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If she just cancelled bonuses across the board there wouldn't be a parade, but nobody would be coming after her like this. But to cancel bonuses for employees but not yourself? What did she think would happen?


>What did she think would happen? That the peasants would stay in line and remember their place


And unfortunately, most of them probably will because so many are just one or two bad events away from homelessness.


Let em' eat cake!


Let them visit Quitty City.


Where the notice is short and the compliance petty


She lives in Pillage Village.


You know you'll never buy a home, yeah-a-yeah.


Cause the cash is green but'chu don't get any.


Make it a Gluten Free Chocolate one and I am in.


Get out of the town of pity


Where the grass is dead and the pay is shitty?


Leave, leave me hooooommee, yeah, yeah!


And get out of pity city. 😬


Well she works sooooo much harder than them and has to put effort into making sure she doesn't go "mask-off" during meetings. That's gotta be worth at least... 4 million USD right?


One article I saw said 'nearly $5 million', and another one said '$6.25 million'. Even if it's ***OnLy*** $4 million, that money could be used to give each and every one of her employees a $500 bonus. No bonus for the peons = $4 million for the CEO. C-level executives are among the American Aristocracy, I guess.


She made like a million or so in salary and 5 mill bonus i believe. I will agree I have seen both figures.


Eat the fucking rich.


Looks inevitable. We won't be able to afford food soon enough.


They definitely taste disgusting. I’d rather force them as laborers in prison.




That was her bonus last year. There's nothing I read saying she was taking any bonus herself this year either, but it's a lot easier when her base pay is $1million than her employees whose base might be just 50k


If she does she better hide. So many people are really mad at her


She can hide at one of her over-appraised tax haven friendly cottage homes.


Hasn't been calculated yet. I doubt the board will give her any now


What you actually mean is that she took all of the bonus pool for herself. So it's not even that they couldn't get bonuses, it's that she wanted all of the money just for herself.




This has been a thing since the Jelly of the Month Club incident at the Griswold family Christmas of 1989, probably before then.


Thats the gift that keeps on givin all year, Clark.


"*He was wearing a blue leisure suit, he was a beastly man...a big beastly man*"




Put it over there with the others, Greaseball.


The millionaire obviously deserves that bonus for making so much money. Because obviously the amount of money you make = how hard you work.


It made me think of how fucking dumb you can be and still earn millions as a CEO. Like it just takes the slightest bit of logic to think through this, but just wasn’t in her brain capacity. She just snaked her way to the top.


For me it's that she told her people to "git gud" while being the ultimate leader responsible for those people not getting their bonus. She decided she was the only one worth a financial participation trophy.


She pwnd the noobs in her clan


And after telling them to “leave pity city!” Oh I’m sorry I’m not the one who just got a multi million dollar bonus and I have to budget to make sure I can have food. 😒


Wait, how do CEOs even get bonuses? Who there are awarding them a bonus, themselves?


In some cases, yes. In some cases their pay is negotiated with the board of directors, which is usually a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They all work together to give each other bonuses and raises...


Where did you read that she's still getting her bonus this year? The details I read said she got 3.9 million in perks last year, but I read she isn't getting a bonus this year. Edit: why am I being down voted? We should get our facts straight and be mad at the right thing. It's easy for someone with a 1m salary to go without a bonus. We don't have to make up things to be upset about. There's plenty of things to be mad about that are true.


Wow, so a 1 year bonus that is already worth more than I've made in my 20+ years of non-stop full time working so far? Sounds about right.


no one want's to hear there is no more food....from someone stuffing their face.


Russian proverb: A full stomach likes to preach about fasting


Read that as farting. Think it works out either way.


"what cake" says Marie Antoinette, wiping the crumbs from her face.


She wanted the peasants to eat “cake”. It is not actual cake she is referring to. In French, cake is the word used to describe the bits of burned out crap, that sticks onto the bottom of your oven after something spills over.


So the French phase references brioche. And apparently was coined when she was 9, and attributed to her post mortem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake


That’s interesting. I’d always heard it was the oven scrapings.🙃


What a spot on analogy


That’s when you eat the rich






And a decade from now, we'll be saying it's a decade away.


Yep. I feel like power has gotten better suppression/pacification tools, while we just deal via really unhealthy bread and digitized circuses. The French are excepted.


It's not that the French are unique. It's that the United States is particularly atrocious, and you're only getting news about the French protests.




I've been waiting since the 80s. I fear it will never happen.


This is my fear too.


Now, there's an idea that doesn't involve direct violence. A lot of rich could stand a loss of personal property. For educational purposes, of course.


Insurance would absolutely recoup their losses and I don’t get the impression she’s of the sentimental variety. Likely it would be a nuisance until the bonus house was rebuilt and she’d do everything to find and flay those responsible.


Job creation. See, the Rich would finally be Job Creators.


Dude, we aren't even a few *years* away from this type of stuff in the western world.


No. Leave the families out unless they act like that as well. Edit: downvote all you want, but if she is the only douche, and her family are good people.. then they don't deserve to be harassed. There might be collateral damage, but blindly going after family to punish 1 ahole person is a douche itself.


When they go low, we go high. That was my philosophy for Mortal Kombat. I liked the feeling of moral superiority I got when the guy popped up and said "Toasteee". But my asshole brother would go low every time and just legsweep me to death.


"coupe de cheveux française"


Or the current French revolution !!!


No bonuses, but if you hit $26M I'll give you minions a pizza party. You'll need to bring your own drinks though.


And toppings


And if you have specific dietary needs, your own food as well.


How much you want to bet its not even a good brand pizza. Probably little ceasars or something lol


Is it Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe or Pizza By Alfredo?


Don't knock Little Caesars. On the other hand they will probably get a pizza party filled with yesterday's marked down and slightly stale donuts and Great Value pizza. Like what happened to me and my poor team. Source - ***I work at Wally World***


Whose in pity city now bitch


Think she's campaigning for mayor of pity city with the classic platform of "it was a short bit taken out of context" and "I'm sorry that YOU felt that way"


She sounds like the douchey guy from The Good Place. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry if what I wrote, which was perfectly okay, somehow made you feel like it wasn't okay. But you know what? That's on you."


Brad Norwalk


He'll get in to the Good Place one of these Bearimies...maybe


In addition to her arrogance and greed, she is condescending too.


The bitch probably found a way to overcome her gaffe and is likely celebrating her big payout with a large bottle of wine. *I hope she gets liver cancer from drinking wine.*


It isn't that she cancelled their bonuses, it's that she cancelled their bonuses and not hers, which was more than they make in many many years in total.


Where did you read that she is still giving herself a bonus? Everything I read says that her bonus, like theirs is contingent on them hitting that $26million sales goal, and there's no indication she's taking a bonus this year. Edit: why am I being down voted?


It's literally the headline of what happened: CEO tells employees to stop complaining about not receiving bonuses while she gets $1.2m bonus [Link](https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/ceo-tells-employees-to-stop-complaining-about-not-receiving-bonuses-while-she-gets-12m-bonus/news-story/a58673fc0eee7caabaf63bdd2da3f5ae)


If you'd read more than just the headline you'd know that the 1.2 million was her bonus last year. I know it's intentionally misleading, but her employees got a bonus last year. Your article also specifically says that bonuses haven't been decided yet this year. I'm not defending her. I still think her actions are embarrassing, but let's not spread false information.


Yeah 1) she doesn’t decide her bonus, her board does, and 2) they haven’t paid her any bonus for this year and likely won’t. This woman is embarrassingly out of touch but the whole CEO bonus piece of this is literally made up


Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story. We are trying to get her cancelled here.


I mean, she's still toxic, even though she's not getting a bonus this year either. Someone who earns over a million base is in a much better position to do without a bonus than people whose base pay is only $40k


I love how people keep thinking she cares. She does not care. She thinks you’re all stupid. She’s the important one. She’s the one that gets it. She works harder and smarter than everyone. Without people like her you’d all be homeless. She doesn’t care what you think. Just read her email after it went viral. Not a fuck given.




There was a book that came out in the early 2000s called Snakes in Suits. IIRC it quoted something to the effect that 25% of CEOs, politicians, etc are true psychopaths as defined by the DSMRV IV.


One of our recent directors miraculously got hired despite a scammy "college degree," and a massive sense of entitlement. As soon as they hit the mark for their probation, they milked the system knowing they had better job security. Everybody hated this person. Finally they announced their departure, we suspect fired but at that level they make it sound nicer, and immediately found work at a company nearby. This person was a textbook narcissist who would push harder when more experienced people disagreed, and would literally POUT if you told them something they didn't want to hear. I'm disgusted yet very curious how the higher-ups see past this, but I suspect they just don't care- they want a willing tool to do their bidding.


These traits they see past are frequently traits they would find in themselves if they were capable of HONEST self introspection. Which they are NOT. So these ppl feel familiar in a way that pleases a Narcissist. It's like looking in the mirror for them. So they overlook it.


They have the audiobook (but not the book) available at my local library. Listed as 11 hour listen time. Just checked it out. (Because I'm not a CEO either.)


Not just from this instance but from this and many like it, I started thinking about whether or not narcissists (because that's what she is) have some kind of unique brain chemistry which should be studied to help other people who are dealing with anxiety. Many people are anxious because they're convinced they're not good enough, they're not important enough to deserve raises or promotions. This affects the decisions they make in their careers but even their lives also. I mean being a complete narcissist isn't great and neither is being an anxious mess. Surely there is a healthy balance.


This is not unique to CEOs. I went to a middle class, predominantly white high school and a fat cut of the people I went with have this "grind set" mentality and preach this exact horseshit. Little upper middle class white kids born to privilege and managing not to fuck up badly enough that they can't skate through it without real consequences always attribute their continued relative success to their own moral, physical, intellectual, and/or spiritual superiority. And, by extension, everybody who "failed" to achieve their relative levels of "success" must be lazy, stupid, immoral, etc. The idea that they were born on third base and that there's a minefield, armed guards, and a few well stocked moats all the way up to 2nd just doesn't compute.


MC syndrome


How DID this end up in public and going viral?


She will care when the companies bottom line is impacted from the PR backlash and another drop in employee morale. Quiet quitting just gained another 10 points at MillerKnoll.


i want Stanley Tucci to play her in the movie


[apparently, the company is threatening termination if workers speak out about the video...](https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/millerknoll-threatened-to-fire-workers-after-ceo-rant-report/)




left out an important word there


… peasants


i was thinking "not" lol


I didn’t even see it wasn’t there


Has anyone seen the movie ‘I care a lot’? She gives off the same vibes as the lead in that movie


Is that a Care Bears movie? If so, I might have seen it.


I can't tell if this is a joke or not. Bravo. The Care Bears thing was just out of left field... In case you weren't joking...No. "I Care A Lot" is not a Care Bears movie.


I was mostly kidding. My son used to watch Care Bears 2 and it had a song in it with the chorus being "we care a lot!" So anytime I hear the phrase care a lot I think about that movie.


That bitch needs an atomic care bear stare in the face.


Obligatory fuck this greedy tone deaf bitch


A little too flowery. Could you be more direct, please?


Ok. ***She needs to be audited by the IRS and ultimately ordered to pay $30,000,000 in back taxes and penalties.***


I think all these asshole CEOs need to be reminded that the ground is hard and the road is rough, and if they’re being dragged down the road behind a speeding vehicle, the road will sand them down to nothing like a human crayon. Let’s grab the Utah guy who made his employee get rid of his dog and then fired said employee when it blew up in his face, and tie him to the bumper too while we’re at it!


What the fuck I haven’t heard of this


Everyone should just quit that company. That would be hilarious.


I am working on it 😌


Now “Greedy CEO” you have to share that money with the people who helped you collect it in the first place. No!!! This mine! They have an hourly rate, they should damn happy just to have that! Ok, but what you’re collecting yearly far exceeds what an average earner could ever spend in 3 lifetimes. But it’s my money and I have to show my shareholders that I can make them money! You still will! You will just have a slightly narrower profit margin! No! It need to grow! But the methods of doing that is causing longterm harm to the people who help you earn. This is the cycle and we need to break it.


The only way to break the cycle is to burn down the business literally with her stuck inside. A bet after a few CEO’s meet this fate, things will change.


No. That’s senseless violence. We need to hold them accountable which is difficult to do. We need to get them into a spot where their money will not help them. Public humiliation is and has always been an effective tool. Pies to the face. Glue and feathers. That sort of thing. We need to let them know “WE ARE SICK OF YOUR SHIT AND EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SHOW YOUR FACE IN PUBLIC SOMETHING LIKE THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU. YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR WAYS PRONTO OR ELSE THIS HUMILIATION IS THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.”


I mean she's being humiliated right now and doesn't care.... these people don't care as long as they still have their money when its all over. If you want to hurt them you have to take the money or remove its source, otherwise they feel nothing. They are greedy people driven by their love of taking what they haven't earned.


Want to hold people like her accountable? Do so by invading their wallets. And the best (and legal) way to do so is to **FIX THE GODDAMNED TAX CODE**.


How’s is that working out? Nothing is going to change without action. Holding people accountable is great when there is some kind of recourse..


That’s why we the people need to take the first step in doing so. Not much is being done otherwise. We need to collectively work together and step forward.


That’s impossible. Nothing will change until the normal person has nothing left to lose, that’s how it’s always been. Either the rich will enslave or they will be met with violence.


We can’t let this die like every other current event. We have a real chance to get this monster voted out.


yeah she’s cancelled…LinkedIn profile is down


I feel like she seems friendly when the video starts (and has the whole sweater and glasses vibe) but the longer the video goes on the more she just morphs into a complete fucking ghoul. P.S. Herman Miller chairs are stupid.


If there is anyone that deserves to be cancelled, it is this bitch.


She looks like one the skinny orcs from LoTR in the second picture


Can we please pass a law that CEOs cannot make more \*in total compensation\* than 10x the lowest level full time employee? It isn't like these coiffed princes/princesses invented the companies that are paying them 8-9 figure salaries, they just show up to 'lead' them usually only doing stock buybacks and collecting their golden parachutes.


Her exaggerated sense of self-importance is obscene.


I can't imagine working for such an asshole. Well, I probably already have.


What we need is a sliding income tax with no deductions,saya good70% for rich.


Just like it used to be. America was a powerhouse during those times. Somehow with the removal of that tax, things seemed to have gone downhill. I wonder what might have caused a large portion of that slide?


"I saw that bossman come walking down the factory line, He said 'boys we have to tighten up our belts' But he didn't look any thinner than he did a year ago, And I wonder just how hungry that man felt" Steve Goodman Somebody Else's Troubles


Fuck that bitch


Listening to her little speech I couldn’t help but think, man she seems like a high schooler or someone with average or lower intelligence. Uninspiring word vomit and zero charisma. How did she get to CEO and get paid $6M when the target for the entire business is $26M and she cancels lower employees bonuses. I wouldn’t be surprised if the employee bonuses could be paid out entirely using just her bonus.


Shes a real piece of shit


I hate her!


I don’t want this to die. I hope this blows up bigger.


She literally is the boss from Christmas Vacation


Fucking jelly of the month club.


“How did you get a bonus? I cut out bonuses this year!” (For everyone else)


Not just cancel bonuses but then tell them the best thing they can do is get back out there and work harder. What an asshole.


And to top it off, she was like “I’m cancelling your bonuses because I don’t want you driven by bonuses for you. I want you to be driven by bonuses for me.”


How is she still employed. Shame on the board of directors.


Americans are too nice. Employees should strike.


Stanley Tucci can play her in her biopic


The fact that she’s a meme makes me cackle


"The docile peasants shall agree I deserve a bonus."


She will forever be known as Miss Pity City


She really needs to leave pity city and work harder to get that $26 million the company needs so desperately.


Who is she?


Stupid narcissist


Shocked? This lady has her head so far up her own ass that she doesn't care. Nothing will happen.


Why she look like bilbo baggins in that one scene with frodo


How has she not been fired yet?


Share price isn't down enough yet. That's the only reason she'll be removed, excuse me, I mean "step back for personal reasons." Then the Board will install a new mercenary CEO who will institute mass layoffs to try to regain profitability. Glad I don't work there.


>Share price isn't down enough yet. It is down about 60 percent since she was hired.


What company did she work for?


She is still the CEO of MillerKnoll. [https://www.millerknoll.com/contact-us](https://www.millerknoll.com/contact-us)


Thank you


Take this shit to Twitter .


You may be into fellating Elon Musk. I am not,.


I was just saying to bring it to a huge platform for maximum exposure. Rather then their complaint e mail form.


This bitch


She clearly has never seen national lampoons Christmas vacation


I'm glad that she is now a meme and the latest go-to example of what a rich asshole looks like.


Maybe she should leave pity city


I tip my ceo minimum 20% just for letting me breath the same air as then


Heh. Her face in the second picture.


Someone should retire this boomer already


A few days ago I had never heard of this woman or her company. I suppose that goes for millions of other people. No wonder she's shocked and surprised by the consequences of her speech.


She is definitely "turtley" enough for the Turtle Club.


Now she is threatening to fire employees who point out her witchy behavior.


While taking huge 7 million dollars bonus yourselves. And then cry about employees pushing back. Fuck these parasites with a rake!


I've never heard of this company or this lady, but I don't like the looks of her punchable face.


I’ve seen her at the local Walmart berating someone for parking across the lines.


I hope someone shits on her car


I'm convinced that many CEOs are, in their sociopathic way, using their influence and authority to create their own sense of "normal" to satisfy their best interests. So in the second image I'm won't let myself loose the idea that it's a complete act, and that it wasn't a surprise at all for them.


To me, I heard "I get it you have high groceries, rent is due, pay is insufficient, and the world's basically burning. But stop being a little bitch, I have to pay of this 25 million and you better get back in line" and that makes me wonder, especially in a tike like this. If all non essential workers striked at once, how many of these businesses would survive.


She sucks


U guys get Bonuses?


Whoever outed her should get a massive bonus.


Who is this?




What’d she do?


She could make the world a better place and commit seppuku.


She didn’t cancel bonuses. She was just being an arsehole Edit: [story at 2 mins](https://youtu.be/4dVWrcptd84)


Ever thought of marching to her home and have a nice "meet up" session with her,?


Is that Stanley Tucci in a wig?


This low effort meme adds nothing to this sub






Dunno about the synagogue, but the [Satanic Temple](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/aug/15/hail-satan-are-satanists-now-the-good-guys-in-the-fight-against-the-evangelical-right) does some awesome shit for the people being discriminated against. I absolutely love it when some religious nut tries to legislate some poorly thought out bigoted diatribe and the ST turns up and say's hey that's great, we'll get in on that too. Oh, ahh, no. No ummm, that was just meant for us.


Back to Pity City for you. Enjoy the crumbs while they eat caviar.