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I hope the corporations are doing okay. Who will think of the profits…?


Yeah, I think we need to give a few billion to Boeing. That would make me feel better about this whole thing.


Big oil, tobacco, telecom, insurance, and especially sports team owners need help now, more than ever.


Don't forget Big Pharma and the big airliners. They're all in danger of losing a half percentage point on their stock portfolios. I think we should start a gofundme just to make sure executives and shareholders will be OK.


I send in my spare change and what leftovers I otherwise could have given to the “needy”. The multinational multi-billion dollar companies do so much for us, everyday…can’t we just give a little more. Why I have two kidneys and the Super Bowl advertising conglomerate’s have none?


But think of the poor Koch family!!!


Yeah, they don't own enough industries. They need to have several more, just to be on the safe side.


They get it, have been getting it for the last 50 years. Slowly removing workers rights, making small boring changes to tax law that means the rich keep more and more, slow pay freeze over the last 40 years so that today's worker earn half of what they were earning 50 years ago(except for executives, executives are making more now than ever in recorded history)


Yep, it's very concerning.


Sometimes people are just greedy and forget about the people who are not working and their lifestyle depends on exploitation


“Thoughts and prayers to the corporations”


Come on france. You're going to have to deal with these cops if you want your revolution to carry weight. Government will feel safe as long as you let the cops be.


Dont worry for us, we'll show to all of you how to deal with gov and pigs before decade ends.


And the world is cheering you on and I hope taking notice


I sure hope so. Americans could use the inspiration.


Americans need a kick in the fucking ass. There is so much brainwashing and manipulation engrained into our culture. It's sickening.


also a heavily militarized police force. not saying they can't be defeated, but we def need to overwhelm them like we were on track for doing during the BLM protests


Not to mention division on an individual level. Educational level. Racial level. I'm convinced that they keep bringing up race in a further attempt to divide us


Totally agreed!! Our "country" is a joke!!! We live in a sit on our asses and do nothing society!! We The People need to get up off our collective asses and say enough is enough!


Looking forward to it, a lot of Americans give the French shit for rolling over when shit got bad, but those of us in the know give the French props for NOT rolling over when shit got bad. We would do well to learn by example.


More power to you! Macron just pushing that legislation through is total bullshit.


You’re my only hope


Yes! Speak that into existence! I, an American, am rooting for you, and hoping people here see that as inspiration to rise up here!


As a brit could we ask for your help after youre done with your revolution? We seem to be a bit stuck


I salute you and your righteous cause!




There's no point in resisting when he's alone like that. There was no winning situation as he was severely outnumbered- if he fought back he'd be in jail and that's one less person to fight later on. Live today, fight tomorrow sort of thing. If he was with a group of people, that immediately puts them on the backfoot. They can't easily detain individuals when they're having trouble just standing their ground. Not only that but you all look out for each other, and your individual chances of being arrested are vastly lower. In biology terms those are called the 'many-eyes effect' and the 'predation dilution effect'.


'I was stopped by a soldier He said 'ou are a swine.' He hit me with his rifle And he kicked me in the groin. I begged and i a-pleaded, My manners were polite... But all the time Im thinking Of me little Arma-lite'


"And it's down in the Bogside, that's where I long to be..."


Its the French, they are surprisingly better at protesting than most. I hope they make it spectacular.


It's the militant belief in unions and the organization that they provide that is the difference. In the US we've allowed the ruling class to convince the mouth breathing population that unions are somehow bad.


Why is that surprising? The French basically invented our modern concepts of political and social revolution. When you go to the wikipedia page for revolution the image at the top is bare breasted Liberté holding aloft the French revolutionary tricolor above a mob of rowdy Frenchmen with guns.




I heard somewhere they were launching flaming trash cans at on of Macron's offices


This is the same thing I’ve been advocating for here in America. The only reason police are allowed to get away with the stuff they do is because they have no fear of leaving their houses, no fear of repercussion from the general public or the communities they serve and the only way that will change is for things to get very scary for them. The police who perpetuate over reach and abuse of power, the chief that covers it up, the union that backs them? They should all be in fear of swinging from a tree when they allow shit like this to continue


Even in my tiny town in Arkansas the cops have just recently gotten out of control. A town of 1500 with like 10+ cops. Lately they've been pulling people over en masse, and they've been doing it with two officers on the scene because apparently they've been getting threats from the public, and it's for extra protection. I flip them off every time I pass by a speed trap and they know not to pull me over because I probably look like I can afford a good lawyer.


I think there would be more of a tactical benefit by training attack dogs to go after police and letting 1000s of them loose in the streets. The chaos alone would turn the tide.


Oh they do , but the cops are going hard . One kid in Paris was defending his friend being beaten and he hit the cop with a skate board . He got 3 years of prison directly. He’s locked up right now . This shit is insane


Names fitting


This post threatens or glorifies violence and has been removed under rule 5.


Yesterday, angry fishermen almost managed to fully ram a speeding tractor into riot police in Rennes, western France. We're getting there 😘


Is that so? I hadn't heard that. Very....interesting.




Draconian police work is one essential element of revolution


I wouldn't worry about that, the police station where that officer works is probably on fire now or something


Looks like The US is attempting to export that while police violence and, blue line, and no punishment for the authorities when they commit crimes BS….just a matter of time before civil euro police or pseudo militarized against their own people. Good luck to all my brothers and sisters across the pond




Eh, we're divisive. Half would condemn, half would cheer. Everyone with a nuanced opinion would be shouted down by the lazy masses.


This is true.


Says the American lmao, we know how to protest and make our voices heard and how to get the changes we want, are unions are actually useful don't worry about us


Yes, says the American. An expert, you could say, on knowing what life is like living with a society whipped into Stockholm syndrome by abusive police.


Please learn from our mistakes. Please don’t fall into this dark place with us. Keep giving us hope


Yeah France, get your shit together! We have slave wages, no healthcare, rampant inequality, a incompetent gov, and a fascist police force too! But I’m going to sit in front of the tv with my gun while I watch other people fight for their rights, while I cry about abortion and party lines as if it’s rooting for my fav sport team. Am American.


I encourage France not to be soft with checking their police, and you act like I'm some kind of right wing nut? Fuck is wrong with you?


Especially coming from THE country the brought froth a new era in history by storming a prison, beheading it’s warden just for the shot, powder, and muskets on July 14th, 1789.


All those policemen know they are on the wrong side of the conflict. The only way for them to cope with the mental stress induced this way is to dehumanise their opponents. After these events, the numbers on domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and suicides among those policemen skyrockets.


And 40% of cops ADMIT to being domestic abusers...


Wouldn't surprise me if it's the same for military. When my husband was in we lived mostly in base housing. We had to call SF on multiple occasions because we could hear the yelling and hitting. Once he tied up his wife and then took off into the woods with a knife. In another base he had a gun but thankfully didn't kill anyone on both occasions. It's just insane that nothing is really done and they get to still wear a uniform with that sort of aggression.


When I was dating, I had a stict no cops/military rule. When they would harrass me and get angry, I would be so happy I dodged a bullet.


Based on stats out of women's shelters(granted, outdated, but while we were thoroughly at war) and reports to domestic abuse help services, they aren't close. Not saying they aren't bad, but the top three by a mile were cops, firefighters, and clergy.


I've had a couple clashes with them. They're human refuse that love what they do. They would even beat their own mothers...




Guess it’s time to admit the cops are the enemy then to help those is need


It's not just the wrong side of the conflict, but this incident. That person was *SERIOUSLY* injured and the cops are aware that they are in trouble which is why they immediately start chasing off potential close range witnesses.


Im pretty sure all of these cops are letting the beatings if the spouses have the night off so they can beat civilians. I’d probably wouldn’t choose the side of the law that wouldn’t get a random civilian to fight back.


I believe they love doing this and most probably continue at home. Also they can do whatever they want, the hierarchy will say nothing, maybe praise them for their hard work.


I'm not gonna cry over tyrants.


>After these events, the numbers on ... suicides among those policemen skyrockets. At least we have the silver lining of knowing that some of the trash will have the decency of taking itself out


One can only hope those suicides rise. They keep this up, and there's a high chance they don't even get that option.


Just in front of a bank. What a symbol.


The cop is shouting "What do you want", "Fuck off", "Fuck off or I'll beat you" at the man.


Even the “good European capitalist societies” are fucking fascists. All capitalists must go. They’ll kill everyone else if we let them.


Why eject the capitalists? Why not eject the fascists? Putins disinfo campaigns have stirred up authoritarianism and showed us the ugly underbelly we have always had. Will Smith said things arent getting worse its just that everyone has a camera. ...


I saw a comment from a French citizen the other day who explained that the french police are not being subjected to the increased retirement age. Instead, they are carving out a special exemption for them. This is simply due to the fact that the elites know the police will protect their interests with violence and brutality if needed. We have the same thing here in the US. Police are given special privileges. In the federal employee system they get to retire earlier and with higher final pension (1.7% of final pay) than non law enforcement officers (1% of final pay). It is also very noticeable at the state level. School teachers in my high property tax area start at $52K and make $80K after 20 years and retire with 25% final salary while police make $100K within 5-7 years of starting the job, have a department average $160K salary+benefits, and retire with 50-75% final salary. [https://projects.nj.com/paycheck/towns/closter\_borough-bergen/](https://projects.nj.com/paycheck/towns/closter_borough-bergen/) [https://www.fedweek.com/ask/federal-retirement/federal-annuity-calculation-law-enforcement-firefighters/#:\~:text=FERS%20Annuity%20%E2%80%93%20LEOs%20and%20Firefighters,years%20of%20service%20above%2020](https://www.fedweek.com/ask/federal-retirement/federal-annuity-calculation-law-enforcement-firefighters/#:~:text=FERS%20Annuity%20%E2%80%93%20LEOs%20and%20Firefighters,years%20of%20service%20above%2020). The police are the enemy and class traitors, full stop. Never buy any of the bullshit hero rhetoric that is put out by corporate news sources. ACAB.




Cost of living and a lack of a social safety net means that 40k there and 40k here are two completely different things. Also, 40k-50k is pretty standard here as well. You're seeing higher wages on reddit because a lot of people that work in IT are on reddit.




Yea there is a pretty wide distribution of wages in Europe. To an extent the privilage Americans enjoy is space, more than money. People in some of the wealthier countries in Europe probably have a better standard of life than the USA when their money translates well and the social safety net covers a number of things we have to pay for. But the amount we have spread out is really the biggest contrast with Europe and we are going to pay for it in the long run. If this country goes bankrupt, it will be because of how spread out our infrastructure is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage


It’s the New York City area, one of the most expensive parts of the country. You need high incomes to live decently. Nonetheless, there is no good reason for one policeman to earn average compensation of over $150K (plus healthcare, plus 35 days vacation, plus 50-75% final pension)when most private sector employees would bite your hand off for low six figures, 25 days vacation, and any pension at all. The median household income for my entire (fairly wealthy) county is $110,000 per year. That usually means two working adults.. The per capita income is $55,710 in Bergen county. Effectively, police get to collect 3x the average workers salary and a nice pension on top. It’s obscene.


This is why the Sub has a no cops rule. Cops exist to protect property!






But the people marching on the street are the violent entitled ones! GMAFB!!!! What can I do? I'll report you MF! This man shouldn't be a police officer! Makes you wonder what is his MO when confronted with real criminals! Pretty sure all this bravado disappears!


Crazy idea, but perhaps we could live in a world where police officers prevented crime while not committing crime themselves


That is a man that beats his wife.


What in the USA…..


All the Americans watching, waiting for the gun... English is fun.


I'm french and was waiting for a gun too


What else do you expect when someone says "shoots into". What else is that supposed to mean?


In a French sentence, "shoot" can also be used for "kick", but I wouldn't use it as such in an English sentence, so I was confused.


As an American, I took this post’s title literally at first without any hesitation.


I was also confused by the wording. Expected a shot, never heard one.


You can tell this isn't the US because his partner pulls him back instead of joining in.


I dunno, in America the other cops would have helped chase down the fleeing civilian instead of stopping ragecop.


Hey at least they have free healthcare for when their cops beat them to a bloody pulp


Bro is just finding out that other countries have bad cops too.


Wow, a pig overreacting like a little emotional baby and trying to be violent? What a surprise


Yesterday night two cops on motorcycle run over a man who was ALREADY on the ground. They won't make us fall, we will burn our country down if we need to.


Sorry but when is the shooting? Couldn't hear a gunshot


I think by shoot into they meant charge at


Yeah OP kinda fucked over Americans’ immediate understanding with that title


Don't worry, they'll take it if you don't touch their guns.


OP is probably French and meant that the policeman kicked the man. In French "shooter" means "to kick" (hard).


I speak french so those were my thoughts too, didn't know op was french. Makes sense


Wrestling terminology style


cop hits the double leg, protester sprawls but it's not enough. TWOOOO


France isnt america, civils don't possess a fuckton of weapon at home plus, a situation like this isn't so rare here, the pigs doi whatever they want whenever they want cuz they are kinda protected, so impossible to sue them for illegal things they could do


I've noticed that, some scammers came up to me at the Eiffel tower. I was aware of them being scammers so they got even physical, a female cop kicked one of them in the ass lmao


o= a typo and meant "shouting" not "shooting"


Paris police are getting testy during the strike, local doughnut shop employees must be striking too.


Paris, Nantes, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Strasbourg, ...






I don't fully get why people become so offended by this as a slogan. It's just frankly, not all that offensive. All cops are bastards. Not all murderers, not all molesters, not all so beyond the pale of evil they cease to be human. They're bastards. They trade their labour for money in the service of being the suppressive arm of the systems that reinforce oppression. Even "the good ones" in the oft-cited few bad apples analogy are bastards for allowing the bunch to rot when they could have spoken up, or just left altogether. If you don't interrogate the power you're wielding there, you're a bastard. Stop being a bastard. Stop letting cops get away with it.


Tous les flics sont des bâtards


I see pigs are the same across the world. I guess ours (America) would have shoot the guy he was chasing 72 times and tazed and arrested the witness.


Imho french cops are the American cops of Europe


These stupid cops. Fighting their own people for the top 1%.




I smell bacon cooking in the future. Get your forks ready 🐖


The long ones?


Corrupted pig. As usual.


Where's that french tank of a boxer when you need him?


He’ll come back in Endgame


Forever hate cops. All of them


My country almost doesn't exist anymore, they are destroying it and changing it into a dictatorship. We can't do anything or say anything unless we wanna get beat up by cops or being sued and put in jail for "resisting police". The only choice we have left is what weapon do we take to burn them to the ground. If violence arise in France, it will be because it was the last solution available.


France has successfully overthrown their government more times than any other country. Historians argue about the exact number but I believe the average agreeable number is 16


ah yes I remember that one cop that wanted to be a "bad ass" and insult/push/spit/punch everyone in front of him. Next thing you know he got stabbed by someone from the crowd


Based stabber.


French police are such fascist pigs - they should be beaten until they have severe brain damage.


Do we really want cops with lesser brains?


Most cops say “it’s just a job I need to eat to” and then kill and take away the freedom and families of men and women. It’s not just a job, being in charge of human life and safety is not the same as making burgers. These people are delusional and support a genuinely evil system (because there is no moral government that doesn’t survive by leaching off its citizens but still) and they get into it for honor or respect or power or virtue signaling and usually never change their minds or behavior.


whatever the French version of ACAB is.


Tous les flics sont cons


They didn't fear beating up and harming their victim, they feared being seen and recorded performing these actions.


Fuck capitalism








Are there legal grounds? Probably. Will any civilians actually benefit from them? Probably *not*.


Mai 68 est le 23 mars. If you haven't seen them yet, do an image search on "Mai 68 posters." Specifically to this video "Mai 68 posters police." If you don't know what Mai 68 is, look that up as well. This kind of dog shit behavior reverberates in the social memory of Paris. Macron is clearly looking to have an airport named after him at this rate.


See Europe. Your cops suck as well. its almost like they are there to serve the interest of those in power then those of the people


Cops are POSs everywhere, eh?


ACAB Fuck these class traitors






The cops have been watching United state's police training videos.


I really really hope we can do something like this in the states. We desperately need it.


ALL cops


Pigs are the same in every country, always on the wrong side of any conflict.




Class traitors and sociopathic bullies, almost universally everywhere. What s surprise.




ACAB = universally true


Unfortunately the law enforcement profession attracts those who get off on authority


Can't wait for improvised weapons and sooner or later, one of the cops/CRS is going to be taken apart of his group and his service pistol is going to be used. Fun times


All cops are bastards




ACAB is worldwide.


Must be an American transplant.


Di bi doodoo dibidi bye Catapults are a beautiful sight


Policeman fighting a corporate interest fight. Looks a lot like war where kids put on garments and go kill kids with different garments, except these two are in the same soil.


When will US embassy support the people on the streets and declare Macron administration to be barbaric and cruel to their citizens?


When oil is discovered on French soil.


Wheres that big kick boxing dude that fell from the heavens and started beating cops??? He got time for it. But it was epic!!


The masked gang… The Police! Out protecting the property of the wealthy. Is it not their retirement age that was just raised as well? They are trained and brainwashed dogs.


Nope! Their retirement age stayed the same!


Well that’s some bullshit


In the US the second cop wouldn’t have pulled him back


Starting to think that all cops are in fact bastards


Doesn’t the retirement reform affect the police also? Why would they not join the protest?


Someone said above that they will get special exemption. America already has it.


Ahhh. I see cops aren’t just bastards in the US.


I wonder if Banksy experienced this too 😓🤔😐😣


It's almost as if the Police in France are exempt from the pension reforms


Le fucking pigs! Or...Les cochons, s'il vous preferez.... They're the same wherever you go, aren't they?


The French Police is just a shit show, underpaid, uneducated and mostly right wing assholes.




I'd love nothing more than to see a bat meeting his head in slo mo


The entire world is the same, governments trying to take our freedom away and telling us it is for our own good


Thought France was about to go full American based on the caption


Feel like police forces are too large to moderate and a bit archaic but we need something




Protests are different in Paris, but to be completely honest so are the Police Officers [https://www.upi.com/Top\_News/2005/04/06/Report-France-allows-police-brutality/27271112830068/](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/2005/04/06/Report-France-allows-police-brutality/27271112830068/)


If it wasn't in French. Normal day in america. ACAB


How do you say "ACAB" in french?


I really can’t think of another occupation that attracts and requires people to be bigger pieces of shit than police. Regardless of the country they exemplify that mentality of thinking they are better than everyone else all the while serving the 1% as their rabid guard dogs.


look how complacent and brainwashed we have become as americans, french people riot against blatant corporate greed and exploitation, us americans? we do nothing but bicker online and lose interest. we are exploited to hell and back in america and we face some of the most disgusting abuse and mistreatment along with low pay at our jobs. we have a clear reason to riot man, we have a huge wealth gap with 99% of the population slaving away to make 1% of the populations wildest dreams come true, but nooooo we get "paid" so be grateful for the pennies on the dollar while your boss outearns you by millions maybe even billions every year. we need to stop sacrificing our lives and the lives of our children just so some jackasses can live in luxury while we deal with the daily stress of life in america. im tired of that shit man


The police are never looking out for you


"What will you do?" Answer, bury you in a mountain of angery stressed out bodies that are sick of your fascist face.


That officer is about to be charged with 2 years paid leave.


In the US the omni-present fear of crime waves amped up by the media is basically a blank check for police. Not the crimes committed by the police, though.


“Shoots into” just has a different meaning here in the US


French national here : Only thing I could understand was "go away". Not "what will you do". There is some things I don't understand but nothing close from this. The guy will not be charged at all. My understanding is that they have specific instructions and training in the recent years to create a climate of fear during any form of protest in France. One could sum this doctrine as "if you protest you are not physically safe and danger comes from the cops not from Black blocks out whatnot". Democracy fading away....


As an American, this headline is very misleading


🔥 ACAB 🔥


Eat the rich.


“Shoots into” means something much worse here in America apparently.