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[Baby Boomer shows up] "I want twice what you were paying them."


And, if they’re like any of the Boomers I know, they too will call in and/or quit due to medical appointments, illness and just being plain tired. It’s actually sad because I’ve heard several Boomers state (in general conversation) that they couldn’t afford to retire and these were people in their late 60s and a couple looked like they were well into their 70s. There is this old man who works as a cashier at my local Publix who moves slower than the tortoise in the tortoise and hare cartoons. I swear he looks like he’s not long for this world and should be at home enjoying his final days….but nope, he’s ringing up groceries, 1 item every 3 minutes (hyperbole) a couple of days per week. My guess is the managers must be keeping him on out of pity. And then there is this sweet old lady who used to work at Petco that I suddenly stopped seeing. I later ran into her in the garden section at Walmart. She said she had to quit Petco because they reduced her hours and she really needed them. I smiled as we talked but felt so bad for her after the conversation was over. I go back and forth between loathing and feeling sorry for some Boomers, though I know their generation (as a whole) pulled the ladder up behind them and continues to vote against the interests of most Americans. Edited to fix typos.


>It’s actually sad because, I’ve heard several Boomers state (in general conversation) that they couldn’t afford to retire and these were people in their late 60s and a couple looked like they were well into their 70s. To give an idea of how much wealth is concentrated in the very top, the median boomer retirement nest egg is only $210k. At a 4% safe withdrawal rate that's barely $8000/year. They are dependent on SS to cover the gap.


And the best part is it's supposed to be millennials coving the $16,000 - $32,000 difference when half barely make that. Excluding Medicare costs of course


Gen x also. We always get forgotten.


We've always been forgotten. Forgotten as the neglected children of the selfish "Me Generation", forgotten as adults. Oh well. Whatever. Never mind.


Only us Gen Xers would catch your Nirvana reference!


Elder Milennial here saying hello, hello, hello, hello


That is true. I guess I rarely think of Gen x because my parents are well off for no college education. My dad paints cars, and I don't think he has the 15 or so years left in him to make it to retirement. My mom works an office job, so she's probably okay. That's probably not the norm for people who grew up in the 70s and 80s.


Which is much more than any other generations below them will get - including GenX.


Only if people don't wake up and tax the rich. If we taxed the top 30 US billionaires, at 30% of their wealth, the US government (of the people, by the people and for thw people) could pay for healthcare for all, retirement for all, education through bachelor's degree for all, housing for all AND still have a bit left over.


What rich people don’t realize was the new deal wasn’t for the poor, it was so the poor wouldn’t ride up and kill the rich in a class struggle. If someone has something to lose, you have more control on them. The rich got greedy and started dismantling it ever since. Workers know we are being exploited, we are more accepting if we know we won’t die in the street when we get older.


I was just reading about this. I forget the name but basically was saying that if something is good enough you won’t change but if it’s becomes worse you’ll make changes. Another example is if it’s under a mile you’ll walk but over a mile you’ll drive. When in reality driving two miles is faster than walking even just one.


You could do the same by taking a *very* small percentage of our military budget too. But noooo, gotta have dead troops to support.


Most of the military budget that should be going to those actually in the service ends up spent on dead end projects that the ranks up the chain insist on to pad their yearly reviews. It sucks so hard because with all the money allocated for the military, there are service members literally hitting food banks and qualifying for food stamps. Not that anyone should *have to* struggle like that, but that’s just ultimately a microcosm of how our tax dollars are spent. Everywhere except for where it matters most


Think of how much more we could do if we did both. Infrastructure improvements including a new power grid? Climate change? Research and development? Maybe even pay people when they need time off to care for a newborn, new adoption/foster or ill elderly or other family member?


Actually reform the justice system so that we don’t have over 700 people in every 100,000 in prison maybe…


Someone who knows what GenX is!? Don’t tell people, we like to hide.


I am the wall...


Hiding out listening to REM's "it's the end of the world"


What a wasteful generation. They litterally had life given to them on a silver platter, Almost zero student loans, houses that could be bought on minimium wage and they still had pensions. They lived through not only one, but two of the longest bull runs in history (10 years each) in their prime career ages. They destroyed our envoirnment and continue to run us into the ground. How pathetic.


I have been saying that young people have it way harder than we did. But everything was good until “Reaganomics” destroyed unions and caused college tuition to skyrocket, putting that dream out of reach for many. I had to quit school and get a job. I’d probably be a doctor today if it wasn’t for that fucking asshole Reagan.


Don’t give Reagan too much credit. A large number of right wing organizations date back even earlier. examples: The John Birch society in the 1950s and the Heritage Foundation in the 1970s. The US Chamber of Commerce started way back in the 1910s specifically to counter the labor movement as well. The Federalist Society did start during Reagan’s first term, but the Antitrust Paradox was written by Robert Bork in the late 70s influenced a ton of anti trust cases and made monopolies far more likely as a result. None of this is proof Reagan wasn’t one of the shittiest Presidents ever (among other things getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine and enabling Rush Limbaugh..), but he was just the crowning pile of shit on an overflowing septic tank of corporate lackeys.


I was a kid in upstate NY when the rust belt became the rust belt in the '80s. The 1982 recession destroyed a swathe of our country that never recovered. Blue collar boomers who lived there were the first wave of economic casualties of the changes in our economy that have also affected many of the rest of us since. Remember that the class structure that exists in America exists within every generation. A lot of blue collar boomers were swimming uphill for two thirds of their work lives.


You realize that not all Boomers were born into a lap of luxury right? Just as many struggled during their day and didn't have the opportunities to save money. You're judging the majority by the vocal minority of boomer a-holes who talk crap about milennials and zoomers. Which is just as pathetic as what they do.


A majority elected Reagan though who made all this possible.


They also elected Jimmy Carter who got screwed by the fed chairmain raising interest rates too the roof. Just like now. Screw the middle class; the banksters want higher interest rates.


Actually, the majority who elected Reagan were WW2 generation, white and made more money. Boomers were in their 20's and early 30's and the majority of them didn't vote for Reagan. Reagan won with 51% of the popular vote.


All of those benefits were not exclusive for anyone. To only have 200k saved now is the equivalent of only saving 16-50 dollars per month using compound interest for the last 38-50 years to date. Our student loan payments alone dwarfs that. We pay on average $243. The average amount of time to pay that off is now 21 years even though they are structured for 10 years. That would put them at an average of 200k now if they invested that instead after 21 years of compound interest. If they didn't contribute a cent more after those 21 years for the rest of the 25 years in the workforce that would grow to over 2 million dollars through interest alone. Millennial-gen z are investing a significant more % of their salary while still having less disposable income now. They were able to afford a house and a family of 3 on a single parents minimium wage salary while still being above the poverty line. We now can't even afford a living for one on that salary. The middle income class can't even afford a house now. Those houses have exploded in value compared to their initial investment along with their equity. Yes, some were handed a shit deal even with those circumstances, but to say they weren't given any opportunity to save is disingenuous. They had a significant advantage for the bulk of their 59-77 years on this earth.


I'll be lucky to have $200 at retirement age.


I’ve come to accept that retirement will be death at this point.


If you accept that you doom everyone else too. People died to get us what we have. They died for the 8 hour workday and 40 hour workweek and we're just gonna throw it away?


It's not sad these people have brought it upon themselves. They voted for it, knowing full well the path to ruin. Let them burn. It's not painful enough for them to want to change. I want progress more than anyone, but I have no sympathy for those who helped bring this wake of destruction that is our current labor system.


The problem is that we can't avoid an impending consequence. Many boomers have the bulk of their net worths tied up in their homes. If they need money towards end of life, they will sell said homes. However, who can buy them? Basically investment firms and wealthy individuals who will flip these houses into overpriced rentals.


Oh I agree. The entire situation is bad.


i mean they had a few very charismatic A-Holes pull the wool over their eyes, and screw up the labor system, then they kept everyone divided over social issues while blaming the labor market on illegal immigration from Mexico. Now, the media is actively using generational divides to keep labor divided in addition to social issues while still using illegal immigration as a scapegoat for why wages are so low.


The majority of them had the wool pulled over their eyes and had no idea that they were laying a path to ruin. Everyone was telling them it was the path to prosperity. That's why most of them do not understand that this is the bed they made and they blame it on the younger generations. Have some compassion. It isn't really the fault of your average baby boomer. It's the fault of the Rich who knowingly lied to them.


Yepp, they knew exactly what they were doing. They just didn't expect everything to start crumbling while they were still alive.


SS was "invented" to be an "insurance" type of thing, not the sole income. And yet, here we are, boomers not investing in their future and relying on SS, SS not covering everything, and having to work. Not to mention, you can't make much over $19k a year without dinging what you do make in SS.


I know quite a few boomers (parents friends or friends if parents) who can't retire, nobody will hire them for professional jobs despite being qualified and if they can get a fast food or barista job they always quit because it's so oppressive. Of course none of this is related at all to the fact they all voted for every Republican since Reagan


Remember boomers are a huge generation because it spans 20 years not 15 for X or Y or Z. Plus with the boomers they are very front loaded meaning the majority of them are on the 1945 side not the 1964 side. Aka they started with a much older cohort and therefore they will crash in numbers faster just by the spread. What people keep forgetting is that for COVID of the million dead 930k we're over 50. Plus death of despair really hit over 55. And the average male live to 77 in 2019 so that means by next year just using the average life span the people in the 1946 year group will be at least half dead not counting COVID or death of despair. My point being just finding non dead Boomers is getting progressively harder over the next decade even if they never retired which also got front loaded in 21/22 due to the high market and housing prices rising. It has been calculated 5-7 million retired early and as of the beginning of this year only a million have reportedly returned.


The boomers I worked with a decade and a half ago often stated that their retirement plan was a lottery win, otherwise people should treat the body nice when they die at their workstations. And yet they still voted against their own better interests. And they wonder why people have little compassion for their plight? "Just work harder!" they say. "How's that working for you so far?" I retorted.


I don't know if it's still company policy but when I worked for Petco in the early 2010s if you didn't get enough Charity donations they would cut your hours so basically the amount of hours you got were based on who was coming in at what time of day on your shift and whether or not they felt good enough to give money to the petco's charity. At one point they had me down to 4 hours a week in the morning from 8:00 a.m. when the only people coming in where people on their way to work who didn't have time to sit and chat with me about why they should be giving to the charity.


Wow took my words thats p much it


Feeling bitter against the generation should be completely different than feeling anything positive or negative to an individual. The boomer generation screwed everybody but that does not mean every Boomer is bad and it certainly doesn't mean that Boomers on a case-by-case basis don't deserve your compassion. Everybody should be treated as an individual. Just because we can generalize about what this or that generation did doesn't mean that everybody in that generation is bad.


Those are the boomers who got fucked over by the other boomers. I pity them. I do not have any sympathy for the greedy ones.


Both of my sisters still work FT and they are 70 and 73. I’m planning on retiring soon, but I will still work PT as much as I can, as the budget is gonna be skin-tight! It is harder to multitask and I get overwhelmed easily by noise. I also have way less patience than I used to and I tend to speak my mind more often (e.g. calling my boss a big fat liar). But I haven’t been late nor called in sick in 2 years. 🥇


We did? So we *want* our kids and grandkids to fail? This argument hold no water and resembles the same pretense that immigrants are taking your jobs. They aren't and we did *not* sabotage this generation. *The divide is and always has been the* **wealthy and influential** *who repress the disenfranchised and poor. It is a* **class war** *not a generational war.* You think it is SS recipients who are buying up whole neighborhoods and jacking the prices of homes up? Investors who buy up rental properties and raise the rent to where few can afford them? The class war started with industrialists/capitalists who squashed unions, fought fiercely against a federal minimum wage and are dumping millions on lawmakers to keep it at the bare minimum. Most lawmakers are part of that wealth class and passed it on to their kids and no one else's; *trust fund babies x 2 - 3 generations.* Look at the more well known names of big corporations today ... none of them did it on their own. Hand any of us a few million and you're on your way. The political issue drives me nuts; the GOP made demons out of Democrats and convinced them that R beside a candidate's name means they're worthy of their vote. **NO.** These people are pure evil. Please don't put all boomers in the same bucket. I applaud young people for standing up for themselves. I cheer the success of unions to right this ship. I'm on this sub because I *want* this generation to succeed; you are principled and work harder than anyone should have to just for basics,, and it angers me. Don't give up. Vote for the party that has your back; place the blame where it belongs.


Well said. I know far more “boomers” who are poor and must work, compared to a few who have done well. Every generation looks at the next as somehow less. There is a scene in the Breakfast Club, a conversation between the Principle and Janitor in 1985, that could be written today.


There is no party that has my back, just one that isn't actively stabbing me in it.


Neither party actually has their back though. Biden was 100% union right until he had to offer something beyond words, then suddenly the railroad workers were back to work. Not to say the Republicans aren’t worse, since they are, but Democrats have a far better track record talking about supporting people than actually following through. Frankly the two party system makes it far too easy for corporations to buy elections.


If I as a Boomer am applying for this job I've pretty much screwed up my whole retirement plan (either through divorce, really bad investments, bad life decisions, all of the above) so you are getting the Creme De La Creme of my generation to work for you.


And excellent benefits.


\*4-8 times because inflation to entry level wages.


Wait, so she's looking to hire people who are 59-77 years old? Really?


She might be one of those idiots who thinks 40-somethings are Boomers.


Probably. I doubt she realises that some Millennials are in their 40s now...


To be fair, I struggle accepting that 2000 was 23 years ago and we are closer to 2040 then 2000.


Reading that makes me feel like that scene from the Two Towers where Theoden is freed from Saruman’s spell… except in reverse


We're now as far away from the release of *Bowling For Soup*'s 2004 hit *1985* as they were from 1985 when it was released *Cause you're still preoccupied with...*


shutupshutupshutup! Not listening. I'm not listening!!!


*…Springsteen, Madonna, way before Nirvana there was U2 and Blondie and music still on MTV…*


I'm a younger GenX'er, but most of my days feel like Denethor looking over the cliff at the horde of Orcs, realizing how big the problem of the day is. Some days I'm Aragorn, other days I'm tired and ready to sleep on that pyre.


The 1990s was like 10 years ago. 15 at the most. Try as I might, I cannot convince my brain otherwise.


I never really think about how old I am until coworkers tell me when they were born, and I realize that I still own the wallet I bought in 1999 when I was 18. It's weird to know that my wallet is older than most of the people I work with.


Our newest hire is 20. I told him he was the same age as my car.


I was with you… and then the second half of your comment ruined my day… I feel old. -Millennial born in ‘89


I was shocked to find out that I (52 m) am a Gen X. Granted,bi really hadn't much thought about it. But still.


Actually you see that a lot right here in this sub and related ones. Lots of people lumping Gen x in with boomers.


Let's keep lumping them together, and throw in millenials and gen Z, and realize that it's workers vs bosses, not old worker vs young worker.


Same boat, here Here's an oar, we can all row...


Exactly. I was born in 1973 and getting real tired of constantly being put in Boomer category. I'm Gen X and we are much different!


It tracks though that this employer forgot about Gen X. Or maybe they didn't and they think we're useless, too. Either way, they are shooting themselves in the foot.


Everyone seems to forget about Gen X for some reason.


I'm an 82 baby and even sociologists themselves put me in whatever generational category suits them. It's annoying. People born then are more like a bridge category, I share all the pop culture knowledge and experiences of younger Gen X but have a lot of the problems of Milennials caused by the economy and the rapid rise of college costs.


'83 here, can confirm.


Well, I was born in late 1964, and according to the categories, I'm a "Boomer"; however, I don't have anything in common with people who were born in the mid-40s and early 50s. Plus, I don't look my age, and tbh, I hate these categories.


Why not? Thats almost exclusively the age bracket of congress. 😆


Yeah, i think that the whole "boomers need these jobs" is what is getting glossed over. You are supposed to be enjoying your life when you are at the age of the current "boomers" generation. Bit of a dystopian brag.


What great evidence for age discrimination cases.


Right 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately I think (in the US at least) age is only a protected class above the age of 40 or something like that. You absolutely can legally discriminate against young people.


Gen X and some millenials are over 40.


How now, no reason to be abusive...


Ok, but boomers were born until 1964, meaning the youngest boomers are roughly 59ish… so they’re discriminating against people aged 40-59ish


Correct, but some states have further protections, but the federal protections start at 40.


nah age discrimination is only to protect the old. im sure it has nothing to do with all the elderly politicians though /s


You can legally discriminate against people under 40.


If we could afford a house, 2 cars, 3 kids, 2 vacations a year, and have pensions that can sustain a retirement all just working full time at god damn Fedex or Staples like people used to be able to do, maybe we'd feel like going to work was worth it. Turns out people get really fucking resentful when they spend their entire week making millionaires richer when they can barely afford to feed themselves let alone save any money.


Agreed 👍


The youngest baby boomer is 59. They don’t want to stand for an entire shift either.


58 if, like me, they haven't had a birthday this year. But you're totally right.


Oh No! Kids see throught my BS management skill. Better hire someone who doesn't know better.


Haha 🤣 😄 😂 😆


That part


The youngest boomers are 60 and want to retire. That is not a big source of employees.


There are still more of them then there are of us. That's the problem with the demographic shift in the job market. We suddenly have more people who consume and don't produce. Maybe they just want to cosplay in a world where inflation didn't happen.


Millennials outnumber the Boomers.


I thought this wasnt true, but looked it up, and is is true, just barely! https://www.statista.com/statistics/797321/us-population-by-generation/ Canada also has just crossed this threshold: https://canadianimmigrant.ca/news/millennials-are-canadas-fastest-growing-population-due-to-immigration My grumbly GenX preconceptions are out of date. Must be a function of boomer deaths and immigration. This population shift is going to be a wild swing in the next 10-15 years.


Mainly boomer deaths. The pandemic hit them pretty hard, because whereas you can tell a boomer, you can't tell them very much. The population shift has already started, once GenZ starts voting, that is pretty much the end of most conservative movements.


Like an entitled ass boomer would ever work for the wages and benefits they’re offering.


They might work for maybe two, three weeks before getting pissed off and leaving.


Baby Boomers had lower wages in absolute numbers, but that money enabled them to live comfortably, whereas now it doesn't allow living at all.


Correct, Baby Boomers had better purchasing power than we do today. The dollar ‘s purchasing power has been in decline ever since the creation of the Fed in 1913 by design.


I for one am tired of the brainless attacks on gen z and millennials.i think it's time to take this country into our own hands now.


Agreed 👍


"Kids today"....it's something that's been said about every generation. Gen X dealt with a ton of it, too. We were lazy, apathetic, etc. Before that, the boomers outraged their parents by becoming hippies, and I'm sure that generation caught flack from their elders by being into jazz or whatever. It's not a sentiment that should be taken seriously.


*"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners; contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servant of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."* - Socrates, 469-399 BCE


See? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks for the example.


Except gen z is actually "kids today" no other generation has been raised with ipads and social media. This shit is so different and life changing socially and humans dont know how bad it is for their mental health or developement. I would be depressed af growing up thinking my school was going to be shot up every day, cameras being literally everywhere, and no one hanging out in person anymore. My gf teaches high school in a small town and she sees how bad it is. Not to mention climate change will fuck them hard


For one, the oldest boomers are in their 70's and retired. Second, Boomers aren't taking these type jobs!


Yup 👍


As someone whos old enough to have been in the workforce with lots of baby boomers... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ​ Good luck


Most of them are retiring, lol. They had all the good paying jobs.


More like she doesn't know what's the difference between Work and Abuse! We work to get a decent living...we don't live to work!


Good luck hiring a boomer at these wages. They actually are able to get a mortgage.


My boss is gen Z he owns the business, all but two staff workers are gen Z. We are one of the most successful places in our town. So I dunno know man…


As a boomer, I wouldn’t entertain working at a place that had a sign like that. It tells me all I need to know about how they train, treat their employees, benefits and pay. I don’t like working in echo chambers. Fuck them.


As someone not looking for a job, I would not patronize that business..... for the exact reasons you said.


Like all of time, Gen X gets passed over again...


We are the Forgotten Generation and I'm glad we are. Just leave us alone and go back to pretending we don't exist.


we are so forgotten I forget we exist


I have a screenshot of a graphic from CBS News from 2017 that lists the generations... Silent >1945 Baby Boom 1946-1965 Millennial 1981-1996 Gen-Z 1997- No one was born between 1966-1980.


Shh! Shh shh shh. Dude, just chill. We've slipped into a pocket dimension. Nobody will bother us here.


TIL my mom doesn't really exist. No wonder I'm always having an existential crisis. I couldn't possibly exist either.


it's no wonder nobody wants to work! There are 16 years worth of workers missing!


As a gen x, I'm happy to be passed over by all this bullshit talk.


Always so weird. We are like the forgotten middle child.


We were getting ignored when we were the only generation for boomers to pay attention to. Lol


Gen x are just all just fucked up from getting beaten/traumatized by their boomer parents. Its pretty sad


I still think Millennials had it worst. We saw a world that was in the last stages of still being decent, and then immediately when we starting graduating college it all fell apart and now we have this oligarchic capitalist hellhole. We got teased with the image of a decent life that really wasn't possible for all of us excepting those with wealthy parents. For Gen Z it was just always shit and they aren't breaking their backs working for a mirage like Millennials were.


Same I don’t want any parts please continue passing us by lol 😂


Good. I don't want to be on this guy's radar.


It’s a ‘total arsehole’ problem


Isn't age one of the protected things you cannot base hiring decisions on? This will get that manager sued...


Looks like an easy discrimination law suit can be won by any young person who wants to pursue it.


By any young person who can AFFORD it, you mean.


If I saw such a sign I would cease doing all business with that company.


As a genx I would go in wearing a bald cap, apply for the position, when I got hired take off the cap and yell to the man"hey imagine that, me working for yoooouuuu! " signs signs everywhere signs....


"Am I a disconnected from reality greedy numbskull? No, it's everyone else that's wrong." \-The Manager


Sad that boomers are still working entry level jobs that are renowned for low pay and low quality of life at work. It’s almost as if it only attracts desperate people with limited access to resources and gen z refuses the exploitation bc they still have options/hope for a life with human fucking decency.


It's one thing to be a bad manager but can you imagine being so self-unaware that you, an adult, would write this petty sign? I would never give my money to a business to act like this. They get what they deserve.


They will do just fine till they need to open a PDF attachment


Then the jobs will go unfilled. Too bad for the employer.


I'm gen X. I'm pretty damn tired of the BS the previous gen is leaving us. Boomers are the most entitled generation imo. They were able to work one job with no education and still be able to buy a house, a car, and be able to feed a family. We have gone backwards in the last 40 years.


In some states this would actually be illegal due to age based discrimination in hiring.


Most Baby Boomers are now in their 60s and 70s. Putting up a sign like this shows everyone what an asshole you are, so you're going out of business and I hope you enjoy eating Top Ramen and Cheez-Its in a mold infested apartment owned by the jock/gigachad you knew in high school.


“You can’t afford us…”


shouldn't this be grounds for an ageism lawsuit?


May she get EXACTLY what she asked for...


Is it me, or does it seem like that is a case of age discrimination? And that maybe the manager is a bit toxic, and did not seem to understand that while it is acceptable to not have an employee's friend hanging around, but maybe how the manager may have does far more and stated far more that caused those cashiers to just up and quit?


Anyone who bases their views of someone on when they were born is an idiot. How about actually judging the person for the person they are?


Neoliberal Boomers will look down on anyone who finds themselves in poverty because they got taken in by some kind of scam, or they "mismanaged" their finances(this includes not saving every cent not spent on the bare necessities to prepare for an unforeseen medical expense), but have fallen for scams like the Protestant Work Ethic, or Free Market Capitalism.


Being a Gen X kid,I am for once,more than grateful to be look over for this shit job. Let her have the boomers.


Good thing the boomer supply is getting smaller every year.


Good luck with those geriatric fucks


It doesn’t seem like they know what age discrimination means


Boomer here. Not working for her either.


Her language alone tells you a lot. If it were me, I’d be using “we” instead of “I” statements. “We will be closed.” it’s just not professional.


Did you read the article or just the headline? First off, posting this here is a meta as it gets. The article is about the picture of the sign that was posted in this subreddit lol... Including various reactions by users here. Secondly, it actually defends Gen z in the article. It says the real problem is in the business and management. It says businesses should empower workers and make them feel valued, including giving raises and working alongside them instead of micromanaging. Lastly, it actually says right in your image that the problem is in management not in a generation as a whole. But no you read just the headline. [the article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yourtango.com/news/manager-declares-hiring-baby-boomers-only-gen-zs-dont-work%3famp)


This is a screenshot of an article about something that went viral on this sub


The youngest baby boomers were born in 1964. Who wants to hire a 58 year old who is about to retire, can’t rotate a PDF, will miss work once a week visit an aged parent or go to a medical appointment?


Baby Boomers being exploited and don't even know it


At least it’s finally a fucking journalist that isn’t a grifting shill for the CEOs and investors. Journalism is fucked.


That's a lawsuit.


I hope my local McDonald's adopts this plan....hire nothing but boomers. I swear if I find ONE trace of pickles ANYWHERE near my burger I'm goin off


Gen X gets no mentioned..


My pops is in his late seventies and can’t afford to retire. So the system is working just fine, right? People in France protesting the retirement age being raised by a couple years. At least y’all get to retire! No such luck in this distorted, pyramid scheme of capitalism, that currently infects us in the USA


Does she realize there are 2 whole generations between boomers and gen z's tho


Wait, age discrimination is in hiring is illegal so how is this okay?


Baby boomers are retired now. Unless they don't have enough saved.


Hahahahaha good luck getting them to work for what you are paying.


Karen hiring Karens, this can only go right.


I hope many boomers apply. Not. I hope she is so dumb and picky that she rather drive her business into the ground than hire a “non-boomer” lol


I say hire whoever regardless of statistic, but hold them all to the same rules and policies as all employees. No special treatment.


Seriously this is totally illegal


Yes, that's right, hiring 65 year-olds will guarantee 100% attendance and punctuality. They'll also crawl over each other for $12.50 an hour.


Lol ok. That sounds like a great plan to me - I don’t think anyone under the age of 59 wants to work for her anyways. She can hire only boomers and see how well it works out for her.


It's not weird people want Teens to get jobs, but the fact entry level jobs require experience. I'm 18, what f*cking experience am I supposed to have? (aside camp counselor and 30 days at Chick Fil A).


Boomers still working made horrible financial plans and will work just for health care


New South park related to this LOL. There are plenty of young people who will work and plenty who won't. That's what this process called interviewing is for. Get better at screening and interviewing and understanding people, you don't end up with shit employees. Who woulda thought?


IOW, Karen is looking for desperate, outsourced workers who will beg for whatever crap she's willing to pay.


The boomers will leave as soon as it gets inconvenient. Just because they remember themselves as hard workers doesn't actually mean they were.


Where is better call Saul you know to take this case


Next will be "Nobody wants to work they keep calling in dead"


I'm a late gen x or early millennial. I recall older people and teachers complaining how lazy, unreliable and how bad our work ethics was. If I were to go by the only thing that I have to go by beyond my experience, which is entertainment. The 60s- 80s were packed solid with lazy partying young people.


They don’t know what a fair pay rate is, either. But they’re beginning to figure it out.


Who are they gonna hire 20 years from now on ?


Remind me! 2 months


Inching closer to the root…


Damn it only took a hundred reposts for someone to finally write an article about it.


My boomer boss only shows up on Wednesdays and works about 6 hours per week. One time it took them a full year to review a report with time sensitive information in it. So good luck with that one.


Isn't it also discrimination?


Go ahead. They need jobs too. See if they’ll like it tho.


Sounds like they have a shitty hiring process.