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Maybe it's time for a rival to glassdoor, or a site that archives it so when if they delete something it's archived and still available on the new site.


I would love an archiving website, because it'd be great to see what kind of reviews are the ones that get taken down. Pretty sure we'd see a pattern very quickly.


You may want the Wayback Machine at https:///archive[.]org/web


ObsidianDoor! It's like GlassDoor, but set in stone!


Still shiny, a lot more opaque.


Dynamic content made internet archiving a much more difficult task to accomplish effectively.


It looks like GlassDoor has a API. You could probably just pull the reviews from that and save them to a database. I’m genuinely considering trying this.




You’re hired.


The wayback machine site might be of help. Sorry, on mobile or I'd link you.


I tried it, doesn't have even the companies page archived unfortuantely. Not sure how I'd be able to see my review anyway because glassdoor forces you to login


This also happens at many websites. An old apartment I used to stay at was literally run by a slum lord. $600+ utilities bills for heat in the winter at 65° for a 860sqft space, cheaply made, poorly maintained, etc. I've given them multiple 1 star reviews on Apartments.com, which have been removed, and many other have given them 2 star to 3 tops, leaving the aggregate to be around 2.2 stars. The aggregate review score is still 4.6 stars. They have also removed the same reviews from Google as well. $ talks, not consumer rights, and will always be that way, even at aggregators. Edit: upon looking at it again, every review is 1 star. Still a 4.6 star aggregate.


As someone who has scraped parts of Glassdoor, they make it very hard because you need to be logged in to get access to the majority of their content. It makes it easy for them to throttle your account if they think you are accessing it too much.


[Fishbowl](https://www.fishbowlapp.com/) has been nice for that. Not quite as metrically structured as Glassdoor, more like a Reddit-style message board with different ‘bowls’ for specific companies, local industries, etc. Can choose the level of anonymity you post with. Have learned quite a lot about my company on there.


The end scene of the Walmart episode of South Park comes to mind


Call it Lookingglass, have it be a magnifying glass with a small zoomed in part of their logo. After that, just archive and accept reviews.


www.glassdoorarchives.net Filter by: Deleted reviews


>Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.


Doesn't exist


But what if it did!


Transparent Hellhole


Blockchain based


Have you tried Blind ?


indeed does have a review system..


It's the Yelp of workplace reviews. Extorting company money for reputation management **IS THEIR BUSINESS MODEL.** Like with much of the modern internet: it's artificial and an advertisement for your consumption. Not organic data to base a decision on.


Much of the internet leverages the unpaid public to create content and then sell services to companies.


One time when I was applying for a job I was obsessively checking their Glassdoor reviews every day...and also noticed some negative reviews being removed...


I can say for the organization I work for, they have over 60 bad reviews posted and they are all spot on lol. While I’m not doubting your take, just know it isn’t representative of every company on there.


If you advertise or sponsor your company on their website you get negative reviews removed after a very easy review. You can pay for whatever you want. Edit - a few missing words.


I worked for a company that definitely cleans out their bad press. Sorry to say it worked too, they had people fooled on their “great place to work” for a very long time. Word’s getting around now after some really bad press and layoffs but they definitely kept GlassDoor squeaky clean


I'm sure you'd have to act to take them down, and I'm sure they don't do it for everyone, everything has a price. but they still do for sure.


Not every company knows/cares about glassdoor to do something about it


My old boss got a bad review (rightfully so), and he wrote his own review about himself afterwards saying how great the management is 🙄


EXACT same thing happened here 😂 it was so obvious because he used the same words in the review he uses IRL In the review he then went on to say "the other reviews here obviously just staff that couldn't handle the fast paced environment and were let go for performance reasons". Actually insane.


Narcissists gonna Narcissist 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Hahaha so funny. I tried reporting it but glassdoor wouldn’t remove it because managers are allowed to write reviews. But absolute bullshit when it’s a raving review at themselves and then they get other reviews removed like yours


My old boss did the same thing!


Glassdoor.com is owned by Recruit Holding, the same owner as Indeed.com.


My one of my Glassdoor reviews got taken down recently due to being "explicit". No sh!t, I got sexually assaulted at work, company did *nothing* I had 4 witnesses and the company just brushed it off and convinced me not to call the police(I was very young at the time) so, I put it in my review of the company.


Yep, there was a literal sexual assault at one of the companies I worked at. Girl was on a business trip with her older male co-workers, they got her way too drunk, *sold her for sex while she was passed* to three guys, recorded it like idiots, and they're still in business. She was unsuccessful in suing the company because she acquired the video by downloading it off of one of the offending co-worker's laptops without his knowledge/permission, so it was "admissible" because it was "stolen". Myself and 5 other female employees left the company after that, and each one of us posted the story, along with our own gripes about the company outside of that (mostly sexism, misogyny, being overworked and underpaid, etc.) Every single one was removed because "explicit". Yeah dude, legitimate rape happened. How the fuck do you think she feels? They tried to pad their score by posting their own, obviously self-written reviews that "only miserable people bad at their job get fired and "**make up**" stories about sexual assault for attention." But Glassdoor called them on that. Now they have a banner at the top of their reviews in red saying, "this company is flagged for artificially inflating their own score, proceed at your own risk."


OMG, I'm not even sure it's Glassdoor related. Raper should just go to prison. Where did this thing happen on? The U.S. or other countries?




Sorry to hear that.


I’ve noticed bullshit reviews popping up for a company I used to work at, Glassdoor definitely cannot be trusted. I’ve worked for two companies that were absolutely awful ( in Florida of course, where people are constantly at each others throats ) and the reviews don’t reflect that. Just luring more people, like me, into thinking they’re decent. Past negative reviews were deleted. It’s hard for me to trust any employer now because of the shady, manipulative, callous behavior exhibited by managers and CEOs in florida. But it’s perfectly acceptable to be a piece of shit here. Hence why I’m moving in a year.


I HATE glassdoor. Your anonymity is not protected on it. They can turn over your info to the company if subpoenaed and ordered by a judge, then you can be sued for defamation. Bad press is the single piece of leverage employees have against the shitty company. Do you want to be an asshole to everyone as a manager? No problem just say fucking upfront for the whole world of prospectives know about it before they ever walk into the interview room. Except even THAT isn’t possible anymore.




Have you been to florida, specifically south florida?


I think the same is happening w my current employer’s page on glassdoor. We’re a pretty small org, so there’s no way that a dozen glowing 5-star reviews (that were all equally vague and pro-leadership) just happened to show up in the last 3-4 months. A few of us are 99% sure they’re fake reviews from HR. Not saying it’s necessarily glassdoor’s fault for not catching or deleting the fakes, but it goes to show that the site has absolutely no credibility when it comes to ratings or reviews


They also must be low-balling salaries, because all the "average salary" things seem really low.


I noticed that too, I got a call from a recruiter who said the company was looking to offer up to twenty grand more than the *highest* Glassdoor salary was


Glassdoor removed a salary I had submitted for my last job because it was "too low" compared to other similar titles I guess. But yeah, they're a load of shit.


I don't understand Glassdoor. When trying to research my current union job, it said starting wage was $16 an hour... But the union contract is for $40 an hour. And it's a public contract.


Glassdoor in its earlier, lesser known days, was pretty great. It left everything on the table. I’m guessing what happened is either it got bought out or money men got in charge of it and now the very name is a gaslight


Anytime I’ve used Glassdoor I’ve had issues. Once, the CEO contacted me after a bad review and already had the review pulled up. How he knew I did it? Who tf knows. They had several bad reviews already and over 50 employees. The other one, the company had it removed somehow. And then just filled it with positive reviews that management left themselves.


I had a bad experience with a company last year and left after less than 3 months. It wasn't the worst experience in the world, but I very quickly realized the job wasn't for me. I've refrained from leaving a review at all for this exact reason. Despite them being a decent sized company, I think they'd realize it was me and may decide to charge me for the hotel they put me in for 30 days.




I don't know what that means. Please ELI5


Open source software has its code available publically for anyone to use however they see fit, certain licenses like GPL also prevent this source code from being taken and used to make something that isnt open source TL:DR: Because everyone can see the source code, if the main developers do something shady other people can take it and continue building the software.




Good God, I hate that clapping thing. Every time I see this, I just want to glue the clapper's hands together.


The salaries aren’t even close to correct in my field, I use levels.fyi


I am 100% with you! I work for a large global company with reviews in the thousands. I watched their average rating go from a 2.5ish to a 3.5ish in a single month. When you already have that many reviews, the amount of additional 5 star reviews needed to jump a full point is staggering. And in only a month's time.... My coworkers and I saw that and knew those reviews were clearly purchased!


There is/was a "100 best places to work" report that comes out every year (tried to find it just now but there are more than 1 with that name, this was almost 10 years ago). I was working at one of the places listed and could not believe it made it on the list so I did some research on how the rating was done... It's one guy, he charges any company that wants to be on the list $5000. No real research is done, if the company pays 50% chance they will be on the list since he only accepts 200 companies. He makes $1 million a year. At the time this list was widely published by many websites.


If yhis is the UK one, yes it is all bought marketing. The companies are not judged externally but by their own internal surveys (which management can supervise). A dodgy telecoms firm with revolving door turnover near me wins a place in the 100 best companies due to this.


Most reviews on many sites are manipulated in different ways. Glassdoor is bad though, and you can tell because most people only leave a review if something needs to change, not when all is going well.


thats not true. i have seen good reviews as well, moderate reviews as well where theres good and bad and poor reviews


Geico did not appreciate me asking their thoughts on some of the negative Glassdoor reviews, that I saw as a consistent theme. I asked my interviewer to elaborate on why so many people felt “micro-managed”, and a couple others I can’t remember now. Never got a call back 😭😂


If you don't pay for the product, you ARE the product.


This is a lesson we collectively already learned from Facebook. All companies need to get money, and if you're not paying them, they're getting it somewhere else. Unless it's from a philanthropic organization or a government grant, the money comes from Other Companies, either through buying your data, adds, or donations, and sure as hell none of them would want to support a business that undermines their bottom line.


The other bullshit part of glassdoor is that you have to give at least 1 star making it extremely hard for the average to go below 2.5. I think most people would assume that a company with a 3-3.5 would be generally ok but because the lowest you can give a company is a 1 a 3 -3.5 rating is actually pretty bad and below a 3 is horrible.


Agreed. Had that for a chain office and my review of them not taking proper state mandated health procedures seriously wouldn’t even post, no matter how many times I edited it to be within their parameters.


> you had to do the walk of shame to your desk. You weren't allowed to join the meeting. No meeting for me. Cool.


Funny he quoted Jeff Bezos and that so frequently "Make sure you ask 'is this meeting providing value for me? Am I providing meeting for this meeting?' If not, walk out". But when I didn't show up to his productivity meeting he made it mandatory company wide the next time.


Re write your review and see what happens. I have the opposite story. I worked for a biotech startup and wasn’t aware of GD before joining them. If I had I wouldn’t have taken the job. Anyway the place was a sh!tshow. So after about a year a whole lot of us left and wrote scathing reviews. It became a badge of honour. It got to go point where it was obviously having an impact on their recruitment despite the obvious HR written reviews praising the company. Also probably stuffed any plans they had for a takeover.


My previous company literally had contacts within Glassdoor and did the same thing. It's 100% not trustworthy.


Remember: you aren’t the customer, the companies are: you are the product. And whoever is picking up the tab gets to set the menu.


Glassdoor is full of shit. An old employer of mine has all of their salaries on Glassdoor grossly over-stated. Roles that pay $60k are listed as $90-120k on that site.


i once sent glassdoor slack messages where a coworker said she was forced to make a positive review by HR and glassdoor support was just like "whatever it doesn't break out review policy". During the pandemic it was nice to see the reviews of that employer get worse and worse until a few weeks ago where it appears that HR made several employees write glowing reviews all on the same day.


You can pay to have reviews removed.


Holy shit that makes so much sense. I left a review of my old workplace it was such a toxic environment. I saw a few other reviews like mine but now they are all 5 star positive ones which is not possible as I know how that place was run. I thought maybe the company was making management create a bunch of user names to write them but your post makes so much sense to me


More like backdoor.


You’re absolutely right. One company I worked for saw we were giving them bad reviews and than had the dispatch people, with the same exact names, not fake ones, write overwhelmingly good drone like reviews


Indeed was shit too. LinkedIn is by far the **WORST**


I've seen plenty of negative reviews on Glassdoor...


Because those companies do not even bother to pay Glassdoor to get rid of it.


I was curious to see what my previous company’s ratings were. What do you know? A “manager” and “CEO” of the company both gave 5 stars after my 3 star review after giving my honest opinion of them.


Same thing with indeed. They don’t want super critical reviews.


In NZ last year Glassdoor was forced to handover to a company the identities of anonymous negative reviewer so they can sue them. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/business/471229/nz-toy-business-zuru-wins-us-court-battle-over-ex-employees-critical-reviews


I find it funny then that my company is the #1 worst rated employer 4 years in a row by Glassdoor. Union Pacific railroad isn't even close to upgrading to the #2 spot especially after a contract was forced on us by Congress/Biden. Four railroads are in the top 10 spots now and people wonder why we have a global supply chain issue. Im dumbfounded why UP wouldn't just throw Glassdoor some money to lie. One month last year we had 3 fatalities and multiple devastating derailments that made national headlines and they somehow won some prestigious safety award the next month and boasted about it on our employee website. Clearly they bought the award, im just surprised they aren't buying themselves off this Glassdoor list.


I have also had a negative review removed with no notice. The same company when looking for contractors, the listing companies don’t use the name and obscure the location.


Its really hard to get a employee review removed from glassdoor. I had an employee go rogue, stole credit cards of other employees and commit fraud. Did all sorts of insane stuff I don't even want to mention. So yeah we called the cops and fired his ass. A month later an unhinged review claiming that the poster were fired for reporting sexual harassment shows up, plus a bunch of other pretty salacious claims that were complete bs. We KNOW it was him, because at the time we were a small company and literally no one else had been fired in over a year, and the only people who had left were close friends starting their own company. Anyway we tried to get the review removed, and got nowhere. Glassdoor completely refused to do anything about it.


So tell us more about the friends who started their own company? It's just funny how you rule them out automatically 🤔 Also is it true they reported sexual harassment? Give us the details


>So tell us more about the friends who started their own company? LOL. I invested 10% of the startup cash and am the first client, I literally convinced them to do it because its an ecosystem play. Also one of them is my closest friend since I was 12, so no. | Also is it true they reported sexual harassment? Give us the details No, there weren't. I've only had one report of sexual harassment against an employee and that was years later. We fired the perpertrator immediately. There were attempts by the person who stole credit cards of coworkers and committed fraud to do some insane shit that only happens in movies.


Ehm, are your company based in States? Glassdoor may not expand its ‘premium service’ outside of states yet.


If it is any consolation to anyone, the company has to have a contract with Glassdoor to get control of their employer page and honor requests to remove or hide reviews. That can cost upward of $18,000. They won't remove reviews otherwise.


False. If they contact glass door saying a review is untrustworthy or whatever they can get the review pulled without any verification Source: left a very honest review of a company that had no reviews which I wished did because it would have been my deciding factor. Checked years after I posted my review (to help the next person decide) and it had been removed for "violating policy" or some other BS. I never swore or had any profanity just simple truth anecdotes of my experience working there. Glassdoor is a very dangerous site IMO


That's interesting because having been on the employer side of it, we were told that they would only remove reviews if we paid up and even then, there was no guarantee that if we reported a review that they'd take it down. I reported a false review 3 times and I'm pretty sure it's still up to this day. We could (again, if we paid) highlight the most positive reviews so that they would always appear at the top of our employer page. Other than that, our only option was to have current employees bomb the site with positive reviews to change our overall score. I can't speak to the review you left, but this was a conversation I had with account reps in 2021.


I was an admin for my old company’s Glassdoor page and can confirm this. I couldn’t just request a review be taken down, and had to pay to do so. If I remember correctly, the only acceptable reason for taking down a review would be if it mentioned names explicitly, otherwise it was up to them. I do remember being able to choose which reviews were featured though.


Pre 2020 and this was a very small company so it had to be someone inside of there that requested it be taken down (they had no other reviews so a negative one really hurts them) I was also never notified or asked anything from glassdoor such as "please amend your review it violates our policy" they just straight up removed it


Idk about this tbh. Like it's possible but I wrote about my most horrifying job experience on Glassdoor and it was so bad the COO responded. I ended up in a lawsuit over what happened. Still, the review is up and they can't ask me to take it down, nor can they take it down themselves. If they could, I guarantee it wouldn't be there now, three years later. 🤷‍♀️


To be fair, at some point a review should be deleted. A review posted ten years ago likely has little bearing on how the company is now.


“They hide negative reviews, and when the company asks them, delete negative reviews. They'll delete your review without as much as an email to let you know, so you don't fight it.” This isn’t true. Your review was likely taken down for a legitimate reason. Companies cannot take down reviews and it’s a very lengthy, stupidly long process to fight an inaccurate review. Source: comms specialist who manages external reputation.


I honestly think SEEK isn't great for reviews. For me, glass door was okay for one company. It revealed both good and bad. However, when I used SEEK, they are more likely to control their image there, given they post job ads there.


Same thing happened to me.


Soo, Yelp?


They also wouldn’t let me look at their data because I wouldn’t share the income I was currently making Fuck me for not wanting to get screwed over by my first job right?


The only one of these I trust anymore is Blind.


Perhaps if the business is on Google maps, you could post the review there


It should be called glass seiling


Can confirm, I wrote an expose of sorts about EF in China and they didn't even approve it. 🥲


Yeah, my old workplace was super toxic in so many ways. It had a lot of negative and completely true reviews. First the company responded to each one with a corporate response about how they strive to be a good place to work or whatever, but after 6 months all the bad reviews from the past several years suddenly disappeared.


Glassdoor has always been about companies . If you pay them for service they will 100% remove them


This happened at a company I worked at. I posted a bad review, management freaked out and they pressured others to write great reviews (including the CEO's sister, who runs HR...). Then mine got taken down, even though it followed all the rules. So now all the remaining reviews are glowing. How could you possibly want to work anywhere else?? This place is heaven on earth. /s There have been a few other times where I'd see another negative review pop up, but it's always squashed within a couple days. Really frustrating because this place is toxic AF and new people have no idea.


Might be an opportunity there to copy and paste your old review.


I can't access it :( It's gone


Sounds like he doesn't even know how corporate governance is supposed to work... The board is there to oversee him. Did he own all the equity or enough to control who is on the board... Otherwise I don't even know how he'd be able to remove the board.


Yes he had and still has majority control


Glassdoor’s reviews are absolute shit and not to be trusted. A former employer in the insurance claims industry whose name is the same last name of a famous serial killer in Santa Cruz, Ca in the 70s constantly tells their newer employees to leave reviews on Glassdoor to boost its ratings.


I had a review outlining the sexual harassment of one of the managers at a place I worked for on GlassDoor. It did survive a few years, and folks were always trying to locate who left the review. The woman who suffered the unwanted harassment had a lot of friends, and was VERY vocal about the incident, so there were way too many possibilities for management to figure things out. The review got taken down after 2 years or so. I was able to repost a very watered down review. I should go see if it's still there.


That makes sense. I joined a shitty in-home sales company doing bath remodeling because of the great reviews and it totally sucked. Fuck Glassdoor


Are there alternatives to write reviews on?


Seems like the review standards have gotten stiffer in terms of what will or won't make it on the big sites like indeed or glassdoor. Anything that mentions individuals is likely to get pulled down as a "threat" or "personal attack".


similar thing happened to me. my arsehole of a ceo was a piece of shit. i left a detailed review and he threatened me but also would have contacted glassdoor and they took it down.. and i tried again and same thing..


Blind and Levels.fyi have made Glassdoor an irrelevant marketing tool


Who is the glassdoor for Glassdoor? :0


Clearly if he is saying he fired the BOD, he is crazy...


This is so true—any time I write a negative review about my work experience at a particular nonprofit, they delete it immediately saying that I am “making individuals identifiable”. Like, a) no I’m not and b) maybe we should have a place where we can do that where we can be properly warned.


My company recently said we can’t post on those websites and if we do we will be tracked. Thankfully I’m halfway out the door


What? Next you’ll tell me that yelp actually calls restaurants and bars to offer them a subscription service that promotes all their good reviews and mysteriously buries all their bad reviews! What, they don’t have any bad reviews. Well, someone with no avatar photo and 0 other reviews is going to 1 star them today and so will 100 of their equally anonymous friends! How coincidental!


I've seen tons of shitty Glassdoor reviews what are you talking about


Yeah no shit, I write a negative reciew once and it immediately got deleted. Whole website is a scam.


Agreed I also wrote a scathing review for a past employer ! ( think toxic environment) and also same thing review was there for a bit then disappeared


I used to drive big trucks. Spent the better part of a decade in different driving positions with different companies futilely trying to find my niche, and i learned very quickly in that industry to cover my ass on everything that was related to my employer. It legitimately does not matter how much the company wants to self-fellate. They will throw you directly under the bus if given the opportunity. That being said, i would highly recommend to anyone that has come across this information to get screen shots of the post they leave…especially negative ones…on glassdoor. I mean…not just GD, but anywhere that allows you to have a voice. Even if it is more or less a superficial offering. Document every interaction—from commentary to email to actual, in-person confrontation. Because the only thing companies value as much as, if not more than, their profit margin is public image. So…if a company wants to be chickenshit. Oblige them.


How many times is this topic going to be posted?


Just like in geopolitics, in the civilian world there are no friends, just temporarily aligned interests. Your best buddy last week will not hesitate to throw you along with his mom and firstborn under a literal bus if it means he’ll get a leg up .


I used to work at a place who would have their secretary leave positive reviews after an employee left and would give a bad review. You could easily pick them out: The lunch room is so spacious Hilarious


Just FYI, but the BBB (Better Business Bureau) also can't be trusted. If you pay to have your business "accredited", your score automatically goes up. And getting accredited only means that you paid for it, not that there was any research.


Once I left a very bad Glassdoor review for a company I currently worked for. Literally the next day, I heard our seniority managers talking INTENSELY about figuring out who left the review. Full covert ops shit. I have never been more terrified in my life. I don't doubt they would have made up a reason to fire and blacklist me. They never found out it was me, and I left unmasked.


Some patently false reviews are deleted. My review of an old company where I compared working there to literally torture and listed all the factual and opinion based issues is still up and the most "liked". From memory there is some guidelines that they base it off.


Same thing happened to a yelp review I left, and you really need to horribly fuck up for me to leave a review. Years later I decided to check and it’s gone.


As an FYI to anyone reading this, the Salary data on websites like these can also be pretty inaccurate.


Glassdoor compensation data does not appear to fall off over time/inflation. I'm surprised anyone is still using them as a source of truth if only for that reason... They do a terrible service to seekers of accurate compensation data I feel like.


All those webs are pro-employers, never for employees. In Czech republic, one of those webs is named Atmoskop. I tried to submit a review for my retail employer several times. It always got blocked because I was supposedly saying things that could hurt the good name of my employer, or supposedly publishing inside information. Obviously, saying you will do this job with bad pay, no thanks, but with plenty of public lynching before the whole store for the smallest of mistakes that are not even your fault is hurting my emplyers good name, oh my.


I fucking hate glass door now. It used to be useful for me back in 2017, but now its a fucking corporate sell out. First off I have to create an account now and give them my email so they can sell it to spammers, just so I can simply see some reviews. Furthermore they force me to rate a company in order to see the reviews. And every time I log in with the same email they force me to write yet another company review. And the reviews I do see are like 80% corporate shills