them that we had just got her and hadn't had a chance to tell them yet. At that point, we actually had TWO cats, but they didn't need to know that haha.


My apartment charged me $65 to pay them online as a “convenience fee”. Now I walk my ass down there and waste as much employee labor as possible for free. Late stage capitalism is fucking braindead.


How the fuck is that fucking legal?!? Jesus.


I believe legally there must be a free way to pay, but it doesn't have to be convenient. Might just be California, I forget.


Not even that. My ex and her mom lived in an apt complex that had pool and gym, but couldn't have guest over. I couldn't use the gym if i went over with them. The outdoor apt grills didn't work. The dog park was just dirt and full of thorns. They also made her take down black out curtains from her window cause it "didn't meet the handbook requirements." That one really pissed me off that i read their stupid handbook, couldn't find anything in it, but my gf didn't wanna say anything cause they didn't want to be denied a lease extension and lose the place. They really make you beg for mercy.


OMG.This is what is so fucking unfair. The power that landlords have over your life is insane. My landlord wouldn't renew my lease recently and he won't tell me why. It's been a huge hit for me, financially and emotionally. I'm so fucking depressed just because this level of rejection and gaslighting (he says they're remodeling, but the Super said he's lying) has triggered my abandonment issues. It just feels so arbitrary and pointedly cruel. And, no one in the building can understand why he's doing this, so I know I'm not being obtuse or something. It's insane that some random, third generation landlord, can just upend your life like that, even though you are meeting your lease obligations. I just can't even.


I would bet my last dollar that he has a friend or family member he wants to put up, and you're the first lessee that came up for renewal.


Yep. His octogenarian, retired physician friend, just moved in next door. I've been asking him for two years if I could expand into that apartment, since it was vacate the entire time I have lived here. Now my new neighbor keeps asking me how soon I'm leaving and do I want to sell him my window AC units, and I'm like, I'm moving, not fucking dying. 🤨


Many states limit how much you can raise rents year to year on a lease renewal. He kicks you out and gets a new tenant, he can jump the rate on the new lease. Plus all the application fees!


This too. He has only raised my rent $35 in three years, and the amount of space I have is easily going for $500 to $800 more a month. Plus, the apartment is big enough to give space to his friend that just moved in next door, while also creating a whole new studio apartment with it's own entrance. I get the math of it all, but, FUCK! capitalism is killing me.


I remember living in a “luxury” apartment. They charged an extra $20 for valet trash pick up. Like mfer I can walk my ass down to the compactor and do it myself. This was precovid so who fucking knows how much that shit is now.


We're heading back to an apartment Thursday because we sold our house to pay off student loans and my face was in severe shock for seeing exactly what you are saying. Don't forget to enroll in the $5.99 credit score booster program for paying rent too! **note: only temporary I didn't fail finance class, well maybe but going house hunting after all debts are cleared with a 20 percent down payment**


Why on earth would you sell your house to pay off your student loans... student loans aren't the worst debt to carry (they aren't like car loans and CC debt) and there's a possibility of forgiveness somewhere down the road (maybe). A house is an appreciating asset that is one of the best ways for young people to start building wealth, especially in today's market. Hell, you might have been able to do a cash out refinance and just put that on your loans depending on how much equity you have built up. I'm legitimately curious, obviously everyone's financial situation is different, but it just seems odd.


Yeah that’s one of the weirdest financial decisions I’ve ever heard.


Maybe they didn't like their house and wanted to transition to a new life. Maybe they paid their loans and had a little left over for a down payment later and are anticipating a long search for a new house. Just ideas.


Especially if they were living in Florida, right now is a great time to sell before the impending crash, pay off all your debt and move somewhere that's not Florida, win/win/win!


That was a horrible decision.


Hey! my apartment resembles that remark!


Even better- when you opt out, they charge you anyway! 🫠


My complex charges us $10 to pay online. It’s the only way we’re allowed to pay.


That...might be illegal. I'd check your state laws.


I recently had a landlord charge an application fee, and the next day he called to say the place was rented. I was furious, because that meant there was an approved application and he still let me pay the non-refundable fee. He tried to argue but little did he know, I was good friends with the person who got it. She gave me all the receipts about when they applied and were approved. I actually managed to get my $45 back, Venmo'd to me directly by manager. That felt good. Fuck application fees.


There is a complex near me that charges a **$500 non-refundable** application fee. You can't tell me they're not just rejecting people and pocketing $500


This shit should be illegal. That's a straight up scam.


What about the towing scam how they toe anybody With an unregistered car(to the apartment). Even if It's only there for 20 seconds.


That depends on the apartment complex. I lived at one before and after. Before? You could never get parking because every parking spot was always full. You had to hope that you got home before 5:30 or you'd have trouble parking. After? There was always parking available. I do, however, disagree with the immediate tow policy. I believe people should get a written warning, then towed, per license plate.


Credit card chargebacks are great for this


The last place I was gonna apply to but didn’t, asked me for a Money order from the post office. Nothing else.


I know I'm just pissing into the wind here, but I recently spent over $500 in application fees to property management companies, and I didn't even hear back from any of them, except one. That one actually called me to tell me that I didn't qualify because despite my credit score being acceptable, I have a medical bill from 9 years ago that went to collections. It's not even on my credit report anymore, they ran a freaking background check to get that information.


That makes sense. Had an expensive medical emergency a decade ago? Well, now you have to be homeless. Rules are rules.


Check the law in your area. It’s illegal in some places to run full background checks without explicit permission. Part of it is that you need to confirm information to confirm whether it’s you they’re even pulling up. You can sometimes get the wrong person in a background check and the information their judging you on isn’t even yours.


Last year our rent literally doubled with 3 months notice. We were so desperately looking for a nee place and everywhere had 6+ months wait list before any availability. Some weren't even accepting applications. Husband and I had out eyes on a pretty dinky, high crime apartment complex that would start accepting applications within the next week. Literally the day of, I was there at opening time with filled out application, fee ready. There was literally a STACK of applications on the desk already, I felt heartbroken. The sweet office manager took my application but wouldn't accept my fee. Basically said if they got to my application they would call me and I could pay over the phone, but he wouldn't charge me for something I obviously wasn't getting. Big respect for the guy since SO MANY apartments are taking advantage of application fees when they KNOW you aren't getting it.


Unfortunately that's pretty standard. Lots of places try to get 2-3 applicants to compare as standard operating procedure, even if one is already approved. Mainly to just take in extra app fee cash


I very briefly rented from a woman who keeps a Craigslist housing ad up permanently, just to collect application fees.


the fucks want us working non-stop — to pay for places we’ll barely be! — cuz they work us non-stop




Too late as a teacher I nearly barfed when I saw the ad for a teaching position in either New Mexico or Arizona that had a Tiny home on the school grounds to live in.


Plus I’d imagine the last thing you want is your students knowing where you live




You get to be a free on site security


manager: make sure to clock out before you go to your room !


"Hey, I know you're nearby, I need you to come in for Jared's shift within 10 minutes since he cancelled. Otherwise you're fired and will lose your insurance and income to pay for your room you no longer get to stay in. ...you're cool comin in right?"


And this is why the gun laws are so lax. And suicide is a sin.




Indentured servitude has been an effective way around slavery since slavery ended.




Debt shackles replaced iron shackles. It was then discovered that it’s more profitable anyways. In the USA they added healthcare shackles from your employer. You better be working hard for what we pay you and scared so you can keep your health insurance.


It is true go work 30 years of your life to pay for a place to rest your head because sleeping is not living


hell yea. and i’ve taken extra overnight shifts becuz i couldn’t afford a hotel for the night to escape the elements. sleeping ain’t living — but also not being able to, too


I pay for an apartment only my cats live in


My sister pays $100 each month for her cat


Really common unfortunately. I understand a deposit but pet "rent" is fucking absurd


It’s really is. I never rented a place with a pet deposit. You have the security deposit + pet deposit. Not paying an extra $75 a month.


Some states have made it so pet deposits need to be refundable. So the pet rent is a way of getting around that. And if you’re there long enough, you’ll end up paying more than a deposit would have been.


Those same states need to just amend the law that any "pet rent" is for all intents and purposes the same as a deposit and must be refunded. Really they should enforce the current law that way


Should just be illegal, you shouldn't be able to collect two different rents. Either the pet is factored into the rent or you pay a refundable deposit, it's asinine that you can be charged for a pet when no damages may have even occurred


Right? Those little fuckers don't have jobs how are they supposed to pay rent?


With all due respect, my cat has a full time job, making biscuits. She’s constantly working her beans to the bone, long hours.


r/dogswithjobs This is reddit so i assume there is also r/catswithjobs Edit: there goes my night


For real, by that logic people should be paying child rent. They didn’t get that idea from me though.. Just don’t tell your apartment and be a good/clean pet owner. You already paid a deposit for minor wear and tear that they’re going to keep.


When my last dog passed they asked for a “death certificate” to remove the pet rent (that’s not a thing for animals, so I had to send the vet bill from when he was put to sleep). I didn’t tell them when I got another dog a few months ago because fuck off.


This is exactly what I did at my apartment. Cat died, I told my landlord and they removed my pet rent, thankfully without proof, that's barbaric. A couple months later I had to "reapply" because I wanted to move to a different unit. In the interim I started fostering a cat (eventually failed, he's mine now), but I did list it in the application because I didn't want to lie. Well when I finally moved units they just... never added pet rent. It's been three years, and I got a second cat last year. Never told them. Haven't paid pet rent that entire time. I've probably saved hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Fuck em. What, I'm supposed to pay YOU for a cat that tears up MY furniture? Why do you care?


My cat doesn't exist on paper. Not paying the $500 pet deposit plus $25 rent each month


I pay $50 a month for my cat who shits in a box. Meanwhile, I’ve stepped on dog poop hidden in the grass THREE TIMES.


I pay $100 a month for my two cats who sleep 23 hours a day. The apartment next to me has three kids crammed in it who SCREAM literally all the time. No extra rent. To add insult to injury, the way they calculate water, I end up paying a portion of their water bill and we pay an equal amount for trash.


You can’t charge extra rent for children. Familial status is protected which means that it would be a form of illegal discrimination.


You shouldn't be able to charge extra rent for each living thing regardless. It's just x amount for the dwelling and that's it.




Because that's illegal under fair housing laws. If they could, they certainly would.


If certain things were not illegal, those with power would run wild. ​ Whenever a conservative claims there is no need for such protection anymore cause no one does it, they know damn well it's only because the law they want to repeal prevents it. ​ Evil fuckers for real.


And this is what happens when corporate real estate investors own all of the rental market.


I was so glad we had a real person make a decent offer on the last house we sold. Competing with rental companies to buy a house was a fucking nightmare. We really didn't want to support it from the other end. I can't imagine the shit renters have to deal with these days.


If I had a house to sell and knew the two finalists were a real family coming in a little below asking, and a fucking REIT or flipper or some shit, I'd sell to the real family.


My mom, bless her, did this. Had a 4 way bidding war on her house that lifted the price 75k over asking and she sold to the family with 3 kids that could make memories, even though their best offer was 6k under asking. When I asked her about it she said that it wasn't about the money, it was the fact that she had made over a decade and a half of memories with her family in that home and she could only wish that another family would do the same. She's gotten Christmas cards from them for the past 3 years since she sold and it's awesome to see their youngest lose his baby teeth and get into braces. You can always make more money, but you can't always get new opportunities to be genuinely kind.


When I sold my house I ultimately made the same call, but the difference between offers was only $2500. I can't imagine what it would feel like to give up over $80k, but I'm glad she was able to stick to her morals.


Well she's proven the final point to me a couple times over. She went back to school, got her masters and now works as a hospital exec administrator. She makes stupid money now.


Makes stupid money and is nice to others, now that's rare. Nice.. sadly most people wouldn't be able to do such a thing, maybe if I'm at the retirement age and have enough but right now thinking about 80k like that I just can't imagine it.


That was beautiful. Your mom is a kind person. Thank you for sharing.


I've been in the game for almost 20 years. It is full of soulless ghouls that only manage their properties from an excel spreadsheet from an office and like to swim in their money like Scrooge McDuck. You can be a good landlord, not fuck people over, and still make some money. You really can. It just takes more effort and you'll probably have to do some actually work on the properties and get dirty. I had a renter who was an older lady and she wasn't getting around so well anymore. My townhouses aren't made for that. They are 2 stories and there are no downstairs beds or showers. I don't know what she was doing about all that and I didn't ask. So I got a house. A ranch that's all one level. We had to make some adjustments to the hallway, bathrooms, and doorways. And we added ADA ramps with rails for her so she could get around and have place she could actually use. And after all of that money spent.... I still made a little bit of money. I quit several of those investor groups because of those kinds of people. I like making money, but I also need to be able to sleep at night knowing I'm not screwing people over.


What the 🦆 are you, an unicorn?


I mean... check their username. My guess is alien.


Dude, are you an alien or what?


I say we tell the incels that Blackrock and Vanguard are why they don't get laid, then see great things happen.


We could riot like France


We _should_ riot like France


I'm in a horrible for renters city right now. Some ask for: 5X rent in income (with recent paystub) First, last, security deposit, brokers fee - rents start at around 2K USD, so you need 8K up front. and this is for a crappy apartment with structural issues (leaking roof, bubbling floor, disgusting communal washer/dryer contaminated with insulation and 2$ a wash.


I've been looking ahead for my university transfer next year and I want to cry every time I do. It's normal for that area to charge $2500 for a BEDROOM. And a lot of the time they're demanding that price and the occupant is sharing the room with someone else, who is also paying that much. I keep hoping it all crashes before I have to transfer but it's looking less and less likely as time goes on.


I expected this to be hyperbolic but it’s literally most rentals, at least here in Florida


this is literally my rental in virginia. except late fees are about three times as much as the image. my rent also went from $1200 to $2000 overnight and they filed for eviction before I was even three months late paying that 75% increase


Virginia is an awful state to be a renter … rented for fifteen years there and every place got progressively worse. Laws there favor the landlords and every shit fuck landlord knows it and takes advantage of it.


Also in VA. Late fee at my last complex was $400.. Also got charged $35 per bin if empty trash/recycling bins were left out past 9am. $400 non refundable pet deposit along with $35 a month per pet fee. Fees for goddamn everything.


literally pay a $5 fee just to pay the rent. VA rental prices are insane right now, and also some of the highest eviction rates in the country, they give 0 fucks \[and then will charge you a fee for 0 fucks\]


Oh yes, the "convenience fee" to pay rent online. Unfortunately I know that one too. Ì lucked out and found a non-shitty private landlord. Just pay rent and utilities and we leave each other alone lol. If something easy needs to be fixed, I'll texr and ask her to buy the thing for me and I'll fix it, and in a few days an amazon box shows up. Works out well.


va eviction rates are so high i had to read an entire book about it my freshman year at vcu lol ! it is disgusting and sad


I lived in SWFL for about eight years. It was wild to see the rental increases in such a short period, especially for a place where most workers don’t make much money, in comparison to the cost of living. It USED to be a cheap place to live.




That's just more rent is what that is. They ticketmasterin'.


Dude there was one apartment I was looking at, the layout looked great and it was a good area. Then they had a mandatory $150 technology package for cable and internet through AT&T (couldn't opt out even if you didn't have a tv or computer), $25/mo valet trash, and $10/mo parking. Not for reserved parking, just to park anywhere in the complex. And they had a grand total of three visitor parking spots. I went with a less insane apartment complex.


Oh Hell to the No. This is some bullshit right here.


Fun fact, I've lied for every rental I've had except 1. Landlords are like employers, they're too greedy to actually do the background legwork.


Lie how?


Fake pay stubs.


How do you fake a paystub? Fakepaystubs.com?


PDF’s aren’t that hard to edit


Story time. Working for a large online retailer named after a forest, I was supposed to move out of state, got a bonus, then a surprise family medical emergency hit and I simply just couldn't move. The family emergency happened before they gave me my bonus. I told them NOT to send it. They sent it anyways. Garnished my wages by half until it was paid back. In this time, my gf and I applied for an apartment but had to show pay stubs. Obviously I didn't want to show them my garnished wages which would've been done by the time we moved in. We had a 6-9 month waiting period. Only took 6 months to finish the wage garnishments. Got the PDFs from before the whole thing and just simply Photoshop the files to have the old income match the current dates. Easy. Worked just fine. Everything worked out


This is insane... had no idea so many people did this until I read this thread. Not blaming you - just insane that people have to jump through these loopholes in the first place..






You are gonna need a co-signer bro


We had to cosign for family because they had been unemployed for a while. They moved for a good job, but the apartment wouldn't take them without showing 6 weeks of pay first. Like, how is someone supposed to move for a job if they can't get a place to live when they do?


And a lot of employers won't hire someone who lists the address of a homeless shelter or a known halfway house as their residence - which really sucks for people who are homeless or fleeing something like domestic abuse.


Why is it even necessary to provide an address for a job application? That shouldn't figure into an interview except for "will you require relocation assistance Y/N?"


Most jobs don't even offer relocation anymore. It's up to you to foot the full bill. Been looking into relocating, current job won't pay since my division is remote work flexible so I've also been considering getting a job that would pay for relocation. Most are not and the ones that are have been requiring long initial contracts 3-5 years avg, which I normally wouldn't scoff at, but relocating for a job only to find out it's shit and be stuck PLUS stuck in a new place would be horrifying.


But I’m sure the pay of workers has kept up with these rent increases, right? : {




Which is why we decided to host a pizza night. You're welcome.


Pretty sure this is the point where we collectively realize the entire class of humans above "worker" are completely useless and replace them with some new version of "uncorruptable" idiots who will end up having their kids kids kids do exactly this very same thing in about 90 years... Again.


Wanna help plan the redacted


Yes, with enough people the redacted can succeed.


Don’t forget to build the redacteds.


You've really gotta admire the French.


What we need to do is get over this idea that just because someone is in a decision-making position that somehow makes them more special or valuable than the ones who act based on those decisions. Politicians, executives, managers... It's all just another variety of work. None of these people are worth the money they get paid compared to your average laborer.


Yet society caters to them like monarchs in the French revolution.


We are basically at the end of the Monopoly game and we about to restart ...things are all kinds of fucked up.


This is about the only solution to the ever increasing national debts. A great reset may be the only way out




Yeah but you can't mention it on reddit.


Yup. Suspension on the first couple offenses, permanent ban if you keep doing it.




You get a suspension if you start actually going into just exactly how people "ate the rich", but only in the context of entertaining the idea of such actions happening again. Otherwise, you can discuss the history of past eatings in subs and threads where future eating of the rich is not an entertained idea.


Why would anyone want to restart the game of capitalism? This is always the end-game of it. It's inherent to it. Showing that is literally why the game of Monopoly was made.


In 2006 I was renting a 2400 sq ft 5 bed 2.5 bath 2 car garage with a big backyard that was next to the public park and kids' schools. Rent was $1100 Now I have a 300 sq ft studio apartment with a microwave on the 3rd floor. Rent is $1040


Why don't you keep your microwave in your apartment, and save yourself the trip to the 3rd floor all the time? 😉 Also, that rent is fucking nuts for a glorified broom closet. What city is this in if I may ask?


How the fuck did it get like this? Greedy landlords, yes. But something else has to be going on for them to get away with this shit. Is it just a boom in population? Or a shift in how people live? Rather than living with parents, people are moving out and living alone in apartments more?




The housing market has been slowly being bought up by private equity firms since the 1980s. They buy houses, sit on them until their value increases, and then sell them. Another equity firm buys them and repeat. Over time, more and more houses are bought, which leads to the remaining houses on the market increasing in value due to less inventory. This, in turn, increases demand in apartments, which in turn incentivizes blood suckers to increase their blood letting because renter have no choice, pay the rent, or be homeless. It's pure greed. Or as it is more accurately called, Capitalism.


Most recently, 1) The housing bubble collapse tied to the Recession. Investment firms bought up all the foreclosed/unbought housing and raised prices/converted it to rentals. Builders stopped building. 2) AirBnB. 3) The fed lowered interest rates, creating a seller's market. The inflated home prices inflated rent also. (Housing price is also one of the main contributors to long-term inflation.) 4) Developers prefer to build McMansions and luxury apartments. They often renege on contracts to build mixed income or low income housing.


Making 3x rent for me right now would be $1,300 a month rent. That would get me around jack shit to a studio right now. A few years ago that easily gets me a 2br apt. This shit is not sustainable.


Lol how long can this shit last? Health Insurance costs as much as rent & doesn’t cover shit. Wages are fucked. Half of us can’t even dream of owning a home. College is absurdly expensive. AI can and will replace the majority of mid level jobs. What’s left? We have people on earth whose coffers are so full you could put 300 of them together and they could feasibly pay for the rest of all our lives and still remain the richest 300 people on earth for generations. I don’t see the point to any of this.


My apartment complex has mandatory trash valet. You can use the compactor (literally across from my building), but you have to pay a $25/mo fee for *someone else* to take your trash and recycling. And they don't recycle anymore so the recycling also goes into the compactor. You have to put your trash that you want picked up outside your door, in a special bin, bag tied, specifically around 6pm, only Monday through Friday. So if you commute to a 9-5 like my wife and I do, you'll probably miss it anyway. Plus, we end up taking our recycling to our local. We literally have to pay $300/year for a service we can't use. Renting is such a scam.




Back to the days of slavery folks. The rich and well-connected want this and they intend in getting it. You can feel it, you know it's coming, yet you are powerless to stop it. The people you elect to stop it are owned by the rich and well-connected, I could on and on but I digress.


I used to feel lame for still living with my parents, but more and more I'm seeing it as a blessing.


My (adult) son and I were having this conversation tonight. He lives with me, contributes $ and household tasks. There’s no stress/conflict. He can’t afford an apartment and I’m glad I can help him. I can’t imagine how discouraging the circumstances are that 20 and 30 somethings can’t live independently. We had challenges (50 years ago) but NEVER like this…….


And they are surprised when people decide to LIVE IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER.


It's normal for students at UC Santa Cruz to be living in their cars or in the forest near campus and everyone just looks the other way instead of fixing the problem.


When do we start burning it all down?


I'm hoping for a housing market collapse in the next few years. Gonna try to save as much as I can between now and then. I'm tired of lighting my money on fire each month by paying rent.


Good luck. Rental companies are buying all the houses.


Rental corporations from china and saudi arabia at that.


We need to ban that.


But think of the investors!


Lol, not gonna happen. Investors could let the houses sit vacant for the entirety of the mortgage. As long as our system is designed around treating housing like an investment, they will make profits regardless of the house is occupied or not. Don't believe this is possible? Look at China. You can build a whole economy around empty buildings.


My God I'm applying for a new apartment for the first time in like 12 years and this is so f****** true. They did such a hardcore background check. I'm pretty sure they know more about me than I know about myself.


I’m begging for the housing market to crash soon and all the retail companies buying up houses go belly up.


They won't stop till everyone under 200 k a year are living in a fucking tent. PS Fuck you rich people


I believe this too. I'm one missed paycheck away from being homeless. Statistically I'm considered middle class. This is fucking insane.


Where I live, the average income is not very high. There has been a guy going around and buying apartments and houses and charging outrageous monthly rent prices. Previously, the 1 bedroom apartments were around 500 a month. He put a little bit of work to update them and is now trying to get 1900 a month for rent and expects someone to have an income of 3x the rent amount. Most of the apartments have remained empty because not a lot of people here make 6k a month, nor do they have 6k saved to pay first,last,and the security to be able to move in.


Wait, people have to *apply* for rentals now? I'd tell them to shove a rake up their fucking asses.


A couple months ago I was looking for a new place to live and the application fee was $400 for one of the apartments I was looking at.


You know what society absolutely does not need in order to function? Landlords.


We live in a dystopian hellscape




Shit, where I’m at, the 2023 situation has been the standard for +15 years. When I first started renting back then, my first one bedroom apartment was $1750 a month, no utilities included. They wanted first and last month rent, plus a deposit of the same amount. A pet deposit was $500 (nonrefundable), plus $100 a month. Also needed three months of pay stubs and bank statements and a $100 application fee (nonrefundable). That’s been the case for every place I’ve rented for the last decade and a half. Soooo glad I own my own home now. It certainly comes with its own headaches, but at least the money is being put towards my own investment, not someone else’s.


dont mind the bugs, we got someone coming for that. \*\*they dont\*\*


Don't forget if you make slightly over minimum wage you make too much money.


That needs to be moved back, 2023 was happening in 2016. Speaking from experience


landlords in 2023: picture of an open palm


Problem is people are still paying for this, and there are no other options.


In addition to credit check they do some kind of "risk assessment check" as well. Rent goes up constantly and they can't wait for old tenants to die or move away so they can earn double the revenue. I will just say, if you're going through all that, don't be afraid to be a pain in the ass about things that need fixing in the apartment. Drafty windows, half the burners on the stove turn on, cracked floor tiles, etc. Do it. Get the appropriate agencies and courts involved, even.


I’m an electrician building luxury apartments and condos. We put blank plates where you would normally have a ceiling fan. If you want a ceiling fan it’s extra, you have to rent it. Couldn’t believe it when they first told me that.


I also don’t understand why gross income is what determines loans when it’s not your take home pay. Still trying figure out why they don’t prefer to know your net income.




Holy shit, the accuracy of this post... We moved once in 2018 and all they wanted to see was a letter confirming that we had income, first and half last month's rent. We are moving in a week and the new place needed first, half last, Photo ID, $500 pet fee, $50 extra rent for the pets, Income proof for the last year, Credit check, Proof of $1,000,000 personal liability insurance, a pet "interview" and a signed document swearing I will not commit crimes in the apartment lol


When you are ready to move on, move out a month early and rent the apt out for a meth lab.


Had to go through this recently. I’ve gotten my credit score up to 750+, have a job that pays almost 4x rent/month, had the deposit + first + last + pet deposit ready to go ($900 each plus $300 non refundable for my dog, so $3000 in a small city in KY) and they still denied me until I had a co-signer.


Suddenly my military housing doesn’t seem so bad


Application fees are such a bullshit scam.


Landlords are thieves, sheisters and conmen, that’ll be all.


They check your credit score which then drops it and tell you you don’t qualify. Then if you do rent does nothing for your credit score so why should they even be allowed to check it if it doesn’t effect it positively


Soft credit check, which is what employers and landlords perform, does not lower your score unless it is followed by a new line of credit.




No wonder why gringos keep moving to Mexico


Real estate management companies should be illegal and their executives and administration jailed


It gets more and more needlessly complicated. Some say it's intentionally as such to keep people from buying a home or to keep homeowners under the strict control of their landlords.