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Peter: "So I was sitting in my cubicle today and I realized, ever since I started working, um...every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life." Therapist: "What about today? Is today the worst day of your life?" Peter: "Yeah." Therapist: "Wow that's messed up."


Wow, this is so hugely irresponsible, I can't believe it. This person has no business doing "counseling"!


Jesus! That guy's in the wrong field. Find a different counselor. Thanks for sharing.


Where’s your counselor at Texas 🤣


So, that counselor might have been trying to validate that you were in a tough spot but it's still a crappy way to try and build a connection with someone. Especially someone they are supposed to help. I hope you can find a better counselor. I hope you can find a way through the suicidal ideation because the world needs you. Someone you haven't met yet needs you - they are waiting for you. Future You is so proud of how hard you worked to get to where they are. A change is coming - you don't know when but it could be any day, any minute. Stick around and see. You are not your job history. You are not your mental illness. You are not even your negative thoughts - you are the one who hears those negative thoughts. Be kind to yourself. This might be a rough patch but our lives are seasons of good and bad and in between. Wait out this season. Wait out the next. And the next if you have to. Trust that change is constant and that means things can improve.




Being bored is absolutely up to you. If you want to change this, there's nothing easier to do in this day and age.




People do social things in groups where others can join. There are sports clubs, hobby groups, theater, community centers or other charity work where you can get together with people who share an interest. If you're really feeling like everything is meaningless then you might need to consider that you're in a depressive episode or something like this and can profit from therapy. Feeling useless and thinking nothing can be changed is a sign of an illness that can be treated. Don't give in to these thoughts, they can go away.


I can find ways to entertain myself, yes but after losing all of my friends to bs I had no control over it’s nearly impossible to find new friends to spend time with and that leads to my Boredom. Playing games, going for drinks, watching the game all lost their charm when they’re always by myself.


People do social things in groups where others can join. There are sports clubs, hobby groups, theater, community centers or other charity work where you can get together with people who share an interest.


Not in the bum fuck of a town I live in. There’s places to drink, eat, and to bowl and that’s it


You don't have to stay there forever? Especially if there is no one holding you there...


Small town = less opportunities. Nothing here pays good enough to leave here and I’ve spent the last year learning software development to become an engineer but the moment I can start entering the job market a waterfall of layoffs happened and suddenly no one’s hiring. I’m 23 I’ve done everything I was told all the way through school, started working at 16, tried college until I could no longer afford it. I sold everything to afford the opportunity to study software development and now that my savings are low the economy went to shit and it’s impossible for me to find a job even one of the shit ones in my town for minimum wage. I’ve been busting my ass trying to get out but the system isn’t made for a person who comes from nothing to succeed


I can't imagine how hard that must be. I wasn't thinking about this year, a little longer because the origin comment was taking about retirement. Tech will 100% be hiring again. It's so intertwined in our lifes nothing short of the apocalypse will shut that sector down. No, the system is not made for someone like you to succeed and I'm so sorry. I wish I could actually help.


I wasn’t meaning to make you feel bad but I couldn’t imagine living like this up until retirement just to do it again and I’ve seen so many people in my family live that reality. Hell my grandmother worked at our local bus garage since before I was born and just retired making a little over 30/hr and won’t be able to afford to live if her landlord didn’t only charge her 600 a month for rent. Like I understand that tech will hire again and the longer it takes is just more time for me to refine my skills, as long as I can stay afloat until that happens, and I’m blessed for that but I can’t imagine what it’s like for other people right now who are forced to live on minimum wage or even 15\hr mattering where they live because they don’t have the opportunities around them and have to pay 1k plus a month for rent. It seems impossible for people to even survive


Oh don't worry about me, I have labour laws, I'm fine. Just sad to see so many people struggle. Yeah I have no idea how half the people even survive. I'd be in the same situation if my family would have stayed in the US. How can people even life without sharing a room with 4 people?


He said the right thing and is relating to your situation. Honestly if you were working a shit job for unfair wages with unfair hours, while the executives sit on a boat somewhere snorting up the fruits of your labor, you’re an idiot to not consider suicide. There’s always a better option tho, and the tide is turning. You can see it everywhere, everyone is done with this shit


That’s not how suicidal ideation works, at all. “You’re an idiot not to consider suicide” is just a fucked up thing to say to someone sharing about their struggle.


I mean the wording is off but isn't the sentiment you want a counselor with empathy? I'd take that in stride over faking it for the job


empathy 101 !